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File: SO-SNL-01_u18chan_u18chan.png - (841.18kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-01_u18chan.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another Sabrina Online Thread Furrynomous 2024/04/01 00:27:22 No.2369127   
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Because nobody can get into the old thread without pressing Fap Mode, I'm making yet another thread for this comic. Hopefully, this also won't suffer the same problem.

Old thread here:
Old new thread here:
Edited at 2024/04/01 00:29:42
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Another Sabrina Online Thread Furrynomous 2024/04/01 00:32:44 No.2369128
File: SO-SNL-02_0_u18chan.png - (880.51kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-02.png)

Another Sabrina Online Thread Furrynomous 2024/04/01 00:33:04 No.2369129
File: SO-SNL-03_0_u18chan.png - (735.14kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-03.png)
Another Sabrina Online Thread Furrynomous 2024/04/01 00:35:07 No.2369130
File: SO-SNL-04_u18chan_u18chan_u18chan.png - (742.57kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-04_u18chan_u18chan.png)

Another Sabrina Online Thread Furrynomous 2024/04/01 00:35:25 No.2369131
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Furrynomous 2024/04/01 01:08:09 No.2369138
Ahahaha... hah. Ok.
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 01:14:27 No.2369140
I'm actually surprised these two still don't live together. Tina is the closest I've seen Zig Zag having a possibly stable relationship with one person she has more personal ties with that wasn't just her stalking the four-eyed equivalence of the "forbidden fruit".

Edited at 2024/04/01 01:19:52
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 02:30:21 No.2369152
I totally ship ZZ and Tina, and always will.
They are basically a loving relationship and family at this point.
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 05:05:41 No.2369191
Well, kinda glad the story isn't just more navel gazing in a bar.
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 12:16:55 No.2369275
So, she sexually assaulted Sabrina, constantly sexually harasses her at work, welcomed her underaged sister to a porn studio, has a shrine of her secretly built in her work locker, has sex toys modeled after, and now has spit swapped with her mother. With all that in mind, she's still considered not a homewrecker/ sex predator by the author, and some of the fandom?

Edited at 2024/04/01 12:18:15
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 12:20:16 No.2369276
I don't suppose someone might do the same thing with the new chapter of Striped Sins?
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 12:57:47 No.2369290
The fandom has opened up to the reality that she's a creep, but it's only in the lens of being a "creep with a conscience". It should have not taken Zig this long to even kiss Endora the same non-consensual opened mouth tonguing like she did when she "loosened up" Sabrina.
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 13:49:14 No.2369316
The thing is EWS has always tried to emulate the mid-90s sitcom style of humor. And the newer generation in the fandom is just reacting to the datedness of this whole thing.
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 14:17:44 No.2369319
Pretty sure all that was listed wasn't acceptable, if not questionable, even in the 90's. At least at the ZZ-level.

Edited at 2024/04/01 14:19:38
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 14:52:41 No.2369321
It was somewhat more tolerable in the 90s because "hahaha... gay!" and because Zig Zag was a woman, so women weren't taken seriously as potential predators back then.

I didn't say there wasn't grumbling in the audience back then. Just more willingness to overlook it.

Edited at 2024/04/01 15:01:38
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 21:43:58 No.2369350
What did chat overhear that they're freaking out about? No one said anything spicy in range of the microphone. Are they freaking out because they recognize Zig Zag's voice? Or was Tina somehow on a hot mic the entire time at the bar?
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 21:51:03 No.2369351
Presumably the "What in the <censored>" thing Tina said.

I don't understand why EWS does that. It's not like the strip is being published in a newspaper or something.
Furrynomous 2024/04/01 23:12:57 No.2369355
Some people think censoring a characters cursing like it's broadcast television is funny.
Furrynomous 2024/04/02 06:43:08 No.2369371
Considering how long Eric has been drawing Sabrina...and the fact for a short time she was the unofficialish mascot for Amiga computers in the very late 80s/early 90s...
The censoring kinda makes a bit of in world sense and is a nice little throwback to his early days
Furrynomous 2024/04/02 06:43:31 No.2369372
Considering how long Eric has been drawing Sabrina...and the fact for a short time she was the unofficialish mascot for Amiga computers in the very late 80s/early 90s...
The censoring kinda makes a bit of in world sense and is a nice little throwback to his early days
Furrynomous 2024/04/02 08:05:54 No.2369379
"Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words!"
Furrynomous 2024/04/02 13:46:23 No.2369389
Basically what you're saying is that the newer generation of fandomites is soft skinned, easily offended, and can't take the fact that changing ZigZag to fit that would destroy the character.

Yes, she is sexually aggressive beyond the realm of OK and oblivious to what would be considered acceptable by most, but it is intended as humor. The fact that people just want to be like "OMG, she's terrible!" is nothing new. It's just coming off as whining now because that is the current language of the internet.
Furrynomous 2024/04/02 16:46:09 No.2369395

god forbid a fictional character put another fictional character in an uncomfortable situation
Furrynomous 2024/04/02 17:20:16 No.2369400
People complain about Pepe le Pew even though if you watch the cartoons, he's TECHNICALLY the bad guy.

What he does is wrong, the cartoons just don't spend 5-10 minutes spelling it out for the audience.

The problem is that Zig Zag's actions are usually depicted as okay.

Her kissing/groping/stalking Sabrina is played as teasing and getting her to open up.

Her behavior around Tabitha is played up as "Big Sister/Cool Aunt" vibes even though it crosses some serious lines a lot. (imagine R.C. or Tommy wanting to pose half-naked with a kid then suggesting putting the pics online. Still think it's harmless fun?)
Furrynomous 2024/04/02 21:52:25 No.2369410
>People complain about Pepe le Pew even though if you watch the cartoons, he's TECHNICALLY the bad guy. What he does is wrong, the cartoons just don't spend 5-10 minutes spelling it out for the audience.

All too true. But with women, it's a double standard. You look up any woman/girl character that displays the same behavior as Pepe le Pew, or Johnny Bravo (i.e. Panini from Chowder, the Kanker Sisters from Ed Edd 'n Eddy, Esdeath from Arame ga Kill), and you can see that they pretty much get away with anything. So don't be surprised if once again, ZigZag comes out on top at the end of this.

>Her kissing/groping/stalking Sabrina is played as teasing and getting her to open up.

At this point, it's more Sabrina's fault for not suing her like any sane person would. Plus, it just comes to show that she doesn't take ZigZag and her feelings seriously.

Edited at 2024/04/02 21:55:15
Furrynomous 2024/04/03 20:56:28 No.2369466
The same two braindead takes:
-Zig came from an abusive household
-She's MaxBlackRabbit's Char, so Eric can't really do much with her.

This character is so controversial, yet popular with fans old and new that she may as well just not be featured in anything story-related. She's probably not going to learn anything from this arc or even change anyway since long-term consequences in this type of comic setting never really sticks. Eric isn't anything but a comic writer and a porn artist. Can't expect this guy to do anything different here with how much little he could even do with this continuation besides the last storyline when he gave Tabitha something to actually do.
Furrynomous 2024/04/13 13:08:04 No.2369961

>She's MaxBlackRabbit's Char, so Eric can't really do much with her.

That always perplexed me.
Eric has his own pornographic characters in the Sabrina-verse.
Why does he only character build with ZZ?
It's like he doesn't think his own creations are worth fleshing out or developing.
Tracy, Stacey, Tina or Sheila are still the same as they've been since the 90s.
Furrynomous 2024/04/14 12:12:46 No.2370019
Anyone got the latest page? Imageboard isnt letting me upload it.

Edited at 2024/04/14 12:14:10
Furrynomous 2024/04/15 16:36:30 No.2370055

I thought Tina was Max's character?

We've discussed this before.
EWS isn't really a "Deep" writer. His style is more in the vein of Animaniancs or Tiny Toons. A few minor quirks but are mainly there for cheap gags.

Most of the FAD cast are just Minerva Mink copies (seriously, Amy and Stacey are dead ringers for her. Just with the colors altered).
Furrynomous 2024/04/15 17:01:51 No.2370057
Tina also belongs to MaxBlackRabbit, but even with that it's Zig Zag who gets the most focus. Tina is just there to be the more grounded friend to depend on who just so happens to also be a sex worker.

Don't forget sitcoms like The Simpsons, Cheers, Grey's Anatomy, and possibly the first three seasons of Family Guy. Fans really love throwing that around whenever these characters and/or stories get any flack for being middling, bad or boring.

Edited at 2024/04/16 07:44:31
Furrynomous 2024/04/15 17:16:54 No.2370059
It's part of why Zig Zag's past of abuse and exploitation stands out like a sore thumb.

It'd be like if half-way through a TTA short they said the reason Fifi lives in a junk yard is because her parents abused her, and they played it for drama.
Endora Bear 2024/04/17 15:11:00 No.2370138
Ok weirdly I wanna see official NSFW Endora.
Furrynomous 2024/04/17 22:37:42 No.2370144
How is that weird? Porn of Endora already exist. It's just in very small quantities due to the fact a lot of people don't have a lot of strong attraction to the regular supporting cast.
Furrynomous 2024/04/17 23:06:19 No.2370147
without going into too many details, there's a few artists out there that still don't want to do r34 art of EWS's characters, probably doesn't help the situation.
Furrynomous 2024/04/17 23:42:30 No.2370149
I thought it was because he made it clear there was to be no r34 of the SO cast.
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 00:51:21 No.2370155
I must not have got the memo.
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 08:57:33 No.2370164
On all the comments about ZZ being a creepy sex predator:

She's ALWAYS been one, just in this fandom, that kind of thing is mostly considered ok. Look at some of the more predominate fetishes and you'll see this is just how it is. Rape is a pretty huge fetish for people, as is BDSM (which can go from just wearing certain things to tying someone up against their will and using them). Forced sex is another pretty popular fetish. So is Hypnotism ('I control you, then do as I please'). There are others, but I won't really get into them all, but hopefully I've made my point.

It also doesn't hurt that she's fairly sex crazed, always open for something, and that she's reasonably attractive. Guys enjoy her, and her willingness to fuck literally anyone makes her potentially attractive to females as well. It also makes her omni directional for stories of any kind, since she can and will do (and has done) just about anything. This gives her a sort of blanket appeal to a lot of people. Furries are willing to gloss over a lot when it comes to 'and the end result was sex and nudity'.
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 08:59:32 No.2370165
On all the comments about ZZ being a creepy sex predator:

She's ALWAYS been one, just in this fandom, that kind of thing is mostly considered ok. Look at some of the more predominate fetishes and you'll see this is just how it is. Rape is a pretty huge fetish for people, as is BDSM (which can go from just wearing certain things to tying someone up against their will and using them). Forced sex is another pretty popular fetish. So is Hypnotism ('I control you, then do as I please'). There are others, but I won't really get into them all, but hopefully I've made my point.

It also doesn't hurt that she's fairly sex crazed, always open for something, and that she's reasonably attractive. Guys enjoy her, and her willingness to fuck literally anyone makes her potentially attractive to females as well. It also makes her omni directional for stories of any kind, since she can and will do (and has done) just about anything. This gives her a sort of blanket appeal to a lot of people. Furries are willing to gloss over a lot when it comes to 'and the end result was sex and nudity'.
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 10:16:09 No.2370169
Again, as stated, it's not that Zig Zag was originally "Zany sex maniac" that people had a problem with.

It's that EWS tried to cram what was basically "Female Pepe le Pew" into a fairly grounded slice-of-life comedy/drama.

Suddenly, you had this character trying to stalk, molest and harass her employee and getting away with it. And the audience was supposed to laugh at "Oh, that Zig Zag!" Whereas a male character would have been treated as a villain the audience was supposed to hate.

In addition, Zig Zag was given a heavy-handed backstory of sexual abuse and racism. And it was treated seriously. Again, imagine if one of the Looney Tunes suddenly revealed they were molested as a kid. And it was treated as a serious character moment. The comedy stops dead because you have to reconcile the "wacky antics" with the VERY serious issues brought up by that kind of situation.

Edited at 2024/04/18 10:18:09
Endora Bear 2024/04/18 14:27:59 No.2370178

Wait you mean official nsfw art?

Edited at 2024/04/18 14:30:11
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 15:08:03 No.2370184

I know this is WAY delayed, but when I first saw the opening page, I assumed that, like Helen, ZigZag might've accidentally awakened something in Endora, and it results in her experiementing with ZigZag over the course of the night ... ending up with them both naked either in ZigZag or Endora's bed*

* = Which is not dissimilar to my "Sabrina Online" 'Jekyll & Hyde' parody where ZigZag/Hyde goes to bed with a Night-Dweller she rescued on the street (like Shelia, Tammy or Helen) only to wake up as Endora/Jekyll, who doesn't fully understand how or what happened and flees the scene in Hyde's too-big clothing before the other person wakes up...
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 15:15:19 No.2370185
No. Just fanart of it. We all know Eric will never break his self-imposed rules with his non-pornographic characters. Well, minus Amy, Thomas, Carli and Spike.
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 15:16:19 No.2370186
No. Just fanart of it. We all know Eric will never break his self-imposed rules with his non-pornographic characters. Well, minus Amy, Thomas, Carli and Spike.
Furrynomous 2024/04/18 15:30:54 No.2370187
All I'm hearing is she is just one big tonal problem.
Furrynomous 2024/04/21 17:07:08 No.2370280
anyone got the new pages?
Furrynomous 2024/04/23 10:31:29 No.2370347
.....soo when are they gonna fuck?
Furrynomous 2024/04/23 21:01:00 No.2370369
Imageboard's not letting anyone post for some reason. Here's a Kemono link;
Furrynomous 2024/04/24 18:46:39 No.2370420
The public SO patreon page is more up to date than kemono is. For whatever reason kemono seems to have stopped getting updates and its not just SO.
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 05:01:49 No.2370528
File: SO-SNL-06_u18chan.png - (857.17kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-06.png)
From Eric:
>The world always needs more parking garages, right?
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 05:02:46 No.2370529
File: SO-SNL-07_u18chan.png - (746.53kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-07.png)
From Eric:
>Part of a complete breakfast!
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 08:29:29 No.2370656
Wait, I thought Tina was like the #2 at the studio AND a former porn queen herself.

Shouldn't she be able to afford to live somewhere other than an apartment that can be easily scuttled for demolition?
Furrynomous 2024/04/25 12:25:41 No.2370714
Woman gets kissed on the lips by her PORN ACTRESS OF A BAR BUDDY and she acts like that's the biggest betrayal of trust in her life. While it does fall under violation and most likely sexual harassment, it's not like she cheated on her old, boring, needs to go into retirement husband.

Edited at 2024/04/26 13:37:28
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 10:12:44 No.2370777

I don't think we want Sabrina to walk in and find her boss banging her a parody not unlike the end of episode 2 of the second season of "Velma"...
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 10:20:13 No.2370778

Incidentally, I thin EWS is getting his ideas from me, as one of the stories I have penned for him was similar, though it was the other way around, with everyone at Double Z Studios moving in to TINA's new flat after a petrol shortage causes the public transport to strike, leaving them stranded and the whole thing turns into ZigZag's interpretation of a slumber party...
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 12:12:49 No.2370840
File: SO_sm345_u18chan.gif - (42.39kb, 640x232, SO_sm345.gif)
>it's not like she cheated on her old, boring, needs to go on retirement husband.
Remember when it was jokingly implied he had a thing for Sheila decades ago?
I would rather see the old guy get to have some fun with the busty fox pornstar than Sabrina's bitch of a mom get a character arc.
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 13:45:06 No.2370886
I can't believe you'd reference that trash AND watch it all the way through.
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 14:04:06 No.2370906
Nothing wrong with being attracted to a lady, married or not. Unless the implication also meant he'd cheat on Endora in a heartbeat if he wasn't old and gross.

I don't think we'll ever see a male character get a character arc in this series.
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 15:11:32 No.2370971
We sort of got an arc for Tommy WAAAAAYY back at the beginning of the strip after he knocked up Amy.
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 17:13:19 No.2371035

Just because I don't care much for it myself, and the rest of the world finds it trashy, doesn't mean I can't draw inspiration from it.

2 episode B-plots from Season 1 actually became the basis of two stories I composed for EWS....
Furrynomous 2024/04/26 18:44:48 No.2371095
What do you mean "composed for"? Did you send him stories unsolicited or do you have some sort of arrangement with him?
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 03:44:45 No.2371238

I write stories and then send him the synopsi.

You can find my latest patch I've composed over the last year or so here;

These are just something for him to work on if he gets Creator's Block.
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 04:32:22 No.2371244
And he actually takes these into consideration? He never mentions getting help with his story crafting as far as I know.
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 09:42:48 No.2371361
Doesn't Eric have a reputation for not responding to people? I doubt he even reads fan-mail.
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 10:28:20 No.2371366
i dont like when artist are so hermetic, i mean i know the world is full of shitty people and they may know better, but there is also good people, people who likes their art and want to make one for themselfs for love of art. or i'm just unbearably naive.
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 14:07:14 No.2371402
I thought he did the usual convention rounds.

From what I've heard he's actually pretty nice in public.

It's his 'net rep that has most of the baggage.
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 17:18:08 No.2371460
File: SO-SNL-08_u18chan.png - (803.53kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-08.png)
From Eric:
>No one expects the Sabrina Inquisition! ... except us.
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 17:30:30 No.2371463
I just can't take this seriously. It's not even the worse thing she's done compared to what she's done in the past (attempted rape with Sabrina, hunting down and harassing some online trolls, stalking Sabrina, etc.).
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 20:20:14 No.2371485
*sigh* And just like before, no repercussions, no consequences, or comeuppance. Just another "sorry, me horny, can't help it. I won't do it again, even though I might" slap-on-the-wrist, yay we're friends again bullshit. Ugh, I need to get away from this comic. It's just gaslighting me at this point.
Furrynomous 2024/04/27 20:52:30 No.2371512
The flat, grey backgrounds aren't helping
Furrynomous 2024/04/28 14:50:28 No.2371796
From brown to grey. These background colors are always so dreary and dark in that studio.

Again. Eric's been drawing this continuation in full colors since 2017 and he's still lazy when it comes to backgrounds. It's like he needs someone else to assist him in doing it than himself.

Edited at 2024/04/28 14:53:07
Furrynomous 2024/04/29 00:32:56 No.2371871
I never could tell if Warren and Endora married for romantic reasons or traditional reasons. Feels like either way, the two don't really love each other. Here's hoping for this so far dull storyline to finally give those two at least some development.
Furrynomous 2024/04/29 02:30:53 No.2371893
I'm sure they do love each other, but yes they definitely have that "we stayed married cause that's you did back then" kind of vibe.
Furrynomous 2024/04/29 08:05:59 No.2371947
So Zig Zag is now the focus of BOTH plots of this arc.

EWS has gotta be trolling at this point.
Furrynomous 2024/04/29 08:34:53 No.2371956
No wonder why this is called "Stripes and Links", then.

Edited at 2024/04/29 08:35:48
Furrynomous 2024/04/29 18:49:56 No.2372046
I know next to nothing about the guy, besides the fact that he doesn't interact much with people online. Good to hear he is more pleasant and engaged in person. Would be interested to know more.

Given that he's famous in the fandom, that he was even more prominent back in the 90's, and how weird and off putting furries can be, he probably got a metric ton of unsolicited requests and creepy comments. For sure he learned to just not reply.

Plus, to be honest, most of the posts in threads about his work here are sharply negative. Quite frankly, there's no pleasing you lot. If I were him I'd never interact with us.

You should, there's no need to dwell on this comic not meeting your expectations. It's not going to change and ruminating on it will do you no favors.
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 11:24:40 No.2372649
File: SO-SNL-09_u18chan.png - (766.46kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-09.png)
From Eric:
>Hopefully Zig Zag doesn't just run around smooching everyone she meets to see who is or isn't receptive to her advances.
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 12:41:46 No.2372674
This month on "Sabrina Online"
ZigZag learns the slippery slope of sexual assault.
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 15:15:57 No.2372704
You'd think she'd know her own instincts and zero impulse control issues by now. It's not a mystery. You like what you can't get and Endora and Sabrina are the manifestations of Zig's "forbidden fruit infatuation".

Also, Haha. She sexually assaults Sabrina again, but it's treated like an end joke. 😒

At this point, we need to talk about her clear lust for angry negative feedback now.
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 16:41:43 No.2372718
If zig zag kisses you, what would you do? And what would really do?
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 16:55:15 No.2372720
Wonder how Zig Zag's dad looked when he wanted some of that.

Edited at 2024/05/01 17:15:47
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 20:38:58 No.2372740
Punch her and leave, but that would probably just be giving her what she wants as a response.

Edited at 2024/05/01 21:39:21
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 21:21:47 No.2372748
>Punch here and leave
Same. Though I would have called for a couple of cops on my way out.
Furrynomous 2024/05/01 23:29:36 No.2372805
By all accounts Sabrina should be absolutely furious and Zig Zag wouldn't have done that because she just spent a few panels dreading the repercussions of her unwanted kissing.

It's interesting that none of the commenters on the patreon page have anything critical to say about this. Although the people who do comment there just leave the most inane replies. I let a lot of stuff slide but this last comic is just bad writing.
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 01:02:09 No.2372828
They're Patreon comments. Patrons either aren't allowed to criticize what they pay for or they don't want to.

Frankly, I'm not into having to basically spend an entire story with an adult like Zig Zag needing to be taught that unwanted kissing or sexual advancements with your non-sexual friends is a bad terrible thing to do as an arc. This is a basic lesson that really shouldn't even be warranting a character arc if she's supposed to already understand her own impulsive behavior and the limits she sets up for herself by now. But no. Let's have her constantly say she "didn't mean to" and "it sort of just happened" every time she lets her urges get the better of her while sexually assaulting Sabrina again as a punchline for the lols because Eric still sees this as comical as it was 20+ years ago. I swear, if this doesn't end with Zig being dressed down as nothing but a disgusting pervert and/or nymphomaniac who can never hold a normal friendship or relationship down with anyone outside of who works for and under her, I'm going to be very disappointed.

Edited at 2024/05/02 19:45:56
Furrynomous 2024/05/02 05:39:45 No.2372871
Is this the only joke EWS knows how to tell with these two?

Even Pepe le Pew cartoons changed things up once and awhile.
Furrynomous 2024/05/07 05:53:16 No.2374508
File: SO-SNL-10_u18chan.png - (770.52kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-10.png)
From Eric:
>Time to disseminate information among the blood kin!
Furrynomous 2024/05/07 06:53:28 No.2374518
Even for a porn actor, that apology feels wooden.
Furrynomous 2024/05/07 11:21:56 No.2374635
She just lacks motivation. Fingers crossed if or when she learns it later in the comic.
Furrynomous 2024/05/07 12:47:09 No.2374742
ZZ's attitude isn't surprising anymore. It's pretty much predictable, so why bother being angry. What is infuriating is Sabrina's attitude towards ZZ's behavior. She's been sexually assaulted by her, consistently sexually harassed by her, and now has had her mom going under a similar situation with ZZ's advances, and she's treating ALL of it like ZZ getting caught with her had in the cookie jar. It's not a question of how ZZ has gotten away with this anymore, it's why has Sabrina hasn't sued her yet.

Edited at 2024/05/07 13:45:30
Furrynomous 2024/05/07 15:26:01 No.2374826
At this point, just blame Eric. There's no real reason anymore for Sabrina's tolerance of Zig's behavior except that she's a fictional character who's a puppet to writer's whims.
Furrynomous 2024/05/07 20:39:43 No.2374873
It's like those boundaries Zig and Sabrina agreed to all those years ago meant nothing compared to the wacky joke material Eric wanted to do with his dorky Amiga girl and favorite waifu skunk hybrid!

Now we'll have to see if Endora is secretly a closet lesbian since that's for some reason something readers want to know.
Furrynomous 2024/05/08 17:05:50 No.2375382
It's not so much anger but tiredness at this point.

This comic's been running for almost 30 years and everyone is pretty much stagnated.

Sure Sabrina and Carli are married with kids, but they still act like 20-something 90s era bloggers.

Zig Zag is STILL chasing Sabrina despite years of hearing "no" and acting like she's this chaste prize she can turn into another version of herself.

The dialogue in the latest comic almost sounds like even EWS is tired of the routine.
Furrynomous 2024/05/08 17:23:12 No.2375389

In other words, it's like a syndicated comic strip. After several decades of its run, the characters and whatever narrative present in the strips have become sanded off and lost whatever edge it all use to have. And like all comic strips that have lost its identity and stagnated, you have three options: End the strip and risk losing readership with any new project or "spiritual successor", retire from working comics entirely, or keep milking it indefinitely despite its sad state because it makes a lot of money for yourself and possibly whoever else benefits from it.
Furrynomous 2024/05/09 12:07:11 No.2375601
why continue caring about it, then? surely there's some better comic out there to read, so why spend your time complaining about this one instead of going to read those better ones?

and if you say "because I used to like it": so what? that doesn't mean you have to like it or keep up with it forever - I liked the MCU up until Endgame, but I haven't seen anything Marvel since because I don't care about the MCU any more

you're not obliged to keep up with Sabrina Online forever because you liked it at one point - let the past go
Furrynomous 2024/05/09 12:59:43 No.2375606

These backgrounds really are unwitting for a porn studio. I mean, grey colors? Does Eric even try anymore?

Edited at 2024/05/09 14:50:33
Furrynomous 2024/05/09 13:02:33 No.2375607
Nothing wrong with having civil discussion, is there?

People ask "Why/When did you stop liking Marvel/Batman/Sonic/Pokémon/Simpsons/etc.?"

You should be allowed to explain what attracted you to the series to start and what ultimately drove you away.
Furrynomous 2024/05/09 14:44:50 No.2375617
talking about what got you disinterested in something is one thing, but y'all keep going well beyond that point to discuss the thing you're supposedly not interested in *as it's actively being updated*

if you're not interested in a thing, why are you keeping up with it on a regular basis? that's just it: you're still interested despite saying otherwise

if you really don't care about a thing, you wouldn't keep talking about the thing - you'd talk about other things that you do care about and you are interested in that are *better* than this thing you say you don't care about

like, I still look at Naylor's art because coomer brain, but I don't get into super-deep discussions of the philosophies of Jay Naylor and the stupid-ass writing that springs forth from it - I look at the sexy bits, then stop giving a shit until more pics with sexy bits show up

I'm not saying you need to touch grass; what I'm saying is that if you say you don't care about a thing, still discussing that thing on a regular basis is a direct contradiction of that claim, and you might want to consider that you do still care about the thing but you don't want to appear as if you do
Furrynomous 2024/05/23 16:36:18 No.2379301
File: SO-SNL-11_u18chan.png - (681.04kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-11.png)
From Eric:
>Looks like Sabrina's parents aren't having it today.
Furrynomous 2024/05/23 18:34:41 No.2379383
Bout time Zig was scolded like that
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 00:46:27 No.2379461
Buddy. She deserves far worse.
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 03:16:08 No.2379472

Let's not forget, ZigZag WAS drunk at the time, so she wasn't aware of what she was doing...
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 06:07:24 No.2379495
Good on you Warren, he is worried about his wife and her feelings, hes a good husband, put ZigZag in her place.
Don't know where this is leading but I like it, most other Furry comic he would try and setup a threesome.
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 06:25:07 No.2379496
Damn, I think Warren got through to Zig Zag way more than Sabrina ever did.
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 08:11:15 No.2379503

It's like a parent: sometimes someone's parents can get angry all they want, and some people will simply not care;

Now, the moment they feel not angry, but DISAPPOINTED that's when it gets to these people. Same for Zig Zag: she doesn't care about people being pissed at her or calling her names because she's already accostumed;

Now someone scolding her like that, that's something that actually gets to her
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 08:11:26 No.2379504

It's like a parent: sometimes someone's parents can get angry all they want, and some people will simply not care;

Now, the moment they feel not angry, but DISAPPOINTED that's when it gets to these people. Same for Zig Zag: she doesn't care about people being pissed at her or calling her names because she's already accostumed;

Now someone scolding her like that, that's something that actually gets to her... but wait and see Eric messing it up and her not learning anything at all at the end
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 09:41:02 No.2379510
Also sounds like a bruise on her ego a bit. She expected the typical insult indicated from her being a sex worker alone, but instead got a disappointed old man who she has some respect for.
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 10:28:57 No.2379514
Considering Zig Zag's own parents were probably the type to say she'd never amount to anything, it hits even harder.
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 12:27:27 No.2379527
Her dad did things when he was drunk too. Don't see anyone backing that up.

Edited at 2024/05/24 12:28:54
Furrynomous 2024/05/24 17:37:57 No.2379565
You already know why. She's "playful" and "means no harm" in her actions compared to her physically and sexually abusive father.
Furrynomous 2024/05/26 08:05:59 No.2379731
It's a little hard not to ask what Warren and especially Endora were expecting. This is the same sex worker that came in to visit with the same affectionate attitude in their home back then. Hell. It's the same type of action Sabrina had to deal with for years, but then again she treats some of Zig's "playfulness" in an almost charming way considering that nerd's confidence in herself.

Hopefully, this will be the actual first time where Zig actually has to learn from her own repeated mistakes and not rely on her abusive past as an excuse for her behavior.
Furrynomous 2024/05/27 20:57:19 No.2380059
There's something oddly interesting about Warren taking actual offense and disgust over Zig Zag not respecting boundaries with his wife while Sabrina treats the minor assault on her own mother to be just another day ending in 'y'. Guess she really has grown more use to her own boss' shenanigans compared to her parents who still aren't very enthusiastic about the sex worker with serious daddy issues.
Furrynomous 2024/05/28 06:32:54 No.2380138
Sadly, that's how it sometimes goes in real life.

Edited at 2024/05/28 09:11:11
Furrynomous 2024/05/30 23:53:19 No.2380619
File: SO-SNL-12_u18chan.png - (747.29kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-12.png)
From Eric:
>She gets by with a little help from her friends. (that she has also made a ton of advances on)
Furrynomous 2024/05/30 23:56:02 No.2380622
Probably would've felt more touching and genuine without the last panel. It makes it sound like Zig Zag is incapable of being a person with any real socialization without any unwarranted sexual provocation. It also kind of incidentally sums up the unchanged routine Zig's been stuck in since the late 90s.

Edited at 2024/05/31 00:03:35
Furrynomous 2024/05/31 04:58:05 No.2380663
"I'm not a slut! I just like solving my problems with my body!"

You can almost hear the laugh track in the background.
Furrynomous 2024/05/31 13:37:04 No.2380716
Wouldn't it just be better to give Endora and Warren some time to think this over? Not sure how you can smooth things over besides once again bringing up Zig's father issues again.
Furrynomous 2024/06/01 01:13:34 No.2380874
>Not sure how you can smooth things over besides once again bringing up Zig's father issues again.

I still don’t get why ZZ didn’t call the police or child protective services on her dad all those years ago.
Furrynomous 2024/06/01 04:34:59 No.2380889
Gotta remember this strip runs on sitcom/TV logic.

Things like cops, CPS, school administrators, and parents are incompetent, lazy, or corrupt so the protagonists are called on to solve the problems themselves.
Furrynomous 2024/06/01 17:30:08 No.2381067

I know how that feels in the third panel. Many's the time I've been blocked, reprimanded or kicked off groups for either something harmless, a piece of gift art with good intentions here (does it matter which edition of the giftee's OC I use for it?), a comment or idea to share there, an entry to a topic or group that is acceptable but always seems to either break the rules or attract the trolls...

One time I never got a chance to explain my side of things because the case was opened, dealt with and shut whilst I was asleep, for crying out loud(!)

I've never really been a bad person, just unfortunate socially and verbally clumsy unintentionally....
Furrynomous 2024/06/02 01:19:30 No.2381228
I get the feeling there's much more to that story than your telling. Even at the TLDR level. Either way this isn't the place for it. Take it to the discussion thread or Reddit
Furrynomous 2024/06/06 14:54:49 No.2382436
File: SO-SNL-13_u18chan.png - (752.64kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-13.png)
From Eric:
>You either die a villain, or live long enough to become the... not really the villain anymore.
Furrynomous 2024/06/06 15:27:45 No.2382453
macroShow Less
File: Embedded Video
You can deceive those who don't know.
But those who know... can tell the truth, to your face:

Edited at 2024/06/06 15:31:29
Furrynomous 2024/06/06 15:35:30 No.2382455
*Sigh* This just doesn't feel genuine. Not only is Sabrina just repeating her reason for not suing Zig Zag from ten years ago after that first attempted rape scene, she's once again saying that they've grown as characters while at the same time still doing the same routine since the late 90s to early '00s: Nerd girl gets put off by her sexually provocative employer who barely knows the meaning of consent. For Christ sake Eric, don't act like Zig didn't just committed sexual harassment three or four pages ago on Sabrina just to get a reaction over her issues about Endora. I don't even know what Sabs is talking about when she means about Zig Zag helping out a lot for Sabrina AND her family. She's mainly only done anything for Sabrina and Tabitha with Endora along the ride, yet she's made it sound like Zig saved the entire family from some struggling situation. It's just a romanticized or rose-tinted way of coloring the past. And again the HR defense. What does Human Resources have nothing to do with a porn studio? Just because they all be fucking doesn't mean there's no law of decency here. I don't even want to get into the fans still using the "abused childhood" defense for Zig's continuing behavior of porn actress who selectively hasn't learned proper restraint in her own actions as an adult.

Tl;dr Eric needs to stop having his characters dryly say they've grown when in over twenty years have remained stagnant and mostly the same even when a majority of the cast became parents.

Edited at 2024/06/06 19:18:58
Furrynomous 2024/06/06 16:53:15 No.2382464

Probably all that, and as Sabrina once put it, can you really claim/file/sue for sexual harassment at a porn studio?
Furrynomous 2024/06/06 17:27:44 No.2382467
Considering it's possible for sex workers to sue clients for sexual harrassment or rape, it seems like what Sabrina is saying is bullshit.
Furrynomous 2024/06/06 18:29:44 No.2382477
I'm pretty sure that yes, someone who works in a strip club or a porn studio CAN sue their employer for sexual harassment. Especially nowadays. Whether the courts will take them seriously is another matter.

Keep in mind that this is a 90s fantasy of how a porn studio works. Everyone is in their early 20s to mid-30s (think Tracey is/was 19 and Tina and Helen are 40ish), attractive, rich, horny 24/7, in open relationships, having sex all over the place, not using condoms/protection, not getting STDs, and frequently get called on to perform on-camera regardless of what their actual job title is.

These last few strips feel like we're back in "Meta" territory. EWS is harping over the fact that he wants Zig Zag to be this sexualized Looney Tunes-esque character. But it comes at odds with the fact that that kind of behavior is now considered offensive. So he has to hammer it in that Sabrina is fine with her boss pawing at her and kissing her without consent.

Edited at 2024/06/06 19:18:14
Furrynomous 2024/06/07 08:21:29 No.2382587
Honestly, I'm fine with Zig Zag being a sexualized cartoon character. I'm not against it. Eric just needs to tone down or remove the rapey parts of her character. It's not like he can't just write her to be playful in a more mildly teasing and flirtatious matter without having her be a stalker, kissing people with no consent or trying to jump a character's bones every time she sees an opening. Leave that in the actual porn. Just having your main character saying they like their boss doing all of this to them because it makes them feel like they're appreciated isn't the fix Eric thinks it is, especially when Sabrina's tolerance of being around these porn actors fluctuates depending on the joke.

The artist needs to accept that this ain't the 90s and early-to-mid 00s anymore and needs to evolve his method of humor and character writing.
Furrynomous 2024/06/07 21:39:04 No.2382779
It's sad that she makes Quagmire more funnier when it comes to the rape and sex jokes.
Furrynomous 2024/06/15 13:30:19 No.2382824
Furrynomous 2024/06/15 14:05:23 No.2382830
Testing your testing
Furrynomous 2024/06/15 21:22:32 No.2383007
File: SO-SNL-14_u18chan.png - (744.01kb, 1280x1790, SO-SNL-14.png)
From Eric:
>Is it time to seek professional help?
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 01:01:02 No.2383082
It really pays to be Zig Zag. She can endanger her ex-therapist's job by bribing him with her own body all to get a free session poorly disguised as a "friendly chat". A "friendly chat" that I feel like she doesn't need since she should've already learned already after Black pegged her as a person who struggles to keep her lust and friendships separate due to past childhood trauma, not helping by her dormant but ever present anger issues.

Edited at 2024/06/16 01:03:55
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 04:36:06 No.2383179
It's funny how often Zig Zag is compared to Quagmire.

Both were originally intended as zany sex-maniacs to counterbalance the blander main characters of their series.

And then along the way, their writers decided to add a bunch of angst to make them "deeper, more nuanced" characters. Which just made them unlikable, self-righteous hypocrites.
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 08:24:19 No.2383246
Wasn't there a subplot about Tina being evicted from her apartment?
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 10:24:33 No.2383258
Yes but she isn't important. Frankly, it's a pointless subplot when you look at it.
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 11:02:44 No.2383264
It'd be a bit more interesting, and we'd be learning more about her character, rather than having ZZ go through the same life lesson.

Edited at 2024/06/16 11:30:22
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 11:54:45 No.2383319
Yeah it would, but this is Eric we're talking about. Out of all the Double Z characters, it's always going to be Zig Zag who takes up all the scenes and screentime regardless of if the story is about her or not.

Edited at 2024/06/16 11:58:34
Furrynomous 2024/06/16 13:01:37 No.2383352
Even the doctor has this look of "Oh man, not this BS again".
Furrynomous 2024/06/17 00:02:24 No.2383577
It's really hard not to victim blame when you remember that Sabrina has told Warren and Endora about Zig's badly controlled sexual tendencies in the past. Expecting her to treat his wife differently is like expecting her not to keep harassing and non-consensually kissing Sabrina, a married woman, on the lips despite knowing how monogamous and straight the skunk nerd is.

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