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File: HD-FirstDate-00_u18chan.png - (1.04mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-00.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holly & Doug's First Date Furrynomous 2021/06/21 21:43:04 No.1967720   
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By Eric W. Schwartz
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Furrynomous 2021/06/21 21:45:56 No.1967725
Doug's shirt. Oh my gosh XD
Furrynomous 2021/06/21 22:33:56 No.1967748
Whoa, that was fast. Havent even begun the Star Trek one, and already EWS is on this.
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 01:25:27 No.1967799
He said he's updating this and the Star Trek comic concurrently.

Edited at 2021/06/24 12:08:32
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 08:03:57 No.1967872
What's with the evil looking background?
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 08:29:37 No.1967883
Representation of inner demons and hangups about opening themselves to someone else?
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 08:52:21 No.1967885

Also, as stated in the last comic of them; there's a significant age gap between them.
Plus, large, heavy set guy; small, good looking gal.

it's likely a prelude to peoples judgemental looks and behaviors towards them and their relationship.
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 09:20:20 No.1967891
Anyone care to post the last comic again?
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 09:33:28 No.1967893

There is none. He hasn't posted the first pages to either of them.
TheStockportChubby86 2021/06/22 09:42:42 No.1967895
I think he means A Story before bed
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 09:51:59 No.1967896

Oh. Well then here's a link to it.

Edited at 2021/06/22 09:52:42
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 10:14:10 No.1967904
Doug is 36 and Holly is 19 (or 20 if the month of her birthday passed). They're both legal adults, but I guess people have issues with looks than age difference.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 12:16:42 No.1969188
Literally the general story: "Holly and Doug from 'A Story Before Bed' have their first official date, then go home together and talk about their respective fetishes and fantasies. (standard encounter with more extreme content in a fantasy context.)"

What I'm more confused is this comic was originally titled "Holly & Doug in: Candid Conversations" back when he featured it in a poll. Not sure why he changed it to a generic title.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 13:08:11 No.1969213
Modern science tells us that the human brain does not fully develop until the age of 25. A 36 year old predating on a 19 year old is just that, a predator.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 13:28:36 No.1969221
Modern science also teaches you that sexual maturity is reached as soon as age 12.
Honestly I don't see what science has to do with this but which one is more important then? The settling of your synapses to a permanent positioning that arguably is more important to "legal age for smoking weed without fucking your brain up" or the settling up of your reproductive organs into a primary function?
My opinion; Neither. You can make bad decisions in life age 50 that you regret later, your brain maturity has dipsquat to do with it, it's a completely society related concept that can be set to any subjective timing.
Put your reasoning in the shoes of an average 6th century human and we would've gone extinct before we can reproduce since the average lifespan peaked at 30 back then.
Science and/or mental development has nothing to do with this, mistakes can be made at any time and decision maturity doesn't mean LITERAL brain physical maturity, your point is irrelevant.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 16:07:09 No.1969266
you sound like a NAMBLA member
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 16:26:54 No.1969273

Tell that to the respective states with legal age of consent laws. These guys live in Kentucky, so the age of consent is basically 16.

Edited at 2021/06/24 16:27:06
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 16:27:39 No.1969274

I have no idea how that's an actual organization.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 17:39:30 No.1969296
This is an anonymous board You don't have to be closeted here. Just go back to /cub/ and chill bro. We're all degenerates here. Go back to Reddit if you want to virtue signal.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 19:48:55 No.1969329
It's honestly amazing how some will still try to get on a pedestal about whether or not these two should be doing this just because of a large age gap and height difference, especially when both are legal adults
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 20:12:57 No.1969333
Methinks you doth protest too much.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 20:13:54 No.1969334
Literally no one is complaining about their difference in height. It's about the predator behavior.
Furrynomous 2021/06/24 21:50:40 No.1969360

At this rate it might be the actual big reason since Holly physically looks like she's 15 and Doug looks like he's 40. I honestly don't completely understand this. Is this just a problem because the age difference isn't 10 years apart instead?
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 04:52:13 No.1969438
I hope Eric decides to bring back other old characters for use in this comic, like he did with Fuki. I'm not talking about the original characters he made that's tied into Double Z Studios. I'm talking extremely obscure or forgotten characters that he has drawn in the past and might not have used for a good long while.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 10:07:04 No.1969524
The number of years apart isn't the problem, it's the child predation.
35 and 55, 20 years apart no problem.
25 and 35, 10 years apart no problem.
12 and 22, 10 years apart big problem.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 11:27:10 No.1969540
If anyone tried to tell me who I should and shouldn't date when I was a few months shy of 20 years old because "my brain is not fully developed" I would've given them a piece of my undeveloped mind, and it wouldn't be anything polite.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 11:52:31 No.1969547
Thus proving them correct.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 12:27:29 No.1969561
It's like with that episode of Bojack Horseman when his friend's daughter came on to him.

It may have been LEGAL, but that doesn't mean it's OK.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 13:17:14 No.1969571

19 and 36, 17 years apart. Unless people really take not being over the age of 25 as "actual" consenting age then what's even the point of most countries listing 18 years of age as an appropriate age of consenting adults? If this really becomes a problem in the comic then no wonder their first date will probably end shortly.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 14:00:24 No.1969579
People would not care about the age difference if Doug looked fit and handsome, the fact that Doug looks 20 years older than his actual age isn't helping either.

Like damn, i've seen so many 19-20 year old girls make out with dudes into their 30's (good looking dudes though), just as i shagged a few women in their 30's when i was in my early 20's. Makes me wonder where all you objectors come from.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 14:33:53 No.1969587
It's real simple. People don't like the idea that they have to compete in a wider playing field. If some 50 year old man "occupies" a 20 year old, a 50 year old woman and a 20 year old man are now both displaced out of their proper partnership selection.

It is basically why harem style marriages are illegal in most areas. When they weren't, your elite would amass too many partners and then the single men would band together and attack the elite.

Doug is basically a sore spot for people because of this, despite the fact he's not with her because of status, money or social power.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 14:52:07 No.1969598
>It may have been LEGAL, but that doesn't mean it's OK.
Yeah, Penny was taking advantage of a drunk broken man.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 14:58:58 No.1969600
We have a search function under "Misc". Use it.

Furrynomous 2021/06/25 15:06:27 No.1969601
Is there a problem?
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 15:35:42 No.1969611
A third party, friend of Holly, got them hot and bothered and Doug admitted finding her sexy in the heat of the moment. He had so little experience with people that he thought she would never speak to him again. They only went and had sex after that because she requested it. Also he thought she was older, only asked about her age because she mentioned it was her first time. You have to be a fucking idiot to believe this was predation.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 15:38:06 No.1969612
The comic is right here on this site.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 15:47:43 No.1969615

I know that. I just see sites like E-hentai as more easier forms of navigation through pages.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 15:59:00 No.1969621

There's even a page in "A Story Before Bed" that makes fun of these kinds of thoughts from these people as well.
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 17:48:16 No.1969682
You non-ironically believing there is a "proper" way to couple people is itself proof that it has nothing to do with smart society assortment but rather that there is an ideology being hammered in your head by society ("ew old men dating young girls is gross"), last time I checked there isn't any law enforcement that'll put you in jail for going out with a major no matter their age difference as long as one isn't minor.

I call BS on the harem thing being a "decision", it was more about christianity trying to hammer down the polygamous habits of its opposition a couple millenias ago, humans are literally in overpopulation, what competition are you even talking about?

Doug is a sore spot to people who are hypocrite enough to complain about something not fitting their sexual preferences in a furry website, which, reality checktime, doesn't fit a majority of preferences. It's the same level of petty as being a paraplegic and pointing at a paralysed person while going "ha ha! You can't walk!".

Edited at 2021/06/25 17:52:02
Furrynomous 2021/06/25 18:11:29 No.1969690
Furrynomous 2021/06/26 00:56:24 No.1969790
Forbidding harems is a custom that predates that religion, maybe you ought not to blame it for everything you dislike about modern social norms. Anyway. I picked my words carefully. I said PEOPLE react that way, I was speaking pragmatically and objectively, the devils advocate. You wanted to know where the objections came from, I tossed you a hypothesis. No need to debunk it or go aggro.

Edited at 2021/06/26 01:51:06
Furrynomous 2021/06/26 18:38:03 No.1970193
> there is an ideology being hammered in your head by society ("ew old men dating young girls is gross")

That's just basic sexual rivalry. Young males face competition from established older males, and vice versa. The old guys are "supposed" to be thrown out of the game at some point so the new guys can have some. That's not social conditioning, but a natural instinct.

Edited at 2021/06/26 18:42:05
Furrynomous 2021/06/26 18:54:38 No.1970200
On the one hand, he's 36 and she's 19. On the other hand, she's an adult and he's a child.
Furrynomous 2021/06/26 19:29:17 No.1970215
>On the other hand, she's an adult and he's a child.

On the third hand, you're infantilizing someone who's clearly an adult because the person she's now dating is an old man in your eyes.
Furrynomous 2021/06/27 02:44:53 No.1970297
Uh, you might want to re-read what that guy said...
Furrynomous 2021/06/27 03:56:06 No.1970311

In maturity or because one actually has a job that pays?
Furrynomous 2021/06/27 15:25:14 No.1970621
It's not the job, exactly. Jobs come and go, and sometimes grown-ass people have to depend on their parents. I've been there. It happens.

What bugs me about Doug is that he's not moving forward. He's not looking for a job, or studying to get a better one, or taking care of his health. We don't even see him helping around the house.

Holly's reached a point in life where she can support herself. Doug hasn't, which is understandable, but isn't trying to, which... ugh.
Furrynomous 2021/06/27 21:31:32 No.1970787
It's part of the fantasy EWS is trying to portray. Doug doesn't have much going for him, he is a loser like the viewer (let's be honest, no woman is getting off to this unless they have some sort of mommy complex). But somehow he has a sweet, loving girlfriend now, which is all that matters in the world of porn. Many of these stories have it so the girl becomes a motivation for the loser to make himself better.
Furrynomous 2021/07/21 21:35:36 No.1982444
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the tauren 2021/07/21 21:46:57 No.1982448
well try some steak salad isnt serious
Furrynomous 2021/07/21 22:01:24 No.1982452
macroShow Less
File: tenor_100_u18chan.gif - (2.19mb, 332x264, tenor.gif)

Furrynomous 2021/07/21 22:11:32 No.1982455
I understand a lack of a suit, but he couldn't have just gone with a normal black polo shirt?
Furrynomous 2021/07/21 23:25:55 No.1982464
*looks at top left corner*
Oh god, FAD is now part of the Rick and Morty multiverse.

Edited at 2021/07/21 23:27:18
Furrynomous 2021/07/21 23:40:35 No.1982474
I'm surprised they didn't end up in a fastfood joint or low-end diner considering one of them has an actual profiting job.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 00:12:16 No.1982491
Wow. He turned himself into an anthro, or this is just another dimension of himself.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 01:37:35 No.1982512
I noticed the rick and the vtoober Korone reference in this pretty quickly.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 01:38:30 No.1982513
At least he put on a shirt and tie t shirt.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 04:46:09 No.1982571
Oh boy. More of my two favorite nerds.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 04:48:10 No.1982572
This description from Eric just describes it all.

"A porcupine and a wolf-dog have a pleasant meal in a restaurant, trying very hard to not let social anxiety get the better of them."
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 12:35:58 No.1982660
Ah yes this social anxiety causing me to dress like a frat boy and be a slob while I'm out with my date who is young enough to be my daughter but still weirdly more mature than I am.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 16:52:22 No.1982774

'Young enough to be my daughter'? I mean, he looks ruff, BUT IT'S NOT LIKE HE'S THAT MUCH OLDER THAN HER!
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 17:16:52 No.1982785
As previously stated, Doug is 36 and Holly is 20.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 17:29:09 No.1982789
Yeah, young enough to be his daughter. (It's rare nowadays but still exists)
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 18:40:36 No.1982812
Holly may look more well-dressed and more mature than the rugged, almost middle-aged man, but like many she will definitely have some hidden fetish/fantasy that makes her just as much of a freak as her boyfriend and/or Fuki.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 19:14:42 No.1982830
That's basically the plot of this comic.
I just wish he could produce and release this more frequently. Screw the Star Trek one and the Sabrina Online comic.
Furrynomous 2021/07/24 03:30:46 No.1983355
Hopefully we will get a longer and more detailed sex scene between Doug and Holly this time around. The last one had good buildup but was way too short.
Furrynomous 2021/07/28 23:24:21 No.1985852
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Furrynomous 2021/07/29 01:08:06 No.1985884
As someone who worked retail I can assure you 'Next day' is generous. I'll have forgotten you within the next 20 minutes unless you did something particularly above and beyond to annoy me. I'll remember what you purchased more than any details about the person who bought it.
Furrynomous 2021/07/29 11:30:06 No.1986061

Ah man, I worked a fast food job myself. We had this dickhead that came in twice a week and he started getting mad at the staff because we didn't know his order by heart despite being a regular.

It's like dude, dickhead, buddy-pal. We server 400 people in 3 hours due to lunch rush. Many of them just as frequent as this guy. What a goddamn pain.
Nimbus 2021/07/29 12:52:34 No.1986085
Thats pretty long, I have litterally forgotten what my last customer looked like, you know, the one I just served 60 seconds ago and just forgot her boz of tampons.

Unless your a Karen or exeptionally attractive, and your boob poped out we ain't gonna remeber you.
Furrynomous 2021/07/29 13:57:05 No.1986105
Or they'll post about the experience and promptly get mocked on r/thathappened because nobody believes them. Either way, win for you!

Edited at 2021/07/29 14:35:54
Furrynomous 2021/07/29 15:04:31 No.1986123

I'm surprised she'd even want to impress a person like Doug considering what his lifestyle is. The guy couldn't even afford an actual suit or a black polo shirt.
Furrynomous 2021/07/29 15:14:39 No.1986128
"Doug takes the opportunity to spout some truth, or at least truth as he sees it." ~Eric

Frankly, it sounds about as accurate to the truth.
Furrynomous 2021/07/29 15:20:06 No.1986129
Tbh a polo shirt is just about as bad as the shirt he's already wearing.
Furrynomous 2021/07/29 18:18:15 No.1986195

No not really, mate. A polo shirt at least looks like you put the attempt in looking decent. The bare minimum at least. Hell. A short-sleeved shirt with a collar and buttons on would've been a decent substitute.
Furrynomous 2021/07/29 18:25:34 No.1986198

I have a polo shirt and a pair of suit pants I only used at work. I wouldn't use them to a casual date, if anything she's the one who overdressed to meet him;

Like, who the fuck puts a polo TO EAT BURGERS!? It's not even a fancy restaurant, it's a burger joint, even the girls on the other table are with more casual clothing.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 01:40:42 No.1986345
From now on I'm going to call any healthy food that women decide to eat on a date "skinny girl food" XD It is just too funny to pass off on.

Edited at 2021/07/30 01:40:56
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 03:21:47 No.1986360
Salads are only good for the side of your order. If you go to a restaurant and order it as the main course then there's something wrong with you.

Edited at 2021/07/30 04:57:21
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 04:13:44 No.1986371
Nah man, polos always look dumb outside of being work attire.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 06:17:44 No.1986390
God, Doug! Did you have, HAVE to give me that visual of Holly running around naked while painted purple?! Maybe if she lost a bet.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 06:23:26 No.1986393
I don't see it as that hard to believe. It's more of the expectations of a date that she was worried wouldn't be met. This is most definitely her first time even doing one of these and doesn't want to end up screwing it up. They started out as friends, had sex and now are in a relationship. All part of things people usually expect. Maybe this will go into an obvious direction upon where they just leave the place early since this is all really standard.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 06:26:16 No.1986395

Personally I'm surprised the snarky girl even HAS this type of dress. Looks more like she bought it new in preparation while her boyfriend probably has a bunch of thematic t-shirts lying around his basement living space.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 08:27:50 No.1986424
I'm kind of surprised Holly went to prom. Or she had the foresight to own a prom dress "just in case".
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 08:28:22 No.1986428
She strikes me as the type that went with some single friends.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 11:45:48 No.1986588
The trouble with salads, everything you want to put on them defeats the point.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 15:39:07 No.1986722
Well they're so tasteless alone, so it happens. If you're going to eat healthy it better be with something possessing a little more taste.
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 20:03:31 No.1986808

I like to imagine those single friends probably being more of Eric's girls (not related to Double Z studios). Why stop at Fuki-chan?
Furrynomous 2021/07/30 20:06:39 No.1986809
There are salads with meat, cheese, grains, beans, corn, etc. that have enough calories and protein for a main course. But you're right that a veggies-only salad isn't a reasonable entree.

If the goal is to eat low-calorie, then loading out a salad defeats the purpose. If the goal is to eat healthy, then it's fine, provided you don't go overboard.
Furrynomous 2021/08/01 20:12:51 No.1987968
Wonder if it would be nice or weird to see this nerdy couple encounter the original nerdy couple since they're in the same universe.
Furrynomous 2021/08/01 20:42:31 No.1987975
>this nerdy couple encounter the original nerdy couple
I think it would be more mundane than anything exciting. People already get enough of those two from the smoking remains of the main comic series.
Furrynomous 2021/08/01 21:52:46 No.1987993
Doug - Lives in his parents basement and is practically jobless with barely any revenue for money. He's also in his 30s.

Holly- Lives on her own (something rare to see these days with how she's nearing her 20s) and has a job and friends.

Yeah. Nothing to worry about having to impress him.
Furrynomous 2021/08/07 16:15:44 No.1990816
What about clients who give decent tips?
Furrynomous 2021/08/09 06:27:14 No.1991477
I've done customer service jobs were I'd have dreams/nightmares about them. They are not mentally healthy jobs.
Furrynomous 2021/08/09 06:28:42 No.1991478

The most powerful truth. Mutual indifference is what keeps society running.
Furrynomous 2021/08/13 14:26:01 No.1993550

Pretty sure tips shouldn't be the main source of getting a paid salary.

Edited at 2021/08/13 22:27:32
Furrynomous 2021/08/23 20:28:42 No.1998680
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Furrynomous 2021/08/23 21:40:27 No.1998704

And now the make or break for this pairing. As she comes to see just what a societal loser he is.
Furrynomous 2021/08/23 22:38:31 No.1998723

Can kind of see why his father mocks him.
Furrynomous 2021/08/23 22:41:28 No.1998725

More like on how much of a jobless loser he is. She'll probably won't hold him over on society's opinion since she isn't exactly looking too much better in comparison except having a job that pays her better.

Edited at 2021/08/23 23:33:17
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 08:05:03 No.1998869

"Jobless loser"

I mentioned to one of my relatives about a guy I know, who has been working at the same job in fast food for 18 years.
My relative called him a "loser."

Apparently doing work that a person enjoys doing makes that person a "loser."

BTW, my relative has been busted for doing and selling dope several times, and is currently out of jail on probation.

So who is the "loser" here?

If this fictional character "Doug" wants to do a "job" doing stuff on a computer, has a roof over his head, and is still trying to be a nice guy, not a troll or stalker, all power to him.

Fictionally, the guy who stabbed Sabrina and got the shit kicked out of him by Zig Zag is a loser.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 08:57:26 No.1998877
Honestly can't imagine how hard it is to break out into popularity/money making with how steep the online competition is. I doubt Doug's father would care either way even if he eventually makes more off of it. He looks like one of those people who think real work is being an white collar worker or something.

Edited at 2021/08/24 08:58:09
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 09:01:38 No.1998878

That's just the mentality people like your shit relative seem to carry. Apparently suffering is the only way it can be seen as "real work". Hopefully he got his ass beat too.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 10:35:55 No.1998907

Except he only has a roof over his head because his father hasn't kicked him out.

If his dad did, then he would be homeless and jobless. Unless his new girlfriend here was willing and able to take him in. If Doug was doing something like her to make money then I doubt his father would have a problem with it. Because he would be earning better than his attempts at being a streamer/vlogger.

Edited at 2021/08/24 10:39:39
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 10:53:51 No.1998917
The difference with Doug is that he's not really doing "what he likes", but merely trying to do what's easy - that's what makes a loser. There are plenty of people like that who wade through life grabbing whatever odd job and then dropping it a few months later, never amounting to anything.

When you really do what you like, you tend to become very good at it, and then other people want you to do it for them for money. When you're just "trying" to do things for money, it tends to not work out.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 11:36:20 No.1998930

Pretty sure some of these are what he likes. Just not something he can do for now as his pool of audience is too low to make a living off of it. Even he's not sure he can call this a job with how little he earns from it.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 11:41:42 No.1998935

Honestly, I don't think they're that close to living under the same building type of relationship yet. Give it time and maybe then it will happen.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 11:49:55 No.1998949

She has to go to his home for that to work.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 11:56:19 No.1998952

Starting to think this cover is just going to be centered in their shared fantasies than society shunning them. Eric isn't one to stick very long or make actual commentary unless it's for a joke or small jab at the audience.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 15:37:36 No.1999026
"I'm what they call a 'Virtual Assistant'."

I mean, that's what they occupation is called in real life. Not sure what she meant by with that line.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 16:17:03 No.1999032
>Pretty sure some of these are what he likes.

"Trying to get into streaming" doesn't sound like he's really interested, just trying to make easy money off of the shit he actually wants to do, which is to sit around playing video games all day.

Streaming requires that you have something to share about the games, not that you just play them. Think people like Scott Manley, who's actually a programmer, astrophysicist and a DJ, and leverages that background into making interesting videos out of otherwise pretty boring games. Someone like Doug who doesn't have any life outside of playing video games has nothing to offer.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 16:51:15 No.1999043

I honestly just see him as more optimistic when he tries these. That's the sense I'm getting out from him in that last panel.
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 22:16:27 No.1999110

I have a part-time job, I record CD's for people.
Mostly converting vinyl to CD.
Also cassettes to CD.

A lot of people really enjoy what I do, some of them had albums they hadn't heard for decades, literally, and now their CD players can play them.

I'm working on "branching out" a bit, I'm buying a 8mm/Super8 to digital converter, so people can have their home movies transferred to DVD discs.

This is all work I took years to learn to do, and do well, and my customers, (some of them relatives,) really love what I do.
Furrynomous 2021/08/25 02:51:23 No.1999183

Now that's a passion turned into a workable job. Now to know when Doug will ever actually try that instead of trying to copy what others just do without much practice or study.

Edited at 2021/08/25 02:51:51
Furrynomous 2021/08/25 07:23:46 No.1999219

Fantasies mixed with real life shunning thrown in maybe.
Furrynomous 2021/08/25 11:57:20 No.1999316
You'd think Holly would know Doug's living conditions at some point. Guess this reminds us that they're still getting to know each other outside of video chatting and game sessions.
FURRRRR 2021/08/26 04:39:16 No.1999599
Eric has done a good job of creating character that is essentially an adult child. But one that isn't a self-important cringe lord.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 06:23:08 No.1999610

Don't forget making a character who is a self-managing young adult without the trappings of being completely the only one who has everything figured out. They're both still struggling and awkward with each other, but don't actually judge each other about their lifestyles, clothing or professionalisms. It's why I prefer these two over Sabrina and Richard.

Edited at 2021/08/26 06:49:36
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 09:14:31 No.1999638
Isn't DVD kinda outmoded now? Just a word of warning, because the market is basically racing to the bottom with blank discs and you can no longer buy real archival quality. The quality control is hit and miss, since people can't know whether any one disc is good, so they won't pay very much in the first place, so all the manufacturers are just winging it at minimum effort.

Bluray... maybe still good, but has the same issues. Ironically it might be better to digitally re-master the old film and then expose it onto a new reel with better film - and sell new projectors.
FURRRRR 2021/08/26 09:20:16 No.1999640
Sabrina and Richard are based on the old sitcom trope.
Where the protagonist has a moderately successful and stable job- something so that there are going to occasionally be plot points about budgeting, But money is never actually a problem.

These two are more relevant to current reality in terms of job market and living arrangements.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 09:26:53 No.1999644
I think it's a contradiction in terms. If you have the insight, you wouldn't be so childish, and if you are that man-childish then you wouldn't have the insight to not act all narcissistic.

Does the content of your mind dictate your behavior, or the other way around? If the first, then you should be able to figure out something better and do that instead - if the second, you should be trapped with no way out of the situation because you couldn't think any other way.
FURRRRR 2021/08/26 09:38:43 No.1999647
The basic thing going on with Doug is that his parents- specifically his mom- have enabled him to have a very low-effort lifestyle. I don't think he's lazy- there's just nothing "forcing" him to strive for more.
He doesn't have to pay rent and his meals are provided.
He only has to earn enough income to eat out occasionally and maybe buy some nerd stuff.

He seems like a mature adult- but he's been able to live the life of a teenager for over a decade passed the expiration date.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 10:02:37 No.1999656

Sabrina and Richard are stale for this reason. They wouldn't work well with being near Holly and Doug due to their sitcom roots and somewhat pessimistic behavior. They're nice, but they've basically never struggled all that much with money, cost or living situations. They're also a little more prudish in nature compared to our wolf-dog and hedgehog couple with maybe a slight advantage in working class than the two, though it's arguable if someone like Holly would be able to own and afford a house alone at the age of 20 since we're in modern times.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 10:05:30 No.1999659

Can relate. Have a brother who's like this albeit with bitter annoyance of still living my parents, but with lip biting tolerance to it. he may not have the exact same personality and outlook as Doug (or age), but if nothing changes he'll get to there.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 10:34:35 No.1999669

Holly really isn't as pear shaped in weight as she previously said. She looks beautiful in that dress to the point where she could be a singer in a club.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 14:40:09 No.1999712
> I don't think he's lazy- there's just nothing "forcing" him to strive for more.

Not even the knowledge that he can't keep on living like Chris Chan forever? If he isn't childish, then he must understand that his lack of effort is leading to shit hitting the fan later, which would be motivation enough.

Of course, some people are depressed like that and just wait for the world to crumble around them, but that wouldn't fit the character.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 14:54:24 No.1999713
>Not even the knowledge that he can't keep on living like Chris Chan forever?

I don't see any evidence of Doug rapping his mother anywhere.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 14:58:53 No.1999720

Insecurities a bitch
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 15:40:42 No.1999752
That's because he ain't street.

But otherwise, living off of your parents without any plans or effort is either because of mental retardation, childish short-sightedness, or some form of depression and fatalism. It doesn't fit for a person who's supposed to have it all together, because they would have done something ages ago.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 17:02:48 No.1999801

Aren't there positive times when that isn't the case? You make it sound like he's just going to become a disaster waiting to happen unless he changes his ways of going through life.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 17:41:26 No.1999826
That depends on where you go to get your blank media, really. Buying retail on the consumer market has always been a crapshoot, because even the "name" brands like Sony or Maxell didn't actually make their own discs -- there really were/are only about four *real* manufacturers of optical discs, and everything else is just their discs OEM-rebranded for whoever wants them. You can still find decent CD/DVD/BD-R media -- JVC and Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. make quality products in that market, still -- but you pretty much have to go to a professional supply house for them nowadays.
Furrynomous 2021/08/26 21:40:18 No.1999940

He's just complicit on how the way things are. None of that mental or psychological problems are present with the guy.
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 01:14:27 No.2000028
He is already a disaster. Living at practically no income off of others means you haven't got things like pension funds or savings, so when mother and father dies - and you've eaten up your inheritance by being a mooch - you're up shit creek without a paddle.

Being complicit is a psychological problem when you're in a situation where all the rational indications show you should be doing something already. If I was Holly, I would run - because if this guy is happy with this situation, the next thing they'll be looking for is another mommy to feed them.
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 01:21:43 No.2000031
I don't think they _can_ make quality products either, since there is no knowing if any disc will last until it breaks, so all the claims about 99 year data retention and so fort are just so much bullshit. Never tested, never proven, no way to know if any single disc or a batch of discs will live up to the standard, and the only warranty you have is you'll get a new disc if you bother to pay many times its worth in trouble of claiming it. There is no incentive to make quality discs, and no way to differentiate a good disc from a bad disc, so it's a lemon market.

Burnable optical media simply aren't fit for archiving stuff because it's so untrustworthy.
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 08:02:12 No.2000128

Holly surprisingly isn't bothered by Doug if she has that earnest looking 'okay' face to his small efforts.
FURRRRR 2021/08/27 08:11:43 No.2000133
Holly is likely to be the impetus for Doug to finally start changing/improving his life.

He knows it's not OK to still be living with his parents. But he obviously has not encountered anything (yet) that would force/motivate him to actually change his behavior.
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 08:39:27 No.2000149

There's clearly nothing physiologically or mentally wrong with Doug. He just lacks motivation. It's that simple. He doesn't present anything that would say a strict moocher.
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 13:09:47 No.2000240
>He just lacks motivation. It's that simple.

What other motivation do you need than, "I'm gonna fuck up the rest of my life pretty soon if I don't start improving myself like 10 years ago."?

The fact that he hasn't even considered it is inexplicable IF he isn't a lazy idiot, pathologically depressed, or a delusional man-child. It's out of character for the person to be "well-adjusted" and still stuck in that life situation as long as they could help it.

Edit: of course he may be in denial/ignorant about the gravity of his situation, but that's again living in la-la-land and without intervention he would be heading for a crash. If that means "Holly", then she's in for some rough times.

Edited at 2021/08/27 13:15:01
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 16:42:32 No.2000359

Well, it now explains about what his mother said in the last comic. It really might take some time until he can buy a burger and a drink from that job. A very few can make a living of it, just like book writers.
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 20:36:04 No.2000436

YEeeaaaah but novelists are at least respected. A small-time streamer who can't even "put out regular content" when that's the ONLY THING he is supposed to be doing in this "job" is pretty pathetic.
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 22:24:26 No.2000459
If Doug was a teenager who just started appreciating the idea of content creating he'd get less flack for being a pathetic jobless good-for-nothing. Too bad Eric does young adults to middle aged characters very often.

Edited at 2021/08/27 22:28:35
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 07:38:52 No.2000551

"It's time for us to introduce, or reintroduce, ourselves." ~Eric
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 09:24:31 No.2000590
I'm wondering how recent Doug even got into streaming and content creating in general. The dude's in his mid-30s for gods sake and he's too laxed with it. How can a guy like this not grasp completely on how competitive and work goes into such a platform?
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 09:56:43 No.2000598
Honestly, I'm just hoping for more bed action. All this talk about man children and mooching isn't why I come here for. I came here for two socially awkward nerds trying to have a good time while trying to make this relationship work.
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 14:14:49 No.2000677
Then go read the comic on his Patreon. This is the peanut gallery.
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 16:36:21 No.2000720
At least there it's more quiet with paying customers not willing to step on the toes of someone they support financially.
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 18:03:14 No.2000764

Better yet. Maybe if he was college level since he looks like he dropped out of one not too long ago. Usually another better time to start getting into content creation.
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 19:59:00 No.2000808
File: HD-FirstDate-04_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-04.png)

Furrynomous 2021/08/28 20:20:03 No.2000814

There's also the actual source material, just two examples, one customer had a lot of 80's vinyl, like Prince, Van Halen, and such.


One of my other customers had stuff by Lawrence Welk, Perry Como, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and a easy listening group called "The Mama and the Papas."
(Not the Mamas and the Papas!)

That customer's records drove me crazy.
But I got paid nicely for doing the records.
(And I had to listen to the records to make sure there were no skips.)

Considering the customer was in her 80's, her choice of music didn't surprise me a bit.

I'll have to see how long DVD blanks last, I know some are poor quality.
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 20:23:07 No.2000817
Oh, and one customer had dozens of those old 78 rpm records, of polkas!

Furrynomous 2021/08/28 20:50:11 No.2000828

Second time he ended up getting hurt in her house. Anyone here calling for a third time?
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 22:05:33 No.2000862

Damn, I hate that facial hair crap. It looks like someone took a dog and stuck a fake beard on him. And I swear it makes him look some 40 or 50 something guy trying to get with some hot young teen.
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 22:42:15 No.2000876

Holy heck, the guy is older than I am, but somehow even more dumber and with less sense than I. "Sounds Boring" sure buddy, perfect first thing to tell about your girlfriend's job, especially when you have nothing better. (as in, yeah, sounds boring, but you don't NEED to say this kind of stuff from the getgo)
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 23:39:10 No.2000892
Reminds me of darksidephil, lol. Oh god, Doug is DSP!
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 01:42:37 No.2000928

Holy mother fuck gosh damn holy shit christ you are right he does seem like a fricken furry DarkSydePhil! Except, less successful and not making $160k a year haha. I know Eric likes making pathetic characters you are supposed to root for but this guy is just insufferable... and I'm a damn writer making more a month than Shwartz, even lol.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 02:00:30 No.2000933

What do you write? And who is this DarkSydePhil person? And actual successful Youtuber that Doug wishes he was?
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 02:04:17 No.2000937
On youtube, AvTu5gfVriM
Well, he wasn't a success overnight. :p Maybe this is the ascending character arc for Doug.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 10:33:27 No.2001032
Ever get into a conversation with a friend you haven't seen in years, and they're extremely successful, and you say you've been working at the same place for years with subpar pay and are still single. And it hits you just how badly you fucked up everything up?
That's how I see him. Saying your life choices out loud in front of someone can be kind of a wake-up call experience.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 10:48:25 No.2001034

Doesn't seem like Doug is all that aware of it really.

Edited at 2021/08/29 10:48:36
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 14:16:30 No.2001159
Darksydephil is a lets player on YouTube. He's kinda a bizarre way. He bounced back from accidentally jacking it on livestream. He certainly puts out a lot of content. None of its good. He can't play anything well. But he makes money and has a wife when he isn't e-begging.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 14:17:23 No.2001161

"We thought there would be no problems between them, but it turns out Holly has crabs.

Weill, ONE crab." ~Eric

Surprisingly the most actual funniest joke Eric has ever told in a long time.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 14:53:57 No.2001185

He sounds like an anomaly. I can actually see Doug becoming this now.

Edited at 2021/08/29 14:59:57
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 15:06:06 No.2001196

Doug is a stranger, so Holly's pet was probably just acting on defense.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 15:52:16 No.2001239

Anyone else notice that crab might be pointing at Doug angrily?
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 20:29:36 No.2001363

Maybe it's because Doug didn't wash his hands. Or the crab doesn't like cheeto dust.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 21:39:02 No.2001382

It has seeped too deeply into his fur and is now impossible to remove.
Furrynomous 2021/08/30 06:55:50 No.2001524
At least she doesn't live in an apartment.
FURRR 2021/08/30 11:19:51 No.2001602
Something wrong with living in an apartment? Like having all the maintence needs taken care of, for example?
And if you're gonna bring up shitty landlords- that's a "shitty landlord problem" and not inherent to apartments.

Edited at 2021/08/30 11:45:21
Furrynomous 2021/08/30 11:29:20 No.2001607

I was mostly talking about apartments being unfortunately small. Paying for houses might be worse though.
FURRR 2021/08/30 11:46:51 No.2001609
Depending on where you live, rent is usually what a monthly mortgage payment would be anyway.
Furrynomous 2021/08/30 13:12:32 No.2001630

So it really is just a matter of which is going to rip you off more.
Furrynomous 2021/08/30 18:48:14 No.2001897
I wonder if we ever get a sequel Doug will be showing Holly "his house".
Furrynomous 2021/08/30 21:22:59 No.2001944

Maybe she's one of those girls who dig men who still live with their parents.
Furrynomous 2021/08/30 23:11:05 No.2001969
mobility is also a factor, you can up an leave as a renter with very little fanfair, a homeowner needs to go through the rigamarol of selling their house, which could take months. And you are responsible for your own upkeep as a homeowner. Though if you are planning to stick around for a long time, and have okay credit, yeah, a morgage is often cheeper than rent, and when its done (years down the line) you have an asset.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 01:02:36 No.2002014

True but then you have insurance payment and property tax, which can be not too bad in some places but like... California the property tax is ridiculous.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 02:39:02 No.2002055
Doug looks older than his dad.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 03:55:32 No.2002080

I'll give EWS this at least, he can draw decent looking facial hair/facial fur on his characters. I've seen some pretty weird looking facial hair on anthros. I'm looking at you, KimmyKun, as one of a few bad examples.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 06:44:55 No.2002109

Any more scruffier and he'll start looking like a sweaty neckbeard coomer.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 09:54:54 No.2002161
> but then you have insurance payment and property tax

And hope there isn't a homeowners association in the neighborhood, because then you end up paying for all sorts of shit you'll probably never use.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 10:17:45 No.2002167

Can draw hair on fur? Almost rare to see considering so many end up making it look uncanny.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 13:56:33 No.2002313
Yeah the facial hair on the guy looks like it's part of his fur, rather than the furries that make facial and body hair look like a whole separate kind of hair growing on the body. It throws me off.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 14:35:01 No.2002364

It's probably attractive to people who have a body hair kink.

Edited at 2021/08/31 14:35:16
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 14:56:14 No.2002373
Just what breed is Doug supposed to be anyway? Is he a schnauzer or some kind of terrier?


Also gotta say his proportions on the cover are freaky. His nose, his hands, and jawline are all oversized. It just makes him look really odd, and somewhat cartoonish. Especially compared to the still cartoony, but more realistic way he normally draws.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 16:05:17 No.2002506

I remember Eric mentioning somewhere that he's just some wolf-dog hybrid, so take that as you will.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 17:25:37 No.2002535

I remember people like this saying Doug was just another self-insert for Eric.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 18:44:51 No.2002574
la tragicomedia de la clase media es que en cualquier momento pueden caer en la miseria,solo un empujon y ya.Ahora vienen los embargos de la propiedad,Los despidos masivos
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 20:48:34 No.2002635
Dilo en ingles, puto.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 21:58:49 No.2002668
i'm not much for streaming, but i'm working in programming online and making a living out of it (not in USA). so looking at this comic its not that crazy.
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 22:16:13 No.2002678

People are parroting about how Doug refuses to take being a streamer/content creator series as a job and is too comfortable with the idea of living in his parents basement. No one said being a programmer or just working with computers was a far cry of a job.
Furrynomous 2021/09/01 10:41:59 No.2002879
There's something about that invertebrate line that fills me with confusion.
Furrynomous 2021/09/01 23:53:25 No.2003228

Fuuuuuck HOA's yeah, I will NEVER live anywhere with an HOA. Condo association was fucking bad enough.
Hi Name Hidden 2021/09/02 00:45:32 No.2003239

Edited at 2021/09/02 00:48:01
Furrynomous 2021/09/02 07:36:12 No.2003334
There are advantages, and disadvantages to renting vs owning a house.
I had my share of bad room-mates renting, including one who while stoned on PCP beat the crap out of me.
As is, next February, I'll have lived here in my current apartment for 30 years.
I just like it here.
Reasonably quiet neighborhood, low crime, (worst crime within a mile was when a drugstore across the street was robbed,) it's on the ground floor and I can have my two cats.
My apartment building was built as an 8-room motel, so I have a large bedroom, my kitchen/media room, bathroom with shower, and washer and dryer in a separate room.
Had a few bad neighbors, but they moved.
Furrynomous 2021/09/02 09:54:33 No.2003411
Four pages and still nothing resembling anything erotic. This is feeling more like a modern PG-13 comic than a hard 'R' comic.
Furrynomous 2021/09/02 13:29:36 No.2003481
The story is pretty crap, but at the same time this is a shitty attitude.

"Me no want think me want dick hard"
Furrynomous 2021/09/02 13:33:43 No.2003483

I personally find this enjoyable. Eric just has a thing about narratively building up to the "climax" of the type of stories.
Furrynomous 2021/09/03 18:56:58 No.2003988
Any males in here who had that one animal their girlfriend had as a pet that didn't like them at first?
Furrynomous 2021/09/03 19:17:23 No.2003997

yes the dog of my ex girlfriend didnt like me because i slept on her bedhalf. after few weeks she cant getenough of me and lick my face everytime she can do it and cuddle more with me then with my exgirlfriend
Furrynomous 2021/09/03 19:47:28 No.2004006

Then that means Doug doesn't need to worry if this is the regular expectancy. Scruffy will start liking him later.
Furrynomous 2021/09/03 23:08:44 No.2004062

But crabs don't recognize people. In order for Scruffy to start liking Doug they would have to be living in some magical universe where animals are much more intelligent and mammals like, say, dogs and porcupines, would be at practically human levels and that's just ridiculous.
Furrynomous 2021/09/04 11:50:28 No.2004297
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 14:43:02 No.2020373

Wait, is Scruffy doing the "I've got eyes on you" move in the last panel? *Snicker*
Furrynomous 2021/10/25 18:42:37 No.2027989
File: HD-FirstDate-05_u18chan.png - (1.25mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-05.png)

Furrynomous 2021/10/25 19:00:48 No.2028008
From Eric:

>Gotta watch out for that headband. Contents are under pressure.
Furrynomous 2021/10/25 19:28:25 No.2028014

That headband didn't even look like it was covering anything to keep this from happening.
Furrynomous 2021/10/25 20:15:46 No.2028031
It's just for comedic purposes,don't read to much into it.
the tauren 2021/10/25 21:34:42 No.2028078
woa she is so rude
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 00:47:55 No.2028156
The more this goes on, the more it reads like a really bad author self insertion fanfic x.x
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 01:09:13 No.2028167
This entire arc so far has just deeply sucked to read. The characters are behaving terribly, everybody's constantly portrayed with a distinct malaise and sadness even when they're supposed to be enjoying each others' company... While I can empathize with both parts of this situation it is also just not interesting or enjoyable.
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 12:28:34 No.2028360

I just want attractive characters fucking in interesting positions. Is that too much to ask?
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 12:57:26 No.2028387

Well that was an unexpectedly important headband! Makes total sense in hindsight, though. Instant, horrifyingly gory death if you pull that sucker off during a BJ, huh?
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 16:14:32 No.2028500

I'm thinking Holly is a) terrified she might hurt Doug due to the spine explosion, and is converting the fear into anger, and b) angry because of the amount of work (and risk: remember she said she's not immune to getting stuck herself) it is to corral her spines to put that on.
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 16:16:18 No.2028503

We haven't even gotten to the part where they talk about their respective fetishes yet. Got to tease the audience even more before they bone again.
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 20:00:39 No.2028568

Okay. We've established that she isn't bothered by the fact that Doug is practically jobless, with the only career he comes close to running being a content creator isn't progressing good enough, is fine with the clothes he wears and how he looks, and isn't bothered by the fact that he still lives with his parents with his basement being the closest place he can call his own home. Screw it. She's definitely for him. Can't imagine why she would have that overview about him being lucky to still be near his parents except maybe having a very nasty upbringing or estranged relationship with hers.
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 20:02:09 No.2028569

You say "self-insert", I say what every lonely person wishes they had to be in his position to land it with such a spunky socially awkward girl.
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 22:58:29 No.2028609
I'm going to guess her parents died while she was young, and she's been alone for a long time. Estrangement, abuse, etc are more likely to result in eye rolling or dismissiveness rather than envy. Envy often comes from loss. It would also point towards why she exploded over the head band. He accidentally pushed on a sore point and grief + frustration turns to anger really quickly.

Edit: Actually, scratch that. She says "close by". That implies distance rather than gone forever. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Edited at 2021/10/26 23:01:22
Furrynomous 2021/10/26 23:48:10 No.2028626

Because Eric is writing a woman who is a big a loser as the dude. Like... she is, horrifyingly pathetic as a person. This pair definitely is made for one another.
Furrynomous 2021/10/27 12:02:06 No.2028847
A bit far, don't you think? She seems more awkward then pathetic.
Furrynomous 2021/10/27 14:37:24 No.2028945
She's self sufficient with a job, nothing pathetic about that.
There are massive amounts of women who don't have either.

Doug on the other hand? Yeah, he's disgustingly pathetic.
Furrynomous 2021/10/27 15:50:55 No.2028962

And yet nothing about Doug disgusts her. Guess her standards aren't too high, especially considering he's her first. All they have in common is they're both dorks and are awkward, especially to each other.
Furrynomous 2021/10/27 16:51:00 No.2028980

It's rare to see anyone her age manage to be self-sufficient early on these days. She has to have had some help in managing to get where she is.
Furrynomous 2021/10/27 17:15:43 No.2028992

She is encouraging, and enabling this man child instead of challenging him on the career thing. Living at home is honestly less of a crime than his sheer disgusting laziness and terrible choice of career. I could see her not caring if he was working and paying rent to his parents... which is fine these days with how insane the housing market is at the moment.

But yeah the fact she sees this man as a romantic partner, encourages his slovenly and horrific lifestyle etc... puts her down quite a few pegs as an individual. Even a friend should be challenging him and calling him out on this career issue. Let alone a romantic partner.
Furrynomous 2021/10/27 19:12:40 No.2029037

Maybe when she goes to his parent's house she'll think about challenging him. Words and evidence are two different things.
Furrynomous 2021/10/27 20:31:27 No.2029048
I mean, another way to look at it is that perhaps this is the end result of feminism and feminized men? I'm not trolling, really, think about it.

With the gender binary and classical gender roles, a man had to bring stability, safety and sustenance. A woman was expected to care for the home and provide the man with children as well as raise them. All she required was her body and her personality to be eligible to partner with.

If the gender binary and gender roles are erased, it is natural that there will be some men that bring absolutely nothing more than their personality and body to a relationship.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 01:32:04 No.2029111
>A woman was expected to care for the home and provide the man with children as well as raise them.
>All she required was her body and her personality to be eligible to partner with.
I think you're understating just how much labor goes into caring for the home and raising children, especially in a classical era without running water, universal schooling, etc. A wealthy man could afford a wife just for her personality and body, but for anyone else, your partner better work.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 01:55:17 No.2029114
A woman with money (good job or inheritance) can afford a trophy husband, but Doug isn't much of a trophy husband. His personality is okay, but his body is blob.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 02:37:58 No.2029124
His body is pretty bearable for a "blob". Not to mention even Holly has some chub underneath those clothes.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 11:46:40 No.2029282
Point remains, this is the natural conclusion of things getting untethered from gender. Better hope Doug is better at childcare than he is streaming.

If you look at the statistics on who's going to college and graduating with a masters or BA, there are not enough high performance men to go around. The choices left on the table are share a high performance man, be celibate, or settle for "Doug".

At least Holly is going to get to skip a bunch of bullshit and just get the companionship already, rather than stress herself out shooting for the top 20% of men that likely wont be faithful or humble.

Edited at 2021/10/28 11:51:34
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 12:42:11 No.2029330

In her defence, she's pretty damn young, therefore probably a bit ignorant towards how much of a collasal loser Doug is and probably has parental issues wich don't really help the situation.

I unironically have seen (and still see) many of these kind of situations of young girls dating far older men, and those girls ALWAYS have massive daddy issues.

I honestly don't know what the author is trying to convey here. I've seen relationships like this where the collosal loser boyfriend manages to finally get his shit together now that he has a relationship to live for, but in these scenarios the boyfriend isn't twice the age of his girlfriend.
I think the author simply has a fetish for huge self-insert losers getting laid.

Sounds like an obsessive american thing, most men don't have masters or BA here either while their girlfriends mostly do and the men usually still earn more.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 13:34:25 No.2029344

Wonder if that's because he is, though it's a little presumptuous.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 15:03:45 No.2029363
Honestly I doubt Eric is much of a deep story teller. This might be as far as he can go with these types of characters before he starts teasing the audience with promise of raunchy sex scenes, or visions of them.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 18:56:16 No.2029426

Again I'd say his personality is outright disgusting and vile. No one wants someone with so little ambition, so little drive and so lazy they can't even manage to just... STREAM, at a consistent schedule. One of the easiest things to do and he said he couldn't even manage to do it consistently or have a schedule. Doug honestly seems like WingsofRedemption of DarksydePhil, but both of them are competent enough beggers.


You might be onto something actually, I've seen a few girls who generally have their shit together fall for some real slob lazy types. But yeah this guy is twice her age, living at home, not even paying rent etc... this is beyond any situation I've ever seen in person. Usually, it's because the guy is a young adult and hasn't learned they gotta be responsible adults. But usually, they have SOMETHING going for them like, they're attractive, they have a charming personality, they... have a nice pickup truck or something, ANYTHING. Lol fuck, even WingsofRedemption has his own property etc, Doug here is literally the most unappealing and unattractive character I've seen outside of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen lol.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 20:46:04 No.2029452
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Hopefully we will get a longer and more detailed sex scene between Doug and Holly this time around. The last one had good buildup but was way too short.


Can't keep to a schedule....not even a competent beggar....sounds so familiar
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 22:45:37 No.2029498
>Hopefully we will get a longer and more detailed sex scene between Doug and Holly this time around. The last one had good buildup but was way too short.

Don't get your hopes up.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 22:59:41 No.2029503
I know Eric used to draw long, detailed sex scenes but I don't follow him closely. Has something changed?
FURRR 2021/10/29 00:24:41 No.2029514
Nah Doug would first have to actually be successful, make it big, then collapse under the pressure.
Furrynomous 2021/10/29 00:53:44 No.2029519

Some of his stories he releases for his adult Patreon sometimes don't spend a long enough time in the sex scenes, some lasting either one or three pages, and that's after usually a lot of buildup to it.
Furrynomous 2021/10/29 19:39:22 No.2029872

Damn, man. He lost the chance to strip down his girlfriend.
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 01:23:57 No.2029962
>Again I'd say his personality is outright disgusting and vile. No one wants someone with so little ambition, so little drive and so lazy
Yeah, he's a lazy shit. I meant that he's a decent conversationalist, and supportive when Holly's anxieties flare up.
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 01:49:37 No.2029967

>Yeah, he's a lazy shit. I meant that he's a decent conversationalist, and supportive when Holly's anxieties flare up.

Good trait considering she's somehow slightly more nervous wreck than him.
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 04:41:27 No.2030055
I remember Eric saying after he finishes this and that Star Trek comic he wants to move on to newer comics and I hope he at least keeps this one going. Despite the questionable writing choices, these two are a breath of fresh air from his other comic characters, especially from his main webcomic.
stockportstud86 2021/10/30 18:04:41 No.2030322

New page :D
stockportstud86 2021/10/30 18:05:46 No.2030323
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Forgot to put the page in
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 18:10:08 No.2030325
A new page already? Best Hallow's Eve ever!
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 18:14:27 No.2030326
From Eric:

>Someone knocked the board over, so we gotta rearrange the game pieces.
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 18:28:20 No.2030331
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Here's what she should be doing with her clothes.
Stockportstud86 2021/10/30 18:31:35 No.2030332

Happy halloween for y’all
Stockportstud86 2021/10/30 18:35:14 No.2030334

Happy halloween 🎃
Stockportstud86 2021/10/30 18:46:43 No.2030343

Sorry tried to add a pumpkin emote obviously it didn’t work
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 18:55:26 No.2030345
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Happy Hanukkah
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 22:26:35 No.2030426

Deja vu. I'm getting the same feeling from that last panel like when Sabrina asked Richard if he was a virgin on their own first official date. How come the women in Eric's work are more horny than the men?
Furrynomous 2021/10/30 22:30:41 No.2030434

You think that at first but then you find out about the train wreck of a neighbor who turned his house into a bomb or has done something so stupid it brings down your property value. It's even worse when you're a customer and see the stupidity.
Furrynomous 2021/10/31 00:09:36 No.2030477
"So, what kinda porn do you watch?"

Furrynomous 2021/10/31 02:54:47 No.2030520

You'd think being a quilled species would teach them how to do that instead of just teaching themselves how to treat puncture wounds. Maybe it's the same as how skunks like Sabs were taught to be prepared if someone gets sprayed.
Furrynomous 2021/10/31 09:20:20 No.2030640

Unlike Sabrina, Holly seems to have asked it with genuine curiosity. Sabrina on the other hand asked about Richard's virginity out of trying to start/continue a conversation.
Furrynomous 2021/10/31 09:30:46 No.2030642

If half of a panel is taken up by text. You need more panels. Marvel and DC are not an example of doing comics properly.
Furrynomous 2021/10/31 09:33:09 No.2030643

Did she purposely get him a drink and ask him that to get a spit take?
Furrynomous 2021/10/31 09:35:52 No.2030645
It's the "getting to know each other" part of the date, but that's a question for the 5th or 6th date.

Edited at 2021/10/31 09:56:45
Furrynomous 2021/10/31 11:06:53 No.2030693
Maybe if they haven't had sex by the 5th date but these two have already had sex with each other. If she already had his penis inside her is asking him what kind of porn he watches really too personal of a question? Seems appropriate to me.
Furrynomous 2021/10/31 23:29:39 No.2031073

It's just something that came out of left field. You'd think they would talk about dorky stuff like the socially awkward nerds they are.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 00:16:04 No.2031086
I agree that she brought it up in a very blunt and awkward way. I think that's supposed to be the joke. I'm just saying it's not inappropriate/too early for one of them to bring up the topic.

As for realism. Yes it might be more realistic for them to spend half and hour talking about some nerdy topic but this is supposed to be a porn comic not high art. They need to get to the sex sooner than later.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy some build-up in my porn comics, but the last comic with these two was mostly build-up with almost no panels of sex between Holly and Doug. I'm going to be disappointed if this comic does the same thing.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 03:24:45 No.2031158
That's actually a good criteria for any potential partner. "Can you openly talk about the porn you watch"
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 05:07:17 No.2031164
The quills thing might also be a big part of why she's single. There probably isn't a lot of guys who'd tolerate the risk of getting stabbed around the clock.

Though I wonder, why not just remove them? Obviously she isn't too thrilled with the added pain in the ass they are herself.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 07:21:38 No.2031180

I think it's just the same reason why skunks like Sabrina never remove that part in them that sprays people. It's just something they're taught at a young age to deal with, even if it's a pain.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 11:06:21 No.2031296
Let's not forget that the whole reason they had sex was because their friend was reading them some porn story she had wrote and was very obviously masturbating over it in the voice call. So like, asking what kind of porn he likes is mild compared to what they've already done.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 14:36:47 No.2031363
Porn and chill should be an offical thing.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 15:24:25 No.2031374

Maybe then we'll finally see what kind of vibrator Holly was using during that video call.
Furrynomous 2021/11/02 02:02:52 No.2031683

Well then as long as she tells him the kind of porn she's into then it won't feel like a one-sided conversation.
Furrynomous 2021/11/02 10:03:28 No.2031858
Good point

She probably would tell him if Doug would just ask her. It's hard not to have a one-sided conversation when only one person is willing to ask the questions.
Furrynomous 2021/11/02 18:03:51 No.2032048

That's been a thing for years. There are couples that actually do it most likely to "spice up" their romance.
Furrynomous 2021/11/03 01:22:42 No.2032192

Thankfully she doesn't need to do that with her pants or shorts.
Furrynomous 2021/11/04 10:39:54 No.2032755

Another couple of good reasons for the purpose of this advert for hedgehogs & porcupines in romance and maternity situations;

Edited at 2021/11/04 10:40:56
Furrynomous 2021/11/05 14:34:59 No.2033318
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Furrynomous 2021/11/05 14:46:43 No.2033322

We saw you naked in the last comic.

A bit to late to have shame.
Furrynomous 2021/11/05 17:17:46 No.2033386
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Furrynomous 2021/11/05 17:17:52 No.2033387
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Furrynomous 2021/11/06 12:52:40 No.2033789
Not sure why people are posting separate art of these two, but I don't care. It's still so cute.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 14:21:14 No.2033837
I'm starting to notice that Doug has a t-shirt for everything.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 14:49:56 No.2033845
Are her boobs bigger in this drawing?
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 18:38:26 No.2033917

It's probably just a different angle that makes them look big.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 23:02:46 No.2034037
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I just want more art of them
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 23:02:50 No.2034038
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Furrynomous 2021/11/07 02:10:14 No.2034119

If she snaps like that at their first date, I can imagine what a lovely and peaceful relationship this is going to be in the future. I feel sorry for the poor dog.
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 03:04:07 No.2034126

Read the next page, mate.

Edited at 2021/11/07 03:04:17
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 05:58:12 No.2034188
They make a pretty cute couple, not going to lie.
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 06:46:39 No.2034196

You missed the point of my comment but ok
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 11:08:12 No.2034269
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Furrynomous 2021/11/07 11:08:17 No.2034270
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Furrynomous 2021/11/07 13:31:44 No.2034310

I wonder if we'll ever see her again in any comic Eric does.

Edited at 2021/11/07 13:31:51
Furrynomous 2021/11/10 09:29:05 No.2035909

Gosh I wish he updated comics like this more often. This is too good to wait around the middle or end of the month. It's like a big tease and I want this conversation to continue.
Furrynomous 2021/11/11 12:33:01 No.2036483
Star Trek comic is still going too, you know. Getting the feeling not many care about though.
Furrynomous 2021/11/18 22:54:41 No.2040957
Why is Eric so opposed to showing us Holly's lady parts? She's a character in a porn comic. Eric created her for people to masturbate to, so why is Eric treating her like a delicate flower that needs to be protected? Does Eric think people are just going to forget all the vaginas he's drawn over the years? You're a porn artist Eric, just except that people will always remember you as a porn artist. There is no point trying to be "tasteful" this late in the game.
Furrynomous 2021/11/19 00:23:57 No.2041031

Does missing a shot of her cooch really change anything? Guy still draws her nude and having sex with Doug to begin with. It's just that some of his stories are lacking enough extreme explicit scenes. At least the ones he's been making these days.
Furrynomous 2021/11/19 02:51:59 No.2041061
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For now it\s just the best nude pic of her. Totally worth it. :}~
Furrynomous 2021/11/19 08:54:45 No.2041147

Holly seems like a Sabrina-2.0 reboot. Just look at all the similarities: techy, awkward, kinda homely, mostly prudish, wardrobe issues, and has a boyfriend that isn't conventionally attractive.

He's not doing the whole "do not draw my character lewd" thing from the 90's anymore but you can tell he still has reservations.

I don't even see the appeal of Holly in the first place.
Furrynomous 2021/11/19 10:11:43 No.2041167
It annoys me. I don't see the point of porn without full frontal nudity. If you are happy with how Eric has been handling Holly then more power to you but I think Eric is just teasing people with Holly without ever showing the goods. It's all buildup without payoff.

She's a porn character in a porn comic. She's not mainstream, she will never be mainstream, there is no reason not to show her cooch. The lack of explicit details in her sex scenes so far is also annoying. Why no visible penetration? Eric used to draw lots of full frontal nudity and pussies getting pounded by dicks so why not with Holly? He didn't have any morals against drawing it then so why now?

I think Holly is cute but I have a thing for nerdy girls anyway. Also, there are not enough porcupine girls in furry porn.
Furrynomous 2021/11/19 11:14:13 No.2041212

>Holly seems like a Sabrina-2.0 reboot. Just look at all the similarities: techy, awkward, kinda homely, mostly prudish, wardrobe issues, and has a boyfriend that isn't conventionally attractive.

>He's not doing the whole "do not draw my character lewd" thing from the 90's anymore but you can tell he still has reservations.

I've been noticing the similarities too, especially didn't help in the recent page where Eric basically repeated the same joke he did with Sabrina and Richard back then except it's about porn instead of virginity, and I think it's mostly because Eric doesn't draw or write a lot of dorky female characters in his work. His most consistent one is currently being used for basically parent hood stories, albeit so small of a difference that he's repeating some old stomping ground ideas while calling it new, and he isn't very much of a skilled writer for a character's personality than the tropes already attached to one. It's at least good that Doug is a lesser version of Richard, though it probably depends on how you see it.

Perhaps his reservations got a little more lenient if he still draws soft sex and nudity with Holly. I'm not a big fan of dorky characters who happen to be girls since the internet has beaten that into disinterest to me after it turned into #relatable qualities, I can still find Holly cute/sweet enough. At least Holly so far doesn't have an uninteresting set of family members and an unfunny "quirky" sex working employer with a troubled past, unless Fuki fills that part in then I say 'oh no' to that.

Edited at 2021/11/19 13:34:05
Furrynomous 2021/11/19 11:25:36 No.2041217

>It's all buildup without payoff.

That's honestly something I can say the same for some of these Patreon adult comics. With Holly it's probably just how he sees her as still delicate, not in personality, but that he can't see her in anything extreme or too explicit besides vanilla sex. Holly's just a diet version of Sabrina that he fused with that one porcupine character from Illumination's Sing and could be a shortcut to basically get close enough drawing a porn character without rubbing up against his own issues with Sabrina. Artists like Eric are just weird with how he takes his porn now in comics and conservative with their characters in what they should be in. This is the same guy who still gets hard if he sees any Amiga computer references or Transformer toy and is making a series that can be basically summed up as "waifu crushes" currently going on right now.

Edited at 2021/11/19 13:34:47
Furrynomous 2021/11/19 12:27:20 No.2041240
I can't talk for him but,as someone who rights little erotic stories here and there,there are some characters that you create that you just don't want to put into anything to that regard you usually make a stand in character to fill in for the more kinky actions or fetishes,as well as commissions by other people. Vanilla sex is fine,but i won't go any higher then that for specific characters.
Furrynomous 2021/11/20 15:15:07 No.2041736

He's already got pornstar characters explicitly created to for lewd comics. Just use those! You don't even need that much of a plot. Stacey and Tracy *exist* to be lesbians and 66% of a threesome.

He got a ton of engagement when he created Helen Dish, just come up with some new pornstar and make that an arc.
Furrynomous 2021/11/20 20:06:46 No.2041829
hmm good point.
Furrynomous 2021/11/20 20:27:06 No.2041840

I feel like he needs to expand outside of his ZZ pornstar characters. Most of them are already used in enough pinup drawings and image sets to the point of it being their only involvement in art, especially when Fur After Dark exists. Helen Dish sounds like a good idea, but I feel like Eric doesn't seem to know what other story to put her in besides that one time with Zig Zag. It's honestly why I question how characters like Richard's hippy parents haven't had a comic for themselves with how they approach their own marriage.
Furrynomous 2021/11/20 20:52:28 No.2041848
Full image where?
Furrynomous 2021/11/20 21:35:06 No.2041864

Edited at 2021/11/20 21:40:53
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 00:30:19 No.2041914
Vaginal view or not, at least Eric shows off her chest. Now if only he didn't make almost all of his real explicit work exclusive to his own pay site.

Edited at 2021/11/21 00:31:07
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 09:36:39 No.2042111
> Helen Dish sounds like a good idea, but I feel like Eric doesn't seem to know what other story to put her in besides that one time with Zig Zag.

I don't know. I feel like anything done with Helen is just gonna end with the same repetitive gag (that seems like another one EWS has ran into the ground) of her son someway somehow "accidentally" walking in on her in something sexual.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 14:03:41 No.2042253

Honestly it's a really old school type of joke that would've been funny back in the 90s or early to mid 2000s, but not now. Unfortunately this seems to be a bit of a trend with Eric falling into repeated jokes, like the recent page of this comic being a bit of a retread from when Sabrina asked Richard a similar question.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 15:18:47 No.2042271
Even "South Park" cut back on the "Cartman's Mom's a slut" jokes.

EWS is really too focused on "one joke" characters. There's a reason the Looney Tunes ended.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 16:14:35 No.2042293
And relating to that matter, he really should start working on writing his characters with more personality than the basis core ones that come with their design or quirks.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 16:17:22 No.2042298
Poor Bobby needs some love.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 17:10:19 No.2042314
And some therapy.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 18:55:49 No.2042345
Give that boy some pussy. Be good opportunity for EWS for a new character, couple, and comic.

Edited at 2021/11/21 18:57:24
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 19:50:40 No.2042353
Let him have Bobby BatGirl.
Two birds with one stone. Both have a sexual encounter not built around rape and/or humiliation.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 22:26:59 No.2042378

He's still in high school if I'm remembering certain events right. Give him a few years and he'll probably be able to move out so he can escape this constant torment of parental slut horrors.
Furrynomous 2021/11/21 22:32:03 No.2042379

Helen is basically a lesbian except maybe not as she's only shown interest in women like Zig Zag, so it's a bit selective there. Just a single divorced mother and a son. I legitimately think the only appeal with her is because she's a milf, so she's not even a character.
Furrynomous 2021/11/22 11:38:02 No.2042606

How is vanilla sex with visible penetration extreme? How is full frontal nudity extreme? Because that is all I've been seeing anyone ask for in this thread. I didn't see people ask for Holly to be gang banged or double penetrated or attacked by a tentacle monster. All I've seen people asking is for Eric to give her visible genitals and include some visible penetration in her next vanilla sex scene, how is that extreme? That's really tame compared to most of what gets posted on this board and it's really tame compared to what Eric has drawn over the years so why are you calling it extreme?
Furrynomous 2021/11/22 11:49:22 No.2042609
I never said any of that was extreme,i even said vanilla sex was fine. i should have specified to make my point clear. sorry.
Furrynomous 2021/11/22 19:49:47 No.2042868
I think everyone wants the sex part to be a little more longer unlike last time.
Furrynomous 2021/11/24 01:35:08 No.2043704
While we can predict what Doug looks at for stimulation, I'm really curious on what Holly's into. Probably something more weird than tentacles and vore.

Edited at 2021/11/24 21:56:04
Furrynomous 2021/11/24 21:52:33 No.2043995
At the pace that this comic moves it will be at least two more pages, maybe three, before we find out. There will be at least a page and half of Doug sputtering and being all embarrassed before Holly tells us anything about herself.
Furrynomous 2021/11/25 16:15:19 No.2044220

Wonder if it would be a twist if Eric actually made it take one page for it instead of three to get this idea through.

Edited at 2021/11/25 21:08:54
Furrynomous 2021/11/25 20:35:56 No.2044293
That would be a pleasant surprise but I wouldn't bet on that happening.
Furrynomous 2021/11/25 22:43:17 No.2044322
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Furrynomous 2021/11/25 22:58:51 No.2044325

From Eric:

>They always tell you to never ask a question where you don't want to know the answer. It remains to be seen whether this is an answer Holly wants to know or not.
Furrynomous 2021/11/25 22:59:23 No.2044326

Best Thanksgiving ever!
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 12:39:01 No.2044525

I am disappointed so far, this story turn could have indulged in any sexual fantasy. Instead, all we are getting so far is a retread of the same tentacle rape fetish in the previous story with these characters.
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 12:56:56 No.2044528
Wait. Tentacles are her fetish? Then why was she disgusted by her friends tentacle porn fanfiction?
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 13:03:24 No.2044530
It's more like she's saying tentacles are a cheap shortcut to whatever you want to do.
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 13:04:49 No.2044532

Probably because Fuki is too into it and her stories get often lost in them. Holly just might be the type of person who isn't fully into it, but can be with the right amount of motivation. I mean if she was so disgusted with it then she wouldn't have to always be Fuki's closest constructive critic when listening to her work in general.
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 13:06:22 No.2044533

Can't blame her. It's pretty basic. It's probably why it's tied to the "I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going" joke.
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 15:08:44 No.2044585
There's also people who are "fetish vampires", who get excited about other people getting turned on by stuff. They experience the fetish vicariously.
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 15:18:27 No.2044589
"Fetish vampire"? that's a new one for me XD
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 20:46:01 No.2044758
That's not new, it's just another name for cuckold/cuckquean.
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 22:22:06 No.2044813
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 23:54:47 No.2044846

The day Eric actually includes that in his stories is the day he'll start actually writing his webcomic characters with actual character development. It's in a long list of things apart from creating a guy on guy bed action scene, start drawing other Sabrina Online cast members in porn comics that aren't Zig Zag focused, learn to use better shading and colors than what is currently being used right now, and maybe stop limiting how many images get posted publically from his Fur After Dark website.
Furrynomous 2021/11/27 07:40:33 No.2044960
Care to elaborate?
Furrynomous 2021/11/27 11:45:34 No.2045065

That only implies if one of them's being screwed by a third party while the other just watches.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 03:59:36 No.2045921
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Furrynomous 2021/11/29 05:27:16 No.2045933
last two themes were like: really? i mean really????
‘ Anonymous 2021/11/29 10:00:44 No.2045967
The last 2 were actually things irl.

The lotion one reminds me of something I saw on the “International Sexy Ladies Show”, but more like soft core with a lady playing in watery mud.

The last one reminded me of this one video about 2 girls playing the Wii and a guy just has sex with them while they’re still playing.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 10:43:28 No.2045982
Probably all ZZ Studios productions.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:20:37 No.2046051

From Eric
>Everyone looks at this stuff and says "Dammit, Japan!" - some because of the strange concepts that get made into adult videos, and the rest because the naughty bits were censored.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:21:55 No.2046052

In Japan, a lot of its pornography just works better in animation.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:22:24 No.2046054

Doug should have told Holly she slightly overestimates her quills. After all, he hadn't even noticed them in himself until they had finished making love. :}
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:23:44 No.2046055

I see that leg cross, Doug. Already hard without even trying.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 16:44:02 No.2046199
"Hentai anime"

Someone out there just started crying in shame from that statement.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 16:45:00 No.2046200
Holly's really restricted in imagination when it comes to these genres of pornography.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 00:09:07 No.2046368

I can't believe the cover of this comic is really unrelated, at least with the background behind Doug and Holly. With how it's framed it felt like it was supposed to be theming something completely different with the idea of two social awkward dorks with different living conditions and lives finding love with each other despite having uncomfortable reservations with their feelings. It's a great cover, but I do feel like some readers who are only into the porn parts of these comics aren't going to like how casual this feels.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 01:50:44 No.2046392
Yeah, the cover is intense. It reminds me of the brutal crowd scene from There She Is step 4. So far their date's nothing like that.

Maybe the cover art doesn't represent society's judgment, but Holly and Doug's own insecurities?

Edited at 2021/11/30 01:51:19
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 02:29:55 No.2046406
>Maybe the cover art doesn't represent society's judgment, but Holly and Doug's own insecurities?

That does sound right. They both respectively feel pressured to meet the expectations coming with dating and impressing each other and worried about what the other might see them truly as and be repulsed by it are showing what those insecurities on full display. The cover just needed to do like what the cover from A Story Before Bed achieved a couple of years ago: a more calm and less visually noisy background that depicted an erotic fantasy image acting as the preview and hook of the 2nd act of the comic, doesn't need to go all out, with Doug and Holly sitting below it in the center of the cover possibly looking away from each other in an unsure manner. Not out of disgust or embarrassment, but more just uncomfortable from the essentially first going out for their first date as if it were a fancy dinner when really it's just a normal diner out as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 16:46:14 No.2046833

Basically tl;dr I Eric should've taken inspiration from the previous cover these two were in and translate it for this one to get a better understanding of the sequel's story.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 23:04:55 No.2046945
That boomer's comics are so fucking boring. Just screw that fat bitch already!
Furrynomous 2021/12/01 01:40:25 No.2046996
OK Incel.
Furrynomous 2021/12/01 05:52:33 No.2047041
I see Eric is still refusing to draw Holly naked below the waist.

It's always hilarious seeing someone calling anyone else that while using a furry porn board. Pot calling the kettle black, etc.
Furrynomous 2021/12/01 11:59:11 No.2047132

>I see Eric is still refusing to draw Holly naked below the waist.

This has been mentioned before and we all know that's just how it roles with characters like Holly. Though to be fair this is just a brief fantasy meant for buildup, so that could change.
Furrynomous 2021/12/01 13:43:12 No.2047154

Still better than Sabrina. the most she got back then were more artistic and lacked the prominent features of nudity.
Furrynomous 2021/12/01 19:39:18 No.2047289
You'd think Holly would know about live action tentacle porn considering Fuki is her friend.
Furrynomous 2021/12/03 01:59:52 No.2047670
Okay. Doug's into tentacles. All right. That's basic. Can we now get into what Holly's into in the next page? I'm on the edge of my seat to read whatever weird kink she's into.

Edited at 2021/12/03 02:17:55
Furrynomous 2021/12/03 12:36:14 No.2047876
I dont see her being too hard core since we never get to see her bottom half I bet EWS will make her kink something vanilla and boring.
Furrynomous 2021/12/03 17:53:32 No.2047961

One can only hope it isn't a disappointment in the end.
Furrynomous 2021/12/03 17:59:32 No.2047965

>You sure you're not looking for an excuse to dump me.


No problem here. Just having a bit of a laugh on that scene being turned around on him for a bit.

Edited at 2021/12/09 03:18:11
Furrynomous 2021/12/05 07:33:59 No.2048496

I legitimately don't care. Soft or hardcore, a kink's a kink.
Furrynomous 2021/12/09 03:14:09 No.2050341
At least Holly isn't the type of girl who would get mad at their lover looking up porn of other people, i.e. females. The fact there are people in real life who actually get upset when their spouse or date looks up porn of people kind of sounds like insecurity and jealousy.

Edited at 2021/12/19 00:52:07
Furrynomous 2021/12/09 03:19:10 No.2050347

Those two definitely love to tease each other.
Furrynomous 2021/12/19 00:47:44 No.2055128
Reading this comic made me realize the type of characters Eric likes to write around, and it's not the fact that he's very female centered in his art. They usually stem of nerdy socially awkward characters that are decently attractive, and will be lucky to be posted in anything vanilla, normal characters that are attractive, actual sex workers that are made to be sexually attractive, and miscellaneous characters that either exist for joke posts (pop culture related) or to be violated in different ways (usually tentacles, quicksand/wetness, gangbanged by large or small critters, etc.)
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 14:50:18 No.2059034
File: HD-FIrstDate-09_u18chan.png - (1.27mb, 1280x1800, HD-FIrstDate-09.png)

Furrynomous 2021/12/28 15:25:38 No.2059042
This Christmas gift came late.

Panel 3 is probably the most heterosexual answer I've ever read from Schwartz himself, finally beating that one page from the Homecoming chapter in Sabrina Online.
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 22:42:05 No.2059214
Eh who can blame her for not fantasising about his fat out-of-shape no job having ass?
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 23:30:30 No.2059232
>Acts slightly annoyed by her boyfriend having perverted fantasies about her

>Admits she does it too almost as much as he does
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 00:09:08 No.2059239
They're both so mediocre that they complement each other XD
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 00:50:40 No.2059250
"I fantasize about you except hot."
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 06:56:27 No.2059379

From Eric:
>Relationships are a baffling ordeal... you know, in a good way.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 07:01:19 No.2059380
Jeeze Holly. "Lets talk about porn and sexual fetishes and I'll talk about sex with my roommate but picturing it is over the line". I call entrapment!
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 07:02:09 No.2059382
It's like saying "Don't think of an elephant"; the very first thing to enter your mind is obviously going to be an elephant! Why even be upset about it to begin with?
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 07:24:30 No.2059383

I honestly think she's just baiting him with these questions at this point. And if she's trying to judge him over these fantasies he's having, well the last panel shows us that she's no better. I bet when Doug finally decides to ask her what she's into she'll fall over herself explaining her fetishes too. Eric does love the "not so different or better" angle he writes these two in.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 08:34:26 No.2059412
Wow! It's almost like talking about each other's fetishes/kinks winds up revealing the personal feelings that the two keep wrapped up around one another. Like Holly shouldn't be surprised/bothered by this especially since she brought up a scenario of her and Fuki having sex with each other to Doug. Is this how relationships would be like realistically, as much as Eric can write them, or is this just Holly being needlessly judgmental?

Edited at 2021/12/29 08:40:10
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 09:53:35 No.2059443
Almost like Holly is a 19 year old girl in her first relationship as a species that people are reluctant to get close to in the first place, so she's a bit "prickly" and naive when it comes to sex and being open with your partner.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 10:07:42 No.2059446

Then at that point, don't jump into discussing a topic too extreme for a first timer.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 13:51:12 No.2059579

And Doug's a 36 year old who has never dated until now due to living the life of an unemployed adult man living in his parents' basement, so look how he feels having to practically tip toe around the subject of having fantasies and talking about porn.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 17:12:41 No.2059681

She's made it clear she isn't bothered by his lack of employment and weight.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 17:20:05 No.2059686
Let's be real; they're both utterly insufferable and nobody would want to be around either of them
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 17:28:33 No.2059690
Eh. She's okay, but a bit bitchy. He however is a total loser. And that's coming from another total loser.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 17:35:40 No.2059695

One's bitchy and the other's a loser, yet they both fit together in the lack of social structure they're written in. Sounds like a match. Honestly, they wouldn't need to talk about this if it weren't a porn comic that needed some form of stimulation for the audience to even come back to. It basically feels like a webcomic, but with a limited about of pages and a chance will never see these two again.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 17:36:25 No.2059696

And she's dating and fucking one. Probably what a lot of actual losers wish they could do.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 20:52:23 No.2059780
Okay. Can she now admit what she gets off to fully? If Doug's has to be subjected to being judged for it then so should she.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 21:10:28 No.2059784
Say what you will, I'd prefer reading in on these two "losers" then EWS's two mary-sue skunk waifus.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 21:53:27 No.2059795
Are you talking about Sabrina and Zig Zag or Stacey and Tracey?
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 22:04:04 No.2059797

At least Zig Zag is attractive and employed as a character... the porcupine is okay but the fact she is willing to debase herself at 19 and date a fat unemployed loser means there's a lot wrong with her. At least her fantasy stuff seems to suggest she wants Doug to not be a fat sloven gross hippo and would prefer if he was buff.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 22:36:39 No.2059809

You do realize she called him big and strong before in the previous story, right? That's just how feelings for someone work when you can look over their inequalities. Fantasies are often going to be exaggerated no matter the person you're with. It's not like she resents him for his low points. Several pages ago showed she didn't even find him living with his parents and not being successful in the career aspects of his own liking a turn off to her.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 06:00:19 No.2059912
I'm not a radical lefty by any stretch of the imagination, but why do you reduce people down to their jobs or functionality as workers? Perhaps it is possible to like someone enough that you don't have to consider their prospects before hanging out with them or loving them?

Don't forget, she is literally covered in needle sharp spines that are barbed. Her dating options require some returned tolerance.

Edited at 2021/12/30 06:01:10
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 08:38:50 No.2060023

It's either insecurity, materialistic qualities or the realistic world of expectations. Some people just can't seem to fathom or accept that people like Doug and Holly don't operate on everyone's standards.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 08:55:42 No.2060040
They are both literally the bottom of the barrel.let them be pathetic together.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 08:57:29 No.2060042
So much back and forth over cartoon character relationships.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 09:01:53 No.2060045
You make it sound like people obsessing over fictional characters is new,have you seen this site? XD
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 11:15:38 No.2060173

This site is like a magnet for people with mental health issues.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 13:01:25 No.2060267
Come on, it's almost 2022 here. At this point everyone has a mental health issue. In fact, not having a mental health issue is probably a mental health issue.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 16:16:09 No.2060337
if you think about it, you are right at some levels. this is like an underworld for the rest of the world.
but nevertheless i'm here to have fun where i can find it, like these comics, and you can tell there are darkest shit out there (comics trying so hard to take things way seriously)
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 16:40:58 No.2060345
I just want to see how exaggerated these fantasies become. Maybe the two will get completely lost in them and become too horny to contain themselves.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 18:07:37 No.2060609
It better become just them imagining each other in their respective fantasies doing each other. Maybe even touching themselves without noticing it.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 23:03:38 No.2060778
I get how Doug is the bottom of the barrel, but Holly?
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 23:11:13 No.2060786

Yeah. Her only downsides is that she's never dated due to the whole porcupine thing and is almost as socially inept as Doug. She also minor negativity about her body, but that's about it. Her standards aren't so high and she clearly appreciates Doug, so it's not hard to see why she isn't put off from his lifestyle and living situation. Maybe if she someday gets invited to his house.
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 10:25:17 No.2061035
These two were more better when they were getting hot and bothered by Fuki's tentacle fantasy story than just talking excessively about fetishes alone. Like there's not enough fantasy here to build up some sweet anticipation.

Edited at 2021/12/31 10:51:17
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 10:26:50 No.2061037

Eric clearly hasn't dated anyone in years if these are what pass off as jokes.
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 10:45:27 No.2061047
So when do they fuck on this date? Or is it going to be wall to wall text bullshit boring text about two losers who dont know how to date or be in a relationship
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 10:50:43 No.2061049
It'll probably just end up being 2-3 pages of the sex parts before it ends and Eric moves on to something else.
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 11:02:01 No.2061053
What's worse than a porn comic having a bad story, but good sex? A porn comic that has a boring story and no signs of sex.
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 13:19:45 No.2061101
So basically a normal date then. Two people pretending to give a fuck about the minutia of their boring ass life and then reluctantly agreeing to awkwardly fucking on the couch.
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 15:44:55 No.2061135
Sounds like just filling in that dating quota then. They had dinner, now they talk about something off the top of their heads and later they might bang unsatisfyingly.
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 19:27:45 No.2061192
This isn't going to happen, but it would be a pretty fun idea for Holly to be into some extreme kink/fetish that contrasted with her normal sassy, awkward self.
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 03:20:02 No.2061312
Is she really gonna browbeat him for having sexual fantasies after springing the discussion to porn
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 05:53:15 No.2061332
I'm taking it as her probably not expecting him to be fantasizing about her in them. Just that they would be talking about each others' fetishes. It probably can be chalked up to ill-preparation and nativity.
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 11:19:23 No.2061398
The worse part about this comic is knowing the sex scene, if one ever comes will be just as anti-climactic and boring as the rest of the comic is.
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 15:47:34 No.2061451

Most of Schwartz's stuff is boring and bland, when its good is when the scenario and emphasis is purely on sexuality. He fucks up putting melodrama into his comics. As I can cite many times, Sabrina Online was only good when ZigZag showed up and quickly went flat as a pancake when she left.

Edited at 2022/01/01 15:48:13
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 16:15:22 No.2061459

The two things Eric is ever good at is porn and comedy, but whenever there's story he has no idea how to balance any of them at all. A Story Before Bed had a much better rising of tension to get to the sex scene, but it was far too short leaving an unfulfilling payoff. Holly and Doug work better in that situation from a third party like Fuki than alone with each other and because of this have very little reason to talk about porn in general. The fact this discussion even happened just feels like Eric needed an excuse for us to see any hints of sexual tension as a justification for it to be an adult comic. He could've just had the two having passionate sex after warming each other up for a bit than this discussion, but that's apparently not good enough if he's not writing characters that exist solely for pornographic content.
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 16:56:14 No.2061472

Didn't he try that melodrama crap with Zig Zag whenever we had to see her time with her anger management therapist and whenever the comic tried to speak about how she was a person who shouldn't just be defined by her profession alone? Even she wasn't safe from Eric's bad attempts at adding any sense of story or depth when he needed to.
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 19:16:10 No.2061503

I'm still blown away by this third panel. Who speaks like this? I know there are people who limit their gender preferences even in porn, but here it just feels awkwardly written.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 10:28:14 No.2061867
i've heard way "worse" talk about sex and porn at college/early 20-somethings parties.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 12:17:38 No.2061893
>people who limit their gender preferences even in porn

You're talking about it as if having a preference for straight is a choice.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 12:41:28 No.2061908

But in porn? That's just limiting.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 13:12:16 No.2061918
Again, do you think it's a choice?
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 18:54:09 No.2062050

I think it's a crutch.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 19:44:42 No.2062067
I think we all understand the person you're talking to doesn't have respect for other people's sexuality.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 20:15:54 No.2062079
I honestly can just go with any gender in porn. Is all good.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 23:20:22 No.2062198
You guys are forgetting something important. Eric actually acknowledges that guy-on-guy does exist in his world. I don't even think he's ever drawn that at all. It's usually lesbians and straight porn from him almost like he has no interest in the male variety. Is this a thing with old furs like him?
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 23:56:40 No.2062206
I think some of you forgot that people draw what they like.the guy likes straight and lesbian things,so that's what he puts in his can't expect him to put in things he has no interest in...well not unless he's getting heavily paid to do so.
Furrynomous 2022/01/03 11:25:41 No.2062427
It's usually lesbians and straight porn from him almost like he has no interest in the male variety. Is this a thing with old furs like him?

Or is it perhaps a noticeable tendency amongst men in general? Something that might even have a minor statistical value? :D
Furrynomous 2022/01/29 23:07:07 No.2074270
File: HD-FirstDate-10_u18chan.png - (1.41mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-10.png)

Furrynomous 2022/01/30 02:48:56 No.2074311
Finally. It took too long for him to return the question to her. And the fact that supposedly none of the messed up things she's had to listen to Fuki read gave her a kink for them is surprising (at least until the next page when we'll find out what exactly she's into). Hope this will be juicy since Doug's fantasies were too tamed.
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 04:10:52 No.2074333
I bet on movie/books/comics fantasies with Holly as the co-fuck-star of the main hero. Batman, 007, Captain Kirk, whole Avengers team together... those sort of things.
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 06:36:27 No.2074355

What does she mean by "technically fair"? She's the one who brought up the whole conversation as a way to know more about each other (and so that Eric has an excuse to have any form of adult content in this comic since these two aren't having sex anytime soon).
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 08:48:37 No.2074385

I don't think she means anything by it, as such; she's just stalling.
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 13:17:12 No.2074448
From Eric:
>Not flipping the script, but maybe turning the page.
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 17:57:30 No.2074554
Anyone willing to make some predictions? Holly is Sabrina 2.0 so it probably won't be anything extreme and he barely draws her in provocative poses as-is.

So I'm guessing either a) cum fetish or b) big insertions.

Also, this comic has been really f-ing tame so far.
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 20:46:47 No.2074662

Ooh. I can hardly wait to see Holly's fantasies. From the look on her face they must be humdingers or so vanilla that vanilla seems like hot peppers.
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 21:36:58 No.2074673
>Holly is Sabrina 2.0 so it probably won't be anything extreme
Did Sabrina even have any fetishes? That girl was the type of person who was repulsed at even seeing other people in the nude before she grew to tolerate it.

>Anyone willing to make some predictions?
It's going to be vanilla. Maybe being something related to bbm considering how she fantasizes and compliments Doug as.
Furrynomous 2022/01/31 00:42:51 No.2074736
Ten pages and they're still just casually talking. This isn't new to porn stories, but man this is one of those dull ones. I honestly expected Doug to have more fetishes than tentacles and Holly being the only things mentioned.
Furrynomous 2022/01/31 20:42:02 No.2075091
>Anyone willing to make some predictions?

Well, depends on what fetish EWS hasn't created a character for, but has done in the past that's associated with furries. We got Fuki for tentacles/inflation, Cathy for cuckold/voyeurism, Jane for.....IDK, rape/vore, maybe? Roberta for asphyxiation, Helen for MILFs, Sheila for hardcore/softcore, and the rest, mainly ZZ, is kinda a mixed with S&M, orgies, and lesbians.
Holly? Well, with her being Sabrina 2.0, I wanna say nothing TOO depraved. But judging from the cover, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Maybe roleplay?

Edited at 2022/01/31 20:56:14
Furrynomous 2022/02/01 00:40:45 No.2075146
The cover is pretty misleading, so I wouldn't count on it being a good indicator for anything. It's nothing like "A Story Before Bed".
Furrynomous 2022/02/01 00:59:47 No.2075154
Okay. It's probably just me, but does anyone notice something inconsistent?
It's most likely just minor, but it's odd how Holly who has been subjected to listening to many of Fuki's extreme self-insert porn fictions somehow isn't desensitized enough or knowledgeable of other variations of tentacle porn/inflation related fetishes for however long this activity has been going on between the two.
Furrynomous 2022/02/01 11:11:39 No.2075311
#2075154-She was probably only half listening to her weird me,if your not all that interested in something you've listened to over a hundred times,you tend to tune it she seems pretty vanilla so she probably wouldn't be looking for anything else that much anyway when it comes to kinks.

Edited at 2022/02/01 11:14:22
Furrynomous 2022/02/01 11:19:52 No.2075320

Wait. Really? Wow. So outside of having to tolerate hearing those smut stories, she's almost new to having to really talk about them with someone if the topic lands there. Guess she just needed someone she could spend time with instead someone she had to snark her way through just to bare it all.
Furrynomous 2022/02/01 11:53:59 No.2075325
#2075320-Pretty much.
Furrynomous 2022/02/16 14:47:51 No.2082285
After reading Story Before Bed again, I can see why this story might not be hitting a lot of you with the same feelings that the previous one before. Without a third wheel or event happening to entice and workup these two, they're just younger versions of Sabrina and Richard. Probably why Eric decided to use fantasy element with the two to justify this is a porn comic with explicit scenes.
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 00:06:51 No.2086393
File: HD-FirstDate-11_u18chan.png - (1.13mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-11.png)

Knowing the difference Name Hidden 2022/02/25 01:19:32 No.2086408
There's a difference between enjoying it and wanting it to happen
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 01:21:03 No.2086410
She probably just wants to feel a little dominated.that's still pretty hot when it comes to kinks.
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 01:42:49 No.2086415
Nice to see her kink is basically in canon with her clear love for Doug's body. Yeah he's not buff, but he is big and that's what gets her off.
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 10:17:46 No.2086581
So, shes a masochist?

Edited at 2022/02/25 10:18:20
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 10:47:09 No.2086601
She's an EWS female.
Of course she’s into forced/non-concentual and gang banging
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 12:13:45 No.2086640
Speaking of Eric, here's another commentary from him:
>In the wake of horrifying turmoil, suffering, and international upheaval, please enjoy these two awkward nerds talking about sexual fantasies. *cough*
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 14:47:52 No.2086700

She probably read up on one of Jane Cottontails experiences too XD
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 14:48:45 No.2086701

Of course, like all fantasy this one requires a bit of suspension of disbelief - or the assumption she is being ravaged by a bunch of armadillos, pangolins, and turtles.
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 14:49:28 No.2086702
...yeah he is into it too. I know that crossed leg trick all too well
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 14:53:08 No.2086704
I think her fantasy is actually about being desired. To have a bunch of guys ravish her is the physical manifestation of being accepted as sexy and desired.
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 14:54:54 No.2086706
I don't think that's it. In the last story with these two, Holly was very insecure about her appearance, seeing herself as unattractive, and, being a porcupine, almost literally untouchable. Imagining a situation where multiple partners ravish her shows a need to be wanted, to be desired, to feel attractive and sexy. Simply put, it's less likely about being dominated, it's about feeling loved.

Edited at 2022/02/25 14:55:25
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 20:13:31 No.2086829

I fail to see how being overpowered and gangbanged isn't "strange or fetishy or whatever". Either way it makes what she said in the last panel of this page a little ironic now.
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 21:43:18 No.2086874
Snark and smartass thinking just hides the hidden libidos in a person.
Furrynomous 2022/02/26 01:30:36 No.2087006
I'm hoping this goes in a good direction about how what you might fantasize and what you like IRL can be completely different.
Furrynomous 2022/02/26 03:44:12 No.2087049
I mean, I'm not sure where else that can be taken. That is the basic idea of what a kinky fantasy is: To fantasize yourself in an unrealistic position.
Furrynomous 2022/02/26 18:34:20 No.2087268
Now that we have both of their fetishes revealed, when's the anticipation before othe sex happens? It's all been a casual candid conversation between the two so far.
Furrynomous 2022/02/27 00:04:01 No.2087469

Those imaginary group of men must be experts if they all can figure out how to take her from behind without touching her quills, or maybe they just found a way to soften them.
Furrynomous 2022/02/27 08:44:34 No.2087587
The last comic posed the question how porcupines can be intimate with the obstacle of the quills getting in the way. In reality, porcupine males urinate on the female to soften them. So... how long until the both of them learn how to appreciate water sports?
Furrynomous 2022/02/28 19:32:34 No.2088211
Heh, turtles. Wait, do scalies exist in EWS universes?
Furrynomous 2022/02/28 22:52:09 No.2088280

I'm not even sure Eric will ever draw that.
Furrynomous 2022/03/01 12:15:16 No.2088599
It's kind of cute that Holly's more nervous about sharing her fetish than Doug. Almost like she feels a little more shame in imagining herself in that position.
Furrynomous 2022/03/01 12:32:23 No.2088614
macroShow Less
File: corksjpg_u18chan.jpg - (15.27kb, 425x274, corksjpg.jpg)
They drink wine.
Furrynomous 2022/03/01 14:51:51 No.2088651
Isnt that just a girl thing when communicating with a guy? Theyll discuss all manner of risque detail with another girl but not a peep with a guy
Furrynomous 2022/03/01 16:21:37 No.2088685
Guess that means only Fuki knows about Holly's kink if that logic applies.
Furrynomous 2022/03/01 18:42:45 No.2088725

Oh. I get it now.

Nah. That would take too long.

Edited at 2022/03/01 19:21:52
Furrynomous 2022/03/03 07:21:30 No.2089431
I feel like this is the part where the two egg each other on until they're jumpcutted to bed sweating and moaning.
Furrynomous 2022/03/03 08:17:46 No.2089450

A LOT of Wine.

But seriously, Porcupines with human level intelligence would be able to deal with this issue fairly easily by just clipping the tips of the quills so they aren't sharp. Then use a shampoo that contains chemicals that soften keratin, which would make the quills flexible.

I'm sure something like that is normal for Stab-Rabbits in established relationships, but Holly isn't in to that routine yet. Which she really should get in to quickly, as she has injured her boyfirend with them already.
Furrynomous 2022/03/04 03:23:57 No.2089768
Won't surprise me if it happens again.
Furrynomous 2022/03/06 20:46:33 No.2090944
I wonder if the title for this comic is a bit misleading. Their first official date was a shortlived dinner date in some diner for three-in-a-half pages and the rest it's just them hanging out in Holly's house. I'm honestly not sure if people would still call it a date if both partners are just in one of their respective homes now.
Furrynomous 2022/03/06 21:30:34 No.2090951

I mean I'd consider hanging out with someone a date, no matter the place, and the diner just part of it.
Furrynomous 2022/03/07 04:22:35 No.2091067
As long as a movie is involved then I guess it's still a date.
Furrynomous 2022/03/10 05:02:31 No.2092480
Maybe that one guy was right. It's strange that we haven't seen a vaginal shot on Holly that wasn't practically covered by something in the way.
Furrynomous 2022/03/12 00:31:37 No.2093205
File: HD-FirstDate-12_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-12.png)

Furrynomous 2022/03/12 01:44:58 No.2093231
Hey I think I just found one difference between Sabrina & Richard and Holly & Doug. It's the rampant self-image issues that gets brought up from time to time.

Edited at 2022/03/12 01:45:16
Furrynomous 2022/03/12 01:49:10 No.2093232
Heh. She was being too subtle for him <3
Furrynomous 2022/03/12 13:55:25 No.2093483
Only from time to time? Try every other sentence. These two are miserable.
Furrynomous 2022/03/12 21:38:28 No.2093621
From Eric:
>Not always the shiniest card in the shed.
Furrynomous 2022/03/12 22:09:31 No.2093631
Dumbass. That was a perfect descriptive. I'd say it was a perfect descriptive of Doug but, it fits about 75 - 90% of guys.
Furrynomous 2022/03/12 22:15:27 No.2093640
Meh. Worse case scenario would be if the two develop a co-dependent relationship with how regular this behavior is. Seriously makes me wonder if Holly has any other friends besides Fuki and if Doug has any at all considering his lack of a life.

Edited at 2022/03/12 22:16:27
Furrynomous 2022/03/12 22:49:09 No.2093648
Looks like the next few pages are going to finally jump into the sex scenes after so long and six months of appetizing.
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 00:06:55 No.2093657

What are people expecting out of this comic? Erotica? Smut?

I was never intrigued by these characters to begin with so I just want it to be over with. Hopefully he goes back to drawing comics that don't have such a damn slow build up.
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 00:16:00 No.2093661
>What are people expecting out of this comic? Erotica? Smut?
Casual sex. Like just enough to validate the anticipation.
>I was never intrigued by these characters to begin with so I just want it to be over with. Hopefully he goes back to drawing comics that don't have such a damn slow build up.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. It's been getting hard to tell if Eric ever wants to get to the point of these comics anymore. There's a 51% chance it's going to be more talking and build up and a 49% chance it will lead to a short sex, smut or erotic scene.
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 00:22:08 No.2093664
With the way Holly talks, she acts like she's been rejected by many potential lovers, or just internalized any and every flaw with herself due to being born a porcupine, before hooking up with Doug. While I doubt Eric is reaching anything deeper or developed in his story or character writing, it's pretty clear on what he's going with her. Honestly kind of wish Eric would make detailed bio pages for his characters again if he's not going to go any deeper with them in his stories.

Edited at 2022/03/13 00:23:20
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 13:19:35 No.2093896
Wanted to say i love this story, normaly im on the gay porn side, but this has a very good story with relatible charictors. Keep it up
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 14:37:18 No.2093918
She made a somewhat nice transition to want sex from him. Too bad she was too subtle for him to catch it.
Furrynomous 2022/03/14 07:31:48 No.2094281
If you want that you can go scour the thousands of pics Eric has made just for your needs because none of these comics here will satisfy people enough if it's not all smut and sex and more simple story and character interactions.
Furrynomous 2022/03/14 18:41:12 No.2094502


Do you have any idea how little this man actually produces nowadays? When is the last time he posted even a sketch or a doodle that he wasn't obligated to produce?

>because none of these comics here will satisfy people enough if it's not all smut and sex and more simple story and character interactions.

To be fair, this is meant to be a Fur After Dark comic and he's monetized it on his adult patreon. Expecting smut and sex is perfectly reasonable. FAD comics used to be more cohesive, featured attractive characters, had a variety of interesting poses and didn't take a year to produce. They also got right to the point.
Furrynomous 2022/03/14 19:29:35 No.2094518
I know, it's almost like this is a website where people pirate porn!
Furrynomous 2022/03/14 19:55:27 No.2094526
Think he might just be slow these days. What should be up for questioning is why has this guy not used more of his obscure characters for these comics instead of either using sex worker characters and creating new ones.
YiffMeister 2022/03/14 20:10:12 No.2094539
It's not *pirating*, it's a special content sharing operation.
Furrynomous 2022/03/14 20:33:36 No.2094546
Just like how Kemono Party is an archive site for paid content.
Furrynomous 2022/03/15 19:05:04 No.2094867
Well let's see if the two improved their sex game since last time.
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 04:00:56 No.2095043
cringe + funny + wholsome + kinky + nobody asked
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 05:36:30 No.2095067
8/10 so far
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 17:09:33 No.2095267
Yeah I don't really see anything "cringeworthy".
thestockportchubby 2022/04/05 20:48:01 No.2105327
File: HD-FirstDate-13_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-13.png)
Hot off the presses a new page :)
Furrynomous 2022/04/05 21:05:49 No.2105335
Aw. Starting off slow with some foreplay.
Furrynomous 2022/04/05 22:43:10 No.2105361
Ha, like Flint and Sam from Cloudy w/chance of Meatballs.

Edited at 2022/04/05 22:43:38
Furrynomous 2022/04/07 10:33:09 No.2106017
I don't see either one puffing their cheeks like balloons before kissing.
Furrynomous 2022/04/07 23:39:36 No.2106332
Nah, he just shoved his tongue into her mouth and caught her completely off-guard.
Furrynomous 2022/04/08 13:30:15 No.2106512
That just means he can go to town on her on the couch this time instead of her bed. Hopefully this time he'll avoid the quills completely.
thestockportchubby 2022/04/08 17:10:08 No.2106563
thestockportchubby 2022/04/08 17:10:46 No.2106564

I've had a crush ever since she was butt naked for Doug in A story before bed, she may look nerdy but she's kinda hot when she's hot and bothered, I'm jealous of Doug he get's to touch her lushious melons :(
Furrynomous 2022/04/08 20:57:15 No.2106630
>Pfh. Grow up.
Sorry, Holly. It's a guy (and other times girl) thing.
Furrynomous 2022/04/08 21:12:18 No.2106640
I hope this doesn't end in three pages.
Furrynomous 2022/04/08 23:18:36 No.2106672
Come on. Just rip off the clothes!
Furrynomous 2022/04/09 18:30:18 No.2106981
Just realized now that she wasn't wearing a bra the entire time. Wonder if that says anything about her, you know besides them probably being uncomfortable for her.
Furrynomous 2022/04/09 23:11:12 No.2107114
While Eric wants to move on to new material that isn't just sequels again and again, I really hope Holly and Doug's stories will be exempt from this decision. They're just too cute to let go, even if they sometimes feel like a copy of Sabrina and Richard minus but without the PG-13 setting.
thestockportchubby 2022/04/10 16:51:03 No.2107531

I've had a crush ever since she was butt naked for Doug in A story before bed, she may look nerdy but she's kinda hot when she's hot and bothered, I'm jealous of Doug he get's to touch her lushious melons :( >>2106981
Furrynomous 2022/04/10 20:00:52 No.2107611
Well Holly is more cuter than Sabrina, who honestly is so average that only basic simps would find her remotely datable (something I keep running into seeing anyway).
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 07:59:52 No.2109496
This is good, but I wonder if a more stimulating story with these two would be been them watching some bad cheesy porn flick together. The two are snarky enough to both riff it while growing aroused by it, unless that just sounds like a repeat of the first story with them.
thestockportchubby86 2022/04/15 19:45:28 No.2110298
Holly is one hot porcupine and Doug is lucky to have her :(
Furrynomous 2022/04/16 03:13:23 No.2110409
From Eric:
>Getting closer... closer... Oops, too close.
thestockportchubby86 2022/04/16 18:17:00 No.2110627

I agree Holly is so much sexier than Sabrina I very much doubt they'd see the sex life of Sabrina obvious it's a PG-13 rated comic
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 12:16:49 No.2113624
I know I'm alone in this, but I personally believe Doug is cuter than Richard. He just seems a little more genuine and less annoying than the Windows computer Otaku guy that Eric most likely based on himself.

Edited at 2022/04/24 14:43:15
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 14:05:06 No.2114097

Plus, he has the chance for character development. Holly just may be the catalyst needed to get him out of the basement and out into the real world. Baby-steps, though.
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 14:49:51 No.2114105
Hopefully though I'm keeping my expectations lowered for now since Eric so far writes Holly perception of Doug's current living space and lack of successful career as not a real deterrent.
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 16:24:46 No.2114147
Richard is a functional adult who handles his shit. That's a very good thing in real life, but it's boring in stories. A compelling story needs to put the characters in over their heads.
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 17:39:38 No.2114157
RC was your typical sitcom love interest. Non-threatening, good looking, nerdy, that the audience could see themselves as.

The problem was EWS made the relationship between him and Sabrina completely toothless. There was no tension of "will they stay together?" Or "maybe Sabrina will experiment with Zig Zag?".

Hence, his purpose in the strip was a lame excuse to say Sabrina wasn't a loser.
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 19:46:54 No.2114184
On one hand I'm fine with this. "If they, won't they" relationships are dreadfully annoying and clearly exist to trick people into engaging with a story for as long as a writer wants it to go, usually to the end of the series because getting together is apparently an end goal, so it's nice to see Sabrina and Richard already love each other and have non-existent doubt about it. On the other hand, there's not much else to go with the two from there. They get to know each other better (visit each other's places, get to know each other's favorite toys and other nerdy memorabilia, etcetera) and stay like this until they finally just marry around the end of the series, not even later getting a baby changes too much of their routine or personalities. The only "tension" in their relationship was Endora, but she's so ineffective and a non-issue that she gets brushed aside far too easily, not even sure why Eric bothered to begin with that direction. Sabrina and Richard are dull straight people, so Zig Zag's come-ons was never going to land her in bed with Sabrina, with a straightforward mindset.

Holly and Doug on the other hand are basically younger, give or take Doug's age to some, and less experienced in relationships. They have self-doubt and self-image issues that they're struggling to get through and are stumbling a bit with their emotions and socializing skills. Yeah it's overplayed sometimes and unrealistic to a majority, but at least they aren't boring.
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 09:08:39 No.2114338
I wonder if these two would ever be up to more "experimental" lovemaking sessions. Probably even bring Fuki into this.
Furrynomous 2022/04/29 02:43:05 No.2116602
That could probably work. These guys are young and they only came out loving each other during a tentacle porn story by her.
thestockportchubby86 2022/05/07 21:47:57 No.2121383
File: HD-FirstDate-14_u18chan.png - (1.28mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-14.png)
New page fuckers it's getting spicy
Furrynomous 2022/05/07 23:27:35 No.2121415
From Eric:
>Getting closer.
Furrynomous 2022/05/07 23:29:16 No.2121417
"Practice on" what? A doll? A stuffed bear? Now I'm curious.
Furrynomous 2022/05/07 23:53:04 No.2121421
A stuffed bear/toy that is larger than her since she likes big men and all.
the tauren 2022/05/07 23:54:02 No.2121422
what sound does it make?
Furrynomous 2022/05/08 06:32:11 No.2121561
you guys are still fucking retarded
Furrynomous 2022/05/08 08:42:37 No.2121579
On second thought, maybe she was doing kissing practice on a pillow.
Furrynomous 2022/05/08 12:40:40 No.2121645
Looks like she's not a deep throater. Maybe with time she'll be able to handle his big tongue.
thestockportchubby86 2022/05/08 15:44:58 No.2121684
Oi that's enough out of you fucking pussy
thestockportchubby86 2022/05/08 17:01:25 No.2121713
sorry I meant it towards >>2121561
Furrynomous 2022/05/08 17:30:00 No.2121726
I understand. That guy was being a prick.
Furrynomous 2022/05/09 06:01:52 No.2121933
This sex scene is going decrepitly more slower than I expected. I guess these two are trying to do the slow approach instead of last time when they wanted to just get it over with and out of their systems, but this crawl of anticipation is getting aggravating annoying.
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 07:59:12 No.2124854

hahaha, you guys still suck like fuck and that ban shit doesn't work here. pull that stick out of your asses, fuckers
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 09:56:14 No.2124881

Remember the old days when Eric would get straight to the fucking point and the majority of panels included attractive characters fucking in interesting poses? Nowadays it's 7-8 pages of build-up and 4 pages including a few panels of tame sex which is slowly produced over the course of a year.
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 12:45:31 No.2125003
this is just a pretty good representation of the avery furry fan today. overwheight, no self-esteem and no balls. but hey, enjoy your shitty lives
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 13:06:30 No.2125006

You are a special kind of desperate to want attention from anon's on a furry porn site. Especially with how long you been doing this on here XD
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 14:18:15 No.2125033
I think even Eric's Patrons are bored with how long its taking with how little comments it's getting. That Star Trek comic he's doing simultaneously has more going on than this.
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 18:52:31 No.2125198
I would not be surprised that people want to leave his Patron area to look for newer talent, Eric is hitting his limit.
Furrynomous 2022/05/28 00:16:19 No.2130321

I'm more surprised there hasn't been a single comment about the fact that he hasn't offered any reward drawings or sketch requests for almost two years now. How has no one bitched about being shafted?
Furrynomous 2022/05/28 00:48:28 No.2130330
He hasn't done one since January of last year. I excused it since he was doing that "50 Cartoon Crushes" thing where he drew several female cartoon characters he had a crush on growing up that often had one special exclusive Patreon drawing for each month of 2021. He's probably got a backlog of those rewards that he'll someday finish, maybe when he finishes this and that Star Trek comic first before coming back to those.
Furrynomous 2022/05/28 12:00:13 No.2130627
Knowing the nature of Eric's writing, there's probably a tragic or traumatic story behind Holly's character that will trick people into valuing their parents even though some of them happen to be crazy conservatives or worse.
Furrynomous 2022/05/28 14:48:59 No.2130677
He's just late on rewards. This happens often with the guy. You'd think he'd just get more help with producing his projects then maybe he'd get farther with these comics and artwork.
Furrynomous 2022/05/28 16:53:15 No.2130734

I don't think that is the situation. The number of reward arts posted around December 2020 lines up with the number of highest tier patrons he has. The sidebar says that only the $20 patrons get custom art. To me that implies he has no backlog.

Unless he has started contacting each patron directly and stopped sharing the results. Seems unlikely, but I suppose it is possible.

Keep in mind that he also switched to mailing people paper drawings instead of offering sketches. Even that has dried up, so I gotta wonder how much longer the people forking over all this money are going to tolerate getting nothing for it. There isn't even a theme going on anymore.
Furrynomous 2022/05/28 19:22:44 No.2130788
I still run into Patreon creators mailing rewards physically. Hard to say if he lost a large amount of backers to begin with.
Furrynomous 2022/05/29 13:21:34 No.2131071
Maybe if he created a bio for her it wouldn't be so needlessly ambiguous.
Furrynomous 2022/05/29 14:36:53 No.2131096

To clarify, he's not taking requests, drawing them, and sending them in the mail. He's giving out the paper originals of art people have already seen.
Furrynomous 2022/05/29 15:01:40 No.2131099
Lame. Paper originals of comics and drawings is like giving out source files as a reward: pointless.
Furrynomous 2022/05/29 17:28:17 No.2131127
The originals should belong to the people who funded the work in the first place. That's what they're really paying for.
Furrynomous 2022/05/29 18:22:45 No.2131130
This comic is so boring that we're now just talking about how a guy runs his pay subscription account.
Furrynomous 2022/05/30 11:55:12 No.2131598
I'm liking it. All these arguments and flame wars about how EWS's characters having no depth or development for the last decade. And now we're getting some with doug and holly more then we got anyone else in ZZ's studio.

Besides, I usually go for "story with porn" more then a "porn with story."

Edited at 2022/05/30 12:00:33
Furrynomous 2022/05/30 12:43:04 No.2131659
Well I can't deny that part. These guys have more development compared to all of ZZ Studios and the Sabrina Online cast combined.
Furrynomous 2022/05/31 00:05:52 No.2131975
File: HD-FirstDate-15_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-15.png)
From Eric:
>They're definitely taking it slower that their first time, though maybe one would like to go a different speed than the other.
Furrynomous 2022/05/31 12:34:24 No.2132300
Better hope Holly remembered to also take her birth control pills as well.
Furrynomous 2022/05/31 19:36:35 No.2132438
They'll be fine. I doubt babies are going to be a thing anytime soon.
thestockportchubby86 2022/05/31 20:44:48 No.2132453

But having sex is just as hot even if they're not the same species especially as hot as Holly is :D
Furrynomous 2022/05/31 22:56:32 No.2132517

Huh? sorry I'm confused. what are you talking about?
Furrynomous 2022/06/01 14:50:13 No.2132822
Not sure why you have or need to bring up their respective species as a factor.
Furrynomous 2022/06/01 17:50:55 No.2132910
I'm just hoping for no unplanned pregnancies is all.
Furrynomous 2022/06/01 18:20:39 No.2132924
Just got off the Sabrina Online thread, didn't ya!?
Furrynomous 2022/06/01 19:13:08 No.2132962
It was talked about so much that it made me wonder if that was Eric's only way to introduce child characters and a married relationship.
Furrynomous 2022/06/01 19:35:10 No.2132970
Eh, as much as I diss on the guy, I'm willing to giving EWS the benefit of the doubt. So far, we've got character depth, and no sign of EWS's demented, monochromatic waifu anywhere. So there's two signs that these are on a different EWS-field.
Furrynomous 2022/06/01 21:55:23 No.2133004
Are they really going to do it on the couch? It might be too small for that.

Edited at 2022/06/02 05:54:51
Furrynomous 2022/06/05 06:36:16 No.2134363
They'll either do it on the couch or do it on her bed again. Either way, at least we finally got to the sex part of this adult comic.
Furrynomous 2022/06/05 08:29:14 No.2134396
Thankfully this story and its characters are cute. Perhaps the only success Eric reached.
Furrynomous 2022/06/05 20:18:58 No.2134688
Said before, saying it again. EWS should just pass on Sabrina Online, and just start a series on these two.
Furrynomous 2022/06/05 20:34:26 No.2134690
so far, sabrina online was a fun story to follow but due its loong way long time its quite hard to find new things to do with new themes from the actual world whitout the character not aging.
these 2 on the other hand i found them fun to explore a bit more.
Furrynomous 2022/06/06 05:08:42 No.2134897
It wouldn't even be that hard even. These guys are clearly in the same universe as Sabrina and co, so Eric won't have to tread to any setting too different. He could work on new characters instead of constantly redrawing and using the same old ones he's been using for over 20 years. More potential than whatever pop-culture and relevant thing he decides to shove his stale casts in after being on the internet browsing through whatever news and trends go by.
Furrynomous 2022/06/06 09:59:36 No.2134978
Its either this or another character chest deep in tragic background, casually treated cuckholding, or an incest romcom.

Edited at 2022/06/06 10:01:22
Furrynomous 2022/06/06 10:31:18 No.2134989
>tragic background, casually treated cuckholding, or an incest romcom
I don't remember that last part being a thing with Eric's work.
Furrynomous 2022/06/06 15:02:55 No.2135140
I was referring to the majority of furry porn comics in general.
Furrynomous 2022/06/06 23:53:28 No.2135337
I do like the detail of Doug avoiding Holly's quills so far. Maybe he's learning quickly after all.
Furrynomous 2022/06/07 06:47:01 No.2135456
I’m not sure if this would be funny or ironic if one of holly’s quills accidentally poked a hole in the condom
Furrynomous 2022/06/07 09:38:19 No.2135481
macroShow Less
File: kk20170103_u18chan.jpg - (106.89kb, 840x269, kk20170103.jpg)
That's not outside the realm of possibility.

Edited at 2022/06/07 09:38:36
Furrynomous 2022/06/08 18:34:59 No.2135983
I still feel like the two haven't talked about all of their kinks yet. Like they might have been holding back on some details since this is their first time talking about something so stimulating about each other.

Edited at 2022/06/10 00:51:29
stockportchubby86 2022/06/29 17:42:44 No.2146230
File: HD-FirstDate-16_u18chan.png - (1.31mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-16.png)
Here we go, enjoy we get to the good stuff

From Eric:
> Get to the choppah!
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 18:30:21 No.2146245
There. We finally have a detailed view of Holly's vagina. Now whoever was complaining about that not being shown can finally be satisfied.
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 18:54:55 No.2146251

That was me. I never thought I would see this day


Overall, it turned out good
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 21:39:41 No.2146320
A little odd Holly even needed to ask how to wrap a condom around Doug's dick. They've done this before.
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 01:42:53 No.2146376

Tbf last time they were full on the heat of the moment, and probably was him who put it not her (specially considering he was so 'in the moment' he literally scared the convenience store's clerk with his hard-on
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 02:21:53 No.2146383
Well then heat must also affect memory as I remember Doug asking Holly for help with putting one of those condoms on in Story Before Bed.
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 09:16:56 No.2146492
So what's gonna happen during sex? Something kinky? An accident?
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 09:53:55 No.2146553
Depends on where Doug's arms are at the moment.
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 19:33:55 No.2146736
... can you imagine how filthy their shared space will be? Doug being a complete slob and the porcupine chick (what's her name even?) being incapable of seeing red flags or issues? The mess will just keep piling up getting more and more disgusting...
Furrynomous 2022/07/01 15:50:16 No.2147211
>God, Doug, you're so big!
Is she talking about his weight or about his penis size? Also, I see she might have some bush down there if that small tuft of fur is any indication.
thestockportchuuby86 2022/07/01 17:03:44 No.2147247

>Just TAKE the compliment from a girl half your size, okay?

Well I think she's trying to make him feel good about his size, I mean I'm a little conscious about my weight but I've been losing a bit of weight each time
thestockportchuuby86 2022/07/01 17:08:35 No.2147249

The porcupine's name is Holly it's in the title
Furrynomous 2022/07/01 17:29:10 No.2147260
Say what you want about sex like this being too slow. At least Eric can actually write dialogue that doesn't sound like bad foreplay speak by someone who clearly never payed enough attention in whatever English/Writing class they took.

Edited at 2022/07/01 19:31:03
thestockportchuuby86 2022/07/01 18:47:58 No.2147281

Obviously, we who pledge to Eric, sure it's a lot slower but the artwork is a lot better compared to most comics who just speed through to the next comic and do not put much thought into it
Furrynomous 2022/07/01 21:19:59 No.2147328

I'm ok with the slow pacing as long as the sex scene is worth the wait. Hopefully the sex lasts longer this time, last time seemed way to fast.
Furrynomous 2022/07/02 12:20:39 No.2147651
I love bad foreplay speak.
Furrynomous 2022/07/09 08:50:37 No.2151107
Better be for ironic reasons. I can't see anything positive or attractive about it except in a comedic sense.
Furrynomous 2022/07/25 23:11:39 No.2158997
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Furrynomous 2022/07/25 23:12:19 No.2158998
From Eric:
>Picking up the pace a bit.
Furrynomous 2022/08/02 23:06:53 No.2163763
Pacing always drags on soooo long until we hit the sex and then it's bing bang boom and they never even got the clothes off.
Furrynomous 2022/08/03 14:36:00 No.2163952
Eh. Someone out there probably finds half-nudism hotter than complete nudity. Besides, this is more story than porn to begin with, so that should've been something to expect.
Furrynomous 2022/08/03 18:47:17 No.2164044
This is every furry comic

fucking why
Furrynomous 2022/08/04 08:48:52 No.2164226
And then her quills cause her to get pinned to the couch
Furrynomous 2022/08/04 13:14:42 No.2164291
Don't tell me he'll be too tired for a second session.
Furrynomous 2022/08/04 15:32:43 No.2164334
We'll probably only have like nine more pages left in this, so who knows how much Eric could fit in those pages.
Furrynomous 2022/08/05 20:26:54 No.2164859
It's actually kind of weird how these types of comics need so much prep time before the characters start screwing each other. When I read the synopsis of this story I assumed their little candid conversations would have the two start getting wet or slowly edging when they discuss each other's kinks. Instead this is just a pretty normal conversation that if you take out the porn pretty much makes this a normal PG13 story.
thestockportchubby86 2022/08/30 04:43:05 No.2177715
File: HD-FirstDate-18_u18chan.png - (1.31mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-18.png)
New page

From Eric

>"Why don't you slip into something more comfortable ... my bed."
Furrynomous 2022/08/30 08:34:39 No.2177792
Not really sure why the 4th and 5th panel need to exist. It's not like that crab will find a way out of that cage to pinch Doug again.

Holly. Stop acting like you've never seen a used condom before.

Edited at 2022/08/30 16:34:57
Furrynomous 2022/08/30 08:39:41 No.2177795
So you're basically willing to shag someone but you're grossed out as soon as you see a used condom. The same condom that was in your vagina a few moments ago. OK.
Furrynomous 2022/08/30 15:22:15 No.2177977
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the tauren 2022/08/30 16:39:05 No.2178003
the bernard lermite see all...
Furrynomous 2022/08/30 19:21:43 No.2178063
Seventh panel. God, she's got a very cute body.
Furrynomous 2022/08/30 23:07:35 No.2178181

Eh, pretty common virgin reaction
thestockportchubby86 2022/08/31 07:09:57 No.2178339

So true Holly is so hot given I like a slightly chubby nerd with her kind of figure, Doug is very lucky to have her
Furrynomous 2022/08/31 10:03:32 No.2178394
Really does help with the size difference these two have going on.
Furrynomous 2022/08/31 20:20:34 No.2178583
And to think people were worried this would be the only rut in the entire comic.
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 01:10:40 No.2178780
That much? That looks more like a large amount of precum.
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 21:52:22 No.2179192
You know, she's not as dumpy looking as she might think. She's a pretty healthy amount of chub for someone her age, especially compared to Doug.

Edited at 2022/09/01 22:13:20
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 22:34:30 No.2179216
She seems to have little less chub then Tina actually.
Furrynomous 2022/09/03 19:18:02 No.2180079

To bad Eric seems to hate drawling her naked. It's really telling that we are this far into her second porn comic and people are just now commenting that she looks good naked. Eric has gone out of his way to cover her up until now.


Hopefully round two in this comic isn't as short as round two in the last comic.
Furrynomous 2022/09/30 01:37:12 No.2192442
File: HD-FirstDate-19_u18chan.png - (1.36mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-19.png)
From Eric:
>Conversational perversity.
Furrynomous 2022/09/30 18:49:40 No.2192832
There goes any fans who wanted a bisexual Holly. She's just horny for her big bearded boyfriend.
Furrynomous 2022/09/30 20:45:05 No.2192875
"Do you like fetishes?"
"Good, me neither."
Furrynomous 2022/09/30 21:41:40 No.2192901

Edited at 2022/09/30 21:42:32
Pegging not Futa Name Hidden 2022/10/01 02:00:52 No.2192986
For me I'm into pegging by strap on girls just not Futa girls.
Furrynomous 2022/10/01 03:07:17 No.2192997
You could accomplish making that fantasy come true with a strap-on and a bottle of lube.
Furrynomous 2022/10/01 17:46:43 No.2193298
I must be the only one questioning the consistency of Holly's quills. They're either poking through anything like her sheets or her shirt while other times it's like they're softly brushing against something (like the couch) without puncturing anything.
Furrynomous 2022/10/08 02:27:24 No.2196449
I'm seriously starting to wonder if Eric has a better time writing character interactions in his porn comics than in Sabrina Online. Maybe it's because his R rated works have less restrictions than a 20+ year old PG13 webcomic.
Furrynomous 2022/10/30 00:05:03 No.2206878
File: HD-FirstDate-20_u18chan.png - (1.26mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-20.png)
From Eric:
>Remember to bring the giant bulk box from Costco next time.
Furrynomous 2022/10/30 09:40:44 No.2207033
You know, some people have something called a real life, family, work, etc?
Furrynomous 2022/10/30 11:12:54 No.2207052

Eric does not have a high throughput to begin with. He's trying to multi-thread by doing this, stellar voyages and sabrina-online at the same time. He also did the Little Annie Fanny Jammy comic, which was 7 pages. Seems like he got that done at the expense of working on Patreon summer rewards.

My hunch is that his coloring process is slow and that is the bottleneck. He doesn't release pencil sketches or scanned marker drawings anymore. Which is a shame because people still like his black and white artwork.

His patrons would probably be happier seeing more art that happens to be less detailed and not fully shaded.
Furrynomous 2022/10/30 12:54:51 No.2207073
Normally, I'd be the first one to agree with you. People have lives, jobs and so on. But in this case, from what I recall, it's literally his job.

I'm in a sort of similar position at the moment. I'm hunting for work, but while I'm unemployed, the stuff I create makes it my actual job for the time being. I'm working on stuff pretty much all day every day, because it's my job and I want to make this stuff and make it worth what the people who support me are putting in.

3 comic pages per month is shocking and shows there's something seriously fucked with his workflow. For something that's his job, it's like he's not taking it seriously and getting by on the bare minimum. And as someone who puts in a fuckload of time and effort, it's shit to see someone who cares so little earning so much from it.

Edited at 2022/10/30 12:56:05
Furrynomous 2022/10/30 17:27:01 No.2207164
Holly's so cute. Can't we just get some solo content of her or is that too much of a task from the author?
Furrynomous 2022/10/30 21:15:45 No.2207245
There have been solo pics of just her before, but it was mostly just when Eric reach a milestone of followers on Twitter.
Furrynomous 2022/10/31 09:52:41 No.2207360
Atleast he's responsible. Many men have been caught by that second round
Furrynomous 2022/10/31 13:03:04 No.2207502
Many men just don't have the hindsight to carry multiple condoms on them when either they or their partner wants to go a few more rounds.
Furrynomous 2022/11/03 02:22:58 No.2208692
Minor compliment: I do like the small detail of Holly's pillow having some holes punched in by her quills in the six panel. Makes me wonder how anthro porcupines (and quilled species in general) are able to sleep on and in anything without running their beds and fabric.
Furrynomous 2022/11/03 07:20:57 No.2208763
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File: laerredstape-50m-48mm-soelv-3m-big_u18chan.jpg - (66.06kb, 850x850, laerredstape-50m-48mm-soelv-3m-big.jpg)
she need a lot of this
Furrynomous 2022/11/03 20:41:56 No.2208985

A porcupine wouldn't get a couch they would destroy by sitting on it. It's probably made of some puncture resistant plastic or something. Something like those plastic covers people put over their furniture back in the 1970s.
Furrynomous 2022/11/03 23:23:49 No.2209023
Definitely could explain why Holly didn't even up stuck to her seemingly unpunctured couch when Doug was plowing her.
Furrynomous 2022/11/04 05:49:12 No.2209125
Furrynomous 2022/11/04 15:17:39 No.2209277
Porcupine Quills are usually soft when the creature is relaxed.
it's only when they're bristled do they harden and become dangerous.

The male Porcupine has to literally piss on the female as part of the mating ritual, if she likes the scent she'll relax enough to allow mating.
Furrynomous 2022/11/05 08:28:32 No.2209659
Too bad watersports is most likely not Holly's thing otherwise that would be very useful during their meetups.
Furrynomous 2022/12/01 16:17:45 No.2220529
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File: fullfrontalHolly_u18chan.png - (170.57kb, 607x423, full frontal Holly.png)
A little brightness increase and you got your full frontal nude Holly.
Furrynomous 2022/12/01 16:25:32 No.2220554
new page is out. also nerd pointy girl looks hot! who said nerds can be hot even a their 20s?
Furrynomous 2022/12/02 17:07:24 No.2220963
Goddamn, absolutely perfect
Furrynomous 2022/12/02 20:40:37 No.2221042
File: HD-FirstDate-21_u18chan.png - (1.29mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-21.png)
Furrynomous 2022/12/02 22:24:36 No.2221070
From Eric:
>Gettin' all tender up in here.
Furrynomous 2022/12/02 22:25:13 No.2221071
Wow. These are some really great close-ups.
Furrynomous 2022/12/03 10:46:03 No.2221323
interesting. Holly is more like get the job done and no so much foreplay, also she looks big in some shots. and whats up with doug? the guy still looks so insecure
Furrynomous 2022/12/03 11:05:23 No.2221324
The foreplay helps a bit, at least on Doug's participation.
Furrynomous 2022/12/03 11:22:49 No.2221327
Both of them are pretty insecure. It's just that Holly's a little more forward since she really loves the big guy so much.

Edited at 2022/12/03 13:12:55
Furrynomous 2022/12/03 15:21:10 No.2221409

A lifetime of insecurity doesn't just disappear because someone got their cherry popped. This is only Doug's second night having sex after decades of being a kissless virgin. It makes sense for him to be insecure for a while.


This is exactly what the first comic needed. This one is way better so far.
thestockportchubby86 2022/12/04 03:30:42 No.2221560
LOVE the breast sucking :D
Furrynomous 2022/12/08 15:48:08 No.2223439
Would be even hotter if he tried finger her ass.

Edited at 2022/12/08 15:48:24
Furrynomous 2022/12/08 16:17:33 No.2223445
ok ethan ralph.
Furrynomous 2022/12/08 17:59:12 No.2223503
Furrynomous 2022/12/10 05:53:31 No.2223984
*chud 5*
Furrynomous 2022/12/30 14:43:13 No.2233002
File: HD-FirstDate-22_u18chan.png - (1.36mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-22.png)
From Eric:
>Rounding up for round three around about now.

>See you next in 2023!
Furrynomous 2022/12/31 20:00:33 No.2233526
Furrynomous 2022/12/31 20:21:16 No.2233529
now the quills are not a problem for her in that position
Furrynomous 2022/12/31 22:21:25 No.2233602
Except she'll get stuck to her bed again.
Furrynomous 2023/01/01 07:53:33 No.2233840

You could always ask Lindesfarne from "Kevin & Kell". After all, she's about to go through her pregnancy arc again over on Comics Kingdom...
Furrynomous 2023/01/12 16:51:16 No.2238682
Starting to believe this cover is just an exaggerated look of two nerd's weird kinks.
Furrynomous 2023/01/14 17:38:43 No.2239491
What weird kinks? There's almost no fetish at all and what little it actually has are cut-away visualizations with not much detail. What this really is is "lots of talking and we're not virgins anymore but sex is still awkward and anxious for the both of us" the webcomic.
Furrynomous 2023/01/15 13:35:05 No.2239809
File: HD-FirstDate-23_u18chan.png - (1.3mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-23.png)
From Eric:
>The expression so silly, I'm not even sure how to draw it!
Furrynomous 2023/01/15 16:17:50 No.2239839
This is some of the most painfully awkward dialogue I've ever read
Furrynomous 2023/01/15 18:01:17 No.2239873
They're over accomplishing then.
Furrynomous 2023/01/15 18:16:05 No.2239874
i for one thing i think it looks a healthy moment for both. not just fuck me harder papi wolf
Furrynomous 2023/01/16 12:57:10 No.2240122
This is a bit of fresh air and it looks like the both of them are enjoying each other's company. Even though the road getting here took a while.
Furrynomous 2023/01/16 14:59:39 No.2240182
This is where EWS should put most if not all his effort in. I'd rather find out how these two work on themselves and each other than listen to another rehash of Sabrina's life, or ZZ's supposed character development.
Furrynomous 2023/01/16 15:10:08 No.2240190
Would love to see what Holly's seeing down there.
thestockportchubby 2023/01/18 09:35:31 No.2240772
I still love Holly as she's still nerdy but hot and I dig it
Furrynomous 2023/01/18 09:50:29 No.2240795
She's slightly better than Sabrina, so she's definitely a cute nerdy girl people can actually get behind.
Furrynomous 2023/01/18 18:15:38 No.2240950
So he showed her his O-Face
Furrynomous 2023/01/19 07:23:49 No.2241105
>you look the way angels must look like when they cum.
What kind of angels has he been looking up to get that analogy?

Edited at 2023/01/19 07:26:31
Furrynomous 2023/01/22 10:52:50 No.2242534
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Doug's got the chad face in the last panel.


a spur of the moment analogy can be hard to make. I imagine they're even harder to make while you're also having sex. He probably just meant she's cute when she orgasms.
Furrynomous 2023/01/29 21:57:43 No.2245717
Just noticed something. Has Eric's characters always had three toes? Because for some reason Holly & Doug only have three toes on each paw.
Furrynomous 2023/01/30 08:32:02 No.2245822
Pretty much, yeah. It's part of the same "Looney Tunes"-esque animation style that has four-fingered hands (three fingers and a thumb) and overly-large eyes that take up half the character's face. As far as I know, he's always drawn them like that.
Furrynomous 2023/02/14 09:13:20 No.2251962
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thestockportchubby 2023/02/18 11:44:57 No.2253703
I've not been able to sign into Patreon as I've pledged to Eric and other artists I wonder when the next pages are coming so I've been using Kemono since then
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 12:21:28 No.2253714
They'll be out when he uploads them to his Patreon. Something that's been difficult what with him recovering from carpal tunnel and one of his faster computers not working. Just because you're not subbed to Eric's Patreon anymore doesn't mean you can't check if a page is out yet or not (paywalled or not).
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 12:57:32 No.2253728
Doug's so big. Imagine what he'd look like if he started lifting
thestockportchubby 2023/02/18 15:17:59 No.2253789
I'm still pledging to him just not able to sign if you can read what I said SMFH
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 15:54:54 No.2253810
Well besides that, it'll come out when it comes out. You should know by now that Eric never really states his upload schedules.
Furrynomous 2023/02/19 23:44:35 No.2254383
He seems to aim for two uploads a month. Probably budgeting around his pledge per comic page model. He put out three for January so maybe February will only have one.

Are you one of the few who get request rewards? Only four came out of the last round which seems abnormally low.
Furrynomous 2023/02/21 00:44:25 No.2254778
File: HD-FirstDate-24_u18chan.png - (1.26mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-24.png)
From Eric:
>If you have been following the Sabrina Online Patreon, you may know that I've had problems with computer(s) going bad on me over this month. Thankfully I seem to be back up and running in a limited capacity for now, which should allow me breathing room to nail down something more permanent. Hopefully this is the end of the worst. I'll keep y'all posted.
Furrynomous 2023/02/21 07:39:08 No.2254844
'if you don't mind being the little spoon'
Every man ever, "god yes please"
Furrynomous 2023/02/21 22:33:27 No.2255172
I still can't tell who's the bigger weirdo in this relationship.
Furrynomous 2023/02/21 23:17:23 No.2255186
Can't wait for the character arc where Doug tries to be a better man for his girl. He'd finally win his father's respect
Furrynomous 2023/02/21 23:23:04 No.2255190
I think Doug will only win his father's respect once the boy moves out of his parent's basement and gets a job that pays well (in no particular order).
Furrynomous 2023/02/22 22:10:32 No.2255544

I'm just glad we finally got a high quality sex scene between Holly and Doug.
Furrynomous 2023/02/22 22:28:49 No.2255546
It's definitely an improvement on the buildup seen back in "A Story Before Bed".
Furrynomous 2023/02/23 14:24:31 No.2255846
Better than just three pages with barely enough panels of sex.
Furrynomous 2023/02/23 16:50:13 No.2255899
i like this couple, quite organic and good chemistry
Furrynomous 2023/02/23 22:48:27 No.2255962
Yeah, that's actually what I meant. Being a better man for Holly would mean nutting up and getting a job, taking better care of himself and ultimately moving out of the house, combining their incomes to get a better place
Furrynomous 2023/03/29 17:15:12 No.2269753
File: HD-FirstDate-25_u18chan.png - (1.17mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-25.png)
From Eric:
>This is one of those pages where the lettering work was not too difficult.

>(stay tuned for another H&D page coming soon!)
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 10:56:46 No.2269975
Unfertilized please.
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 11:16:32 No.2269978
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File: ash._u18chan.png - (863.32kb, 1280x720, ash..png)
so, noone mentioned yet?
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 12:52:30 No.2270060
It's her main inspiration that Eric already admitted before in the past, so it didn't need to be said again.

Edited at 2023/03/30 12:52:40
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 14:40:03 No.2270085
Oh, Doug and your gross body...
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 15:17:25 No.2270092
Looks like you never seen a fat guy before.
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 16:29:13 No.2270128
What's a fat guy?
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 17:40:27 No.2270153
He is going to end up developing a pain tolerance if he keeps getting pricked by her.
Furrynomous 2023/03/30 20:09:39 No.2270175
That would be the ideal thing, really
Furrynomous 2023/03/31 12:37:35 No.2270340
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Furrynomous 2023/03/31 12:57:43 No.2270351
From Eric:
>That shirt should probably be a bit more tent-like on Holly.
Furrynomous 2023/03/31 12:57:55 No.2270352
You know, there's a few of things about Holly we don't know that really could be better explained if this was either a webcomic or gets more porn comic sequels. Her relationship with her parents, her trouble with her neighbors (and why she didn't want Doug to be seen), her social status with her friends, and if she's really able to pay off living in a house all by herself with the job she has.

Edited at 2023/03/31 13:00:58
Furrynomous 2023/03/31 13:17:55 No.2270361
Considering all the details EWS left out about the cast of his almost 30-year old webcomic, that seems unlikely.
Furrynomous 2023/03/31 13:33:27 No.2270374
Unfortunately, you're right. I'm still waiting for when we'll ever see Endora's parents, her relationship with them and why they hated Warren so much originally.
Furrynomous 2023/03/31 17:03:12 No.2270421
To me she is more like a Sabrina 2.0 but with a more "classic nerd" personality base, unlike sabrina and her obsession with her transformers/amiga things. i like the dynamic with Doug and it looks interesting to see how far they can go.
Furrynomous 2023/03/31 18:01:39 No.2270435
What? Does Holly just not have her own trash can or did he not want his semen anywhere in or near her house? It's a polite, but it has me wondering a bit.
Furrynomous 2023/04/01 00:38:42 No.2270540
It's strangely more "earnest" of a nerdy couple compared to Sabrina and Richard's relationship. The only obstacle here being that both of them are still so new and uncomfortable dating each other.
Furrynomous 2023/04/01 00:40:30 No.2270541
Felt like Doug was about to mention his mother. Thankfully he stopped himself there.
Furrynomous 2023/04/01 15:33:42 No.2270936

>Her trouble with her neighbors (and why she didn't want Doug to be seen)

To be fair everyone had that one assholey neighbor at least once in their life, and as for why he couldn't be seen: it's obviously because if someone saw him doing that, they would know it was him;

It's not that she doesn't wanna anyone seeing him on her house, it's because she obviously wouldn't wanna her douchey neighbor to know it was her boyfriend who tossed the condoms on his trash. It's not a "oh no one should know I have a boyfriend".
Furrynomous 2023/04/01 16:10:47 No.2270946
IDK how does it really work in English. But in Russian 'eggs' and 'balls' are the same word.
So, last panel being translated means "Ew! You put ketchup on your balls?"
So... Imagine Doug pouring ketchup on his testicles huh?
Furrynomous 2023/04/23 01:13:43 No.2279799
File: HD-FirstDate-27_u18chan.png - (1.16mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-27.png)
From Eric:
>I wasn't describing any actual anime or manga series that I'm aware of, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if one like it already exists.
Furrynomous 2023/04/23 07:31:38 No.2279881
I don't know what it is, but casually grabbing the butt is sexy.
Furrynomous 2023/04/25 03:15:13 No.2280685
Just casually watching a generic anime on a phone while snuggling. A pretty safe standard really.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 23:18:34 No.2282722
File: HD-FirstDate-28_u18chan.png - (1.07mb, 1280x1800, HD-FirstDate-28.png)
From Eric:
>And with this, we finish up this particular story. Stay tuned in May for the first previews of "Stacey & Tracey's Wild Wedding Night"
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 23:47:31 No.2282733
Eyy~ Old Dougie might get a job! And he had a really hot night with his girl. If things keep going this smooth he's gonna be introducing her to his parents at some point or another...

But, oof. The age difference. I somehow don't see his father having a problem with is, especially if he knows that this girl is the reason he has a job, but his overprotective mom might be a different story.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 23:50:50 No.2282734
Is Doug's mother overprotective? I could've sworn she was more supportive of whatever he did regardless if it was getting him anywhere, much to the disappointment of the father.
Furrynomous 2023/04/30 01:49:55 No.2282767
It's possible to read it that way, but it's also possible that she's just afraid of losing her baby. Either she trusts everything he says or she just wants to keep him around and this wish caused her to coddle and baby him when he needs to be more responsible instead. I admit I could just be interpreting this wrong since we haven't seen anything to recontextualize their relationship and why he's allowed to be around. But his dad seems cool with whatever he does without questioning it too hard. (He was pretty impressed his son was out getting it on with a girl) And we don't know how his mom would react to it all. If anything, she might be a little put off by how young she is

Edited at 2023/04/30 01:51:15

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