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File: 0ANIGHTWITHLOONA2-COVER_u18chan.png - (7.87mb, 2480x3508, 0 A NIGHT WITH LOONA 2 - COVER.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A Night with Loona 2 Furrynomous 2023/08/25 20:15:02 No.2337879   
Thread Tagsmacro (7)Show Less
By Jizoku

part 1:

From Patreon: "Millie uses a magical disguise to impersonate Moxxie to get the truth straight from Loona's mouth. In this second part of the comic "A night with Loona" Moxxie, Loona, and Millie will learn what they really want for their future

First pages start on September 2023 here for all patrons. those first pages will be released for free on X since October."
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A Night with Loona 2 Furrynomous 2023/08/25 20:23:12 No.2337883
well looks like someone else posted it just a few seconds before me. I didn't intentionally double post.
I dunno
I feel I at least put a little more effort into mine but I'll delete if necessary
Furrynomous 2023/08/25 20:29:52 No.2337886
My vote is for this thread to stay, if for only the fact that you don't use that god-awful filename scheme that the other guy uses.
Furrynomous 2023/08/25 20:35:42 No.2337918
Furrynomous 2023/08/25 22:43:53 No.2338010
I think we're looking at a BODY SWAP story over here.
New Hellhound OC Name Hidden 2023/08/26 00:40:50 No.2338052
Hopefully this one will star Sol in it.
Furrynomous 2023/08/26 01:35:51 No.2338085
It's alive! It's ALIVE!!!
Furrynomous 2023/08/26 02:47:33 No.2338132
The sequel we've been waiting for!
Furrynomous 2023/08/26 07:01:29 No.2338236

Either that or a story of Millie and Moxie cheating on each other with Loona.
Furrynomous 2023/08/26 13:12:52 No.2338457
Let's fucking gooooooooooo
✨ A Night With Loona 2 [ New Page ] [ By Jizoku ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/09/29 03:32:30 No.2341526
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Furrynomous 2023/10/06 00:41:25 No.2342279
So Millie and Sol gonna hook up too?
Furrynomous 2023/10/07 08:21:59 No.2342360
Can't wait
the tauren 2023/10/07 13:22:42 No.2342378
woa millie change into her bf nice trap.
clever girl.
Furrynomous 2023/10/08 06:51:10 No.2342423
I can't hear or read the term "Clever Girl" without thinking of Jurassic Park memes
the tauren 2023/10/10 14:56:47 No.2342572
ben she kinda a raptor with her style lol
Furrynomous 2023/10/12 20:14:41 No.2342711
But what about her smell?
Subscribe cuz I wanna know Name Hidden 2023/10/12 22:34:38 No.2342721
Should I subscribe to Jizoku on Patreon because I want to know what happens next?
Furrynomous 2023/10/13 00:22:17 No.2342726
The first three pages are already on e-hentai
Furrynomous 2023/10/13 05:07:21 No.2342735
Check it out in website kemono party of Jizoku
Furrynomous 2023/10/13 08:40:24 No.2342744
Normally I'd say yes support the artist.. but.
Jizoku makes at a minimum $180,000 a year (if all his subs were at the minimum level, which they are definitely not) from his Patreon alone. So they are doing just fine.
Furrynomous 2023/10/13 09:26:50 No.2342751
I’ll be honest Jizoku is kinda like a jerk and it seems they don’t care, one time I try to reach to tell them about the leak of their material and the first they did is being rude to me and act like they didn’t care at all about the leak.
Furrynomous 2023/10/13 11:44:27 No.2342758
Artists aren't your friend, they don't have to be nice to you lmao
A Frickin Millionaire! Name Hidden 2023/10/13 17:18:06 No.2342774
Holy Shit! Imagine if Jizoku can make a million in a year.
Furrynomous 2023/10/13 17:35:19 No.2342775
He probably doesn't care. If he's making almost 200k from his patreons he's not concerned about spending his time filing DMCA takedowns. Not unless he wants to hire an intern to do that sort of thing for him
Furrynomous 2023/10/14 07:48:13 No.2342815
Right and not sure if he even could because he doesn't own the copyright to the characters.
The funny thing is that he makes far more money than the person who actually created the characters he's doing porn of.
Furrynomous 2023/10/17 00:39:50 No.2342965
You guys are annoying ones, you know that? And why the hell, are files with two new pages not uploading? Can somebody explain?

Edited at 2023/10/17 00:47:25
✨ A Night With Loona 2 [ New Page ] [ By Jizoku ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/20 09:52:12 No.2343025
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✨ A Night With Loona 2 [ New Page ] [ By Jizoku ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/20 09:53:37 No.2343026
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Edited at 2023/10/21 10:07:40
Furrynomous 2023/10/20 13:01:19 No.2343129
Awww!!! Sol is so cute! =3
Furrynomous 2023/10/22 17:56:19 No.2344312
I remain unconvinced it's not an act. Why else did she make a copy?
✨ A Night With Loona 2 [ New Page ] [ By Jizoku ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/26 20:23:22 No.2344979
File: -_____-___A_NIGHT_WITH_LOONA_2___-__PAGE_04___-___BY_JIZOKU_____-_u18chan.png - (3.3mb, 2480x3508, -_____-___A_NIGHT_WITH_LOONA_2___-__PAGE_04___-___BY_JIZOKU_____-.png)

Furrynomous 2023/10/28 04:19:59 No.2345351
Was this "that-was-shit"-guy? From HH pilot episode?
✨ A Night With Loona 2 [ New Page ] [ By Jizoku ] ✨ Furrynomous 2023/10/28 12:20:47 No.2345530
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Furrynomous 2023/10/28 18:16:01 No.2345696
She's gonna dress up as Mox, fuck Loona, then the seal will come off from sweat or saliva or something then turn back then Loona finds out then 3 way.
Furrynomous 2023/10/29 12:31:04 No.2345944
I'm okay with that. :O
Furrynomous 2023/10/29 14:46:46 No.2345969
Wait so Sol's a chick?
Furrynomous 2023/10/29 18:20:51 No.2346010

Well. Yeap.

At least in Spanish, "Sol" can be a female name.
Furrynomous 2023/10/29 18:45:27 No.2346013
How tf is that not obvious?
Furrynomous 2023/10/31 21:20:08 No.2346310
Here's a magic artifact that I should have no way of knowing you need. Don't worry about the cost, we will settle the debt later, after you have already used the ring and are unable to back out again~

...Come on Millie. You cannot be this stupid to have survived in hell for more than 60 minutes.
Furrynomous 2023/11/12 21:00:06 No.2347758
It would be neat for Sol to be a trap, but yeah it's obviously a chick.
Furrynomous 2023/11/14 07:13:17 No.2347882
Well, Jizoku's fans were stupid enough to fund him a fantastic life. Do you think they'll mind characters' lack-of-brains at all?
Furrynomous 2023/11/16 07:06:34 No.2348053
Of course they won't mind, they will be happy to see characters representing themselves!
Furrynomous 2023/11/16 07:07:27 No.2348054
Of course they won't mind, they will be happy to see characters representing themselves!
From a point of view. Name Hidden 2023/11/17 00:47:07 No.2348120
I love how these fanfics capture the lore of Helluvaboss and not rehash the episode plots in chapters.
Furrynomous 2023/11/22 01:15:56 No.2348561
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Furrynomous 2023/11/22 05:53:49 No.2348804
Only one page, from this month? :<
She knows Name Hidden 2023/11/23 01:21:18 No.2349416
Looks like they're in deep shit.
Furrynomous 2023/11/30 19:15:58 No.2351917
I hope Sol finally gets something good to happen to her. I like her.
Furrynomous 2023/12/22 04:01:20 No.2356244
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Furrynomous 2023/12/22 06:34:42 No.2356295
Damn, how convenient.
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 01:55:33 No.2356622
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Page 8 9 and 10 2023/12/23 08:26:10 No.2356657
I saw pages 8 9 and 10 in rule34 so I figured I'd save it before it gets taken down how do i share with you guys?
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 08:47:35 No.2356660
if upload doesnt work here, you can upload somewhere else and share a link

for those of you who didnt see the new pages they're on e-hentai
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 08:54:18 No.2356661
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Furrynomous 2023/12/23 08:57:51 No.2356664
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Furrynomous 2023/12/23 08:59:34 No.2356666
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Furrynomous 2023/12/24 00:36:50 No.2356804

Jizoku channeling all his readers in Panel Four.
So Sweet of Blitz Name Hidden 2023/12/24 01:24:50 No.2356808
Cant believe the love Hotel staff were so cruel to Sol! I feel her pain. How come no one is going to sue for civil rights violation?
So Sweet of Blitz Name Hidden 2023/12/24 01:25:38 No.2356809
Cant believe the love Hotel staff were so cruel to Sol! I feel her pain. How come no one is going to sue for civil rights violation?
Furrynomous 2023/12/24 10:27:48 No.2356853

Do they even have civil rights in hell?
Furrynomous 2023/12/24 19:42:47 No.2356916

hellhounds are pet, slaves, worker and so on. they repopulate so fast from beelzebubs drug parties to make the honey, so they dont have many rights (from lore)
Re:Civil Rights Name Hidden 2023/12/24 23:32:24 No.2356930
Cant believe the system in Hell treats Hellhounds like slaves. Probably Bel the Sin of Sloth is to blame! For the adoption centers.
Furrynomous 2023/12/26 03:42:35 No.2357068
It's actually Beez, the sin of Gluttony. Which you would have known, if you did any research, like watch the show...
Furrynomous 2023/12/28 14:47:29 No.2357359
It'll be fun to see Millie take her shot. Hopefully Sol gets to keep her job after this.
Furrynomous 2023/12/28 18:45:43 No.2357511
File: GCPRlBIXwAADI7q_u18chan.jpeg - (647.45kb, 2480x3508, GCPRlBIXwAADI7q.jpeg)
Pages 8 to 10 in high resolution
Furrynomous 2023/12/28 18:45:50 No.2357512
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Furrynomous 2023/12/28 18:46:03 No.2357513
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Furrynomous 2023/12/28 21:22:04 No.2357576
Love the Millie-disguised-as-Moxxie look. Does she have Moxxie's dick?
Furrynomous 2023/12/29 23:52:10 No.2358230
I like how she still stays feminine on gestures
✨ A Night With Loona 2 [ New Page ] [ By Jizoku ] ✨ Furrynomous 2024/01/14 20:32:54 No.2360753
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✨ A Night With Loona 2 [ New Page ] [ By Jizoku ] ✨ Furrynomous 2024/01/14 20:33:21 No.2360754
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Furrynomous 2024/01/15 15:11:14 No.2360957
Furrynomous 2024/01/15 18:06:18 No.2361020
You'd think with all those heighten senses, Loona would've known that was Millie.

Edited at 2024/01/15 18:08:49
Furrynomous 2024/01/15 22:32:23 No.2361049

It's still possible that could be that's where this is going and Loona is just playing along, only to later "confess" some bullshit but believable story about what went down.

This would deepen Millie's trust and keep her suspicions out of the picture potentially for good unless they fuck up again or if Sol's copy of the video footage leaks.

....I don't know if Loona is actually that smart but I'm wishful thinking because I only want the plot to go one of two ways: Either what I just described, or Millie finding out but being okay with it so that threesomes can ensue
Furrynomous 2024/01/16 00:21:17 No.2361061
thats not how entrapment works
Furrynomous 2024/01/16 09:30:56 No.2361229
It is the literal definition of entrapment.

Noun, formal
UK /ɪnˈtræp.mənt/ US /ɪnˈtræp.mənt/
The act of causing someone to do something they would not usually do by tricking them.

Millie is attempting to trick Loona into giving her information she wouldn't usually share, in regards to the police doing it, she's even dressing up as one might pose as a buyer to get the right information out of her target before bringing down the hammer once they incriminate themselves.
Furrynomous 2024/01/16 20:03:25 No.2361296
Entrapment is a legal defense, and justification for the action. police posing as a buyer for drugs is not entrapment, because that person was willing to sell drugs anyway, similarly if the police were to sell drugs and then arrest the buyer.

its that "would not normally do" bit. Loonas willingness to fuck mox is not being created by Millie dressing up as him.
Furrynomous 2024/01/17 14:48:21 No.2361622
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Furrynomous 2024/02/09 18:38:55 No.2363004
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Furrynomous 2024/02/09 18:39:01 No.2363005
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Furrynomous 2024/02/09 18:39:09 No.2363006
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Furrynomous 2024/03/12 05:21:31 No.2364556
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Furrynomous 2024/03/12 05:23:37 No.2364557
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Furrynomous 2024/03/12 05:25:43 No.2364558
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Furrynomous 2024/03/12 19:46:26 No.2364772

So this is how she gains sympathy and ends up forgiving him for cheating, probably ending up cheating herself and maybe leading to a threesome since they're both doing it anyway

Honestly a creative resolution, I like it
Furrynomous 2024/03/25 03:22:10 No.2367952
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Furrynomous 2024/03/25 12:53:48 No.2368020
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Furrynomous 2024/03/25 13:47:19 No.2368025
Interesting, at first I thought the magic disguise was simply an illusion that overlays your body to make you look like someone else on the surface. But instead it works on another level to that and it physically transforms you into that person inside and out.
Furrynomous 2024/03/29 07:12:48 No.2368585
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Furrynomous 2024/03/29 14:31:26 No.2368663

Low stakes bet: Loona already knows it's a disguise - maybe she could smell that it was Millie because she's a hellhound - and just wanted to sleep with Millie, too. Her being in Moxxie's body is just a plus.
Furrynomous 2024/03/29 21:28:08 No.2368703
That's a pretty safe bet tbh.
Furrynomous 2024/03/30 02:51:23 No.2368732
So, does Millie even care to find out if Moxxie cheated on her anymore?
Furrynomous 2024/03/30 12:08:29 No.2368788
With the whole mind swap thing going on I think she's going to stop caring by the end of it and they're all gunna become a thruple lol
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 02:58:55 No.2370503
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Furrynomous 2024/04/30 19:12:18 No.2372459
To whom it may concern, the delightful comic that is featured in this very thread has not ceased in its production. In fact I have it on the highest authority that an additional three pages have been completed and are ready for consumption by fans most enamored. I would hope there is an individual with privileged access and a generous heart that will provide this most exquisite of pages post haste!
Furrynomous 2024/04/30 19:15:30 No.2372461
Verily I doth say. Glad tidings hath warmed my ears upon news of additional pages being brought forth upon our lands. Shall we not bringeth them into the warmth? Or will think scoundrel and wastrels let them die upon the vine?
Furrynomous 2024/04/30 20:03:27 No.2372469
I still agree that somehow Loona knows...and at the end should millie try the "Aha gotcha!"..loona will smirk and say something along the lines of "do you really think a hellhound cant smell the diffference"
Furrynomous 2024/04/30 21:16:46 No.2372478
She smelled her and took the blindfold off. What a cop out.
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 02:40:03 No.2372838
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Furrynomous 2024/05/02 02:40:10 No.2372839
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Furrynomous 2024/05/02 02:40:20 No.2372840
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Furrynomous 2024/05/02 06:18:35 No.2372884
He-he-he-he!!! I knew it! I know she feels deceived!!
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 16:57:25 No.2373025
Well then this is retarded.
It made sense if the disguise both fooled Luna and made Millie so horny for Loona because OH SHIT MALE BRAIN or whatever, but now it's just Millie going 'Eh whatever I'll fuck Loona why not' when she was pissed off about Moxxie shagging her in the first place.
I get that it's porn but I mean c'mon use the plot you started on.
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 18:05:38 No.2373037
At the very least he could have had Millie take step back and then straight up ask if she fucked Moxxie, then make Loona demonstrate the things they did to fix her fomo. Then rub half the stamp off to get Millie with a dick, then fully off for lesbo stuff, then send pics to Moxxie to make him panic and confused.

One explanation could be Patreon’s new consent ToS, which would explain the asking to suck first. Doing the blindfolded deception thing could have been construed as noncon.

Idk, definitely a diversion from the initial setup.
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 18:37:37 No.2373045
I mean wow... On the one hand it's porn who gives a shit about the plot, but on the other hand what a phenomenal way to take the premise of your comic out behind the shed and massacre it in one fell swoop lmao.
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 19:42:15 No.2373053
The writing is as flat as the art style.
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 19:47:03 No.2373054
Wtf. All that setup and for what? You set it up perfectly just to scrap the payoff right at the end. That's just bizarre
Furrynomous 2024/05/03 01:04:53 No.2373153

Prediction: This is eventually going to turn into Loona getting fucked by two Moxxies at once
Furrynomous 2024/05/03 06:04:59 No.2373236
Loona showed no surprise at the size of the cock, so she should figure it out.

But yeah, admitting they both know really kills the mood
Furrynomous 2024/05/03 11:22:04 No.2373437
I'm guessing the artist was pussyfooting around *consent* and that's why he felt the need to have Loona say she knew. Lame.
Furrynomous 2024/05/03 11:50:54 No.2373439
Can’t have demons doing bad things in hell, this is a Christian Minecraft server!!!
Furrynomous 2024/05/04 04:31:03 No.2373588
I mean, would we survive the pearl-clutching if one of these demons uttered "Hecc"?
Furrynomous 2024/05/04 06:54:25 No.2373607
on the contrary I think it elevates the mood. Due to both Moxie and Millie now fucking their boss' daughter.

I think its a nice scripted way to engulf them both in the adultery crime, and Loona just rolls with it.

Like >>2373153 says it, Loona gonna get fucked by them both in the end at the same time.

Im just hoping it ends up with Loona getting knocked up and having a smol heckhound in the end.
Whos the father - who knows XD
Furrynomous 2024/05/04 19:41:59 No.2373673
Thoughts on Blitzo possibly seducing Luna's sister in one of these comics as well?
Scanon 2024/05/05 04:23:22 No.2373752
Blitzo is not so suited for that, due to him being the boytoy for Stolas. It feels abit too fringe from his character, especially with his daughters sister.

atleast for the vanilla crowd which is the main audience for this artist and comic, it will be very hard to imagine that in a storydriven smutcomic.
Furrynomous 2024/05/06 20:22:54 No.2374415
also... from the the way this played out, this doesnt 'prove' that moxxie cheated from millie's perspective.... Loona said she was able to tell it wasn't mox so for all she knows loona is into the idea of fooling around, just with having fun with millie AS moxxie which could be some kink thing....since to Loona's pov this could be something like 'Oh Millie and moxxie want to have some extra marital fun like a 3 way and wants to test the waters.'

Since theres no reason for Loona or mox to think Millie would suspect anything without any proof seeing they were careful and also went back to insulting each Loona probably doesn't think Millie would try this to find proof...
Furrynomous 2024/05/08 07:03:26 No.2375049
The story went from two lying cheaters and the mystery of ‘will they figure it out’ to simple vanilla consenting adults.
Consider the mood killed
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 00:24:45 No.2383069
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Furrynomous 2024/06/16 00:28:48 No.2383071
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Furrynomous 2024/06/16 00:29:11 No.2383072
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Furrynomous 2024/06/16 02:45:50 No.2383124
Oh, fucking hell Blitzø!
fco1991 2024/06/23 14:30:54 No.2385428
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Furrynomous 2024/06/24 00:59:21 No.2385506
Idk why, but that moment, looks very familiar.
The Pirate Raccoon 2024/06/26 15:47:38 No.2386168

Ahahahahah! yeah! it must to be a particular Jizoku's kink
Furrynomous 2024/07/08 13:47:33 No.2388845
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Furrynomous 2024/07/08 13:47:46 No.2388846
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Furrynomous 2024/07/26 21:33:40 No.2393506
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Furrynomous 2024/07/27 13:33:28 No.2393693
O.K. Call me a stupid, but I don't understand one thing: If Millie understood and accepted the fact, that her husband cheated on her with Loona, then why is she acting so stupid, in a sexual way? I mean, COME ON...! She already had a sexual affairб with that shark-like bastard, and she is not one, of the top ten humble demons. So WTF???
Furrynomous 2024/07/27 14:32:41 No.2393708

I mean she isn't sure yet. As Loona said: Millie got the disguise to trick her into admitting something happened, but she found out before the confirmation;

So for now Millie still only suspects but she doesn't have enough proof, and considering she's now fucking Loona herself, in the end it's a porn logic of "you can't be mad at Moxxie for fucking me because you also did the same";

Also Millie and Chaz didn't had an affair. He's both her and Moxxie's ex-boyfriend, and neither ended their relation with him in a good note (he basically left Moxxie to be arrested, that was when he first met Blitzo, and considering Millie's reaction to seeing Chaz again even before knowing what he did to Moxxie, doesn't seem their relation ended in a nice note neither)
Furrynomous 2024/07/28 00:30:34 No.2393775
but millie doesnt truly know or knows but doesnt have have any actual proof to proves she knows

as for screwing loona and being okay with it. besides porn story logic i think its do to the magical disguise and we dont know how it works. it doesnt seem to be a simple over the body illussion like with the robot zeta hologram.she got a functioning dick and is getting turned on by loona. could be she attracted and is freaked out by the situration and not thinking clearly. or the disguised reacts like moxxie would react do to magic mumbole jumbo and that why millie wants nothing more to bone loona.

since loona knows that its millie i see her making up some lie to cover for moxxie making millie horrible for thinking bad of her husband to score more time with moxxie. or cant hide and we get dram followed by angry make up three way sex.
Furrynomous 2024/08/05 03:02:20 No.2394953
Any new pages?
Furrynomous 2024/08/13 05:19:45 No.2397019
File: 32ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (7.69mb, 2480x3508, 32 ANWL 2 ENG.png)

Furrynomous 2024/08/13 05:19:54 No.2397020
File: 33ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (7.67mb, 2480x3508, 33 ANWL 2 ENG.png)
Furrynomous 2024/08/31 09:14:19 No.2400997
File: 34ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (5.95mb, 2480x3508, 34 ANWL 2 ENG.png)

Furrynomous 2024/08/31 09:30:03 No.2401000
YAY!!! Sol is wake up! =3
Furrynomous 2024/09/28 23:32:09 No.2406038
File: GYS7cPXXUAEr6ti_u18chan.jpeg - (736.02kb, 2480x3508, GYS7cPXXUAEr6ti.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2024/09/28 23:32:31 No.2406039
File: GYS7uQNXcAAQoa-_u18chan.jpeg - (820.63kb, 2480x3508, GYS7uQNXcAAQoa-.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2024/10/20 10:38:14 No.2411233
>"What if we erase this seal?"

OH! Does this mean we're actually gonna get some proper girl-on-girl action we these two now? Instead of Millie being in disguise the whole time?
Furrynomous 2024/10/20 23:09:25 No.2411301
What happened to all the other comments here? There was a bunch of them and now they're all gone.
Furrynomous 2024/10/20 23:10:41 No.2411302
What happened to all the other comments here? There was a bunch of them and now they're all gone.
Furrynomous 2024/10/20 23:43:53 No.2411303

I feel like you do deserve to know so at risk of starting another one of what I'm about to explain I'll do so anyway

At u18-chan heated arguments and mildly off-topic discussions are interpreted as flamewars so the mods often go on huge purge sprees, as it's easier to delete when in doubt than to analyze each individual case every single time. There's a scorched-earth policy here basically.
Furrynomous 2024/10/21 09:17:34 No.2411339
Or just discussion about the comic.

Any form of discussion gets banished to the discussion page where it then dies because having the content and the discussion on different pages just kills all discussion. I'm still unclear why discussion is removed when there's literally a fap mode to hide all discussion. It lets people see the content they want.

Ah well.
Furrynomous 2024/10/21 10:27:20 No.2411342
Mods are autistic.
Furrynomous 2024/10/21 12:33:09 No.2411352
All that arguing, and the thread STILL hasn't been updated with the latest pages
Furrynomous 2024/10/21 17:23:32 No.2411385
There are no new pages.
Furrynomous 2024/10/23 19:42:08 No.2411620
File: GakS_QvbkAAGGc-_u18chan.jpeg - (594.47kb, 2480x3508, GakS_QvbkAAGGc-.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/23 20:17:42 No.2411633
Ok, now this is getting interesting.
Furrynomous 2024/10/24 02:59:58 No.2411691
macroShow Less
File: More-jack-nicholson_u18chan.gif - (269.19kb, 220x175, More-jack-nicholson.gif)
Yeeesss! >:3
More please!
FurryFan 2024/10/24 17:54:36 No.2411908

I'm sure Moxxie will have a nice threesome with them. And Sol will watch them while masturbating. ;-)
YES 2024/10/24 18:53:47 No.2411941
I hope that Loona is still dripping from Millie's creampie earlier.
Furrynomous 2024/10/26 02:35:50 No.2412288
Is anyone going to post the 3 pages that are on the patreon?
Furrynomous 2024/10/26 15:13:34 No.2412418
There are no new pages.
Furrynomous # MOD # 2024/10/27 00:12:17 No.2412576
File: ANWL2_38_u18chan.jpg - (1.76mb, 2480x3508, ANWL2_38.jpg)
fco1991 2024/10/27 00:14:29 No.2412577
File: ANWL2_38_0_u18chan.jpg - (286.6kb, 1280x1811, ANWL2_38.jpg)
new page, lesbian accion
Furrynomous # MOD # 2024/10/27 00:37:34 No.2412580

Literally just posted the same page in better res above
Its canon now Name Hidden 2024/10/27 01:27:56 No.2412586
Loona is revealed to be Bisexual.
Furrynomous 2024/10/27 03:45:18 No.2412613
No shit Sherlock! It has long been known - from official sources - that she is bisexual.
Furrynomous 2024/10/27 14:18:38 No.2412729
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File: aqui_u18chan.jpg - (15.97kb, 196x208, aqui.jpg)
Furrynomous 2024/10/30 19:36:21 No.2413636
File: GbJKGdwbEAAbOUH_u18chan.jpeg - (727.55kb, 2480x3508, GbJKGdwbEAAbOUH.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2024/10/30 19:41:44 No.2413637
He's going to end up fucking Sol to, isn't he?
Furrynomous 2024/10/31 01:00:27 No.2413746

I don't care who fucks her I just want to see her naked
Furrynomous 2024/10/31 13:43:33 No.2413886

She just moved up my list, that is fkn adorable. Hopefully he fucks her lol
Furrynomous 2024/11/01 23:23:29 No.2414262
The latest Helluva Boss episode more or less laid the groundwork for this sort of comic to occur more often with Millie fucking off with Blitzo whilst Loona is keeping an eye on Moxxie.
FurryFan 2024/11/02 10:47:22 No.2414464
New pages yet?
Furrynomous 2024/11/02 12:58:36 No.2414500
Truly a case of instead of embracing fanon vibes, you run the opposite direction than the fans that have carried the fandom as the content trickles out slowly. (And I'm including the wider fanbase not just the purely nsfw stuff from the exceedingly horny show)

"Oh, you had a reasonable idea for how the dynamics and relationship hierarchy worked? What, based on what we depicted thus far? Dumbass. Now it's actually THIS!"
Baby ego writers.
I used to love the way Millie and Moxxie were depicted. Now it just feels like it's trying the hardest to make Moxxie as utterly pathetic and giving zero, and I mean zero, reasons why Millie should've been interested. Is Moxxie the only imp in all of hell that let's her peg him with a Chance XL dildo or something? What's even keeping them together? Millie could objectively do so much better.
Furrynomous 2024/11/03 06:10:39 No.2414937
Are you serious? Mox is hot (by the imps standarts), smart and classy. His father is somewhat a helluva boss himself (not a fucking clown with daddy issues)/ Chicks loves that type and from last episode we now know that Millie is actually very insecure about her Wrath origin and has low self esteem issues
Furrynomous 2024/11/03 13:45:18 No.2415086
Patreon is always 3 pages ahead, but nobody wants to be the one to leak it.
Furrynomous 2024/11/05 13:33:35 No.2415607
We've got small artists on here having their shit leaked but the one making $200k a year with thousands of patreon subs doesn't.

FurryFan 2024/11/09 12:13:05 No.2416332
So... any new pages yet?
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 00:19:33 No.2416476

You could probably count on your hands the number of "designated posters" on this site and most of them have oddly specific eclectic interests by nature of being the kind of person who would go on u18chan.

I'm actually unsurprised that one particular artist's popularity has little to do with whether they get leaked or not.
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 02:17:00 No.2416492
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File: 1731186363.kato777_11_0_u18chan.png - (2.76mb, 1555x2370, 1731186363.kato777_11.png)
Are you talking about Kato777? Because right now, he finished his animated porn project The Princess and the Wolf. Well... almost. Cuz as far as I know, The animated version is almost complete, but his own comic version is finished. Here is proof (however, it seems to me that this is more of an alpha-version of the project):
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 02:25:44 No.2416493
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 02:34:42 No.2416495
Not yet.
Woo-ho-ho! O///O Damn!
Well... it's really nice to know, these two are officially bisexual.
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 02:35:22 No.2416496

wow that's bad
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 02:52:28 No.2416499
Yeah... looks little bit raw. But now it makes me ask a question: how long Kato777 and Chochi been making this product? Since what year?
FurryFan 2024/11/10 12:01:08 No.2416605

Hey, I was just asking, so SHUT UP BITCH!!!

Edited at 2024/11/10 12:02:08
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 19:34:10 No.2416675
hmmmm any new pages yet?
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 21:49:11 No.2416690
If you want to know if there is new pages, check their patreon page. Don't bump the thread with aNy NeW pAgEs???

Stupid retarded asshole fuckhead.
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 23:08:30 No.2416702
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File: imagem_2024-11-11_020620463_u18chan.png - (85.51kb, 761x816, imagem_2024-11-11_020620463.png)

There's up to another 3 pages in Patreon, alongside what seems to be a bonus picture with Sol;

Also don't be such a douchewaffle, if people want to ask about new pages, as lomg it's not necro'ing a months-old thread for that, it's fine, and even then don't act all "JUST LOOK UP! GOD YOU'RE ANNOYING, SHUT UP!"

It's not people asking who are annoying, it's condescending douches like you
Furrynomous 2024/11/10 23:31:19 No.2416706
You need to tag non comic images with "macro", dipshit.
Furrynomous 2024/11/11 09:27:28 No.2416812
What's wrong with necroing months old threads? It's still better than making a new thread to ask for the same comic.
Furrynomous 2024/11/11 09:28:07 No.2416814
What's wrong with necroing months old threads? It's still better than making a new thread to ask for the same comic.
FurryFan 2024/11/11 10:49:46 No.2416825

Go choke on the corndog you stupid asshole! People have the right to ask questions, if you don't like it, then FUCK OFF!!!

Edited at 2024/11/11 10:51:40
Furrynomous 2024/11/11 17:56:13 No.2416869
Not if the questions are stupid.
Furrynomous 2024/11/11 21:07:52 No.2416889
Eh, when the questions are people begging for someone to post pages but don't even say thanks? Well, it's no wonder nobody posts them.
FurryFan 2024/11/11 22:14:03 No.2416893

You're stupid.


This is the free porn website, and you don't know it?? I'm sure people here are very thankful for this website to post free comics and pic without paying.
Furrynomous 2024/11/12 11:41:32 No.2416963
It's a porn theft website, don't get it twisted.
Bear 2024/11/17 04:10:29 No.2417568
File: IMG_9995_u18chan.jpeg - (218.1kb, 1448x2048, IMG_9995.jpeg)
Got some lewd Sol
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 04:31:49 No.2417569
OH my!!! :3
For the homeless hellhound, her body looks very attractive. =3
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 05:50:36 No.2417571
She's a cutie. ^_^ Here's hoping she gets some action and affection. Maybe with Loona, even.
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 08:23:50 No.2417583
>Id 7
>Id 7
>Id 7
This board is shit
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 13:45:07 No.2417612
Yeah and it's pretty inconsistent to. Some days it works okay and people can post images here just fine, and others you have to try several times just to get one image to post.
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 14:03:29 No.2417613
Please more Naked SOL im love her
Bear 2024/11/17 14:17:28 No.2417615
Oh yeah I wanna see her pussy.
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 16:27:04 No.2417628
FurryFan 2024/11/17 16:37:19 No.2417630

Thank you! But where's page 40?
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 16:51:02 No.2417631

didnt saw back enough
here it is
FurryFan 2024/11/17 16:57:41 No.2417632

Thanks again! :)
Furrynomous 2024/11/17 18:00:27 No.2417641

Fucking cute as fuck. Hoping Moxxie get to have both of them.
Furrynomous 2024/11/19 20:50:44 No.2417879
File: 3a68cb4dacd80fc23b740dcfd42a158c_u18chan.jpg - (168.59kb, 850x1202, 3a68cb4dacd80fc23b740dcfd42a158c.jpg)
Here you go. A New Page.
Furrynomous 2024/11/19 22:53:53 No.2417887
My, oh my...! It's getting hot here. :D
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 06:39:27 No.2417909
Actual last page
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 11:24:28 No.2417949
Wait... what happening to page 41 and 42 ?
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 18:55:46 No.2418064
File: Gcqb9b7boAAgNlL_u18chan.jpeg - (687.34kb, 2480x3508, Gcqb9b7boAAgNlL.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2024/11/20 18:56:04 No.2418065
File: 41ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (8.71mb, 2480x3508, 41 ANWL 2 ENG.png)
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 18:56:26 No.2418066
File: 42ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (7.97mb, 2480x3508, 42 ANWL 2 ENG.png)
Furrynomous 2024/11/20 18:59:13 No.2418067
File: 43ANWL2ENG_0_u18chan.png - (7.09mb, 2480x3508, 43 ANWL 2 ENG.png)

Furrynomous 2024/11/21 00:30:33 No.2418222
Oh my god, YEEEESSS!!! *w*
Thank you, kind sir furranon.
Furrynomous 2024/11/21 15:19:16 No.2418596
Loona had better magic herself up a cock.
Furrynomous 2024/11/21 15:57:19 No.2418607
macroShow Less
File: robocop-id-buy-that-for-a-dollar_u18chan.gif - (1.1mb, 498x346, robocop-id-buy-that-for-a-dollar.gif)
Hohohoha! I buy that for a dollar!
Furrynomous 2024/11/24 20:15:33 No.2419756
File: 44ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (7.32mb, 2480x3508, 44 ANWL 2 ENG.png)

FurryFan 2024/12/05 17:24:31 No.2422517
I think there's some new pages.
Furrynomous 2024/12/15 12:44:15 No.2423288
File: 45ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.18mb, 2480x3508, 45 ANWL 2 ENG.png)
FurryFan 2024/12/24 17:21:24 No.2426564
New page is out. :-)
FurryFan 2024/12/28 08:39:10 No.2427194
Another new page is out today. Can someone please post these new pages?
Furrynomous 2024/12/28 19:46:12 No.2427285
File: 46ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.4mb, 2480x3508, 46+ANWL+2+ENG.png)
Furrynomous 2024/12/28 19:48:38 No.2427286
File: 47ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.48mb, 2480x3508, 47+ANWL+2+ENG.png)
There we go.
Furrynomous 2024/12/30 16:28:49 No.2427586
File: 48ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.45mb, 2480x3508, 48+ANWL+2+ENG.png)
FurryFan 2025/01/23 17:38:42 No.2435259
New page is out. :-)
FurryFan 2025/01/25 18:37:03 No.2436329
Two new pages are out this week.
Furrynomous 2025/01/26 01:42:13 No.2436425
File: 49ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.25mb, 2480x3508, 49ANWL2ENG.png)

Now, will Millie still try to kill them? Or the whole "well now we both fucked Loona so it cancels it out" will kick in?
Furrynomous 2025/01/26 01:43:25 No.2436426
File: 50ANWL2ENG_0_u18chan.png - (6.15mb, 2480x3508, 50ANWL2ENG.png)
Furrynomous 2025/01/26 09:31:30 No.2436598
Hahaha. It. Just. Brilliant.
She brought a video of Moxxie fucking Loona, right after Millie fucked Loona. Well, who now cheating?
Bear 2025/01/26 12:28:31 No.2436679
Well I suppose if this breaks out into a fight Blitz will be very conflicted considering now co worker and daughter are butt ass naked. Probably at least covering half his face.
Furrynomous 2025/01/26 16:43:15 No.2436733

Tbf he's watching porn on the living room loud and without a care in the world so...
Furrynomous 2025/01/26 17:14:58 No.2436743
Sol is fkn precious
Bear 2025/01/26 17:48:14 No.2436753
Yeah but I mean when Millie freaks out and goes “I’M GUNNA KILL YA’LL!!!!” Theres going to be a literal fight and two naked women out in the open.
Furrynomous 2025/01/27 10:13:38 No.2436862
Most likely, they both agreed to fuck Loona, since they both enjoyed it.
The hell? It's literally hell. What is the point of any prejudices or limitations here?
FurryFan 2025/01/29 16:37:36 No.2437366
New page is out :-)
Furrynomous 2025/01/30 09:21:03 No.2437534
File: 51ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.15mb, 2480x3508, 51+ANWL+2+ENG.png)

Furrynomous 2025/01/30 12:09:32 No.2437630
Furrynomous 2025/01/30 13:18:28 No.2437669
Dear God, please let this lead to Sol getting some action to. I want to see this adorable pupper get fucked so bad.
Furrynomous 2025/01/30 15:35:10 No.2437716
We haven't even seen her naked yet I think.
Furrynomous 2025/01/30 15:40:42 No.2437717
How I'm hoping it ends:
Either Moxxie gets his balls drained by all 3 of them, or...
Millie uses the illusion again and both her and Moxxie take turns fucking both of the hellhound girls
Furrynomous 2025/01/30 16:25:30 No.2437734
File: noise-tv_u18chan.gif - (6.79kb, 200x193, noise-tv.gif)
I want to see it...!
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 01:30:52 No.2437828

Imagine trying to appear threatening and serious meanwhile you're just standing there naked
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 21:31:04 No.2438044

Millie can and will fuck anyone up regardless of how clothed she is. She is an extremely capable and violent killer.
Furrynomous 2025/02/24 07:26:11 No.2445530
File: 52ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.42mb, 2480x3508, 52+ANWL+2+ENG.png)

Furrynomous 2025/02/24 12:42:53 No.2445601
Oh, shit...! 0_0"
Furrynomous 2025/02/24 13:42:05 No.2445616

"You are only confirming my suspicions Loona"

Is she still trying to morally high-road after ALSO fucking her? Not to mention tricking her by shape-shifting.
Bear 2025/02/24 19:12:33 No.2445709
Hehe. Pussies everywhere.
Furrynomous 2025/02/24 22:43:40 No.2445758
Smoldog hides!
But Smoldog watches in case of sexy-fight...
Furrynomous 2025/02/25 18:10:30 No.2446054
File: 53ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (4.94mb, 2480x3508, 53+ANWL+2+ENG.png)

Furrynomous 2025/02/26 03:53:08 No.2446190
Place your bets folks - will Millie pounce Sol, or will Loona grab her tail and pull her back for some naked wraslin?
Furrynomous 2025/02/26 07:45:06 No.2446231
The situation, is getting out of control! Blitzø, Moxxie ---- DO SOMETHING!!! 0___0"
Furrynomous 2025/02/26 09:42:21 No.2446254
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 18:57:05 No.2446597
File: 54ANWL2ENG_u18chan.png - (6.52mb, 2480x3508, 54+ANWL+2+ENG.png)
FurryFan 2025/02/27 21:41:14 No.2446637

Jeez, Millie is pissed about Loona sleeping with her husband after they had lesbian sex? Why can they just have a threesome and get on with it.

Edited at 2025/02/27 21:43:43
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 21:58:27 No.2446644

threesome? dont leave Sol outta this, she looking mad good.

FurryFan 2025/02/27 22:13:59 No.2446651

I know she's there, but I don't know if Jizoku will let Sol get on the hot action, maybe she'll watch the hot action, I guess? And yeah, she's still hot.
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 01:12:18 No.2446755

The only solution to fix what Loona did and Millie did is let Sol get railed by Vortex on film while everyone watches.
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 10:17:44 No.2446822
By furry logic, there's only one of two ways this settles out:
1. They all have a giant orgy and settle into a new life of fucking each other and having a grand ol' time for our enjoyment.
2. The comic devolves into three full issues of drama and fighting, where nobody (least of all the viewers) are happy, and it takes 6 years of slow-drip pages to resolve.
2a. Halfway through chapter 3/4, the artist experiences a health problem/psychotic break/prison sentence/"drive failure" and vanishes from the fandom, never again to be heard from.

Edited at 2025/02/28 10:21:35
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 14:25:56 No.2446888

I like Option 2 and 2a
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 00:32:20 No.2446982
Option 2 is what we call "The 'ol Jackaloo"
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 01:23:57 No.2446993
Option 3: Sol brought the wrong usb drive and the original video is still at the motel. She did say she has bad luck and says inconvenient things at inconvenient times
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 20:57:32 No.2447385

Edited at 2025/03/01 23:47:54
Furrynomous 2025/03/09 20:46:49 No.2449892

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