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Holly & Doug in: "Coming of Age" Furrynomous 2024/12/22 18:50:33 No.2426072   
by Eric W. Schwartz
Edited at 2025/01/15 06:56:58
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Furrynomous 2024/12/22 19:09:22 No.2426086
The plot:
>Doug takes Holly to a bar for her 21st birthday, and things get out of hand as Holly has too much to drink and has to be dragged home. (drunken antics, more awkward relationship building)
Furrynomous 2024/12/22 19:21:04 No.2426090
WHOOOOAH!! More Holly and Doug. The few characters from Sabrina Online that aren’t cringe inducing.
Furrynomous 2024/12/22 19:44:14 No.2426116
More Doug and Holly. Arguably, they're most realistic characters out of Eric's cast
Furrynomous 2024/12/22 20:08:21 No.2426139
These two are a great pair, but the age gap is just fucking weird
Furrynomous 2024/12/22 20:22:30 No.2426167
Not to mention the fact that Porcupines can lower their spines/defenses so that their mate doesn't get stung...
Yet they play it for laughs.
Furrynomous 2024/12/22 20:24:55 No.2426168
What’s the age gap?
Furrynomous 2024/12/22 21:08:37 No.2426196
Holly's 19, Doug's 36. Or I guess as of this comic, they'd be 21 and 38
Furrynomous 2024/12/22 21:58:34 No.2426201
So there's like a 17 year age gap. It never bothered either of them before and it won't now. I'm still questioning how she's so okay dating a guy like Doug who lives in his parents' basement and has no job.

Edited at 2024/12/22 22:00:56
Perfectly legal Name Hidden 2024/12/23 00:06:52 No.2426211
Dont worry Holly is 21 in this comic and Doug is in his 30s so it's legal. You dont have to call Chris Hanson.
Perfectly legal Name Hidden 2024/12/23 00:07:36 No.2426212
Dont worry Holly is 21 in this comic and Doug is in his 30s so it's legal. You dont have to call Chris Hanson.
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 00:08:41 No.2426213
I thought 18-to-19 years of age was legal.
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 00:16:55 No.2426217
Realistic-ish. I remember people finding it hard to believe Holly could afford and live in a one-story house at the age of 19 without parental support, but she and Doug are definitely the best average characters Eric's written in years after the Sabrina cast became stale.

Edited at 2024/12/23 00:23:37
Legal Age Name Hidden 2024/12/23 00:35:25 No.2426225
18 is the legal age to hook up with an older adult.

21 is legal age to drink booze.
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 01:06:23 No.2426227
To clarify, it's not a "that's illegal" issue for me with the age gap, it just seems oddly large. Like, why 17 years? Personally, anything over a 10 year gap is too large, in my opinion.

And generally I don't usually give a shit about the age of fictional characters, but it's just so specific.

Like you guys ever seen Transformers Age of Extinction, and how the daughter is 17 and her boyfriend is 20? There's that weird scene where they call attention to a certain law that allows it to be legal, but why not just make them both legal age?
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 01:17:51 No.2426229
Self-insert wish fulfillment.
Bear 2024/12/23 02:58:03 No.2426241
Since we’re talking about it, whats the point where it is a problematic age gap? Like not illegal but should be? I genuinely never had this talk and it would be really nice to be able to know the limits.
Bear 2024/12/23 03:00:01 No.2426242
Since we’re talking about it, whats the point where it is a problematic age gap? Like not illegal but should be? I genuinely never had this talk and it would be really nice to be able to know the limits.
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 04:16:21 No.2426254
It's a few things. Creep factor is one.

I'm... way to old to be on this site (Late 30s), and the idea of being with someone who is in their early 20s is disgusting. You truly aren't a full adult until 25, and even still, you're always growing and learning. The maturity level of a 20-25 year old to a 35-40 year old can be pretty vast to the point where it can be borderline manipulative. I could easily talk a 20 year old into bed by using manipulation tactics because, frankly, I know more than them. You hit an age where that doesn't work on you any more. Early 30s for most

You're also in different places in your life physically and professionally.

It gets less gross the older you both are.

But this is porn.
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 09:51:27 No.2426280
so it does depend a bit on the individuals of course, but there is a rule of thumb. the minimum age of the younger person is half the age of the older person plus seven.
so half of 36 is 18, plus seven is 25.
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 11:12:50 No.2426297
>You truly aren't a full adult until 25
That's a myth, brain remodeling continues for a person's entire life, and if it were true we shouldn't let anyone enter legal contracts unless they're 25-55.
Furrynomous 2024/12/23 11:51:17 No.2426301
This comic hasn't even started, yet the thread is already full of armchair neuroscientists.

At this rate this site turning is turning into a med school if you factor in the pregnancy and psychology debates that happen at the mornings threads

Edited at 2024/12/23 11:57:41
Furrynomous 2024/12/26 12:22:57 No.2426862
Holy shit listen to the flaming homosexual cucks in this thread clutching their pearls about feminist bullshit like "muh age gap"
I'm 38 and have banged 20-somethings. We both loved it every time. Stay mad, cucks.
Furrynomous 2024/12/26 12:23:08 No.2426863
Holy shit listen to the flaming homosexual cucks in this thread clutching their pearls about feminist bullshit like "muh age gap"
I'm 38 and have banged 20-somethings. We both loved it every time. Stay mad, cucks.
Furrynomous 2024/12/26 12:23:33 No.2426864
Holy shit listen to the flaming homosexual cucks in this thread clutching their pearls about feminist bullshit like "muh age gap"
I'm 38 and have banged 20-somethings. We both loved it every time. Stay mad, cucks.
Furrynomous 2024/12/26 12:38:08 No.2426865
We heard you the first time.
Furrynomous 2024/12/26 13:24:38 No.2426869
He probably double clicked very fast on "submit".It's a common imageboard glitch
Furrynomous 2024/12/27 04:07:30 No.2427001
Welcome to u18chan, pal
Furrynomous 2024/12/27 20:32:02 No.2427104
The whole point of modern education is you can learn about things outside your area of expertise and still gain meaningful knowledge about them. If you have any actual neuroscientists you want to quote, go right ahead, but otherwise you're essentially saying "no talking about the theme of this comic."
Furrynomous 2024/12/27 23:13:56 No.2427130
File: 252242651_u18chan.jpg - (222.44kb, 1217x1280, 252242651.jpg)
Not him but I understand that other anon underlying point. It's a bit absurd to read such a detailed debate on the age of consent on an imageboard thread about an upcoming amateur furry porn comic. This is honestly not the time or the place for "education" as you put it
Here's a pic of Holly to put this thread back on track
Furrynomous 2024/12/28 15:16:17 No.2427248
I'm not saying we're getting an education here. I'm saying if you can strictly only talk about what you're an expert on, your education was wasted.
>such a detailed debate
We haven't gotten remotely detailed yet. And the title of the comic is literally "Coming of Age." I think it's fair to say the age gap is going to be prominent in the comic.
>amateur furry porn comic
As opposed to a professional/expert furry porn comic? Because Schwartz has been a furry artist longer than some of us have been alive.
Furrynomous 2024/12/28 16:12:46 No.2427264
Furrynomous 2024/12/28 16:26:57 No.2427265
Hell yeah I love this couple so much
Furrynomous 2024/12/28 23:25:41 No.2427304
Anyone have a link to the original?
Furrynomous 2024/12/29 00:45:49 No.2427311
If you're talking about the first story of this series, here's the link:
Furrynomous 2024/12/29 14:33:22 No.2427393
Second chapter link
Furrynomous 2024/12/29 19:10:04 No.2427416
Here's the one on site.
Furrynomous 2024/12/29 19:18:51 No.2427417
Anyone noticed there's a three-year interval for this series?

Edited at 2024/12/29 20:41:47
Furrynomous 2024/12/29 22:54:17 No.2427484
Well, Eric always makes one X-rated comic at a time. He has some themes he develops and makes pool on his Patreon page, what should be next. Last time Holly&Doug lost on the final stretch to Jane Cottontail. Each comic lasts several months, so it's just a matter of queue and patrons' choice.
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 03:40:12 No.2437838
File: COA-01_u18chan.png - (924.17kb, 1280x1800, COA-01.png)

Furrynomous 2025/01/31 03:40:40 No.2437839
File: COA-02_u18chan.png - (1.03mb, 1280x1800, COA-02.png)
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 09:25:32 No.2437885
I never knew a hermit crab could have such a cat-like (or dog-like) personality.
And I'm with Doug here. I know it's a matter it's a matter of found tastes, but having beer the moment you're legal enough to drink really isn't all that worth the excitement. And knowing of Eric's usually brand of humor and this comic's premise, Holly's going to get sloshed from the first two or three sips of the real stuff.
Bear 2025/01/31 11:38:05 No.2437930
Huh. Doug doesn’t drink….ok maybe he is more like me than I thought.
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 21:16:49 No.2438042
Anyone willing to bet this a stripper bar?
Bear 2025/01/31 22:13:00 No.2438051
If so here’s hoping for some enf where Holly gets mistaken for a stripper and has to perform.
Furrynomous 2025/01/31 23:15:06 No.2438059
Maybe if she's in a drunken stupor.
Furrynomous 2025/02/02 18:55:03 No.2438652
This comic reminds me how much I used to enjoy sweet slice of life furry webcomics that don't involve weird relationship dynamics.
Furrynomous 2025/02/03 18:16:11 No.2438924
What made you turn away from them?

Edited at 2025/02/05 02:50:10
Furrynomous 2025/02/03 19:31:31 No.2438938
Nothing, I just can't really find them much anymore. I was around for comics like A Doemain of Own/Vinci and Arty/etc, and it feels like a lot of "weekly update" webcomics just dropped off.
Furrynomous 2025/02/04 22:11:21 No.2439289
Probably for the best that they dropped off, rather than just shift the stories/characters more into the nsfw route like Sabrina Online and VGCats did.

Edited at 2025/02/05 23:24:50
Furrynomous 2025/02/18 21:49:57 No.2443571
Oh my god, I'm glad I decided to go through this site after so long. I always like seeing these two
Furrynomous 2025/02/19 12:50:03 No.2443716
Man, wasn't Holly 19 at the start of the story? Does that mean that she and Doug have been together for almost two years now? I hope he has a job now...
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 23:05:34 No.2446661
File: COA-03_u18chan.png - (1.31mb, 1280x1800, COA-03.png)
Only the best mixed drinks at this establishment!

Edited at 2025/02/27 23:11:16
Furrynomous 2025/02/27 23:08:57 No.2446664
File: COA-04_0_u18chan.png - (1.28mb, 1280x1800, COA-04.png)
Please ignore any inconsistencies in complex drink garnishes. :)
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 01:14:29 No.2446756
I wonder if this is the same bar Sabrina and Co. go to? It's a small world and Holly & Doug do live in the same state and town as the characters from Eric's main comic.
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 08:29:04 No.2446805

She’d better get up there and start belting out Slayer, if Eric knows what’s good for him.
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 15:54:39 No.2446897
Don't think so. We would've seen Spike guarding the door, or Amy mending the bar.
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 16:22:06 No.2446899
She really is being a moron for wanting to get herself wrecked on her first time out drinking. When you get to the legal age of 21 (18 in other states) you just try out the taste of it first. I can respect enough of her tolerance for these drinks, she doing a little better than Sabrina, but there are better ways to get out of your comfort zone.

Edited at 2025/02/28 16:30:49
Furrynomous 2025/02/28 20:04:54 No.2446950
Holly lives just across the border in Florence, KY and this is probably one if their many dive bars in a strip mall. Sabrina and Co. (and Doug) live in some portion of Cincinatti with Spike and Amy probably working one of the nicer downtown places.
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 08:39:10 No.2447102
Has anyone else noticed that more and more of EWS' stories are set in bars and his characters getting drunk?
Furrynomous 2025/03/01 12:27:35 No.2447232
Sounds like a coincidence. Bars are a pretty easy location for these types of stories.
Furrynomous 2025/03/05 22:57:54 No.2448632
I think that's the issue.

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