So, my thoughts on this story going forward, they call it a day at the office, ryder goes home, they do the video call with the parents and they see that they're getting along better and are more involved with each other's life (could also happen at the bar scene), Felix gets convinced to go to the studio and they double down on the Urbro memes, and he does a commercial with ryder (to build his confidence) and she gets milk spilled on her which is this teaser image. (in between there might be filler content with June/Dray/Bunny/Roommate, but i couldn't fucking care less about them) (and bunny trims Felix because reasons, but that will be much later, like chap 8 after they know each other) -- that my like 'for sure' prediction.
now the segues get thrown in from left field, so anything could just swap scenes. but i'm gonna say ryder gets with dray or zebra man, but is disappointed, meanwhile commercial is a smash hit (but i dont think they pursue it any further in that direction, like there arent going to be porn style shoots to sponsor the milk or anything). Felix needs confidence, and befriends gay bunny after photoshoot, who trims him because he says it helps, sees massive dick, lets slip to ryder, or ryder lets slip that she already know about it, he teases her about the situation for an unnecessary long number of pages. ryder feels bad but wants to see it again, so asks felix to show her his VR headset/gaming (showing interest in his hobbies, also teasers from images in previous thread) and uses that opportunity to spy on his dick, he may or may not notice, im leaning towards he does, since the couch scene, they swap places and ryder cant figure out how to move her hands with the VR wands, so he helps her (picture guy teaching girl to shoot pool) he gets stiff, and she sets the wand down, goes to pick it up again but grabs his dick,(on purpose or accident to be determined) he doesnt stop her because it feels good and he nervous and she basically jacks him off with the VR headset on her thinking (or not) that its one of the game wands. she takes the headset off, sees what she did and its super awkward and they leave each other, a metric fuckload of metadrama about what that means from both of them and the fucking side characters, something something, they talk again and he decides to return the favor, something something commercial studio deadline bullshit drama, something something, gets resolved they celebrate with a pizza from the opening scene because Will is pretentious like that, and it happens on the couch for this teaser: