001_157_u18chan.png - (965.49kb, 1055x1254, 001.png)
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By Akiric
-extended script-
Juggy: Go ahead and introduce yourself.
Dani: Hi there, My name's Dani. Juggy and her friend here are giving me a "hand" with my first time on camera.
Juggy: A hand and then some.
Dani: I know right?
Dick: Excited or nervous?
Dani: I dunno, both? I've only ever taken a few risqué selfies before, so first time being recorded. And the first time with someone who isn't a rabbit. Also first time with another doe. Hell, first threesome at all!
Dick: *chuckles* Alot firsts today. Well whenever you need to hit the breaks just say the word okay?
Juggy: Yup, you said you wanted to have some fun so we're going to take this nice and slow. Starting with...
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