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File: table_for_three_remix01_u18chan.png - (2.4mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix01.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2022/05/17 14:18:51 No.2125858   
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By pepperminthusky / roanoak
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Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2022/05/17 14:18:55 No.2125859
File: table_for_three_remix02_u18chan.png - (1.39mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix02.png)
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2022/05/17 14:18:59 No.2125860
File: table_for_three_remix03_u18chan.png - (1.37mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix03.png)
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2022/05/17 14:19:04 No.2125861
File: table_for_three_remix04_u18chan.png - (1.25mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix04.png)
Furrynomous 2022/05/17 16:55:07 No.2125927
...I am the only one to think that put the ring in the drink is a lame and terrible idea even if it's charming ?
Furrynomous 2022/05/17 17:05:52 No.2125928
No, you're not. It's a great way to choke someone... or cause an internal complication and/or wind up digging through their shit for a ring.
Furrynomous 2022/05/17 20:40:54 No.2125972

It all depends on the girl and the drink. Don't do it when someone has a tendency to chug back shots, but if someone sips and drinks slowly, they won't choke on it, and rather, they'll feel the ring hit their lip/tongue.

It's all about knowing the partner and what they'll do with the drink, he can even tell her "Hey, this is some good shit, so drink slowly."
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 03:08:37 No.2126075
you know never thought it would be a comic that make me realize im a snob the way the bartender talk is so cringe
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 04:03:31 No.2126079
What is cringe, it's the fact that, unlike original story where this two were married and decided to have a threesome as something "special" (something questionable, but the pink-hair Guy accepted be an unicorn so...), seems here they gonna be polyshit even in the honeymoon (I mean, they can be unicorn again, but the cover seems say otherwise).

This is not a bait or trying to start a shirtstorm, is my opinnion about "Poly" thing, I already expressed many times my disgust for that trendy thing.
My ex used to say there's always who suffers more into the non-monogamist relationship and he's right.

But again, that's just my opinnion.
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 06:38:25 No.2126105
remix shmemix whatever, that little fennec bartender on the ladder to reach the shelves is fucking adorable as hell. another all time banger from roanoak
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 06:40:41 No.2126106
What kind of degenerate chugs wine? You always sip that shit.

Poly is cringe irl, but complaining about it on a fantasy porn comic is even more cringe.
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 07:21:50 No.2126109
Are you serious? They're re-writing "A Table for Three?" What was wrong with the first one?
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 07:23:10 No.2126110

I did, once on a wedding, got kicked out after then got grounded for 2 months....:(
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 08:01:13 No.2126117

That bartender has a rapeface.
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 14:42:48 No.2126292
File: FeriaQuesoVino04_u18chan.jpg - (177.8kb, 800x2023, FeriaQuesoVino04.jpg)
>What kind of degenerate chugs wine? You always sip that shit.

Depends on the wine.
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 15:28:06 No.2126305
Oooh i'm so trying that!
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 18:43:51 No.2126380
Why's she redoing it?
Furrynomous 2022/05/18 23:58:46 No.2126511
that is not wine the person that sold you it might call it wine but that is not wine
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 04:40:49 No.2126550

I'm french and this is hurting me.

It's good to see a reboot of this comic though, the first one was fine but more art of these three is always welcome.
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 05:41:29 No.2126561
Remix doesn't exactly mean reboot? I dunno. Maybe they're going to poly-am marry or something.
Furrynomous 2022/05/19 06:37:24 No.2126608
Please don't call this wine, the color alone is enough to assume that liquid never saw any sort of grape
Furrynomous 2022/05/20 19:02:12 No.2127327
>I'm french and this is hurting me.

It's wine "cooler" to be specific, but there is various wines that are low alcohol by nature. Piquette, Acqua pazza, for example, and other low-alcohol "light" wines.
Furrynomous 2022/05/20 19:15:16 No.2127332
What's fruit or berry wine then?
Furrynomous 2022/05/21 07:44:55 No.2127540
Probably some dirty french person pretending to have a soul, ignore them.
Furrynomous 2022/05/22 10:57:22 No.2127995
Furrynomous 2022/05/22 14:59:38 No.2128161
That is not how any sort of "best booze" would be served. Sigh.
Furrynomous 2022/05/22 15:25:37 No.2128207
That's a good question. It's like that Kaylii comic with the fennec was re-done with much lazier art and a hack fantasy plot about amulets and such. The original was fun and cute.

Adding some spice to a marriage just seemed like fun, this is just kind of cringe setup.

Edited at 2022/05/22 22:20:41
Furrynomous 2022/05/22 15:27:30 No.2128208

I have never met a bartender who talks like that. They DO want their tip...
Furrynomous 2022/05/23 12:59:54 No.2128557
Considering that the best thing he can offer is just some "booze", not a wine of some particular grape and brand, means that it doesn't really matter how it tastes let alone how it is served.
Furrynomous 2022/05/23 17:28:56 No.2128646
File: T43_04Words_u18chan.png - (1.92mb, 1275x1650, T43_04Words.png)
Probably not the res everyone wants but here's this
Furrynomous 2022/05/23 17:29:28 No.2128647
Her butt is rocking in that dress
Furrynomous 2022/05/24 05:17:09 No.2128800
still this is shit. you guys are compensating your real life problems with lame ass porn which actually degraded over the last years. go fix your lifes and move out of that basement in your mom's house
Furrynomous 2022/05/24 06:11:51 No.2128820

Well look who just woke up on the wrong side of his bed this morning
Furrynomous 2022/05/24 07:57:53 No.2128864
While the previous grump needs to go back to bed, there is a point in that the old saying is "write what you know".

The ancient Omaha comics show that the author/artist probably lived a paycheck to paycheck life in the realities of the 70's with realistic societal problems. It's evident in the writing. The family dramas and daily struggles in finding job and apartment are more realistic.

This artist, well. In the first one, they had the characters going to a restaurant you "can't get reservations for" in casual clothing maybe appropriate for a theme park, but not a restaurant like that. In this one, they have their impression of people dressed for a pretty decent place with an expected high three figure dinner bill...and the bartender sounds like a bad movie trope and serves what looks like a wine cooler they refer to as "booze", and comments on the price.

I seriously doubt the author/artist goes to high end places much, it unfortunately shows! There's some vague notions gleaned from television and movies, perhaps, but...

As they say. It's best to write what you know. The original was best when they just focused on the home life and playful porn, I think.

Edited at 2022/05/24 07:59:32
Furrynomous 2022/05/24 16:36:16 No.2129024
>I seriously doubt the author/artist goes to high end places much, it unfortunately shows! There's some vague notions gleaned from television and movies, perhaps, but...
LOL! Average furry artist never leaves his apartment (or parent's house) unless it's necessary. A person living on Patreon income and food delivery service, observing outside world thru his computer screen only. :-D
Furrynomous 2022/05/24 22:17:00 No.2129110

Jealous, are we? XD
If living in Patreon income is his job, than he's doing it right AND if he still pays his taxes than I've got no issue with him at all.
His comics are great, he delivers good stuff.
If you've got problems with his living than that means you have a problem with your own living and you're jealous. Listen, do something about it. Learn to draw, learn to write nice stories that people would like, start a Patreon, make a name for yourself and maybe you'll have a monthly income of 1000s of dollars from sitting on your ass all day and drawing all day. =)
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 05:59:20 No.2129261
No, thanks. I make 4x that much by regular job, basically sitting in front of computer. I can work from home but I prefer to commute to the office for human interaction. I hated work from home in Covid times.
I've seen multiple furry artists stating "I stay home/indoors most of the time..." and I find it hilarious why anyone would choose that way of life voluntarily. :-)
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 09:44:21 No.2129296

There can be numerous reasons. For example, here I am. Social anxiety. Family issues made me hate the sight of humans around myself. I don't have problems with anyone, it just happens that I have such bad experiences with humans who were around me most of my life that I prefer being alone, or in company with people I really love. And I'm very selective.
I don't order food for home, I enjoy leaving my home to go shopping, to go to the gym, and to go over to visit friends and stuff, but I do avoid conversions or contacs with strangers because I just don't feel myself comfortable around strangers at all.
Just an advise, for people like the artists you've mentioned:
Don't judge the book by its cover. You can never know what they've gone through and what experience they have in their lives. As long as they don't have problems with you, why should you have problems with them? I don't think that their lifestyle could affect yours in any way.
Just please, think before finding anything hilarious.
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 10:17:35 No.2129305

Indeed people are different and it's not bad per se for a person to be more comfortable staying more at home.

The author could watch YouTube reviews of fancy US restaurants to see how people conduct and behave themselves. Also in general clothing is getting more casual, and it's rare for restaurants to have dress codes, even if they are high end.
Furrynomous 2022/05/25 12:16:40 No.2129373
You both have taken very obvious bait.
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2022/05/31 14:24:58 No.2132332
File: table_for_three_remix6_u18chan.png - (2.11mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix6.png)
New page
Furrynomous 2022/05/31 14:39:59 No.2132361
Oh, that's what it is. I totally thought he was spiking her drink for a second there.
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 15:21:55 No.2133845
Fun fact: We are part of the universe...
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 16:19:26 No.2133856
Fun fact, we are the universe experiencing itself.
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 17:05:07 No.2133864
Fun fact: we all have two lives. The second one begins when we realize we only have one.

Live for the day, and have a nice weekend everyone!
Furrynomous 2022/06/03 23:40:34 No.2133971

Fun fact:we actually have three lives. the third one begins when we realize the second one wasn't the best option.

Edited at 2022/06/03 23:43:36
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 01:25:36 No.2134016
Fun fact: You actually have two wolves inside you. One of them is gay. The other one is also gay.
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 01:55:08 No.2134026

Fun fact:i'm pretty sure both of mine are Bi and are making out as we speak XD
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 02:40:16 No.2134040
Can we keep it civil folks? Saw one thread already get shut down because it got heated. Don't want another one going down in flames like the hindenburg.
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 03:04:28 No.2134053

What are you talking about? we're having fun.
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 03:41:22 No.2134056
Fun fact: We all are just one consciousness (soul) taking life interaction with the universe in all suitable bodies across entire spacetime. We all are just one soul talking to self in different body with different memories and capabilities. There is no one else. Time flow is an illusion of conscience.
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 04:01:45 No.2134062
Guys stop you're giving me existential dread.
Furrynomous 2022/06/04 11:46:26 No.2134127

The Saturday morning comic thread got so bad the mods where forced to roll it back.
Furrynomous 2022/06/16 08:44:11 No.2139056
fun fact: where's the cute pink haired femboy at
Furrynomous 2022/06/16 22:03:20 No.2139325
Its a fairly common occurrence, not just that thread either.
Furrynomous 2022/06/20 10:29:54 No.2140669
I'm going to assume you never went into /gc/
Furrynomous 2022/07/08 23:30:13 No.2150889
Any new pages?
Furrynomous 2022/07/09 01:25:53 No.2150920
There was a delay as the artist wanted to focus on some pride art but said they would work on the comic again in July
Furrynomous 2022/07/09 05:24:45 No.2151013
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Furrynomous 2022/07/09 11:08:56 No.2151138
So page 47 before anyone takes off their clothes?
Furrynomous 2022/07/09 11:16:19 No.2151141
"Please dont pee off the balcony, use the indoors bathroom" LOL
Furrynomous 2022/07/14 04:27:11 No.2153485
Minchia! Non l'avevo notato!
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2022/07/24 14:01:59 No.2158389
File: table_for_three_remix08_u18chan.png - (2.18mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix08.png)
New page
Furrynomous 2022/07/26 02:02:17 No.2159140
Red flag, cancel the wedding
Furrynomous 2022/08/08 15:08:53 No.2166336
File: T43_08Words_u18chan.png - (2.04mb, 1275x1650, T43_08Words.png)

Furrynomous 2022/08/13 07:44:41 No.2168276
File: T43_09Words_u18chan.png - (1.72mb, 1275x1650, T43_09Words.png)
Not DPP but whatever, get those tissues ready
Furrynomous 2022/08/13 08:22:08 No.2168288
He: "will you marry me?"
She: "hm... No"
Furrynomous 2022/08/13 11:26:00 No.2168403
not even married and she's already gained weight.
Furrynomous 2022/08/13 19:32:52 No.2168506
File: 10thClean_u18chan.png - (10.16mb, 1970x2100, 10thClean.png)
She's a yo-yo dieter that one
Peppermint tends to fatten her up and slim her down (partially) with each iteration
Furrynomous 2022/08/17 08:20:06 No.2170198
Hey. Nothing wrong with a thicc woman. More to love on.
Furrynomous 2022/08/17 08:26:59 No.2170201

Edited at 2022/08/17 08:27:29
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 07:54:05 No.2178904
File: T43_10Words_u18chan.png - (1.92mb, 1275x1650, T43_10Words.png)
Dear sweet fuck, what is wrong with her anatomy in the first panel? It looks like she's had her spine compressed.
Furrynomous 2022/09/01 12:50:03 No.2179018
Well that's cute.
Furrynomous 2022/09/03 03:43:35 No.2179778
she still didn't say yes .........
Furrynomous 2022/09/09 00:58:43 No.2182329
she still didn't say yes .........

Why should she ask if she needs to grab the ring or not if she didn't want it?
Furrynomous 2022/09/22 03:15:47 No.2188588
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Furrynomous 2022/09/22 03:25:16 No.2188599
Uh oh. He needs to pay for the expensive drinks.
Furrynomous 2022/09/22 05:49:14 No.2188642
hm don't think so ... the title is "table for three" so maybe their table is now available or something like that

Edited at 2022/09/22 05:49:49
Furrynomous 2022/09/22 10:32:04 No.2188682
He's been daydreaming since page 4 and hasn't actually asked Sandra, I'd guess.
Furrynomous 2022/09/22 16:00:24 No.2188788
I suspect he's reminiscing about proposing, and they're already married.
After all, this is a remix of a threesome Sandra organized for Ben for his birthday once they're already married. In the cover art for this comic, Sandra is already wearing the ring (not the same ring, so presumably a wedding ring). And the whole point of the comic is to meet Avery, fuck, and presumably go to the restaurant together. Now it's definitely the bartender talking, but holy shit I'm hoping we don't have to go through the proposal scenario again, because this comic is already going slowly enough.
Furrynomous 2022/09/22 22:20:06 No.2188892
Honestly these two are an adorable couple in my books <3
Furrynomous 2022/09/23 07:14:15 No.2189008
File: T43012_FinalWords_u18chan.png - (1.43mb, 1275x1650, T43012_FinalWords.png)

well almost

Edited at 2022/09/23 07:16:05
Furrynomous 2022/09/23 07:26:50 No.2189009

Now will the barista have a rapeface?
Furrynomous 2022/09/23 18:22:54 No.2189228
The face of a man whose spent years working in a cubicle or in retail
Furrynomous 2022/09/23 20:08:11 No.2189267
File: 1405965013.roanoak_coonix1web_u18chan.jpg - (387.77kb, 662x904, 1405965013.roanoak_coonix1web.jpg)
he works in IT for insurance or something
Furrynomous 2022/09/24 04:13:01 No.2189426
Guess in this universe covid never existed and work from home did not become a thing
Furrynomous 2022/09/24 07:15:57 No.2189456
he works in IT for insurance or something

The reference for the characters in the old version of the comic states he's an IT professional for a startup company while Sandra is a engineer for a corporation
Furrynomous 2022/09/24 13:41:44 No.2189767
Half of me was expecting that to be Terry based on the fingernail polish, but it's not quite the right fur pattern.
Furrynomous 2022/09/27 01:29:44 No.2191114
Anyone in customer service work
Furrynomous 2022/11/24 19:35:47 No.2217346
So did they abandon this again?
Furrynomous 2022/11/24 19:55:28 No.2217353
Nah there's still 1 full page on their patreon and 1 wip from 2 day ago. People just didn't leak it yet.
Furrynomous 2022/11/25 05:25:31 No.2217569
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Furrynomous 2022/12/10 01:15:33 No.2223940
File: T4314_Werds_0_u18chan.png - (1.2mb, 1275x1650, T4314_Werds.png)
The jannies here are kind of retarded whenever something twists their panties. It's best to not talk too much or it'll disturb them.
Furrynomous 2022/12/10 18:17:04 No.2224196
Honest question, is the main character guy here actually gay and unhappy in his marriage with a woman, hence all the pegging, rimjobs, etc he takes? Like every person he seems attracted to in this world are men... cute dudes for sure but still, dudes?

That'd be an interesting narrative thing, the fact hs is in a marriage with someone he loves on a personal basis but isn't attracted to sexually. But he doesn't want to hurt her, so basically he just runs around cheating on her with a bunch of femboys because he's actually gay? Pretty brave story and character flaw to put in a character tbh!
Furrynomous 2022/12/10 18:19:56 No.2224198
Thats explained in a short Q&A comic when he came out as BI to her.
Furrynomous 2022/12/10 18:22:36 No.2224200

Ah okay, so it's just one of those... actually was kinda interested that this might have been a really deeply flawed character doing something pretty dark, but at the same time understandable and maybe even relatable. Well that's lame :/
Furrynomous 2022/12/10 18:37:13 No.2224202
To sum it up. he enjoys having sex with his wife, but he also enjoys dick. and they pretty much made it work.
Furrynomous 2022/12/11 06:32:45 No.2224343
The wife is supposed to be a Bi swinger herself but I don't think we've seen her get it on with the girls yet. Fingers crossed!
Furrynomous 2022/12/11 06:44:17 No.2224345
Your in luck! cuz /gc/ has just the comic series for you:
(this is part 2 part one titled 'may the best man win' is floating around on this website somewhere)

Edited at 2022/12/11 06:44:46
Furrynomous 2022/12/11 09:28:31 No.2224368
Furrynomous 2022/12/18 00:47:34 No.2227874

"every person he seems attracted to in this world are men" and he's also attracted to his wife... because... he's bi? why is that "lame" ?
Furrynomous 2022/12/18 06:06:03 No.2227931
When these comics were first starting to come out Ben was pretty clean cut now he's like some kind of werewolf or something. What's going on with the change?
Furrynomous 2022/12/18 06:56:24 No.2227935
Thzts cuz the character evolved :p He we't from fox to a kind of manned wolf thingy
Furrynomous 2022/12/20 15:39:51 No.2228873
File: T4315_Werds_u18chan.png - (1.33mb, 1275x1650, T4315_Werds.png)
No idea what was written on the note, at least not yet anyways.
Furrynomous 2022/12/20 16:50:11 No.2228893
Can't see Ben's wedding ring in any of these shots. Maybe he lost it, and would explain why he's getting hit on today.
Furrynomous 2022/12/20 23:24:14 No.2228992
not everyone wears their wedding ring from religious beliefs that its ostentatious or from a safety reason they can be a safety hazard.
Furrynomous 2022/12/22 01:47:13 No.2229411
Or they just don't particularly like rings. I don't. Tangentially, I would prefer a necklace to a ring. A necklace is a more intimate piece of jewelry, in my estimation.
Furrynomous 2022/12/22 03:18:59 No.2229445
I don't wear mine most of the time since it interferes with typing. At the end of the day its a symbol and mostly means something when you're together with your SO... in my opinion
Furrynomous 2022/12/22 03:39:43 No.2229458
It's a powerful symbol in not only showing your love for your SO, but it also usually keeps people from hitting on you and showing that you're already spoken for.
Furrynomous 2022/12/22 16:52:58 No.2229646

Yup, I work in IT, have to take my rings off to get my hands into certain servers, equipment, and dear lord don't let me slap something with glass, my rings will leave what looks like bullet holes.

That's before I get to having to go into client areas where FDA regs hit.
Furrynomous 2022/12/23 20:46:56 No.2230095
someone dick the barrista already
Furrynomous 2022/12/24 14:49:27 No.2230328
That barrista is seriously cute, though! Times like this I love being bi, can appreciate ALLLL of the eye candy!
Furrynomous 2022/12/25 16:41:47 No.2230740

I'd still dick the barista.
Furrynomous 2022/12/26 13:53:10 No.2231027

More like, Evalyn.
Furrynomous 2022/12/27 22:46:32 No.2231749

They all look like they need a bath and to be combed now.
Furrynomous 2023/01/03 07:42:26 No.2234669
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Furrynomous 2023/01/03 11:23:07 No.2234743
call him you fluffy ho
Furrynomous 2023/01/03 11:41:18 No.2234756
Ayyy maybe we will see the batista get a good dicking!
Furrynomous 2023/01/03 13:02:46 No.2234777
I really want to see it but it seems very doubtful seeing as the whole point of the comic is Ben's first time with another guy (Avery)

Maybe we can get some kind of epilogue with them fucking but it seems unlikely.
Furrynomous 2023/01/05 20:59:34 No.2235717
The barista is a Guy??
Furrynomous 2023/01/05 22:42:56 No.2235761

Yup, and fuckers like that are the reason I'm bi
Furrynomous 2023/01/06 07:13:05 No.2235892

Imagine if Avery being on the cover is a fakeout (or at least, won't show up until later) and the barista is actually his first in this timeline.

Honestly though. Much more likely Evan only exists to "awaken something" in Ben, and this might already be the last time we see him.

Wishful thinking wise? I want to see him fuck both eventually, but it's not called A Table for Four, so unless he has them one at a time (which would result in an EXTREMELY long comic, not usually Roanoak's thing) this is even more doubtful.
Furrynomous 2023/01/06 07:22:40 No.2235930

Let's hope so! He's so cute!

... Maybe him and Avery together with Ben? One can dream!
Furrynomous 2023/01/06 15:40:15 No.2236028
God, that barista better not be walking normally by the end of this comic.
Furrynomous 2023/01/06 17:18:53 No.2236051
Wasn't there literally a whole comic where it was presented the first time between Ben and Avery?
Furrynomous 2023/01/06 19:42:57 No.2236103
Threesome Avery with the barista qt. EZ comic 10/10
Furrynomous 2023/01/06 19:45:42 No.2236105
Yes, that's the comic this one is remaking lol
Furrynomous 2023/01/07 20:25:15 No.2236490
New page is out
Furrynomous 2023/01/07 22:09:56 No.2236519
Guys, if the barista and the Guy with Pink hear would be with the wolf this comic would be moved to /gay Furries thread, and the wolf it's still married with the girl, and there's no intention to leave her if their comics/Pics together means anything

Edited at 2023/01/07 22:11:06
Furrynomous 2023/01/08 00:25:47 No.2236552
it will not move to /g because bens wife will be involved
Furrynomous 2023/01/08 02:04:21 No.2236588
File: T4316_Werds_u18chan.png - (1.4mb, 1275x1650, T4316_Werds.png)
There hasn't even been any nudity yet, calm down about the comic
Furrynomous 2023/01/14 13:44:20 No.2239440
That first panel would make for a great reaction image.
Kiba the Messenger 2023/01/14 15:02:22 No.2239461
File: 20230114_150039_u18chan.png - (204.89kb, 496x372, 20230114_150039.png)
Furrynomous 2023/01/18 19:20:53 No.2240962
File: Screenshot2023-01-18202001_u18chan.png - (181.64kb, 546x370, Screenshot 2023-01-18 202001.png)

From the textless version on Kemono, in case someone wanted it without the "FLUFF".
Furrynomous 2023/01/19 00:15:17 No.2241005
Bless you, I always want the textless version
Furrynomous 2023/01/20 06:11:33 No.2241646
File: 17_Sketch_u18chan.png - (1.11mb, 1275x1650, 17_Sketch.PNG)
lol, what a wuss.
Furrynomous 2023/01/31 05:54:41 No.2246193
Where can I find that Q&A where he comes out as bi to Sandra ?
Furrynomous 2023/01/31 06:38:18 No.2246248
File: Benbi01_FinalText_u18chan.png - (4.42mb, 1488x1925, Benbi01_FinalText.png)

Furrynomous 2023/01/31 06:38:23 No.2246249
File: Benbi02_WithText_u18chan.png - (2.32mb, 1488x1925, Benbi02_WithText.png)
Furrynomous 2023/01/31 07:23:08 No.2246256
Furrynomous 2023/01/31 19:53:18 No.2246541
Imagine having a partner that supportive of you

Instead of just straight up degrading/calling you names or outright breaking up with you for saying such a thing
Furrynomous 2023/02/01 07:59:11 No.2246751
Do I hear a tale of heartbreak and anguish comming on?
Furrynomous 2023/02/01 13:50:11 No.2246864

hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, me
Furrynomous 2023/02/02 02:02:07 No.2247100
I like how most of the phone number is conveniently hidden due to crumpling/camera angles so that people thinking they're funny don't try to call it
Furrynomous 2023/02/02 04:28:48 No.2247138
Can't relate, I'm in a loving, healthy relationship

Sucks for you tho lol
Furrynomous 2023/02/02 10:05:43 No.2247195
>makes a comment about the comic

I'm sorry you have such shite reading comprehension but I'm more sorry for your parents.
Furrynomous 2023/02/03 07:55:09 No.2247564
File: 18_Sketch_u18chan.png - (1.28mb, 1275x1650, 18_Sketch.png)
Who the fuck jerks off at work?
Furrynomous 2023/02/03 15:33:17 No.2247699

Not regularly, but if I can't crank one off at home I do it at work, yeah
Furrynomous 2023/02/03 20:04:36 No.2247787
It's like you've never lived bruh.
Furrynomous 2023/02/04 00:26:47 No.2247811

Probably more people than you think.

Sort of like peeing in the shower.

It's an unknowable statistic that can never be reported on, as any survey would only catch the people who are weird enough to admit to it, but considering what people are like, I would guess that if you met an omnipotent being and that was your one question, you would be shocked.
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2023/02/12 06:49:39 No.2250828
File: table_for_three_remix18_u18chan.png - (1.45mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix18.png)
New pages
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2023/02/12 06:49:44 No.2250829
File: table_for_three_remix19_u18chan.png - (1.52mb, 1275x1650, table_for_three_remix19.png)
Furrynomous 2023/02/17 17:28:05 No.2253354
Furrynomous 2023/02/17 19:29:27 No.2253388
File: callhim_u18chan.png - (665.58kb, 960x540, call him.png)
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 12:06:17 No.2253708
so I'm suppose to believe that he's been going to this coffee shop enough times to chat and banter freely with this guy but never once mentioned his wife, or that the guy never once notice his wedding band the countless other times he probably did wear it?
Pepperminthusky 🐶 2023/02/18 12:10:10 No.2253710
File: Extra_3_u18chan.png - (7.33mb, 1891x2128, Extra_(3).png)
Pepperminthusky 🐶 2023/02/18 12:10:16 No.2253711
File: Extra_4_u18chan.png - (1.61mb, 1000x1128, Extra_(4).png)
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 12:36:41 No.2253723
Welp. that was a fast comic. 10/10.
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 15:42:16 No.2253801

perfection, zero notes
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 16:00:23 No.2253811
File: T43_19Werds_u18chan.png - (1.35mb, 1275x1650, T43_19Werds.png)

Furrynomous 2023/02/18 16:09:37 No.2253813
As a Bisexual slut I approve.
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 18:07:38 No.2253848
Well, if it's a straight up remake I certainly won't mind seeing Avery again, but that barista Evan is so cute! Really hoping we at least get to see him in some extra (or even "non canon") art at least.
Furrynomous 2023/02/18 22:37:35 No.2253950
>the knock knock text is the same color as the cute barrista's text

Furrynomous 2023/02/19 01:38:28 No.2254027
Im sorry to hear that
Furrynomous 2023/02/19 07:07:36 No.2254127
I think you are to believe he did, and that it's not something Ben normally forgot. And assume that Evan himself assumed the big Ben was now single
Furrynomous 2023/02/22 07:37:09 No.2255284
File: 6b403f5ac9e585af2334bfc9cfec0cbf44a979feadbf0b9788fce2384a2a9954_u18chan.png - (1.44mb, 1275x1650, 6b403f5ac9e585af2334bfc9cfec0cbf44a979feadbf0b9788fce2384a2a9954.png)
Quit having sex dreams at work and get back to work, you idiot!
Furrynomous 2023/02/22 09:06:25 No.2255314
File: vpcep7hv5oj61_u18chan.jpg - (285.84kb, 1828x1144, vpcep7hv5oj61.jpg)
I know this comic is just a big build up to the Avery threesome... BUT PLEASE ROANOAK, LET BEN FUCK THE BARISTA. I DESPERATELY NEED IT
Furrynomous 2023/02/22 09:10:53 No.2255315
This better not be a fake-out. I don't care if it's a daydream, I need to see Ben fuck the barista
Furrynomous 2023/02/22 17:45:11 No.2255468

Knowing our luck it probably is a fake-out.. but frankly, I'm just happy to see that cute barista some more!
Furrynomous 2023/02/22 18:34:16 No.2255488
Q: The cute barista who made a pass at you earlier shows up to your office without any pants. What do you do?

>Fuck the barista ofc
Furrynomous 2023/02/23 03:16:37 No.2255649
The sad thing about this is that we know Avery is the one who becomes part of Ben and Sandra's menage a trois. So I can't see Evan being taken up on his offer.

Edited at 2023/02/23 03:17:38
Furrynomous 2023/02/23 22:15:50 No.2255957

True, we already know the "canon" comic (and Avery is absolutely adorable as well), but that doesn't mean we can't hope for some non-canon 'what if' art from roanoak on the side!

Or see where this dream/imagination(?) fantasy goes..
Furrynomous 2023/02/24 10:36:13 No.2256153
I just now noticed that they're not wearing any pants or underwear
Furrynomous 2023/02/24 22:52:59 No.2256389

Surest sign that it's a fantasy sequence.
Furrynomous 2023/02/26 03:25:09 No.2256995
Guys that barista is not wearing anything but that apron, in other words, naked apron, so i think we all can agree that this cute fuck needs to get pounded.
Furrynomous 2023/02/26 17:10:28 No.2257180
My guess is after this little sequence Ben will tell Sandra about this, it's not like he hasn't admitted to being into some guys in some of Roanoak's recent work. Sanda will probably end up bringing up Avery at that point and it'll basically be a rewrite of the original comic from that point on.
I kind of doubt Avery would ONLY be on the cover and not playing at least some part in the story.
Furrynomous 2023/02/27 14:08:52 No.2257447
File: T43_20Werds_u18chan.png - (3.19mb, 1275x1650, T43_20Werds.png)

Furrynomous 2023/03/04 12:46:57 No.2259543
File: 4778f7ea5356d4667fdeec852d20f05391ee96f5336cf8e02ddad916d2d89d65_u18chan.png - (1.58mb, 1275x1650, 4778f7ea5356d4667fdeec852d20f05391ee96f5336cf8e02ddad916d2d89d65.png)
You're married, you moron.
Furrynomous 2023/03/04 13:13:18 No.2259553

Fantasies /= cheating.
Furrynomous 2023/03/04 15:18:17 No.2259572
Fantasy? How do we know hes not in a relationship that allows three ways or that its even a closed relationship? Relationship partners can be in agreement or have rules. This is where trust comes in to play. Maybe hes stressed cause his partner doesnt want such activity in their relationship at this time but hes thinking with his small head. I dont know..just food for thought.
Furrynomous 2023/03/04 15:53:35 No.2259585
Story's a prequel, dude.
Furrynomous 2023/03/04 16:04:27 No.2259587
How DARE he not know that!
Furrynomous 2023/03/05 12:29:29 No.2259933
Didn't he mention in an ask that his wife was okay with him playing with other guys?
Furrynomous 2023/03/06 06:55:34 No.2260222
More like the entire first comic he made his debut in.
Furrynomous 2023/03/06 21:07:08 No.2260565
Still feeling sad that Avery is the one who gets to be part of their little polyamorous fun times and not Evan. The barista deserves love too. TwT
Furrynomous 2023/03/06 22:32:32 No.2260587

Indeed! Hopefully we get some "post comic" art of Evan getting some fun times as well, or even 'non canon.' Cute barista boy!
Furrynomous 2023/03/11 15:38:10 No.2262398
File: 21_FinalWerds_u18chan.png - (3.88mb, 1275x1650, 21_FinalWerds.png)

Furrynomous 2023/03/11 17:03:10 No.2262419
macroShow Less
File: 1632370225578_u18chan.png - (355.35kb, 600x600, 1632370225578.png)

Furrynomous 2023/03/11 17:13:21 No.2262425

No you retard, give him the coffee.
Furrynomous 2023/03/11 18:42:25 No.2262448
Oh he can have the coffee alright.
After fucking the baristas brains out.
Furrynomous 2023/03/11 20:44:28 No.2262484
File: FB_IMG_1674679562743_u18chan.jpg - (32.13kb, 720x690, FB_IMG_1674679562743.jpg)
Soooo...This comic consists of fucking a kind of hallucination? O_o
Furrynomous 2023/03/11 20:57:39 No.2262488
"Why dont you give me a double shot for a change?"

Edited at 2023/03/11 20:58:13
Furrynomous 2023/03/11 23:48:34 No.2262520
it's obviously just a horny daydream
Furrynomous 2023/03/12 03:41:57 No.2262556
Those teeth.
Furrynomous 2023/03/12 18:40:18 No.2262823
I'm gonna cause a riot if this lewd fantasy of his gets interrupted.
Furrynomous 2023/03/12 21:08:48 No.2262853
Expect spoilered pages soon.
Furrynomous 2023/03/13 04:48:35 No.2262934
MAN this artist could surley make thousands of dudes into gay
Furrynomous 2023/03/13 07:36:01 No.2262963
Furrynomous 2023/03/13 12:28:08 No.2263037
he suddenly has very feminine eyelashes :0
wonder if that's a detail added because it's a subconscious dream version from a straight guy
it's just the artist evolving the character as they draw him over months at a time
the second option is more realistic because it happens in literally every long running comic, but the first option is a nice detail...
Furrynomous 2023/03/13 13:42:57 No.2263091
Ben's been bi for a long time, but I think it's no secret he likes effeminate guys. That said, there are a few details that have swapped. Like Evan no longer has his nametag on, it could be because Ben doesn't remember his name.
Furrynomous 2023/04/03 17:30:04 No.2271984
Furrynomous 2023/04/03 17:58:42 No.2271987
File: Evan_Clothed_u18chan.png - (1017.73kb, 1275x1650, Evan_Clothed.png)
No updates on the comic yet.
Buuuuuuuut... she did post a reference for Evan.
He is so frickin' precious!
Furrynomous 2023/04/03 17:58:47 No.2271988
File: Evan_NudeFinal_u18chan.png - (1005.09kb, 1275x1650, Evan_NudeFinal.png)
Furrynomous 2023/04/03 18:57:55 No.2272006

Aycee is currently recovering from a top surgery. They won't be back into art stuff before a looooong time. Iirc it'll be around June at best.
Furrynomous 2023/04/03 21:05:39 No.2272027
What a cute boy

He needs his ass Demolished by a fat dick
Furrynomous 2023/04/04 01:27:12 No.2272127

We need more of Evan! Such a cute boy! Avery has some serious competition!
. Chatin # MOD # 2023/04/04 17:36:19 No.2272402
Anyone else?

Take it to discussion.
Furrynomous 2023/04/04 22:51:42 No.2272460

...nope...I'd be happy buried in that furry ass...
Furrynomous 2023/04/05 23:20:23 No.2272679
Yeah, but the second Sandra shows back up, they will vibrate with rage trying to send it back.
Furrynomous 2023/04/06 18:05:53 No.2273309
Oh hell Waldorf they vibrate?! No wonder women are fascinated by them!
Furrynomous 2023/04/07 08:25:38 No.2273557
File: evan_u18chan.png - (993.35kb, 1275x1650, evan.png)
Here's a ref of Evan to tide us over.
Furrynomous 2023/04/09 19:37:09 No.2274494
>blue hair
checks out

Edited at 2023/04/09 19:37:23
Furrynomous 2023/04/09 22:24:07 No.2274567
File: cf0683f809c013056351c9886763a675a0fa0751e5b7073602a44e3242eee8c8_u18chan.png - (9.93mb, 3000x1700, cf0683f809c013056351c9886763a675a0fa0751e5b7073602a44e3242eee8c8.png)
Something else to tide you over.

Also Super Gay.
Furrynomous 2023/04/09 22:41:45 No.2274571
File: PatreonCollab_01Words_u18chan.png - (13.29mb, 3300x1931, PatreonCollab_01Words.png)
But wait! Whats this?

The gay...

It's canceling itself out!
Furrynomous 2023/04/09 23:38:12 No.2274585
Furrynomous 2023/04/10 06:22:44 No.2274714
God I hope this leads to a foursome
Furrynomous 2023/04/27 23:25:19 No.2281964

What happen? High chance of forming breast cancer like Angelina Jolie?
Furrynomous 2023/04/28 07:43:20 No.2282071
File: 7fe5030efbd8a2db0f4dd4c367a4a8406ec11fe6238ce3f491fa6b86163f0dff_u18chan.png - (1.51mb, 1275x1650, 7fe5030efbd8a2db0f4dd4c367a4a8406ec11fe6238ce3f491fa6b86163f0dff.png)
It'd be hilarious if he jizzed himself and got fired.
Furrynomous 2023/04/28 10:19:33 No.2282114
File: c784285e3a2d85ead79d42dfbf83157b0cd78be3647510d757be9957d37feb0c_u18chan.png - (13.65mb, 3300x1931, c784285e3a2d85ead79d42dfbf83157b0cd78be3647510d757be9957d37feb0c.png)
Nah it was for gender bending
pepperminthusky is NB or a tranny or something of the like

Have more side plot
Furrynomous 2023/04/28 11:32:49 No.2282124
That's a different artist btw but their styles are so similar and they draw each others characters so it's confusing lol
Furrynomous 2023/04/28 13:25:13 No.2282148
yeah, let's not touch that subject out of respect for the person, last time i just gave a word (not starting shit whatsoever) and got banned for a while, first time in my life it happens.
Furrynomous 2023/04/28 21:17:11 No.2282276
File: 69c21890558ebe0a5f7eb7cf92989038a2c4579ea4b7c187c23e3d3b22ec6014_u18chan.png - (6.96mb, 6000x3000, 69c21890558ebe0a5f7eb7cf92989038a2c4579ea4b7c187c23e3d3b22ec6014.png)
Each others characters?

The four of them are basically the same two characters that CoffeSoda just made caricatured clones of and gave a different paint job.
Furrynomous 2023/04/28 21:32:35 No.2282278

Pretty much.
Furrynomous 2023/04/28 22:41:04 No.2282289
I could swear the red guy was listed as a furred dragon originally
How the fuck is that a maned wolf?
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 02:00:31 No.2282324
that's defo not a wolf's nose
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 03:10:52 No.2282327
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I love the artwork and style, but without having the species listed I would never recognise these as maned wolves.
Furrynomous 2023/04/29 06:36:18 No.2282351
He's listed on every e621 post as a furred dragon.
Also on the badge below Maned Wolf it says MW-Drg (Maned Wolf-Dragon?)

Edited at 2023/04/29 06:36:46
Furrynomous 2023/04/30 15:25:48 No.2283146
File: 22_Werds_u18chan.png - (3.69mb, 1275x1650, 22_Werds.png)

. Chatin # MOD # 2023/04/30 23:24:23 No.2283312
Since it keeps getting brought up.

Lesbian content doesn't go in G/GC because it's tailored to M/M only. Lesbian content goes in /c now and in the future until another board is created - which is unlikely.

This will not be moved at this time. So, drop it.
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 01:37:10 No.2283349
Is he like in an open relationship with his wife? Sorry this reboot hits a lot different than the original.
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 01:43:26 No.2283350

Is that what this is supposed to be? A reboot? If so, the original is much better, in my opinion.

Edited at 2023/05/01 01:44:15
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 07:16:04 No.2283391
No it's not a reboot. As for the situation, 1 he's day dreaming while being horny, there's no actual cheating. And 2 they're not fully open relationshipw but Sandra would Def let Ben do of he tell her first. Lol
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 13:07:23 No.2283557
Ah so it’s a daydream? I see that makes sense, though is the number on the receipt part of the daydream too?
So if it’s not a reboot, is it a sequel or a remake?>>2283391
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 20:13:37 No.2283691
Evan really did give Ben his number. That's what got Ben started thinking about the guy and why he's daydreaming about sex with him. This is a remake with a more fleshed-out story, so presumably at some point we'll see Ben and Sandra having the discussion about having another guy in the bedroom, and then Avery will be introduced somehow.
Furrynomous 2023/05/01 21:29:04 No.2283725
This could have been better if the pacing wasn't atrocious. Instead of dragging his feet with daydream sex why not just cut to the actual good stuff instead of blue balling us?

The anon who said the original was better is correct. We knew in the first 3 pages that Ben was bi-curious and that Sandra wanted to let him experiment.

22 pages and a year later and Ben isnt even home yet. Nor a POV of what Avery is up to.

Say what you want about japenese furry artists but at least they dump their doujins complete instead of pulling this.
Furrynomous 2023/05/02 00:31:14 No.2283847
Sorry but I'm convinced audiences here can't be happy. This story is about a married guy who wants to indulge in his bisexuality, and getting his wife's permission to do that with her.

HE NEEDS TO STRUGGLE WITH THAT A LITTLE. This is actually giving you some amount of sex on screen, he needs to talk it out with her and want to have a threesome with someone else.

Like dude, I'm sorry it's not moving fast enough for you, but this IS the speedy sex. This is putting naked people on screen a lot faster than it would've been otherwise.
Furrynomous 2023/05/02 11:58:25 No.2284047
You're quick to catch on, eh?
Furrynomous 2023/05/02 14:15:09 No.2284087
Would have worked better if he was fantasizing about Avery instead, since that would organically lead up to him turning his little daydreams into a reality with help from his wife.
Instead, Avery now feels like a side character in his own comic while poor Evan will undoubtedly have his booty call go unanswered. Such a pity.
Furrynomous 2023/05/05 14:27:35 No.2285386
I don't think it makes sense to have him fantasize about a random guy rather than the cute barista that made him remember that he likes sexing with the dude-kind
Furrynomous 2023/05/06 15:20:56 No.2286017
That's what I mean. In a narrative context, Avery should have been the one in the Barista role. It's clear he wants to rut the cute barista instead of Avery who has not even made a single appearance in this story yet.
Why would Ben decide to blueball Evan in favor of hooking up with Avery? It doesn't make sense.
Furrynomous 2023/05/06 16:17:37 No.2286038
ok yeah that'd make more sense.
I'd be cool if the story retconned Avery and just had Evan because Evan is adorable
Furrynomous 2023/05/07 11:44:45 No.2286448
But he doesn't know Avery yet in the original story. They meet for the first time in the bedroom as a surprise from Sandra. So what you're saying is nonsense because at this point he probably doesn't know Avery yet either. He's fantasizing about a guy that flirted with him. Why doesn't it make sense to you? Makes more sense than daydreaming about a guy he's literally never met before.

Edited at 2023/05/07 11:46:31
Furrynomous 2023/05/07 13:43:50 No.2286556

It usually helps to read the rest of the discussion first before weighing in with your own bad takes.

Furrynomous 2023/05/09 14:30:52 No.2287646
This is all speculation at this point, but the structure may be as follows :
* Ben is reminded of his bisexuality / wants something new in his life after meeting Evan
* He talks to Sandra about his fantasies
* Sandra thinks about it. She decides she would rather do this with Ben and someone she knows and trusts (Avery)
* Threesome
* Then later on maybe Ben gets to know Evan better and they can fuck

That, or Evan doesn't want someone who's committed, so Ben and Sandra have to find sb else

Also, for those who think the comic is too slow : I believe time is completely distorted when a comic is released page-by-page, because if you read it after it's fully released then it really doesn't seem as long. The original comic was very concise, but it was hard to get as emotionally attached to the characters as in an actual story like this one (at least before the sequels were out)

Someone said Roanoak should do like some japanese artists and release the full comic at once, but maybe it's easier to keep a patreon and all when you release a page every month or so rather than posting no comic page for several years until it's finished
Furrynomous 2023/05/10 13:22:19 No.2288179
>maybe it's easier to keep a patreon and all when you release a page every month

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

Using Patreon encourages authors to release as slowly as possible to stretch out whatever idea they had to infinity, because the payment isn't based on pages of content but number of subscribers x time.
Furrynomous 2023/05/10 14:39:21 No.2288206
doesn't patreon have a "pay by post" option? Or is that something else
Furrynomous 2023/05/10 20:33:52 No.2288305
It does, and AC's is set up for $1, $2, or $5 per completed art piece.
Furrynomous 2023/05/15 21:46:44 No.2290693
File: 23_Sketch_u18chan.png - (1.72mb, 1275x1650, 23_Sketch.png)
And then the intern walks in and screams.
Furrynomous 2023/05/16 15:02:24 No.2291172
Ben was never this big, was he? Or is that part of the fantasy?
Furrynomous 2023/05/16 17:04:04 No.2291207
Penis powercreep
But on a more serious note, it's just further proof coffeesoda is rubbing off on roanoak
Furrynomous 2023/05/16 18:36:15 No.2291232
Most likely.
Furrynomous 2023/05/18 19:14:56 No.2292051
File: 23_Flats_u18chan.png - (1.11mb, 1275x1650, 23_Flats.png)

"The dick is big. BIG big. I actually can't help it :( I hope you all like large honkers."

Furrynomous 2023/05/18 20:39:39 No.2292068
Hopefully the size is part of the dream sequence? Hopefully?
Furrynomous 2023/05/18 22:59:05 No.2292109
Yeah, his dick just keeps getting bigger with every comic.
Furrynomous 2023/05/18 23:22:29 No.2292118
it's just adjusting over time to the furry dick inflation rate

10 years ago all dicks were smaller and the threshold for "huge" was lower
but now anything under 10 inches is medium to small in furry art.
Furrynomous 2023/05/19 05:02:17 No.2292206
he's handling the balls. He knows how to give a good BJ.
Furrynomous 2023/05/19 06:10:03 No.2292224
So a normal size dick is not the twice size of head? So I won't feel undersized anymore :-)
Furrynomous 2023/05/19 14:56:49 No.2292427
Also artists drawing bigger and bigger balls that mean bigger loads, I guess.

Even though ball size have like.... nothing to do with load size. At all. Small pet peeve with the whole "draining your balls" trope when there's nothing to drain in the first place.
Furrynomous 2023/05/19 17:46:24 No.2292491
I love how Ben his getting bigger, taller and more massive with each comics. It's like a hot sloooow growth.
AZ 2023/05/20 01:47:54 No.2292591
File: Screenshot2023-05-20014544_u18chan.png - (1.21mb, 1806x951, Screenshot 2023-05-20 014544.png)
I like his imagination. Can I have too?
Furrynomous 2023/05/21 14:04:44 No.2293305
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Furrynomous 2023/05/21 16:33:47 No.2293338
Main character definitely has cyber psychosis
Furrynomous 2023/05/21 17:06:33 No.2293351
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Furrynomous 2023/05/21 17:20:48 No.2293357
"Neither can I"

I guess the massive dick is a part of the fantasy after all?
Furrynomous 2023/05/22 02:54:48 No.2293640
Alright, Evan is so cute. He really needs to become a recurring character in roanoak's work.
Furrynomous 2023/05/23 22:19:56 No.2294537
dig bicks part of all our fantasies

to give or receive
to have or to worship
Furrynomous 2023/05/31 08:50:19 No.2298664
File: RoanoakEvanSoloPride_Patreon_u18chan.png - (3.87mb, 1275x1650, Roanoak EvanSoloPride_Patreon.png)
Can I just say how much I love Evan now. A small part of me is wanting Avery to be Thanos snapped from the timeline and just have Evan be the new main squeeze of the trio from now on.
Furrynomous 2023/06/01 03:28:25 No.2298985

Honestly I love them both, Evan and Avery. Really hoping Evan becomes a regular in Roanoak's work like Avery has, he is absolutely precious!
Furrynomous 2023/06/04 00:04:01 No.2300190
Author needs to call this a misfire and start over. Comic is taking forever to go nowhere, the original was fun and everyone wasn't shaggy werewolves.
Furrynomous 2023/06/04 07:12:59 No.2300468
The pacing is fine. You just feel like it's taking forever because the pages release so slow.
Furrynomous 2023/06/04 08:34:29 No.2300508
I do miss Roanoak's more frequent updates though. She was able to get multiple comics out in a year at one point. But now we're lucky to even get a page a month.

Fuck Patreon for encouraging this deliberately slow and exploitative work schedule!

Edited at 2023/06/04 15:45:40
Furrynomous 2023/06/04 13:30:53 No.2300659

23 pages including a completely irrelevant flashback that if it were a movie, would be a deleted scene as it adds nothing.
Furrynomous 2023/06/05 04:03:38 No.2301163

I didn't even realize we're that many pages in already because it really does only feel like this story has just started still.

Come to think of it that's ridiculous. Most comics are not even 23 pages long. We're already almost to the length of the original Table For Three, which was 29.
Furrynomous 2023/06/05 04:48:25 No.2301169
Ya know. Most furry porn comics nowaday *are* more than 25 page long. Most big names do a lot more pages and try to add lots of fluff and lore around. Which is fine by me tbh. I'm not fucking paying for it so i'll not complain lol
Furrynomous 2023/06/05 08:49:37 No.2301206
Fuck. That reminds me of Fluff-Kevlar with his horribly paced Predators of Denali comic he's been working on for the past 6 years. It astounds me that someone would take that long to work on a horribly generic yiff comic (which still isn't finished yet!)
Furrynomous 2023/06/06 01:23:10 No.2301678
All for the money.
Furrynomous 2023/06/06 23:23:33 No.2302102
nah but Predators is/was hot

he clearly burned out a few months into it but at least the quality didn't nosedive like other comics do
Fluff didn't let a lack of passion leak into the art itself very much, only the release schedule.

Edited at 2023/06/06 23:24:19
Furrynomous 2023/06/07 00:56:22 No.2302172
that's because the payment model has drastically changed in the past 10 years. with patreon ushering in a subscription based service for artists. one to one exchanges aren't really what artists aim for anymore.
instead they want you to sub to their patreon, and artists aren't dumb, they know that people subbed for x content, so they better keep producing x content, or they are likely to loose subscribers. naturally long format comics, and sequels/spinoffs do better in this current environment, because it's just endless amounts of the same content their subscribers like
Furrynomous 2023/06/07 02:10:37 No.2302235
That is the reality of being just one person and producing a high quality comic, while also doing more work on the side, i would be surprised if his hands where not showing signs of arthritis yet.
This is simply the limitation of being human, it will be slow, hence why AI is so threatening, just today i saw AI art of Tala that 100% have been trained on Fluffs art and while not perfect it was good enough, i fear people's need for more content will be stronger than their sense of morality.
Furrynomous 2023/06/07 03:32:07 No.2302313
avery is cute tho why snap him out
Furrynomous 2023/06/10 19:28:02 No.2304328
Alright then. I agree wanting him to be Thanos snapped is a bit harsh. Maybe just have him be demoted to a side character while Evan takes the spotlight from now on.
Furrynomous 2023/06/12 00:49:32 No.2305123

Seriously. Avery is adorable and so is Evan. Love them both!
Furrynomous 2023/06/18 18:20:17 No.2308391
File: BenPridePaint_Patreon_u18chan.png - (1.69mb, 1275x1650, BenPridePaint_Patreon.png)
Oh god. Who was it that said Roanoak's character faces look creepy from the front? Because I'm honestly starting to see it now with this new pride month pic of Ben.
It's even more evident when you change the bright colours to a blood red. Ben now looks like an unhinged mass murderer.

Edited at 2023/06/18 18:21:32
Furrynomous 2023/06/18 18:20:26 No.2308392
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Furrynomous 2023/06/18 19:13:55 No.2308399
Probably less unhinged than someone painting themselves in colors representing what kind of creatures make their dick hard.
Furrynomous 2023/06/18 19:38:46 No.2308406

It's the eyes, if the iris is completely surrounded by the white that is a social indicator of extreme shock. Whether it be pain, horror or what ever.
Furrynomous 2023/06/18 23:10:21 No.2308474

Given that he's having a cheating sex dream at work, this is pretty accurate about the mass murderer thing.
Furrynomous 2023/06/19 15:50:13 No.2308940
not cheating when the wife is cool with that shit, kek
Furrynomous 2023/06/20 21:50:48 No.2309461
There are two kind of "Cheating" the physical cheating and the emotional cheating.
The first it's when there's sex or physical touch involved.
The second one it's when there are "feelings" involved, and you don't need to have touch envolved on it (rarely happens, but could be)

Not all the physical cheating means the second one (this is more common on men) and women have more chances of fall in love with their lover (cheater) and leave.

Thing it's, in the original comic it's obvious the main character and his wife had a marriage but the pink-hair Guy was just a fuck, they obviously had not intention of grab him into his marriage or be more than a fuck-buddy. (Unlike that Alpha comic with the cat)
In the remake we need to see if the pink-hair Guy keep like that or becomes an Alpha 2.0.
I can be wrong, but I'd say the wife it's ok than the Guy have SEX with other guys but I don't think she wants a Poly relationship.
Furrynomous 2023/06/21 00:03:32 No.2309495
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Here is this better.. now he is a rotten zombie that is rapidly approaching
Furrynomous 2023/06/21 19:41:58 No.2309866
Guess I won't be sleeping tonight...
Furrynomous 2023/06/23 11:40:40 No.2310533
settle down now Jasonafex.
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2023/07/09 14:05:41 No.2317977
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Finally a new page
Furrynomous 2023/07/09 17:41:59 No.2318099
possible bi furry in future lore, so here it its. not gay enough for gay section.
Furrynomous 2023/07/10 08:38:28 No.2318340
The guy is getting sucked off by a dude, he's then going to fuck another dude and maybe touch his chunky wife...2 part gay 1 part okay. But I'm bi so idgaf
Furrynomous 2023/07/10 15:23:45 No.2318561
This is a bi comic so he is gonna fuck his wife too, but it comes later, but normally the gay stuff is spoilered so the normies won't bitch about it, dunno why this isn't.
Furrynomous 2023/07/10 19:19:06 No.2318665
Come 2025 there's gonna be so much pussy in this comic.
Furrynomous 2023/07/16 05:48:03 No.2320919
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Evan is the best boy.
Furrynomous 2023/07/16 07:24:46 No.2320952
I'm so sad it's just supposed to be a dream
Furrynomous 2023/07/17 02:24:38 No.2321367

Agreed! Such a cutie. Really hope he becomes a regular in roanoak's work like Avery has, and we see more of him in this comic, not just in a daydream!
Furrynomous 2023/08/16 11:29:06 No.2333537
of all the comics to go on an apparent hiatus
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2023/08/16 12:14:35 No.2333592
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New pages ! Not a hiatus
Table for three remix TheSmartHyena 2023/08/16 12:14:47 No.2333593
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Furrynomous 2023/08/16 14:43:24 No.2333647
gay section?
Furrynomous 2023/08/16 15:14:39 No.2333661
i wonder what's the point to having the fantasy apparently have him weild a bigger dick than true life

only setting up for disappointment later
unless there's gonna be some toy/extender use as he clearly fantasizes having a massive one

or, perhaps we're being played and even tho we heard "neither can i" the dream is portraying what his dick really truely is and the fantasy is that someone can successfully deep throat him.
the "neither can i" can just mean he's always in disbelief somewhat at how lucky he got in his endowments. just saying he's never denied being that hung in the fantasy, only that the imagined barista is in disbelief and subtly asking if he's being truthful. perhaps he's drawing on his past experience sexting or talking about his dick and potential partners doubt it until they really get their hand on it.
Furrynomous 2023/08/16 16:52:32 No.2333702
Eh, i guess if the future pages have some female action, I really think this should be in /gay/.

Edited at 2023/08/16 16:54:27
Grey-Hawk # MOD # 2023/08/17 20:53:11 No.2334236
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Alright, nuked the entire discussion. I don't care what your beliefs in pronouns or non-binary people are, if you want to discuss it take this do /d/ and be respectul, but there;

Anyone who tries to start the discussion again here, no matter which side is on, will receive a 10-day timeout. That goes for the ones defending pronouns aswell. Either take it to /d/ or don't talk.
. Chatin # MOD # 2023/08/21 23:29:15 No.2336092
*taps the sign*

It's not going to be moved. Fuck off with your whining.
Furrynomous 2023/08/21 23:44:53 No.2336096
File: T4327_Sketch_u18chan.png - (1.77mb, 1275x1650, T4327_Sketch.png)
Dance puppets, dance!
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 10:07:46 No.2350662
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Furrynomous 2023/11/24 10:13:04 No.2350666
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Furrynomous 2023/11/24 10:15:26 No.2350670
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 11:59:59 No.2384068
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 12:02:08 No.2384069
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 12:07:18 No.2384075
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 12:34:33 No.2384101
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:10:22 No.2384127
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:11:21 No.2384128
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:33:08 No.2384132
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:35:23 No.2384133
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:36:43 No.2384134
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:38:02 No.2384135
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:40:15 No.2384136
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Furrynomous 2024/06/18 13:52:17 No.2384138

lol, what a retard.
Furrynomous 2024/06/18 17:43:30 No.2384188
He couldn't be acting more like he's having an affair if he tried.
I mean I don't really care about plot in my porn, but this is firmly in the "Plot only works if everyone is incredibly stupid." category.
Furrynomous 2024/06/19 02:51:30 No.2384346
I mean a call me on the back of a receipt from a coffee shop you know he visited is not a sign of cheating.
Furrynomous 2024/06/19 08:48:37 No.2384401
By itself? Maybe not.
But finding an obviously flirty note with a stranger's number on it when your husband comes home late and is distant/unintersted in you while he also 'forgot' to wear his wedding ring out at the same time. Also has no explanation other than 'I'm sick' but isn't acting sick at all.

I'm not saying 'all signs point to affair' I am saying that's what she is going to assume until this idiot explains himself, which will probably get dragged out for a dozen comic pages while they have a misunderstanding that could have been resolved in 5 minutes by reasonable people with a brain.
Furrynomous 2024/06/19 10:19:39 No.2384470
All this could've been avoided if he just left work early and fucked his wife instead
Furrynomous 2024/06/21 00:29:31 No.2384906
Clearly this is sth who never had sex with both male and female would say.
Furrynomous 2024/06/27 14:19:30 No.2386388
We are Furries
Furrynomous 2024/07/13 22:03:34 No.2390670
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Furrynomous 2024/07/24 09:29:14 No.2392836
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Furrynomous 2024/07/24 11:48:07 No.2392881
At least she’s not mad, though I have a feeling she’s had the idea of a bisexual threesome ever since their wedding day.
Furrynomous 2024/07/24 12:44:27 No.2392889
Really a healthy couple!
Furrynomous 2024/07/24 12:48:43 No.2392891
I was half expecting to see her throwing the tray at him after finding that note. Pretty weird to see people acting reasonably.
Furrynomous 2024/07/25 20:28:40 No.2393206
This artist's whole jam is refreshingly healthy emotional interactions between these characters. It's really amazing. "Safe Word" was also cutely wholesome.
Furrynomous 2024/07/26 02:12:43 No.2393250

Thankfully we are not watching an American soap opera
Furrynomous 2024/08/10 11:53:48 No.2396408
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Furrynomous 2024/08/19 00:47:37 No.2398207
Goddamn talk about some *chompers* to break a fork like that!
Furrynomous 2024/10/01 14:13:49 No.2407050
any new pages?
Furrynomous 2024/10/01 17:26:23 No.2407087

Nothing new on Kemono, I can't find it anywhere else. There's activity visible on Pepperminthusky's Patreon, but I've committed against Patreon, otherwise I'd already be subbed to Pepperminthusky.
Furrynomous 2024/10/01 18:17:14 No.2407102
Nothing new on kemono since August. Man are they a lazy website. There's quite a few pages that are lacking behind. One is all the way back to it's May update. So pathetic.
Furrynomous 2024/10/01 19:39:47 No.2407118
They're not lazy. Their importer is almost completely broken and i guess the site is maintained part-time by the libido of one guy
Furrynomous 2024/10/01 23:18:47 No.2407142
Well hope it's fixed soon. But I'm not sure. One page dates back to March 2024. So is it really broken?
Furrynomous 2024/10/02 03:31:13 No.2407207
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Furrynomous 2024/10/02 03:32:58 No.2407208
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Furrynomous 2024/10/02 05:34:00 No.2407238
You wonderful person thank you so much! I wish this place had DMs so I could toss you a few bucks. T_T
Furrynomous 2024/10/02 06:31:18 No.2407257
Thank you, this made my day
Furrynomous 2024/10/02 09:24:55 No.2407307
>if you want to try fucking men then I know just the right guy
>hard cuts to Avery getting splitroasted by 8 people at the same time
killermanwolf123 2024/10/24 17:29:30 No.2411885
Any New Pages yet??
Furrynomous 2024/10/24 22:24:54 No.2412017
Next page just says "See the original comic to see what happens next" and then that's just the end

I mean, so far this one is basically just a prequel to that one.

Jokes aside Avery is on the cover so I assume this is where the remake portion starts. We already had our scene with the barista in the form of that daydream segment so I'd be surprised if we see more of him unless this just turns into an extremely long comic.
Furrynomous 2024/10/25 09:21:32 No.2412152
Not yet. AC's been out on the con circuit
Furrynomous 2024/10/25 16:09:44 No.2412186
Turns into? It's 45 pages and nothing has happened yet.
Furrynomous 2024/11/22 08:56:18 No.2418748
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Furrynomous 2024/11/22 13:39:55 No.2418833

Who the fuck says this?
Furrynomous 2024/11/22 13:43:50 No.2418834
It would help if you quoted the line to which you're referring as "this"
Furrynomous 2024/11/27 12:14:06 No.2420718
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Furrynomous 2024/11/27 15:58:00 No.2420764

What a slut.
Furrynomous 2024/11/27 21:48:12 No.2420833
monogamy is dead
Bear 2024/11/27 22:19:32 No.2420835
Oh no? People are getting creative and having multiple partners while still genuinely caring about each other? How awful?
Bear 2024/11/27 22:20:42 No.2420836
Oh no? People are getting creative and having multiple partners while still genuinely caring about each other? How awful?
Furrynomous 2024/11/28 02:07:13 No.2420853
Chalk it up to the fetish of having multiple partners. IRL version ain't sunshine and rainbows. 5 out of 10 of the time, it's because they're losing that spark in their relationship. If you're thinking of adding a third party into your lives, then you might want to sit down and talk with each other thoroughly about any issues you both might be having.
Furrynomous 2024/11/28 02:26:22 No.2420868
>Fetish of having multiple partners

That is the entire point of the comic, yes.
Furrynomous 2024/11/28 05:39:36 No.2420883

Enjoy your STDs and divorce papers, then.
Furrynomous 2024/11/28 10:38:15 No.2420914

You sound very insecure
Furrynomous 2024/11/28 15:33:28 No.2420992
"I am so mad this comic titled TABLE FOR THREE has a plot involving a three-way!"
Furrynomous 2024/11/28 22:49:38 No.2421060
Hi jasonafex.
More like a time table for three decades Furrynomous 2024/11/29 18:06:14 No.2421197
One day...
More like a time table for three decades Shodori 2024/11/29 18:07:23 No.2421198
One day...
Furrynomous 2024/12/19 01:35:19 No.2424850

I didn't see any really really racist things in that comment.
killermanwolf123 2024/12/28 01:54:17 No.2427150
any new updates yet?
Furrynomous 2025/01/05 20:46:51 No.2429919
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Furrynomous 2025/01/05 23:47:00 No.2429972
This just comes off as a horny bitch just trying to get off on making her fantasy come true while he's a spineless cuck.
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 00:43:33 No.2429983

Do you even know what cuck means, or is it just 'guy I don't like' to you? Every single option she gave involved him having sex.
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 01:04:53 No.2429988

did you comment on the wrong thread buddy? because what you said is extremely retarded and makes no sense
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 01:46:42 No.2429990
macroShow Less
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>He's a cuck because he'll either bang someone else or get in a threesome with her and a third party

Did you hit your head in the Kadath thread on the way here and let some of its dumbness rub on you? Because there's not a single thing in that page that remotely makes him a cuck

Also 'getting off on her fantasy come true' as if he's not also obviously into it aswell
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 04:34:31 No.2430008

For the uneducated, because people don't like looking up definitions for new mainstream words: Cuck, short for cuckold - a man who is aware their partner is have sex without them, either willingly or unwillingly, often being made to watch in some way. Usually because they're spineless, helpless, or pathetic. The outcome tends to be their arousal (intentional or not), with the intent to be their embarrassment. Most art depicting this involves another guy railing someone's girl while talking about how he's a big strong alpha and the other guy's pathetic or unworthy of the girl and the cuck in question doesn't protest because he knows it's the truth. Sometimes the scenario is more voyeuristic; with the guy inviting someone else to have sex with their girl willingly, or permitting their partner to seek someone else; on the condition they can watch. It's implied in this case the guy feels inadequate to their girl's needs to fulfil the "pathetic" nature of the cuck.

The reason everyone's berating you is because, obviously, all options lead to this guy getting laid. His girl is the one offering to watch. Given the title of the comic and the sudden camera pan to his junk he clearly is interested in the threesome.
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 07:57:32 No.2430027
Where THE FUCK is the twink lynx
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 15:12:16 No.2430187
Fuck the lynx, get BEN
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 15:58:34 No.2430198

>fuck the lynx

that's the plan
Furrynomous 2025/01/06 16:53:46 No.2430206
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Furrynomous 2025/01/10 10:31:54 No.2431555
I'm waiting too. this whole thing is about those three specifically, and that lynx is nowhere to be found.
Furrynomous 2025/01/30 09:28:23 No.2437535
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Furrynomous 2025/01/30 16:54:49 No.2437756

Yeah let's slow down this glacially paced story even more....
Furrynomous 2025/01/30 21:53:45 No.2437796

Because giving him a handy will make things better? This dumb slut...
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 01:29:17 No.2437827
It only feels slow because we're getting about one page a school semester
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 10:03:59 No.2437910
Eh it's hard to really complain about a high quality free pron comic with actual art and dialogue. Yes releases are slow, but at least it's some good quality porn.
Furrynomous 2025/02/05 20:36:52 No.2439572
If you want something fast, go churn out some AI slop lol.
Porn with story, high quality art, and obvious care put into it is always worth the wait to me.
Furrynomous 2025/02/13 03:30:33 No.2441884
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Furrynomous 2025/02/13 03:35:03 No.2441885
this comic is very aesoppy
Furrynomous 2025/02/13 07:17:29 No.2441903
"Baby bissexual" means someone who came out as bissexual recently, right?
Furrynomous 2025/02/13 10:05:37 No.2441921
Sandra was originally a soft self-insert, so I don't think it's really shocking. Even though Aycee has trooned out and Terry is the new self insert, I've never seen any artist pass up a chance to preach when they have it.
Furrynomous 2025/02/13 13:16:42 No.2441962

The fuck is this dialogue?! I can’t tell if this is cringe or just plain idiotic. And I thought Naylor was bad at self-inserts.
Furrynomous 2025/02/13 13:34:18 No.2441967
Lmfao, go back to kiwifarms.
Furrynomous 2025/02/13 15:00:09 No.2441984

LMAO someone has never been in a relationship that isn't their own hands
GTFO incel bitch
Furrynomous 2025/02/13 16:13:23 No.2441996
Damn basketball team why do you need to write all this prentious shit
You just want to fuck guys and girls
It ain't that deep
Furrynomous 2025/02/14 08:25:23 No.2442150
This comic is gold because it reveals how many readers have never had an actual adult relationship before. Y'all are telling on yourselves.
Furrynomous 2025/02/14 20:07:42 No.2442288
I think it's the difference between what makes a good story and what makes a good relationship. Relationships thrive on clear communication and understanding and all that good shit. Sandra's doing an excellent job of that, which derails the conflict (>>2384401) that we'd expect in a story. It also makes the dialogue a little bit boring, because she's relying on text instead of subtext.
Furrynomous 2025/02/23 11:48:03 No.2445321
File: T43_051Words_u18chan.png - (1.57mb, 1275x1650, T43_051Words.png)
Furrynomous 2025/02/23 22:42:56 No.2445457
Aycee continues to be my favorite furry artist, if only I had the money and will to request a SFW commission
Furrynomous 2025/02/24 01:44:38 No.2445482
I like that Sandra is a loving partner, but it's almost like she's too open. Like she wouldn't give a fuck what Ben was into. It just begs the question of where the boundary lies, if there's any at all.
Furrynomous 2025/02/24 04:22:44 No.2445513

Should there be though?

What would you be into if only you existed and no one was around to judge you for it or even make you wonder what others would think? Or I guess in the context of this comic, you and your spouse. In any case it's pretty clear that Sandra is the more kinky one in the relationship so the chances of him wanting to go somewhere she hasn't already been are low.

Or in case you're strictly referring to the open relationship aspect..... It is a threesome comic, not sure what you expected
Furrynomous 2025/02/24 22:28:16 No.2445754
Honestly I wish she'd just do comics of sandra and ben. All these other characters are no-where near as interesting or nice to look at. The others just seem like sterotypical current-year-gender sterotypes of femboy and ftm without any actual depth of character outside of "I'm hot and here to be fucked uwu;; "
Furrynomous 2025/02/24 23:40:12 No.2445769
This really does come across as her trying to convince him to go along with her scheme to be fucking other people.
Furrynomous 2025/02/25 04:10:36 No.2445805
My thoughts exactly. Something about her just seems... off.
Furrynomous 2025/02/25 15:41:34 No.2445957
You could take her off the comic and nothing would change that much, because we all know very well this comic will only be about Ben fucking Avery in the ass.
Besides, anytime these two fuck it's always Sandra fucking Ben in the ass with a strap on. The concept of vaginal sex seems to completely elude Roanoak
Furrynomous 2025/02/25 18:28:28 No.2446060

Very ah...indicative, don't you think? ;)

Which is very ironic considering how healthy Ben and Sandra's marriage seems to be otherwise.
Furrynomous 2025/02/25 20:09:22 No.2446107

"I'm hot and here to be fucked" is the character arc of 99.9% of porn characters
Furrynomous 2025/02/26 03:17:31 No.2446189
Furrynomous 2025/02/26 10:01:03 No.2446255
They've had vaginal happen plenty of times and only one comic with pegging. What are you on about?
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 00:06:45 No.2446431
The weirdos from the Meesh thread must have gotten bored.
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 03:17:44 No.2446456
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 12:04:32 No.2447211
File: T43_052Words_u18chan.png - (1.4mb, 1275x1650, T43_052Words.png)
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 16:41:22 No.2447343
"I'm not ready to hook up with some guy I don't know. But I'm totally considering hooking up with some other guy I don't know".

Ironclad logic right there. /s
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 17:55:35 No.2447354

Another example of why artists shouldn't write their own stories.
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 23:08:19 No.2447393
...or maybe he already had someone in mind
Furrynomous 2025/03/03 21:11:53 No.2448081
No, it's "I don't want to lead someone expecting a date on, and would rather get someone involved without an expectation of attachment".

christ on a bike, are you fifteen or something? Go do your homework.
Furrynomous 2025/03/04 21:12:24 No.2448336
Furrynomous 2025/03/04 23:41:09 No.2448365

Avery is literally on the cover. We knew it was going this direction from the beginning
Furrynomous 2025/03/05 12:38:45 No.2448517
consummatum est

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