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U-18Chan Q&A and where to get answers Ro Koji !RoKoji3/cM # ADMIN # 2017/08/08 13:34:27 No.1303650    [Reply]
Making a new thread for questions and discussion of site operations and rules.

If you have any questions on why a post was removed or other staff actions post it here. I'll keep an eye on this thread and respond when I can or find another admin or mod that can.

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Furrynomous 2025/02/22 02:57:35 No.2444576
> if you look really hard you may find a thread about artist getting worse.

That's pointing out symptom of two things:

1) Furries are suckers with money and will give it to artists for free, so bad artists and outright con artists thrive on handouts and drain the market dry to the detriment of those artists who actually do try. With no difference between "Give me money for work", and "Give me money just because", an increasing portion of artists simply choose to do no work. Doing no work, they don't improve and remain at the level of beginners and amateurs.

2) New software tools (including AI) make it easier and faster to make superficially impressive results without an underlying talent or training for skill, so we get what's essentially "artists on training wheels". When you feed that back to point #1, the training wheels will never come off, as it's too difficult to make the jump from "nothing" to "something" when you've never actually done anything yourself.

For the old skilled artists, they don't have to keep up the game either. They can become lazy and start demanding money "just because" like everyone else, which leads to stagnation. They too use software tools to remove the manual work and just rehash what they've always done. Why would you put in all that hard effort and push yourself forwards, or even practice to keep your skills, when people are throwing you $10,000 a month on Patreon anyways?
Furrynomous 2025/02/22 03:33:31 No.2444591
> it still takes real creativity and hours of work to get the AI to do what you want

It may take hours, but "creativity" has nothing to do with it. The AI will make you every variation of a drawing it possibly can, given enough time, and what you're doing is filtering that space of possibility for a result you might like.

The AI tool takes away your creativity, because the entire point is to minimize the amount of imagination needed to define the outcome. Instead, you transform the creative process into a process of selection and elimination. In a sense you're just window shopping.
Furrynomous 2025/02/22 07:25:52 No.2444805
>people are cowards
True, but not a good reason to ban AI

>ai is stealing
No it’s not, while I can understand that artists may feel insulted that their style can be approximated by machine, it’s not theft. It’s a tool easy enough for anyone to use with some practice. Makes as much sense as “taking a photograph is stealing from nature”


>2 it’s not art unless there was talent involved
Is it also not a car unless a human built it?
It’s not a book unless it’s printed on papar?

And lastly having the talent to move a pen across the page is no different than having the talent to prompt a good image, it does take skill and creativity

The entirety of your argument boils down to “I don’t like it,” which is not a good reason to ban AI

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Research idea on Patreon impact to comic making Furrynomous 2024/12/17 02:35:02 No.2424333    [Reply]
I knew and finally delved into this fuzzy hobby just a few years before Patreon went mainstream. I grew up in a time where comics were presented as a finished work and usually short, piecemeal size, and straight to the point. The format and constraints presented high walls and high basic skill requirements to make a good "short" comic, while the rest would be your regular sex-and-done smut. In 2013-2016 Patreon came along and changed the way furry comics are made, and it usually takes the same a

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Furrynomous 2025/02/05 11:16:52 No.2439401
Directed to whomever this applies to. Not targeting any one individual in particular.

I could only wish that 1/50th of the energy that gets devoted to complaining about something as trivial as regular human beings engaging in perfectly legal activity, doing what they have to do to survive in this fucked up world, could be directed towards maybe addressing the root causes which force some people to "milk" something. If more of you took Rule 5 of this fictional furry pirating board's to heart many of your (admittedly trivial) issues would get resolved instantly. Or do you also get your jollies off of on bitching purely for the sake of bitching? The quickest way to drain the swamp is deprive it of sustenance. If other people are willing to pay for what you consider to be utter garbage then you should direct your ire to the consumer, not the creator, for perpetuating it.

Of course you are free to "criticize" anything you want. It's a beautiful privilege to enjoy in America. This freedom does not exempt you from the consequences of your words, no more than my freedom for criticizing your critique exempts me from your eventually critiquing my criticism because you believe my assessments are incorrect. Criticism is one thing. Insisting on the modification of behavior of only one "responsible" party while retaining your absolute silence on the /real/ source of the problem though? Dunno if I can stomach that as much man.

Edited at 2025/02/05 11:58:40
Furrynomous 2025/02/05 13:09:32 No.2439481

The problem with "blaming the consumer" is often times the consumer doesn't have a choice. Imagine a monopoly owns all the stores in your town after they ran the mom and pop shops out. You cant move: you don't have the money for it even if you do sell your house because it not worth as much as a non-monopoly town house, you don't want to move away from your friends and family, you dont want to uproot your life for the chance, not a guarantee, a chance you can move to a place without the monopoly.

I learnt to draw porn because nobody else would draw what I was into. Let me tell you what 13 years of that is like.

As a consumer I had to hope the artists would draw what I was into. That was a losing bet. You can yell at consumers for supporting bad artists, but they don't have the ability to make an alternative: hence the consumer part. Beggars cant be choosers.

As an artist, it took me six years minimum to make art that I would consider "commercial grade"

You cant really blame the consumers when their options are "Terrible artist who knows what they're doing" or "Take a minimum of six years to decades to be good enough to do it yourself"

people pay for convenience and if you're the only option you are what the people are going to pay for.
Furrynomous 2025/02/15 17:55:14 No.2442539
> could be directed towards maybe addressing the root causes which force some people to "milk" something

The root cause of the problem is the attitude of people living in this "post industrial" era. When basic jobs got offloaded to automation and outsourced to cheaper slave laborers in far-away countries, people were sold the idea that they're too good for these jobs; their time and effort was "worth more" as creative entrepreneurs - artists, designers, businessmen, consultants... they could earn their keep doing the top level stuff and the mundane shit was someone else's problem.

But guess what happens when a lot of mediocre or incompetent people start crowding a market that is highly meritocratic on one side, and based on popularity and publicity on the other? The majority won't get any visibility and can't compete with the top, so almost nobody makes any money just doing the fundamental thing: art. That's why they have to resort to bullshit like cheating their audiences out of money by milking them with various money grabbing schemes and basically just panhandling on donation based crowdfunding sites.

These people would be better off just grabbing a shovel and going to dig a ditch, but they're in a psychological bind because they've invested so much of their lives doing this shit that they can't even think otherwise anymore - and the society around them is saying you'd be a chump if you do that, in an effort to self-justify why playing these cheating games is still the right thing to do. Remember: "Every job should earn a living". If that is the case, then the obvious thing is to just start doing any "job" no matter how badly and demanding that living that you're entitled to have. Your low productivity or low skills are no reason for not getting paid, right?

PS. Anybody still remember the early 00's "professional pricing" debacle? Before crowdfunding became a thing, furry artists circulated lists of what professional illustrators expect to make out of art to try justify why they're asking for $500 per commission. Other people tried to keep telling them, "No, you're an amateur, a dime a dozen, and you should be happy making $50 at your level. Get good or get out!". Well then, Patreon started, and the same artists figured out they could make that $500 and more out of the same $50 worth of work, and never saw the reason to improve to the level of actual professionals. They're like children playing in the sand pit, complaining how hard it is to lift the little plastic shovel all day long, pretending they're real construction workers capable of building entire houses.

Edited at 2025/02/15 18:38:53

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Kemono Issues Furrynomous 2024/07/07 11:12:46 No.2388555    [Reply]
Does anyone have any verified info on whats happening with Kemono? Is it getting flooded or is the patreon import just down again?
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Furrynomous 2025/01/09 01:50:41 No.2431114
Subscribestar probably actually care about security and invalidate cookies/tokens when they're used by a new IP/browser/OS/region.

You'd be surprised how many sites and services don't give a shit about cookie security. That's why you see so many d.cord accounts getting hijacked. You don't even need to steal someone's login credentials. You can just pull their cookie/token and enjoy premium access to their account for as long as they don't change password or manually invalidate whatever session token you ripped.
Furrynomous 2025/01/12 00:38:46 No.2431999
but I thought it will be simple. You just need a prepaid credit or debit card and that's it. You're in.
Furrynomous 2025/02/11 09:54:35 No.2441447
Anyone else having login trouble. I tried using the same login information but it doesnt work. Then i switch to all lowercase and it works but all my favorited artist and post are gone. I saw that this is an issue other suffer from on reddit but maybe there answers here

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Artists whose art got worse Furrynomous 2021/10/07 10:21:44 No.2019623    [Reply]

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Furrynomous 2025/01/05 00:56:02 No.2429492

You sound bitter. I'm not saying porn artists are saints or some shit. I'm just explaining how swimming in a poisoned pond results in a poisoned fish. As long as you have a system that values profit above all else, a good chunk of artists will inevitably start breaking rules their competition wouldn't to a good degree of success. Inevitably, mass produced cheap shit will always drown out quality.

As a fan of quality, that's only because I'm a nerd dedicated to making art because it brings me joy. Quality is nerd shit for the most dedicated nerds.

Just look at youtube. Hour long, well made video documentaries are easily outdone monetarily by plagiarist content mills that push out max, 20 minute slop chopped up from the original: and youtube rewards it: because that channel is more active and pushes out more content. That just the game the modern internet under capitalism plays. It's about who's more marketable and consistent.

Miles-DF still in the top 10 on popufur, and his art "Got Worse"

You like the starving artists: but artists don't want to starve. You might not lower your standards for money: but your competition will.

Mass produce or perish.

Edited at 2025/01/05 02:24:06
Furrynomous 2025/01/19 09:13:42 No.2433991
> I'm just explaining how swimming in a poisoned pond results in a poisoned fish.

Sounds more like the typical "boo hoo capitalism", excuse that fails to consider the opposite point: what would happen if it weren't this way? These artists wouldn't even be in the market if there wasn't profit in it, so how did the system "poison" them? Sounds to me more like these profit seeking artists are the poison on the system than vice versa, but if there wasn't any money in it, there would be barely any artists whatsoever - good or bad.

The only problem here seems to be that you can't see past the kitch and the mass produced stuff that the majority likes to buy, you're too lazy to search for artists and PAY them to do what you'd like, so you keep complaining that nothing is to your liking and the fault is in the commodification of art.

>Just look at youtube

Why would you? Those cut-up documentaries you're talking about aren't even viewed by people - they're watched by bots pretending to be people, so Google can pretend to have a marketing outreach to its corporate customers. Youtube is just Google's way of milking megacorporations out of ad money by trickling some of it down to East-Asian spam mills and bot farms. Everybody else already left Youtube, or at least got wise enough not to follow the algorithm but search outside of Youtube/Google and go directly to the channels of interest. It's quickly becoming irrelevant and unusable, and the only thing that keeps Youtube afloat at this point is the massive repository of old videos that are slowly vanishing as people switch platforms.

If you're still on Youtube and complaining about the quality going down, it's you who should wear the dumb hat. Remember: if the money for the video you watch comes from ads, you're not the customer, you're the product. Why would you sell yourself for someone else's profit? If you want to watch good documentaries, go to the sites where you can pay people to produce you good documentaries - choose the profit model that benefits you as a customer.

>Mass produce or perish.

Again, if you're just doing whatever someone else is doing and trying to make money by making lots of it, you're going to starve anyways because it's a competition of the lowest bidder. The more people do that, the less any one makes. If you want to make money by art, you specialize and do your own thing - then if people like it, they'll buy it.

That's the reason why the payment logic in the Furry art market isn't genuinely based on work at all. All the unoriginal copycat artist, and most of the others for that matter, don't actually sell their art, they simply beg for money. No Patreon account ever promises anything or offers a binding contract - they simply accept donations with no obligations on the artist's end - and the people pay because they believe they have to pay, for some bullshit reasons and sob stories about "starving artists".

Ironically, the reality is the opposite of capitalism, since people expect to be paid for nothing, and people do pay: they're not actually selling or buying anything, just exchanging money for "support".

Edited at 2025/01/19 10:38:20
Furrynomous 2025/01/19 10:19:50 No.2434003
>Miles-DF still in the top 10 on popufur

The ranking on that site doesn't follow their actual popularity, but the probability of finding a link to their page, which means it's very easy to game the ranking.

>The ranking score algorithm was based similarly to the algorithm used by Google on its PageRank system. Like that system, which worked on probabilities of a person surfing the internet finding a site randomly, the FA Rank system worked on the chance of randomly following watch links and the probability of finding specific users in that fashion.

>having a person with a large number of watchers watching a second user will boost that second user much higher than having a user watch them that has little watchers of their own

Edited at 2025/01/19 10:20:33

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UberQuest (& its Creators) Discussion Furrynomous 2021/01/20 21:46:31 No.1885069    [Reply]
Feels like this was long overdue.

For the sake of fewer cleanups over on the /fur/ thread, all discussions of the story, and whatever shit is going down with its creators, Skidd and Phuufy(like how pic related got taken down by them), keep it here.

If you are just in it for the porn, stay there.
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Furrynomous 2025/01/16 09:53:06 No.2433138
Did this thread just turned into people complaining about paying two guys for their art? Because at this point you can just admit that none of you want to waste the cash on any of the commission offers since nothing from the two creators are ever good enough for anyone in here.
Furrynomous 2025/02/06 22:47:46 No.2440000
Did Skidd ever deliver on the people who gave him $500 to appear in his comic?
Furrynomous 2025/02/14 22:42:26 No.2442319

You should probably call yourself Nostradamus because he set up a throne page and it's not only loaded full of figures and other minuscule things he's asking for but he has the gull to ask for nearly $8000 worth of shit he doesn't necessarily need. Adding everything we're talking upwards of $10000 or so.

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Furrynomous 2025/01/28 19:35:30 No.2437155    [Reply]
Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Sain

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. Chatin # MOD # 2025/02/01 00:17:25 No.2438063
I feel like I've gone back to 2005 here...

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I Fucking Hate Censors Furrynomous 2025/01/15 02:49:52 No.2432781    [Reply]
Every fucking doujin I come across, every bara manga I see, its always there. Those stupid ass intrusive black bars/Godrays/undetailed whathaveyou. Its so aggrevating when I especially really get into a manga/doujin thats really really hot and has really really fucking fantastic art, only for all of that to be ruined, SOILED, by Japan's utterly pointless censorship laws [that dont even properly CENSOR SHIT AT ALL].

iF There is a way for me to remove them I would do so in a motherfucking heart

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Furrynomous 2025/01/17 14:05:32 No.2433486
Spot healing/content aware brush in photoshop can be a pretty good starter. You'll still have to draw in the lines afterwards though.
Furrynomous 2025/01/28 08:35:19 No.2437015
it went form a pointless live over a dick, some doing the mosaic but you can still see it, to thick chunky lines over everything to some doing the most agregious "ghost" dick censors. those suck the most.

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Regarding "Narrative" in porn comic: a discussion thread Furrynomous 2025/01/21 16:45:03 No.2434566    [Reply]
so...for a while, i have seen a lot of people have discussion regarding the "story" of certain adult comic that has been posting here. I wanted to have your thought on the matter before i give mine.
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Furrynomous 2025/01/24 16:20:26 No.2435561
for story in porn comics. majority of it is just forgettable most people just want to get to the fucking.

Though there are some that i personally become more involved in the plot that the porn doesnt really matter to me that much.
Furrynomous 2025/01/27 15:27:24 No.2436902
Story in a porn comic is like cheese in a burger. It's nice, but you can still eat it with no cheese, and if you add too much of it you're left with a sloppy mess.
Furrynomous 2025/01/27 20:03:19 No.2436944
Well they certainly know how to bump the threads to the top 5

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BangXBang Furrynomous 2025/01/21 12:16:19 No.2434502    [Reply]
Does anyone know what actually happened to that fvn?
What were your thoughts of it?

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Why does FurAffinity allow minors to create accounts ? Furrynomous 2024/10/26 13:07:32 No.2412395    [Reply]
I'm not making this post as an accusation against anyone or any group, I'm just trying to understand why FA would allow users under 18 to register an account on a site with so much fetish and/or explicit content. Sites like e621 and inkbunny do no allow minors to create accounts, and will ban users found to be under 18.

From what I understand, FurAffinity does not have a blacklist/blocklist feature like many booru sites, so there is nothing stopping a possible underage user from being exposed

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Edited at 2024/10/26 13:10:37
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Furrynomous 2025/01/10 17:52:19 No.2431670
That's actually something I guess. I won't hold out hope that they'll actually be sensible enough to finally realize FA (and probably the furry fandom full stop) isn't really an appropriate place for minors to be hanging around though.

I will never understand why that idea is such a hard thing for so many furries accept, it only makes the fandom look like it's filled with total creeps. Like I get it, I discovered porn when I was a kid and we probably all got up to things we weren't supposed to, but that's such an insane counterpoint to bring up when the issue is adults and minors mingling in largely sexualized spaces. We all discovered masturbation as kids as well, but only a certain type of person would see that as some kind of argument that inviting a kid to a circle jerk is therefor no big deal. Just a real special kind of debate-brained autism a lot of people have in this fandom.

I'm just saying things that have been said over and over at this point. A blacklist feature is such a drop in the bucket when it comes to the issue but at least it's something I guess.
Furrynomous 2025/01/19 13:39:25 No.2434030
What makes the fandom look like it's filled with total creeps is the fact that it is, and that is the foremost problem. Even if you get FA to filter content, that's not going to change anything. No matter which furry social platform, if a minor goes in it takes about 5 seconds before they get DMs from adults trying to groom them.

It's the community's responsibility to get rid of these people, and it doesn't work if you make everything "18+ to enter", because then the minors that nevertheless enter can't report issues without getting banned in the process. That means you've just put the kids in with the diddlers with no way for the kids to scream "help" - which some might argue is the entire point of some of the furry social platforms.

The puritanical attitude of getting up in moral panic over kids viewing porn is counterproductive, because it puts so much shame and attention on the kids that they will never come out to say that they're having problems. It's more about keeping up appearances rather than addressing the issue, because it's far easier to act upset and collect the moral brownie points than actually do anything about it.

A more constructive approach is to teach kids how to respond to problematic adults, and then punish the adults. The first part is the responsibility of the parents, the second part is yours.
Furrynomous 2025/01/19 14:34:25 No.2434047
And speaking of puritanism and relative morals; when I was a kid, I got a "Pyton" magazine from the supermarket, and it had furry porn in it. The "Teeny Toons" parody. Someone also gifted me a comic book journal, some sort of trade magazine with a couple stories but mostly adverts and articles, and I distinctly remember it had a single panel of a woman hanging on to a tree branch and a man eating her out.

Nobody took any special notice. I didn't think much of it until I got on the internet years later and saw all the Americans panic about what a shameful thing plain nudity is. We had tits on TV and a morning "School TV" show that had an episode about how to put on a condom - for fifth graders.

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