Ignore the other posts; absolute nonsense.
Why would the allow mods for new textures, curtains, windows, doors etc., only to "ban" the users? Bulltwang...
No one is being "banned", for using mods.
I would advise playing offline (just disable "online notifications" and "online social features access", in game).
I'm using 474 mods and yes, plenty of cubs in there. You can also have romantic relationships with them. ;3
I'll post screenshots later, but you need the following:
1. Furry mod at http://www.savestatecomic.com/dlc/
2. Wicked Whims at https://wickedwhimsmod.com/download
3. Devious Desires at https://nsfwmods.com/forums/topic/1734-devious-desires/
4. The primary mods here https://mods.allthefallen.moe/index.php?title=Sims_4
5. Secondary mod - "Nisa's Wicked Perversions"
6. Whatever else you want, on https://allthefallen.moe. You need to register there.
Edited at 2022/04/06 00:34:47