There's enough artists trying to copy not only Zaush's, but other people's work using traditional methods, but I don't see anyone shitting on them. If all these artists bitching about AI would just stfu and stop getting their knickers in a twist, they could very easily utilize AI to reduce their workload and just pump out new images like never before. Make a sketch, add some color and send it through the AI to flesh it all out. BAM! you just skipped several long steps and now just need to do some cleaning up and maybe some color adjustments. Shit, they could even make their own character and style Loras to even more closely emulate their own art but no, they gotta bitch and moan because people are too scared of change. Utilize the most useful tool that any artist has ever had in history, don't be fucking scared of it.
I used to make digital art several years ago. They were ok, to say the least, but took me so fucking long to do. I found one of my old sketches and did exactly what I explained above and in just a few hours, I had a full piece that was leaps and bounds better than what I ever could've done, and in a fraction of the time. I really wish more artists understood and did that. Then artists like misterpickleman and furvie, for example who haven't been active in quite some time, could knock out new pieces in no time instead of making maybe a pic or a few sketches every 1-4 months.