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File: c1d17adde14fcd18_u18chan.png - (133.28kb, 900x900, c1d17adde14fcd18.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:31:27 No.2222734   
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Lassnight aka JB deleted their Baragg out of nowhere. I was able to save some of their gallery but not all.
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Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:50:49 No.2222740
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File: 8180e2b0b3d23e231f0ef1b8bcf7c755_u18chan.jpg - (45.11kb, 850x748, 8180e2b0b3d23e231f0ef1b8bcf7c755.jpg)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:56:14 No.2222748
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File: 7ede9e109c6c3ce5_u18chan.png - (321.94kb, 950x843, 7ede9e109c6c3ce5.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:56:38 No.2222749
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File: 22e3406bd949624c_u18chan.png - (553.7kb, 1100x1796, 22e3406bd949624c.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:57:17 No.2222750
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File: aaea178235b7808a_u18chan.png - (126.86kb, 969x950, aaea178235b7808a.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:57:57 No.2222751
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File: 188fd06c339e42eb_u18chan.png - (146.96kb, 853x900, 188fd06c339e42eb.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:58:31 No.2222752
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File: e201840c551afaa3_u18chan.png - (132.12kb, 827x960, e201840c551afaa3.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 20:58:56 No.2222753
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File: 2be55bcf89646c6c_u18chan.png - (179.25kb, 1440x1440, 2be55bcf89646c6c.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 21:00:09 No.2222754
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File: a4c5ace6e1a52c99_u18chan.png - (176.79kb, 1030x950, a4c5ace6e1a52c99.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 21:00:41 No.2222755
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File: 728e79a5819c1d41_u18chan.png - (413.38kb, 1000x1000, 728e79a5819c1d41.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 21:01:32 No.2222756
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File: 2d5c533712b68a6b_u18chan.png - (393.33kb, 850x850, 2d5c533712b68a6b.png)
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/06 21:01:59 No.2222757
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File: 903df7ec0f24ccef_u18chan.png - (439.95kb, 950x950, 903df7ec0f24ccef.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/06 22:57:00 No.2222810
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lol dammit
saw that coming
Anonymous 2022/12/07 02:00:36 No.2222864
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i really hate it when this sudden purge happen. why are all good cub artist do this?
Anonymous 2022/12/07 03:02:11 No.2222872
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Ahh shit, why? Was baraag the only account?
Anonymous 2022/12/07 05:12:15 No.2222891
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I see two reasons. First, much of the fandom, even the people who're fine with rape, snuff and/or hard vore in fantasy, are very, VERY much not okay with anything involving minors in fantasy. Yes, there have been a few furries arrested over the real thing, and as far as I know, only one showed any signs of being into cub material, drawing or consuming, but the stigma stays put that if you're into cub, it suggests you're into real stuff. So if you're an artist and your fanbase finds out you're drawing cub on the side, it can make said fans dump you like a bad habit. And if you draw art for income, there goes your money.

Second, I suspect there's someone going around, either dropping legal threats (the infamous Insane Kangaroo at least used to threaten to alert the F.B.I. on cub artists) or threatening to expose them to their outer fanbase, likely with accusations of being into the real thing, out of a belief that they're saving the fandom from degeneracy. That was Insane Kangaroo's thing: he thought he was protecting furries from dangerous molesters. (He also had dreams of becoming a cop, I think with an authoritarian bent, a desire to "be tough on crime.")
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/07 07:25:01 No.2222901
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As far as I can see there were 0 backups anywhere.
Anonymous 2022/12/07 08:08:40 No.2222903
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He nuked his inkbunny and his furaffinity is also pending for deletion as well though his pictaro was active as of yesterday. can’t figure why he’s deleting everything though
Anonymous 2022/12/07 09:39:00 No.2222922
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Often the result of threat, blackmail, stalking, or harassment over the nature of the content. There are many "watchdog" accounts that seek to make cub artists' life difficult in the name of protecting the fandom.
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:24 No.2222940
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File: 0cfd0398da35913a_u18chan.png - (135.47kb, 911x921, 0cfd0398da35913a.png)
I have a couple, what a shame still. Pretty sure some dumbass uploaded their stuff to e6, so that's probably what tipped the whatchdogs off.
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:28 No.2222941
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File: 2443640698fda997_u18chan.png - (150.19kb, 1000x1000, 2443640698fda997.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:32 No.2222942
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File: 7651477acdc639fc_u18chan.png - (144.17kb, 1000x958, 7651477acdc639fc.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:37 No.2222943
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File: 3a6dd1e4bb6d3890_u18chan.png - (156.44kb, 980x1000, 3a6dd1e4bb6d3890.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:42 No.2222944
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File: 010a483b535242f0_u18chan.png - (197.94kb, 969x1000, 010a483b535242f0.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:46 No.2222945
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File: ccd35e9984491cf7_u18chan.png - (164.01kb, 1000x1000, ccd35e9984491cf7.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:50 No.2222946
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File: dbdf9cb8ca54803f_u18chan.png - (132.97kb, 951x1000, dbdf9cb8ca54803f.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:54 No.2222947
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File: ff78b529f7201e0a_u18chan.png - (191.42kb, 1000x1000, ff78b529f7201e0a.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:33:58 No.2222948
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File: 0cfd0398da35913a_0_u18chan.png - (135.47kb, 911x921, 0cfd0398da35913a.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 10:34:02 No.2222949
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File: 6ffb63fa97f6c226_u18chan.png - (430.69kb, 949x900, 6ffb63fa97f6c226.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 11:02:03 No.2222960
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can you give an example of any?
Anonymous 2022/12/07 12:13:02 No.2222972
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Funny thing is, the FBI wouldn't and can't do shit.
Cub art in America falls under the jurisdiction of "Art" making it completely legal as long as no child was actually used or harmed in the making of said artwork.

They even tried to reform the laws a decade ago, but any wording would have made most of Disney's movies, and Anime illegal by definition of the laws.

Other countries are much less tolerant. In Canada and Australia, if the character looks to be underage it is to be treated as such and is a fine able offense.

Japan doesn't give a fuck, though there are groups trying to change this in the country

Europe varies from country to country.
Anonymous 2022/12/07 12:13:46 No.2222973
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Jurisdiction of art meaning freedom of expression and freedom of speech.
Anonymous 2022/12/07 12:15:34 No.2222975
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Can't give examples of any, but can give examples of events.

FA removed all Cub Artwork because multiple companies refused to work with the site as long as the cub artwork was still being posted.

Things like Paypal will ban you for porn alone, but cub artwork would be a hard blacklisting.
Anonymous 2022/12/07 12:55:58 No.2222983
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File: lassenby_u18chan.png - (141.83kb, 1100x850, lassenby.png)
what I had saved. dunno if anyone reposted them already.
Anonymous 2022/12/07 12:56:02 No.2222984
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File: lassenby2_u18chan.png - (87.05kb, 709x850, lassenby2.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 12:56:07 No.2222985
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File: lassenby3_u18chan.png - (71.46kb, 613x900, lassenby3.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/07 16:31:00 No.2223034
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Really is a shame they deleted their account. It's really good stuff.
Anonymous 2022/12/08 06:48:47 No.2223227
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If I met anyone of these watchdogs at a convention I would kick the shit out of them.
Anonymous 2022/12/08 18:23:23 No.2223511
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File: 125fecad776d98aa_u18chan.png - (109.87kb, 852x804, 125fecad776d98aa.png)
Thank goodness there's always someone with the foresight to save pics before purges like this happen. This was unfortunately the only pic I was able to salvage from my browser's cache.
Anonymous 2022/12/09 14:00:04 No.2223777
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if they make a new account under a new name or something, make sure it gets posted here

also did their partner also delete all their stuff?
Anonymous 2022/12/09 16:41:23 No.2223821
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Proof that drawing cub is the death of someone's online presence.
Anonymous 2022/12/09 17:22:32 No.2223836
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Their baraag yes. inkbunny/fa still up
Anonymous 2022/12/09 19:29:50 No.2223856
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The inkbunny user name, please?

I had only the baraag link.
Anonymous 2022/12/10 01:33:17 No.2223945
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Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/10 07:35:27 No.2223998
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The IB and FA accounts never saw the uploads that were on Baraag. To my knowledge there are no other backups.
Furronymous 2022/12/10 15:46:54 No.2224126
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I learnt my lesson after Skullwomb nuked his stuff... Saved all of her stuff that was on the Baraag expecting it wouldn't be long for this world. Can do an upload of it all later this week.
Anonymous 2022/12/12 13:49:14 No.2225035
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Please do!
Anonymous 2022/12/12 17:06:34 No.2225145
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Guess I should of specified. not lassnight but their partner still has them up.
Lassnight's Baragg gallery Anonymous 2022/12/14 07:32:59 No.2225891
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There is nothing on that account that was on Lassnight's Baragg as far as I can see.
Anonymous 2022/12/14 15:56:52 No.2226115
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Wtf is with the paranoia? Nothing's been deleted; you dips know what's happened to baraag, right?
Anonymous 2022/12/14 16:30:08 No.2226126
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ya and a lot of us would either love to get access back to Baraag in one way or another but now everything is isolated.
Anonymous 2022/12/14 22:00:25 No.2226202
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No? Besides the "new" interface with browsing did something happen?
Anonymous 2022/12/14 22:01:41 No.2226203
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No? Besides the "new" interface with browsing did something happen?
Anonymous 2022/12/15 01:18:59 No.2226264
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File: 816cdf58a92785e2_u18chan.png - (145.31kb, 900x900, 816cdf58a92785e2.png)
Here's a handful I've got that I don't already see in here.
Anonymous 2022/12/15 01:19:04 No.2226265
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File: 3411fc146fc59c0b_u18chan.png - (315.44kb, 900x900, 3411fc146fc59c0b.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/15 01:19:10 No.2226266
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File: 253942a264d26875_u18chan.png - (281.16kb, 1000x1000, 253942a264d26875.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/15 01:19:17 No.2226267
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File: 82486e2abcf932a9_u18chan.png - (228.96kb, 988x900, 82486e2abcf932a9.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/15 01:19:24 No.2226268
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File: 92849f8482bcf1c3_u18chan.png - (395.7kb, 675x1500, 92849f8482bcf1c3.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/15 01:19:29 No.2226269
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File: 75273ffe7481eab3_u18chan.png - (667.14kb, 1386x1496, 75273ffe7481eab3.png)
Anonymous 2022/12/15 02:00:18 No.2226276
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The baraag account is gone, and baraag works fine.
Anonymous 2022/12/15 05:55:46 No.2226314
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Can you use a wayback machine?
Anonymous 2022/12/15 18:10:59 No.2226788
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I hope they setup a new account somewhere, i only just found them again a few weeks back and i still love their stuff.
Anonymous 2022/12/16 22:57:42 No.2227410
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this guy always appears in the galleries of cancelled/ self cancelled cub artists.
Anonymous 2022/12/18 18:16:04 No.2228239
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Maybe he gets off on betraying them?
Anonymous 2022/12/18 23:50:25 No.2228334
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Gear? Yeah, the dude gets around.

Kinda funny how so many artists who are vehemently against cub stuff still take commissions from him. Performative drama at its finest.

Anyway, I hope JB is safe and pops up somewhere again soon.
Anonymous 2022/12/19 03:39:00 No.2228388
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Nah, it's probably because he's a popu-fur.
The guy spends so much money buying commissions with anyone who will take his art-dick to feel better about his fragile ego, then turn around and beg for rent money.

So when he gets cub art, he has so many simps chasing after his cock, that the art WILL get shared around and it will reach people the artist doesn't want seeing the cub art. And with a recognizable style, seen by his many simps, bam. Secret's out.
Anonymous 2022/12/19 20:08:03 No.2228603
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He's just a hardcore commissioner, one of those guys who spends tons of money on commissions either because he has an addiction, or because he thinks it'll rocket him to popufur status. LupineAssassin was of the former ilk, so addicted to art commissions that he was begging and pleading for rent money, then buying art with those donations. Gambling, drinking and drugs are not by far the only addictions, and many have no chemical aspect beyond the dopamines they trigger. Artwork featuring your OCs can 100% be an addiction.

I don't know who gear-tattoo dude is, but HAS he begged for help paying rent? He's certainly in a lot of art, cub and otherwise.
Anonymous 2022/12/20 14:44:47 No.2228834
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>The page you are trying to reach is currently pending deletion by a request from its owner.

Looks like they also requested to have their FA deleted
Anonymous 2022/12/21 00:02:57 No.2229000
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I don't know how to do it myself, but now is a good time to make a backup of their e6 gallery before Jailbird makes a takedown request.
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:26:33 No.2229709
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File: 00c6530958fd3ce7_u18chan.png - (195.04kb, 1000x1000, 00c6530958fd3ce7.png)
Posting what I saved (which should have been everything), no particular order and apologies for any duplicates
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:28:15 No.2229711
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File: 0cfd0398da35913a_1_u18chan.png - (135.47kb, 911x921, 0cfd0398da35913a.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:28:37 No.2229712
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File: 0eaa94e4940d37f6_u18chan.png - (165.38kb, 927x1000, 0eaa94e4940d37f6.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:29:19 No.2229713
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File: 2a7c75b53ca19364_u18chan.png - (269.43kb, 998x1000, 2a7c75b53ca19364.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:29:44 No.2229714
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File: 2be55bcf89646c6c_0_u18chan.png - (179.25kb, 1440x1440, 2be55bcf89646c6c.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:30:21 No.2229716
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File: 2d5c533712b68a6b_0_u18chan.png - (393.33kb, 850x850, 2d5c533712b68a6b.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:30:42 No.2229717
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File: 2e1820d15a0bb5f2_u18chan.png - (359.71kb, 796x950, 2e1820d15a0bb5f2.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:48:50 No.2229723
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File: 3e6bd64796aa722e_u18chan.png - (250.4kb, 882x900, 3e6bd64796aa722e.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:50:44 No.2229724
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File: 4b67bbd8e5ed9484_u18chan.png - (171.92kb, 968x1000, 4b67bbd8e5ed9484.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:52:15 No.2229725
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File: 4ec9fc16dbb5c199_u18chan.png - (98.43kb, 907x900, 4ec9fc16dbb5c199.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:52:56 No.2229728
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File: 4fa5ef227e550761_u18chan.png - (105.07kb, 822x930, 4fa5ef227e550761.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 21:59:45 No.2229731
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File: 1_617_u18chan.png - (150.19kb, 1000x1000, 1.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:00:14 No.2229732
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File: 2_523_u18chan.png - (144.17kb, 1000x958, 2.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:00:32 No.2229733
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File: 3_497_u18chan.png - (156.44kb, 980x1000, 3.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:00:52 No.2229734
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File: 4_435_u18chan.png - (117.61kb, 997x1000, 4.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:01:12 No.2229735
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File: 5_386_u18chan.png - (197.94kb, 969x1000, 5.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:01:36 No.2229736
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File: 6_355_u18chan.png - (164.01kb, 1000x1000, 6.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:02:09 No.2229737
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File: 7_314_u18chan.png - (132.97kb, 951x1000, 7.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:02:33 No.2229738
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File: 8_267_u18chan.png - (191.42kb, 1000x1000, 8.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:03:16 No.2229739
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File: 6eb92bb01b086454_u18chan.png - (125.54kb, 900x950, 6eb92bb01b086454.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:03:40 No.2229741
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File: 6ffb63fa97f6c226_0_u18chan.png - (430.69kb, 949x900, 6ffb63fa97f6c226.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:04:11 No.2229742
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File: 7ede9e109c6c3ce5_0_u18chan.png - (321.94kb, 950x843, 7ede9e109c6c3ce5.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:04:57 No.2229743
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File: 8ba7ba64e0e19a42_u18chan.png - (97.05kb, 898x700, 8ba7ba64e0e19a42.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:05:23 No.2229744
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File: 8ddcbc402b8a3988_u18chan.png - (274.46kb, 998x1000, 8ddcbc402b8a3988.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:05:57 No.2229746
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File: 9bee1758bc21cf66_u18chan.png - (146.64kb, 1000x1000, 9bee1758bc21cf66.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:06:33 No.2229747
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File: 22e3406bd949624c_0_u18chan.png - (553.7kb, 1100x1796, 22e3406bd949624c.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:07:12 No.2229749
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File: 28af27fda41efe0a_u18chan.png - (81.7kb, 909x800, 28af27fda41efe0a.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:07:51 No.2229750
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File: 72a9310bbfd4b88d_u18chan.png - (262.13kb, 778x800, 72a9310bbfd4b88d.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:08:29 No.2229751
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File: 74a42303e04a82c8_u18chan.png - (141.83kb, 1100x850, 74a42303e04a82c8.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:09:03 No.2229752
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File: 125fecad776d98aa_0_u18chan.png - (109.87kb, 852x804, 125fecad776d98aa.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:09:38 No.2229753
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File: 188fd06c339e42eb_0_u18chan.png - (146.96kb, 853x900, 188fd06c339e42eb.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:10:29 No.2229754
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File: 0467ec63984e14a1_u18chan.png - (128.99kb, 854x1000, 0467ec63984e14a1.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:12:01 No.2229756
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File: 728e79a5819c1d41_0_u18chan.png - (413.38kb, 1000x1000, 728e79a5819c1d41.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:12:47 No.2229757
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File: 816cdf58a92785e2_0_u18chan.png - (145.31kb, 900x900, 816cdf58a92785e2.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:13:49 No.2229758
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File: 903df7ec0f24ccef_0_u18chan.png - (439.95kb, 950x950, 903df7ec0f24ccef.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:14:21 No.2229759
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File: 3411fc146fc59c0b_0_u18chan.png - (315.44kb, 900x900, 3411fc146fc59c0b.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:14:55 No.2229760
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File: 8606d499a01d470d_u18chan.png - (91.53kb, 808x1000, 8606d499a01d470d.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:15:29 No.2229761
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File: 24051f05b4e5e9cd_u18chan.png - (110.46kb, 733x1000, 24051f05b4e5e9cd.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:16:04 No.2229762
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File: 032449f23aa80bfa_u18chan.png - (231.08kb, 852x1000, 032449f23aa80bfa.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:16:40 No.2229763
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File: 75273ffe7481eab3_0_u18chan.png - (667.14kb, 1386x1496, 75273ffe7481eab3.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:17:28 No.2229765
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File: 82486e2abcf932a9_0_u18chan.png - (228.96kb, 988x900, 82486e2abcf932a9.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:18:08 No.2229766
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File: 92849f8482bcf1c3_0_u18chan.png - (395.7kb, 675x1500, 92849f8482bcf1c3.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:18:48 No.2229767
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File: 95227a618a5c8721_u18chan.png - (145.68kb, 828x850, 95227a618a5c8721.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:19:26 No.2229768
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File: 253942a264d26875_0_u18chan.png - (281.16kb, 1000x1000, 253942a264d26875.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:20:14 No.2229769
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File: a4c5ace6e1a52c99_0_u18chan.png - (176.79kb, 1030x950, a4c5ace6e1a52c99.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:20:48 No.2229770
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File: aaa96f6dfcfb55a2_u18chan.png - (1.46mb, 1097x950, aaa96f6dfcfb55a2.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:21:27 No.2229771
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File: aaea178235b7808a_0_u18chan.png - (126.86kb, 969x950, aaea178235b7808a.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:22:09 No.2229772
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File: ac827ab306ed0be2_u18chan.png - (367.91kb, 920x930, ac827ab306ed0be2.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:23:06 No.2229773
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File: b363ebabf3591ccc_u18chan.png - (165.29kb, 1000x1000, b363ebabf3591ccc.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:23:48 No.2229774
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File: bb1a2413ced7117b_u18chan.png - (152.13kb, 1000x1000, bb1a2413ced7117b.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:24:27 No.2229775
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File: c1d17adde14fcd18_0_u18chan.png - (133.28kb, 900x900, c1d17adde14fcd18.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:25:20 No.2229776
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File: ce0d7e3a8db8fae7_u18chan.png - (368.02kb, 1009x900, ce0d7e3a8db8fae7.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:25:51 No.2229777
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File: d4a96145abfc4dfb_u18chan.png - (480.27kb, 478x754, d4a96145abfc4dfb.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:26:18 No.2229778
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File: e8d757e831db2f75_u18chan.png - (378.49kb, 1097x950, e8d757e831db2f75.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:26:38 No.2229779
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File: e201840c551afaa3_0_u18chan.png - (132.12kb, 827x960, e201840c551afaa3.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:26:57 No.2229780
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File: e328437e2034b801_u18chan.png - (187.32kb, 1091x850, e328437e2034b801.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:27:27 No.2229782
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File: ef11bfbb95a34edb_u18chan.png - (241.04kb, 779x870, ef11bfbb95a34edb.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:27:50 No.2229783
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File: f0f5c23a4d104f58_u18chan.png - (81.01kb, 834x910, f0f5c23a4d104f58.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:28:41 No.2229784
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File: f6b54d94c28781ea_u18chan.png - (115.86kb, 867x1000, f6b54d94c28781ea.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:29:07 No.2229785
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File: f9bff7462050dd70_u18chan.png - (229.56kb, 789x900, f9bff7462050dd70.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:29:41 No.2229786
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File: fe74ed83c9c5e582_u18chan.png - (465.87kb, 1035x1000, fe74ed83c9c5e582.png)
Furronymous 2022/12/22 22:31:48 No.2229787
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That's everything I saved from Jailbird's Baraag (again, should have been about everything that was on there), bar a couple that weren't anthro. A couple were also from her husband Leenden's Baraag, before that was also nuked.
Furronymous 2022/12/23 21:14:40 No.2230101
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And you are awesome for sharing it. Thank you!
Anonymous 2022/12/24 07:21:37 No.2230239
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cheers m8
Anonymous 2023/01/14 09:14:02 No.2239353
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So did they nuke it all because the cub stuff was found or because of the back log of commissions they had never finished? Wild I'm finding out about their delrrd profiles from here.
Anonymous 2023/03/14 19:42:46 No.2263645
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Anonymous 2023/03/15 11:41:35 No.2263862
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The cub is so good too, fuck narcs man
Anonymous 2023/03/18 23:33:09 No.2265178
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My theory is they had that growing backlog of commissions, got overwhelmed.
Had some fun by offering some kinky, closed commissions to an inner circle, made a whack of cash for bills, and then exploded.

They'll probably be back in a few months.. New name. Probably altered style.
It's too tempting not to, a clean slate to sucker in a whole new list of unfulfilled commissions?
Anonymous 2023/04/05 08:57:44 No.2272528
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File: 4424880_Mixterious_22510d28-76fc-4d48-9153-76575e08e5e1_u18chan.png - (298.47kb, 920x1657, 4424880_Mixterious_22510d28-76fc-4d48-9153-76575e08e5e1.png)

guess they are still drawing the content?
Anonymous 2023/04/05 20:46:06 No.2272658
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File: wagkiro_u18chan.jpg - (94.56kb, 878x1280, wagkiro.jpg)

Oh, yeah, they're still doing art. They did a piece for WagnerMutt recently that's very cub-adjacent (the fox is an adult according to the owner, he's just a fennec). I'm glad they're still doing stuff, honestly, and I hope they find a place where they feel comfortable posting again.

Edited at 2023/04/05 20:47:03

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