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Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/04 20:39:29 No.2394892   
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Art and story by Hunterramirez. Ha pasado una semana desde que el abuelo llevo a Saul de acampada, este está parado en la ventana mirando hacia afuera, emocionado al saber que hoy su abuelo pasara por el para llevarlo nuevamente a "pescar", pero Saul tiene una sorpresa para el abuelo, y está desesperado por mostrársela.

20 minutos después, Saul mira con alegría la camioneta del abuelo estacionar frente a su casa, abre la puerta y sale corriendo a abrazar al abuelo, el cual lo abraza.

- "Buenos días papa, hoy llegaste más temprano, todo bien?", pregunta Sora su hijo, el cual camina hacia afuera con la mochila de Saul en la mano.

- "si, todo bien hijo, salí antes para evitar el tráfico, tienes todo listo ya?", pregunta el viejo mientras recibe la mochila.

- "solo falta Marquitos, deja le llamo a Jacob para decirle que ya estás aquí", dice Sora mientras camina a la puerta.

- "Marquitos?" dice el viejo mostrando confusión.

- "si, ya sabes, el niño que invitaste para ir con ustedes" responde Sora viendo la cara de su padre confundido, "ay no, no lo invitaste tu verdad"

el viejo sonríe y mueve la cabeza negando.

- "Saul", dice el padre con las manos en la cintura, mientras ve al chico con gesto de desaprobación.

- "Marcos hizo en el campamento lo que tú y yo hicimos abuelo, y él quiere estar contigo también, sé que te va a gustar estar con el" dijo el chiquillo casi gritando emocionado.

- "que fue lo que ustedes hicieron?, y como esta eso que le va gustar estar contigo papa?" dijo Sora viendo ahora el confundido a su padre.

- "p-pues... pescamos, cocinamos el pescado y caminamos"

- "y lo que hicimos en la noche en la tienda abuelo!" dijo Saul sonriendo.

Sora miro nuevamente a su padre, esperando una respuesta.

- "hahaha ya veo, pero no eh comprado bombones esta vez hijo" dijo el viejo sonriendo nerviosamente.

Sora sonrió, "entonces papa, quieres que llame a Jacob y le diga que siempre no vas a poder o si vas a llevarte a su hijo?" pregunto Sora mientras caminaba hacia la puerta nuevamente.

- "pues no sé, cuidar a mi nieto es una cosa, pero otro chico, no lo sé" dijo frotando la espalda de Saul.

- "anda di que si abuelo, por fis, por fis por fis"

El viejo suspiro y.....


It's been a week since Grandpa took Saul camping, Saul is standing at the window looking out, excited to know that today his grandfather will stop by to take him "fishing" again, but this time Saul has a surprise for Grandpa and he's desperate to show it to him.

20 minutes later, Saul gleefully watches Grandpa's truck pull up in front of his house, open the door, and run out to hug Grandpa, and he hugs him.

-"Good morning dad, you arrived earlier today, everything okay?" Sora asks his father, who walks outside with Saul's backpack.

-"Yes, everything is fine son, I left earlier to avoid traffic, do you have everything ready now?", asks the old man while he receives the backpack.

-"Marquitos is just missing, let me call Jacob to tell him that you're already here", says Sora as he walks to the door.

- "Marquitos?" says the old man showing confusion.

-"Yes, you know, the boy you invited to go with you" Sora answers seeing his father's face, confused about him, "oh no, you didn't invite him, right"

the old man smiles and shakes his head denying.

-"Saul", says the father with his hands on his waist, while he looks at the boy disapprovingly.

- "Marcos did in the camp what you and I did, Grandpa, and he wants to be with you too, I know you'll like being with him," said the little boy almost shouting excitedly.

- "What did you guys do? And how will that be like being with you, Dad?" Sora said now looking at his confused father of him.

- "W-well... we fish, we cook the fish and we walk"

- "And what we did at night in grandpa's tent!" Saul said smiling.

Sora looked at his father again, waiting for an answer.

- "Hahaha I see, but I didn't buy marshmallows this time son," said the old man smiling nervously.

Sora smiled, "So Dad, do you want me to call Jacob and tell him that you won't always be able to or if you are going to take his son?" Sora asked as he walked towards the door again.

"Well, I don't know, taking care of my grandson is one thing, but another boy, I don't know," he said, rubbing Saul's back.

- "Come on Grandpa, say yes pleeeeewwweeees"

The old sigh and.....
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Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/04 20:42:44 No.2394893
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El viejo suspiro y frotando la cabeza de su nieto sonrió, "está bien, mientras más mejor"

Sora asintió y se metió a la casa para llamar a Jacob y decirle que solo esperaban a Marcos.

Unos minutos después el abuelo, Saul y Marcos se dirigían por la carretera rumbo al lago, cuando se encontraban cerca de llegar a su destino, el abuelo apago la radio, para iniciar una conversación con el pequeño oso.

- "Me dijo mi nieto que fuiste a un campamento" dijo el viejo viendo de reojo a Marcos.

- "si, fui al campamento vida salvaje, se supone que Saul y yo iríamos juntos pero pues se enfermó y no pudo ir “respondió Marcos frotando sus manos.

- "ah ya veo, y que tal estuvo, aprendiste algo, quizás cosas que nunca habías hecho?" dijo el viejo, mientras giraba la camioneta para entrar por el camino del bosque.

- "si, aprendí a pescar, nadar, escalar, hacer fogatas, azar malvaviscos, limpiar...", Por un buen rato Marcos enumero cada cosa que había aprendido.

- "wao, aprendiste mucho hijo, pero dime no hubo algo que te gustara más que todo, no se quizás algo que solo tu hayas visto" dijo el abuelo sonriendo.

Marcos se quedó callado, y recordó la prueba de valor que había hecho con el guía del campamento, y sintió como su pequeño miembro se empezó a erectar, por lo que puso sus manos en su entrepierna para cubrirlo, - "me gusto pescar y hacer fogatas", dijo sonriendo.

"ah ok", dijo el abuelo un poco decepcionado, y pensó que después de todo Saul se había referido solo a eso, por lo que dio por terminada la plática.

- "pero no le has contado lo que hiciste con el jefe oso en el bosque" dijo Saul mientras volteaba a ver sonriente a Marcos.

- "oh, hay algo más!", dijo emocionado el abuelo mientras volvía a mirar de reojo a Marcos, esperando que esta vez el chico le dijera lo que el deseaba escuchar.

Marcos miro a Saul y vio al abuelo, el había hecho una promesa de Boyscout con su Líder, y un buen Boyscout no rompe sus promesas... aunque sin lugar a dudas ya lo había hecho al contarle a Saul, pero solo hizo esto porque Saul le conto lo que le había hecho su abuelo, así que el pobre chico se encontraba confundido con lo que debía de hacer, por lo que después de pensar un poco decidido que lo mejor era....


The old man sighed and rubbing his grandson's head smiled, "Okay, the more the merrier"

Sora nodded and went into the house to call Jacob and tell him that they were only waiting for Marcos.

A few minutes later, Grandfather, Saul, and Marcos were heading down the road toward the lake, when they were close to reaching their destination, Grandfather turned off the radio, to start a conversation with the little bear.

- "My grandson told me that you went to a camp," said the old man looking at Marcos out of the corner of his eye.

-"Yes, I went to the wildlife camp, Saul and I were supposed to go together but he got sick and couldn't go" Marcos replied rubbing his hands.

- "Ah I see, and how was it, did you learn something, maybe things that you had never done before?" said the old man, as he turned the truck to enter the forest road.

-"Yes, I learned to fish, swim, climb, make bonfires, throw marshmallows, clean...", For a long time Marcos listed everything he had learned.

- "Wow, you learned a lot son, but tell me there wasn't something you liked more than everything, I don't know maybe something that only you have seen," said the grandfather smiling.

Marcos remained silent and remembered the test of courage that he had done with the camp guide, and he felt how his little member began to become erect, so he put his hands on his crotch to cover it, - "I liked fishing and doing campfires," he said, smiling.

"Ah", said the grandfather a little disappointed, and he thought that after all Saul had only meant that, so he ended the conversation.

"But you haven't told him what you did with the leader bear in the forest," Saul said as he turned to see Marcos smiling.

-"Oh, there's something else!" Grandpa said excitedly as he looked at Marcos out of the corner of his eye again, hoping that this time the boy would tell him what he wanted to hear.

Marcos looked at Saul and saw the grandfather, he had made a Boyscout promise to his Leader, and a good Boyscout doesn't break his promises... although without a doubt he had already done it when telling Saul, he only did this because Saul told him what his grandfather had done to him, so the poor boy was confused with what he should do, so after thinking for a bit, he decided that the best thing to do was...
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/09 19:51:18 No.2396196
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Marcos pensó que lo mejor era contarle una mentira al abuelo de Saul, ya que una promesa es una promesa y aunque le haya contado a Saul eso no significaba que tenía permitido contarle a todo el mundo como si nada.

"Oh si!, el líder ben me enseñó a destripar los pescados y a cocinarlos, pero no me gustó mucho, además no podía decirlo porque se supone que no se nos es permitido tomar cuchillos o navajas, y esa vez el líder Ben me dio su navaja", dijo Marcos mirando al abuelo.

"entonces lo que hiciste esa noche... fue cortar pescados y cocinarlos?" pregunto el abuelo un tanto decepcionado.

"SIP" dijo Marcos sonriendo.

El abuelo suspiro y el resto del camino se fue callado, con un gesto notoriamente molesto.

Al llegar los chicos se iban a poner a ayudar al abuelo, pero este se negó, y en cambio los mando a jugar por ahí donde no estorbaran, mientras el colocaba las casas de campaña y preparaba todo.

"sí gusta yo puedo ayudar y le puedo decir a Saul como..." decía Marcos cuando el abuelo lo miro molesto.

"váyanse a jugar, que ha eso vinieron, o no?" dijo con voz severa.

Marcos bajo sus orejas y se alejó con Saul, ambos fueron a sentarse en el pasto viendo hacia el lago, callados y quietos.

Unos minutos después y aun molesto el abuelo vio a los chicos ahí tristes, chasqueando los dientes se acercó a la camioneta y saco de ella un balón, el cual les arrojo, la pelota llego hasta ellos extrañamente mojada por el suelo húmedo.

"Jueguen con eso" dijo mientras se daba la vuelta y continuaba colocando el campamento.

Ya cuando estaba por terminar el viejo sintió un tirón en su cola, y al voltear a ver vio a Saul de cuclillas tras de él.

"que pasa?" pregunto el viejo.

"abuelo, allá todo el pasto esta mojado, podemos ir a otro lugar?" pregunto el pequeño.

"No hijo ya coloqué todo, jueguen así" dijo el abuelo mientras caminaba con su caña de pescar rumbo al lago.

"Pero abuelo nos vamos a mojar las ropas y.…" decía Saul cuando la mano del abuelo se reposo en su hombro.

"mira hijo si no se quieren mojar pueden jugar en ropa interior o desnudos, de acuerdo, yo voy a pescar" dicho eso el viejo zorro continuo su camino y se sentó a orillas del lago.

Momentos después escucho a los chicos riendo y corriendo tras de él, al voltearse vio a ambos jugando con la pelota en ropa interior, lo que le molesto aún más, pero decidido no decir nada y continuar su pesca.

Las horas pasaron rápido, los niños siguieron jugando y la pesca no era fructífera, lo que molestaba al abuelo el cual termino dejando la pesca y llamo a ambos chicos y al ver su ropa interior mojada él les dijo que...


Marcos thought that the best thing to do was to tell Saul's grandfather a lie since a promise is a promise, and even though he told Saul that didn't mean he was allowed to tell the whole world as if nothing had happened.

"Oh yes, the leader ben taught me to gut the fish and cook them, but I didn't like it very much, besides I couldn't say it because we are not supposed to take knives or razors, and that time the leader Ben gave me his knife," said Marcos, looking at his grandfather.

"So what you did that night...was cut fish and cook them?" asked the somewhat disappointed grandfather.

"Yep," said Marcos smiling.

The grandfather sighed and the rest of the way he was silent, with a clearly annoyed gesture.

When the boys arrived they were going to help their grandfather, but he refused, and instead, he sent them to play somewhere where they would not get in the way, while he placed the tents and prepared everything.

"If you like, I can help and I can tell Saul how..." Marcos said when his grandfather looked at him annoyed.

"Go play, why did you come here, or not?" he said in a stern voice.

Marcos lowered his ears and walked away with Saul, both of them went to sit on the grass facing the lake, quiet and still.

A few minutes later and still annoyed, the grandfather saw the sad boys there, snapping his teeth, he approached the truck and took a ball out of it, which he threw at them, the ball came to them strangely wet from the wet ground.

"Play with it," he said as he turned around and continued to set up camp.

When he was about to finish, the old man felt a tug on his tail, and when he turned to see, he saw Saul crouching behind him.

"what's happening?" asked the old man.

"Grandpa, all the grass over there is wet, can we go somewhere else?" asked the little one.

"No son, I already put everything, play like this," said the grandfather while he walked with his fishing rod towards the lake.

"But grandfather, we're going to get our clothes wet and…" Saul said when grandfather's hand rested on his shoulder.

"Look, son, if you don't want to get wet, you can play in your underwear or naked, okay, I'm going to fish," said the old fox continued on his way, and sat down by the lake.

Moments later he heard the boys laughing and running after him, when he turned around he saw them both playing with the ball in their underwear, which annoyed him even more, but he decided not to say anything and continue his fishing.

The hours passed quickly, the children continued playing and the fishing was not fruitful, which annoyed the grandfather who ended up leaving the fishing and called both boys and when he saw their wet underwear he told them that...
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/09 19:59:20 No.2396198
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A few minutes later Saul had gotten several branches and was returning to the camp when he heard a whisper that scared him and he was about to run, but he calmed down when he heard his grandfather talking to him.

"Saul, this way son, come," said Grandfather hiding behind a tree, watching the camp.

"Grandpa? What are you doing there?" Saul asked as he approached.

"Ssh, come closer," he said without taking his eyes off the camp.

"what's up, grandpa?" Saul whispered.

"Nothing, nothing, stay here," said the old man, while unbuttoning his overalls, which he lowered to his knees, followed by pulling up his shirt and unbuttoning his pants, and then lowering them, leaving the old man's semi-erect penis in front of the boy.

"Grandfather?" Saul said as his tail tucked between his legs, showing that the little fox was scared.

And before he could say more, the grandfather took him by the head and put his penis in front of the little fox, which opened its mouth so that the old man's member could slide through it.

"Ooh yeah, I thought I wouldn't get a chance to do this," he whispered as he moved his throbbing member in and out.

"ngh...ngh...ngh..." was the sound Saul made with each thrust from the old man.

The minutes passed and the member of the grandfather got more and more forcefully into the boy's snout, and suddenly.

"SAUL!, GRANDPA!, WHERE ARE YOU?" Marcos yelled from the camp, his voice cracking slightly.

"tsk... the brat is back," the old man thought, who was enjoying the oral sex he was receiving from his grandson, and that was leading him to think about penetrating him, but it was precise because of Marcos' presence that he doubted because it was obvious that by penetrating Saul there was no way to get away from him afterward.

"Dammit," he said as he felt how Saul continued sucking his member, "I'll take him and to hell with the bear, or better I'll wait until that brat is asleep and I'll fuck Saul later", the old pervert thought, and in the end he what he did was...
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/16 17:20:33 No.2397469
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Al escuchar la voz de Marcos gritando desde el campamento, el viejo se molestó, e inclinándose hacia atrás saco su miembro del hocico de Saul.

"Ve" le dijo mientras se acomodaba el calzón.

Saul asintió, y camino rápido hacia el campamento mientras se limpiaba el hocico.

Unos minutos después ya cuando la fogata estaba encendida y el trio había comido un par de pescados, el abuelo comenzó a contarles historias de terror, leyendas que llego escuchar atravesó de los años.

Los chicos oían pues llenos de curiosidad, miedo y angustia las historias del abuelo, desde la leyenda de aquel que silva en los bosques, hasta el demonio que se tragaba a cualquiera que entrara a sus dominios en las montañas.

Así pues ambos chicos terminaron aterrados, mientras el abuelo se reía de ambos por creer en cuentos chinos.

"Bueno niños es hora de dormir" dijo el anciano sonriendo, esperando a que Saul le rogara para que lo dejara dormir con él, después de todo ese era el motivo de aquellas historias.

"Te vas a quedar con nosotros, verdad abuelo?", pregunto Saul asustado.

"No mijo, no cabríamos en la tiendita, pero usted no se apure, aquí estoy aun lado, no pasa nada" dijo el viejo sonriendo y ocultando sus intenciones.

"pero…" dijo Saul viendo a Marcos.

"Tu invitaste a Marcos hijo, y no sería correcto que lo dejaras solo, verdad Marcos?" dijo el anciano.

Marcos se quedó callado sin saber que responder, las historias del abuelo habían sido aterradoras, pero no tanto como las del líder Brown, "el sí que tenía historias que te hacían llorar", pensó Marcos.

"Bueno, si Saul se siente mejor con usted, por mí no hay problema señor", dijo Marcos.

"PERFECTO!" Pensó el abuelo, "ya me caes mucho mejor pequeño osito" dijo alegremente para sí mismo.

"Bueno, entonces como tú quieras hijo, tu decide" dijo el abuelo feliz, pensó que sería más difícil esto pero la cosa es que todo le estaba saliendo bien,

Saul miro al abuelo y después a Marcos, estaba asustado por las historias del abuelo por eso quería dormir con él, pero por otra parte el abuelo tenía razón, el había invitado a Marcos al campamento y seguramente el también estaba asustado... pero él dijo que no había problema, así que podía dormir con el abuelo, pero el abuelo dijo que no era correcto... pero él estaba asustado... al final lo que el zorrito decidió fue....


Hearing Marcos's voice yelling from the camp, the old man got annoyed, and leaning back, he pulled his member out of Saul's snout.

"Go," he told her as he adjusted his pants.

Saul nodded and walked briskly towards the camp while he wiped his nose.

A few minutes later, when the bonfire was lit and the trio had eaten a couple of fish, the grandfather began to tell them horror stories, legends that he had come to hear over the years.

The boys listened, full of curiosity, fear, and anguish, to the stories of their grandfather, from the legend of the one who whistles in the woods, to the demon that swallowed anyone who entered his domain in the mountains.

So both boys ended up terrified, while the grandfather laughed at both of them for believing in tall tales.

"Well, children it's time to sleep," the old man said smiling, waiting for Saul to beg him to let him sleep with him after all, that was the reason for those stories.

"You're going to stay with us, aren't you Grandpa?" Saul asked scared.

"No mijo, we wouldn't fit in the little store but don't worry, I'm here by the side, it's okay," said the old man smiling and hiding his intentions.

"But…" Saul said looking at Marcos.

"You invited Marcos's son, and it wouldn't be right if you left him alone, right Marcos?" said the old man.

Marcos remained silent, not knowing what to answer, the grandfather's stories had been terrifying, but not as terrifying as those of the leader Brown, "he did have stories that made you cry," Marcos thought.

"Well, if Saul feels better with you, it's no problem for me, sir," said Marcos.

"PERFECT!" Grandpa thought, "I like you so much better little bear," he said happily to himself.

"Well, then whatever you want son, it's up to you," said the happy grandfather, he thought that this would be more difficult but the thing is that everything was going well for him,

Saul looked at grandfather and then at Marcos, he was scared by grandfather's stories, that's why he wanted to sleep with him, but on the other hand, grandfather was right, he had invited Marcos to the camp and surely he was scared too... but he said it was no problem, so he could sleep with grandpa, but grandpa said it wasn't right... but he was scared... in the end, what the little fox decided was...
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/17 20:05:42 No.2397914
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Saul dice con voz entrecortada que quiere dormir con el abuelo.

El viejo asiente ocultando una sonrisa...

"Estas seguro hijo?, luego no quiero que empieces a mitad de la noche con que prefieres irte con Marcos", dijo el abuelo.

Saul solo se limitó a ver a Marcos, sin saber que decir.

"Dime Marcos estas de acuerdo con dormir solo?, igual vamos a estar aun lado pero no quiero que te quejes con tus papas porque te dejamos dormir solo" dijo el abuelo.

"Oh, no se preocupe señor, no me molesta, en el campamento hicimos esta actividad varias veces" dijo Marcos levantándose orgulloso.

"bueno, igual vamos a estar aun lado, ahora a dormir cachorros", dijo el abuelo levantándose con una enorme sonrisa, sabiendo que a final de cuentas tendría ese pequeño culo de nuevo.

Saul entro a la casa de campaña seguido por su abuelo.

"quítate el calzón o no podrás dormir" le dijo el abuelo susurrándole al oído al pequeño zorro.

Sin responder, el chico se inclinó y se quitó el calzoncillo, tirándolo a una esquina de la tienda, mientras el abuelo veía a Marcos recostándose en su tienda.

"Esperare una hora para que se duerma y luego te hare mío" pensó el abuelo mientras apretaba ligeramente las nalgas de su nieto.

Los minutos pasaron, Saul se había quedado completamente dormido, mientras su abuelo admiraba y acariciaba su pequeño trasero, apenas pudiendo aguantar las ganas de follarlo.

"Bien veamos si el mocoso ya se durmió" dijo el abuelo, levantándose para ir a ver a Marcos.

"Eh?" exclamo el abuelo al ver a Marcos sentado viendo el pequeño fuego de la fogata.

"Porque no te has dormido" dijo mientras se cubría la entrepierna, pues tenía una erección bastante notoria.

"Oh perdón, estaba pensando que sería mejor apagar eso" dijo señalando la fogata, cosa que era mentira, Marcos esperaba oír los gemidos de Saul al ser penetrado por su abuelo y quizás hasta echar un vistazo.

"La apagare cuando ya estén dormidos ahora duérmete" dijo el viejo molesto.

"sí señor" respondió el chico, y levantándose dejo ver al viejo que este estaba desnudo, lo cual sorprendió al anciano.

"P-porque estas desnudo?" pregunto el viejo.

"ah mi ropa estaba mojada" respondió Marcos, mientras se arrodillaba dándole la espalda al viejo, para después recostar solo el pecho en el colchón, dejando su culito expuesto ante el viejo.

el viejo se quedó viendo un momento a Marcos, mientras este lanzaba un pequeño suspiro, que prendió aún más la libido del anciano.

El abuelo de Saul se quedó un momento viendo hacia ambas casas de campaña, por un lado tenia a Saul el cual era su nieto y ya lo había hecho con él y era seguro que este no diría nada de lo que hacía con el abuelo, y por otro lado tenia a este pequeño oso al cual no conocía y no sabía en que problemas lo pudiera meter, pero era obvio que el oso se le estaba ofreciendo...

"Si tan solo fuera más joven" pensaba el viejo, que al final decidió...


Saul gasps that he wants to sleep with Grandpa.

The old man nods hiding a smile...

"Are you sure, son? Then I don't want you to start in the middle of the night saying that you'd rather go with Marcos," said the grandfather.

Saul just looked at Marcos, not knowing what to say.

"Tell me, Marcos, are you okay with sleeping alone? We're still going to be on the side, but I don't want you to complain to your parents because we let you sleep alone," said the grandfather.

"Oh, don't worry sir, it doesn't bother me, in the camp we did this activity several times," Marcos said standing up proudly.

"Well, maybe we're going to be on the side, now to sleep puppies", said the grandfather getting up with a huge smile, knowing that in the end, he would have that little ass again.

Saul entered the tent followed by his grandfather.

"Take off your underwear or you won't be able to sleep," the grandfather told him, whispering in the little fox's ear.

Without answering, the boy leaned over and took off his underwear, throwing it into a corner of the store, while the grandfather watched Marcos leaning against his store.

"I'll wait an hour for him to fall asleep and then I'll make you mine," the grandfather thought as he lightly squeezed his grandson's buttocks.

The minutes passed, and Saul had fallen completely asleep, while his grandpa admired and caressed his little ass, barely being able to resist the urge to fuck him.

"Okay, let's see if the brat is already asleep," said the grandfather, getting up to go see Marcos.

"Hey?" exclaimed the grandfather when he saw Marcos sitting watching the small fire of the campfire.

"Because you haven't fallen asleep," he said as he covered his crotch since he had a rather noticeable erection.

"Oh sorry, I was thinking that it would be better to turn that off," he said pointing to the fire, which was a lie, Marcos expected to hear Saul's moans as he was penetrated by his grandfather and maybe even take a look.

"I'll turn it off when you're asleep now go to sleep," said the old man annoyed.

"Yes sir" answered the boy, and getting up he let the old man see that he was naked, which surprised the old man.

"W-why are you naked?" asked the old man.

"Oh, my clothes were wet" answered Marcos, while he knelt with his back to the old man, to later lay only his chest on the mattress, exposing his little ass to the old man.

The old man stared at Marcos for a moment, while he heaved a little sigh, which turned the old man's libido on even more.

Saul's grandfather stayed for a moment looking at both tents, on the one hand, he had Saul, who was his grandson and had already done it with him and it was certain that he would not say anything about what he was doing with his grandfather, and on the other hand, he had this little bear that he didn't know and he didn't know what trouble he could get him into, but it was obvious that the bear was offering himself to him...

"If only he was younger," thought the old man, who finally decided...

Edited at 2024/08/17 20:11:31
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/17 20:33:02 No.2397916
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Si tan solo fuera más joven" pensaba el viejo, que al final decidió que ya que era obvio que el pequeño oso se le estaba ofreciendo, sería muy descortés de su parte dejarlo así; entonces el viejo dio un último vistazo hacia su tienda, asegurándose que Saul aun estuviera dormido, después de eso se quitó los boxers, para luego entrar a la casa de Marcos, donde poso una de sus manos sobre su pequeño trasero, esperando la reacción de este.

Al sentir las manos del viejo, Marcos abrió un poco más el arco de sus piernas, y levanto más el culo, en respuesta.

La respiración del anciano se hizo más agitada, su corazón palpitaba más rápido y su miembro babeaba en abundancia, listo para entrar en acción y colocándose encima de Marcos, froto su miembro en el culo del chico, su pre era tanto que este se deslizaba entre las nalgas.

Marcos se encontraba feliz por sentir ese miembro tan diferente, pensando en cómo se sentiría, pero a la vez se encontraba un poco decepcionado, esperaba que el abuelo pasara su hocico por su culo y le hiciera retorcerse de placer con unas buenas lamidas, como lo habría hecho Ben y Jeremy, pero no fue así, el viejo se fue directo sobre el... "al menos me hubiera dejado mamarle un poco", pensaba cuando sintió como la punta del pene del viejo era empujada contra su entrada.

El viejo empujo solo un poco más hasta que *Pop* la punta de su miembro entro sin problemas dentro del pequeño oso, el cual dejo salir un jadeo de placer, "vaya... fue más sencillo" pensó el viejo mientras continuaba empujando lentamente entrando cada vez más dentro del osezno.

Marcos jadeaba y sonreía de placer, el pene del abuelo no era ni tan largo ni tan grueso como los miembros de los lideres, pero se sentía tan rico en su interior, podía sentir incluso como este palpitaba, y le encantaba, era una nueva sensación con ese miembro canino "ay si!, si, que rico, que rico!", decía entre jadeos.

El viejo al ver como el muchacho jadeaba y empujaba más sus nalgas hacia él, sonrió y acaricio la espalda del oso, para después susurrarle al oído, "no es tu primera vez verdad chiquita, dime quien te coge mi amor, tu papi?" pregunto.

Marcos solo negó con la cabeza, y se tapó la cara, dándole a entender al viejo que no le iba a decir nada.

"Ok, también confiare en que no le vas a decir a nadie de mi tampoco bebe, entiendes?" dijo nuevamente susurrándole al osito, "va a ser nuestro secreto ok?" concluyo dándole un beso en la mejilla.

Marcos sonrojado asintió.

Entonces el viejo tomo por la cintura a Marcos y comenzó a meter y sacar su miembro, primero lentamente y poco a poco fue aumentando la velocidad, hasta que de pronto la fuerza con que el viejo cogía a Marcos era tal que hizo que el pequeño oso suplicara por terminar.

"y-ya... abre...abuelo me me duele, ya... aa…aaagh" decía Marcos, quien de pronto sintió como si el pene del viejo se hubiera alargado más e incluso sentía algo más gordo intentando entrar, y eso le dolía aún más.

El abuelo jadeaba, también estaba llegando a su límite, "si solo fuera más joven" pensaba chasqueando los dientes, entonces empujo más su miembro, intentando anudar al chico y terminar, pero este se recostaba o se sacaba, mientras gemía de dolor.

Entonces pensó "si lo anudo va a llorar y gritar, y es seguro que despierte a Saul, y si no lo hago y me vengo en su espalda de todos modos me dolerán los huevos mañana todo el día" miro al chico que jadeaba y sudaba copiosamente "al diablo!" dijo y...


"If only he were younger," thought the old man, who finally decided that since it was obvious that the little bear was offering himself to him, it would be very impolite of him to leave it like that; then the old man took one last look at his tent, making sure that Saul was still asleep, after that he took off his boxers, and then entered Marcos's tent, where he placed one of his hands on his small butt, waiting for Marcos's reaction.

Feeling the old man's hands, Marcos opened the arch of his legs a little more, and raised his ass more, in response.

The old man's breathing became more agitated, his heart was beating faster and his member was drooling profusely, ready to take action and place himself on Marcos. He rubbed his member on the boy's ass, his pre was so much that he slipped between the buttocks.

Marcos was happy to feel that member so different, thinking about how it would feel, but at the same time he was a little disappointed, he hoped that the grandfather would put his snout on his ass and make him squirm with pleasure with a few good licks, as Ben and Jeremy did it, but it wasn't like that, the old man went right over him... "at least he would have let me suck him a bit", he thought when he felt how the tip of the old man's dick was pushed against his entrance.

The old man pushed just a little more until *Pop* the tip of his member entered smoothly inside the little bear, which let out a gasp of pleasure, "wow... it was easier" the old man thought as he continued to push slowly. entering more and more inside the bear cub.

Marcos gasped and smiled with pleasure, grandfather's dick was neither as long nor as thick as the cocks of the leaders, but he felt so great inside, he could even feel it throbbing, and he loved it, it was a new sensation with that canine member "oh yes! yes, feel so good, mmm daddy!", he said between gasps.

The old man, seeing how the boy gasped and pushed his buttocks towards him, smiled and caressed the bear's back, and then whispered in his ear, "it's not your first time right, little girl, tell me who fucks you, my love, your daddy?" asked.

Marcos just shook his head and covered his face, letting the old man understand that he wasn't going to say anything to him.

"Ok, I'll also trust that you won't tell anyone about me either baby, you understand?" he said again, whispering to the bear, "it's going to be our secret ok?" he concluded by kissing him on the cheek.

Marcos blushing agreed.

Then the old man took Marcos by the waist and began to put his member in and out, slowly and gradually increasing the speed until suddenly the force with which the old man grabbed Marcos was such that it made the little bear I begged to finish.

" more...p-please... grandpa it hurts... aa... aaagh," said Marcos, who suddenly felt as if the old man's dick had gotten longer and he even felt something bigger trying to enter, and that hurt even more.

The grandfather was panting, he was also reaching his limit, "if only he were younger" he thought, snapping his teeth, then he pushed his member further, trying to knot the boy and finish, but Marcos leaned back or pulled out while moaning in pain.

Then he thought "if I Knot him he's going to cry and scream, and he surely wake up Saul, and if I don't and cum on his back my balls will hurt all day tomorrow" he looked at the boy who was panting and sweating copiously "whatever!" he said and...
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/23 20:30:55 No.2399325
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Si tan solo fuera más joven" pensaba el viejo, que al final decidió empujar con fuerza su miembro contra el ano del pequeño Marcos, quien comenzó a gritar de dolor.

"Ssssssh vas a despertar a Saul" dijo el viejo sonriendo, mientras tomaba por la cintura al osezno, halándolo hacia él, hasta que...

*PLOP* el nudo del viejo entro totalmente, para después expandirse aún más dentro del ano del chico, quien gritaba y pujaba intentando sacar aquello.

"Es muy grueso, muy grueso" pensaba Marcos mientras gritaba, pujaba y empujaba con sus piernas intentando sacar al abuelo de dentro de él.

Pero todo esfuerzo era inútil, el enorme nudo del viejo se había expandido completamente dentro de su pequeño ano, y la única forma en la que saldría seria hasta que este se encogiera por sí solo.

"bueno, ahora a dormir" dijo sonriendo el viejo, mientras veía al pobre Marcos moviéndose y jadeando.

"abuelo?" una voz a sus espaldas, dentro de la casa de campaña se escuchó tenuemente.

*TSK* los dientes del abuelo sonaron, "se despertó" dijo entre preocupado y molesto.

"abuelo, donde estas!?" dijo Saul al verse solo en la tienda, para ponerse después de rodillas y comenzar a llorar, "abuelo donde estas!?" gritaba el chico asustado.

El viejo anudado aun al chico solo se quedó callado pensando que hacer, si responder y hacer que Saul fuera a la tienda donde estaba el y esperar que el chico guardara este nuevo secreto, o quedarse callado y esperar que Saul volviera a quedarse dormido...


"If only he were younger," thought the old man, who finally decided to push his member hard against the ass of little Marcos, who began to scream in pain.

"Ssssssh you're going to wake up Saul," said the old man smiling, as he took the bear cub by the waist, pulling him towards him, until...

*PLOP* the old man's knot entered completely, later expanding even more inside the boy's ass, who was screaming and pushing to get it out.

"It's very thick, very thick," Marcos thought as he yelled, pushed, and pushed with his legs trying to get the grandfather out of him.

But all effort was useless, the old man's huge knot had fully expanded inside his small ass, and the only way he would get out would be until it shrank by itself.

"Well, now to sleep," the old man said smiling, while he saw poor Marcos moving and panting.

"Grandpa?" a voice behind him, inside the tent was heard dimly.

*TSK* Grandpa's teeth clicked, "he woke up," he said between worried and annoyed.

"Grandpa, where are you!?" Saul said when he found himself alone in the tent, to got down on his knees and started crying, "Grandpa, where are you?!" the scared boy yelled.

The old man, still tied to the boy, just remained silent thinking what to do, whether to answer and make Saul go to the tent where he was and hope that the boy would keep this new secret, or remain silent and wait for Saul to fall asleep again...
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/08/24 19:17:48 No.2399566
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El anciano aún estaba dudoso en lo que debía de hacer, cuando de pronto escucho a Saul llorar fuertemente y gritar a todo pulmón por él, lo que le hizo levantarse inmediatamente, dejando al pobre Marcos colgado entre sus piernas.

"ABUELOOOO!, ABUELOOOOOO!" Gritaba Saul entre llantos.

"Pero qué demonios pasa contigo muchacho!" dijo el anciano algo molesto.

"Abuelo donde esta...vas?" dijo Saul para luego quedarse viendo a las piernas del abuelo, "Marquitos?" dijo entre gimoteos.

"aaaagh... aaaagh" jadeaba Marcos aun anudado con el abuelo.

"Escucha hijo no puedes gritar de esa manera, o estas loquito?" dijo el viejo ignorando los gemidos del niño que colgaba entre sus piernas.

"es que no estabas y estaba oscuro" dijo Saul viendo al abuelo y casi apunto de echarse a llorar de nuevo.

"Ya ya no empieces de nuevo, entra a la tienda" dijo para luego empujar al chico hacia adentro.

"pero no quiero estar solo!" dijo Saul asustado.

"Bueno si no te quieres quedar aquí solo, entonces nos quedaremos los tres, pero tendrás que dormirte como lo tendrá que hacer Mar-qui-tos" dijo el viejo mientras le daba una fuerte nalgada a Marcos, la cual lo hizo estremecer y gritar.

"y cómo?" pregunto Saul, con los ojos llenos de lágrimas.

"Oh tú no te preocupes mijo, de eso me encargo yo" dijo el abuelo mientras metía un par de dedo dentro de la boca de Saul.

Saul asintió, metiéndose en la casa de campaña, y tras del entro el viejo, arrastrando a Marcos con él.

Marcos solo jadeaba y lagrimeaba, de vez en cuando pujaba intentado sacar el enorme nudo del abuelo, pero simple no salía.

entonces el abuelo....


The old man was still hesitating about what he should do, when suddenly he heard Saul crying loudly and screaming at the top of his lungs for him, which made him get up immediately, leaving poor Marcos hanging between his legs.

"GRANDPAAAAA!, GRANDPAAAA!" Saul screamed between sobs.

"But what the hell is wrong with you boy!" said the old man somewhat annoyed.

"Grandpa where are you... going?" Saul said and then stared at Grandpa's legs, "Marquitos?" he said between whimpers.

"aaagh... aaagh" Marcos gasped, still knoted up with his grandfather.

"Listen, son, can't you yell like that, or are you crazy?" The old man said, ignoring the moans of the child that he dangled between his legs.

"It's that you weren't there and it was dark," Saul said looking at grandfather and almost about to start crying again.

"Don't start again, go into the tent" he said before pushing the boy inside.

"but I don't want to be alone!" Saul said scared.

"Well, if you don't want to stay here alone, then the three of us will stay here, but you'll have to sleep like Mar-qui-tos will have to," said the old man while he gave Marcos a hard spanking, which made him shudder and shout.

"and how?" Saul asked, his eyes brimming with tears.

"Oh don't worry son, I'll take care of that," said the grandfather while he put a couple of fingers inside Saul's mouth.

Saul nodded, getting into the tent, and after the old man entered, dragging Marcos with him.

Marcos just gasped and tore, from time to time he pushed trying to get the huge grandfather's knot out, but it just wouldn't come out.

then grandpa
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/09/13 17:35:04 No.2404766
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Entonces el abuelo entro tras de Saul, para después ponerse de cuclillas, dejando al pobre de Marcos recostado boca abajo sobre la manta.

"bien, recuéstate hijo" dijo el abuelo a Saul, el cual obedeció recostándose boca arriba sobre la manta también.

"No así no" dijo el abuelo para después voltear al chico, luego lo tomo por la cintura y lo levanto poniéndolo sobre sus cuatro extremidades.

"así, ahora no te muevas" dijo el abuelo, mientras se llevaba una mano al culo de Marcos el cual continuaba escurriendo de semen, el cual el viejo embarro sobre su mano hasta dejarla empapada, después la acerco al culo de Saul y con sus dedos acaricio lentamente su pequeña entrada.

"recuerdas lo que te dije la primera vez que jugamos a esto hijo?" pregunto el viejo mientras metía un dedo dentro del ano del chico.

Saul sacudió con la cabeza mientras sus piernas temblaban, y su cuerpo se estremecía.

"te dije que te relajaras" dijo el viejo sonriendo mientras empujo con fuerza su puño contra la entrada del pequeño.

Saul grito fuertemente al sentir el puño de su abuelo intentado entrar por su culo.

"relájate, relájate!" grito el abuelo mientras tomaba con fuerza a Saul por la cintura para evitar que este se quitara, mientras con su mano continuaba empujando con fuerza contra el culo de Saul, el cual parecía no ceder ante aquella presión.

"Abuelo para, por favor, por favor, me duele, me duele!" gritaba el chico mientras pateaba y se retorcía intentando escapar.

"Tsk" hizo el abuelo, mientras sacaba los dedos del culo de Saul, y después le dio una fuerte nalgada al chico, lo cual hizo que este gritara, entonces el abuelo rápidamente movió su puño hacia el culo del chico y empujo con mayor fuerza que antes, hasta que...

*PLOP* , la mano del viejo fue tragada por el culo del chico, en respuesta Saul lanzo un sonoro grito que casi revienta los tímpanos del viejo.

"AAAAAGH!, ME DUELE, MAMI, QUIERO A MI MAMI!" Gritaba Saul, mientras luchaba por sacar el puño del viejo de sus entrañas.

Entonces el abuelo le soltó de la cintura y dejo que el chico se retorciera todo lo que quisiera hasta cansarse, hiciera lo que hiciera el viejo sabía que no podría sacar su puño a menos que el así lo quisiera.

Por fin parecía que el chico se había quedado sin energías, y cayó al suelo exhausto, "p-por favor abuelo, ya... ya" dijo Saul antes de quedar inconsciente.

"al fin se durmió" dijo el abuelo mientras movía su mano dentro de las entrañas cálidas y apretadas del chico, "se siente casi tan bien como las tuyas" dijo el abuelo acariciando las nalgas de Marcos, el cual continuaba despierto gimoteando.

"Ya duérmete hijo, cuando despiertes ya todo habrá terminado" dijo el abuelo sonriendo, mientras Marcos lentamente cerraba sus ojos cansados.


Then the grandfather went in after Saul, and then squatted down, leaving poor Marcos lying face down on the blanket.

"Okay, lie down son," the grandfather said to Saul, who obeyed, lying on his back on the blanket as well.

"Not like that," said the grandfather, and then turned the boy around, took him by the waist, and lifted him, placing him on all four of his limbs.

"So, now don't move," said the grandfather, while taking a hand to Marcos' ass which continued to drip with semen, which the old man smeared on his hand until it was soaked, then he brought it closer to Saul's ass and with his fingers slowly caress her small entrance.

"Do you remember what I told you the first time we played this son?" asked the old man as he inserted a finger into the boy's anus.

Saul shook his head as his legs trembled, and his body shuddered.

"I told you to relax," the old man said smiling as he pushed his fist hard against the little boy's entrance.

Saul screamed as he felt his grandfather's fist try to enter his ass.

"Relax, relax!" the grandfather yelled as he grabbed Saul by the waist to prevent him from removing himself, while with his hand he continued to push hard against Saul's ass, which seemed not to yield to that pressure.

"Grandpa stop, please, please, it hurts, it hurts!" the boy yelled as he kicked and twisted trying to escape.

"Tsk" did Grandpa, as he pulled his fingers out of Saul's ass, and then he spanked the boy hard, which made him scream, then Grandpa quickly moved his fist to the boy's ass and pushed harder. than before, until...

*PLOP*, the old man's hand was swallowed by the boy's ass, in response Saul let out a scream that almost burst the old man's eardrums.

"AAAAAGH! IT HURTS, MOMMY, I LOVE MY MOMMY!" Saul yelled as he struggled to pull the old man's fist out of his gut.

Then the grandfather let go of his waist and let the boy twist as much as he wanted until he got tired, whatever the old man did, he knew that he couldn't get his fist out of him unless he wanted it to.

At last, it seemed that the boy had run out of energy, and he fell to the ground exhausted, "p-please Grandpa, ya... ya" Saul said before falling unconscious.

"He finally fell asleep," said the grandfather as he moved his hand inside the boy's warm and tight entrails, "it feels almost as good as yours," said the grandfather caressing Marcos' buttocks, who was still awake whimpering.

"Go to sleep son, when you wake up everything will be over," said the grandfather smiling, while Marcos slowly closed his tired eyes.
Saul and Grandpa Anonymous 2024/09/13 17:45:02 No.2404769
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Marcos despertó a la mañana siguiente, adolorido y cansado, miro a su alrededor, se encontraba solo, se levantó algo asustado, sus piernitas le temblaban fatigadas, apenas dio unos pasos hacia afuera cuando escucho jadeos provenir de la tienda de Saul.

"ya... ya abuelo, ya" jadeaba su amigo, Marcos se acercó y asomo su cabeza, solo para ver al abuelo de Saul sentado con Saul anudado, mientras este estaba recostado jalándose su pequeño pene.

"Buenos días" dijo Marcos aun temblando.

"Buenos días" respondió el abuelo mientras con su mano le hacia la seña al chico para que se acercara, "ven ven hijo", decía alegre el anciano.

Marcos se acercó tambaleándose hasta el abuelo.

"Bien quiero que hagas lo que está haciendo Saulito, si ves" dijo señalando al chico que continuaba jalando su pene.

Marcos asintió y comenzó a jalar su pene también.

"Bien no dejes de hacerlo" le dijo mientras lo recostaba boca abajo sobre el estómago del viejo, para después comenzar a empujar su mano contra el culo de Marcos.

Marcos jadeaba y gemía, mientras sentía como el viejo empujaba más y más su puño contra él, hasta que al final logro entrar este dentro.

"AGH!" chillo Marcos, mientras sentía la mano del viejo abrirse y cerrarse dentro de él, le estaba haciendo lo mismo que le hizo a Saul la noche anterior.

"buen chico" murmuro el abuelo acariciando la espalda del osezno, el cual continúo jalando su pene y abriendo las piernas para que el viejo se divirtiera con él.

durante el día solo salieron un par de veces de la tienda para comer, el resto el viejo intercambiaba nudo y puño entre los chicos, hasta que estos terminaron acostumbrados y sentían placer cada vez que el abuelo los follaba.

Y así los sorprendió la mañana de un nuevo día, era hora de regresar a casa, ninguno de los tres quería irse, pero había que hacerlo o sus padres se molestarían con el anciano.

"Espero que la próxima semana puedas acompañarnos Marquitos" dijo el viejo poniéndose el cinturón, mientras los chicos jugaban en los asientos traseros.

"Oh el próximo fin de semana no puedo señor" respondió Marcos alegremente.

"Ah, y eso?, te aburriste?" dijo el viejo mientras arrancaba la camioneta.

"Para nada, es solo que tenemos reunión con el líder Ben la próxima semana" respondió Marcos.

"El líder Ben?, el dueño del viejo campamento?" pregunto el abuelo mirando por el retrovisor.

"SIP" respondió Marcos.

Hubo un momento de silencio en la caravan.

"Oye Marcos, cuando te penetre la primera vez fue muy fácil, dime será acaso que alguien más te había o te está cogiendo?" pregunto el viejo.

Marcos se quedó callado, nervioso solo frotaba sus manos.

"Acaso tu papi te coge hijo?" pregunto el viejo.

"No, no, el no" respondió Marcos inmediatamente.

"Entonces Ben" respondió sonriendo el anciano.

Marcos solo asintió apenado.

"hahaha" rio el anciano, "ese cabron hipócrita" dijo el viejo para seguir manejando.

Ya en casa y cuando Marcos estaba despidiéndose de Saul, el viejo se acercó y froto la cabeza del osito.

"Cuando veas a Ben, dile que le manda muchos saludos el Líder Mike, que espera verlo muy pronto" dijo para después darle una sonrisa e irse.

Marcos se despidió agitando su mano y sintiendo un poco de amargura, pues estaría muchos días sin sentir su enormidad, suspiro, miro su casa y sonrió nuevamente.

"Ahí hay una verga igual de grande y gruesa" pensó para después echarse a correr devuelta a casa.


--- Marcos woke up the next morning, sore and tired, he looked around, he was alone, he got up a little scared, his little legs were shaking with fatigue, he barely took a few steps out when he heard gasping coming from Saul's tent.

"Now... now grandpa, now" his friend gasped, Marcos approached and stuck his head out, only to see Saul's grandfather sitting with Saul knotted, while he was lying down pulling his small penis.

"Good morning," Marcos said, still shaking.

"Good morning," replied the grandfather while with his hand he motioned for the boy to come closer, "come, come, son," the old man said happily.

Marcos staggered towards his grandfather.

"Well, I want you to do what Saulito is doing if you see," he said, pointing to the boy who continued pulling his penis.

Marcos nodded and began to pull his penis too.

"Well, don't stop doing it," he told him as he laid him face down on the old man's stomach, and then began to push his hand against Marcos's ass.

Marcos was panting and moaning, while he felt how the old man pushed his fist against him more and more until he finally managed to enter it inside.

"AGH!" Marcos screamed, as he felt the old man's hand open and close inside him, he was doing the same thing to him that he did to Saul the night before.

"Good boy," the grandfather murmured, caressing the bear cub's back, which continued pulling his penis and opening its legs so that the old man could have fun with it.

During the day they only left the store a couple of times to eat, the rest of the old men exchanged knots and fists with the boys until they got used to it and felt pleasure every time the grandfather fucked them.

And so the morning of a new day surprised them, it was time to return home, none of the three wanted to leave, but it had to be done or their parents would get upset with the old man.

"I hope you can join us next week, Marquitos," said the old man, putting on his seatbelt, while the boys played in the back seats.

"Oh, next weekend I can't sir" Marcos responded happily.

"Oh, and that? Are you bored?" The old man said as he started the truck.

"Not at all, it's just that we have a meeting with leader Ben next week" Marcos responded.

"The leader Ben?, the owner of the old camp?" Grandpa asked, looking in the rearview mirror.

"YES," Marcos responded.

There was a moment of silence in the caravan.

"Hey Marcos, when I penetrated you the first time it was very easy. Tell me, could it be that someone else was or is fucking you?" the old man asked.

Marcos remained silent, nervously just rubbing his hands.

"Does your daddy fuck you son?" the old man asked.

"No, no, no," Marcos responded immediately.

"So Ben," the old man responded, smiling.

Marcos just nodded sadly.

"hahaha," the old man laughed, "that hypocritical bastard," the old man said to continue driving.

Once at home and when Marcos was saying goodbye to Saul, the old man came over and rubbed the bear's head.

"When you see Ben, tell him that Leader Mike sends him many regards and that he hopes to see him very soon," he said and then smiled at her and left.

Marcos said goodbye, waving his hand and feeling a little bitter, because he would be many days without feeling the enormity of it, he sighed, looked at his house, and smiled again.

"There's a cock just as big and thick," he thought and then ran back home.


Edited at 2024/09/13 17:57:41

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