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File: -_____-___-__ITS_A_MOM_-_OFF_-_PAGE_00_-_BY_JAY_NAYLOR__-___-_____-_u18chan.jpg - (2.59mb, 2178x3366, -_____-___-__IT'S_A_MOM_-_OFF!_-_PAGE_00_-_BY_JAY_NAYLOR__-___-_____-.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2023/12/15 18:22:49 No.2353318   

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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2023/12/15 18:23:16 No.2353320
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Furrynomous 2023/12/15 19:32:08 No.2353384
seriously, dude, where the fuck are you saving these images if they're giving you those unnecessarily long filenames
Furrynomous 2023/12/15 20:44:03 No.2353432
Chinese and Italian is good but you need something that will give you stamina and not hold you back.
Furrynomous 2023/12/15 20:59:20 No.2353439

I didn't really understand what they meant by "Chinese or Italian" :(
Furrynomous 2023/12/15 23:11:13 No.2353496

Sounds like you want Italian then; the carbs from the pasta should provide long-term energy
Furrynomous 2023/12/19 10:19:09 No.2355217
Jaylor has hit a new level with this weird mommy & impregnation stuff.. buckle up..
Furrynomous 2023/12/19 17:48:42 No.2355344
Aren't these two technically a cheating couple? I remember she was married and got knocked up cheating with him
Furrynomous 2023/12/22 14:07:21 No.2356436

Food, either chinese food or italian one


Not really. They used to date a long time ago but she dumped him for a buff dude, so Priscilla (the dominatrix poodle woman) approached him and got him into the whole crossdressing thing;

So the buff guy she dumped Mikey to be with dumped her to be with Mikey, Penelope approached her with a similar proposal, Priscilla got into the whole "risky fucking around" thing, and her and Mikey met eachother again and rekindled their relationship under their new dynamic;

If you mean that image of the dog guy confused: that's not her husband, it's just one of her many partners, just confused how a dog could have a cat baby (since most of her other partners are all dogs, hence why in the first page only one of her kids is a cat (the one with Mikey)

Edited at 2023/12/22 14:08:18
Furrynomous 2023/12/22 14:23:10 No.2356442
I don't suppose there's a wiki for all this info?
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 02:17:44 No.2356625
and being a "Stud" doesn't make you more virile.
Furrynomous 2023/12/23 07:08:15 No.2356643
I'm not one to polish chad knob, but scientifically speaking... yes, being a stud does make you more virile. There's a direct relationship between too much body fat percentage vs muscle and testosterone levels + sperm health.

Skinny-fat men and fat men are not going to have the full payload ~most~ of the time. Add into that the fact that most people are overfed but undernourished. Chad McEatsRight who gets enough zinc and magnesium is going to squirt far more healthy jizz than Tubs McNuggies. Say that as a Tubs McNuggies myself.
Furrynomous 2023/12/24 07:46:57 No.2356831
Really wish Naylor just went back to the Cottonwine universe to do Mouse Farm instead. If we're going to have another stupid nonsensical story, at least be a little more earnest in how shallow the premise will be.

Edited at 2023/12/24 07:48:50
Furrynomous 2023/12/26 05:00:14 No.2357076
He probably has trouble maintaining an interest in the Cottonwine universe, because it's harder for the Cottonwine characters to agonize over how being even slightly kinky means they're forever barred from functional relationships. Underlying everything else, Jay's true fetish seems to be kinkshaming himself via his characters. Even when they're having a great time sleeping around and getting into sexy shenanigans, there's always this undercurrent of "it's a good thing I'm enjoying getting all this action, because it's not like I'll ever be 'normal' enough to form a meaningful emotional connection with another person." (Yet somehow Fisk can casually murder people and seem emotionally stable enough to maintain a perfectly healthy marriage and family life.)

The subtlety varies, but it comes up more and more as he's gotten into more openly-kinky content with the Better Days/Original Life-universe characters. "Oh, woe is me, I need to be dominated to get off, but I'm cursed to live in a world where anyone who could dominate me is either an abusive psychopath or not interested in a relationship." "Oh no, I find someone other than my current partner attractive, my relationship is over because I can't just have a quiet wank about it and keep it to myself until it passes like people do in the real world."

As someone who's followed Naylor's stuff for way too long (because most of it's still hot, the awful writing aside), I think the only time in recent memory that a kinky relationship wasn't portrayed as an abusive mess was the last Persia/Flounce comic, where they've actually got a pretty healthy cuckold arrangement -- and even then, the point of the comic is that their bull is miserable because he wants someone who cares about him like Persia cares about Flounce, and for some inexplicable reason he can't break things off with the two of them and find that person. And even then, that's still pretty shitty, but my point is that that's as good as kinky people really get to have it in the Naylorverse.

I get that emotional conflict creates drama which in turn creates plot, but Jay's issues with kink remind me of that episode of the Simpsons where Marge finds the Chanel suit and keeps altering it to disguise the fact that it's just the same one over and over. You gotta wonder when it's gonna fall apart entirely.
Furrynomous 2023/12/28 03:24:45 No.2357277
You know, it's troubling that the only non-kink functioning relationship in is Fisk and Elizabeth Black. Maybe that's why Jay doesn't draw those two as much as he use to in the past. As for Persia and Flounce, I'm fine with it despite how miserable the bull is because of of their relationship. Maybe like practically all of the other characters in Naylor's work, he's a slave for the sexually thrill that it overrides his urgency to start a real relationship.
Furrynomous 2023/12/28 22:04:08 No.2357599

Blame it more on the people who support him on Patreon. He had a option to finish Mistress Theresa's Guide, who's set on the Cottonwine Universe, but people voted for this one instead


I don't think it's that deep. He also didn't used Lucy and Tommy (Fisk's sister and her husband) for a while besides some solo illustrations. I feel the reason is more the same why he ended the whole 'Original Life' project after a few pages on that five-years timeskip: he doesn't want to force himself to write something he don't really have an idea for;

Doubt they got dropped entirely, it's just that he wants to focus more on Brooke's university, Priscilla's "society" and adjacents and the Nudist Beach settings for now, and also Cottonwine. Fisk's family and friends were a pretty big focus, so I feel for now he wants to give more attention to other parts of his 'world';

I don't think he got in a whole "kinky relationships are a punishment I inflict to myself". Besides the 'bull' in Marital Aid, everyone's fine with it, they don't act like it's such a big deal like you're saying. Also remember: he used to be way more over the top back in the 90's. He had a lot of arts involving gore and guns, "Better Days" had things like Fisk wanting to give pork brainss because he read a story in the Bible, losing his virginity to a girl who had a obvious abusive father who was also pretty much a stereotypical terrorist (both while he was still a kid), and the more "tame" thing was Fisk and Lucy's incestuous relationship;

That without counting things like Rachel originally literally being fucked to death in a public bathroom, with him only changing that years later by retconning it to her actually being found fine, but arrested for public indecency and spending years in prison. So yeah he used to be much worst
Furrynomous 2023/12/28 23:42:39 No.2357628
Still doesn't change the fact that Naylor is a terrible writer who can't even write a normal sfw storyline with children even when he tried to age them up five years after the original run. Yeah he stopped being extreme and stupid over the years with his art and comics, but that doesn't change the fact he still uses his nonsense tropes and tastes to tell a story. Of course Marital Aid sticks out. It's the only healthy-ish kinky relationships with a sensical story that he's ever written. It's still has his typical Naylorism in it, but it's close.

And no. I'm still going to blame him on those Patreon polls because he should already know not to put legacy characters in them considering how his old fans are still obsessed with them, especially with how he could've fleshed some of those Brooke characters like Bruno finding a new dom or on whatever happened to Kaori after she dropped out of college. The guy needs to start choosing on which porn story he wants to develop himself rather than putting them on a voting poll and risk throwing away the losers after a winner is chosen.
Furrynomous 2024/01/02 02:16:29 No.2359364
I don't mind Persia and Flounce's relationship in of itself -- my comment about it being shitty is more a criticism that neither of them can be bothered to check in with the bull to see if he's okay. I was referring to how it suggests that Jay can't bring himself to write about a kinky relationship unless it's making someone miserable.

To be fair, I'm pretty certain that dark ending for Rachel was never intended to be serious. If I recall correctly, at the time it was just a spiteful response to fans who wouldn't shut up about wanting to see more of her in increasingly-extreme situations. (But I could be wrong.) Maybe I'm confusing him with someone else, but I vaguely recall him joking about Rachel fucking someone in a car going off a cliff, and I think he actually drew a sketch of the car launched off into the void, maybe as an April Fool's joke. But, again, maybe I'm thinking someone else -- that's a bit that I know multiple artists have done over the years.

And I don't think he's intentionally leaning into a 'self-punishing vibe' with his characters. I acknowledge he doesn't go as hard into that as he used to (meaning the characters don't literally monologue about it as much), but it was a major focus in his earlier incest-oriented stuff with Sissy and Lynne in addition to it being a recurring theme with Rachel. And even now, there are a lot of "Why can't I just be 'normal'" moments in his recent, more character-focused stories with Brooke, Trixie, and even Aron.

To be clear, my point is that I think Naylor's doing it subconsciously, due to actual psychological issues with kink and shame that he needs to work out with a therapist. Not that he'd ever get any sort of help -- as a dedicated Libertarian, as long as he's making money off of his art then nothing can ever be wrong with it or the underlying issues fueling it -- but he needs some sort of counseling to learn that someone can be kinky and emotionally-healthy. (And my issues with him aside, I do sincerely hope that one day he gets over himself enough to seek out such help.)
It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/01/06 19:18:27 No.2359442
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/01/06 19:18:39 No.2359443
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/01/06 19:18:48 No.2359444
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/01/06 19:18:58 No.2359445
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/01/06 19:19:07 No.2359446
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/01/06 19:20:17 No.2359447
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Furrynomous 2024/01/11 16:40:36 No.2360224
Why is Jay so blatantly biased in favor of his felid/feline characters?
Furrynomous 2024/01/11 17:44:19 No.2360228
Furrynomous 2024/01/11 21:42:02 No.2360254
Oh please, if I never have to see another male canine female feline pairing in any porn archive again from this day forward it will still have been long long long overdue.
Furrynomous 2024/01/13 03:46:05 No.2360444

>"Exceptional male" is literally just a neckbeard
Furrynomous 2024/01/13 08:04:18 No.2360500
I would prefer this if they were all railing the fuck out of Mikey.
I want Jay to go back to experimenting with trap characters.
Furrynomous 2024/01/13 08:05:24 No.2360501
I would prefer this if they were all railing the fuck out of Mikey.
I want Jay to go back to experimenting with trap characters.
Furrynomous 2024/01/13 11:22:48 No.2360512
I love it when 'murricans try to understand my culture and fail miserably. Like, first of all it's riserva, not riseva, and second you wouldn't have red wine with chicken, especially when the poor bird has been polluted with parmesan...
Furrynomous 2024/01/14 03:28:53 No.2360612

Maybe that's the joke? The joke being that the character ordering that is an uncultured swine with no taste and whose only value is the cum in his balls?
Furrynomous 2024/01/14 12:37:02 No.2360708

I love this joke though. It's statistically true that there's probably some anti-social basement dweller out there that has an absolutely huge dick. Charisma has no bearing on your genitals.
Furrynomous 2024/01/14 13:17:29 No.2360713
What, you suggest a white wine with tomato chicken cheese pasta dish, are you fucking insane?
And chicken parm for that matter is definitely a dish that would benefit from a light, acidic red. A montepulciano could even be a good pairing as it goes well with tomatoey pasta dishes in general.
Furrynomous 2024/01/15 01:01:41 No.2360806
She should just fuck rabbits if she needs to get knocked up.
Furrynomous 2024/01/15 14:50:01 No.2360947
Calling it.
After these guys run a train on her, Samantha doesn't get pregnant, while Billie does. Potentially with twins no less.
Defeated, she is comforted by Mikey. Samantha feels better and realizes how silly this "competition" was, and makes love to Mikey.
Mikey ends up putting triplets in her.
Furrynomous 2024/01/17 00:10:35 No.2361321
I doubt it. Naylor thinks "weak men" are incapable oof reproductive potency on, like, an ideological level. I don't think he'd make Mikey father triplets even as a joke.
Furrynomous 2024/01/17 00:46:17 No.2361323

You know one of Samantha's children is Mikey's right? Where that rant even came from?
Furrynomous 2024/01/17 01:57:22 No.2361335
Yeah, one of them. We won't see him producing triplets. Naylor thinks femboys and other soft dudes literally have weak cum. Him putting triplets in her would, however unscientifically, imply artistically that Mikey is very fertile, which is antithetical to Naylor's world view. There's a chance he might do it deliberately as an ironic joke (what a surprise, the weak man had strong seed all along!), but I don't think he will.
Furrynomous 2024/01/17 10:28:03 No.2361551
Not the normal 'off topic' conversation we get in a Jay Naylor thread, but I can get behind this.
Furrynomous 2024/01/17 21:45:42 No.2361681
Let people like things, food isn't sacrosanct and the fact that Italians like to pretend it is is just so annoying.
Furrynomous 2024/01/17 22:43:07 No.2361687
Wouldn't Mike be considered one of the exceptional males? He knocked up Samantha by fucking her once. And she regularly tries to get pregnant by being gang-banged
It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page On 5th ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/01/25 05:41:06 No.2362195
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/02/16 05:31:08 No.2363671
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/02/16 05:31:22 No.2363672
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/02/16 05:31:41 No.2363673
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/02/16 05:33:41 No.2363674
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/02/16 05:33:51 No.2363675
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/02/16 05:34:00 No.2363676
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Furrynomous 2024/02/16 18:23:37 No.2363735
I swear there is an overabundance of guys who wear glasses who vary from creepy stalker to being irresistible/"knowing how to treat a lady" types.
Furrynomous 2024/02/22 10:26:38 No.2363943
is there a reason why i cant open this thread?
or is the website still broken?

alot of threads cant be opened which is quite annoying..

Edited at 2024/02/22 10:35:02
It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/03/11 20:32:04 No.2364519
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/03/11 20:32:13 No.2364520
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/03/11 20:32:24 No.2364521
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/03/11 20:32:38 No.2364522
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It's A Mom - Off! [ New Page ] [ By Jay Naylor ] Furrynomous 2024/03/11 20:34:07 No.2364523
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Furrynomous 2024/03/12 19:18:39 No.2364760
I swear, so many pages in Naylor's works always feel like they mush together. They all look the same to me is what I mean.
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 06:04:56 No.2370585
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Furrynomous 2024/04/25 06:05:06 No.2370586
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Furrynomous 2024/04/25 06:05:14 No.2370587
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Furrynomous 2024/04/25 06:05:24 No.2370588
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Furrynomous 2024/04/25 06:05:31 No.2370589
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New pages out!~ Unknown 2024/04/27 15:29:50 No.2371439
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Yay!~ And this little part I really love!~ Gotta stake your claim one way or another!~ lol

Edited at 2024/04/27 15:31:03

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