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File: escape01_u18chan.jpg - (201.51kb, 1097x1280, escape01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:08 No.1938490   
By abluedeer
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Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:12 No.1938491
File: escape02_u18chan.jpg - (236.75kb, 1097x1280, escape02.jpg)
Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:15 No.1938492
File: escape03_u18chan.jpg - (182.22kb, 1097x1280, escape03.jpg)
Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:19 No.1938493
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Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:23 No.1938494
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Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:27 No.1938495
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Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:31 No.1938496
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Escape TheSmartHyena 2021/04/28 14:14:35 No.1938497
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Furrynomous 2021/04/28 14:37:25 No.1938507
Now that's a name i haven't heard in a long time... Yet s/he still seems to only be able to draw the same female character.
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 15:30:46 No.1938522
And suddenly there is probably a dead body in the room he came out ...
I don't know, but I saw this comic some time ago, and it is a little strange.

As it seems the guy is way too surprised on her standing there.
Maybe she is a ghost or something.
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 16:01:13 No.1938543

Nope, I think he is the ghost. Note the reaper-scythe tattoo on her butt in the first image, and the body shape on the bed looks male. He died and she's the grim reaper come to collect him, but decides even death needs a little fun now and then and she gives him pool-fuck.
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 16:05:38 No.1938545
She does seem to have a "ghostly aura" about her on Page 5. Who knows? Maybe both of them are "ghosts" that haunt the house?
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 16:09:17 No.1938548
Hey! I just noticed that. I thought that was just some kind of tattoo, but yeah that scythe symbol has long been associated with the Grim Reaper (personification of Death). Also, the figure on the bed looks masculine, so perhaps it is the guy who's a ghost.
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 20:37:31 No.1938648
You forgot the story that came with it
Spoiler alert; you're pretty much spot-on

An Escape:

Mark switched through the channels one at a time, seeing nothing but infomercials, news, and a late-night soft-porn movie showing nothing but breasts and asses. The panther sighed and lay back on the bed, focusing his gaze from the trash TV to the jagged scrapes of linoleum dripping from the ceiling. Then he looked at the faded wallpaper next to his bed. Scribbled nearly illegibly underneath the crude drawing of a vixen with oversized breasts, were the words, 4 a Blo, call Flo – 555-SUCK.
He sighed and closed his eyes. Still, for $20-a-night, the typical HoJo motel was at least somewhat roomy and it did have cable and a swimming pool out back. Wifi would have been an extra ten dollars, but the panther had refused. He'd left his laptop, and in fact most of his sole possessions, back at the house – or what was left of it. She'd taken a lot in the divorce, including the children, and with them, his last remaining anchor to the family. Both his parents were dead, and he had been an only child. The internet firm he'd worked at for 10 of his 35 years of life decided a single panther was no good for the IT team. It was all about family values now. He’d gotten his pink slip a week later.
Confused, alone, nearly broke, and with no one to turn to, he had simply driven off in a panic with the family car – which rightfully should have been his – and now was here, in a ramshackle, dank motel room. He looked at the TV again, now showing an infomercial for a vacuum cleaner and tears welled in his eyes as he watched the contraption crawl across the floor, sucking up pieces of dirt off a small rug.
That's my life now, he thought. Everything's been taken from me. Sucked up and gone. I could just die right now.

Edited at 2021/04/28 20:43:23
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 20:42:40 No.1938655
He rolled over in bed and blinked the tears away, his eyes immediately drawn to a peculiar glow on the wall, a shimmer of whites and blues scattering, reforming, and then bursting as if from a tiny light show. Curious, Mark sat up and climbed out of bed, padding nearly naked to the dirt-streaked window and peeking through the closed vinyl shutter.
He saw someone sitting poolside facing his room, another black panther, but definitely female. Her legs and feet swirled in the surprisingly crystal-clear water as her deep yellow eyes watched its surface intently. Alabaster moonlight had managed to envelop her dark fur in a glow, and her long black hair shined. She wore a beautiful white bikini that showed just enough of her heavy, full breasts to keep her modest, and a lone bottom g-string seemed to be the only thing keeping her from nudity from the waist down, tied across curvaceous hips.
Mark swallowed hard and he felt an almost-instant erection in his cotton briefs. She was beautiful, unlike any feline he had ever seen, and completely out of place here in the outskirts of Dodgen, Oklahoma. She belonged in Southern California, or South Beach, Florida easily.
One paw lingered on the window frame, while his other paw gently touched and teased the now-swollen sex filling his briefs. A few dabs of pre welled up and dampened the material. He wondered if she was going to swim, since it was nearly eighty and muggy still for an October evening. Still feeling himself while he watched her, he was elated to see the panthress slowly get up and walk around the pool carefully, studying the surface.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She walked casually, but with purpose, nearly a strut, beautiful tail twitching, her tight asscheeks flossed by a lovely thong. Suddenly she stopped walking, her back directly towards him, and then bent forward, showing him her full ass as she plunged into the water and disappeared.
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 20:47:20 No.1938656
i'm done trying to unfuck this punctuation

Mark bit his lip and looked around the room before going to the door and opening it, poking his head out. The woman was still under the surface. He could see her black form gliding back and forth across the bottom, seemingly quite at home in the water. He stepped out the door entirely, leaving it wide open, and approached the water carefully.
Why was he so frightened to disturb her?
As he got closer, the water erupted and the panthress’ head appeared on the surface, getting a lungful of air and panting. Mark stopped dead in his tracks, part of him wanting to dart back into his motel room and close the door. The other part of him, however, was already walking up to the pool and sitting down comfortably in one of the ragged lounge-chairs. “Evening, miss.”
The woman turned her head towards him and her yellow eyes flashed. “Oh, hello.” She smiled then, a toothy, bright, and friendly smile. “Come to enjoy the pool?” She then kicked up and floated on her back, and Mark found it difficult not to stare again.
“Uh…wish I could, miss. Not really in the mood to swim.” He looked around the area. “You, uh…you with someone?”
She turned her head to glance at him. “No. I’m alone.” She delicately tip-toed into the shallows and stood waist-deep, wringing out her hair. “I…I was with someone, but he left me on the side of the road. Guess he couldn’t take no for an answer.”
Mark nodded. “Are you traveling?”
She grinned and looked at him. “You could say that, yes. What about you?” The sleek panthress walked up the stone steps and approached him. Where the water dripped from her, it seemed to sparkle.
The panther was tongue-tied a moment. “Um…uh…oh, y-you don’t really need to hear about my problems, miss…?”
“Kulema. You can call me that, if you like.”
Mark’s eyes widened. “I will. That’s…a really beautiful name…” He was mesmerized before he added hastily, “Oh, I’m Mark.”
She seemed to blush and her long tail dropped down to bat against the back of shapely calves. “Thank you, Mark.” The panthress reached over for a towel on one of the other loungers and began drying herself off, making quite a show of rubbing the cloth along her arms, legs, and stomach, before dabbing it between her breasts, and then lifting each foot gently behind her to wipe her toes and claws. “So what brings a handsome cat like you out tonight?” she laughed softly as she finished and then sat down next to him, crossing her legs sexily.

Edited at 2021/04/28 20:55:16
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 20:56:32 No.1938658
Mark found his voice eventually, now trying to cover the raging erection with paws in his lap. “Well…I…I guess I couldn’t sleep and…and…I saw you and…”
Kulema smiled and leaned her head closer to him. “You thought you’d come out and see what the pretty panthress was diving for…”
“Oh, was that it? Find something?”
She sighed, and her warm breath tickled his whiskers. He caught the most beautiful scents of lavender, vanilla, wild berries, and under it all, the undeniable pheromones of a feline in great heat. “Trying to. I lost an earring.” She pawed wet hair away from two perfect, pointed ears. One of them was pierced with a sparkling emerald jewel the size of her thumb.
She smiled as Mark whistled. “I know, ex-pen-siiiive. So I’ve been trying to look for it. I think it came off when I first dove in.”
She looked suddenly sad and Mark eagerly placed a paw on her arm. “Well, I’m sure it’s still down there. Um…maybe if we both look.” He got up too quickly from the lounger and his massive erection bobbled inside his briefs, nearly coming out to play. He flushed sheepishly but Kulema didn’t seem to mind.
She stood up to face him, looking pleased. “That’s very sweet of you, Mark. Come on,” she breezed past him, her fur brushing across his own, and the panther swallowed another lump as he watched her prance to the deep end of the pool and dive in. He walked to the steps and stepped in, easing his cotton-laced erection into the cool water. Waist-deep, he watched in a trance as Kulema swam in slow circles in front of him. She was underwater almost a minute before she pushed off and surfaced again.
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 20:57:49 No.1938659
“Find it?” Mark said as he stroked slowly towards her. He was aware of his arousal almost pulsing now, and as he reached the deep end, he stopped to tread water.
Kulema shook her head, looking frustrated as she caught her breath. “Maybe the…grate got hold of it.”
“I’ll look…” Mark sucked in a deep breath and dove down in front of her, swimming past her legs and down to the tiled bottom towards the rusted grate. As he pawed along the silver cracks, trying to work his digits in, he was aware that Kulema had swam down to join him, and was now floating just above. As he fussed with the grate, she reached over his shoulder, keeping a paw on his waist, her beautiful bikinied breasts resting against his bare back.
As Mark tried to keep breath in his lungs, he sank down a bit more until he was pressed against the bottom, and he nearly moaned as his throbbing arousal was pinned underneath him.
After several seconds trying, Mark looked over his shoulder, into her gorgeous eyes and shook his head. Kulema smiled and blew a trail of bubbles from her lips before pointing back to the surface and kicking away. The panther watched dreamily as her breasts shimmied and bounced inside the bikini, and her tight ass wiggled with every kick. He looked down and realized he was almost completely out of his briefs. Hard, full, ebony flesh responded to the pool water like magic itself. He clamped a paw around his member and gave it a gentle tug, unbelievably aroused, before stuffing everything back inside his briefs quickly and surfacing up beside Kulema, nearly gasping.
“I…didn’t see it, did you?” the panthress asked, floating closer to him until their legs were touching.
“Um…n-no…I didn’t…”
Kulema smiled winsomely. “Well, it was a gallant effort, handsome cat. You at least deserve a kiss.” She giggled and came closer, slipping her arms around his shoulders and kissing his cheek softly. Below the water, her stomach ground up against his groin, and he could feel his arousal slipping out of its confines again, raging and aware of her warmth.
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 20:58:53 No.1938660
Mark could hardly speak but nodded. When Kulema didn’t let go, he gently placed his paws along the small of her back. “You…you…really feel wonderful, Kulema…”
The panthress smiled, her yellow eyes seeming to burn into his. “I feel wonderful, Mark,” she whispered and then gently rubbed noses. “I…I came here because, well, I…” She suddenly shied away and slowly let go, swimming to the shallow waist-deep water and hugging herself. “Do you ever wish sometimes that your life would just end? That…you know…all your troubles just faded, and you just didn’t have to worry about…anything?”
Mark blinked several times and then waded to the shallows to join her side, hip to hip. “I…I was actually…thinking about that, j-just now. I mean, before I came out here and…and saw you…” He reached gently for her paw and then turned to face her. “Kulema, the thought of you dead…I couldn’t accept it. I think I’d die too. You are so…beautiful, and funny, and bubbly and…” His eyes burned into hers again and he looked completely smitten.
She smiled and pressed against him again, and the warmth from her body covered his own, causing his heart to nearly beat from his chest. “I think you’re very handsome, and witty, and…” She blushed and laid her paw over his thudding heart. “Quite sexy…” She glanced down, licking her lips, studying the thick erection in his shorts. Without a word, her paw trailed down his chest and pressed against his swell of hard flesh, feeling it throb. “So…sexy…”
Kulema backed away from him, reaching behind her to undo her top, letting full, bountiful breasts spill forth, luscious, the dark nipples pert and in full arousal.
When she threw the wet bikini top to the side, she then turned and undid the bottom string, wiggling her tail a bit as she let the scanty fabric fall away, leaving her nude and perfect before him. Mark watched mesmerized as he slowly removed his shorts, and his full erection bobbled out, hard and full. The bare panthress grinned and beckoned to him – then without a word, turned and dove into the deep end again
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 21:00:22 No.1938662
For several moments they played, swimming and diving around one another, catching each other in arms and legs, their bodies starting a sensual, erotic dance as they rubbed together above and below the surface. Only when the height of passion had been met, did their display become more intimate and affectionate.
She began by slowly taking him into her mouth, a bit at a time, impressing him with her ability to stay underwater so long.
In no time at all, he had climaxed, forcing a rushing mixture of his cum and bubbles from Kulema’s mouth. After he was over his high, he dove down with the panthress in his arms, pinned her to the bottom, and slowly licked and kissed and finally deeply explored her aching mons with his tongue, until she could no longer hold back, clawing at his head and yowling out soundlessly to the surface as she came wildly.

They made love. He pressed his companion against the side of the pool and urgently had her, sliding thick, hard flesh deeply inside of her, several times over, until they came together in one glorious orgasm after another, clinging to one another lovingly like life-mates, kissing passionately in a soft afterglow
After what seemed like hours, the two gently stirred from beside the pool, still wrapped around one another, nuzzling and purring warmly. “K-Kulema…” Mark practically moaned against her. “I…I don’t know…how…to say what’s in my heart right now. I…I just feel so…so happy…”
An Escape Love Death and Furries 2021/04/28 21:08:32 No.1938666
The panthress smiled and grasped for his paw, kissing it softly. “As am I, Mark. It’s like…we both lived a lifetime tonight…a life we…we both always wanted…” She looked into his eyes and nuzzled his chin, and her smile was brilliant. “We need to leave…” she whispered softly, and her paw trailed along his hip.
Mark grinned, nodding. “Of course, before anyone wakes up and spots us.” He was laughing, and tried to sit up.
Kulema’s eyes became softer. “No, Mark. I mean…we need to leave here.” She nodded towards Mark’s room and the open door. Mark followed her gaze and his eyes widened, his mouth dropping open.
“Oh…my…God…” he whimpered.
From his vantage point, in the dim light of his motel room, he saw a black-furred arm hanging over his bed, the paw nearly touching the floor. His arm.
“I…I don’t understand…” He started to shiver and Kulema quickly laid her paw on his cheek, looking into his eyes before kissing him again.
“It’s alright, Mark, really…you didn’t do it.” She smiled again. “You had a heart attack. It was over so quickly…” She saw him starting to cry and quickly snuggled him, “Oh honey, honey, it’s okay. I’m here…I’m not leaving you, silly. I’m not ever leaving you…” Her paw held his chin until they could lock eyes again. “Don’t you see? I’m your death…”
Mark looked deeply into her eyes, and the last of his fears and sorrows drained away as though a river of warmth had washed over him. For the first time in his life, he felt completely, utterly at peace. “What…what…happens now, Kulema?”
The panthress rubbed noses with him before cat-stretching against his side, their limbs still tangled. “Mmm…how about another swim?” She slowly pulled away and looked at him, filled with vibrancy and love for him. Mark saw in those beautiful green eyes hope, and peace, and happiness he had never before known.
For some moments they chased each other around the pool, laughing and playing like lovesick children, then dove together into the pool and disappeared without a trace.


ironically this set was the last thing ever uploaded to the now-defunct ClubStripes
I guess it's a sort of epilogue
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 22:07:44 No.1938688
Damn Satan, now that's a nostalgia trip.
Furrynomous 2021/04/29 10:22:56 No.1938923
ah yes I remember that story

I meant that the body is probably him if he went out of that same room
but I missed on the tattoo on her

that Clubstripes stuff is quite old but good stuff

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