Have you guys seen this? https://inkbunny.net/j/323058-DangerDoberman-dangers-future-art-and-personal-situation
Yikes I wanna touch on a few things, if all this is true, Dangers husband has legit destroyed his life lol. -First he starts with abunch of backstory which if it excuses him it's up to you. -Shane goes into how everyone is hating on Danger because of self hatred, being a part of a "pack" (Lol ofc) and being a closet zoo, which is some pretty sweet sudo psychology, it doesn't occur to him that maybe people believe he sexually abused an animal (whether true or not, autism or not) and that be against their moral code, nope bullies bully because they secretly are jealous or something 10/10 -He goes into detail on how Dangers at loyal person and says this "He put up with me over 8 years of craziness,and my own indecision, attempts at a poly relationships,puppy play,fursuit and leather making,porn making,and other various business escapades,and multiple other partners in addition to him, and my own assorted emotional and physical issues which put a constant strain over him over the years" I know this is supposed to be a moment showing how good Danger is, but holy shit this dudes a scumbag, trying to have a poly relationship, having other people on the side, and admitting he's a strain on Danger, Jeez. -He said he told him to quit the NSFW and Danger just wanted to make him happy so he did it. then says - "Overtime, that and some other things became an issue with me and I decided to take a break from a relationship where he started drawing x-rated material again because I told him he could" also "When more of his artwork disappeared recently, that was me that deleted it and my decision,not his." with more controlling bs. -Danger apparently shot the dude because Shane told him to pull his gun then screamed, fucking lol. -And the most destructive thing he can do, he made Danger choose between the fandom and him. One of the only ways to keep a steady income from his fans that are willing to write to him, send him money to sustain him, and would stick with him, making him only dependent on Shane. Whether you hate Danger or not, this dude by self admission destroyed, and is destroying him. RIP DANGER GL..