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File: 01_HomelessDog_u18chan.jpg - (259.34kb, 1414x2048, 01_HomelessDog.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:07 No.2068636   
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:13 No.2068637
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:18 No.2068638
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:24 No.2068639
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:30 No.2068640
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:35 No.2068641
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:40 No.2068642
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:46 No.2068643
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:51 No.2068644
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:11:56 No.2068645
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:12:02 No.2068646
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:12:10 No.2068647
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:12:16 No.2068648
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:12:22 No.2068649
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Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:12:28 No.2068650
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Furrynomous 2022/01/17 17:14:20 No.2068653
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Furrynomous 2022/01/17 19:17:06 No.2068702
Damn this is sad
Furrynomous 2022/01/17 19:19:56 No.2068704
Goddamnit, I hate how much I enjoyed this..
Furrynomous 2022/01/17 22:54:08 No.2068770
And yet the plot thickenss...
I'm awfully intrigued by the story and am eager to see how it goes.
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 00:09:43 No.2068802
Nice. Actually a pretty hard-hitting and impactful little bit of writing... v.nice.
I feel sad Name Hidden 2022/01/18 00:16:19 No.2068807
I feel bad for her, resorting in prostitution for money.
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 02:31:36 No.2068882
I think most prostitutes do it for money.
wolpy 2022/01/18 05:33:54 No.2068936
Not going on a tangent because she does have boobs but how old is she?
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 05:53:04 No.2068937
She doesn't have a phone to call him with. But, I guess she could just ask for one at some reception desk.
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 06:29:46 No.2068941
If she were under 18 she would probably be in foster care. Unless we are talking about Epstein tier shit.
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 08:25:34 No.2068979
Would she even get a motel room if she is under 18?
That guy probably didn't ask for her ID, but just general question would you actually get a room in the US without an ID?
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 12:10:26 No.2069026

You have to be a minimum of 18 to rent a hotel room.
She also has quite the adult body.

I'd say at most late teens or very early 20s. If she were an orphan, the moment she turned 18 they basically toss the kid out on the street to find their own way in life so...
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 14:02:31 No.2069061
Fucking Jesus this is depressing.
Furrynomous 2022/01/18 19:37:17 No.2069201
Yall say this shit's depressing and while it may be so, so far, it still presents us with a unique dramatic story telling which I'm hoping does have a "goog ending" to it.

Otherwise I'll be just another depressed sad fuck like you guys. So I'm crossing my fingers but am just gonna go with the flow for now on this dramatic adventure.
Guilty fap Name Hidden 2022/01/19 00:38:09 No.2069276
I feel bad if I ever jerked off to this comic
Furrynomous 2022/01/19 21:05:05 No.2069941
Conflicted. I appreciate that this exists but this is very surface level real but I can’t help but wonder who this is for.
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 05:11:14 No.2070105
If anyone happens to know the artist, please let them know there are folks who would really appreciate a follow up to this.
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 06:57:22 No.2070136
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Furrynomous 2022/01/20 11:31:03 No.2070219
Read here you little shit, the author is written in the thread title.
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 14:07:04 No.2070329
Allow me to rephrase that; if anyone happens to have an open dialogue with the artist, let them know that folks would like a follow up to this comic.
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 14:42:47 No.2070346
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contact info kFraven 2022/01/20 15:40:50 No.2070367
contact info kFraven 2022/01/20 15:41:34 No.2070368
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 16:03:43 No.2070380
Yeeeeah no, not liking where it's going.
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 16:30:01 No.2070401
Ohhh I love where this is going, can't wait to see her changing her mind and fuck the dude in tears for even less money.
Furrynomous 2022/01/20 19:17:57 No.2070493
To sad 2 fap.
Furrynomous 2022/01/21 03:06:05 No.2070600
>moral fags

I'm gladly fapping to this
Furrynomous 2022/01/21 09:08:34 No.2070654
Good for you,still to sad 2 fap.
Furrynomous 2022/01/21 11:02:31 No.2070673
I don't even get why people think this is so sad. She's being offered money for her time, and not being forced into anything. If you're going to say "She has no choice she'll be homeless if she doesn't accept" that is literally the fucking same as ANY job. You're selling your bodies too.
Not pictured: Homeless man who dies forgotten because no one even gives *this* much of a shit about him.
Furrynomous 2022/01/21 11:34:30 No.2070683
>If you're going to say "She has no choice she'll be homeless if she doesn't accept" that is literally the fucking same as ANY job

Most people have other skills or abilities, and opportunities to have some choice over employment if they don't like their present job. Also, money in the bank and credit so they're not out of luck missing one paycheck. If you don't have a permanent address and a bank account, you're a non-person who may not even be able to sign up for a phone, so you can't even give a number to prospective employers.

Edited at 2022/01/21 11:42:58
Furrynomous 2022/01/21 11:35:54 No.2070684
Uh but you still (kind of)get options though in terms of employment. Being homeless gives you significantly less to work's still a big difference between the two.
.. Chatin # MOD # 2022/01/25 00:44:33 No.2072256
Being homeless basically prevents you from getting a job unless there is a city/state issued program to help, or you get offered something privately like this. That could be physical labor like construction, or whatever.

To get a job you need the following.
A physical address to receive mail, your check, tax documents.
A bank account.
A phone number, typically, to get notified about work.
Adequate hygiene. Homeless people don't always have access to a shower, and much less a washer/dryer to clean their clothes. Less so on a regular basis.

People do not realize how being homeless puts you in a bad spot where you can literally lose everything just not having a physical address, and once you lose your phone from not having money... ya.

Sure she doesn't "have" to do what the guy wants, but if she wants any kind of /normal/ life /again/ then it's basically all that has been offered.

This comic is kinda fucked up, but I'm interested...
Furrynomous 2022/01/25 15:32:18 No.2072487
As long as it doesnt go full metamorphosis territory then theres a glimmer of hope that it will be ok
Furrynomous 2022/01/25 19:13:41 No.2072530
I hope this continues.
Furrynomous 2022/01/25 20:24:01 No.2072546
The author said it will.
Furrynomous 2022/01/26 15:27:36 No.2072847
At least she gets the offer from him.
There are other people who would sell their body and soul to get back to society,
but no one is interested in them.
Sure, it is not the right thing to do, but a good story needs some conflict drama and some hard decisions to be interesting, no one likes to watch a Mary Sue
Morally it might be a gray area, but that makes it more interesting for me not only because of the porn, I actually would like to know how it continues.
Furrynomous 2022/01/27 04:54:13 No.2073046
I am invested, good story, let us see how this unfolds.
Furrynomous 2022/01/27 14:37:58 No.2073131
Autistic mods removing all comments about a fellow autist, sad.

Must be nice not to have to argue in good faith when your spectrum buddies will make the bad man go away.


(Apparently deleting a rising fight between users was not a clear enough indication for you to back off.)
Furrynomous 2022/01/27 15:05:19 No.2073135
gmpoo 2022/02/11 09:48:39 No.2080141
People think this is so sad, because in our sociaty such thing should't happen. Tons of good food is getting discarded to hold the prices high. People get broke because the moneysysthem is set up to only benifit the ritch and steal from the poor. The fact that offering her body against her will is making me sick especally when people say it is her desicion she didn't have to make. How much is it your own desicion when the only option you have is starve and freese to death or sell your body for monney. And some ritch fucks take atvantitge of that situation to satisfie theyr needs. Of course, when you are a social week male who can't establish a relationship with a female and is to frightend to try, you want to have control so you can't get your week ego hurt. Taking atvantitge of a week, hungry and frightend girl is therefore the only option you get pussy.
Normaly the man is the provider and protector, because the female is voulnerable because of bearing and raising children. Now, as a man, seeing a girl lost on the street gets me angry, because I want to protect and nuture her

Edited at 2022/02/11 10:34:03
gmpoo 2022/02/11 16:30:43 No.2080289
But i wish too that the comic gets finished no matter how the storry goes. Even if she ends up dieing. Of course some people are gone wanking of to this, that is not the point I wane make. Such storys have to be told, so people have more insight in the reality happening arround them. I think that way people are treating each other with more respeckt and more gatitude for what they allrady have

Edited at 2022/02/11 16:51:01
Furrynomous 2022/02/17 16:34:13 No.2082660
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Furrynomous 2022/02/17 16:34:36 No.2082661
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the tauren 2022/02/17 17:27:11 No.2082681
and who you gonna call? no fuckbuster!!!
Furrynomous 2022/02/17 17:50:12 No.2082687
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And the award for the most depressingly sad furry porn comic goes to…
Furrynomous 2022/02/17 20:31:34 No.2082737
D'aw I really hope she and the business man end up together :>
Furrynomous 2022/02/17 23:31:11 No.2082804
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Based on Ponorio other comics she gonna dying a very sad way.
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 12:40:41 No.2083623
This dude totally goes around telling people he is a feminist.
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 13:40:37 No.2083638
homeless women hardly even exist, because being born a female is considered an inherent privilege over males. but imagine a rich woman going to a homeless man and offering him money and shelter in exchange for sex, it would be laughable and not a sob story.
now imagine that the man wouldn't even have to work on his body and performance like an actual whore or porn star.
and the guy in the comic doesn't even seem disgusting or unattractive, so sex with him must be the easiest and least unenjoyable job even a non-homeless person could find.
imagine if instead of sex, he offered her money and shelter in exchange for working 12 hours every day in an Amazon warehouse locked in a wagecage, i bet people wouldn't find that sad, because sex is apparently the most horrible thing that can happen to a female(if she doesn't want it, that is).
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 13:49:11 No.2083641
Are you really implying regular employment would be worse than sexual exploitation/assault? bruh.

Get your incel rhetoric out of here. Humanity has plenty of problems with both sexes getting fucked, there are a lot of homeless women, and women get trafficked and (sexually) exploited disproportionally more than men. Just because you don't see the problem doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You being salty about only one side's story being told in this instance really doesn't help anyone.
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 15:50:19 No.2083693
have sex incel
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 16:21:29 No.2083704
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This is even more laughable because you actually fucking believe your right.
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 17:07:41 No.2083716
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Are you really implying having sex is worse than practically being a slave for a third or half of your lifetime? And yet the people with this same kind of mindset would protest for the right of women to "sex work", and insult people based on their perceived/assumed lack of sexual activities.

>Get your incel rhetoric out of here.

Oh, you just did... with the 'assumed' part applied of course, although you might want to learn what rhetoric means before using it.

>Just because you don't see the problem doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

And just because you move goalposts doesn't mean this has anything to do with what i said, which is that fucking with a guy for one hour and getting 500$ for that is a better deal than what most people are offered in life, aka working their ass off for one month for the same amount of money while also having spent time and effort and maybe even money to get qualifications for a job, maybe even got into debt for their whole life to get college degrees, and yet a hobo girl having to fuck a guy to get money is apparently the saddest thing to a lot of people.
If what i wrote was an incel rhetoric, then this must be a simp rhetoric, unless you can apply the same situation to reversed genders and still find it just as sad and serious.

Oh, but i thought sex is horrible? Why would i have sex if sex for money is worse than other work for money? Maybe the problem is that you didn't work a single day in your life, and so you don't have a basis to compare?
Get in your wagecage while i have sex and get money for it, see how you will like that.

Okay, nice argument.

Edited at 2022/02/19 17:13:36
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 17:22:35 No.2083719
Thanks. I thought it was a good argument to kid. But this isnt Reddit so take your anti work bullshit over there instead. This is a porn site I want to fap not think about Bezos minions.
gmpoo 2022/02/19 17:28:18 No.2083722
Nah. Not realy. I'm talking about wheak women and men shold care for them. That are usualy things you get atacked by femenists for.

Edited at 2022/02/19 17:49:25
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 17:32:45 No.2083727
If what i wrote is anti-work, then being against "sex work" offered to hobos would also be anti-work.
And before now, everyone was crying their eyes out over this comic, but now that that viewpoint is challenged you just "want to fap", okay then.
Unfortunately, there usually really is no point in arguing here at all, and it will probably be removed anyway, so i'll leave it like this.
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 18:10:16 No.2083738
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This is even more laughable because you actually fucking believe your right.

Hey dipshit only 23% of the homeless population is female at any given time and those that are not for long unless they are mentally unstable.
Furrynomous 2022/02/19 19:01:25 No.2083775
So the point of your post is that you agree with one of the points of the post i wrote that you linked? Thanks i guess?

Edited at 2022/02/19 19:02:50
Furrynomous 2022/02/20 01:06:50 No.2083982

This entire post is retarded. If you sincerely give a shit about how many men wind up in the streets with no options, fight for reforms within your local mental health care, welfare and rehabilitation systems that will actually get our brothers off the street and give them the help they need. Bitching about women having it easy is retarded and accomplishes nothing. It’s so blatantly obvious, but you idiots just want to dunk on women because you feel inadequate so you ignore how pointless your shit tirades are. You’re not inadequate btw so keep that double chin up, you can be better than this.
Furrynomous 2022/02/20 02:32:33 No.2084066
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It's okay for the girl to feel bad despite having a pretty sweet deal. You can't force someone to feel happy or satisfied with something that just doesn't work for them, even if it's something other people would love to do.

And pointing out that her situation could be much worse or the existence of double-standards doesn't make someone a woman-hater who condones exploitation, just insensitive. Failing to properly consider their point of view also makes you insensitive, even if you do it out of principle.
Furrynomous 2022/02/20 03:15:16 No.2084106
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ya'll can get deep on the moral quandary im just here hoping she gets her butthole turned inside out because this is a furry porn site and i wanna see some degenerate porn
Furrynomous 2022/02/20 05:40:27 No.2084196
LOUD NOISES! 100010100111110001010111
Furrynomous 2022/02/20 14:11:18 No.2084372
how is it possibly hard to imagine why someone on the street might not be thrilled that her only options are to prostitute herself to the first person who offers or to remain on the street?
Like, damn. i get that this is a degradation comic, im not opposed to that in any way… but can you actually not think of why she might not want to do that? $500 doesn’t go that far anyway if you’re homeless.
Furrynomous 2022/02/20 15:06:12 No.2084396
Ya'll getting baited hard, it's just porn at the end of the day
Furrynomous 2022/02/20 15:08:25 No.2084410
500 is a new set of warm clothes and not having to worry about food for a few weeks
Furrynomous 2022/02/21 13:20:20 No.2084900
Hell guys, furry fandom is really defined by yiff and drama.
Furrynomous 2022/02/23 09:13:42 No.2085611
Only on a furry forum board can I see morons riled up and arguing or whining over a fictional dog woman getting coerced into sex work,

Shut the fuck up and jerk off or say nothing you virgin losers.
Furrynomous 2022/02/26 01:58:11 No.2087013
So the point of your post is that you agree with one of the points of the post i wrote that you linked? Thanks i guess?
Meant too reply to the other person my bad been a long time since i use an image board
Furrynomous 2022/03/15 11:22:43 No.2094748
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Furrynomous 2022/03/15 11:22:48 No.2094749
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Furrynomous 2022/03/15 14:34:21 No.2094809
Hot. Nice. 100.
the tauren 2022/03/15 14:40:21 No.2094811
yep no choice.
Furrynomous 2022/03/15 14:43:17 No.2094812
Medical ID bracelet is something transient people actually do, so they can be identified etc. They leave them on like that. Artist/Writer did research.
No Choice Name Hidden 2022/03/15 22:22:12 No.2094943
Looks like she'll have to call the guy
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 02:25:28 No.2095004
It is a Medical ID bracelet, sure, but she didn't have that before she went to the room or did the artist miss it the whole comic?
Was thinking maybe she spent some of that money going to a hospital for some reason but 120$ is not much and 24$ for a night minus food there is not enough left for that at least in the US

I don't know about transient people, I think that term has another meaning,
I guess you mean a tramp or a traveling homless person?

But I know In general it makes sense for people without an ID to have such things to get identified ...still my question, doesn't she need an ID to get the room in the first place?
I guess the guy could not want to see it for some reason...
homeless dog girl comic KfRaven 2022/03/16 17:04:44 No.2095263
I really hope she has sex with him he knots her good and solid and the condom breaks. She gets pregnant and has A child to hold over his head collecting child support off him the next 18 years.
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 19:42:09 No.2095298
I dunno what places you've been staying in, but i've never had to present ID of any kind when staying at any motel or hotel around the US or even throughout europe or asia
the tauren 2022/03/16 21:07:14 No.2095337
possible she has a secret :p.

escape from hospital or lab.

look her face in the start.
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 00:54:39 No.2095397
she probably sold plasma to get some money
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 03:39:08 No.2095441
I've stayed in hotels in most New England states (Connecticut, New Hampshire, etc...) and some in eastern Canada, and I've ALWAYS been asked for ID. Doesn't matter if it's a shitty motel or a proper hotel. They always asked for ID.
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 08:02:49 No.2095492

I just wanna see them fuck as well
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 10:46:21 No.2095521

Generally, you do need an ID for hotels, libraries, etc. For some services, you need two forms of ID and these can usually be;

Library Card
Debit Card
Parole Card
Prescription Container
Drivers License (expensive and expires)

Hospital admission bracelets are one of these things that can be generally used as ID so long as a photo ID isn't required, but if you have a piece of Photo ID usually you only need a non-photo ID on the side of that. But one of the most important aspects of an admission bracelet is in the event you are found beaten, freezing, sick, or in distress on the side of the street and first responders find you, the ID bracelet will give the paramedics and hospital information on your medical history and who you are etc. Transient people typically have them. As to when she got it... this comic isn't covering every moment of her life, she's used her money up in the meantime lodging etc so we don't have days of her time recorded.
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 14:38:04 No.2095593
Either that or she went to get some type of birth control
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 19:07:11 No.2095677

but they had your credit card with your name, otherwise what would they do if you trash your room and leave without a trace?
It would be stupid to not have some information on the person renting the room
especially if you pay cash like in her case.

Yes that is quite normal procedure I guess especially if it's a shitty motel.

Could you explain what you exactly mean with transient people?
I found this explanation, but maybe I understand it different (sorry, I am not a native eng speaker) because why would transient people benefit from an ID bracelet?

Or do you mean with transient people, "gender" transitioning people?

Either way the "Homeless Dog Girl" doesn't seem to be a transient person nor a transgender person as far as I perceive it from this comic, for me, she just looks like a tramp.

But in general I see the benefit of that Medical ID if you got nothing else or maybe for people with special conditions like epilepsy, maybe transitioning people, cause better information = faster treatment
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 19:59:23 No.2095714

Transient is the proper term for "homeless" people.
Furrynomous 2022/03/19 17:39:42 No.2096718

Wh-what? No? Jesus what the fuck, it's because they have no solid place of foundation and tend to move around. Homeless people are a transient population. Jesus the fuck is wrong with people these days where you use the technical term for something and they sperg out about Orwell and shit.
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/03/19 17:50:33 No.2096734
Just gonna get rid of that bit. Transient is literally used for homeless people that move around, as some stay in one spot and others can wonder around from city to city or state to state.

Go ask a cop.

Also this is getting really off topic. Take it to discussion on things not directly pertaining to the comic. ie. All of this shit.
Furrynomous 2022/03/19 20:27:56 No.2096837
Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for clarification.
I was assuming it is a more general term for people like seasonal workers or visiting students (Erasmus) something like that...
Furrynomous 2022/03/25 01:04:48 No.2099418
Lots of people with no fixed abode have a home, of sorts. They sleep in their car. They have a beat up RV. They couch surf. But these are unreliable and usually require shifting situations frequently (for example, no parking lot in my city allows overnight parking). That's why "transient" is a more accurate and more applicable term because it includes this group of people too.
KfRaven 2022/04/03 23:43:47 No.2104438
Anything new on this comic please? It would be interesting to see how the author intends to end it?
Furrynomous 2022/04/05 00:30:13 No.2104850

Traveling circus performer and acrobat here. Hello from the beat up RV you’re talking about.
Furrynomous 2022/04/08 06:50:20 No.2106417
File: FPv4_3hVcAMnuVN_u18chan.jpg - (670.18kb, 3201x2248, FPv4_3hVcAMnuVN.jpg)

The tauren 2022/04/08 09:02:41 No.2106439
Use her last coins of Luck nice
Furrynomous 2022/04/09 21:48:39 No.2107093
File: E9C6A76B-54C0-47CE-B5C9-F566E988F0FA_u18chan.jpeg - (58.9kb, 2048x1464, E9C6A76B-54C0-47CE-B5C9-F566E988F0FA.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2022/04/09 22:51:51 No.2107108
^ Is this part of the story or is it a reference to something?
the tauren 2022/04/10 00:09:48 No.2107139
part of story she got the card of lust :p.

Edited at 2022/04/10 08:29:41
Furrynomous 2022/04/10 17:15:28 No.2107549
Obviously this was written before the age of constant spam calling...
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/04/10 17:44:40 No.2107561
Considering she's about to use a payphone which I haven't seen in use for 15 years....
the tauren 2022/04/10 17:54:30 No.2107564
still exist somewhere.
Furrynomous 2022/04/10 18:09:31 No.2107568
Page 12 shows a flat-screen TV in a very cheap motel, which suggests this is a more modern-day setting?
Furrynomous 2022/04/11 00:28:11 No.2107734
The same picture literally says 15 December 2020
... which makes me wonder if that comics page was in a drawer for two years.
the tauren 2022/04/11 05:31:04 No.2108035
oh come on it just pics

just put your waifu in an old pics it not difficult.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 13:22:33 No.2108658
File: HomelessDogItBegins_u18chan.jpg - (134.99kb, 1280x1207, HomelessDogItBegins.jpg)
2 new pages
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 13:24:04 No.2108660
File: HomelessDogItBegins2_u18chan.jpg - (171.76kb, 1280x1707, HomelessDogItBegins2.jpg)
Man, I'm not sure if this is increasing my horny or anxiety level more.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 14:06:20 No.2108682
She is looking relaxed to me...
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 14:32:01 No.2108698
Apparently ponporio's has 5 more pages of this comic on subscribstar.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 14:37:30 No.2108703
Awh, I like this couple. Wholesome.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 15:20:31 No.2108735
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File: calm-owl_u18chan.png - (313.29kb, 500x482, calm-owl.png)
yes verry calm ... 0_0

I only hope we will not end with a dead girl in the end
I'm not sure 50/50

The hospital tag she is wearing might be a bad sign for me ...sure there are other alternatives

Edited at 2022/04/12 15:23:12
The original poster 2022/04/12 15:52:17 No.2108738

"A homeless dog comic" not the sequence posted here.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 15:53:53 No.2108739

Anyone got access to their subscribstar?
Don't worry! PONPORIO 2022/04/12 19:01:59 No.2108774
I actually have two 5 page Homeless Dog comics on my subscribestar, but they're basically fanservice, non consequential smut. They both feature a sex dream, one for the Homeless Dog amd one for The Suit.

So don't worry, you're not missing anything important, all the main story is gonna be released for free.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 22:10:27 No.2108833
Thank you for the story and the art!
Furrynomous 2022/04/13 03:56:32 No.2108942
Rare instance where I feel a bit scared of this artist's potential IRL actions, lol. Very creepy and realistic situation
Furrynomous 2022/04/13 07:46:22 No.2109003
It is pretty creepy.
Furrynomous 2022/04/13 09:40:55 No.2109029

AkShuALLy... sorry lol, but as a writer, that's what we do my man. And I am not "A writer" like 99% of furries, I actually get paid for it. Usually to recreate situations and some experiences it only takes research and preferably speaking with a few people related to said experience. It's how Salinger, Bradbury, and others managed to make such impactful heavy narratives authentic to the experiences they wrote.

Of course having direct experience strengthens the ways you can specifically frame and frame what you write, but yeah. Maybe the artist/author spent some time homeless and is using that experience to build on this narrative to make it more authentic. Or they could just be really good at understanding the human condition and working from the ground up to make this realistic scenario. Either way good on'em, this is really well done and apparently teaching a bunch of people about a world they had no idea of.
Furrynomous 2022/04/13 10:32:18 No.2109051
You could just... listen to some podcasts, watch some movies, read a few books, etc, about homelessness.

It's not that hard to make something accurate, it's not like it is a secret life or anything.
Furrynomous 2022/04/13 11:21:47 No.2109094
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File: img-1_u18chan.png - (98.15kb, 498x568, img-1.png)
i like where this is going
Furrynomous 2022/04/13 15:47:39 No.2109145
Literally this character's name is "Homeless Dog Girl"

Doesn't even have a name lol

100% fetish fuel
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 01:18:23 No.2109418
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File: 1584336350953_u18chan.jpg - (48.02kb, 500x642, 1584336350953.jpg)
and that's a good thing
Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Wolpy 2022/04/14 04:41:51 No.2109451
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There’s also Slave Dog. Another comic with the same characters.
Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Wolpy 2022/04/14 04:41:55 No.2109452
File: CF9EAFCD-1503-42A4-B693-5F605EA1C479_u18chan.jpeg - (180.03kb, 1166x2048, CF9EAFCD-1503-42A4-B693-5F605EA1C479.jpeg)
Homeless Dog Girl by Ponorio Wolpy 2022/04/14 04:42:00 No.2109453
File: 39F6739D-E629-4772-9434-DA540C274E52_u18chan.jpeg - (298.76kb, 1536x2048, 39F6739D-E629-4772-9434-DA540C274E52.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 08:28:33 No.2109504
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 08:47:14 No.2109509
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 09:21:18 No.2109518
You just know someone is already using this character as a pfp on f-list.
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 11:07:18 No.2109560
People still use F-list?
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 11:09:00 No.2109561
There's an alternative?
the tauren 2022/04/15 07:39:37 No.2109890
nothing exceptionnal, if the boss had money simply take her to his manor.

and this dress....seriously.
Furrynomous 2022/04/15 18:37:14 No.2110282
Why would you ever want a hooker to know where you lived?
the tauren 2022/04/15 19:22:54 No.2110294
because for make some fun. (logic of 50 shades of grey)

wish and money (power of money i will buy you a mc donald)

it's her first time so not a hooker. (she not asked to be one and be nervous)

and in the end it's just a fiction comic (enjoy and fap)

Edited at 2022/04/15 19:23:35
Slave Dog P0 Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:45:23 No.2113668
File: SlaveDogP0_u18chan.png - (2.53mb, 2498x4390, SlaveDog P0.png)
Here it is! I wish there was knotting though.
Slave Dog P0 Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:45:28 No.2113669
File: SlaveDogP1_u18chan.png - (2.1mb, 3000x4000, SlaveDog P1.png)
Slave Dog P0 Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:45:33 No.2113670
File: SlaveDogP2_u18chan.png - (2.39mb, 3000x4427, SlaveDog P2.png)
Slave Dog P0 Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:45:38 No.2113671
File: SlaveDogP3_u18chan.png - (1.75mb, 3000x4000, SlaveDog P3.png)
Slave Dog P0 Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:45:43 No.2113672
File: SlaveDogP4_u18chan.png - (1.49mb, 3000x4884, SlaveDog P4.png)
Slave Dog P0 Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:45:49 No.2113673
File: SlaveDogP5_u18chan.png - (1.2mb, 3000x6224, SlaveDog P5.png)
Heckin Happy doggerino Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:51:19 No.2113675
File: HappyDog-Cover_u18chan.png - (8.16mb, 2216x3832, Happy Dog - Cover.png)
I also found another comic,very similar to the happy dog one,its actually a bit older than the slave dog one.
Heckin Happy doggerino Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:51:23 No.2113676
File: HappyDog-P1_u18chan.png - (3.24mb, 3000x4000, Happy Dog - P1.png)
Heckin Happy doggerino Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:51:28 No.2113677
File: HappyDog-P2_u18chan.png - (5.04mb, 3000x4000, Happy Dog - P2.png)
Heckin Happy doggerino Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:51:33 No.2113678
File: HappyDog-P3_u18chan.png - (2.97mb, 3000x4530, Happy Dog - P3.png)
Heckin Happy doggerino Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:51:39 No.2113679
File: HappyDog-P4_u18chan.png - (4.01mb, 3000x4000, Happy Dog - P4.png)
Heckin Happy doggerino Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:51:44 No.2113680
File: HappyDog-P5_u18chan.png - (3.53mb, 3000x6881, Happy Dog - P5.png)
the tauren 2022/04/23 14:04:36 No.2113684
me too i had a weird dream.

i dream i watch the comic and said wtf.
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 14:55:23 No.2113695
File: FRDP-NiXEAIgQ9w_u18chan.jpg - (532.21kb, 1536x2048, FRDP-NiXEAIgQ9w.jpg)
From Twitter
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 21:20:35 No.2113812
Looks like she's ready to babytrap somebody. At least in her dreams anyway
Parent Plan Name Hidden 2022/04/24 01:03:37 No.2113850
If she gets pregnant she could mooch off him for child-support.
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 01:27:55 No.2113852
What the fuck is going on with her hips and pussy in that screenshot?
Lazy background Name Hidden 2022/04/24 03:26:55 No.2113879
Ever notice how up the artist uses real life images for backgrounds? Maybe the artist is too lazy to draw backgrounds.
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 04:23:40 No.2113882
To be fair, if you're BDSM 24/7, you're not making the birth control decisions. The dom is. If you are making those decisions, you're not BDSM 24/7.
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 13:16:45 No.2114482
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 13:35:28 No.2114493
That's actually a pretty common thing to do. It's a huge time saver. I do it too even.
Could you do me a favor and not post my exclusive content? PONPORIO 2022/04/25 15:29:53 No.2114549
I'm glad some of you seem to be enjoying the story! It's really cool to see people connecting with the character. I just wish you guys didn't spread the exclusive comics I try to make a living with (Happy Dog and Slave Dog).

I already distribute the main, canon story for free, and made sure to make the exclusive content not important to said story so that no one would miss out on crucial details.

I hoped that was enough, but I guess not. It's a little disappointing, to be honest.
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 15:35:48 No.2114551
>I hoped that was enough, but I guess not. It's a little disappointing, to be honest.
You sound like a somebody who has been on the internet for less than a year.
Remember people - PIRACY IS ETERNAL and will remain so until the heat-death of the universe!
PONPORIO 2022/04/25 15:46:03 No.2114555
No, I'm aware, and I understand it honestly. It's still depressing to see it happen to your own work though. Nothing I can do about it though, I suppose, so no use fretting over it
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 15:48:43 No.2114556
We're pirates. If you are chill, some people grow to like you and guilt subscribe or parasocial subscribe. If you are (justifiably) hostile, there are people (who we have no control over) who will attempt to hurt an artist by reporting every little tos violation to paypal, patreon, etc, in a terrible game of trolling. There was a vore artist that tried to fight pirates with special watermarks, time gating file access etc. Most revenue providers blocked him b/c tos violation reports and he still gets ripped off. I'm not that kind of person and most of us aren't. Just saying, I advise against attempting to stop it b/c what happenee to faf and his hetty comic.

Best advice I can give is appeal to the leakers. Ask them to wait a week or two weeks. Or release paywall content in 30 days, etc. That is all Ratcha, diives and Blackkitten asked and now leaks for their content are slow to allow for impatient sales.
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 15:51:15 No.2114559
And blackkitten in specific made it so that he will only produce new pages even for the patreon subscribers, when he is received $60 in donations or commission work. That made sure he at least got the minimum value for his time spent per page.
PONPORIO 2022/04/25 15:52:39 No.2114560
That sounds rather reasonable, aye hahaha
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it mate. Didn't mean to appear hostile, I knew I wasn't stopping anyone. Just kinda sad to see it happen the first time, hard to know how to deal with it lol
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 16:49:32 No.2114582
No reason to worry about piracy. Majority audience of pirate boards like this is international, living on budget, who never pays for digital content. We would not pay you even if it was the only possible way to see your work, so you haven't lost any money.

It's not a disrespect in any way, only rich minority of world's population has abundance of money to pay for low priority things like an art.
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 18:02:01 No.2114601
This is very true. I'm a loser with 4 mental disabilities and 3 physical. Never going to have more than gov cheese, gov housing, and a cremation. Not even allowed to have more than 1,800$ saved because they'll pause SSI payments until I prove I'm broke again. There's a lot of content I'll never see because I can't pay. The only pirated things I see are pirated because they're some combination of compelling enough to have an audience, unique enough to have an audience, etc. If it's not trending upwards, it'll never surface here or other sites.

Getting pirated is often a good indicator you're starting to make it as an artist.
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 21:36:17 No.2114698
The thing is like
We don't want to hurt you or your livelihood, nessicarily.
Look at it like this: I'd have never heard of you had it not been for the piracy
One of my favourite artists I found through piracy, and now I'm one of his top tier patrons.
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 07:47:34 No.2114893
File: FRM-cfkXEAETLn__u18chan.jpg - (669.22kb, 3000x4000, FRM-cfkXEAETLn_.jpg)

Furrynomous 2022/04/26 07:47:40 No.2114894
File: FRM-du3XMAAfVbT_u18chan.jpg - (778.08kb, 2868x4096, FRM-du3XMAAfVbT.jpg)
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 12:13:18 No.2115030
Surely this comic won't come back to haunt this artist once morality mobs get their hands on it
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 12:25:48 No.2115034
Give it time.
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 12:46:40 No.2115042

the fuck is a morality mob

and why would they concern themselves with furry porn
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 13:42:15 No.2115072
The dream of her being happy and then waking up homeless and scared is giving me flashbacks to Shindo L's Metamorphosis. Probably an homage.
the tauren 2022/04/26 17:30:26 No.2115157

it must be a code dream

slave dream + happy dream = weird relation

Edited at 2022/04/26 17:30:59
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 20:51:20 No.2115207

busy bodies with more free time than brains. They attack porn on a pretty regular basis.
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 22:27:37 No.2115254
I'm pretty sure I'm one of those people and I'm not against this comic. Like, I'm anti cub, anti incest, etc. Like, the consent is dubious, but she's the one who called him
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 22:51:59 No.2115257

At least you admit it happens, unlike this poster


who probably knows exactly what is being talked about and is just being obtuse.

However, you still sound like an obnoxious puritan. It's all fictional, nobody is being hurt. If you don't like it, don't look at it.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 01:25:11 No.2115349
This comic also makes it pretty clear that this is wrong and exploitative. It's not glorifying the creepy business guy.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 17:25:14 No.2115816
"Creepy" used like this is more or less a calling card for pearl clutching. 2115257 correctly identified you in record time. It's fiction. Please chill.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 18:16:46 No.2115836

Wait I'm confused.why is calling the fox guy "creepy" pearl clutching? I mean,he technically is.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 18:22:42 No.2115837
The proper word is sleazy. Creepy is only popular as an insult of character amongst girls in middle school or tumblr refugees on twitter.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 18:41:29 No.2115841

That's an...interesting opinion on the word.

Edited at 2022/04/27 18:41:49
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 21:35:45 No.2115919



That's a whole lot of unnecessary mental gymnastics. Nobody is wrong and exploitative because the characters aren't real. If you can't understand that then you are the one with the problem.


Because the guy isn't real and you are acting as if it's a real person. It's a 2D image, it can't hurt you or anybody else. You're being accused of pearl clutching because you are acting just like the pearl clutching crowd who screech about fictional violence as if it was real world violence. It's all fiction, non of it is real.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 21:49:55 No.2115922

Ok you seem to have an issue is it that a character can't be called creepy or exploitative or whatever in a story that depicts them doing those things or acting a certain way? yeah their fake but that's literally how they're acting.what other way do you want them to be addressed? Also that first post wasn't even me.All I asked was how was calling the fox guy creepy pearl clutching.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 23:26:00 No.2115963

I never said that you can never call a character creepy, but you should also acknowledge that they are just a character and chill out accordingly. Something neither you or the other person were doing before. Secondly, the main reason that I accused this poster


of pearl clutching is because of their bizarre mental gymnastics. They were taking fictional characters way to seriously so when you jumped in to defend them you painted yourself with the same brush.

Yes, the fictional character is creepy. Is that going to stop you from masturbating to the furry porn? If it is then why are you still here? If it isn't then why do you care?
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 23:54:49 No.2115974

You seem to be doing some gymnastics yourself.I can't vouch for the other person,but when did I "take this seriously"? my whole part in this started with a question.I wasn't in defence of anyone.And to be honest,you're the one who technically started this by getting irritated by that other person's could have simply ignored it.If anyone's taking this seriously it's you.
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 01:15:00 No.2115989
I'm the one who's against cub and stuff, and if I'm a puritain, whatever, I don't care
I'm not against this comic though? So like, I don't know what you're getting so angry about?

For clarification, I'm not >>2115349
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 12:45:20 No.2116224
How is the wolf creepy again?
As far as this comic shows, he did not force her to do anything. In fact, he is too generous and too nice, considering the circumstances of this comic.
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 12:52:01 No.2116227
If you have a problem with this comic than you are a snowflake. If you really wanted to help people like this stop jerking off and actually do something about it in real life. If not shut the fuck up and read the damn comic.
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 13:05:16 No.2116230
^ It's always the same comment with you.
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 14:21:37 No.2116379
Also there's a lot of samefagging going on.
Furrynomous 2022/04/29 13:40:51 No.2116822
It's a porn story, it's not supposed to make sense, let alone to be perfectly correct.
After all, hardly anyone would like to have sex with homeless girl IRL. With all that ugly real life things that doesn't exist in a fiction, like awful smell, all skin diseases, hepatitis and drug related diseases common among homeless people...
Furrynomous 2022/04/29 13:50:42 No.2116825

Holy shit dude WTF

People who couch hop are homeless, people who sleep in their cars are homeless. These people work, they have jobs, and they take care of themselves.

Broad generalizations like that are ignorant at best.

I was homeless for a few months when I was 15 and I still managed to take a shower every day and wash my clothes when necessary.

There's definitely homeless people who have fucked hygiene and don't work. They're a minority and usually suffering from crippling mental illness without a support system.
Furrynomous 2022/05/05 13:17:30 No.2120249
File: FSAc-TyWYAEdLvF_u18chan.jpg - (955.07kb, 3000x4000, FSAc-TyWYAEdLvF.jpg)
New page.
Furrynomous 2022/05/05 13:21:05 No.2120250

Becoming homeless is one of the nightmares I have from time to time, if I may ask, where did that happen to you and how did you manage to survive?
Furrynomous 2022/05/05 15:18:56 No.2120279

I was in a very wealthy area and managed to couch hop most of the time. Slept in a park on the few nights I was between places. Always had safe places for my belongings.
Furrynomous 2022/05/08 12:56:34 No.2121655
Very respectful gentleman tho.
Furrynomous 2022/05/08 12:58:35 No.2121656
It's still a very messed up situation but at least he has "some" class.
Furrynomous 2022/05/10 02:39:00 No.2122403
I hope this has a happy ending
the tauren 2022/05/11 23:03:49 No.2123118
and they live happy and getting no childrens but alot fun sex.

the end

now peoples be good and go to bed.
Furrynomous 2022/05/12 21:52:35 No.2123525
File: BFC93607-99F1-48A6-AD7E-549FE872FE3A_u18chan.jpeg - (360.01kb, 1536x2048, BFC93607-99F1-48A6-AD7E-549FE872FE3A.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2022/05/12 23:31:17 No.2123557
I get the feeling she's gonna panic and attack him. That last panel says to me that she might be disassociating, so maybe when she tunes back in to the world she finds herself covered in blood? This whole comic has been a trip so far
Furrynomous 2022/05/13 03:47:45 No.2123638
This is porn comic and Ponporio doesn't draw gore. Don't be retarded.
Furrynomous 2022/05/13 07:36:13 No.2123673
the tauren 2022/05/13 08:47:03 No.2123684
+ 2 we are not a vampire or the famous jack.
Furrynomous 2022/05/13 09:10:09 No.2123693
I'm really invested in this story. Might give the patreon a shot!>>2123525
Dude at least lick her before. Some foreplay? Lube?
Furrynomous 2022/05/13 09:41:21 No.2123698
>Licking a whore.
Furrynomous 2022/05/13 09:47:37 No.2123713
Probably gonna be the saddest wank I ever had.
Furrynomous 2022/05/13 10:06:40 No.2123726
I think you misspelled "cum" as "blood"
Furrynomous 2022/05/14 02:30:36 No.2124226
I hope he slides that condom off midfuck and creams her raw. Fuckin ruin her
Furrynomous 2022/05/14 03:44:19 No.2124250
the tauren 2022/05/14 17:44:31 No.2124552
omg you all are terrible with this girl.

murder, mind rape now what?

i hope no one will think she get a x mens power.

i want know what the last bubble was saying.

Edited at 2022/05/14 17:44:46
Furrynomous 2022/05/17 11:36:03 No.2125788
He might "adopt" her.
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 14:25:44 No.2126285
File: FTDRUcuWAAENTJo_u18chan.jpg - (510.28kb, 2964x3330, FTDRUcuWAAENTJo.jpg)
New page will be posted tomorrow too
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 16:41:22 No.2126333
how do you know that?
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 17:08:25 No.2126340
Read twitter you dipshit.
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 12:15:41 No.2126759
File: HomelessDogSex4ANIMATED_u18chan.gif - (113.96kb, 420x560, HomelessDogSex4ANIMATED.gif)
Gif and non gif versions
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 12:15:46 No.2126760
File: HomelessDogSex4ANIMATED_u18chan.jpg - (189.75kb, 1280x1672, HomelessDogSex4ANIMATED.jpg)
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 13:59:15 No.2126835

That's not very cash money of him :<
the tauren 2022/05/19 14:20:25 No.2126844
wait i not see any gif here :/

Edited at 2022/05/19 14:21:49
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 15:16:56 No.2126852

I'm getting Belladonna of Sadness flashbacks from this page. And if you've seen the movie you know exactly which scene i am talking about...
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 16:36:47 No.2126885
Easy on her, dumbass. She's not hollow.
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 17:11:46 No.2126900
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 20:56:24 No.2126953
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Impaling Thrust: Skill that lets piercing armaments overcome enemy shields. Build power, then lunge forward for a strong thrust that pierces an enemy's guard.
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 15:15:24 No.2129439
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🙀 2022/05/25 15:56:24 No.2129449
So much for being gentle.
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 16:07:16 No.2129450
I get where the artist is going but jeez, her thinking about her potential future from rock bottom while getting railed (uncomfortably) is nuts. Still came though.
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 16:08:23 No.2129451
I feel a kind of sadness on watching this
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 16:55:13 No.2129464
I think that may be like a journal entry from earlier in her life. At the bottom where the text is cut off it mentions running away. So I think what she's actually doing is running through her head how she ended up in this position, from the beginning.
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 18:59:59 No.2129542
I mean, least the guy knows how to give a good lay?
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 20:24:20 No.2129564
The dude is way to rough and she has to endure this for an hour in order to get the money. I don't think she's going to make it for a hour and snap.
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 23:42:12 No.2129611
It would actually be a nice change of pace for one of these stories where the guy is clearly pushing someone beyond their comfort zone actually followed through on the promise to be gentle.
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 01:12:40 No.2129648
Did she told him she is a virgin? Or that he has t be gentle?
I have no time to re-read this comic, so can somebody answer me that?
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 02:06:21 No.2129654

Not sure about the virgin thing, but the default face creep said he would be gentle with her.
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 02:13:18 No.2129658
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On this page.
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 04:11:53 No.2129672
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more important question is how this dude transformed from slim businessman to Mr. Universe?
The tauren 2022/05/26 04:19:16 No.2129675
M'y theory it a super vilain "super macho man"
Or it Can be just a fetish with muscle.
The real businessman 2022/05/26 05:26:40 No.2129693
Or you just don't know what a real businessman looks like under his tuxedo...
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 08:21:27 No.2129712
the whole comic is from her point of view so i am assuming/pretending it's her perception of him at that moment. overpowering
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 10:59:31 No.2129754
I hope she catches a break eventually
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 16:59:35 No.2129867
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Furrynomous 2022/05/26 17:22:28 No.2129877
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Furrynomous 2022/05/26 18:29:29 No.2129888
Oh no. This could go very badly
the tauren 2022/05/26 19:02:46 No.2129894
dissapointing mr alpha too bad for you.

so she is hired?

Edited at 2022/05/26 19:04:48
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 20:04:07 No.2129907

This could suggest one of two things;

1. She broke her hymen when she was in the shower. She was in there for a while.

2. She might’ve had past “experience” that was traumatising. Might have had something to do with her running away?
the tauren 2022/05/26 20:23:41 No.2129914
we dont know her
we dont know the face of this male

so mysterious let ask to the scobby gang.
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 21:13:28 No.2129921

... or she just got laid in the past normally and is uncomfortable with prostitution? lol.
Furrynomous 2022/05/26 23:14:05 No.2129955
I think the first one is much more likely coz it's cheap drama.
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 03:31:26 No.2130008
Or it could be any number of things.
The hymen tearing during your first intercourse is not a universal thing and has a lot of myth about it.
A large part of females dont even have enough of a hymen for it to tear and bleed.
And it can break for all kinds of reasons including exercise and tampon use.
I know its a trope and people like to use it for stories but there is not a valid measure for virginity that a lot of people think it is
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 10:04:37 No.2130075

The artist might have just messed up. Or it might be because he told her he would be gentle and then just slammed into her really hard. That would be very frightening for her and the change in size might be the artist trying to emphasize how intimidating he is from her point of view.
Furrynomous 2022/06/02 12:27:30 No.2133415
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3 more pages
Furrynomous 2022/06/02 12:27:34 No.2133416
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Furrynomous 2022/06/02 12:27:40 No.2133417
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Furrynomous 2022/06/02 13:57:00 No.2133461
Welp i'm more depressed. 2 sad 2 fap.
the tauren 2022/06/02 14:36:03 No.2133471
not really i think she pretty fine in the last panel.
Furrynomous 2022/06/02 15:51:17 No.2133497
Beating my dick to this wouldn't be the worst thing I've gotten off to, but it's up there in terms of furey comics. I feel bad for this girl having to literally become a sex slave to some rich asshole to keep off the streets, but the artwork still turns me on. I wanna see this girl happy.
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 04:05:09 No.2133684
Woah woah, are you retarded? She called him. She is doing it because he offered she money in exchange. Nobody is forcing her to have sex with him. The guy seem to be respectful enough of her feelings. He apologized when she got mad.
I think not everybody has reading comprehension skills
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 09:27:40 No.2133770
Not the anon you replied to but you are the retarded one in this case. That wolf is literally preying on a homeless person who had no other options. He may have her consent, but he is not really any better than a rapist. If you can't extrapolate that the polite act is just a facade, you are absolute moron.
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 10:17:16 No.2133779
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 10:30:16 No.2133782
Seems pretty self-imposed to me. I've lived in the hood plenty of times, but have yet to see a homeless person that isn't homeless because of drug addiction or some kind of medical disorder.

This whole situation is extremely unrealistic. If she had been in the game since she was a kid, she'd have a pimp kicking in the door to beat the piss out of the guy and rob him clean. And she'd be pretty numb to the whole situation, if not full on into it.

If she was a loner, she'd most likely be a drug addict or mental case. Simple innocent people don't just trip and fall into prostitution. You get there through a series of events that tear down your self-esteem enough to take that path in the first place.

Like starting out in a place of poverty, for instance. But even then, this seems unrealistic. She isn't drowning herself in drugs or alcohol to make the pain go away. There is no real sense of desperation at all. Her stakes are having someplace to stay.

It'd take some serious world building to explain why a perfectly healthy and sober young adult can't find work anywhere to such an extent that she can't even get a charity house to clothe her.

Or why she isn't working a pole, or an escort job. I mean, even in the lowest tiers of sex work, a girl in this situation can make some serious money if she isn't held down by a pimp or drug addiction. I know girls personally that paid their entire way through college doing escort work.
the tauren 2022/06/03 11:43:30 No.2133800
tips 2 dream different with benefit :3
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 03:22:45 No.2134054
Come on, just a very uncomfortable sex in dire need of money. That's how most prostitutes started their carrier. She will most likely lose the remaining self respect and get used to it. Life is not nice and easy to everyone.
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 04:05:21 No.2134065

Wow. you just want this to STAY depressing.
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 05:40:20 No.2134082
I'm hoping that this takes a twist and becomes a 'Pretty Woman' situation
Furrynomous 2022/06/05 03:08:59 No.2134319
Yeah I'm hoping for a gender reversed uptown girl situation too
Furrynomous 2022/06/10 20:40:03 No.2136812
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Furrynomous 2022/06/10 20:40:08 No.2136813
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Furrynomous 2022/06/10 21:06:16 No.2136834
She looks like she got wrecked the night before
the tauren 2022/06/11 00:51:41 No.2136948
hello !!! sunshine do you sleep well ?
birds are singing isn't nice mr suit.

mr suit.....? :/ shit he goes like a santa claus

Edited at 2022/06/11 00:55:11
Furrynomous 2022/06/11 02:03:14 No.2136966
Strictly speaking, blood is optional. You can rest against the barrier and just break it, yes, and then there will be blood. But you can gradually stretch and then sooner or later the passage will appear by itself. This is individual.
Furrynomous 2022/06/11 02:18:15 No.2136968
Berserk - Guts theme started playing in my mind due to how sad this whole situation is, and how I lament getting a boner from it
Furrynomous 2022/06/11 12:45:41 No.2137135
Could be worse, she could have no one willing to fuck her for money.
Furrynomous 2022/06/11 13:28:25 No.2137143
I just hope she catches a break eventually.
the tauren 2022/06/11 19:57:40 No.2137244
until the 25 th december :3.
Furrynomous 2022/06/11 19:59:58 No.2137246
If anyone here has seen the Zootopia comic Homeless Bellwether, it's way more messed up than this
Furrynomous 2022/06/12 10:38:25 No.2137605

Morbid curiosity got the better of me and now I'm sad
Furrynomous 2022/06/17 16:44:39 No.2139589
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Furrynomous 2022/06/17 16:44:44 No.2139590
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Furrynomous 2022/06/17 17:02:15 No.2139597
At least the sleeze left her money.
the tauren 2022/06/17 19:12:58 No.2139693
call me next week at the same hour.

ps : you are my toy now.

(and bang in your teeth for all peoples who say blalbla it sad it immoral etc... the suit are generous :) )

Edited at 2022/06/17 19:15:44
😓 2022/06/17 19:54:34 No.2139701
Uh, that doesn't stop it from being immoral.
Furrynomous 2022/06/17 20:49:03 No.2139714
Awwwh... good ending :>

Wholesome end.
Furrynomous 2022/06/17 21:26:26 No.2139723
Not sure about wholesome. but hey, it could have been worse XD
Furrynomous 2022/06/18 06:04:59 No.2139865
There's gotta be a line somewhere, lol. I hope this artist never has a real life relationship with anyone who thinks they care about them. This is really scary.
The real businessman 2022/06/18 09:17:48 No.2139905
Why that?
She did a service and he paid her, so no immorality in my view.
If he had not paid her he would be an abusive dick.
Furrynomous 2022/06/18 11:14:09 No.2139925

The guy took advantage of her at least twice (technically three but we don't see what actually happened there.) Yes, he offered money and she accepted, because she really needed it. But she still had the choice to refuse. But it's very, very clear that she wasn't comfortable with the idea either time. She had a full-on panic attack after he started going on about paying her for full-on sex.

She's in a bad situation, in a desperate need for money. The guy knows this and used it to his full advantage, pressuring her into stuff she didn't want to do. He also assured her he'd be gentle with her, then pounded her like a screen door in a tornado until she fell unconscious. And to top it off he even thought she was a virgin and was disappointed she wasn't. He went into this thinking she'd never had sex before, and pounded her extremely roughly with the idea that it was her first time.

All of that is what's immoral.
Furrynomous 2022/06/18 12:38:19 No.2139959

Edgy content???? On the INTERNET?!?! Surely the sign of a true sociopath!
The real businessman 2022/06/18 15:33:05 No.2139990
I agree the part where he had rough sex with her suggests selfish motives.
However, we should wait and see what the letter says. Maybe he's not a complete ass and will give her a more permanent way out of her situation.
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 02:15:14 No.2140152
The only thing bad he did was telling her he be gentle, when he wasn't.
Anything other is okay. He looks like an opportunist, but that is a character trait tht is more positive than negative.
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 08:06:00 No.2140204

In this case though, it seems like a negative trait.
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 10:54:07 No.2140302

Maybe this is the time I should make you aware that the artist has other images of these two, where she's been turned into a sex slave in his sex dungeon.

So yeah, she gets a permanent way out. And it's not a good one, either.

but that is a character trait tht is more positive than negative.

What? Being an opportunist isn't inherently good or bad. The intent is. Being an opportunist and taking advantage of a sale to save some money is good. Being an opportunist and waiting until the girl jogging alone in the park passes a dark area to snatch, rape, and kill her is bad.
😥 2022/06/19 11:42:26 No.2140315
^ Well now i'm sad
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 12:28:07 No.2140325
just because artist has made pictures of them on their twitter, it doesn't mean that this comic storyline will use the same ideas as these pictures
earlier ann is right we have to wait
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 17:30:10 No.2140457
that was a dream sequence
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 18:27:11 No.2140467

Spoiler alert, most sex workers aren't privledged and are doing this to survive, and are obviously uncomfortable having sex with gross old men who pay for sex. By equating that to rape you would take that away from them. What is, your plan, have the men give them free money? Have them live in filth starving on the streets? You're a true first-world autist who doesn't know what the real world is like.
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 18:37:03 No.2140468

Funny thing is, this is pretty much the same story of everyone. We all do shit we often hate, absolutely through and through loathe doing... otherwise you end up without food, without home, etc.
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 23:18:42 No.2140519
You're inches away from inventing social services and worker's rights. It turns out there are options other than sex slavery or starving in squalor, but they require collective action.
Furrynomous 2022/06/19 23:52:24 No.2140532
A.) A moderator should nuke this line of discussion.

B.) Don't compare sex work to sex slavery. Slaves can't quit. Slaves don't get to walk away. You are minimizing slavery.
Furrynomous 2022/06/20 11:54:01 No.2140697

The fuck crawled up your ass? Autist? 2016 called, it wants its overused generic insult back.

When did I equate anything to sex workers? I'm correcting the people who think their transaction(s) are 100% happy-fun-times on both ends and think the guy is 100% on the up-and-up. He's obviously taking advantage of her desperation. He also straight-up banged her like she was a piece of meat to be used and tossed after promising he'd be gentle. THAT stuff is immoral. THAT is the point. Take your projecting insecurities elsewhere.
Furrynomous 2022/06/24 17:31:32 No.2143178
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I guess a little bittersweet?
Furrynomous 2022/06/24 17:31:37 No.2143179
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Furrynomous 2022/06/24 18:47:41 No.2143244
Well it could have been worse. she should take it as a W, and try to use that money to better her situation.

Edited at 2022/06/24 18:48:29
Furrynomous 2022/06/24 21:09:29 No.2143299
I'm just happy to see a smile on her face.
Brogan 2022/06/24 21:54:44 No.2143314
figueroa is nice this time of year.
the tauren 2022/06/24 23:41:32 No.2143342
540 dollars.....only seriously.

5000 dollars rahhhhhh it better oh come on already everything is expensive. and she get a rough sex.

lol your people dollar face is funny you forget to add some furs ears.

Edited at 2022/06/24 23:42:48
Furrynomous 2022/06/25 16:20:05 No.2144369
For 5000 dollars shed have to fuck him and his 5 buddies for a week, or do some crazy shit
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/06/26 03:07:26 No.2144541
She's not an escort, yet.
the tauren 2022/06/26 15:31:07 No.2144833
erm... escort nope already she get stressed.

well let stay with 540 dollars already she happy it fine.

hum possible the suit fall in love with her. i will love to see his face btw.
Furrynomous 2022/06/26 17:25:41 No.2144872
tbh I think that might have already happened, I think he will be lucky if she falls for him, because right now she doesn't seem to be interested in love, she just wants to get away from this.

Would love to see it progress further
>so $20 for a handjob right?
>are you sure no blowjob? how about for a $100?
>$500 for a night?
coming up next:
>$5000 for week at my mountain cabin?
>A diamond ring for every night for the rest of our lives?
Furrynomous 2022/06/26 22:47:55 No.2144954
It's obviously going to be "$1000 for no condom?"
Furrynomous 2022/06/27 01:03:45 No.2145005
I suppose a mod would know
Furrynomous 2022/06/27 09:48:06 No.2145111
I don't mind the intervals by which we reach the diamond ring as long we reach it
Furrynomous 2022/06/27 17:30:05 No.2145223

You have severely misread the tone of this story. This is not gonna blossom into love, this is actually financial abuse.
The tauren 2022/06/27 23:37:52 No.2145322
Financial abuse.... She accept the consequence the
suit dont force her to do it he juste give a calling card.

Fincial with benefit.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 01:42:26 No.2145350
I didn't misread the comic, I just hope for a wholesome twist. I don't think it's weird to assume that this story could take a sudden turn towards a lovestory considering I've seen the polar opposite happen a ton of times.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 04:29:23 No.2145371
Damn I really want this guy to just bait switch her. Pull off the condom and knot fuck her till he puts a kid in her without warning
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 05:55:20 No.2145384
She didn't consent to rough sex so that was noncon af
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 06:17:58 No.2145385

People like you are why all women have at least one "Rape" story.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 13:11:00 No.2145643
I hope things do work out for her at some point. not that love crap though. this setting is a bit to messed up for her to fall in love with a random suit fuckin her once in awhile.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 16:21:05 No.2145736
People who think this is going to end in marriage are deluded. Usually guys like this it's not just the sex they get off on, but also the power over the person who they know literally can't afford to say no. It feeds their ego. Some street chick he's taken a liking to and increasingly taking advantage of =/= Someone he's falling in love with and is going to marry.

She's literally street meat to him. A toy to play with when he feels like.

Edited at 2022/06/28 16:29:11
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 01:16:23 No.2145987
It's a fictional story, it could end literally any way the author wants. And these are recurring characters in their stories that they like pairing together.
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 01:44:44 No.2145992
They like pairing them for the sex. not romance.
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 05:55:51 No.2146030
She just got her pussy ravaged. And the first she think about when regained consciousness is getting hysterical about money. I can see prostitute transformation. :-)
the tauren 2022/06/29 10:23:21 No.2146103
the tauren breath with calm (uffff)....prostitution transformation omg this theory.
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 21:11:11 No.2146318

No shit it's fictional. Every fictional story can end however the author wants. But there's (almost) always logic to stories in one way or another. And the way this one's going doesn't scream "They get married and live happily ever after."
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 00:15:55 No.2146356
Classy business fox helps her build her confidence and experience, and establish a career as a small-time but successful sex escort. :3

Maybe that's a little too wholesome for this artist, but a man can dream.
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 13:51:08 No.2146648
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Kinda bittersweet, isn't it?
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 13:51:12 No.2146649
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Furrynomous 2022/06/30 14:26:01 No.2146656
My heart can't take this.
Spike 2022/06/30 14:26:13 No.2146657
Holy shit that is heavy.
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 15:16:18 No.2146665
my sister in christ you already did it, you just went further this time
Furrynomous 2022/06/30 19:09:04 No.2146731

Now the question is, is this a relieved "I did it! I didn't think I could do it, but I did and I made some much-needed money!" or a "I did it! I crossed a line I never wanted to cross!" exclamation.
The tauren 2022/06/30 19:37:21 No.2146739
Yay you did it!!!
Furrynomous 2022/07/02 04:02:09 No.2147443
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That's a 'Oh fuck I did it and have tarnished myself' kind of I Did It if I ever seen one.
Furrynomous 2022/07/02 11:19:56 No.2147635
2 Weeks later...

"So I know a guy that needs a girl for a party, and he's pay'n big time, whatcha say? There's $5,000 in it for ya."

This cycle actually has legs to it if she just keeps on spiraling without any control over her own life. If she spent $100 on tools and supplies, another bit on new clothes, she could start up a one person cleaning service or something. It's better than degenerating one's self, but not quite as easy. And for the sake of burnin' one off, I'm sure we know which way this'll go. Poor thing never had a chance in the first place.
Furrynomous 2022/07/02 20:55:53 No.2147863
Well it's already been established in her thoughts that for some reason she thought a burger-flipping type of job wasn't worth her time.
Sure we can say that most homeless have difficulty getting jobs but it implies a sort of weird pride on her part that doesn't make sense.
She doesn't want to fuck a stranger, yet she also doesn't want to flip burgers, well this is partially the bed of her choosing, yannow?
Furrynomous 2022/07/03 03:48:41 No.2147984
It's not worth her time.

To get a job in a place like that, you'd need a permanent address. That means rent, utilities and everything else. The wages in places like that tend to be lower than the monthly outgoings. She could look for better paying jobs, but a lot of them want shitloads of experience, which she wouldn't have. The system is designed so the majority of people move downwards with a few getting the opportunities.
Furrynomous 2022/07/03 18:33:10 No.2148238
Surely, living in a shitty one bedroom place in the hood, living with a roommate, or simply renting a room is easier than taking dick on the regular for a weekly motel stay.

And for that matter, I don't really see why she can't work a pole at a strip joint. I mean, you can say the system is rigged, but if you look good and you're willing to deprave yourself, you can make a lot of money stripping or working as a camgirl.

This scenario would make more sense if she was a victim of human trafficking, drug addiction, or had some kind of mental illness that enabled her to fall through the cracks.
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/07/04 06:10:45 No.2148407
" I don't really see why she can't work a pole at a strip joint"

For the reasons we've already covered. Even strip clubs are legitimate businesses and require a residence, phone number, ect. She's homeless and has nothing.

Can't get your tax forms, bank account, employment papers, ect.. without an address. Even a PO Box requires an address to be on file and those are arbitrarily expensive.
Furrynomous 2022/07/04 06:57:32 No.2148411
Yeah, I've been that homeless before myself, living under a bridge. This is a giant plot-hole. Nearly every church in the city and homeless shelters/programs have systems to provide a mailing address for the homeless.

It is extremely unrealistic to think that there'd be absolutely nobody willing to help a homeless girl that looks good, has no addiction issues, no physical issues, and seemingly no mental illness issues. It'd be a remarkably easy case to help. I've personally volunteered in programs that just gave housing the single immigrant women literally just like this girl. It's why I say this story is unrealistic and full it's a plot-hole.

In reality, a girl with no problems like this would have a horde of pimps and other nogoodnicks trying to wrap her up in their hustle. They'd leverage control over her life with drug addiction or threats of violence. Just working the wrong corner, or just getting seen dressed like a prostitute on the wrong corner could easily get her wrapped up in some trouble with gangs. Here, there is simply no force in the comic that is standing in her way, besides her own inaction. The world hasn't established the lack of homeless support, or that it's different in any other way from the real world except in that people are furries.

Homelessness doesn't just happen arbitrarily to perfectly functional people. It comes step by step, and the inability to end one's own homelessness is always associated with either drug addiction, mental illness, or physical disability. There needs to be a realistic driving force behind her homelessness beyond "no residential address". Most homeless people figure that out pretty fast when trying to get setup with food stamps and medicare. I think the author, and other folks here, simply don't have much familiarity with the experience of being devastatingly poor.
Furrynomous 2022/07/04 14:12:07 No.2148717
Yeah which a theory i've got is she's homeless because of some underlying mental problems then. A large population of Homeless have un treated mental illness that can help spiral them out of control and end up on the streets.

Since she doesn't look like a drug user it could be she's that or maybe she grew up in bad abuse at home she's a runaway.
Furrynomous 2022/07/04 15:49:12 No.2148753
>This scenario would make more sense if she was a victim of human trafficking, drug addiction, or had some kind of mental illness that enabled her to fall through the cracks.

Basically, drug addicts, uncontrollable alcohol problem, severe mental illness, ex-criminals who could not find way back to life after leaving jail. That are the only ways to become and stay homeless.

Except for California, where being homeless is a new trend of living, even for employed people. That that freak place is a rare exception in the world.
Furrynomous 2022/07/04 16:03:58 No.2148762
Mental illness makes the most sense, given how she has a hospital tag on her wrist. Though, it is still a marvel how she has managed to get through without some serious crime being committed against her.

The gas station guy knows she is alone, the John knows she is alone, whoever else is there knows she is alone, and so do all of their friends too. She has been remarkably lucky so far.
Furrynomous 2022/07/04 21:09:56 No.2148858

While it's true that a lot of homeless people have been chewed up by the health care system and spit out, you're playing into the narrative that capitalism spreads to us that demonizes poor people. You really think every single homeless person in the world has something wrong with them?

Take, for example, that 'Guy with the golden voice' from a few years back, or many of the other stories of people who lost their homes to disaster, or who have to flee an abusive partner and have no other place to live.

The largest thing that keeps folks homeless is the fact that most jobs require you to have a residence. So, if you can't list an address, you can't even get a lot of shitty job to crawl back out. Add to that that these days if you have anyone else depending on you, like a kid or younger sibling, and you might need TWO jobs and you are looking at a system that has extremely limited social mobility for the people at the very bottom.

We've seen nothing to show that she has a substance abuse problem, or even any mental issues. Though, she's on her way to some PTSD just from the anguish of living on the streets and having to sustain herself in unhealthy ways. But really, given how when she got some money her first impulse was to ration it carefully to try and squeeze out as much 'normal' as she could manage for a while? It feels shitty to assume she has to have something 'wrong' with her, as if she did something to bring homelessness onto herself.
Furrynomous 2022/07/04 21:12:40 No.2148859
Also, common trick for people with no money. Check yourself into a hospital for a mental problem, and they will keep you under observation for a few days before bouncing you back out due to a lack of insurance. It's not exactly fun, but you get a bed and meals for a while. If your condition is potentially a danger to yourself they have an obligation to take you even if only for 72 hours.
Furrynomous 2022/07/08 18:04:25 No.2150791
All this talk about the underlying reason why she might not try to get a job or seek help from institutions... what if she is actually not legally an adult yet (talking 17 or so)
I'm thinking that she was molested by her father or step-father and ran away and she doesn't seek help from anywhere because they might send her back to her rapist dad.

This would also explain her nervousness and dislike of sex. She knows what it is and how its done, but it was forced on her for years and now she is afraid that it might happen again.

Really most of her illogical decisions could be just attributed to the fact that she has little life-experience, people don't grow up knowing about homeless systems and their options that can help them get back into society
Furrynomous 2022/07/08 23:09:07 No.2150885

>S]trip clubs [...] require a residence, phone number

Not necessarily - most clubs treat their dancers as independent contractors instead of employees, as long as they pay the $50-ish house fee they don't care if the girls are homeless or not.

I guess that feeds into the plot hole but still.
Furrynomous 2022/07/22 19:46:42 No.2157455
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Furrynomous 2022/07/22 19:46:47 No.2157456
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Furrynomous 2022/07/22 19:56:49 No.2157469
Thank You for this!
Furrynomous 2022/07/22 20:41:59 No.2157478
Looks like she is gainfully employed now. Things are looking up for her.
Furrynomous 2022/07/22 21:29:54 No.2157496
That's not her behind the counter, she's ordering the iced tea
Furrynomous 2022/07/23 15:18:23 No.2157834
Looks like you are correct anon, my mistake. Thanks.
the tauren 2022/07/23 18:25:29 No.2157880
i bet the old man see all the scene near the piano.
wait it me....
Furrynomous 2022/07/28 12:41:41 No.2160243
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Furrynomous 2022/07/28 12:41:46 No.2160244
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the tauren 2022/07/28 12:59:21 No.2160258
glup glup ahh sweet rhum is better.

and i bet he know all.
Furrynomous 2022/07/29 10:04:45 No.2160940
Think the clerk is gonna try to pay for a night with her?
the tauren 2022/07/29 12:16:41 No.2161088
hum he look nervous so why not?
Furrynomous 2022/08/04 21:09:57 No.2164440
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Furrynomous 2022/08/04 21:41:56 No.2164453
At least she seems to be doing better.
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/08/27 00:05:35 No.2175807
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Furrynomous 2022/08/27 19:42:36 No.2176187
What'd ya show up for?
Were there a bunch of comments to baleet or you really after updates of this?
the tauren 2022/08/28 09:14:32 No.2176683
aww adorable.
Furrynomous 2022/08/28 21:31:33 No.2176834

There were a bunch of comments that got nuked.
Furrynomous 2022/08/29 11:42:50 No.2177073
"You look less tense, I mean, besides that one eyeball hanging somewhat out of socket. Could you like, uh, just push it back in for me? Really distracting."

It was just too hard not to point it out. I'm sorry.
Furrynomous 2022/08/29 12:17:07 No.2177082
Yes, thank you. I was wondering if I was the only one freak out by how that eye looked. Looks like it's ready to drop out and start dangling at any moment.
Furrynomous 2022/08/30 19:09:01 No.2178060
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From PONPORIO on twitter

“ So lately I've been on a bit of a hiatus because of my studies, which is why I haven't released Homeless Dog pages in a bit.

BUT! In around a month, I should be done with my exams, and Homeless Dog will be back full force! Thank you for your patience and understanding!”
Furrynomous 2022/08/30 20:07:00 No.2178073
probably looks like that because of the retarded animu see-through hair bullshit. especially when its only done on one eye.

also, how does he/she do the hair? he/she cant be drawing every hair strand manually, right?
Furrynomous 2022/08/31 00:34:49 No.2178253
That's literally what's being done lol, are you not able to zoom in and see the lines? It's basically just scribbles it's not like it's anything mind blowing
Furrynomous 2022/08/31 02:21:10 No.2178284
The artist isn't drawing each hair. People have many thousands of hairs and it's impractical to draw each one. Those little lines don't represent individual hairs, but they give the sense that her hair is composed of hairs (or clusters of hairs) instead of being a solid mass.
Furrynomous 2022/08/31 09:49:28 No.2178392
>That's literally what's being done
how do you know? unless you are the artist, do you seriously think he draws everything else as almost stick-figure esque scribbles, then spends hours drawing hundreds of lines on the hair?
>are you not able to zoom in and see the lines?
yes i see the lines, i see that they are not scribbles like the rest of the drawings.
>It's basically just scribbles it's not like it's anything mind blowing
okay, go and compare the hair on the first few pages, where it was literally scribbles, to the current hair texture. the lines never overlap, and they very precisely follow the direction of the hair lock (or whatever a unified bunch of hair is called). its very likely a mask or a pattern/texture warped for each part. look at this image: >>2178060
it would take days to draw each line, and the result would not even be that precise.
obviously i meant the lines on the hair, which represent bunch of hair strands each. they are still in the hundreds, and give a realistic look to the hair.
Furrynomous 2022/08/31 14:15:21 No.2178471
I mean, I'm an artist and I can tell you more or less how it's done at least on digital support, you draw a bunch of dots lined up then make it into a brush and use those lined up dots to follow a lead.
Another way if you want to give fur texture for example would be to make blotches of the base color and highlight you want to use then smear them (using a software tool) in vertical movements. (Funnily you can do this with painting as well, helped with painting knives).
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 04:16:57 No.2178866
Typically hair is done with a brush. Modern brush engines are pretty wild. They can take a sample and as the artist guides it with a single stroke, that sample will resize, rotate, increase or decrease opacity, or even randomize, and it can do this in concert so that one stroke becomes 3 or 4 strokes.

Since the artist is already using RL photos as a shortcut, I'd assume they're also time saving with brushes.
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 04:30:17 No.2178868
File: lnpDistortionSquare_u18chan.gif - (18.15kb, 430x347, lnpDistortionSquare.gif)
For example, of one stroke tools.
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 14:19:15 No.2179049
Tell me you have zero artistic talent without telling me you have zero artistic talent. Hatching is extremely simple, you don't even need a special brush like the other people are saying. I think you greatly over estimate how difficult and time consuming it is to draw multiple straight lines next to each other without them overlapping. Just like everything else in life this can be done quickly and efficiently with practice.
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 15:23:04 No.2179070
NTA but artistic talent isn't even down to mechanical skill. The end product, composition, color theory, all of that strikes me as more important than manually hatching or drawing hair without tools. I can't think of any production level artist that doesn't use tools... even in the days before computers, there was rotoscoping and the use of french curves as a time saver. Disney had all kinds of square and circle stencils, as well, to keep characters on model.
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 21:39:37 No.2179183
File: hatch1R6jXsvqNvXatp2ymfyU4nw_u18chan.jpeg - (106.64kb, 870x386, hatch1 R6jXsvqNvXatp2ymfyU4nw.jpeg)
i make art, that is specifically why i asked. and i think you are the one who doesnt know about art, because apparently you think every pixel has to be manually drawn, and possibly just arguing in that favor to make yourself seem more competent.
here is the first search result for "hatching". looks like unprecise scribbles compared to the hair texture. (like they usually are in "professional" mediums too)
try to simply just COUNT the lines on the hair here:
or here:
counting them is obviously less time consuming than manually precisely drawing them, so if drawing them is no effort, i bet you can tell the exact number without wasting hours.
and regardless of how the artist does it, i asked in hopes of getting an easier method (which i kinda did, so thanks to the helpful posters)

Edited at 2022/09/01 21:46:24
Furrynomous 2022/09/03 03:14:39 No.2179740
I am once again asking you to understand that drawing multiple non-overlapping lines quickly is not terribly difficult. Here's an example:

Honestly I would say counting the lines is more time consuming than actually making them.
Furrynomous 2022/09/03 14:01:33 No.2179986
and you dont seem to understand that:
-in the video, they are using it for shading, usually with strokes that would be hardly visible by themselves, to make coherent looking shadows, NOT individual sharp lines. and they do overlap, thats how light lines make up somewhat coherent looking shadows. if you ever did this(like drawing in school or whatever), you probably didnt pay attention to make them not overlap, because its not the goal of that and also not the result.
-everything else which the artist drew and was not a photo, seems to have less detail and less effort put into it. would be weird to spend all the effort on hair texture, when everything else looks like scribbles. although the hair and tail lines also look scribbly in some pages, so he/she might truly draw them individually.
-but even if its not as difficult, and even if the artist does it that way, doesnt mean its the most efficient way to do it, or something you should argue someone should be doing instead of other methods.

(also nice job for the video guy for ruining a pretty face with animu bullshit)
Furrynomous 2022/09/03 17:57:38 No.2180054
You are being so blatantly oblivious, I'm going to have to assume this is bait.
Furrynomous 2022/09/03 18:22:29 No.2180060
yeah, i just baited everyone by asking how to do a hair texture, trolling of the century.
Furrynomous 2022/09/04 03:01:59 No.2180211

There is a brush being used on a layer above the color layers to suggest texture/hair and the opacity is light and/or it’s blended with a filter. Hair/effect brush looks like it’s on its own layer. Just my 2 cents.
Furrynomous 2022/09/04 12:20:02 No.2180381
When you have an actual question, maybe not write stuff like
>for ruining a pretty face with animu bullshit
seems you are missing the point there.
Furrynomous 2022/09/04 16:40:02 No.2180444
did you really get stuck on an opinion put AFTER the list of points relevant to the discussion and even put into brackets?
thank you for the observation. before seeing these drawings, i didnt even think about doing hair textures like these, but if they can be done with little effort, its a nice addition.

Edited at 2022/09/04 16:44:09
comic KfRaven 2022/09/13 19:52:36 No.2184810
Anything new?
Furrynomous 2022/09/13 21:01:33 No.2184822

Read this: javascript:QuotePost(2178060);
Anon 2022/09/14 18:16:05 No.2185114
There are still 2 side project "non-canon" comics that haven't seen the light of day here yet
Furrynomous 2022/10/01 19:58:01 No.2193338
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Update from PONPORIO
Furrynomous 2022/10/02 12:34:29 No.2193683
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Furrynomous 2022/10/02 12:34:34 No.2193684
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Furrynomous 2022/10/02 15:28:47 No.2193740
About the whole hair thing... PONPORIO 2022/10/12 19:22:18 No.2198949
PONPORIO here! I checked in to see how things were here, and saw the whole hair debacle lol

It's not a tool or a brush, it's just me drawing the hair manually with the standard G-Pen brush. I know it sounds crazy, but it's honestly not very hard once you get the gist of it. Anyone who's seen me stream can verify it, anyways.

The brush strokes aren't necessarily precise, it's that theres so many of them that they globally look like they're going the right way, if that makes sense. It's a lot of hair to draw I admit, the file for just the lineart of the pages I draw that kind of hair for are generally really heavy lol

But again, not hard, it's just a lot of busywork
Bear 2022/10/12 21:40:42 No.2198969
Well….that was unexpected.
Furrynomous 2022/10/13 00:31:13 No.2199021
macroShow Less
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That moment when the actual creator of a furry comic drops in on the message board.
Furrynomous 2022/10/13 01:38:49 No.2199073
Definitely never happened before but here we go again.
Furrynomous 2022/10/13 06:04:29 No.2199126
Guarantee you that dumbass still won't believe it was drawn manually because he can't draw lines lol
Furrynomous 2022/10/13 12:19:13 No.2199473
macroShow Less
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Furrynomous 2022/10/13 12:42:37 No.2199523
i believe it, it just seems inefficient, especially considering how low-effort everything else looked, but if thats what he wanted to focus on, then okay.
Furrynomous 2022/10/13 20:58:24 No.2199864
Bless your face, your art and everything your hands touch.
Furrynomous 2022/10/14 17:59:36 No.2200237
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New pages!
Furrynomous 2022/10/14 17:59:41 No.2200238
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Furrynomous 2022/10/14 18:14:35 No.2200245
Wow. She just can't catch a break can she? XD
the tauren 2022/10/14 19:16:59 No.2200257
come on look inside his phone.
i know some hacker.
and it good to know all the dirty secret.
Furrynomous 2022/10/14 20:18:32 No.2200268
Given the amount of money she has, it may just be better for her to cut and run before things escalate into some American Psycho bs~

By getting too involved. I.e going through his shit, and trying to build blackmail on some guy, is definitely outside of her wheelhouse.
Furrynomous 2022/10/18 17:07:01 No.2201898
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Furrynomous 2022/10/18 17:07:06 No.2201899
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Furrynomous 2022/10/18 17:17:54 No.2201906
Yes sweety, why did you agree?!
the tauren 2022/10/18 20:35:48 No.2201979
because you love stress and trouble that why

it can be fun
Furrynomous 2022/10/18 21:42:01 No.2201995
She's so darn cute lol
Furrynomous 2022/10/27 12:26:14 No.2205858
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Furrynomous 2022/10/27 12:26:18 No.2205859
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Furrynomous 2022/10/27 13:56:53 No.2205941
>Don't Worry, Be Happy
That song in this situation is stressing me out by proxy.
Furrynomous 2022/10/27 16:40:24 No.2205981
Same. The irony is killing me : (
the tauren 2022/10/27 18:13:13 No.2205999
i want the same for my phone...

wait a second i know it "dont worry be happy" bobby mc ferrin :3.

*the tauren whistle and dance*

yes be happy

Edited at 2022/10/27 18:21:38
Furrynomous 2022/10/27 23:49:48 No.2206065
Not really sure this is irony.
The song is literally talking about not having a place to sleep or call home.
Furrynomous 2022/10/28 01:22:15 No.2206075
File: Embedded Video
Let's drive that point home!
Furrynomous 2022/10/29 04:26:16 No.2206570
So I just checked. She let the phone ring for over 80 seconds before she picked up. What phone would ever ring that long?
Furrynomous 2022/10/29 12:49:02 No.2206675
it is a burner phone, and it is set not to go to voicemail. in other words he is calling himself to get in contact with his new piece of ass. he was probably just waiting to see movement on the find my iPhone app or some bullshit like that.
the tauren 2022/10/29 15:59:41 No.2206734
possible the suit seem clever.

after the batphone.

now it whorephone and even a whoresignal in the sky at night.
Furrynomous 2022/10/29 16:20:26 No.2206743
Always saw it being about how to face the bottom of the barrel.
By buryng your problems and getting ready for more.
Furrynomous 2022/10/29 16:47:12 No.2206755
frankly I see that song is disturbing, and now I see why commercials and children's films renditions don't include the singers comments between refrains. the song is about pretending to be happy so you don't bring everybody else down. the guy does offer at one point to help you in private but still insists you put on a brave face. ( via call my number lymric )

just like homelessness, the song is about how nobody wants to deal with other people's problems and therefore it is best to pretend to be happy so you don't get isolated.
Furrynomous 2022/10/30 09:06:06 No.2207005
For the sake of driving everybody insane here, I hope Ponorio subverts the shit out of everybody's expectations and turns this into a mental health awareness thing.

Rich dude knows where she is, she hasn't left the motel. If he wants a piece, he doesn't need a burner phone, he just needs to drive up. Giving her soft access to a lifeline phone to him is an example of him using money he doesn't need to spend, but he cares enough to do so anyways.

Meanwhile, she exhibits classic signs of PTSD and trauma, which seems to be the clear leading cause of her poverty and homelessness.

I frankly think it would be remarkably artistic and truly human if we were to discover that rich guy here is just as flawed, but also just as human. And while he does want to indulge his baser instincts, he also cares and wants to care enough to make a difference enough in her life to change her future outcomes. A nice happy ending where the flaws of each contrast in such a way that they enable each other to transition into a healthy and ethical mental health status.

A more realistic ending would be with dog girl dead in a ditch from drug overdose or gang violence. And the less realistic and far cheesier ending is one in which money and mental health relief is deus ex machina-ed right into her lap by hapless chance, while somehow sticking it to rich guy in the process, probably via some seemingly karma-etic plot device involving corporate corruption, or finally getting arrested and charged for all this prostitution he's indulging in (which actually isn't much of a charge, a misdemeanor that does not put you on the sex offender registry).
Furrynomous 2022/11/04 19:08:28 No.2209353
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Furrynomous 2022/11/04 19:08:33 No.2209354
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Furrynomous 2022/11/04 21:51:05 No.2209400
Called it, though he's REALLY playing it off like an accident. Dude had 2 phones just like I said.
Furrynomous 2022/11/04 23:01:57 No.2209412
Suit is a menace. never trust a suit. It only leads to tears.
the tauren 2022/11/05 21:42:23 No.2209889
menace but he is rich mm i like money

(mr krab approve it)
Furrynomous 2022/11/14 02:09:34 No.2212982
It's not uncommon to have a personal and a business phone.
Furrynomous 2022/11/16 06:41:31 No.2213950

Shhh, you imply half the people on this site have held down a job. ;)

No but you're right, very common for business workers to have two phones especially if they're past a management position.
Furrynomous 2022/11/16 09:39:45 No.2213986
Having two is quite common actually. Even nurse in my family has two phones for some reason.

You don't even need to be in some serious position to actually be required to have more than that. As a junior business consultant I have to possess 4 at once xD : one from the company (by default), one from the client (Iphone because mah security), another one for app testing/presentations and one private (with two numbers).
Furrynomous 2022/11/16 20:24:22 No.2214231
I thought they gave every white-collar a personal exploitation phone though? Are you sure you didn't have just one burner to catch unfortunate homeless dog girls into patterns of prostitution with? I thought they gave one free with every purchase of a tailored suit, right?
Furrynomous 2022/11/17 06:13:11 No.2214298
Okay, I guess, I have to spell it out for the mentally slow in the audiences: The guy "gave" her a phone, so now she's at his beck and call.
Furrynomous 2022/11/17 06:58:00 No.2214300
Alright, I'll explain multiple phones here.

If you are bound by a national security letter, you have two phones. If you are doing work on state secrets, one of your phones has to meet state standards so you have two phones. If you want to avoid answering work calls outside of work hours, you have two phones.

That said, consider the ring tone. Doesn't fit the profile of guy who is high power or secret intelligence guy.

Consider the psychological manipulation he used to move her up the level of sex act she was comfortable with. Another aspect, he knows she used a payphone. Since you can look up the number you're called with, and all public payphones are on a database. This establishes that she doesn't have her own private phone.

Considering how strong his urges push him, and how an ordinary prostitute just doesn't get him off, he's a control freak. He wants someone he can mold, and push, and corner. Suit's not a nice guy. We're not meant to humanize him. This is why his whole appearance thus far is anonymous shadow.

He's a savage in bed, but as soon as he isn't alone with her... he's playing games at appearing nice, considerate, and making her make the choices to fall deeper into this game of his.
Furrynomous 2022/11/17 07:01:21 No.2214301
Oh, and since I forgot to point it out... Refer back to the page about her not being a virgin. He was definitely trying to read her and profile her based on her behavior. He literally associated her anxiety with being a sign he was bagging a virgin. The entire time he was making a homeless girl prostitute herself with offers of cash, thinking he'd get to crack her open first.
Furrynomous 2022/11/17 10:46:56 No.2214405
He's playing mind games with her. all of this is too coincidental for it not to be a set up.
Furrynomous 2022/11/18 16:44:40 No.2214820
Why though? I mean, if it's about abducting her, it'd be a whole lot simpler to have just walloped her back in the alley he met her in, duct taped her up and throw her in the trunk. All these extra steps seem unnecessary. If morality isn't an issue, it's a whole lot cheaper to just outright abduct her by force and then get her hooked on fentanyl or some other cheap street drug. That's a pretty standard human trafficking operation, tbh.
Furrynomous 2022/11/18 19:18:51 No.2214871
File: 5DCE1786-FE1A-49A4-AB13-20FE56F0D3AF_u18chan.jpeg - (269.64kb, 960x1280, 5DCE1786-FE1A-49A4-AB13-20FE56F0D3AF.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2022/11/18 19:18:56 No.2214872
File: 025D4D4E-EBCD-4C59-A7CB-3AB7659043B5_u18chan.jpeg - (283.83kb, 960x1280, 025D4D4E-EBCD-4C59-A7CB-3AB7659043B5.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2022/11/18 20:21:28 No.2214888
Sorry. I get that it's supposed to sound hopeful, but it just feels like he's playing the long con. let her have her fun now, then when all of the money dries up boom, back to the streets and needing his "help" again.
Furrynomous 2022/11/18 21:57:28 No.2214903
It's not about abducting. It's about getting to be transgression and enjoying the fact he can manipulate a grown person. Think about all the people who were Epstein clients. People that could afford the most beautiful escorts. They'd rather go after the forbidden fruit and do wicked things because they're wicked. Of course he could abduct her, but that wouldn't be a mind game.
Furrynomous 2022/11/18 22:00:58 No.2214906
And also, pretty much called it like I said. He gave her the card so she'd call, and he'd learn her number. He knew she used a payphone, meaning that he looked it up. He's invested in her. She's his new toy. With the phone, he'll know where she is at all times.

Now he told her to go have fun. He's going to learn where she wants to go to have fun / relax. Either to invade those places later or to leverage her with things she wants to do.

Edited at 2022/11/18 22:04:30
Furrynomous 2022/11/19 04:12:02 No.2214953 she got a new sugar daddy that will give her money for sex and he got a non-prostitute that he got to fuck any time he wants.
Good to see that this comic has happy ending!
Furrynomous 2022/11/19 06:58:18 No.2214976
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the tauren 2022/11/19 09:50:19 No.2215005
happy ending huh

like i m happy to break my pussy with a rich pervert and give me 500 dollar to life and everything actually is expensive plus i had to buy a charger. and i will be sleep on the street again.

nanananan it not a logic happy ending.

Edited at 2022/11/19 09:52:20
Furrynomous 2022/11/19 17:58:52 No.2215123

This isn't the end, more of the end of a chapter. There's going to be more
Furrynomous 2022/11/19 18:48:26 No.2215140
Basically, from the perspective of the rich dude, I can see why this is better than an escort or prostitute.

A pimp being involved could lead to blackmail. If the dog girl was a prostitute, higher odds of STDs. Probably also more world-wise. She might try to get pregnant to win the child support lottery. Also if she was a prostitute, she might know some journalist or journalist adjacent people that she might feed information to. One of the leading ways men get exposed or corporately espionaged is prostitutes.

A "virgin" homeless girl A.) Has no contacts. B.) No pimps. C.) Lack of life experience, easier to take advantage of. D.) Lack of STDs. E.) No "clients" that could be dangerous. F.) Added sicko points, he can basically stockholm syndrome her into his gilded cage canary.

The side comics already done basically feature her as his live-in sex pet.

Edited at 2022/11/19 18:49:47
Furrynomous 2022/11/19 19:26:50 No.2215147
Ugh. I want to see good things for this poor dog. I may not continue reading this...
Furrynomous 2022/11/19 19:49:42 No.2215155

Side comics? that's how she ends up?! well now i'm even more depressed : (
Furrynomous 2022/11/19 23:00:12 No.2215198
They're set "as dreams" and who's dream it is, or nightmare, isn't exactly clear.
Furrynomous 2022/11/20 07:58:52 No.2215293
"child support lottery"
Based incel commentary right here!
Furrynomous 2022/11/20 09:40:14 No.2215331
I agree, it's not much of a lottery when it's always the father who is obliged to pay to the mother. If xhe wasn't an incel xhe would know that.
Furrynomous 2022/11/20 10:04:01 No.2215333
What are you guys even on about anymore?
Furrynomous 2022/11/20 19:17:36 No.2215499
As someone who spent 2 years as a homeless person, there are numerous factors to take into consideration. My stint as a homeless was brought about due to not being able to find a new home to move to in the time limit given before having to vacate the property I was in, and the need to vacate only came because the owner decided to sell the property. Then for 2 years of hell, struggling to try and find a new home. No drug addiction, no hindrance from my mental health, nothing of what you listed. Just bad luck resulting in not getting a home for 2 years. So it isn't always in the control of the homeless person to get out of that situation, it also can be related to the economy, the housing demand, and just pure luck.
Furrynomous 2022/11/21 02:42:46 No.2215581
In America maybe. It wouldn't happen in a first world country though
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/11/23 13:58:59 No.2216595
"Mildly offtopic discussion is..."
Not allowed. Board rules state off topic isn't allowed /at all/.

I let some things fly, but if you're gonna poke straight at it and complain... well, go to discussion :D
Furrynomous 2022/12/14 13:15:57 No.2226037
File: Fj9SjFzXwAEMUu3_u18chan.jpg - (187.42kb, 2254x1159, Fj9SjFzXwAEMUu3.jpg)

Furrynomous 2022/12/14 16:40:52 No.2226131
I don't trust any suit near this girl XD
Furrynomous 2022/12/22 08:15:24 No.2229496
Thanks for the comic, real sexy gut-punch.
11_paws 2022/12/23 08:25:02 No.2229860
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Furrynomous 2022/12/23 09:04:43 No.2229872
lol that got me
Furrynomous 2023/01/01 16:01:50 No.2233968
The dog girl is sooo cute. Sidenote, Ponporio has been drawing younger and younger characters, do you think we have a shot at some cub comic from him?
the tauren 2023/01/01 16:04:04 No.2233970
ok you off the suit but still we not know your face.
Furrynomous 2023/01/11 13:27:26 No.2238212
File: FmMcvmuWIAETsGq_u18chan.jpg - (231kb, 1920x1080, FmMcvmuWIAETsGq.jpg)
Short intermission comic by a guest artist
Furrynomous 2023/01/11 13:27:31 No.2238213
File: FmMcwdYWQAMap4S_u18chan.jpg - (271.63kb, 1920x1080, FmMcwdYWQAMap4S.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/01/11 13:27:36 No.2238214
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Furrynomous 2023/01/11 13:27:41 No.2238215
File: FmMc4HrWYAITKxd_u18chan.jpg - (273.93kb, 1655x1080, FmMc4HrWYAITKxd.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/01/12 15:19:38 No.2238653
File: FmR66QKXEAIIAnh_u18chan.jpg - (305.16kb, 1920x1080, FmR66QKXEAIIAnh.jpg)
More pages of the intermission comic
Furrynomous 2023/01/12 15:19:43 No.2238654
File: FmR67nRWYAM4Hwb_u18chan.jpg - (275.32kb, 1920x1080, FmR67nRWYAM4Hwb.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/01/12 15:19:49 No.2238655
File: FmR69z2X0Acf6Ag_u18chan.jpg - (264.12kb, 1388x1080, FmR69z2X0Acf6Ag.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/01/12 16:50:17 No.2238681
the tauren 2023/01/12 18:15:29 No.2238703
dont tell me the suit does laundry too
Furrynomous 2023/01/12 20:15:52 No.2238732

The next batch should be posted by tomorrow
Furrynomous 2023/01/13 12:27:50 No.2239007
File: FmXvfIFX0AIjcR0_u18chan.jpg - (151.67kb, 1200x848, FmXvfIFX0AIjcR0.jpg)
The third and final batch of the intermission
Furrynomous 2023/01/13 12:27:54 No.2239008
File: FmXva52WAAMjzGC_u18chan.jpg - (202.07kb, 1208x1080, FmXva52WAAMjzGC.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/01/13 12:27:59 No.2239009
File: FmXvbQOXoAg6rYq_u18chan.jpg - (218.15kb, 1667x938, FmXvbQOXoAg6rYq.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/01/16 20:07:16 No.2240299
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Furrynomous 2023/01/16 20:38:24 No.2240309
Eh. she can find decent jobs even without a place of residence. may take a minute but can she get there. she's gotta make sure to stay away from shady businesses though.

Edited at 2023/01/16 21:30:06
Furrynomous 2023/01/16 20:41:05 No.2240310
Has she been to a homeless shelter? I don't remember if that was ever a thing in this story.
Furrynomous 2023/01/16 21:34:47 No.2240317
More proof the author knows jack shit about being homeless.
Furrynomous 2023/01/16 23:42:33 No.2240336
Yup, literally any church or shelter will sponsor you for a mailing address to give to employers. I'm pretty sure every big city has a program Social Agents will refer you to, including a way to recover your identification. ID is usually one of the bigger obstacles in the path of homeless folks finding employment. It can be exceptionally difficult to re-obtain that paperwork when you have difficulty communicating with (or at all) or comprehending the mechanisms of bureaucracy.
Furrynomous 2023/01/17 05:57:37 No.2240397
or, you know, the point is that shes homeless and helpless trying her best in a constantly losing situation that occasionally gives her a shred of hope constantly egging her on to continue. and the fact that shes a fictional character. of course in reality there's always resources for the homeless to try and make it out of that gutter but then she wouldn't be "homeless dog" would she?
Furrynomous 2023/01/17 09:45:48 No.2240440
Alternatively, she still has to find out about these options. She is not professional homeless person like you.
Furrynomous 2023/01/17 12:12:59 No.2240489
To be fair, many homeless shelters are known to be shitholes at best, and downright dangerous at worst.
Furrynomous 2023/01/17 13:42:26 No.2240536
That doesn't mean she's going to be called that forever. being fictional doesn't give this comic a pass when it's going for a realistic story. could have sworn a while ago the author said that they're pulling ideas for this from real life situations. I know this is still technically a porn comic, and the author is taking some creative liberties. but overall this is just about a homeless person who keeps having terrible luck. the real disappointing part is the homeless "research" by the artist feels half-assed and hollow, and they barely implemented anything that says they actually researched this subject.
Furrynomous 2023/01/17 14:12:55 No.2240543
Why has this place seemingly seen a jump in autistic raving lately?
Furrynomous 2023/01/17 14:22:23 No.2240547
You tell me.
Furrynomous 2023/01/17 15:51:20 No.2240571
it's been rampant as long as i can remember (i.e. many years). thankfully the fap mode button makes the site usable
Furrynomous 2023/01/18 02:46:21 No.2240710
You can have shit mailed to a shelter and not stay at that shelter. You wouldn't be surprised how much random mail a shelter gets on a daily basis.
Furrynomous 2023/02/24 05:11:39 No.2256058
Is this comic dead?
Furrynomous 2023/02/24 11:30:18 No.2256193

PONPORIO's focusing on exams at the moment, so they can't commit to it full time right now.
Furrynomous 2023/02/28 11:24:13 No.2257781
Is he? He has been posting commissions on twitter. I think he just moved on.
Furrynomous 2023/02/28 11:34:07 No.2257784
I too only ever, EVER do one particular thing every day of my life. I never consider doing my own thing between other activities because that would just be stupid.
Furrynomous 2023/04/01 20:22:21 No.2270972
File: FsjFFcFX0AE4BBS_u18chan.jpg - (282.22kb, 2602x1576, FsjFFcFX0AE4BBS.jpg)
Here are two most recent additions drawn by PONPORIO. Maybe hinting that the comic will be resuming soon?
Furrynomous 2023/04/01 20:22:26 No.2270973
File: HomelessDogLapse_u18chan.gif - (484.58kb, 560x559, HomelessDogLapse.gif)
Furrynomous 2023/04/01 20:23:40 No.2270974

Don't know why the gif didn't upload like normal
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 08:24:05 No.2275944

"Recent" additions. Unless he's got a habit of dating his pics three years behind the actual year, that's not recent.
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 09:06:22 No.2275951

That's the date it's taking place in lore. Did you not notice various pictures are dated?
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 13:31:53 No.2276129
File: FtmHT_TWYAIkOJb_u18chan.jpg - (580.3kb, 3000x4000, FtmHT_TWYAIkOJb.jpg)
It's back!
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 13:31:58 No.2276130
File: FtmHT_pXsAAnTTE_u18chan.jpg - (783.68kb, 2994x4096, FtmHT_pXsAAnTTE.jpg)
the tauren 2023/04/13 16:47:55 No.2276167
shhhh 1000 dollards say it!!
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 16:57:52 No.2276171
Here comes the sadness again.
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 18:13:32 No.2276231
I called it several comments ago, several months ago. He's using psychology with how he keeps adjusting the risk/reward amount.

He's going to want anal or he is going to want no condoms, and he will probably offer to double or triple the 200. Then he'll probably give her a bonus on top of it. Just like dog training he can eventually stop giving the bonuses and she will just be happy at the potential of them and when they're absent she will feel obligated to try harder.
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 20:40:50 No.2276267

Kinda hope it’s no condoms. There’s potential for where that can go
Furrynomous 2023/04/13 20:54:19 No.2276270
He seems like he would be sleazy enough to say that
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 01:25:11 No.2276336
Well, I mean, it's sex work. If she's willing to take the cash and he's gonna pay it... it's not meant to be nice, romantic or sweet. It's sleaze no matter what.

Just on the frfr level though, sex without a condom feels better to me. All the people in the world can claim I'm full of shit but I know what I enjoy more and I'm not a bug chaser. Nor do I dream of child support. It legitimately feels better to me.
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 04:44:11 No.2276387
Of course this is gonna escalate. This is what this comic is about after all...
Tho I also hope there will be no condom.
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 07:50:04 No.2276411
Y'all cowards for not saying it, so i'll do it.

Furrynomous 2023/04/14 10:06:33 No.2276450
200 is criminally low
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 17:20:23 No.2276592
Honestly Ponporio rough her up this round. It'll either serve to motivate her out of it or unlock some things, either way don't hold back we're this far in!
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 19:22:05 No.2276608
I really feel bad for her, nobody is really helping her, just using her.
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 19:53:09 No.2276624
Same. that girl needs genuine help
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 19:55:40 No.2276625
I honestly hope she gets saved this time.
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 20:33:23 No.2276628

Other than the laundry ones, which were done in an LED clock style and included the time, making it obvious they were for context, no.
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 02:41:04 No.2276688
What I'd give if he just slam fucks her, takes the condom off at the last second and blows a kid into her.
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 03:09:16 No.2276690
I mean. . . that's how life is to anybody that doesn't have a highly visible disability.
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 04:18:15 No.2276696
I kind of want to see her with that cafe guy. they seem like they would be a cute couple. plus she'll have a job and she won't have to worry about this anymore if they have any openings.

Edited at 2023/04/15 04:19:11
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 06:33:20 No.2276722
she is definitely getting treated worse than the average person without a high visibility disability
Like I know this is kink and I actually find the idea of being used like this to be kind of hot but she's definitely having it rougher than most
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 17:47:41 No.2276879
Not really. She's getting the typical young female homeless experience. If anything since she isn't dumpster diving or trading sex to other hobos for vermin meat, she's doing pretty well.

It's not pretty. I don't think Ponorio intends it to be pretty, either.

Edited at 2023/04/15 17:48:27
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 19:31:53 No.2276899
Hopefully she gets out if ths eventually.
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 20:31:29 No.2276911
Could be worse.
She could be getting passed around at a homeless camp eating scraps living in a cardboard box in the rain.

Right now she's got a place to stay and decent food to eat and she only has to whore out to one guy to pay for it. And it's not like he's a dirty, unkempt slob.

But it could absolutely get worse.
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 21:21:40 No.2276926

Which is why she needs genuine help, and not just getting handouts for sexual favors.
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 21:58:39 No.2276938
I think that her being homeless and desperate is a central theme given the title. It's like you can't have pretty woman or Roxane without prostitution and desperation. If things got better for her, it'd just be "furry dog chick comic #800" and fade into the backround as unremarkable.
Furrynomous 2023/04/15 22:18:45 No.2276943

But that doesn't mean she has to be in that position forever. you can only have her like that for so long before it starts getting boring.
Furrynomous 2023/04/16 00:07:31 No.2276960

Yea, progression is interesting.
I know a lot of people want to keep the gimmick going for as long as possible and I understand why given it's porn and used for the kink aspect but I personally enjoy seeing these bad situations change for the better. I guess that's kinda my kink.
Furrynomous 2023/04/16 11:17:20 No.2277109
Call me pessimistic, but nothing about this comic gives me "things will get better" vibes. Quiet the opposite. I'm scared that things will turn dark. I want to see her get out of the gutter, but I doubt, that's the point. Even if it was, turning yourself into a scumbags personal cumdump isn't the way to do it.
Furrynomous 2023/04/19 04:18:02 No.2278275
Now that I see closely it seems that artist changed his drawing style again.
I prefered her with a shorter muzzle.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 17:56:57 No.2282651
File: Fu6RsFZX0AIC40A_u18chan.png - (493.59kb, 3000x4000, Fu6RsFZX0AIC40A.png)
Looks like The Suit wants her to dom, or at least play a more active role. Was hoping no condom, but that might still be a possibility
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 17:57:02 No.2282652
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Furrynomous 2023/04/29 18:41:52 No.2282656

No condom risks pregnancy and STD's since I doubt she bought any pills. and we cannot have that happen to her. she's been through enough.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 18:53:13 No.2282658

wtf are you on about, he said take the lead, as in she's going to have to actually fuck instead of being a dead log in sex. Nothing about no condom etc.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 19:30:37 No.2282664

I was responding to the commentary next to the page if you were paying attention.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 22:18:55 No.2282705

You sound like a killjoy. Putting a kid in her would make this comic 200% hotter. Fuck a kid in her and leave her on the street.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 22:46:01 No.2282709
Say it with me. babies. are. not. hot.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 23:04:13 No.2282720
Agreed. Anyway, an anon got lost is what's going on here.

We were previously speculating on the suit's demand. It is kind of a trope in media that people will pressure sex workers to go without a condom for extra cash. Now we know the suit's current demand. I wouldn't put it past him to make the condom demand later, however.

Edited at 2023/04/29 23:05:19
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 23:32:34 No.2282727
Who cares about hotness. the girl needs help.
Furrynomous 2023/04/30 05:39:47 No.2282971
Well, if Suit really wanted to mess with her Head, all he'd have to do is ask her to smile a bit for him during.

baseball bat to a glass house right there.
the tauren 2023/04/30 13:49:21 No.2283111
"the girl need help"....pffff she already need help since nobody care about her in the street and asking money.

at least the suit give her an opportunity. (thug life)
Furrynomous 2023/04/30 14:26:57 No.2283115

I'll try it this way. the girl needs (actual) help. getting extorted for sex is not helping her.
the tauren 2023/04/30 18:58:03 No.2283244
and you realize it just a fiction.

furry furry furry :3
Furrynomous 2023/04/30 20:15:39 No.2283280

So? the character was created to be in a situation that sucks, so it makes sense for you to feel at least a little bad for them. even in porn. unless you're into the characters being in bad situations, I don't see why it would be weird if someone showed sympathy for them.
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 08:03:10 No.2283405
This character was created FOR porn.
Therefore if somebody helped her, then there would be no reason for this comic to continue.
For our best interest this should be "abused" by the wolf. (though i do not consider this abusive, but merely manipulative)
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 08:06:47 No.2283406
If you feel bad for them, just wait until you hear how homeless men are treated. They long to be exploited rather than ignored.
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 09:00:23 No.2283410

None of that changes what I said about you feeling bad for her as a character. It's still not weird to voice an opinion or sympathy or whatever, about seeing someone in stories like these in a terrible situation. and it's not like she has to be in that situation forever. things will get stale otherwise.
Furrynomous 2023/05/02 23:16:52 No.2284234
Comics can end or expand past their original premise.
Furrynomous 2023/05/05 15:30:12 No.2285425
File: FvYevz9XsAAJMKS_u18chan.png - (469.37kb, 3000x4000, FvYevz9XsAAJMKS.png)
New page

Damn she has a nice ass!
the tauren 2023/05/05 16:37:28 No.2285460
yes no back in the street do it and be happy :3.

Edited at 2023/05/05 16:38:44
Furrynomous 2023/05/07 16:07:35 No.2286703
File: FvjTRIJWwAE77k0_u18chan.jpg - (774.96kb, 3000x4000, FvjTRIJWwAE77k0.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/05/12 13:39:39 No.2289146
File: Fv8dxhBWABY8xwb_u18chan.jpg - (982.46kb, 3000x4000, Fv8dxhBWABY8xwb.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/05/12 15:10:15 No.2289173
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the tauren 2023/05/12 21:15:26 No.2289301
you can do it yeshhh!!!

it like a lollypop.
Furrynomous 2023/05/16 12:20:28 No.2291121
File: FwPa41qWwAAHPXU_u18chan.jpg - (1.03mb, 2724x3714, FwPa41qWwAAHPXU.jpg)

the tauren 2023/05/16 12:35:27 No.2291125
perfect :3 she like it.

what did you say guys? fun no.
Furrynomous 2023/05/16 12:40:29 No.2291127
I hope she starts liking it. I want her to really get into it <3
Furrynomous 2023/05/16 13:03:17 No.2291142
Furrynomous 2023/05/27 03:00:30 No.2296317
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Furrynomous 2023/05/27 09:36:44 No.2296472
God, I want to see her slurp on his nuts soo bad. Get a mouthful and go nuts on his nuts.
Furrynomous 2023/05/27 10:30:52 No.2296478
I have to keep remembering where I am.
Furrynomous 2023/05/27 11:55:19 No.2296500
I'm sorry, but I can't help but laugh my ass off at that last panel. Having the man's scrotum just pressed over her eyes while his dick is just resting on her head is comical.
Furrynomous 2023/05/27 14:30:24 No.2296579
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(Obligatory these aren't my glasses meme)
Furrynomous 2023/05/28 19:50:42 No.2297381
File: FxQBIF0XgAE7t9T_u18chan.jpg - (484.16kb, 2757x1551, FxQBIF0XgAE7t9T.jpg)
Preview for the next page, which will be released around Tuesday

PONPORIO has uploaded it to subscriber, so anyone who follows will be able to see
Furrynomous 2023/05/30 13:24:09 No.2298264
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the tauren 2023/05/30 15:53:34 No.2298361
nice evolution girl.
Furrynomous 2023/05/30 16:51:40 No.2298382
^ More like regression.
Furrynomous 2023/05/30 18:23:53 No.2298394
This is a gross fetishe
Furrynomous 2023/05/30 23:22:19 No.2298510
I like where this is going.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 02:50:48 No.2298631
Those look more like angry eyes rather then horny eyes. I hope I'm wrong, but Mr.John there might be in for a very bad time.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 10:52:08 No.2298685
She looks like she's seething. can relate. I was also forced to do crap I wasn't happy with a while ago just to get by. it sucks.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 11:15:12 No.2298691
Then hide the thread
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 11:40:34 No.2298694
This is hot as fuck. Glad it's just fantasy. =)
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 11:50:45 No.2298695
^ but isn't the point of this to show what people have to deal with in real life?
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 12:04:54 No.2298701
Turns out it's his wife with a crazy degradation fetish and really gets into the role.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 12:18:24 No.2298703
^ I'd believe it. Her and her husband spread awareness of the homeless situation by reenacting what homeless people have to deal with through role playing.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 14:57:34 No.2298769
Don't be such snowball pussies, guys. There is no happy end for everyone in our world.
She is likely homeless with psychical issues from growing up in defunct family. She is homeless because of psychical issues, she has further psychical issues because she is homeless, closed loop.
Now a depraved dude tries to turn her into his dependent personal sex toy he can control. She can accept and become a sex toy to keep herself off the street or to refuse and stay homeless. Being homeless with no hope is the best way to fentanyl and slow death. Life is hard for unlucky.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 16:03:32 No.2298784
^ Meh
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 17:41:06 No.2298841
and? There are women that freaked themselves off to murder mysteries. People enjoy war simulators. Do you think people who play green hell want to go survive in the amazon? Don't overthink fantasy.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 18:35:38 No.2298851
^ But this fantasy is meant to bring up the real thing and it's implications. there's nothing to overthink. these are just opinions based on the situation of the comic.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 20:03:45 No.2298884
It's hot precisely because of that context. You realize some people are subs and fantasize about being in her position? Some people are doms, and fantasize being him? In either case, however, if we actually did those things... we wouldn't be jerking off to internet smut. We'd be out there doing it.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 20:47:34 No.2298899
^ I'm not sure most people fantasize about being homeless and getting exploited though. at least i don't think. i see rape fantasies and other questionable scenarios a decent amount on here. but fantasizing about being homeless is a new one for me.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 21:11:24 No.2298904
Guess you're not cultured then. Not to insult you... but there are musicals and classic films revolving around these themes. Hookers/homeless men and women being risen out of poverty by true love. Also hit songs, like Roxanne, though that one wasn't about a wealthy guy. Roxanne the movie itself. 1990's pretty woman. Redeeming love. Aladdin is almost a fantasy reversal of the trope, but I admit that's a bit of a stretch. It's not homelessness in specific. It's about the vulnerability of the situation and the lack of options. People get off on stranger things. Heck, there are guys who get off to peril sex. Nothing shocks me.

Edited at 2023/05/31 21:13:15
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 21:42:54 No.2298913
^ I'll take your word for it. definitely not going into that territory myself.
Furrynomous 2023/06/01 06:46:29 No.2299007
Dude just use the reply numbers rather than ^ you dense mong
Furrynomous 2023/06/01 07:51:05 No.2299021
^ No
Furrynomous 2023/06/01 13:42:34 No.2299108
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Furrynomous 2023/06/01 14:24:47 No.2299139
That was fast. wasn't expecting a new page so soon.
the tauren 2023/06/01 20:01:46 No.2299356
wow the suit is surprised and enjoy it.

nice girl attack and impress the suit.

sucess unlock** the best blow job ever**

Edited at 2023/06/01 20:03:07
Furrynomous 2023/06/09 12:32:21 No.2303730
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New page
Furrynomous 2023/06/09 12:42:36 No.2303736
SHe looks like salracc pit
the tauren 2023/06/09 12:56:22 No.2303739
she seem different now nice work suit
dont underestimate her.
Furrynomous 2023/06/09 14:50:47 No.2303758
God I wish she let her tongue loose inside my mouth while riding me with a fury of thousand suns
Furrynomous 2023/06/09 15:19:14 No.2303764
Furrynomous 2023/06/11 16:49:59 No.2304728
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the tauren 2023/06/11 19:55:39 No.2305006
breath and relax..... good.
Furrynomous 2023/06/16 12:17:39 No.2307434
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Furrynomous 2023/06/16 12:17:48 No.2307435
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the tauren 2023/06/16 17:17:20 No.2307536
500 $ again.... mr suit come on she already do the best 10000$.
Furrynomous 2023/06/16 20:55:58 No.2307633
As I said in previous comments, suit is using a psychological ladder system. Doggirl is gonna be very eager to try hard without much prompting.
Furrynomous 2023/06/23 18:46:45 No.2310683
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The tauren 2023/06/23 23:11:45 No.2310754
And the suit get raped well done young lady.
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 06:47:29 No.2310919
That would be quite the twist. But I think, we all know what's really gonna happen: She will subjugate and humiliate herself willingly for money... Just like that architect scum has planned from the beginning.
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 13:55:22 No.2311044
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Furrynomous 2023/06/24 15:50:17 No.2311065
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 16:16:34 No.2311070
Sounds like mistakes are about to be made
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 16:18:40 No.2311071
i know this is a comic with tragic porn in it, but the logical thing for the dude is get this girl help if he really cares for the dog girl, she is far gone in her misery you just want her to get out of there already
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 16:25:50 No.2311072
This has become too painful to continue following. Its like watching torture porn, there's no eros here, merely sadism and watching the girl's soul dissolve from her hatred of what she's being forced to do in order to live. The guy doing this to her is a pig and needs to be castrated with a dull butterknife.
the tauren 2023/06/24 17:11:43 No.2311082
go girl show us what you did last time in the motel again.

*musclar suit vs doggo girl* who gonna win the match place your bet.
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 23:46:37 No.2311164
Hope he fucks her raw. Or even takes it up a notch and pulls off the condom mid fuck and puts a kid in her without warning.
Furrynomous 2023/06/25 05:43:48 No.2311212
That's the sign of a good story
Furrynomous 2023/06/25 06:21:05 No.2311214
Torture for the sake of torture doesn't do it for me. I stay only to see if anything actually changes.
Furrynomous 2023/06/25 07:22:33 No.2311217
Her muzzle gets getting bigger and bigger.
Soon it will be longer than the dick!
Furrynomous 2023/06/25 10:08:13 No.2311275

The comic artist is making her more feral to illustrate how what she's being forced to do is stripping her of her 'humanity.' He's making her behave like an animal so she's becoming one.
Furrynomous 2023/06/25 10:38:00 No.2311320
so it's adjusting to it's new dick sucking function
the tauren 2023/06/25 12:14:18 No.2311337
actually something change she will become a pro soon.
Furrynomous 2023/06/26 10:45:40 No.2311702

Few things are sadder than a homeless whore.
Furrynomous 2023/06/26 18:50:11 No.2311880
Would the story really be any different if she wasn't homeless and was just another gold digging whore, only this time with an actual rich chad thunderknot?
Furrynomous 2023/06/26 19:02:32 No.2311898
Not sure she'd be begging on the sidewalk if she wasn't homeless but just broke, so it probably wouldn't be the same. Gold diggers wouldn't suck a dick for just 100$.
Furrynomous 2023/06/27 03:03:32 No.2312020
I just noticed her eyes changed color sinc the original pages.
Furrynomous 2023/06/27 14:09:06 No.2312342
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Furrynomous 2023/06/27 15:42:40 No.2312366
This is like the start of a horror movie.
Furrynomous 2023/06/27 18:06:06 No.2312418
I know people discussed before, but this girl really has not explored very many options for herself since this comic started last year. She has not attempted any of the following:

(A) Going to a soup kitchen for food and comfort. She could get daily meals and have the chance to talk to others about what she can do.

(B) Recycling bottles or cans to make money. Hell, she could have made $20 in a day or two than giving a sad handjob.

(C) Finding other homeless people or camps that are willing to take her. I know that could be dangerous and someone might even try to make a move on her, but at least she would have others to confide in.

(D) Use any of that money she made to afford other essentials items or supplies. The businessman gave her a solid few hundred of dollars, meaning she could buy things outside of the usual hotel room, meals and laundry. Hell, if she bought some good clothes and asked if she could use the motel's address as her own, she could have applied for jobs again and finally got one.

(E) Open up to the guys at the motel about her circumstances and see if they can help. Any of them are far more trustworthy than the businessman who only kept seeing her for sexual services. Unless that guy had the power to buy out the whole motel or put pressure on them, she would finally have a means of protection from her life as a prostitute.

I dont wanna say she is stupid for not trying any of these options. I know the actual time of events only spans less than a few days max, but at the rate this story is going, she is either gonna come to the realization that murder is her only way out of the businessmans pockets of money or she ends up becoming his sex slave until the day he gets tired of her. Both options are depressing as hell and Im not gonna get any pleasure out of seeing her get hurt.

Edited at 2023/06/27 20:18:51
Furrynomous 2023/06/27 20:56:51 No.2312470
According to the artist, we're not even at the halfway point in this comic yet.
Furrynomous 2023/06/27 23:52:45 No.2312532
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This shit not even halfway done?! Ah hell nah!
Furrynomous 2023/06/28 00:01:56 No.2312537
It could be worse, like Striped Sins
Furrynomous 2023/06/28 00:58:37 No.2312552

Artist never even gave her a name
Furrynomous 2023/06/28 12:36:46 No.2312914

A street hole doesn't need a name.
Furrynomous 2023/06/28 12:56:57 No.2312917
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the tauren 2023/06/28 21:34:20 No.2313077
nice view isn't mr suit :3
Furrynomous 2023/06/29 09:30:33 No.2313241
I mentioned this before on a different post and I'm going to say it here;
THIS is the life that the artist wants for this character. I'm pretty sure he got tons of DM on how HDG should have handle things differently, and by the looks on how this comic is progressing, he doesn't care, or listen. Cause if he did, he would've given her a good life a LONG TIME AGO.
This comic right here is a good example. A Bunny girl who lost her family and saved by someone from suicidal tendencies.
Not to mention a few more short comics, like the slave girl and the rat thief, that had good endings
Just so happens that this HDG OC got the short end on the stick. Also, he got quite the amount of followers on twitter because of HDG
If you're rooting for someone, root for the artist to give her a good life
Furrynomous 2023/06/29 14:32:33 No.2313403
Or you can just enjoy a tragic story for what it is. Not every story needs a happy ending.
Furrynomous 2023/07/01 18:13:42 No.2314307
Just dropping by the thread to give everyone a heads up. Elon fucked up Twitter again with another change, so the artist decided to make a server to post art and comic pages. Not sure if they will post on Twitter again, so Im just leaving this here
Furrynomous 2023/07/05 13:16:35 No.2316067
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Furrynomous 2023/07/05 13:16:44 No.2316068
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Furrynomous 2023/07/05 13:18:29 No.2316070

Apologies for the shitty gif download
Furrynomous 2023/07/05 16:28:52 No.2316200
I was still confused on if this guy was actually Shady or not. and this page did not help XD
Furrynomous 2023/07/05 18:14:30 No.2316240
He's a sociopath. He's bad news. He's expressed about 5 different deep manipulation techniques.
Furrynomous 2023/07/05 18:25:46 No.2316245
He is absolutely shady as fuck. The fact that he has constantly been coming back for this one homeless to get his rocks off when he clearly has enough money to pick up other women or ACTUAL prostitutes was a giant red flag. A noticeable difference with this guy is in the page where she pulls him back, you can see his teeth forming a wicked smile unlike the first time we see him. If this businessman just turns out to be a furry Patrick Bateman, Homeless Dog better take him out while his pants are down.
Furrynomous 2023/07/06 04:24:41 No.2316389
delusional nerds trying to psychoanalyze cartoon characters
Furrynomous 2023/07/06 07:35:23 No.2316410

Which is both irony and hypocrisy on your part, since you just did it yourself. :D
Furrynomous 2023/07/06 07:41:02 No.2316411
Do you literally need the suit character to ring a bell and stuff treats in her mouth before you think it is okay to recognize and call out Operant Conditioning? Does Ponorio need to reveal the suit's name is Pavlov?
the tauren 2023/07/06 11:13:28 No.2316544
so hum.... musclar suit is back again.
Furrynomous 2023/07/07 01:31:38 No.2316791
This is psycho shit lol, keep this artist away from any vulnerable people
Furrynomous 2023/07/07 04:23:27 No.2316813
I'm loving this comic so far.
Furrynomous 2023/07/07 08:39:25 No.2316868
Goddamn it's like a reddit seminar on ethics in here.
Chill and enjoy the comic.
Furrynomous 2023/07/07 09:43:38 No.2316927
Delusional? Lmao, the artist couldn't possibly make it any more obvious this character is a sociopath aside from literally telling the readers he is.

Also, his other comics are fucked up, i have a bridge to sell for people who think this wil end happily for the girl.
Furrynomous 2023/07/07 09:54:53 No.2316930
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anon 1: muh ethical dilemmas
anon 2: t..this porn comic makes me sad
anon 5billionand1: wow this is not abiding by my social sta...

Furrynomous 2023/07/09 03:20:46 No.2317775
i can't it seriously, i just want her to fucked already
Furrynomous 2023/07/11 12:56:29 No.2318961
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Furrynomous 2023/07/11 18:52:43 No.2319073
At least she's using a condom.
Furrynomous 2023/07/11 19:18:38 No.2319076
With her luck, watch her get mugged within a day of flashing the wad of cash she is about to get.
The tauren 2023/07/11 20:39:00 No.2319094
Woa incredible she resist to the musclar suit well done girl.
Furrynomous 2023/07/12 01:32:23 No.2319173
She could try to get him to pay child support though.
Furrynomous 2023/07/12 02:31:14 No.2319196

Nah. a baby would be the worst thing to happen to her right now. especially in this kind of situation.
Furrynomous 2023/07/12 06:54:01 No.2319232

Not necessarily. If she were able to maintain custody and suit is a six digit type, the child support alone could probably be enough for a stable living, between that, food stamps and WIC.
Furrynomous 2023/07/12 13:06:43 No.2319366
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Furrynomous 2023/07/12 13:50:11 No.2319401

She's Homeless with no recent work experience. Even if she got knocked up, there'd be no way in hell she'd be able to retain custody. Forced to put it up for adoption or custody would go to the suit Due to being a stable living environment.

Would be even worse for her really, because what money she would be getting from him for whoring would instead go toward raising the child instead.
Furrynomous 2023/07/12 17:05:44 No.2319485
Where the rubber at, going in?
Furrynomous 2023/07/12 18:43:48 No.2319517
He wears it like a hat
the tauren 2023/07/12 19:49:36 No.2319524
mr suit you should build her a house since you are a architect no hum.
Furrynomous 2023/07/18 12:18:36 No.2321941
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Furrynomous 2023/07/18 18:07:23 No.2322068
>muzzle keeps getting longer as she loses her humanity and becomes a feral fucktoy to the suit
If this is intentional, I kneel. Bravo Ponporio
Furrynomous 2023/07/19 00:08:30 No.2322195
That detail about her face is actually pretty funny when you think about it. She has only been seeing the businessman for like a few days, maybe weeks tops and her snout grew like three sizes. I wonder if she even notices that herself.

Edited at 2023/07/19 00:09:23
Furrynomous 2023/07/19 01:47:18 No.2322230
I'm just going to assume art style error. It happens.
Furrynomous 2023/07/19 07:06:20 No.2322265
Imagine how much of a slut Wile E. Coyote is in this case
Furrynomous 2023/07/21 19:42:04 No.2323194
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Furrynomous 2023/07/22 05:41:53 No.2323347
Oh come on!
The condom was ABOVE the knot?!
How would that even work?
Furrynomous 2023/07/22 06:24:30 No.2323350
there are 2 options why it can work

1. she dont knot him

2. it is magic
Furrynomous 2023/07/22 06:25:46 No.2323351
^ Magic. but at least we finally know there is one on him.
Furrynomous 2023/07/22 08:28:11 No.2323367

The same way a condom works on a human penis, considering we don't have knots. The elasticity holds the condom on the shaft.
Furrynomous 2023/07/22 10:04:20 No.2323377
I didn't even notice she was becoming a reflection of mr. suit the more this progresses. Neat detail.
Furrynomous 2023/07/22 10:48:25 No.2323384
Condoms are tapered, they are smaller the more they are unrolled. Now the issue I see, is if someone knots, and they wait for the dick to go soft, some of that spunk is going to be able to back flow out of the condom, and into the pussy, before that knot comes free.
Furrynomous 2023/07/22 14:59:02 No.2323430
But more importantly, who cares? You're reading a comic about two animal people fucking
Furrynomous 2023/07/23 07:30:30 No.2323663
Did anyone manage to grab his little spin off comic where the suit dies and it's a new director abusing her? Post it if you've got it!
Furrynomous 2023/07/27 16:49:55 No.2325196
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the tauren 2023/07/27 17:21:21 No.2325203
will you marry me? right?
Furrynomous 2023/07/27 18:27:43 No.2325219
Well that seems ominous.
Furrynomous 2023/07/28 09:59:28 No.2325400
It's really boring, it's just sex montage and huge part of Ponporio's appeal are the stories that go with the porn. I don't care about this one. In fact I didn't care about the last one either because that was too story heavy. He gotta strike the balance and that's missing from the current comic.
Furrynomous 2023/07/28 19:44:15 No.2325556
He might ask her how she ended up being homeless.
Furrynomous 2023/08/21 18:06:45 No.2336020
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Furrynomous 2023/08/21 19:13:36 No.2336030
Jesus christ
Furrynomous 2023/08/21 19:45:16 No.2336036
This is getting even more uncomfortable than It already was.
Furrynomous 2023/08/21 21:47:18 No.2336074
If he starts going for the "lie back and think of England" route. I'm going to eye roll so hard they're going to fly into orbit.
Furrynomous 2023/08/22 06:52:12 No.2336208
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the tauren 2023/08/22 11:32:57 No.2336302
we are curious to know her past.
Furrynomous 2023/08/22 22:50:47 No.2336577
I'm curious to know her name

"Homeless Dog Girl" is pretty fucking dehumanizing.
Furrynomous 2023/08/22 23:47:38 No.2336595
so.... He's supposed to be Hannibal Lecter?
Furrynomous 2023/08/23 01:12:47 No.2336623
...Oh, God!...
I was never expecting custard pies and a laugh track, but if the comic goes THAT dark, I'm officially out and done!
Furrynomous 2023/08/23 15:23:14 No.2336867
He could be hitting her with the ol' Pavlov trick. I mean, it works really well on dogs. Get her associating money, happiness, etc with him in order to wrest more control over her mind.
Furrynomous 2023/08/23 18:08:12 No.2336927
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Furrynomous 2023/08/23 18:33:22 No.2336932
Come on brother diddling!
Furrynomous 2023/08/23 18:39:35 No.2336936
Is that Jet Set Radio?
the tauren 2023/08/23 21:30:33 No.2336973
perfect ok and after?

i want say something about on her cheek.... right or left?

Edited at 2023/08/23 21:40:17
Furrynomous 2023/08/24 09:48:36 No.2337214
>suit: so hey, while we're talking, I'm pretty curious about something else. when did you lose your virginity? was it during or after high school?
>hd: oh, well that's another story involving my brother.

Edited at 2023/08/24 10:43:18
. Chatin # MOD # 2023/08/24 15:20:56 No.2337333
Looks like
Furrynomous 2023/08/25 19:56:22 No.2337864
Suit seriously needs to fuckin man up, rip that condom off and knot fuck her till he puts his fuckin kids in her, then dump her off on the side of the road somewhere.

She's a homeless whore, let the government handle it
Furrynomous 2023/09/29 07:39:51 No.2341549
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Furrynomous 2023/09/30 07:15:00 No.2341710
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the tauren 2023/10/02 12:35:39 No.2341965
new page is out if you are interested to give opinion guys.
Furrynomous 2023/10/02 13:13:30 No.2341969

I've been trying to upload the rest of the pages, but I keep getting error messages
Furrynomous 2023/10/03 18:28:13 No.2342080
How do they fuck up a furry porn website so hard.
. Chatin # MOD # 2023/10/04 23:00:58 No.2342178
The site wasn't intended to be used as much as it is now, and is already heavily modified.

We have hundreds of threads with 1k+ posts which are killing the database on load times.

Why this happened after the server went down? Who knows. It was likely to happen at some point.

For now just hold off on trying to post images until we're 100% As it is now even me trying to do mod duties is incredibly difficult.
Furrynomous 2023/10/05 02:54:35 No.2342195
Damn, fair enough then. Have you thought about changing chan software or is the issue just the number of posts itself?
I feel like the chan idea is much more suited to transient posting than big archives.
Furrynomous 2023/10/05 13:16:45 No.2342236
>Old shitty ImageBoard4Free engine
>Why this happened after the server went down? Who knows
Big mystery
Furrynomous 2023/10/20 11:31:40 No.2343083
File: HomelessDog113_4_u18chan.png - (1.32mb, 3000x4000, HomelessDog113.png)

Furrynomous 2023/11/02 17:50:26 No.2346576
Has anyone else still been having trouble uploading the more recent pages?

I keep trying but with no luck
Furrynomous 2023/11/04 13:54:53 No.2346774
It's on and off for posting, I don't have the pages though so keep trying
the tauren 2023/11/16 00:17:28 No.2348031
wow wow it really spicy here guys.
suit are in trouble.

Edited at 2023/11/16 00:18:10
Furrynomous 2023/11/18 03:10:13 No.2348217
Looks like he might've got clawed up a bit. Her claws have some red on them that they didn't have in a close up of her hand immediately before the freakout.
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:19:56 No.2349177
File: F6g52kWXcAAH08h_u18chan.jpg - (1.05mb, 3000x4000, F6g52kWXcAAH08h.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:30:45 No.2349182
File: F7NULZ6WEAIXzsV_u18chan.jpg - (798.13kb, 3000x3875, F7NULZ6WEAIXzsV.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:30:52 No.2349183
File: F7NUMNoWsAA1fN__u18chan.jpg - (828.76kb, 3000x3875, F7NUMNoWsAA1fN_.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:30:59 No.2349184
File: F7oVtoSWgAAjTC6_u18chan.jpg - (1.05mb, 3000x4000, F7oVtoSWgAAjTC6.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:31:07 No.2349185
File: F8QeLpDWYAAi9c5_u18chan.jpg - (1006.12kb, 3000x4000, F8QeLpDWYAAi9c5.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:31:14 No.2349186
File: F8li6TAXcAAddE6_u18chan.jpg - (711.84kb, 3000x4000, F8li6TAXcAAddE6.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:31:24 No.2349187
File: F8li7BFXYAAOHHX_u18chan.jpg - (726.17kb, 3000x4000, F8li7BFXYAAOHHX.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:31:35 No.2349188
File: F85xQQTW8AAIyKl_u18chan.jpg - (1015.45kb, 3000x4000, F85xQQTW8AAIyKl.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:52:03 No.2349203
File: F-1gQlpXwAACTwC_0_u18chan.png - (745.29kb, 3000x4000, F-1gQlpXwAACTwC.png)

Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:52:10 No.2349204
File: F_BUC1BWUAEbn7b_u18chan.png - (366.62kb, 3000x4000, F_BUC1BWUAEbn7b.png)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 19:52:18 No.2349205
File: F_BUEQ3XgAAotu-_u18chan.png - (504.7kb, 2651x3559, F_BUEQ3XgAAotu-.png)
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 22:08:19 No.2349322
You ever been to depressed by the plot to Fap to it? This feels like one of those times : (
Furrynomous 2023/11/23 03:43:48 No.2349464
Depressed? I'm hoping for something good to come from this situation. They're literally stuck together and him having to calm her out of her freak out might bring some meaningful development between them.
Furrynomous 2023/11/23 03:55:23 No.2349468
Something tells me, that she was raped, by someone at one time in the past. A reaction like this says a lot...
Furrynomous 2023/11/23 06:35:33 No.2349534
No shit Sherlock
Furrynomous 2023/11/23 07:26:29 No.2349543

But would you still Fap though? That's the real question.
Furrynomous 2023/11/23 07:30:54 No.2349544
I'm honestly hoping she punches him at least once.his personality is irritating to look at.
Furrynomous 2023/11/23 08:22:16 No.2349566
Furrynomous 2023/11/23 08:22:22 No.2349567
Mostly just annoyed.
She has no ability to plan ahead or buy something of value instead of spending it all at a motel.
He is asking a nervous wreck of a street girl about her v-card.
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 00:50:01 No.2350318
It's been almost 2 years and she still doesn't have a name.
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 17:24:06 No.2350897
Would I? That depends entirely on the outcome of the story but I have my hopes that it ends on a not bad note.
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 20:50:16 No.2350981
Personally I want him to put a kid in her and dump her on the street.
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 21:50:30 No.2350995
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 23:01:43 No.2351005
Prediction: how she lost the v-card goes the way of Metamorphosis where the dad SA'd her and mom blamed her, kicked her out
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 23:41:42 No.2351013
I wish someone would do that to me
Furrynomous 2023/11/25 18:31:54 No.2351399
Cumslut. Cheap Hole if you want to go with surname too.
Furrynomous 2023/11/26 20:55:03 No.2351584
Awww, cute mlem.
the tauren 2023/11/28 04:25:54 No.2351698
new page show up guy and seem calm now.
Furrynomous 2023/12/04 15:58:02 No.2352222
Been trying to post most recent pics, but this website's still fucked
Furrynomous 2023/12/05 14:58:34 No.2352284
Could upload to pixeldrain like some other anons have
Furrynomous 2023/12/09 17:26:28 No.2352659
Fuck it. Tired of this shitty site, here's the Pixeldrain link for the three most recent pages
Furrynomous 2023/12/11 13:28:39 No.2352781
New page posted
Furrynomous 2023/12/20 03:35:11 No.2355508
File: F_9a4YQXAAALIB4_u18chan.jpg - (680.81kb, 3000x4000, F_9a4YQXAAALIB4.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/12/20 03:38:59 No.2355509
File: F_9a4puWMAA8CC8_u18chan.jpg - (470.33kb, 2001x2627, F_9a4puWMAA8CC8.jpg)
Finally, this shitty site seems to be letting us post images again!
Furrynomous 2023/12/20 03:39:10 No.2355510
File: GA7X79lWYAAexh6_u18chan.png - (597.81kb, 3000x4000, GA7X79lWYAAexh6.png)
Furrynomous 2023/12/20 03:39:22 No.2355512
File: GBFpF3SWkAAkBoN_u18chan.png - (552.25kb, 3000x4000, GBFpF3SWkAAkBoN.png)
Furrynomous 2023/12/22 16:05:53 No.2356462
File: GB-yMFJXAAAk-_k_u18chan.png - (405.79kb, 3000x4000, GB-yMFJXAAAk-_k.png)

Furrynomous 2024/01/10 18:09:16 No.2360047
File: GDhAJuiW0AAJDAK_u18chan.png - (605.2kb, 3000x4000, GDhAJuiW0AAJDAK.png)

Furrynomous 2024/01/11 05:12:19 No.2360100
Normal dog face returns.
Furrynomous 2024/01/12 16:09:27 No.2360376
File: GDqVVQbWgAEdzbL_u18chan.png - (613.9kb, 3000x4000, GDqVVQbWgAEdzbL.png)

Furrynomous 2024/01/12 20:13:30 No.2360394
Another step in getting her used to him, I imagine.
She could kill or harm him in some manner but she'd be fucked, or she could steal money but she'd incur his wrath and end getting cash from a steady source.
Furrynomous 2024/02/12 18:51:36 No.2363347
File: GEm9H2EXgAAC1w8_u18chan.jpg - (231.6kb, 3000x3875, GEm9H2EXgAAC1w8.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/02/12 19:40:44 No.2363349
File: GEzH01ZXIAEqq_2_u18chan.png - (152.6kb, 610x469, GEzH01ZXIAEqq_2.png)

Furrynomous 2024/02/12 19:40:50 No.2363350
File: GEzH1K0X0AMp2Q5_u18chan.png - (471.99kb, 3000x4000, GEzH1K0X0AMp2Q5.png)
Furrynomous 2024/02/12 19:40:58 No.2363351
File: GFk2NuLW0AAW6Wi_u18chan.png - (426.54kb, 3000x4000, GFk2NuLW0AAW6Wi.png)
Furrynomous 2024/02/12 19:45:04 No.2363352
File: GFk2PJSXoAAyRR2_u18chan.png - (123.83kb, 1449x2031, GFk2PJSXoAAyRR2.png)

Furrynomous 2024/02/12 19:45:12 No.2363353
File: GGEZlRZWwAAx08C_u18chan.png - (697.81kb, 3000x4000, GGEZlRZWwAAx08C.png)
Furrynomous 2024/02/14 18:16:21 No.2363503
macroShow Less
File: Would_You_Kindly_u18chan.jpg - (330.61kb, 1920x1080, Would_You_Kindly.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/02/15 04:41:46 No.2363556
Is it wrong that I'm enjoying everything he's done and will continue to do to her?
Furrynomous 2024/02/15 10:44:14 No.2363584

Yes, yes it is.
Furrynomous 2024/02/15 20:06:36 No.2363619
I kinda want it to get to the point where he gets her to prostitute herself to other males in order to get paid.
Furrynomous 2024/02/19 07:44:52 No.2363860
My vote is that he is going to live out teen fantasies with her like having stealth-sex in a changing booth
Furrynomous 2024/02/19 18:38:40 No.2363876
He is probably going to get her some new clothing
Furrynomous 2024/02/21 16:55:02 No.2363928
those two are not mutually exclusive :3
Furrynomous 2024/03/08 11:16:37 No.2364401
File: Embedded Video

I wonder if it will turn into a dark parody of this scene
Furrynomous 2024/03/12 18:09:13 No.2364714
File: GHHzLPPWoAAtF8N_u18chan.jpg - (674.13kb, 3000x4000, GHHzLPPWoAAtF8N.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/03/12 18:12:47 No.2364718
File: GHM5MFjWQAAEOq6_u18chan.png - (425.36kb, 3000x4000, GHM5MFjWQAAEOq6.png)

Furrynomous 2024/03/12 18:12:58 No.2364719
File: GHms_e8WMAAx8_H_u18chan.jpg - (1.28mb, 3000x4000, GHms_e8WMAAx8_H.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/03/12 18:13:07 No.2364720
File: GIVy7yeW4AAOTqZ_u18chan.png - (448.07kb, 3000x4000, GIVy7yeW4AAOTqZ.png)
Furrynomous 2024/03/12 18:19:12 No.2364724
File: GIgVdd2XMAA9DFi_u18chan.jpg - (1.47mb, 3000x4000, GIgVdd2XMAA9DFi.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/03/12 20:30:49 No.2364816
Her muzzle goes back and forth between being long and short.
Either that's a changing art style or it's due to her being stressed.
Furrynomous 2024/03/21 05:54:42 No.2366923
File: GJJcDVWWEAA9s8P_u18chan.jpg - (1.68mb, 3000x4000, GJJcDVWWEAA9s8P.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/03/21 17:58:35 No.2366998
File: GJOMH0OWEAAQvBb_u18chan.jpg - (809.13kb, 3000x4000, GJOMH0OWEAAQvBb.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/03/21 17:58:46 No.2366999
File: GJOMIx1WMAAK_TV_u18chan.jpg - (937.06kb, 3000x4000, GJOMIx1WMAAK_TV.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/03/22 19:40:34 No.2367404
I think the muzzle goes from short to long dependant on how nervous or anxious she is.
Furrynomous 2024/03/25 14:57:56 No.2368036
File: GJiP3-kXYAAPlx8_u18chan.jpg - (932.02kb, 3000x4000, GJiP3-kXYAAPlx8.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/03/25 18:17:02 No.2368061
File: GJjI4BVWsAA7cHn_u18chan.jpg - (916.41kb, 3000x4000, GJjI4BVWsAA7cHn.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/03/25 20:49:20 No.2368076
Kinda wish we'd get more of his smile as well. A sign he'd be getting into the trip along with her.

Then again, I guess that would require him wanting to have an actual connection with her...
Exploit then ship Name Hidden 2024/03/26 00:50:35 No.2368124
Think they will become a couple?
Furrynomous 2024/03/26 16:20:27 No.2368219
File: GJnsYMuXMAAD67S_u18chan.png - (448.47kb, 3000x4000, GJnsYMuXMAAD67S.png)

Furrynomous 2024/03/26 17:04:16 No.2368225
I hope he knocks her up
Furrynomous 2024/03/26 20:20:37 No.2368251
File: GJoe_FkWgAEWNMI_u18chan.png - (1.06mb, 3000x4000, GJoe_FkWgAEWNMI.png)

Furrynomous 2024/04/02 17:14:07 No.2369398
so split about what I want to happen here
on one hand - changing booth sex is hot af
on the other - I want the suit to show some compassion, reassure her that clothes are gifts not payment that should force her to say yes to sex.

curious how it will go
Furrynomous 2024/04/03 06:04:27 No.2369427
Compassion sure, but that can be after the very intrusive fingering session.
Furrynomous 2024/04/04 00:07:43 No.2369474
My first guess was that he was going to make her walk out naked?
Furrynomous 2024/04/06 22:52:38 No.2369615
Nah, Suit doesn't seem like the guy to share.
Furrynomous 2024/04/09 09:32:43 No.2369735
I have the next page to upload to this thread, but its blocking me ID7.
Furrynomous 2024/04/09 18:52:11 No.2369765
Walk home? What home? She's fucking homeless lol
Furrynomous 2024/04/09 19:42:35 No.2369768

I've been trying to post the new pages for days, but this shitty site's acting up
Furrynomous 2024/04/09 22:17:00 No.2369778
Her motel room.

But I'm more worried about the fact that he drove her there and is then saying she can walk home.
Furrynomous 2024/04/12 13:58:03 No.2369921
e- hentai .org/g/ 2886123/1934c3690a/
Spike 2024/04/12 16:31:00 No.2369925
what's up abut that art change?
Furrynomous 2024/04/12 19:07:48 No.2369931

The last 2 are from a different artist
Furrynomous 2024/04/12 21:19:06 No.2369935
Furrynomous 2024/04/12 22:43:13 No.2369936
non-canon gift art

like when the dude finished the pickleman comic then killed himself
Furrynomous 2024/04/13 09:47:38 No.2369952

Lol what???
Furrynomous 2024/04/13 12:47:58 No.2369957

Guest artist. Ponporio stated it in Twitter and D*scord: "Guest page by @Akitokit!!!!"
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:31:17 No.2370627
File: GKRZ4gmXQAAlPOU_u18chan.png - (511.76kb, 3000x4000, GKRZ4gmXQAAlPOU.png)

Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:31:25 No.2370628
File: GKVipJmW4AM2NLZ_u18chan.png - (389.37kb, 3000x4000, GKVipJmW4AM2NLZ.png)
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:31:36 No.2370629
File: GKuIxitWUAATZeJ_u18chan.jpg - (725.42kb, 3000x4000, GKuIxitWUAATZeJ.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:31:47 No.2370630
File: GKy9kTPWUAArWjm_u18chan.jpg - (934.02kb, 3000x4000, GKy9kTPWUAArWjm.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:32:04 No.2370631
File: GK5aq9YW8AQ30mA_u18chan.jpg - (973.08kb, 3000x4000, GK5aq9YW8AQ30mA.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:33:53 No.2370632
File: GLe8uDSWUAADd3h_0_u18chan.png - (602.1kb, 3000x4000, GLe8uDSWUAADd3h.png)

Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:34:01 No.2370633
File: GL4dzbJXMAAmK6o_u18chan.png - (566.25kb, 3000x4000, GL4dzbJXMAAmK6o.png)
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 07:35:06 No.2370634
Looks like the site is FINALLY fucking working again
Furrynomous 2024/05/15 13:39:30 No.2377659
File: GNo2sMmWoAAE5uI_u18chan.png - (685kb, 3000x4000, GNo2sMmWoAAE5uI.png)

Furrynomous 2024/06/06 02:23:07 No.2382213
File: GPWiLVjWgAAI8qD_u18chan.jpg - (328.39kb, 3000x4000, GPWiLVjWgAAI8qD.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/06/06 02:23:16 No.2382214
File: GPWiL4IXAAAhiTu_u18chan.jpg - (1.41mb, 3000x4000, GPWiL4IXAAAhiTu.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/06/06 21:28:05 No.2382508

Man, I feel so badly for her. You wish you could help her in a way she can start providing for herself rather than be dependent on a miserable jackass like this asshole.
Furrynomous 2024/06/07 01:28:21 No.2382543
here's hoping he knocks her up
Furrynomous 2024/06/07 01:41:19 No.2382547
here's hoping he knocks her up
Furrynomous 2024/06/07 02:06:02 No.2382551
And make her situation even worse? a baby by a guy she doesn't like and is forced to deal with, would be the final nail in the coffin of the cacophony of crap that is her life.
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 07:08:01 No.2383218
File: GP41fUoXIAAjVCG_u18chan.jpg - (1.4mb, 3000x4000, GP41fUoXIAAjVCG.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/06/19 13:38:58 No.2384518
File: GQdCRI4XQAAlG8p_u18chan.jpg - (1010.35kb, 3000x4000, GQdCRI4XQAAlG8p.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/06/19 18:16:49 No.2384580

Man, do I ever feel bad for this gal. Her pain and humiliation are palpable to the point you feel her sorrow. Its beginning to become pure masochism to read this. The more you do, the more you are dragged down into her personal abyss. I sure hope the story turns a corner soon.
Furrynomous 2024/06/25 15:52:02 No.2385943
File: GQ8cffAWMAEvZ4Q_u18chan.jpg - (941.72kb, 3172x4096, GQ8cffAWMAEvZ4Q.jpg)
Redraw of an earlier page
Furrynomous 2024/06/29 15:31:08 No.2386843
I think each version has its own charm.
Furrynomous 2024/07/01 10:30:45 No.2387231
I consider earlier one superiors.
Not only because the smaller snoot is cuter, but even background pic is better.
Furrynomous 2024/07/04 02:01:37 No.2387887
The body got more stiff and there is less perspective to it.

The short snoot, best snoot.
Furrynomous 2024/07/04 16:47:38 No.2387981
I like seeing the style evolve with the story, but the front on short snoot from the cover page is really adorable. You still enjoy reading it despite the style drifting away from your preferences?
Furrynomous 2024/07/05 06:32:41 No.2388092
Both versions look as if they were drawn in MS Paint imposed over a background, but the newer version is definitely better.
Furrynomous 2024/07/27 20:01:31 No.2393739
File: GTA2pAvXoAAzxZd_u18chan.jpg - (454.86kb, 3000x4000, GTA2pAvXoAAzxZd.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/07/27 20:01:40 No.2393740
File: GTMFg0IXAAAbvO__u18chan.jpg - (762.84kb, 3000x4000, GTMFg0IXAAAbvO_.jpg)
the tauren 2024/07/31 02:32:54 No.2394492
*ohh black suit you miss me*
sorry i try to break this icey atmosphere

Edited at 2024/07/31 02:34:52
Furrynomous 2024/08/05 18:00:20 No.2395162
File: imagem_2024-08-05_195935673_u18chan.png - (4.92mb, 3000x4000, imagem_2024-08-05_195935673.png)
Furrynomous 2024/08/18 14:43:23 No.2398132
They are cute together, but I know very well that ain`t happening
Grey-Hawk # MOD # 2024/08/24 18:53:50 No.2399565
Cleaned up the comments AGAIN, because even after other moderators did it before me, you all went back to it;

It's just a date, that happens right after the previous events in the comic. If you go down about political real-life events unrelated to the comic here again, instead of either taking it to /d/ or somewhere else, I'll lock this thread until the next page;

Also don't force my hands in pulling timeouts for those insisting on it anyways.
Furrynomous 2024/08/25 11:41:59 No.2399834
I just want dog girl to have all the happiness.
Furrynomous 2024/08/31 10:02:20 No.2401009
File: HomelessDog165_u18chan.png - (1.68mb, 3000x4000, HomelessDog165.png)
Furrynomous 2024/09/09 17:05:23 No.2403073
File: GXDCXN4WIAUwfnQ_u18chan.jpg - (1.2mb, 3000x4000, GXDCXN4WIAUwfnQ.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/09/09 21:47:00 No.2403095
Hope this actually works out for her.

Edited at 2024/09/09 21:50:15
Furrynomous 2024/09/10 05:45:31 No.2403189

I hope this store is owned by the business man and it makes the power dynamic even more between the two where he is the only option for her to get a legitimate life and income, but still being used for sex to keep her job.
Furrynomous 2024/09/10 06:57:11 No.2403202
You still want her to suffer somehow XD
Furrynomous 2024/09/10 15:00:27 No.2403267
Isn't he an architect? I don't think that position and floristry are really related to each other.
Furrynomous 2024/09/10 15:59:12 No.2403275

You should always diversify your income, from multiple sources that aren't specifically connected to one each other if you can. So that means something like, be an architect and then invest in mutuals that are not specifically real estate, or buy/invest in small businesses like a flourist.
Furrynomous 2024/09/10 19:21:56 No.2403296
Never take financial advice from someone who can't spell "florist."
Furrynomous 2024/09/11 17:03:38 No.2403488
She'll be a florist while he's a floorist. Close enough for me.
the tauren 2024/09/14 20:31:33 No.2404979
not sure she will be hired with that face of the manager
and that hand uhhh you sure she not evil demon?
Furrynomous 2024/09/28 20:46:20 No.2405997
File: GX8TRb_W0AE9u1U_u18chan.png - (5.48mb, 3000x4000, GX8TRb_W0AE9u1U.png)

Furrynomous 2024/09/29 18:06:33 No.2406463
Please, that she's tired for having her first day of work, please, that this is the beginning of a change of life for her.
Furrynomous 2024/09/30 01:27:37 No.2406547

We don't even know if she got the job or not, so bit early to assume she did, don't ya think?
the tauren 2024/09/30 02:41:52 No.2406559
fail at the interview so no choice to be a little toy again.
Furrynomous 2024/09/30 05:32:24 No.2406575

They're saying they hope she has the job, and that hopefully this is a positive change in her life.

Edited at 2024/09/30 05:34:23
Furrynomous 2024/10/10 11:50:21 No.2409083
File: HomelessDog168_u18chan.png - (2.63mb, 3000x4000, HomelessDog168.png)

Furrynomous 2024/10/10 12:15:36 No.2409092
Noooooo!!!🙀 why is she here? just to suffer?!😭
Furrynomous 2024/10/10 17:25:49 No.2409150
Guess it's back to sucking cock I guess
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 05:09:21 No.2409237

That's a shame. But not at all unexpected.


Hard yes.


Also yes.
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 05:10:33 No.2409238

That's a shame. But not at all unexpected.


Hard yes.


Also yes.
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 17:32:30 No.2409363
File: HomelessDog169_u18chan.png - (3.2mb, 3000x4000, HomelessDog169.png)

Furrynomous 2024/10/11 17:33:01 No.2409364
File: HomelessDog170_u18chan.png - (2.4mb, 3000x4000, HomelessDog170.png)
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 17:40:01 No.2409366
File: GZoqV2sWAAEEzI1_u18chan.png - (130.49kb, 514x571, GZoqV2sWAAEEzI1.png)
the tauren 2024/10/13 20:07:52 No.2409841
you all dissapointed lol nan we need more play thing. lol.
this story is perfect :3. with you all hopes it funny.
Furrynomous 2024/10/14 07:55:16 No.2409938
Calling it now - she calls the guy as she runs out of money and he says she's been replaced by another girl that's more than willing.
Furrynomous 2024/10/16 11:09:11 No.2410455
File: HomelessDog171_u18chan.png - (2.99mb, 2352x3233, HomelessDog171.png)

Furrynomous 2024/10/16 17:37:30 No.2410504
my assumption...He wants to do it without the condom next. But doubles the offer
Furrynomous 2024/10/18 13:01:17 No.2410908
File: GaGbJ3sWgAA-jKW_u18chan.jpg - (1.4mb, 3983x3537, GaGbJ3sWgAA-jKW.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/18 13:03:26 No.2410909
File: GaEvIp0XkAA7Zo3_u18chan.jpg - (890.04kb, 4096x3113, GaEvIp0XkAA7Zo3.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/18 16:19:32 No.2410931
hopefully he blows a load deep in her and knocks her up
Furrynomous 2024/10/19 14:57:47 No.2411083
Then during the sex he'll tease her about her being knocked up, making her go full panic mode.
After he cums inside her and her having a panic attack about having his baby inside him, he will chide her about not knowing what contraceptives are. He will then give her after-sex pills, as a way to protect her.
That way he will establish himself even more as her 'protector' and her 'brainwashing' will progress to another stage.
Furrynomous 2024/10/19 15:38:00 No.2411090
File: GaQzN4fW0AAC0aa_u18chan.jpg - (336.32kb, 1779x1744, GaQzN4fW0AAC0aa.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/20 18:00:03 No.2411271
File: GaWGKZ-WoAAzpT8_u18chan.jpg - (342.26kb, 1500x1498, GaWGKZ-WoAAzpT8.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/24 03:42:32 No.2411692
File: Gagc2jWWkAM09Qr_1_u18chan.jpg - (598.1kb, 2100x2947, Gagc2jWWkAM09Qr.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/25 03:41:45 No.2412052
File: HomelessDog175ByMHDrawin_u18chan.png - (1.81mb, 1794x2579, HomelessDog175 By MHDrawin.png)

Furrynomous 2024/10/25 05:05:51 No.2412065
Poor girl. I'm really starting to hate, this black dog/wolf guy. I understand that he pays her for sex, but... WHAT A SCUM...have to be, to abuse a poor homeless woman? >:(((
Furrynomous 2024/10/25 07:09:33 No.2412122
bro is really processing this information 170+ pages into the comic. Literally the entire point of the suit is the power dynamic he has over her.
Furrynomous 2024/10/26 17:41:47 No.2412464
File: Ga1vsNSXoAAzjFz_u18chan.jpg - (1.31mb, 3208x2128, Ga1vsNSXoAAzjFz.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/27 13:07:48 No.2412718
Furrynomous 2024/10/28 18:41:37 No.2413032
File: HomelessDog177byLaizdnsfw_u18chan.png - (16.55mb, 2400x4200, HomelessDog177 by Laizdnsfw.png)

the tauren 2024/10/29 18:06:13 No.2413280
*drink his cola* so easy way for money? yes?
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 18:52:51 No.2416672

Can't post the gif for some fucking reason, so here's a link instead
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 14:24:53 No.2418012
File: file_7_u18chan.jpg - (11.38mb, 2480x3508, file.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/11/20 14:30:46 No.2418013
File: GbenyXtaEAAkQja_u18chan.jpg - (934.81kb, 3000x4000, GbenyXtaEAAkQja.jpg)

Furrynomous 2024/11/20 14:30:56 No.2418014
File: Gbm6XlaXgAAuW4o_u18chan.jpg - (2.53mb, 1637x2315, Gbm6XlaXgAAuW4o.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 14:31:11 No.2418015
File: Gbm6X7wXAAAsn0m_u18chan.jpg - (2.95mb, 1637x2315, Gbm6X7wXAAAsn0m.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 14:31:35 No.2418016
File: GbuGDU_XsAkfQhd_u18chan.jpg - (148.04kb, 849x1200, GbuGDU_XsAkfQhd.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 14:39:40 No.2418017

Can someone post the gif? Tried so many times but not working, as usual
Furrynomous 2024/12/10 03:33:39 No.2422925
What gif?
Furrynomous 2024/12/10 08:29:11 No.2422932

Check the above number
Furrynomous 2025/01/21 13:32:36 No.2434534
File: GdFt4VwWUAAw-AY_u18chan.jpg - (106.19kb, 630x800, GdFt4VwWUAAw-AY.jpg)

Furrynomous 2025/01/21 13:33:06 No.2434535
File: Gh1gVnRXQAACVa-_u18chan.jpg - (1.16mb, 3000x4000, Gh1gVnRXQAACVa-.jpg)
Furrynomous 2025/01/21 14:23:41 No.2434545
The pain returns.
the tauren 2025/01/21 14:36:52 No.2434549
oh hi it 2025 are you sleeping well :3
Furrynomous 2025/02/10 15:30:49 No.2441304
File: Gjc6gSVWAAAcrRe_u18chan.jpg - (1.06mb, 3000x4000, Gjc6gSVWAAAcrRe.jpg)

Furrynomous 2025/02/25 18:27:02 No.2446058
File: Gkppw-FXMAA1y9Z_u18chan.jpg - (993.93kb, 3000x4000, Gkppw-FXMAA1y9Z.jpg)

the tauren 2025/02/26 11:12:31 No.2446276
her brain: i think you just love this situation to be used for money.
Furrynomous 2025/02/26 22:23:55 No.2446422
Sure beats most other jobs that suck the soul out of you for a lot less money than she's getting.
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 14:19:08 No.2446550
I am a sucker for love-drama, wonder if she could blow up in suits face about last time like

"When you took me to the mall, once in my life I thought that maybe for a moment I'm allowed to be just a normal girl, feeling pretty. And after you gave a glimpse of that to me, you RIPPED it away.

Why? To hoard your power over me? If you wanted me to NEVER trust you again, congrats you got it.

From now on, you say what you want and I name the price. Upfront. And no improvisations or changes midway."

Of course, I know romance is probably not where this story will go, maybe that would be too 50 Shades of Grey, but I'd love the suit to step back and question himself about what he wants with our homeless girl.
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 16:50:07 No.2447345
Wow, only now I noticed how much Ponporio made her butt/hips smaller over the course of the comic.
Very noticeable when compared to this:
Furrynomous 2025/03/03 21:09:05 No.2448078
Her snout has also become super elongated and she looks almost mannish now.
Kinda sucks, I liked how she looked before.
Furrynomous 2025/03/06 15:01:33 No.2448829
File: GlYWRjtWYAAKmBZ_u18chan.png - (806.59kb, 3000x4000, GlYWRjtWYAAKmBZ.png)

Furrynomous 2025/03/06 15:07:06 No.2448831

Is her butt too small for you now?
Furrynomous 2025/03/06 16:01:57 No.2448844
She's playing with fire if she tries it this way. but hey, maybe she can pull it off and take control of him instead XD
the tauren 2025/03/06 17:58:55 No.2448915
just getting married already !!!
Furrynomous 2025/03/06 18:00:23 No.2448916
I kinda want it to progress to her having to have sex with other males as a show for him in order to earn any money.
Furrynomous 2025/03/07 03:19:47 No.2448991
my best guess is that she'll ask him for a job and she'll become his personal secretary at his work, but she'll try to be more controlling and assertive in bed and become his dominatrix as shown in that dream segment
then they'll get married and she'll be happy THE END :)
Furrynomous 2025/03/07 07:44:04 No.2449135
Wait till the angle will change in another page, then ask me.
Furrynomous 2025/03/08 05:27:04 No.2449340
I like >>2448991's version more, not a huge fan of gangbangs and orgies, and that would just make him her pimp instead of a "sugar daddy".

Also about the design changes, really the only one that kinda bothers me is the much much longer muzzle. Original homeless girl was more like a Spaniel, current homelss girl looks like a Borzoi.

But overall, I'm fine with Ponorio doing what he likes, so I don't wanna complain

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