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File: 031_17_u18chan.png - (2.14mb, 1353x1920, 031.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:52:31 No.2288721   

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My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:52:37 No.2288722
File: 032_20_u18chan.png - (2.29mb, 1353x1920, 032.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:52:42 No.2288723
File: 033_16_u18chan.png - (2.04mb, 1353x1920, 033.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:52:47 No.2288724
File: 034_13_u18chan.png - (1.85mb, 1353x1920, 034.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:52:53 No.2288725
File: 035_17_u18chan.png - (2.54mb, 1353x1920, 035.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:52:58 No.2288727
File: 036_14_u18chan.png - (2.16mb, 1353x1920, 036.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:03 No.2288728
File: 037_11_u18chan.png - (2.18mb, 1353x1920, 037.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:08 No.2288729
File: 038_11_u18chan.png - (2.1mb, 1353x1920, 038.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:13 No.2288730
File: 039_11_u18chan.png - (2.23mb, 1353x1920, 039.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:18 No.2288731
File: 040_9_u18chan.png - (2.23mb, 1353x1920, 040.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:23 No.2288732
File: 041_7_u18chan.png - (2.41mb, 1353x1920, 041.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:28 No.2288733
File: 042_7_u18chan.png - (2.54mb, 1353x1920, 042.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:33 No.2288734
File: 043_9_u18chan.png - (2.45mb, 1353x1920, 043.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:53:38 No.2288735
File: 044_7_u18chan.png - (2.47mb, 1353x1920, 044.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:55:29 No.2288736
File: 045_9_u18chan.png - (2.45mb, 1353x1920, 045.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:55:34 No.2288737
File: 046_8_u18chan.png - (2.29mb, 1353x1920, 046.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:55:40 No.2288738
File: 047_7_u18chan.png - (2.56mb, 1353x1920, 047.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:55:45 No.2288739
File: 048_7_u18chan.png - (2.66mb, 1353x1920, 048.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:55:51 No.2288740
File: 049_8_u18chan.png - (2.48mb, 1353x1920, 049.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:55:56 No.2288741
File: 050_7_u18chan.png - (2.45mb, 1353x1920, 050.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:01 No.2288742
File: 051_5_u18chan.png - (2.37mb, 1353x1920, 051.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:06 No.2288743
File: 052_4_u18chan.png - (2.48mb, 1353x1920, 052.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:16 No.2288745
File: 053_6_u18chan.png - (2.58mb, 1353x1920, 053.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:21 No.2288746
File: 054_4_u18chan.png - (2.38mb, 1353x1920, 054.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:27 No.2288747
File: 055_5_u18chan.png - (2.83mb, 1353x1920, 055.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:33 No.2288748
File: 056_16_u18chan.png - (2.62mb, 1353x1920, 056.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:38 No.2288749
File: 057_7_u18chan.png - (2.57mb, 1353x1920, 057.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:42 No.2288750
File: 058_5_u18chan.png - (2.23mb, 1353x1920, 058.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:56:47 No.2288751
File: 059_6_u18chan.png - (2.15mb, 1353x1920, 059.png)
My Master by SanJiro Furrynomous 2023/05/11 15:58:00 No.2288752
File: 060_6_u18chan.png - (2.08mb, 1353x1920, 060.png)
Furrynomous 2023/05/20 18:53:08 No.2292991
Is she a Beagle or Jack Russel?
Furrynomous 2023/05/20 18:58:44 No.2292994
File: Beagle_u18chan.jpg - (7.42kb, 460x290, Beagle.jpg)
Beagle, this page proves it.
Furrynomous 2023/05/21 08:29:07 No.2293221
I wish there was an uncesored verions of that.
Furrynomous 2023/05/22 08:07:16 No.2293688
She's cute, kind of like an emo version of Isabelle from Animal Crossing
Furrynomous 2023/06/01 23:07:03 No.2299397
So that's what happened to Admiral Archer's prized beagle.
Furrynomous 2023/06/02 00:24:52 No.2299423

Oh no shes the extra student. This mean the third year class mysterious deaths will start happening.
Furrynomous 2023/06/06 06:38:24 No.2301735
Love to see this being a on going hentai but its not, still sexy hope there are more chapters of this in the future, tired of seeing Zootopia stuff these days
Furrynomous 2023/06/06 06:59:14 No.2301739
File: 0_112_u18chan.jpg - (379.47kb, 1280x1807, 0.jpg)
Well according to the author, she's 17, so it's all good, I guess.
Furrynomous 2023/06/06 10:59:30 No.2301852
Even if author said she's 9yo simply override that with headcanon and assume she's of age. It's all imaginary so both ways are equally legit! Works every time.
Furrynomous 2023/06/06 17:11:41 No.2301958
Regardless of her age in dog years / human years she is super cute. Hope there is more of her eventually.
Furrynomous 2023/06/12 18:20:54 No.2305513
>met 5 minutes ago
>was nice to her once
>"Cum in my pussy! I LOVE YOU!"
>this is a good thing, somehow

is this is what virgins actually believe?
Furrynomous 2023/06/12 19:33:14 No.2305535
Are you unaware this is porn and not a light novel, manga, or y'know... something intended to exist for longer than one wank?
Furrynomous 2023/06/13 00:37:33 No.2305654
Its fun to watch a giant thread full of people whining about how there's so much story and fluff getting to the sex, and then you get the others of people goin ape shit that a porn comics plot is dumbed down to get to sex in under 10 pages.

Like I'm sorry there isnt always a perfect happy medium but its porn, youre going to get a lot of both, and thats good for each of their own reasons.

Edited at 2023/06/13 00:38:03
Furrynomous 2023/06/13 02:10:30 No.2305664
Fortunately (or rather "hopefully"?) these two groups are different people.
I never get people saying "boo hoo, can't please anybody, no matter what you do they always complain", when you consider fragments instead of the group as a whole it's much better.
I for one hate plot in my porn and consider furry artists who do plot-heavy comics as pretentious (Viktria, I'm looking at you), while hentai with mere 3-4 pages of intro and 1-2 pages of cooldown is gold.
Furrynomous 2023/06/13 09:50:09 No.2305819
maybe you missed the whole point was she acted like a dog who found a master.
Furrynomous 2023/06/13 21:06:59 No.2306168
I'm lucky that I actually like both.
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 11:18:54 No.2306497
Why did you bump a completed comic from page 10 to say stupid shit, you fucking retard?
Furrynomous 2023/06/14 15:49:13 No.2306643
Who the fuck you talking to arse hat
Furrynomous 2023/06/15 02:12:25 No.2306838
Wait is an uncensored version not getting uploaded?
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 01:45:44 No.2446448
We need this uncensored.
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 23:15:54 No.2446674
File: SequelCover_u18chan.png - (592.15kb, 1000x1078, SequelCover.png)
The original wasn't decensored yet

Now their is a sequel
[Sanjiro] Mugi to Bunta no Nichijou
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 23:26:55 No.2446707
File: BathTime_u18chan.png - (1006.91kb, 1927x2294, BathTime.png)

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