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File: ReincarnatedFox_01_u18chan.jpg - (5.19mb, 1774x2513, ReincarnatedFox_01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reincarnated in Another World as a Furry Fox by Ratcha Furrynomous 2023/04/10 23:54:58 No.2275097   
Only one page so far, the previous incest rodent comic got the artist kicked off Patreon.
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Furrynomous 2023/04/14 11:46:05 No.2276478
File: ReincarnatedFox_02_u18chan.png - (4.08mb, 1774x2513, ReincarnatedFox_02.png)

Furrynomous 2023/04/14 11:46:10 No.2276479
File: ReincarnatedFox_03_u18chan.png - (4.4mb, 1774x2513, ReincarnatedFox_03.png)
Furrynomous 2023/04/14 11:46:16 No.2276480
File: ReincarnatedFox_04_u18chan.png - (4.86mb, 1774x2513, ReincarnatedFox_04.png)
Furrynomous 2023/04/16 01:46:56 No.2276973
Considering what the female said, he may be the only male in that world that's actually smart and capable of speech
Furrynomous 2023/04/26 20:46:22 No.2281380
bad news. looks like they are getting the boot from where the moved to after escaping russia before being conscripted into the war. hopefully they wont be forced back to the russia.
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 11:31:20 No.2287045
File: 5_760_u18chan.jpg - (4.8mb, 1774x2513, 5.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/05/08 11:31:27 No.2287046
File: 6_677_u18chan.jpg - (3.96mb, 1774x2513, 6.jpg)
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 11:31:33 No.2287047
File: 7_650_u18chan.jpg - (4.58mb, 1774x2513, 7.jpg)
D_Empress 2023/05/08 12:40:31 No.2287069
Be it Manga, doujin, anime, or hentai... no one is safe from Truck-kun's wrath!
the tauren 2023/05/08 12:55:37 No.2287073
oh no this truck again.....

the tauren think again of the other comic with seb.)
Meow 2023/05/08 13:36:15 No.2287078
One of the thousands of victims hit by my ETS2 truck
AZ 2023/05/08 13:36:34 No.2287079
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snu snu time?
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 14:34:56 No.2287094
so like basically hes dead and in... Heaven now?
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 14:51:29 No.2287096

I see you aren't yet acquainted with Isekai Logic
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 15:03:49 No.2287100
feels like ratcha was looking for the word "sapient" and not "sentient"
the tauren 2023/05/08 15:18:32 No.2287105
but it a fox sapien it a human no :o???
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 16:27:34 No.2287115
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 18:20:33 No.2287183
No, sentient was the correct word. Meaning the difference of what separates him from the other males as they're basically feral and abysmally stupid.
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 18:34:52 No.2287193
Apparently he was run over by Optimus Prime
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 18:59:24 No.2287200

sentience literally just means the capacity to have feelings, feral animals are still sentient creatures lol, sapience is the quality of having wisdom and not purely instinct, which seems far more appropriate given the context and even what you've described

Edited at 2023/05/08 19:04:04
Furrynomous 2023/05/08 19:48:37 No.2287224
Fair enough
You're not in Alabama Anymore Name Hidden 2023/05/09 00:50:05 No.2287307
I'm actually glad Ratcha didn't make a comic about a guy fucking his sister.
Furrynomous 2023/05/09 03:25:55 No.2287325

this guy will have a lot of daughters to fuck
Furrynomous 2023/05/09 05:50:59 No.2287339
Pretty much gonna end up incest on a city-wide scale when this guy is the father of every child of a generation
Furrynomous 2023/05/09 06:14:34 No.2287342
Technically you're both correct. As stated in the comic, the males were not even smart enough to be tamed. Meaning they don't feel any sort of emotion other than hunt, eat, sleep, mate. Basically a beast. There's no sentience in that. From the way things start, it looks like the females have to knock the males out or restrain them just to get their semen.

Let's use a Zombie as an example. They walk, they grunt, they can even think on some level. But their primary objective is to wander and eat. Not all that different from a beast. They don't comprehend emotions.
Furrynomous 2023/05/09 09:47:57 No.2287399
so what you two are arguing about is so badly defined, that both of you consider the opposite things to what makes something a "beast".
animals have emotions, even instincts themselves are practically emotions.
animals also have memory AKA wisdom, even insects are proven to have memory, brain and memory research is mostly done on rats and other non-humans.
if all animals did was "hunt, eat, sleep, mate" they wouldnt build shelters, wouldnt feed and protect their offspring, wouldnt teach them how to hunt/get food, wouldnt remember how to relate to each person/animal/object, wouldnt have individual habits.
as someones on a furry site, you seem to have incredibly retarded look on animals.

Edited at 2023/05/09 10:04:15
Furrynomous 2023/05/09 10:11:12 No.2287403
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Furrynomous 2023/05/09 15:53:05 No.2287675
Notice how you have to say "Practically". Practically is close, but not the same thing. Animals comprehend things in their own way. And it also depends on the animal. You'll get empathy and love from a pet. But the feral males in this comic can feel neither. And if the only emotion you can feel other than basic instincts is anger, then you're not feeling. Just raging. The males in this comic don't care for their offspring either. In fact, the whole premise is similar to that episode of Rick and Morty with that alien race where the females have to separate themselves from the males because they are nearly mindless murderous brutes that only think of fighting and mating. The only one that didn't was the one that was half human.
Page 8 Predictions Name Hidden 2023/05/10 00:54:24 No.2287897
Probably the Village Shaman enters for a Penis inspection.
Furrynomous 2023/05/10 13:17:17 No.2288175
>Animals comprehend things in their own way.

There's arguably a sense of existence with everything. Even the simplest molecule "feels" something as it interacts with the environment, giving rise to the question of "what does it feel like to be a proton?"

Perception alone is not comprehension. A mechanism, biological or artificial, can perceive and react to things, but that doesn't mean they comprehend it in any capacity. The magic quality is the sense of self. If the lights are on but there's nobody home, perceptions mean nothing.
Furrynomous 2023/05/10 15:04:36 No.2288214
>sense of self.
so now its the third kind of argument to what makes animals different to humans.
what is the proof for them not having a "sense of self"? mirror tests are basically bullshit, since they dont perceive their reflection in water surfaces as a different individual, and gazing at or even attacking mirrors doesnt mean they did it for that reason, rather than just being amazed by or afraid of a thing reflecting them that way.
Furrynomous 2023/05/10 22:22:16 No.2288332
Oh for fuck sakes, the word "sentience" is sometimes used interchangeably with "sapience" in fiction. Yes, the correct term is sapience but most people don't know that.

So they are somehow dumber than real foxes? Also, they as babies need to be nursed by their mothers. Did they not have time to bond with their mothers thus the tribe? While the premise is interesting, the story hasn't really introduced a conflict yet.
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 03:48:27 No.2288452
Yeah. Instead it's a world where every fox male is a mentally feral animal and the vixens basically have to mate with them so they don't die off, inevitably birthing more non-sentient males.

Edited at 2023/05/11 03:48:45
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 04:31:06 No.2288456

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but feral animals are still sentient.
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 05:30:39 No.2288466

If the colloquial, assumed use of a word doesn't line up with its literal definition, then it is the dictionary that is wrong. Languages aren't static things, they change over time.
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 13:07:35 No.2288690

Yeah, no. Misinformed people just tend to use words in wrong contexts. That doesn't change the words' definitions, it just makes them look misinformed.

A ton of people still fuck up your and you're, should we simply change the definitions?

Edited at 2023/05/11 13:10:09
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 14:22:50 No.2288710
EITHER WAY, even without an incest hook Ratcha still somehow finds a way to make a porn comic with a weird premise. I didn't think that would be still possible, but here we are.
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:18:19 No.2288715
Don't count the incest out yet. Remember this guy is gonna be fathering every kid in the entire city for the foreseeable future.
Another way Name Hidden 2023/05/11 17:40:29 No.2288825
Maybe there doesn't have to be incest maybe the kin can be trained to fuck the wild men to gain sentient children.
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 17:48:10 No.2288827

Yeah but that's not as kinky.

Well actually potentially more kinky. It depends if you're less okay with incest or with implied (if justified, due to it being the only way to reproduce) zoophilia
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 17:48:59 No.2288828

The difference between this and obvious grammar mistakes is I literally haven't met a person who *doesn't* use sentient and sapient interchangeably. Hell, most of them don't know that "sapient" is a word.
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 18:10:37 No.2288831
Going to be honest here, I only learned of the difference of Sapient and Sentient from the boards here years ago.
Most shows, usually sci-fi, use them interchangeably.
Usually Star-Trek
Re:Another way Name Hidden 2023/05/11 19:03:04 No.2288844
WTF? I didn't mean zoophilla I meant Primal Men as in
Neanderthals or simply cavemen who haven't gain much intelligence. Maybe I should have said furries with intelligence.

Simply Primal-Anthros
Furrynomous 2023/05/11 23:06:13 No.2288871

Its cool bro its cool ..simmer down now.. Its just text on a screen..nobodys implying anything.. just breath.. were all friends just put down the detonation trigger and we can all just talk in a calm peaceful manner. Sound good?
the tauren 2023/05/12 21:20:41 No.2289302
the taurent eat popcorn

fuck this theory watch them fighting and be ignorant...

the taurent will fap for the next page.

Edited at 2023/05/12 21:21:37
Furrynomous 2023/05/12 21:33:59 No.2289310
The Taurent likes speaking in the third person
Furrynomous 2023/05/13 14:25:15 No.2289595
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the tauren 2023/05/13 16:57:35 No.2289667
how does it taste? mmm
Furrynomous 2023/05/13 19:25:48 No.2289689
Looking at the color of that potion. I'm reminded that some ancient potion recipes for male fertility and stamina had some very questionable if not downright gross ingredients. Everything from mashed up bugs to dung.
"ALRIGHT LETS FUCKING DO THIS!" Name Hidden 2023/05/14 00:29:05 No.2289781
(Phrase from Drawn Together)

Damn! Hes going to be fucking those girls all night long!

I actually thought the village shaman would come in the room and give him a penis inspection but hesitate on making cum to save his seed for the thirsty girls.
the tauren 2023/05/14 05:15:02 No.2289834
hum how many are they in this village?
btw this alchemist is sexy.
Furrynomous 2023/05/14 07:53:41 No.2289900
Another phrase from Drawn Together
"He's gonna drink the worm!"
Furrynomous 2023/05/14 08:39:59 No.2289913
it's literally just tea
Furrynomous 2023/05/14 17:20:49 No.2290099
You hope so anyway
Logically speaking Name Hidden 2023/05/15 00:44:42 No.2290222
Its pretty messed up how the men get thrown out of the village to act all savage and mentally challenged.
If the adult girls want kids with intelligence, how about build a fucking school to teach em?
Furrynomous 2023/05/26 14:02:17 No.2295998
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Furrynomous 2023/05/26 14:02:48 No.2295999
I guess lesbianism isn't a practiced or known thing in this world too.
Furrynomous 2023/05/26 21:02:12 No.2296141
It's not that lesbianism wouldn't be practiced. But the females can't go Amazon and still not fuck males or they can't reproduce. And when they have the same social norm of men and women being separate for so long, the thought of actually having sex with a male that's their intellectual equal would be very tantalizing for them.

I remember a B movie I saw years ago where there was a world society of women because a Y bomb wiped out 99% of men. And they went about 30 years before they started craving men in secret. Even one particular woman who was one of the biggest public advocates for men being wiped out was secretly having sex with them in a hidden brothel. And teenage girls were coveting old Playgirl magazines. How long do you think they can live with that sort of society before something like what's in this comic happens?
Furrynomous 2023/05/26 23:26:42 No.2296222
Hard to talk with out mouth full.
Yeah man! Name Hidden 2023/05/27 01:04:13 No.2296290
Well I knew the guy was going to have a big a practice before the big orgy. Maybe this girl also will become his lover.
Furrynomous 2023/05/27 05:13:54 No.2296372
Furrynomous 2023/05/28 02:16:12 No.2297010

Notice how she's ridiculously forward because a world history of one-sided sex means this culture basically never had to develop the concept of the rules of consent.

I actually love how realistically this is being played out
Furrynomous 2023/05/28 06:27:16 No.2297069
You don't need to sugarcoat it that they are raping him.
Furrynomous 2023/05/28 06:47:41 No.2297072
You make a very good point. They really have no concept of consent. They basically dragged this guy back to town and told him this is his life now. What I'm more curious about is if his relationship with the first female he met will evolve. She may become possessive of him when she starts to realize what jealousy is.
the tauren 2023/05/28 15:16:12 No.2297231
by the way elly is very sexy <3.
Furrynomous 2023/05/28 16:27:53 No.2297245
girl:"here drink this"
boy:"what is it?"
girl:"it is a double shai latte with extra milk and 10 viagra pills."
boy:"what ever"
Furrynomous 2023/06/13 20:20:10 No.2306161
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Furrynomous 2023/06/13 20:20:16 No.2306162
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Furrynomous 2023/06/13 20:20:24 No.2306163
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Furrynomous 2023/06/13 20:20:31 No.2306164
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Furrynomous 2023/06/13 21:37:39 No.2306172
Oh this is bullshit! She fucking found him and brought him back, and they won't let her have first dibs!
Furrynomous 2023/06/13 23:31:09 No.2306278

The rule of dibs is you have to call dibs, sadly. No take backsies so you're stuck with it, but you still have to call dibs.
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 00:10:19 No.2306287
I love the wacky concepts this comic keeps coming up with one after another. This is kinda hilarious
Ship it Name Hidden 2023/06/14 00:48:47 No.2306301
I think Nick and that girl would be a couple
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 01:52:40 No.2306319

I guess you aren't too good with names.

The vixen who found Nick is named Anges.

The vixen who brought him the potion is named Elly.

So, they are not the same individual. As such, there has been no violation of the Law of Dibs.

Edited at 2023/06/14 01:55:24
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 04:43:28 No.2306352
Oh! My bad. I didn't notice they weren't the same girl. I haven't looked at the earlier pages in a while
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 10:53:56 No.2306487
Pretty sure this is alluding to the fact that males in this society don't get treated with the same degree as respect as females do.
Which is kinda expected given the biological track record for retardation the male sex has in this species.

Could be an interesting story coming up.
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 11:54:43 No.2306510
>Which is kinda expected given the biological track record for retardation the male sex has in this species.
Which kinda raises the question whether it's rightful to have different expectations towards a sex based on their "track record". Like if there was a sex that made about 99% of achievements and contributions in history, while the other mostly just cared about looking good. But that is just an absurd hypothetic scenario of course.
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 16:13:37 No.2306653
If anyone here has seen the anime Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar, you see the way they treat their male pilots. Mostly women are born with that ability. So the males that also have it are mostly forced into arranged marriages, rarely allowed to fight despite being trained for it, and are often used as breeders for women of varying ages. Including ones old enough to be their mothers. Now imagine a similar scenario, but instead of a rare few men, it's just one. Infighting may be in the future of this society.

Additionally, there's also the anime Trapped in a Dating Sim. In that storyline until some time later when old laws are abolished, women hold most of the power, and often either take the men they want, or force their male children into arranged marriages with literally any woman that will either pay for them or want them. The MC's stepmother tried to sell him off to a fifty-something year old woman. So he went out, got rich, and then found his own island. And the best part was evil stepmother wasn't entitled to any of his wealth because he acquired it all himself as an adventurer. The most power she had was to show up at his estate and bitch at him whenever she wanted. Until she eventually lost her noble status for corruption anyway.
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 16:55:13 No.2306664
>using anime for a cultural reference point

Talk about alienation.
the tauren 2023/06/14 17:02:12 No.2306670
btw impressive crown i wanna get the same.
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 23:17:51 No.2306789
I think using anime to relate to a porn comic works very well.
Furrynomous 2023/06/15 01:13:30 No.2306819
Point in case.
Furrynomous 2023/06/15 01:21:32 No.2306822
MALE TONIGHT……my brain short circuits

Edited at 2023/06/15 01:24:56
Furrynomous 2023/06/15 03:40:02 No.2306857
You done derped
Furrynomous 2023/06/15 07:56:03 No.2306935
File: this_is_the_way_u18chan.jpg - (102.2kb, 1280x720, this_is_the_way.jpg)
And I like this way.
Furrynomous 2023/06/15 09:19:43 No.2306951
Honestly was expecting there to be a chastity belt used here. Pretty sure a dildo will still get her off in the end.

Edited at 2023/06/15 10:03:49
Furrynomous 2023/06/23 16:20:07 No.2310651
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Furrynomous 2023/06/23 16:20:17 No.2310652
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the tauren 2023/06/23 17:12:02 No.2310665

okay okay who gonna start first?

about this logic sense.

hum the longest fuck.

Edited at 2023/06/23 17:15:04
Furrynomous 2023/06/23 17:25:08 No.2310667
File: lol_13_u18chan.jpg - (17.05kb, 441x302, lol.jpg)
Oh boy Jesus on the cross and MAGA Ratcha you couldn't make it more silly?
I bet soon Fox guy will realize he is fucked there the first females might be fun but the other 200 after that will be pain.
Furrynomous 2023/06/23 18:45:57 No.2310682
The spirit is willing. But the flesh is spongy and bruised
Furrynomous 2023/06/23 23:18:27 No.2310763
Spoiler - the males are perfectly smart, they've just all decided to get and stay the hell away from these insane chicks!
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 01:17:24 No.2310814
I think that's what male Viera do from the Final Fantasy games
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 11:13:20 No.2310975
Fan theory: The main character's human body isn't dead, just knocked unconscious at a MAGA rally, hence the chanting.
Furrynomous 2023/06/24 17:40:03 No.2311089
Holy Shit. I have not laughed that hard in....a while. Goddamn.
the tauren 2023/07/16 21:00:44 No.2321267
hum so how the america and jesus feel now?

*still sit on his desk and watch the evolution*
Furrynomous 2023/07/17 04:18:51 No.2321386
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Furrynomous 2023/07/17 05:24:51 No.2321392
T-the tip hasn't breached her cervix? How can this be? Reasonable elements in my furry porn?!?!?!?!
the tauren 2023/07/17 11:44:46 No.2321500
ok capitain america still 9999999 to breed.
Realistically Speaking about the knot. Name Hidden 2023/07/19 00:44:25 No.2322207
Whoa! Whoa! Hold on! Isnt it dangerous to pull on a knot? Honestly it be less painful to wait maybe read a magazine while u wait or perhaps have a nice conversation with coffee to your partner. Maybe smoke some weed to mellow out while it shrinks.
Furrynomous 2023/07/19 05:24:13 No.2322253
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the tauren 2023/07/19 05:44:23 No.2322256
omg i think you fall into a hell boy.
the tauren 2023/07/19 05:44:35 No.2322258

Edited at 2023/07/19 09:47:11
Furrynomous 2023/07/19 10:48:06 No.2322331
>Maybe smoke some weed to mellow out while it shrinks.
And destroy their own sapience with it, genius idea.
Furrynomous 2023/07/19 13:51:44 No.2322398
Nick looking dead after only having sex with 2 women in one day. He looking to get isekaid a second time before he knocks up this whole village.
the tauren 2023/07/19 18:28:33 No.2322484
just 2? not sure about this.

notion of time dude
Furrynomous 2023/07/26 22:05:46 No.2324846
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Furrynomous 2023/07/26 22:40:01 No.2324852
well im not sure if its incest or not since I dont got a subscribestar account but it kinda looks like a continuation of the other siblings comic is over there going on after this one.
Furrynomous 2023/07/27 02:07:42 No.2324922
I wanna know what was in that potion because by the 5th time I'm shooting air...
The tauren 2023/07/27 03:15:26 No.2324938
Oh poor dude...
Furrynomous 2023/07/27 13:50:54 No.2325078
>gets banned twice for making incest comics
>starts a third
Ratcha, what the fuck are you doing?
Furrynomous 2023/07/27 13:59:30 No.2325080
When was he ever banned from subscribestar?
Calm Down Name Hidden 2023/07/28 01:13:35 No.2325306
Relax I'm sure this comic currently isn't incest.
I think they meant "sister" as in member of the tribe and not actual blood related. In New America lets hope they not make New Alabama.

Edited at 2023/07/28 01:18:28
Ratcha why? Name Hidden 2023/07/28 01:20:04 No.2325307
Ratcha, hes making a Sequel to Rick and Rina the incest series.
Add Step in it Name Hidden 2023/07/28 01:22:02 No.2325309
Well u cant do incest but step-siblings porn in rules of making porn to not get backlash.
Furrynomous 2023/08/01 10:48:34 No.2327251
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Furrynomous 2023/08/01 10:50:17 No.2327255
Stereotypical British sounding rabbit girls? Now this comic just got really stupid.
Furrynomous 2023/08/01 12:01:59 No.2327281

I have to know, where did you find this one?
the tauren 2023/08/01 13:05:10 No.2327311

wow that punch.

wait a second why bunnies need a fox male now?
oh yeah tirbal wars. fight! fight!

Edited at 2023/08/01 13:06:15
Furrynomous 2023/08/01 15:46:45 No.2327382
One Punch Bnnuys!
Furrynomous 2023/08/01 15:49:59 No.2327384
There's a couple of youtube videos of a guy who got isekaid and ended up in a world where he's literally the only man alive. First elves kidnapped him and planned to keep him all to themselves. Then beast girls kidnapped him after that. The story is ongoing
Stealing the seed Name Hidden 2023/08/01 16:16:42 No.2327387
Rabbit Girls now stealing Jizz, and they take the whole bargain. Wonder if they have plans to gain intelligent males also? or their could be a running gag of the dude getting kidnapped by thirsty girls from every tribe.
Furrynomous 2023/08/01 23:11:34 No.2327547

You wouldn't happen to have a link or the name of this Isekai?
Furrynomous 2023/08/01 23:39:36 No.2327551
Yeah I do.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Sperm Heist Name Hidden 2023/08/02 20:35:24 No.2327872
It's like a plot to steal Tom Brady's Jizz to give birth to Football-Star babies to get rich off of.
Furrynomous 2023/08/02 22:19:45 No.2327899
I think there was a Law & Order episode with that kind of plot
The tauren 2023/08/05 21:36:04 No.2329082
Hum i imagine the name of the rabbit tribe
Vive la France :p?
Furrynomous 2023/08/05 22:09:31 No.2329087
Furrynomous 2023/08/11 01:42:37 No.2331504
Ah yes, penis inspection day, I love a good Space Station 13 reference.
Furrynomous 2023/08/12 05:21:54 No.2331787

I remember that movie, but can't remember the name. But it was much longer than 30 years, I think. They reproduced via cloning so every daughter was a clone of her mother, who was a clone of her mother, and so on. The girl who was keeping a Playgirl mag in secret was mocked by her friends, "You're not a closet heterosexual, are you?" And then it turned out the disease that wiped men out was intentionally created by a super feminist scientist or whatever who thought they were too violent and warlike and there'd never be peace as long as they lived.

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