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File: risky_reindeer_two01_u18chan.jpg - (3.51mb, 2588x3375, risky_reindeer_two01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:25:58 No.2350383   
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 1 is
under the name: A Reindeer's Revelry

By Kadath
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:28:51 No.2350385
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:29:06 No.2350386
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:36:48 No.2350388
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:37:08 No.2350389
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:37:34 No.2350390
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:38:48 No.2350391
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:39:05 No.2350392
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:40:04 No.2350393
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 TheSmartHyena 2023/11/24 05:40:12 No.2350394
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Furrynomous 2023/11/24 08:25:24 No.2350621

Why the fuck is Kadath drawing/writing her like she's chronically depressed? How is that sexy?
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 16:44:26 No.2350871

I feel he tried to do her like indifferent (kinda like Meesh's Clara) but it's Kadath we're talking about, and he can't write proper characters to save his life
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 20:41:57 No.2350980

The only difference is, Clara is actually interesting AND hot.
Furrynomous 2023/11/24 23:01:48 No.2351006

Like I said, Kadath can't write proper characters to save his life. They're as bidimensional and boring as anything
Safety First Name Hidden 2023/11/25 01:53:29 No.2351035
I'm actually glad the nurse cared about the girl's safety by providing condoms.
Furrynomous 2023/11/25 16:11:46 No.2351375
Wonder if the credit card fuck technique will come back in this one
Furrynomous 2023/12/02 19:21:47 No.2352092
Anyone got the new pages?
Furrynomous 2023/12/13 15:54:57 No.2352909
Jeez, this is so far behind its cringe. And pitiful.
Furrynomous 2023/12/13 17:28:51 No.2352915
I don't believe Kadeth has ever had sex or experienced a condom.
Furrynomous 2023/12/13 18:17:29 No.2352923
I wonder how many porn artists that's actually the case for....
Furrynomous 2023/12/14 00:42:09 No.2352943

You are more correct than you may realize. Let's just say there's a reason he has a giant cuck fetish where he's never the one getting any action and only watching other men screw "his" girlfriend.
Furrynomous 2023/12/14 01:37:48 No.2352946
Not to burst anyones bubble, but im pretty sure the dudes had sex. Him and his gf/wife have discussed it b4 openly and some of the stuff they do/have done, though in a very sfw and non detailed manner. That said, seems a bit personal doesnt it >_>? By all means critique his art for better or worse. I personally think his quality is hit or miss. Sometimes good, other times poor. And I can't stand his cuck shit. But kinda seems low to go after his personal life even if you dont like his fetishes. He's not a terrible person albeit a bit whingy
Furrynomous 2023/12/14 02:02:12 No.2352949

That's a good point. Too many people here playing armchair psychologist. I'm just here to jack off. Sometimes his work slaps, sometimes it misses: usually around the dialogue and what looks like an overreliance on an anime style/anime expressions (I think eltonpot is the gold standard for expressions) and the cuck shit is a turnoff for me. That being said I don't want to dig into Kadath's psychology. He either draws something hot that I'm into or he doesn't. I don't feel the need to pick his brain for reasonings.
Furrynomous 2023/12/14 09:45:24 No.2352969
Is it just me? Or does kads work seem more lively whenever they do art and comics involving cuck related stuff?
Furrynomous 2023/12/14 09:46:01 No.2352970
Is it just me? Or does kads work seem more lively whenever they do art and comics involving cuck related stuff?
Furrynomous 2023/12/14 10:27:24 No.2352972
Possibly, though I'm liking this one in this thread so far. But yea, i know when I am into what im drawing, i usually tend to do a better job at it or put more thought into it. Shame I just find cuck stuff fuggin gross
Furrynomous 2023/12/15 15:36:31 No.2353116

Tends to miss a lot, and his art style has gotten "betterish"(let's be honest his older works show miles more care and detail than here), everything fell off after his previous relationship including himself, don't need to be a psychologist to be paying attention. He is like the current-day Idubz of the furry art world, successful but very divisive and meek. As an artist myself I know all the short cuts he is taking and he has a reeeeeeeeeeaallly bad problem with anatomy/proportions. I wish he would get over the cuck shit, get better with writing instead of trying to be quipy and funny at times. The best example of his bad writing is his main squeeze ship of night and kad-I mean Patrick. "They just love each other." that is very lame, but what ever, the less cuck stuff the more palatable his work is despite the artistic shortcomings and writing all it takes is just a bit of a read-over and some thought. It's not a lot of work, but for kad its hard work. But then again he is successful so all he has to do is put something out, doesn't need to be much.


He started to pick up on it after his previous relationship and his fans became divided on his path choice, art, writing, stories, and even his demeanor changed. I used to watch Kadath and liked his older stuff and still do, but when he changed to what he does now I stopped watching him, it's obvious what happened to him and after that, the guy soon figured out the modern solution to gaining fame was "quantity over quality," its porn, it doesn't need a lot of effort put into it, but I do appreciate it when people do, but kad seems to have lost that appreciation from a lot of people. As for the cuck stuff get rid of it, it sucks.
Furrynomous 2023/12/15 22:03:44 No.2353451
Well? Anything yet?
Furrynomous 2023/12/18 21:21:39 No.2354976
Pages 11-14 are out. Does anyone have them?
Furrynomous 2023/12/19 00:57:05 No.2355045

out of curiosity, what are the shortcuts he's using? I'm actually interesting to learn how it leads to a decline in quality.
Furrynomous 2023/12/19 14:52:40 No.2355315

>what are the shortcuts he's using

Being a lazy fuck.
Furrynomous 2023/12/19 15:42:52 No.2355324

obviously, but how is he being lazy? Specifically so I can avoid the same pitfalls.
Furrynomous 2023/12/20 08:26:14 No.2355569

Fudging perspective, sloppy anatomy, failure to account for physics/body weight, THE FUCKING SIDE MOUTHS...
fco1991 2023/12/20 22:01:57 No.2355864
previewShow Less
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The pages are now available on Kadath's patreon
fco1991 2023/12/20 22:02:14 No.2355865
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fco1991 2023/12/20 22:02:34 No.2355866
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Furrynomous 2023/12/20 22:04:06 No.2355868
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The pages are now available on Kadath's patreon
Furrynomous 2023/12/20 22:04:22 No.2355869
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Furrynomous 2023/12/21 01:39:07 No.2355908

U18 is having problems with the site, but the shortcuts he uses are not just a simplification of style, the first and biggest thing is thick lines, thick lines require less precision and cover up a lot of detail, lines can accentuate and have detail, so the use of thick lines pretty much makes it easy to produce art quickly, another is his lack of sketch prep, in instances I have seen some of his work in progress images he blurts out an unrefined mess of an image and quickly gets to the main line works, its not a bad thing, but it shows in his very poor anatomy and proportion works, female characters have very broad shoulders and often disproportion heads and very long arms. Another is more or less the oversimplification, his style has gotten "better" but it was much worse back then, I still think it's still bad. The best example I can point out that is just really odd is the side view of the characters and how their faces have no definition and are just two squares put together, which comes back to other thick line use which further translates to line quality. Another but less egregious one is the use of 3D assets for background stuff. Now all of this would be fine and okay because in the process of making a comic, you draw what is needed, not what it's always wanted, but this goes for his single images as well. Its surprising that he has improved over time, but the biggest problem is when he makes these shortcuts the anatomy is all wonky, the faces and definitions are jarring, and don't fit, their necks are long af, the torso is stumpy and squat. But I will say that the current style kad has picked has gotten better, he stifles himself as the guy has mastered the way of producing content fast and it comes at a price, but as said before, its porn, so why does it matter if it doesn't for him. Also forgot to mention with the 3D assets stuff, if you are interested and want to know Clip Studio, the program I use allows the use of 3D objects you can pose and place in the art and even convert them to lines and tones. I use it myself, even making my own 3d stuff at times and it's a time saver, so with given Kadath's style and poor anatomy and prep, am very sure that he uses 3d assets as well, but it's not something to criticize, my main issue is his poor anatomy, his writing is getting tolerable, but one thing at a time. The point is he is mostly doing it as a means to an end, he doesn't care, there are ways to make quality works and stuff produce something, but it takes time and work to figure that out, going back to drawing what is needed and not always what is wanted. Its ok to go simplistic, the problem is not caring, not putting care, Kadath seems to not care along as people like it, he is fine with it. There are many artist that go simple because they must keep up, Its understandable, but when those artist do go simple, you can actually see and even feel the care and artistic knowledge and experience behind the work. Kadath just figured out to produce something passable and eventually made it more appealing over time. To take anything from all this, just give a shit about what you do, don't need to go sicko mode on everything you do, it's like if someone gives you an easy job to do, just put 100% into the one job, not everyone will care but those that do notice will notice and so will you.
Furrynomous 2023/12/21 09:55:09 No.2356033
I'll be perfectly honest here, and call me what you will..... but im not reading that.
Furrynomous 2023/12/21 10:01:52 No.2356035
line breaks, do you use them
Furrynomous 2023/12/21 13:48:16 No.2356104
Life hack, use a Text to speech extension, get something else to do the reading for you.
Furrynomous 2023/12/21 15:03:04 No.2356113

Fascinating, thanks for the response. I can forgive the rest as time saving measures, but I do see a lack of passion in his work.
Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 quiet_ambassador 2023/12/23 13:43:54 No.2356701
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 quiet_ambassador 2023/12/23 13:46:23 No.2356702
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 quiet_ambassador 2023/12/23 13:46:39 No.2356703
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 quiet_ambassador 2023/12/23 13:46:56 No.2356704
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 quiet_ambassador 2023/12/23 13:47:55 No.2356705
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Furrynomous 2023/12/23 15:09:05 No.2356707
This writing is the equivalent of eating razor blades.
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 22:57:33 No.2356795
I don't know why people expect a "literary work" when they see a porn comic by Kadath, it's just furro porn, calm down friends, Kadath doesn't even care about that.
It gets annoying to see post after post of people crying.
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 23:51:50 No.2356798

finally someone gets it. It's not "Tounge punch my fart box" levels of bad writing. It's passable dialogue and I'm here to jack off to the pictures. It could be better but it's nowhere close to the worst thing I read.

Edited at 2023/12/23 23:53:01
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 23:55:49 No.2356799
Guy can't take criticism and will just block and ignore you or his stans will come to his defense, literally no other place to give criticism even if it's warranted, especially on e6. Besides, I'll take this over his cuck stuff anyway, or anything to do with Pat and Nightshade, even if it's not cuck stuff.
Furrynomous 2023/12/25 02:19:24 No.2356942
Yeah I’ll take this comic over ANYTHING with night pat or Markus cuz we all know where it will head the second we see any of those characters! Plus this isn’t cuck crap so that automatically makes it better than most stuff he does
Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 quiet_ambassador 2024/01/07 17:25:43 No.2359481
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Risky Reindeer Games: Part 2 quiet_ambassador 2024/01/19 20:34:32 No.2361835
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fco1991 2024/02/12 20:02:01 No.2363354
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the page is ready
"Why am I doing this to myself?" Name Hidden 2024/02/15 01:06:08 No.2363539
Because u nurse are an idiot and dont know how to actually tell your feelings to the guy.
fco1991 2024/02/15 12:59:43 No.2363592
the first page the Risky Reindeer Games: Part 3 is ready in the patreon
thestockportchubby1986 2024/03/04 14:22:54 No.2364325
You're welcome
Furrynomous 2024/03/04 16:40:30 No.2364329
can you do HD part 1 & 2 in zip?
thestockportchubby1986 2024/03/04 17:00:12 No.2364330

You're welcome

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