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File: FirstFlight03_u18chan.png - (2.68mb, 1700x2300, First Flight03.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Amocin First Flight Reeeee 2021/09/17 18:55:13 No.2010762   

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Amocin First Flight Reeeee 2021/09/17 18:55:17 No.2010763
File: FirstFlight04_u18chan.png - (2.31mb, 1700x2300, First Flight04.png)
Amocin First Flight Reeeee 2021/09/17 18:55:21 No.2010764
File: FirstFlight05_u18chan.png - (2.24mb, 1700x2300, First Flight05.png)
Amocin First Flight Reeeee 2021/09/17 18:58:26 No.2010765
File: FirstFlight09_u18chan.png - (2.3mb, 1700x2300, First Flight09.png)

Amocin First Flight Reeeee 2021/09/17 18:58:31 No.2010766
File: FirstFlight10_u18chan.png - (2.5mb, 1700x2300, First Flight10.png)
Amocin First Flight Reeeee 2021/09/17 18:58:35 No.2010767
File: FirstFlight06_u18chan.png - (1.94mb, 1700x2300, First Flight06.png)
Reeeee 2021/09/17 19:07:45 No.2010769
File: FirstFlight07_u18chan.png - (2.14mb, 1700x2300, First Flight07.png)

Reeeee 2021/09/17 19:07:50 No.2010770
File: FirstFlight08_u18chan.png - (2.26mb, 1700x2300, First Flight08.png)
Reeeee 2021/09/17 19:07:55 No.2010771
File: FirstFlight11_u18chan.png - (2.11mb, 1700x2300, First Flight11.png)
Furrynomous 2021/09/17 19:38:44 No.2010776
This is kinda cute.
Furrynomous 2021/09/18 04:40:36 No.2010890
Thanks for this, I didn’t even realise Amo was still making comics.

Looking at the page numbers it seems that the cover page (if there is one) as well as pages 1 & 2 are missing from what has been uploaded.
Furrynomous 2021/09/18 08:48:13 No.2010980
The first two pages are posted in the wrong section...
Furrynomous 2021/09/18 10:22:06 No.2011002
Pages are out of order and missing the first two.
Furrynomous 2021/09/25 07:38:21 No.2014086
and page 12 is missing
Furrynomous 2021/12/18 17:28:12 No.2054908
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 08:57:47 No.2059419
File: D7C3DE96-9613-4557-B776-DD1F54EB910C_u18chan.png - (2.7mb, 1700x2300, D7C3DE96-9613-4557-B776-DD1F54EB910C.png)
page 12
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 08:58:44 No.2059420
File: BDEE61A2-5410-4D69-89BD-EC3B5D695867_u18chan.png - (2.49mb, 1700x2300, BDEE61A2-5410-4D69-89BD-EC3B5D695867.png)
page 13
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 08:59:29 No.2059421
File: 2E637CA9-BC5F-4E10-B84B-FECCA3BBCDEB_u18chan.png - (1.87mb, 1700x2300, 2E637CA9-BC5F-4E10-B84B-FECCA3BBCDEB.png)
page 14
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 09:01:28 No.2059423
File: 8B9E0128-8FB1-403E-B9F4-121BFD9DAC12_u18chan.png - (2.38mb, 1700x2300, 8B9E0128-8FB1-403E-B9F4-121BFD9DAC12.png)
page 15
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 09:02:16 No.2059424
File: 449990A0-0677-44F0-8295-7E09DE444FBC_u18chan.png - (2.69mb, 1700x2300, 449990A0-0677-44F0-8295-7E09DE444FBC.png)
page 16
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 09:33:27 No.2059437
i want to point out that her style changed in some parts. looks different as if someone else had drawn it.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 00:58:21 No.2059858
5 pages from "I'm not ready for that" to "Imma mount dat!"
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 09:01:47 No.2060044
yep, until page 11 it was good.

the rest is still not bad but...
A few things to Address Amocin 2021/12/31 14:19:28 No.2061115
My husband is going to be upset that I responded to this but I cant help it.. he isnt home right now and shit here cant be erased.

1 - I have been horrible about my releasing schedule, something I am working to fix in 2022... I am going to ask that you guys.. you know.. please wait at least a month before releasing my pictures if you are dead set on it.. please.

2 - to the person who said my style seems so inconstant that its as if somebody else drew it... I have had a couple of sick weeks here and there over the past two months, and have not been really at my best... So... please elaborate so I can figure out what this issue is so it is not done in the future. I am the only person who writes/draws/inks/colors for my stuff.. so it should never look inconsistent.. I know I forgot Ander's penis anatomy here and there at times and will be fixing this issues this month, and will release the fixed Versions on my FA soon.. so.. please elaborate if it looks lazy, badly done, or heck, even better.. Cant fix the problem if I dont see it.

3 - "Im not ready for that" to "Imma mount that" came from one patreon expressing displeasure of the fact that there would be no penetration during this scene.. I made an exception and changed how it would go, like she changed her mind, cause he really wanted it.. Dont say I dont work to please the fans... but also, I will be more clear in the future about what will be in the comics before they start.. like "contains oral, and rubbing, no penetration'.. Kinda felt like I was robbing the poor dude of what he wanted, he was helping contribute after all.

4 - Until page 11 it was good.. until? What? Please elaborate so I can improve in future comics.

Yall not payin for my stuff so... critiques please? I want to be a better artist/story teller, cant really do that if nobody actually states whats wrong.. Dont be vague my dudes.
Furrynomous 2022/01/01 20:00:31 No.2061608
Personally i like the pages as they are now. As a suggestion, I think it would be great if the monthly pages and side comics would be more clearly announced on your side ( I did not even know that this side comic existet till a few minutes ago over this side. Maybe it would also be a good option to update the monthly previews more often and instead of just showing a smal part as of now, to show all of the picture but in a worse quality. So people can see more clearly what they will be buying.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 12:45:17 No.2061912
>cant really do that if nobody actually states whats wrong.. Dont be vague my dudes.

On a cursory glance, no major issues. People might be complaining about everything and anything just because the story isn't going exactly they way /they/ wanted it.

You're using line weights a little inconsistently or without thought. E.g. in some panels her hair looks like hair, and in others it looks like play-dough. The figures have a slight plasticine feel to them. Vary the weight a little more, mind the light direction for parallel lines on the opposite side of objects (like shadows, but can also be negative). Sometimes it's a bit too heavy.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 16:26:00 No.2061991
It's always interesting to see an artist react to people who view their works as a nonsubscriber. Just remember you have a fine line to walk between expressing yourself, and expressing the wishes of your fanbase. Bend, but don't break; at the end, you should be drawing because you enjoy it, not just because you're getting paid.
Furrynomous 2022/01/02 18:38:03 No.2062045
make sure to take whatever you hear here with an enormous grain of salt. I love all your stuff, I'm just here because I'm broke
Amocin 2022/01/03 00:25:55 No.2062218
- I will make sure to more clearly announce the pages/monthly pics... I believe we are trying to move in a new direction this year, and while I do not want to post the whole image with a bar over it, I am willing to see about posting the sketched version as a preview... have to check with my husband as he works with me on this venture, and get his opinion. But def being more clear on whats actually in the pic as the preview does indeed not give a clear enough indication of what is going on or what characters are contained within.

- I understand that people complain for the sake of complaining, it happens, and I understand you cant please everybody. But if people have legit concerns It would be foolish of me to not inquire further to help better myself.

I can see what you are saying with the depths of the line with.. it is something I have always struggled with but I will make a more concentrated effort on it. Thank you.

As far as coloring... again, struggles to find something that works for me.. I will try to hammer that down for consistency sake but thank you again for giving me an indication of why those pages just dont work.

- I do genuinely enjoy my work and dont worry to much about the "will this get me faves" or "will this get me the most money." I draw because it does bring me joy.. But also, I do enjoy pleasing the fans to an extent.. The fact that the client with the concerns paid only means that I feel I let him down extra so because I was not completely clear about what I was giving him, so I felt I robbed him.. So I will be more clear in the future so that people will not pay for what they dont want.. Dont wanna rob anybody.. But I do really enjoy what I do, and that people also happen to enjoy what I do as well.

- Thank you dude, I know not everybody can pay and I know some are not really on here with malicious intent.. shit happens, especially in these times.. Just asking that you guys dont go around being malicious about it.. give it some time between my release and yours.. that would be greatly appreciated.

Mine, and other peoples stuff will be released, without a doubt, cant stop it.. Just not a fan of when it is done maliciously.

Thank you all for your replies.. Dont be afraid to speak freely to me on my comics or what have you. I am always willing to listen to concerns.. I have fun with my art, but that doesnt mean I am not willing to improve if I can be told where my weaknesses are.. I may not be as good as others but I do have a firm passion for what I do.. just not as much time on my hand as others to quickly improve.. but improve I shall.
Furrynomous 2022/01/03 10:27:35 No.2062411
File: oexvfvio_u18chan.png - (1.55mb, 1772x1327, oexvfvio.png)
No problem.

Your monitor might also be set a little too bright or there's a light leak in the panel (bad contrast or blowout), because there seems to be a dark cast on the picture and you're not using the full dynamic range. Here I just shifted all the levels towards the right and compressed the bright end so it doesn't burn through. Doesn't look so stuffy anymore.

You can also vary the saturation between foreground and background objects, so it creates visual contrast for the objects of interest, and less saturated things appear to be further away.
Furrynomous 2022/01/03 11:08:08 No.2062425
File: z778b7jl_u18chan.png - (2.54mb, 2639x1185, z778b7jl.png)
You can also be bolder with your mid-tone contrast, color and saturation.

Things that are the "same color" aren't. It always depends on the surroundings. Even if you're not doing any proper color theory, one simple trick to remember is that far away things look cool and nearby things look warm. Separating the picture into different distance layers makes it look more interesting.
Furrynomous 2022/01/03 14:58:19 No.2062475
Should be moved to feral
Furrynomous 2022/01/03 23:08:47 No.2062723

Hey, no complaints about the penetration. It just seemed funny is all. Though given the relative sizes, even attempting and her saying "sorry, no" would be enough of a tease to get the disappointed guy going. For a "better fit", there are WoW items that increase size a non-trivial amount. Elixir of giant growth and Vrykul drinking horn both come to mind as stackable (with each other, I think) options which should be a 60% increase. There's also an engineering item apparently, the "World Shrinker" which doubles your size (though the effect ends when you mount up in a hotfix a couple months after its release. ;D ). Perhaps one of them is something to include in coming pages, if you want to more believably explore that route. A "special occasion" drink from a "recently found" drinking horn would go with their meal.
Amocin 2022/01/04 01:18:49 No.2062771
I dont know how to reply to specific comments here, I am sorry.

- Person who posted Picture Refs - Thank you so much for the demonstration of what issues there are.. Honestly my husband has been telling me for years that my stuff is too dark and... well I should have listened.. I keep my monitor at 100% brightness... I have eye issues, dont judge me... lol.. But this really does show and give indication of why these things fail. I will try to fix these problems in future pages. I can not say thank you enough for giving clear indication where things are going wrong and explaining them well.. I will do my best to improve in these matters going forward. This has been very helpful.

- Person about the in game potions - damn... wish I knew/thought about that beforehand... A creative fix that I didnt even consider... damn..

Next comic after this one I am super passionate about and cant wait to get started on.. wont spoil what characters it involves... however.. I will put these things into practice there, and I hope things work out better... =-

I may not always speak... but... I am always watching... if you see a problem.. mention it, even if I dont respond.. I hear you and I will work to do better. Im mostly self taught, but get limited time to research and practice new things... mom of 3... but when things are pointed out I am more than willing to test and work on them. Its part of the process and I love learning new things and moving forward.... just wish I had more time to practice.

Thank you for being so patient and forthcoming with me. I greatly appreciate the input.
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 17:32:24 No.2063063
Amo I'm worried that you seem to be typing like someone with low self esteem. You doing okay?
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 22:22:44 No.2063244
Why is there like a pre-sex scene then the real sex scene?
Was that just a rough draft?
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 22:23:39 No.2063245
File: BewareTheCock_u18chan.png - (1.06mb, 1641x660, BewareTheCock.png)
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 02:20:47 No.2063407
Dragon & Doggystyle please and ty amo <3
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 02:45:18 No.2063411

Amo your art is and has always been amazing. Please take it easy on yourself and don't burn yourself out,if you need a break that's fine, improving is fine but you are still a human being and can /will make mistakes.
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 06:41:59 No.2063461
Pls don’t ask for crits here, nobody knows what they’re talking about and they’re just gonna be unnecessarily rude
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 09:33:59 No.2063500
> I keep my monitor at 100% brightness

The way LCD monitors work is a bit counter-intuitive. With most monitors, "Contrast" adjusts the power of the backlight, and "Brightness" adjusts how much light the panel passes through when it's displaying "black".

Setting the brightness to max actually compresses the range of values between "black" and "white" because the panel can't increase the amount of light it's producing, so the absolute contrast ratio gets worse. Having high contrast and high brightness makes the image washed out, but it makes the screen appear normal under bright ambient lights, such as in an office or the computer shop floor.

When you adjust the monitor for art, you generally lower the ambient lights a little, set the contrast close to maximum and the brightness somewhere around 20-30% - this brings the dark values down and improves the actual contrast ratio of the monitor (but also reveals light leaks much worse). The LCD panel gets into trouble trying to display darker values, so setting the brightness too low may cause the very darkest values to bunch up into one, so you have to find the spot where you can still just about tell the difference between the two or three darkest values. If you can't set the brightness very low, then bring in more lights around the monitor to trick your eyes instead.

If you want to get even more technical, you'd then run a gamma calibration routine to get the in-between values to match up with some color standard like sRGB, but these days monitors come out of the factory pretty well calibrated, and most have a dedicated "sRGB" or "neutral" mode in the adjustment menu. In most consumer grade monitors, the gamma curve cannot be adjusted with the monitor and has to be done in software, which reduces the color rendering resolution slightly and you may get visual artifacts like banding, so it can be a bit of a compromise. Minimal adjustment is advised.

All in all, if you can't trust your eyes or the monitor, trust the histogram. The histogram is basically a tally of how many pixels of each brightness value you have in the picture.

Edited at 2022/01/05 10:10:30
Amocin 2022/01/05 16:14:16 No.2063693
- Oh, I am sorry.. I dont intend to come off that way.

Allow me to explain myself. Emotions are hard to get over text.

In my personal life I have been dealing with a lot. My kids have been homeschooled from the very beginning of the Pandemic, and it has been very hard on me personally. So I guess I may not sound as upbeat and as happy as per usual.. Im managing though, and have an optimistic view that it will get better.. just.. struggling with it for now.

Self esteem wise, and art wise.. I am okay. When you go to a theme park, you go there to have fun, and so long as the lines are short, and the food is... well, okay, you forget the small little bad things, and remember the fun.. Thats how I am with art. Sure there are a few bad things, but with art, the fun overweighs the bad, and 'trying to get to the front of the line.' I am working my way down the line by trying to get better, and the end goal isnt 'best artist ever' or 'get the most faves/money/watcher', it is to find comfort and fun in what I do. Coloring has presented a problem for me. I generally like coloring, but I always have the nagging feeling that something is off.. Im struggling to find the balance of 'fun' in coloring, and being happy with the final product.. Every interaction that brings me closer to the goal of finding whats wrong, and improving it, brings my happy/fun meter up with art. I dont hate it, but I want to do better, and also, again, enjoy it along the way.

Art, for me, is a great stress reliever.. dont worry about me on that regard. Just working my way down the line to get to that lovely roller coaster at the end. (Ive fully reached that happy fun zone with my sketches and coloring and still learn along the way.) Art is a process, and nobody is ever perfect. I am glad to learn more along the way.

- I am old enough to know when people are trollin and people legit have concerns.. Most people wont tell me something is wrong outside of a spelling error or typo.. I can discern what is an actual crit, and somebody being an ass.. No worries man. You cant please everybody, and there are always those who want to make waves, but there are also those who have no problem pointing out errors that can easily be fixed with a bit of time and practice.. I am happy with what constructive criticism I have heard here so far and will work towards doing a bit more color theory work.

- Ahh shit.. okay, I will adjust my monitor.. hopefully this will work out better in my favor, thank you for that information. I apparently have been screwing myself over.
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 18:53:02 No.2063731
Just a tip, if you click on the string of numbers at the top right of a post, it inserts a >> link to it in your post, making replying more straightforward. Alternatively you can just type >> followed by the numbers.
Furrynomous 2022/01/06 05:34:59 No.2063892
> Ahh shit.. okay, I will adjust my monitor.. hopefully this will work out better in my favor, thank you for that information. I apparently have been screwing myself over.

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, there's also the option to measure the color profile of your monitor and then use software to "proof" what the image will look like on other people's monitors and printers etc. Color profiling is mistakenly called "calibration" in many contexts, but it's really just generating a map of how your monitor differs from a standard sRGB monitor, and then smarter programs like Photoshop can adjust for it.

I prefer to calibrate the monitor instead because not all software supports color profiles properly, so I know I'm working close to sRGB standard when there's no color correction. It's very fiddly business, but it's fun in the end when you get to print your stuff out on paper, or even bring it to a professional printer, and the colors turn out exactly the same. If it's for online publishing then it doesn't matter as much because basically nobody calibrates their monitors anyways.
Furrynomous 2022/01/08 02:48:23 No.2064597

I calibrated my monitor for sRGB space. Some consumer TVs have auto calibration via phone cameras which gets you close enough to true colour ranges. A lot of decent TVs are out there that work as a good monitor as well (like I have a 48" OLED TV as my monitor, supports free sync and HDR10+).

There are, however a lot of places online where people will relate the calibration settings they use for their monitor/TV to give it as true a picture as they've been able to get. Most of those people are the sort who want that colour accuracy and had no qualms about dropping a couple hundred on a calibration kit rental. You can use their settings and get something that is again close to true.

It is indeed a deep rabbit hole to dive down.
Furrynomous 2022/01/13 16:24:14 No.2067023
Yeah, not to mention that televisions and video production uses different color standards than computer monitors and photography/graphics, and getting the two to agree may be impossible. The NTSC color space is wider than the sRGB color space, so you technically can make your TV look like your computer monitor, but not the other way around. Same thing goes for the REC 2020 standard for 4/8K televisions.

sRGB is rather limited with how much color saturation it can have - it doesn't have the "punch" and vibrancy of the wider standards designed for analog TV and film back in the day, but this is because it packs the limited digital color resolution (8 bits per channel) into smaller steps so you don't get banding and discrete jumps between colors. You still do sometimes, though. We should be using 12 bit monitors by now, but it's a chicken and egg problem with all the software support.
Furrynomous 2022/01/17 18:22:33 No.2068687
The gripe I have is how rigid your deployment method is. You have solved, imo, the biggest issue with it by wanting to bring the MxM and side comics into your main patreon as you mentioned before so it saves the potential customer money and it doesn't feel like you are reaching for wallets by spreading specific content behind additional paywalls.

As I said I have a gripe about your deployment method. Your current model appears to be if we are subbed to your patreon before you post an image or page, its great to be us. If we are not then the next option is to send an email to you. Given how you are busy irl there is not a guarantee that you will get to us despite that you try to do your absolute best to do so. I would suggest to help alleviate this would be to share a teaser saying that in the next day or two the next image or page will be posted. It will give customers that follow you but may not be actively subbed warning to resub so they may get what you are posting. If not that then maybe consider setting up a Gumroad or a storefront that allows your adult content so customers can PWYW.

Amo you are an amazing artist and you deserve to get paid for your work. I like all of your content and seeing it all spread out behind separate paywalls before made me feel like I was dealing with a corporate entity trying to sell me something. Then reaching for my wallet after the fact to get me to buy more things they offer in the product but are either impossible to get or behind incredibly dumb RNG when the quickest option is to pay through the nose.
Furrynomous 2022/02/01 01:31:20 No.2075162
the prices are also very high, i mean more releases and lower prices would attract more followers on your patreon.

for example meesh: he has like 5k followers and his pictures get posted on here shortly after release.

at the end it doesnt matter if quality and ammount matches the price.

one picture a week (2 comic pages and 2 sinple pictures) for like 10$ to get the full programm and like 3-5$ to get the simple pictures.

maybe releasing the pictures directly on your patreon would also be a good thing.

promoting your art on multiple sites including twitter (releasing free stuff from time to time (commis?) also attracts more people to your patreon)
mog 2022/02/01 04:46:43 No.2075215
for there searchin a;; page
Furrynomous 2022/02/01 09:24:59 No.2075285
If you go to a comics book store, you can buy a 40 page issue of just about any comics for less than €20 and if you don't need a paper copy then the online edition is usually something like €5. Hell, you can buy a hardcover copy of Blacksad for $22.30 on Amazon and that's 184 pages.

You have to pay at least €5.50 a month to access Meesh's comics, and even so you only get like two pages a month. 40 pages costs well over €100 and you have to wait years for it. ALL the patreon artists are like this - they charge 5-10x the money from what comic books would normally pay per customer, and they're glacially slow at releasing anything, which drives 99% of the potential customers away because it just doesn't make any sense to pay that much. That's why people pirate Patreon comics.

Still, if you got 5k followers, you're rolling in money anyways. If you don't have 5k followers, then you're SOL. People are already throwing their disposable income towards people like Meesh, so they're not gonna pay you the same. Only a few people can win like that, and the rest will lose trying.

Edit: The board doesn't seem to understand the Euro symbol. €

Edited at 2022/02/01 09:35:58
Furrynomous 2022/06/20 12:15:33 No.2140708
Anyone have updates for this?
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 01:57:14 No.2334786
File: 1634323606.amocin_first_flight01_u18chan.jpg - (405.12kb, 946x1280, 1634323606.amocin_first_flight01.jpg)
Full comic from start to finish, from the public release on FA.
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 01:58:02 No.2334790
File: 1634323649.amocin_first_flight02_u18chan.jpg - (336.04kb, 946x1280, 1634323649.amocin_first_flight02.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 01:58:11 No.2334791
File: 1634323734.amocin_first_flight03_u18chan.jpg - (369.24kb, 946x1280, 1634323734.amocin_first_flight03.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 01:58:20 No.2334792
File: 1634323859.amocin_first_flight04_u18chan.jpg - (350.25kb, 946x1280, 1634323859.amocin_first_flight04.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 01:58:30 No.2334793
File: 1634323927.amocin_first_flight05_u18chan.jpg - (311.08kb, 946x1280, 1634323927.amocin_first_flight05.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 01:59:45 No.2334797
File: 1643232992.amocin_first_flight06_u18chan.jpg - (258.04kb, 946x1280, 1643232992.amocin_first_flight06.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:00:05 No.2334799
File: 1643233054.amocin_first_flight07_u18chan.jpg - (267.53kb, 946x1280, 1643233054.amocin_first_flight07.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:00:24 No.2334800
File: 1643233137.amocin_first_flight08_u18chan.jpg - (311.12kb, 946x1280, 1643233137.amocin_first_flight08.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:00:33 No.2334801
File: 1655680793.amocin_first_flight09_u18chan.jpg - (296.62kb, 946x1280, 1655680793.amocin_first_flight09.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:01:39 No.2334806
File: 1655763101.amocin_first_flight10_0_u18chan.jpg - (319.3kb, 946x1280, 1655763101.amocin_first_flight10.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:03:36 No.2334814
File: 1655846795.amocin_first_flight11_u18chan.png - (2.12mb, 1700x2300, 1655846795.amocin_first_flight11.png)
This page was uploaded as a high-resolution PNG, apparently by mistake. It's the only page of the public release that's like that.
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:05:20 No.2334817
File: 1655934468.amocin_first_flight12_u18chan.jpg - (372.84kb, 946x1280, 1655934468.amocin_first_flight12.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:05:38 No.2334819
File: 1656035394.amocin_first_flight13_u18chan.jpg - (305.14kb, 946x1280, 1656035394.amocin_first_flight13.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:05:55 No.2334821
File: 1656105349.amocin_first_flight14_u18chan.jpg - (261.16kb, 946x1280, 1656105349.amocin_first_flight14.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:07:38 No.2334829
File: 1656202982.amocin_first_flight15_0_u18chan.jpg - (293.17kb, 946x1280, 1656202982.amocin_first_flight15.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:07:59 No.2334831
File: 1656296158.amocin_first_flight16_u18chan.jpg - (353.67kb, 946x1280, 1656296158.amocin_first_flight16.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:08:08 No.2334832
File: 1656367225.amocin_first_flight17_u18chan.jpg - (316.6kb, 946x1280, 1656367225.amocin_first_flight17.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:08:18 No.2334833
File: 1656452545.amocin_first_flight18_u18chan.jpg - (405.61kb, 946x1280, 1656452545.amocin_first_flight18.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/08/19 02:08:52 No.2334834
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