If anyone here has seen the anime Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar, you see the way they treat their male pilots. Mostly women are born with that ability. So the males that also have it are mostly forced into arranged marriages, rarely allowed to fight despite being trained for it, and are often used as breeders for women of varying ages. Including ones old enough to be their mothers. Now imagine a similar scenario, but instead of a rare few men, it's just one. Infighting may be in the future of this society.
Additionally, there's also the anime Trapped in a Dating Sim. In that storyline until some time later when old laws are abolished, women hold most of the power, and often either take the men they want, or force their male children into arranged marriages with literally any woman that will either pay for them or want them. The MC's stepmother tried to sell him off to a fifty-something year old woman. So he went out, got rich, and then found his own island. And the best part was evil stepmother wasn't entitled to any of his wealth because he acquired it all himself as an adventurer. The most power she had was to show up at his estate and bitch at him whenever she wanted. Until she eventually lost her noble status for corruption anyway.