I don't usually mind growth to a certain extent, but this is an example of how it makes no sense.
They introduce a certain level of technology (space travel). This puts forward a few concepts in a persons mind. Then they toss all that out the window to show growth. Here they did it in an extreme fashion.
How does a creature this massive exist in the void of space without freezing? Was she immune to space beforehand? How is she speaking, or breathing? Sound doesn't travel in a void, and unless space in this reality is composed of air, it's not breathable. What *did* cause the growth? Some chemical in the smoke she was breathing? Why did it only affect her, and not her prisoner?
When people imagine hyper growth where normal beings grow outside of a planets atmosphere that aren't somehow shown to normally be able to exist in space, all the knowledge of what happens to living things in space comes to mind; the smothering, the exploding lungs, the freezing. So it never really works in my mind.