Leosaeta has openly avoided drawing cub for around a year now, see his journals about it, and as of ~2 days ago he deleted his entire InkBunny Gallery. Additionally, I think some posts on e621 are purged. When a submission is later deleted, I think you can tell because the number of posts with that tag will differ from the number of actual posts. For example, I remember there being a NSFW version of this image that is now not on e621.
Does anyone have a collection of his old cub art? And, does anyone know a quick way to mass download works off of e621? I imagine he wouldn't delete his non-cub art since he would've by now, but maybe it's just a good idea to do that.
I just want to clarify I don't think people should be mad at Seth. Making cub art is terrible for artists that want to grow and expand. And he has a point when he says "not everyone who likes cub makes for a good talking partner." And as a small beacon of hope, he started a secondary twitter (@Apomelofox) which his bio reads something I can only imagine meaning he'll post cub there. However if that's the case, why did he delete his IB? He has posted things on twitter since the deletion, and hasn't responded to comments on his recent journal regarding why he deleted his gallery, so I'm not sure if he plans on addressing it. He hasn't been doing great emotionally for a long time it seems, and if this helps him bounce back I say it's worth it. Better having an artist that doesn't do cub than no artist at all.
If no one has his old art, I have a small collection of things. Not enough, but some stuff that I can post here for whoever wants it. Cheers.
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