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File: 268904267_3007300652817988_796737475492304517_n_u18chan.jpg - (112.1kb, 708x900, 268904267_3007300652817988_796737475492304517_n.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Kadath's cuckery A View To A Thrill 2021/12/23 20:55:20 No.2057217   

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Kadath's cuckery A View To A Thrill 2021/12/23 20:55:44 No.2057218
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Kadath's cuckery A View To A Thrill 2021/12/23 20:56:04 No.2057219
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Kadath's cuckery A View To A Thrill 2021/12/23 20:56:23 No.2057220
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Kadath's cuckery A View To A Thrill 2021/12/23 20:56:43 No.2057221
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Furrynomous 2021/12/23 21:09:35 No.2057222
OP: a stocking stuffer, just in time for Christmas.

Or a sthotking stuffer I guess
Sex Stimulation Name Hidden 2021/12/24 01:12:23 No.2057268
You're the one in this story to cuck Nightshade
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 11:45:44 No.2057379
It would be nice if a comic comes from this artist that she gets pregnant from him and then sees with a big pregnant belly.
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 14:15:28 No.2057440
ain't gonna happen, but feel free to make a preggers edit like you weirdos usually do
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 15:11:52 No.2057457
Kinda unsettling to get only one side of the conversation. Especially when the one side is Nightshade.
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 15:24:16 No.2057473

It's because Kadath tried to make a "POV self-insert" plot, but didn't knew how to make it proper... as much of the things he's writing recently
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 17:16:01 No.2057495
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Furrynomous 2021/12/24 18:10:05 No.2057506
pov huh? well it still looks like mission failed. should have done the typically anon place holder character.
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 20:55:41 No.2057552
That's straight up Markus.

So even when kad tries making a mini comic that's supposed to be a pov he Still Fucks up by putting Markus in content involving nightshade.
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 22:42:50 No.2057614
Mabye if someone made uncuck nome-ntr version of the thing. Get rid of the mentioned of cucking and change the character, like make the POV guy a Husky or German Shepard
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 22:42:50 No.2057615

Yeah, he could've at least changed the guy's fur color, so it wasn't that obvious it's Markus
Furrynomous 2021/12/24 23:00:56 No.2057622
Kad's word on the matter, per the entry for the fourth page:
>A note: No, this is not Markus, lol. I just went for a generic colour for the Viewer, and brown was the only one that didn't contrast or blend in too much with these two lovebirds.
Furrynomous 2021/12/26 21:39:42 No.2058378

Either it shows how bland and crappy his character designs are or he is lying for his coping fetish, but perhaps he is so deep into his world that he subconsciously draws Babylon The Great(night shade) with the home wreaker horse, cause of his fictitious view on relationships. But you know what, at least the art is somewhat better here, which is the most important part, even though his writing is still awful.
Furrynomous 2021/12/26 22:02:25 No.2058382
>we're so deep into cuckflaming homosexualery that even Markus is getting cucked
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 00:34:51 No.2058439
Puzzle was traded for this bitch and every time I see a new comic with her in it I get reminded of that hilarious fact. What a trainwreck.
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 05:38:39 No.2058511
you say that as if Kad should've been forced to draw Puz/Pat porn forever, even after he said he had become personally uncomfortable with drawing it
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 05:48:53 No.2058514
Hahano, I say that because he managed to make an incestuous relationship less toxic and destructive than his alternative, all while his art quality somehow degrading throughout. It's funny.
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 07:40:16 No.2058545
You would think someone would call Kadath out for being such a wuss with no spine, but asspats are king, apparently.
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 07:46:49 No.2058547

Some of us have. But that's why many websites have a block feature. :P
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 13:06:46 No.2058632
yeah, Kad is such a pussy for wanting to be comfortable with what he's drawing

what a wuss, wanting to preserve his mental health
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 18:38:25 No.2058742
Stop simping for objectively bad characters and degrading art.
Furrynomous 2021/12/27 20:14:16 No.2058778

This has to be Cuckuloid Kad or even funnier his, "girlfriend". Either way, he knows about this place and what we say, so, we are not in your safe spaces anymore Kad, this is the only place where we can actually criticize you for the work you do and not hid behind your wall of simps.
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 07:16:42 No.2058914
not Kad himself, not even a fan of his work - but people who are all "he should go back to drawing Puz/Pat" are suggesting he should go back to doing something that was taxing to his mental health, and I think that's bullshit regardless of how I feel about Kad's art

you don't have to like what he does nowadays to think he should have the freedom to do what he wants with his art regardless of how anyone else feels about it
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 08:16:46 No.2058925

Nah man, he needs to jump to the beck and call of every mongoloid on a chan site

Edited at 2021/12/28 08:17:19
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 09:24:27 No.2058939
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Iunno man, telling people to stop expressing how they liked his earlier work/despise Nightshade and her incessant abuse and to just shut up and leave Brittney alone seems kinda simpy to me.
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 14:33:07 No.2059025
It's possible to stop drawing incest without switching to... whatever the fuck Nightshade does. Those aren't the only options. Unlike Pat, Puzzle seems to be in a healthy relationship that still allows for threesomes.

I enjoy the cuck stuff, but only because I don't care about Nightshade or Patrick as characters.
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 15:13:12 No.2059040
feel free to express your opinion, but when you start sounding like you think Kadath should be drawing stuff to please you, that's when you start sounding like you're entitled to his art and the direction in which he takes it

yeah, but if Kad wants to keep drawing Pat/Nightshade, what else can you really do about it besides complain?
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 16:48:44 No.2059082

Listen here, I don't have a problem with the cuck stuff, that's just an easy target to tear down with anyone that does cuckolding regardless of who does it, you can like stuff that the majority of people don't like, more power to you, but the big issue is Kadath. There is so much wrong with the guy that I don't know where to start but the bigger part that really urks me is that the guy is drawing 12 plus years if I am not mistaking, nearly to his 40's, hasn't been the best artist but was his older work has a lot more quality and care to it. My point being is, he has not gotten any better with his work and you can literally see how he does not care for his work. Aswell as gotten worse and ignoring "VALID" criticism. But yet he is still popular and provides only a niche fetish to hold an audience. He is sitting comfortably with his art at least so there is no incentive for improvement, and we haven't even gotten to the guy's ego. He can cope all he wants with his past relationship with this "controlled environment cheating" fetish all he wants, but I can respect the hustle but not the creator or product.
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 17:20:00 No.2059143
Yeah yeah blah blah blah, his art's going into the shitter, his characters are crap and he's swapped out something with actual chemistry for probably the msot retarded depiction of cuckoldry this fandom has ever seen. Go ahead and gaslight these criticisms as people saying
it won't change anything I just laif out.
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 18:18:58 No.2059155
seems like you don't respect the hustle at all, given how you're complaining about how he's still popular even though his art has stagnated

which isn't to say I disagree - his art has stagnated and his older art does show more care - but I simply don't look at or think about his art all that much any more

it's a path I recommend taking if you really want to save your own mental health; I speak from experience when I say that fixating on a thing you hate is only ever going to make you feel like shit

the criticisms of his art/writing are valid, I'll give you that - but when people keep harping on Puz/Pat so much, it comes off less as "his stuff was much better in the past" and more as "I wish he'd draw incest porn again so I can have my happy fappies back"
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 18:57:55 No.2059160

I can also say by experience that it is not good for your mental health, but that is a redundant argument as because that doesn't apply to everyone, because people "operate" differently. People don't work the same, I will not say its good or bad for your mental health because of all the nuance that goes into a pointless argument. But I will say, art is 80% mental and 20% skill "as I put it" as an artist myself. I do respect the hustle, because if someone asked me "How do I make easy money drawing art?" well first off, draw porn, its super easy, but if you want to make it easier draw furry porn and if you really want to make it super easy, draw pokemon porn and sell anthro adoptables but make them thicc. I respect/understand it because as a means for making money, which is what Kadath is doing, but on a production, scale sacrifices have to be made and Kadath took a knife to almost every aspect to himself and his work, when it was not necessary. and one of those sacrifices to save as much of his sanity is to block and hide from all the criticism for his work because he doesn't want to improve, which is why we are here, because anywhere else his simps come in and protect him and he blocks or alt f4, not talking to the person and acknowledging them only to rant about it on twitter from time to time or put some ham fisted "chad move" message to "stick it to the haters." I will say the cuckolding argument is kinda pointless, he can draw what he wants but he did alienate a good amount of his fans with a very obvious message that was not speaking the truth as to why he did,(and if that is the truth Kadath really is lacking in his resolve) so he retconned that relationship, so I can understand it, plus the majority as I said before don't like cuck stuff.
Furrynomous 2021/12/28 20:32:29 No.2059183
Now you're implying disliking his stuff and voicing that is bad for mental health. For someone who is on record with agreeing that Kadath's work has stagnated in quality, if not declined, and that you apparently don't even care for said work to begin with, you sure are intent on shaming others for also disliking it and voicing that dislike. You got some skin in the game of being the only Kadath critic or something? Then there was that whole bit of lecturing others for not caring about *his* mental health...I'm gonna be honest, your angle is really bizarre, the focus on mental health in regards to furry smut is just the cherry on top. It's all just hand-waving, shaming, and disagreeing with people who supposedly share the same viewpoints as you do. Almost like you're being...dare I say, disingenuous?
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 06:09:10 No.2059367
>you're implying disliking his stuff and voicing that is bad for mental health
it's not the criticism that's the issue - it's the obsession with constantly expressing that criticism whenever possible, even (and especially) when it's not in Kadath's presence

like, you know that saying about someone living rent-free in your head? that's the kind of thing I'm talking about here

I do agree that his work has gotten worse over the years, but I don't go out of my way to think that much about it because I don't look at his work that much any more - I stopped following him on FA, I don't pay attention to his social media, and so on

it's one thing to dislike his work, say so, and be done with it - but it's a whole other thing to harp on how much you dislike his work with every new page of his comics or every new "Ask Puz and Pals" entry

at that point, you're essentially hatewatching Kad; as someone who hatewatched Jay Naylor's work for YEARS, I can tell you that it won't do you or your mental health any favors to fixate on him like that
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 10:15:04 No.2059448
If you honestly think people mocking/griping about Kadath on a slowass Chan site are having their mental health impacted by doing so I think that says more about you than them.
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 11:12:23 No.2059536
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Furrynomous 2021/12/29 14:34:14 No.2059593
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Furrynomous 2021/12/29 14:46:40 No.2059595
I assume it's too much to ask to photoshop markus and make him Patrick?
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 23:07:32 No.2059815

Ngl I was so pissed with this supposed 'POV' who's obviously Markus, and all that cucking bullshit Kadath is pushing (like, even people into cucking don't like how shitty he writes it) that I was thinking in doing a non-cuck edit
Furrynomous 2021/12/29 23:57:43 No.2059840
I think I'm going to go watch the rapeman meme dub to wash this out of my brain.
Furrynomous 2021/12/30 13:37:04 No.2060272
I personally like Kadath's new style more than before by a long shot, and many of his pieces are quite hot imo

BUT even I can agree the whole cucking thing has become too much to not cringe at. Almost makes me think he's pushing it even more to anger more people
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 10:51:59 No.2061051
>preserve his mental health

That's been fucked since his last relationship and is one of the main reasons he's gone full-blown cuck and turns into a little bitch whenever someone calls him out for wanting something OTHER than his completely braindead idea of what a 'healthy' cuck relationship is.
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 12:27:34 No.2061084

I really don't understand the cuck interest in his work. It not even interesting, I could understand swinging to some degree, but I get the feeling Puzzle is being used for that to some degree.

Hell if Kad wanted to cuck Patrick he could have just have him get cucked by a girl going on Night not a guy.

To me at this point the only interesting thing a cuck, is just to shame them for fun. I mean even in NTR they just mind break a guy into being a cuck as opposed to being one by choice, Which is worse.

Just this past week I knew more about cucks then I should. Just with the whole crazy meme's on twitter regarding that Jack Murphy guy, piping in my Twitter trends some how.

Plus having seen a cuck college (degenerate) stream on YouTube by that guy who did that Kyle Rettenhouse coverage. Just on talking about Jack Murphy's article. And people like
quartering and that GG channel, mocking cuck people.

Edited at 2021/12/31 12:31:10
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 14:25:03 No.2061117
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apparently... this is the end...

kinda underwhelmed :/
Furrynomous 2021/12/31 22:01:10 No.2061259
Yeah I think a lot of normes this past week found out what the term cuck really meant because of Jack now. I think before people didn't really truly understood what the term cuck was. But now you got a real modern representation of what a cuck is, and now he immortalized on the net as a prime example.

I MEAN COME ON. All that build up just to get a crappy one page of Patric on Night finishing in her. He didn't even try to give us a butter churning moment like he did with Olivia. Now I get the feeling Kad played 4th Dimensional chess with his viewers , and cucked the cucks.
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 17:14:43 No.2063055
for the love of the goose just fap yourself and stop crying for some pictures
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 22:48:10 No.2063802

It's almost like Kadath has been getting steadily worse at art and story over the years hmmmmm
A View To A Thrill Kadath's Cuckery 2022/01/19 21:46:42 No.2069957
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For real Kadath? FML
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 01:48:23 No.2070047

I'm not surprised, given how lazy this has gotten, but I got a good minute of laughter from this, so turn bad times good.
Furrynomous 2022/01/30 22:00:08 No.2074684
I've been away for a while, I come back, Chrysler Kadath still bores me....

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