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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__COVER_PAGE_____-FPT4ZX3XoAA9SRZ_u18chan.jpeg - (126.58kb, 900x1200, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__COVER_PAGE_____- FPT4ZX3XoAA9SRZ.jpeg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Loona Comic By Loonanudes Furrynomous 2022/04/02 12:45:10 No.2103736   
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Furrynomous 2022/04/02 13:31:31 No.2103764
Is this meant to be a request for someone to post this comic?
Furrynomous 2022/04/02 20:02:21 No.2103893
she's sexy only in small doses. her actual canon personality is honestly quite off putting let alone the over saturation of art

yeah this should be moved to request unless there are actually pages out right? it almost feels like an ad for the patreon lol
Furrynomous 2022/04/03 13:26:57 No.2104199

>"she's sexy only in small doses. her actual canon personality is honestly quite off putting"

Have to agree with you there. Unless Helluva Boss improves her attitude in the future she's more annoying then sexy.
Furrynomous 2022/04/04 15:34:47 No.2104690
>"Saturation of Art"
I've been on the internet for well over a Decade, and I could tell you ANY Furry Female character in popular fiction was like that... this is considered NORMAL for internet standards.
Furrynomous 2022/04/04 21:04:25 No.2104767

I still remember the vintage meme "Everyone's furry for Krystal"

Then renamon became the most popular after her.
Furrynomous 2022/04/04 22:38:19 No.2104822
Ah of the oldest furry awakening characters.
Furrynomous 2022/04/05 16:31:48 No.2105224
the difference being in the current age of patreon/subscribestar it seems significantly more saturated. there are several ongoing comics from patreons exclusively created to make art of just this one character. and there's definitely more furries nowadays than even 10 years ago. twitter and tumblr definitely led to the increase in consumers of furry porn.

thus in a strictly numerical volume (not necessarily a proportional sense), there's totally way more loona art in a very short amount of time. or perhaps it only feels like that on account of not really liking the character in the first place...

Edited at 2022/04/05 16:33:07
Furrynomous 2022/04/05 16:39:10 No.2105228
I get where you guys are coming from, but given that Loonanudes actually draws her on-model as opposed to 80% of the art of her... I can at least expect to enjoy this whereas I usually don't like most Loona art.
Furrynomous 2022/04/05 19:13:47 No.2105290
She already has more pictures on e621 than every sonic character, except sonic, amy, tails and rouge. Also more pictures than Minerva Mink, Carmelita Fox, Midna.
Krystal only has 10k while Loona is almost 6k, so not long before she beats her too. Not to mention that paid content can't be posted there, so all the paid pictures riding on her popularity may not even be counted.

Edited at 2022/04/05 19:26:15
Furrynomous 2022/04/06 00:50:20 No.2105429

... that's not nearly enough. She needs more.
Furrynomous 2022/04/06 17:30:51 No.2105678

But does she have more than the yellow queen herself?
Furrynomous 2022/04/06 19:44:36 No.2105716
No, renamon has 18k, although it's like a species or some shit, so all kinda shitty renamon OCs and recolors are also counted.
Furrynomous 2022/04/08 14:45:06 No.2106532
Why do people keep opening new threads with incomplete comics?
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 18:40:10 No.2109720
Tell me about it, sick of it, just wait until the comic is finished or at least have a good couple of pages done to share.
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 13:28:52 No.2115662
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File: Comic_Cover_New_Wallpapers_0_u18chan.png - (11.98mb, 3600x4800, Comic_Cover_New_Wallpapers.png)

Furrynomous 2022/04/27 13:28:57 No.2115663
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File: Page_1_Final_Simps_0_u18chan.png - (11.44mb, 3600x4800, Page_1_Final_Simps.png)
Furrynomous 2022/04/30 23:12:19 No.2117806

Nice. I'm a sucker for short shorts.
Furrynomous 2022/05/31 20:26:10 No.2132450
Any news if there will be a new page?
Furrynomous 2022/05/31 22:43:39 No.2132514
Ho-damn that art quality.
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 01:46:19 No.2133655
loona still sucks like fuck. i hate her and how much hype is around that character in the past months. fucking idiots, you'd never want to have a partner like that. who constantly degrades and insults you. good luck. idiots.
Furrynomous 2022/06/22 15:29:11 No.2142110
Any news?
Furrynomous 2022/06/22 15:58:50 No.2142118
You really don't get it do you? What's popular in fiction isn't always wanted in real life. People love seeing types of crazy people in fiction that they say they'd love to get with. But then actually don't. It's a part of the fantasy to enjoy characters like Loona for what they are as a character, and not who they'd be in real life.
Furrynomous 2022/06/24 09:11:37 No.2142956

There would be outrage if she was a male character, People crying about muh Toxic masculinity and so on.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 03:10:32 No.2145363
I think a lot of people would be excited to find out if she was a Femboy/Transwoman.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 04:47:26 No.2145373
Millie's sister already turned out to be trans. It would not surprise me
Furrynomous 2022/07/20 10:21:19 No.2156513
is this dead
TheSmartHyena 2022/07/20 14:44:39 No.2156604
Not dead, but the author moved from one place to another, comic is paused but should be back soon
Furrynomous 2022/07/24 10:40:23 No.2158346
Ewww, no. Stop trying to force fulfillment keffals.

People miss goth chicks.
Furrynomous 2022/07/25 10:47:30 No.2158755
Jees fuck! No! There's a tab for that stuff if you really want that.

Edited at 2022/07/25 10:48:00
Furrynomous 2022/07/31 18:48:43 No.2162560
new page up
Furrynomous 2022/08/04 02:37:55 No.2164165
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File: 1bb0acf773092630b20a3a4a97d15529_u18chan.png - (145.99kb, 463x272, 1bb0acf773092630b20a3a4a97d15529.png)
I saw a part of a new page. Could anyone post the whole page.
Furrynomous 2022/08/04 05:14:17 No.2164196
The second page gets released 3-4 months after the first page...?
Furrynomous 2022/08/04 06:23:46 No.2164204
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File: low_quality_bait_u18chan.jpg - (16.34kb, 600x600, low_quality_bait.jpg)

Edited at 2022/08/04 06:24:25
Furrynomous 2022/08/12 09:05:32 No.2167927
anyone got the new page?
Furrynomous 2022/08/14 15:08:43 No.2168785
Furrynomous 2022/08/22 13:10:25 No.2173027
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File: page_2_final_simps_u18chan.png - (9.02mb, 3600x4800, page_2_final_simps.png)

Furrynomous 2022/08/23 01:14:08 No.2173383
Do i smell a bitch in heat. sniff...sniff...sniff

Edited at 2022/08/23 01:14:45
Furrynomous 2022/08/23 07:52:42 No.2173443
This is why everyone hates furries
Furrynomous 2022/08/23 07:58:42 No.2173444
I prefer furry porn. But I wouldn't consider myself a furry because I don't see myself having a fursona. That said, you make a good point. I don't really like the sniffing and bitch in heat thing either. It's weird. Though you may want to be careful. This isn't exactly the best site to be speaking of a dislike of furry stuff.
Bear 2022/08/23 08:35:25 No.2173459
Eh as long as you don’t like real animals, which we’d call feral you’re alright. Honestly if it’s just anthro that’s understandable with the humanish anatomy and such.
Furrynomous 2022/08/23 12:31:38 No.2173671

Cringe is cringe
Furrynomous 2022/08/23 16:09:02 No.2173770
Congrats everyone, 4 months in and we've got 2 whole pages.
LoonaNudes Furrynomous 2022/11/06 14:40:17 No.2210170
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_4_-_2K_____-_u18chan.png - (2.86mb, 1800x2400, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_4_-_2K_____-.png)

LoonaNudes Furrynomous 2022/11/06 14:40:23 No.2210171
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LoonaNudes Furrynomous 2022/11/06 14:40:28 No.2210172
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_5_-_2K_____-_u18chan.png - (2.85mb, 1800x2400, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_5_-_2K_____-.png)
LoonaNudes Furrynomous 2022/11/06 14:40:34 No.2210173
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Furrynomous 2022/11/06 14:59:49 No.2210174
now we need page 3 for this
LoonaNudes Furrynomous 2022/11/06 15:03:20 No.2210175
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_5_SKETCH_____-_u18chan.png - (252.67kb, 630x853, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_5_SKETCH_____-.png)

LoonaNudes Furrynomous 2022/11/06 15:03:26 No.2210176
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Furrynomous 2022/11/06 16:47:58 No.2210214
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File: page3_4K_u18chan.png - (9.23mb, 3600x4800, page3_4K.png)

Furrynomous 2022/11/06 16:50:24 No.2210216
here is pg3
LoonaNudes Furrynomous 2022/11/08 10:40:11 No.2210814
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_3_-_2K______u18chan.jpg - (226.91kb, 900x1200, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_3_-_2K_____.jpg)

Furrynomous 2022/11/28 00:49:40 No.2218849
Any updates?
Furrynomous 2022/12/25 11:06:39 No.2230654
anyone have the new pages? i think it's up to page 10 or 11 now
Furrynomous 2022/12/27 13:21:13 No.2231568
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File: Comic_page_6_2K_u18chan.png - (2.78mb, 1800x2400, Comic_page_6_2K.png)

Furrynomous 2022/12/27 13:21:43 No.2231569
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File: Comic_page_7_2K_u18chan.png - (2.71mb, 1800x2400, Comic_page_7_2K.png)

Furrynomous 2022/12/27 13:22:19 No.2231570
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File: Comic_page_8_2K_u18chan.png - (2.97mb, 1800x2400, Comic_page_8_2K.png)

Furrynomous 2022/12/27 13:22:49 No.2231571
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File: Comic_page_9_2K_u18chan.png - (3.18mb, 1800x2400, Comic_page_9_2K.png)

Furrynomous 2022/12/27 13:23:17 No.2231572
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File: Comic_page_10_2K_u18chan.png - (3.13mb, 1800x2400, Comic_page_10_2K.png)

Furrynomous 2022/12/27 13:40:58 No.2231593
This is fantastic >//>
Furrynomous 2022/12/27 13:43:31 No.2231602
Wow, it's not that often I read a comic that has a good masturbation scene in it. Pretty underrated stuff if you ask me.
Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:45:24 No.2231674
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_6_-_4K_____-_u18chan.png - (8.72mb, 3600x4800, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_6_-_4K_____-.png)

Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:45:28 No.2231675
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_7_SKETCH_____-_u18chan.png - (121.42kb, 556x286, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_7_SKETCH_____-.png)
Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:45:34 No.2231676
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_7_-_4K_____-_u18chan.png - (8.89mb, 3600x4800, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_7_-_4K_____-.png)
Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:45:39 No.2231677
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_8_SKETCH_____-_u18chan.png - (112.49kb, 415x304, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_8_SKETCH_____-.png)
Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:45:46 No.2231678
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Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:45:50 No.2231679
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_9_SKETCH_____-_u18chan.png - (65.2kb, 429x323, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_9_SKETCH_____-.png)
Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:45:56 No.2231680
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Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:46:00 No.2231681
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_10_SKETCH_____-_u18chan.png - (95.21kb, 480x417, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_10_SKETCH_____-.png)
Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2022/12/27 18:46:06 No.2231682
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Loona Comic - Sketch Furrynomous 2022/12/31 04:23:31 No.2233292
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_11_SKETCH_____-_u18chan.png - (84.28kb, 535x407, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_11_SKETCH_____-.PNG)

Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2023/01/09 18:45:01 No.2237437
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Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2023/01/09 18:45:07 No.2237438
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Furrynomous 2023/01/14 22:54:08 No.2239606
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File: 4e74c0141575209363630bd191bfd498_u18chan.jpg - (162.78kb, 509x1280, 4e74c0141575209363630bd191bfd498.jpg)

Loonanudes 4K Furrynomous 2023/01/20 18:14:28 No.2241911
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_12_SKETCH_____-_u18chan.png - (231.14kb, 888x566, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_12_SKETCH_____-.png)

Furrynomous 2023/02/14 13:19:36 No.2252029
Have Someone Page 12?

At is this Broken and not avaibile
Furrynomous 2023/02/14 17:39:08 No.2252111
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File: LOONA_COMIC_12_u18chan.png - (9.51mb, 3600x4800, LOONA_COMIC_12.png)

Here ya go
Furrynomous 2023/03/01 17:20:39 No.2258350
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File: Bild_2023-03-02_002019403_u18chan.png - (88.35kb, 677x386, Bild_2023-03-02_002019403.png)
is the new page out?
Furrynomous 2023/03/06 19:46:49 No.2260534
Furrynomous 2023/03/06 21:08:20 No.2260566
13 and 14 are up. Anyone?
Furrynomous 2023/03/07 05:43:46 No.2260705
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File: 261f814a25cca439b617813ac749b22a7050e0d1ca16aec984364ec3ebeecf27_u18chan.png - (140.44kb, 473x285, 261f814a25cca439b617813ac749b22a7050e0d1ca16aec984364ec3ebeecf27.png)
I don't know why... but kemono had only this

Is he send the Page with as a privat Massage?
Furrynomous 2023/03/09 06:24:54 No.2261575
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File: Patreonpostimage_51_u18chan.png - (2.83mb, 1800x2400, Patreon post image.png)

Furrynomous 2023/03/09 06:25:17 No.2261576
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File: Patreonpostimage-1_13_u18chan.png - (7.58mb, 3600x4800, Patreon post image-1.png)

Furrynomous 2023/03/09 07:57:49 No.2261592

Thank you very much

but cann you tell me, is he regulary posting this or is he send this as a pm?
Furrynomous 2023/03/09 14:32:14 No.2261683
Thank you.

Can you post the full-size one, please? This one is half the resolution of the others.
Page 15 Furrynomous 2023/03/24 15:10:29 No.2267503
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File: e89f55cd3e8afc231b92b25942e84f3f20d20bbb89f778ce5c0a6e87a37464ab_u18chan.png - (10.24mb, 3600x4800, e89f55cd3e8afc231b92b25942e84f3f20d20bbb89f778ce5c0a6e87a37464ab.png)

Furrynomous 2023/03/24 16:28:17 No.2267531
Oh myyyy~ OwO ! Now thats what i call a REAL HARD CUM! =3
Furrynomous 2023/04/25 05:38:57 No.2280711
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File: a5bc6276f119813c5ecfccbe03807645527d7b9461195ca7340af0de27208a0a_u18chan.png - (10.35mb, 3600x4800, a5bc6276f119813c5ecfccbe03807645527d7b9461195ca7340af0de27208a0a.png)

Furrynomous 2023/04/26 12:03:36 No.2281248
It was 11:23 when Tex walked away. Then it said 2 hours later when she started masturbating, putting the clock at 1:23. It is now 9:35. My girl has been violently fingering her pussy for 8 hours straight.
✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/05/04 22:37:02 No.2285024
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_17_-_4K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-_u18chan.png - (9.06mb, 3600x4800, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_17_-_4K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-.png)

✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/05/04 22:37:07 No.2285025
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Furrynomous 2023/05/04 23:12:02 No.2285031
Her heat is giving her intense stamina
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 10:33:56 No.2287021
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File: Comic_Page_13_4K_u18chan.png - (9.07mb, 3600x4800, Comic_Page_13_4K.png)
Finally got the full-sized one.
Furrynomous 2023/05/13 18:29:15 No.2289678
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File: Comic_Page_18_4K_u18chan.png - (7.71mb, 3600x4800, Comic_Page_18_4K.png)
Furrynomous 2023/05/13 21:03:43 No.2289713
say less
✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/05/31 02:35:46 No.2298629
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_19_-_4K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-_u18chan.png - (8.48mb, 3600x4800, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_19_-_4K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-.png)

✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/05/31 02:35:51 No.2298630
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Furrynomous 2023/05/31 12:26:06 No.2298713
Run run boi! There is puss to munch!
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 14:55:11 No.2298768
Go boy. Go get the ball
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 19:11:50 No.2298861
He's a good boi.
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 19:13:40 No.2298867
Dat ain't a ball! It's a clit! I'd run on all fours for dat too!
Furrynomous 2023/06/05 20:19:15 No.2301549
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File: dfyuuvw-f5b77472-d1dd-47e4-ae0b-f719ebdf8cb0_u18chan.png - (1.65mb, 3508x2480, dfyuuvw-f5b77472-d1dd-47e4-ae0b-f719ebdf8cb0.png)

Furrynomous 2023/06/06 01:40:48 No.2301680
She can't even enjoy the sucker
✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/07/19 00:42:12 No.2322205
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/07/19 00:42:21 No.2322206
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_20_-_2K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-_u18chan.png - (3.08mb, 1800x2400, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_20_-_2K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-.png)
Furrynomous 2023/07/19 07:51:40 No.2322273
He finally put the blind eye on the right side here:
Also, they're the hottest hounds in the show, so it's too bad they'll never be a thing. Bee and Tex's relationship is going strong
Furrynomous 2023/07/29 12:05:41 No.2325831
wow a fan comic that actually stays true to the original characters and theme. Realistic boob size that doesn't make her look like a retarded hentai girl.

tasteful. I approve.

With how well the tone and theme align its almost like the same artist does the porn. which wouldn't surprise me to be honest.
Furrynomous 2023/07/29 22:46:33 No.2326099
Am I going crazy for thinking this artist's style looks weirdly similar to Zero-Sum? Except actually better, which is the main way I'm able to confidently tell they're not actually the same person
Furrynomous 2023/08/06 07:08:48 No.2329216
there is a new page out
✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/08/08 12:45:49 No.2330208
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File: -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_21_-_4K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-_u18chan.png - (10.08mb, 3600x4800, -_____LOONA_COMIC__-__PAGE_21_-_4K__-__BY_LOONANUDES__-_____-.png)

✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/08/08 12:45:57 No.2330209
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Furrynomous 2023/08/25 11:45:16 No.2337707
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Furrynomous 2023/08/25 11:45:26 No.2337708
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Furrynomous 2023/08/25 11:45:38 No.2337709
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Furrynomous 2023/08/25 11:45:50 No.2337710
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Furrynomous 2023/08/25 12:06:20 No.2337715
Stop posting same shit in different resolutions. Scrolling through it is really fucking annoying.
Furrynomous 2023/08/25 15:04:32 No.2337787
Fuck me, that's hot! o.O
TheSmartHyena 2023/08/26 03:34:27 No.2338139
If the user tags properly, just go fap mode
✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/09/01 03:28:21 No.2339205
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/09/01 03:28:45 No.2339206
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Furrynomous 2023/09/01 05:27:00 No.2339249
Did someone say "big shot"? :D
Furrynomous 2023/09/02 13:02:33 No.2339607
>"It's even bigger now!!"
What? Compared to when? To the slight momentary refractory period after nutting? Or to a few pages ago?
It doesn't really look any bigger now than initially, but it certainly shrunk down a bit so the artist could draw it in her mouth.
Furrynomous 2023/09/03 03:50:39 No.2339796

That is the funny thing about going with extreme dick sizes and oral is when it gets to the point where, realistically, it simply would not fit, you either have to depict an impossibly spread or dislocated jaw or the dick simply disappearing into a void located behind the recipient's lips.

For me, the former is hotter but a lot of people would get squicked by that so the latter is what happens more often.
Furrynomous 2023/09/03 13:26:33 No.2339917
there's just such a lack of "too big/thick to fit in mouth" and then actually realistically following through on it being too big

it's kinda hot and part of the fantasy of a super huge dick in the first place that all they can do is get a bit of the head/tip in and stroke. no point in having a fantasy dick that big if it just goes balls deep down the throat instantly like a much smaller one would. part of the appeal is being so big your partner has to seriously adjust to such a uniquely big dick.

real world most people start struggling pretty bad around like 6.5+ inchers, especially if they're on the thicker side. some find 7+ downright impossible without practice even without excessive girth, and virtually no one except a rare gifted few could manage to actually deep throat actual 8+" x 6+" ones (real inches not "girl inches")

it's not like there's not plenty of porn videos of exceptionally hung dudes receiving or actors giving oral to a large toy to get an idea of what it looks like. to me, play with such a large dick is hotter if it's more realistic but the partner stays enthusiastic despite not being able to fit it.

granted a furry maw might have slightly different anatomy to a human jaw but a lot of these dicks are just outrageously squishy. they're like party balloons in how much they must compress.
kinda real annoying outside of more deliberately cartoony art styles. this style doesn't suit magic otter space oral very much.

Edited at 2023/09/03 13:30:05
✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/09/29 03:39:10 No.2341529
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/09/29 03:41:05 No.2341530
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/09/29 03:43:03 No.2341531
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/09/29 03:46:08 No.2341532
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/21 10:11:29 No.2343657
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/21 10:14:25 No.2343662
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/21 10:21:02 No.2343668
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/21 10:26:22 No.2343673
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/21 10:29:02 No.2343676
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✨ Loona Comic [ New Page ] [ By LoonaNudes ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/21 10:36:33 No.2343682
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Furrynomous 2023/11/02 15:33:43 No.2346552
I find this artist's style to be rather good sometimes,

but the last few pages the absolute inconsistency with the proportions on the characters is just ... why?

They're like balloon animals, inflating and deflating parts at random. Works for more cartoony styles but not this art.
Furrynomous 2023/11/02 16:35:48 No.2346562
Im more bewildered by her odd personality whiplash
>holy shit I love him so much OMG
>uh I was just kidding, never mind
>this is amazing
>thats the best you can do? thats pathetic
>uh hes bigger and can go again?!
>youre awful, why am I attracted to you?
Furrynomous 2023/11/02 19:15:18 No.2346585
Take it you haven't dated much or something but this seems pretty consistent to the Rollercoaster women exhibit with guys like that
Furrynomous 2023/11/05 00:51:47 No.2346826
>with guys like that
Well by your comment it sounds like Id have to be a guy like that to experience it, regardless of how much or little dating experience
Furrynomous 2023/11/06 17:37:32 No.2347058

Pretty consistent with how some women are, honestly. Seen a lot of relationships like that. The sex is wild, but .. well.. so is the relationship. Better entertainment for us though.
Furrynomous 2023/12/08 08:11:49 No.2352520
anyone able to share the updates?
Furrynomous 2023/12/16 17:21:13 No.2354078
This site's troubles has meant e621 has basically caught up with this site's leaks. Interesting.
Furrynomous 2023/12/18 23:13:59 No.2354998
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Furrynomous 2023/12/18 23:19:10 No.2355000
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Furrynomous 2023/12/18 23:24:40 No.2355011
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Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2023/12/22 09:30:22 No.2356331
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Edited at 2023/12/28 16:49:32
Furrynomous 2023/12/22 09:33:17 No.2356332

Thank you for sharing!
Furrynomous 2023/12/22 17:43:21 No.2356478
Does this artist have brain damage or something?

The dialogue is all over the place lol
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 02:16:14 No.2356624
As has been already stated above, the dialog is sadly realistic, if maybe out of character.

Some people are actually this vain, arrogant, and confused about their own feelings. Especially if you're dealing with a case study in BPD like Loona.
Furrynomous 2023/12/24 09:54:37 No.2356851

All that was stated is your fictive idea that this how "women are".

This artist clearly has brain damage, and i suggest you stop believing in fan fiction.
Furrynomous 2023/12/24 10:35:44 No.2356855
cucks out in force not knowing about degrade and roleplay kinks. A lot of people get off on being talked down to or trying to get the better of a disinterested/degrading bottom.

It's just fuckin powerplay you spergs
Furrynomous 2023/12/24 14:01:43 No.2356877
Yep, there really are women like this (and guys too, to be fair). Been in relationships with both of them.

If nothing else, just treat it like your typical Jay Naylor comic and ignore the cringe dialogue to focus on the art instead?
Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2023/12/28 16:52:49 No.2357462
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Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2023/12/30 15:40:36 No.2358656
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Furrynomous 2023/12/31 11:44:47 No.2358985


CRACK? ouch?
Furrynomous 2023/12/31 15:36:16 No.2358998
yO, we're when u ever? u takin tha dik wit pusy too tight! when where the pussy? CRACKS??!?!?
Furrynomous 2024/01/01 03:35:40 No.2359159
Everybody knows a cervix is made out of rice crispy... Right? 0,o
Furrynomous 2024/01/07 13:36:29 No.2359477
My neck, my back
Lick my pussy and my *CRACK*
Furrynomous 2024/01/08 18:02:46 No.2359727
dick so big it did a chiropractic adjustment on her spine just from insertion.
(lumbar and lower thoracic clearly. her upper thoracic and cervical adjustment were from the other direction a few panels ago)
Furrynomous 2024/01/16 04:58:00 No.2361122
New pages up on patreon as of a couple days ago, kemono still hasn't updated yet unfortunately
Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2024/01/17 14:42:36 No.2361621
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Furrynomous 2024/02/07 05:44:55 No.2362864
dayum. two whole new pages on patreon and no one has leaked them yet i thought this comic was consistently leaked
Furrynomous 2024/02/10 00:50:57 No.2363018
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Furrynomous 2024/02/10 01:03:02 No.2363020
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Furrynomous 2024/02/10 01:13:17 No.2363022
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Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2024/03/15 18:48:22 No.2365611
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Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2024/03/15 18:50:21 No.2365613
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Furrynomous 2024/04/26 12:12:32 No.2370839
Furrynomous 2024/04/30 17:22:49 No.2372448
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Furrynomous 2024/05/07 04:11:14 No.2374498
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Furrynomous 2024/05/07 07:49:42 No.2374526
Omae wa mou shindeiru.

Edited at 2024/05/07 07:50:52
Furrynomous 2024/05/13 02:03:17 No.2376807
New page out.
Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2024/05/20 02:26:41 No.2378636
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Loona Comic by Loonanudes Furrynomous 2024/05/20 02:35:05 No.2378638
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 08:06:01 No.2384042
New page out.
Furrynomous 2024/06/19 12:30:25 No.2384482
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Furrynomous 2024/06/19 12:32:56 No.2384484
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Nightsky # MOD # 2024/06/25 06:14:24 No.2385732
Mod's note: Please send highest possible resolution of comic page possible only.
Furrynomous 2024/07/08 21:50:08 No.2388929
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Furrynomous 2024/07/08 21:50:17 No.2388930
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Furrynomous 2024/07/17 01:35:59 No.2391880
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Furrynomous 2024/07/26 15:43:52 No.2393391
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Furrynomous 2024/08/13 20:15:18 No.2397202
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Looks like it's anal time.
Furrynomous 2024/08/16 00:38:49 No.2397277
Lick that butthole
Furrynomous 2024/08/16 21:41:29 No.2397504

How crude. I believe the proper terminology is "Tongue punch her fart box."
Furrynomous 2024/08/17 08:54:57 No.2397621
Get out.
Furrynomous 2024/08/17 15:56:04 No.2397828
Loonanudes is a collab account, isn't it? I can think of a couple of artists whose styles are dead ringers for this.
Furrynomous 2024/08/19 12:37:32 No.2398299

I’ve been wondering that myself. Sometimes the art looks remarkably similar to whisperfoot’s, jizoku’s and catniplewds.. it might just be coincidence or mere imitation but this wouldn’t be the first time artists were collaborating in secret..
Furrynomous 2024/08/20 21:49:14 No.2398778
I think it's probably just a coincidence, they are drawing the same character so it's not that strange that the styles might look similar.
Furrynomous 2024/08/21 11:39:20 No.2398905

I always thought the style looked similar to foxinshadow AKA zero-sum but I always chalked that up to coincidence myself, as it's far from identical
Furrynomous 2024/09/29 15:13:00 No.2406433
Furrynomous 2024/10/09 15:15:04 No.2408894
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Bumping this shit.
Furrynomous 2024/10/10 23:40:41 No.2409181
So this thing is up to page 54 now. Anyone happen to have the missing pages?
Furrynomous 2024/10/10 23:43:33 No.2409182
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 00:05:42 No.2409186
Doubt it. Kemono party sucks these days to find stuff.
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 02:25:41 No.2409203
Kemono might just be bricked tbh. The devs apparently left so it is up to the guy who runs it to fix it.
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 13:25:41 No.2409327
Wait seriously? Did the Devs actually leave or is that just a rumor/speculation?
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 13:42:26 No.2409330
I think so. From what I have heard it was once three people and now it is only one guy so who knows how long it will be before it gets fixed. The ads on the website have apparently changed so there is still some signs of life I guess.
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 13:57:57 No.2409332
Oh wow! Were there any reasons given as to why the Devs left?
Furrynomous 2024/10/11 18:02:16 No.2409370
That's messed up. So what happens now?
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 06:53:44 No.2417578
Importer back up boys.
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 23:07:15 No.2418172
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Furrynomous 2024/11/20 23:07:42 No.2418173
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Furrynomous 2024/11/20 23:16:56 No.2418177
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Furrynomous 2024/11/20 23:29:11 No.2418185
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Furrynomous 2024/11/22 09:32:09 No.2418769
File: P56_4K_u18chan.png - (9.6mb, 3600x4800, P56_4K.png)

Bear 2024/11/22 12:46:55 No.2418827
Damn they’ve been fucking for like two years now.
Furrynomous 2024/11/30 18:31:25 No.2421562
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Furrynomous 2025/01/25 17:14:08 No.2436312
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Furrynomous 2025/02/06 01:22:31 No.2439602
Page 59 is out!
Furrynomous 2025/02/06 10:55:29 No.2439704
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Furrynomous 2025/02/06 15:59:00 No.2439827
Anyone else just find this incredibly boring? Like, yeah there's a lot of action, but it's just... not doing anything for me. Every page feels the same, and not in a good way.
Furrynomous 2025/02/06 20:06:37 No.2439951
Her taking the knot anally is under-sold. Passing a knot of that size even once would be a mind-numbingly overwhelming sensation for both of them.
Furrynomous 2025/02/07 04:07:46 No.2440054

mind-numbingly painful
Furrynomous 2025/02/07 06:13:25 No.2440066
This. The artist is great, and the early pages were pure gold (that low angle shot of Loona's pussy dripping!), but now it's just page after page of over-the top hardcore. That stuff should be your grand finale, something you build to, but if you just keep cranking out ahegao and Brazzers-like sex it kind of looses its appeal.
Furrynomous 2025/02/07 10:38:10 No.2440106
The embodiment of "outstayed it's welcome"

Artist probably burnt out on it long ago as well, but can't just quit or switch over because... it's a job like every other job.
Furrynomous 2025/02/07 10:43:02 No.2440108
Artist definitely decided to reveal their fetishes mid-comic yeah
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 18:40:18 No.2446930
File: P60_4K_u18chan.png - (10.33mb, 3600x4800, P60_4K.png)

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