>porn to go off of the Global Banking hook PornHub tried to do something like that, though not to that extent, IIRC, when they refused to join another #CurrentThing outrage fad trend. As an immediate result, they were, basically, cut off from any form of possible monetary transactions - or at least threatened to. Naturally, they caved in and backpedaled pretty fucking fast. Unless there will be some independent - and I mean, truly independent, read "outside of Rules-Based Order" - nation state with its own international pay-system, that simply allows a safe harbor for such kind of content to exist... Well, darkweb is still a thing, even if it is, pretty much, an antithesis to "dark", and monitored more closely than a [insert an example of an excessively monitored thing].
>shitcoins, legality, and communism As one person put it, approximately, "if you are contacting with CC in any way, you better make sure that your tax forms are not just up to notch, but absolutely goddamn exemplary, with all the 'i' dotted, and every single 't' crossed, 'cause IRS is watching you very closely right now, and the moment the legal stuff would be inevitably pushed through, you are toast". Legal mills are milling slowly, of course - but that's just too big and lucrative slice of a pie for the Establishment to let it slip, and without ironclad tie to real world amenities/luxuries/trade goods all the Xcoins have right now is reputation, which can be ruined in a blink of an eye by any centralized power actually willing to do so. Decentralization is, perhaps, not a myth, but certainly a dream - a beautiful dream, but dream nonetheless. Like, say, communism. Need I to remind anyone how every single attempt to make that dream a reality ended?.. Speaking of communism: any (and I mean, any) form of open-source banking system (see last sentence in paragraph above) would be either a scam; completely isolated from the global economy - i.e. useless; serve as a surveillance tool to corral deviants in one easy to monitor place - I mean, you are free to enter that concentration camp, by any means, just not expect it to actually keep you safe, 'cause it's your personal federal overseer's job; or - in the case of a direct Divine Intervention recreating Libertalia as a Erf's most prominent Superpower - would be a project of some or other "failed rogue terrorist aggressor state", in which case - see three variants above, combined. It is simply not possible in current global sociopolitical paradigm. And changing that - you really think after WW3 things like that magically would be allowed, no matter who would be able to claim "victory" in the end?