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File: draco_artist_u18chan.jpg - (408.02kb, 2272x2227, draco_(artist).jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone know what happened with Draco? Anonymous 2023/02/14 08:23:38 No.2251949   
They just disappeared, anyone know the background/story as to why?
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Anonymous 2023/02/14 08:55:21 No.2251951
Bonus question: did anyone manage to save some of their newer stuff?
Anonymous 2023/02/14 09:38:33 No.2251971
He got outed as a groomer, tryied to off himself but failed
Anonymous 2023/02/14 09:40:05 No.2251972
Holy shit, was not expecting that.
Anonymous 2023/02/14 14:24:09 No.2252044
Is there a post bout that somewhere or something?
Anonymous 2023/02/14 15:24:53 No.2252073
He posted all about it on his twitter, and someone at the comments kept spamming the prints that proved he was a p3d0, eventualy he tried suicide but failed, then he erased everything
A certain border collie 2023/02/14 20:44:21 No.2252147
There's like 1,000 furries with the name "Draco", you're going to have to be more specific. Does this person have any alternate names? How about some links to accounts? Otherwise, I can't help you.
I save so much content, there's a good chance it's fallen into my graces. However, I can't be expected to remember everyone. Help me to help you.
Anonymous 2023/02/15 10:22:26 No.2252332
This one I presume?
Anonymous 2023/02/15 10:27:05 No.2252333
File: Screenshot2023-02-15at10-26-03User-dracooo-e621_u18chan.png - (99.21kb, 1346x446, Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 10-26-03 User - dracooo - e621.png)
He was basically a monster
A certain border collie 2023/02/15 14:11:08 No.2252377
Guess that one slipped by me. However, there's still stuff up on the better booru;
I managed to find his KP page as well;

I'm withholding judgement until I see the actual logs for myself. There's been too many cases of "this guy said that another guy said its true, so its true." And besides, are we talking actual "this guy was talking about having sex with a kid" or was it "this guy showed a yiff pic to a minor" because those are two entirely seperate scenarios with varying levels of severity. Again, until I see the logs for myself, I don't have an opinion either way.

But I will say this: what good does it do to pull his art down? What the artist does on their own time in no way affects the quality of their art, it might piss people off if you pull down what they want to see (hence, this thread, which I agree is a legitimate response). I checked the logs and guess who deleted the pics? Why, it's everyone's favorite retard and lolcow, NotMeNotYou, of course! Regardless of the artist, the art style itself is rather attractive, I could see how people would want this.
Anonymous 2023/02/15 15:27:49 No.2252394
anyone have the context / screenshots / etc of what happened, or is it just he said she said stuff now?
Anonymous 2023/02/15 16:41:50 No.2252424
pretty much all the e6 moderators are memes though.
(deleted. reason:artistic merit)
lol fuck off loser. there have been a few that just get nuked by some self assured connoisseur.
Anonymous 2023/02/15 19:08:22 No.2252475
Sometimes people don't want to be reminded of the individual through their art. E621 is known to Blacklist artists entirely and erase swaths of data if anything can be linked back to them. if what happened with Draco is true then it makes perfect sense to remove him and anything he was associated with from the site.
A certain border collie 2023/02/15 20:12:18 No.2252491
>Sometimes people don't want to be reminded of the individual through their art
Sounds like a personal problem. Just because he makes you alone uncomfortable shouldn't compromise the many others like me who don't care and just want to see the art. If you personally don't want to see the art, that's what the blacklist option is for.
Anonymous 2023/02/15 20:40:47 No.2252517
I wasn't talking about me personally. the admin and mods of E621 don't want him or his art there. pretty sure that's more than one person uncomfortable with him. he either touched a kid or showed minors inappropriate things. either way, they don't want anything to do with him. which is understandable.
A certain border collie 2023/02/15 22:58:03 No.2252592
>I wasn't talking about me personally. the admin and mods of E621 don't want him or his art there. pretty sure that's more than one person uncomfortable with him
I mean they don't really count, the mods are braindead and will literally believe anything regardless of proof. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Besides, who cares about a few suits when we also consider the literal thousands of other website users?
>he either touched a kid or showed minors inappropriate things
Which is it? Where's the proof?
>either way, they don't want anything to do with him. which is understandable.
No, that's retarded. The willingness to believe literally anything some jackass on the net can make up or say about anyone else has seriously destroyed any semblence of truth or trustability we have on the internet as well as real life. If he did show a minor a porn pic, literally who cares? He's not gonna die.
Anonymous 2023/02/15 23:20:33 No.2252615
You're joking right? you don't see anything wrong with someone showing minors porn? I get you want to see your precious art, but really? the irony in your statement to hold ourselves to a higher standard when you talk like a coom-brain.
Anonymous 2023/02/15 23:33:13 No.2252626

It was on his twitter. guy was a menace. obviously it can't be seen now since it was wiped but the minor stuff was legit.
Anonymous 2023/02/16 01:33:08 No.2252715
Yeesh, between this and the AI take, Border Collie's been rubbing me the wrong way lately.
A certain border collie 2023/02/16 09:23:07 No.2252808
I was browsing e621 and on IRC clients over a decade ago, I used to talk to people and share porn pics, I didn't immediately break down into a traumatized mess and have my life ruined 5ever just because someone showed me an "obscene pic" over the internet (which I likely have seen before in the first place, I was the one looking for them). You remind me of the moral guardians we had back in the day who panicked that violent vidya would turn our generation into psychopaths, get over yourself. They're just drawings.
I'm sure you believe that, but I would still need proof. Come back with the logs and I'll believe you.
Sorry you feel that way, but this isn't about what you think of me.
Anonymous 2023/02/16 10:22:23 No.2252844
That's...they're minors. do you think they're all going to experience that the same way you did? do you think draco just casually showed them a pic and moved on? get over yourself if you think the situation is as easy as you're making it seem to brush aside. you don't even know how old they were. and how can anyone give you proof if the logs were wiped? sounds like you just want to see his art regardless of the action he takes. and you kind of did make this about you, when you talk about it being okay to show minors inappropriate things. It isn't about "growing thicker skin", they shouldn't have been exposed to that in the first place by someone older than them. couldn't care less if you compare me to moral police. at least I know where to draw the line. and tell me. did you ever knowingly show someone underaged something inappropriate just because? If so, you didn't find anything weird about that? what about this are you not comprehending that it isn't in anyway okay to do?
Anonymous 2023/02/16 10:38:58 No.2252848
Border collie man. you're starting to sound more and more like a creep.
Anonymous 2023/02/16 11:20:45 No.2252869
Guys it doesn't matter.we ain't gonna to be seeing more art from him anyway.just ignore this thread and go about your day.
Anonymous 2023/02/16 11:49:35 No.2252874
If you can't provide any proff about those extreme claims then you shouldn't spread them. That's just baseless accusations that harm those who are innocent, ever heard of innocent till proven guilty not guilty till proven innocent? If thus person really was a groomer and tried to kill himself then there should be substantial evidence on the matter and there should be even police records about it. All in all show the CREDIBLE evidence otherwise don't accused someone like that, many innocent have suffered because people do shit like that
Anonymous 2023/02/16 12:01:03 No.2252876
And many more have suffered because any proof got scrubbed clean and the perpetrators get away with it scott free. this time that didn't happen and he was outed.
Anonymous 2023/02/16 12:09:23 No.2252877
No man. he pretty much admitted it himself on his page and people looked into it. he was 100% guilty. really wish I could show you proof to end this but his twitters wiped clean.
A certain border collie 2023/02/16 14:05:45 No.2252894
Look I'm sorry, let's step back and try to treat each other with respect, I'm sure you're a great person irl despite our difference in opinions, I'm a better person irl too than I am on the net. You said so yourself, we don't know how old this "minor" was supposedly, to ask your own question back at you, do you think a 10 year old experiences a porn pic in the same way that 17 year old also comprehends a pic? Sure it would be wrong to send a 10 year old a porn pic, but action should be taken based on the direct consequences of that action. For example, what if a porn pic was sent to a 17 year old and it made him mildly uncomfortable for about a day or so, then he moved on and forgot about it. Was there any longstanding physical, emotional, or psychological damage? No? Then while it was a bad move to make, I don't think it warrants something like a harassment campaign. There should be an age limit and a cutoff point, but being 17 isn't really that different from being 18. I'm not advocating we should send minors porn, nor am I saying what he did, whatever he did, if he did it even, was justified, all I'm saying was that if a person regardless of age saw a pic they didn't like and it made them uncomfortable, that alone isn't justification enough for harassment. But again we don't even know what happened. IF he sent this minor porn pics to groom him so that he could over over to his house and have sex with him, then THAT would be reprehensible and it would warrant more serious action.
>did you ever knowingly show someone underaged something inappropriate just because?
No I have not. I do not plan to either. I don't plan on making this about me, what I was trying to make a point about was, I didn't like being patronized by people when it was a decision that I alone made. Nobody groomed me or forced me into anything, but people would sometimes tell me that I was a "victim", but I don't feel like I was, they were my decisions and even if they were mistakes, they were my mistakes. But what if something like that was what happened here? What if this person was 15, 16, or 17 and directly solicited Draco for porn pics? Would Draco still be the bad guy if he had provided them? This other guy, even if he's a minor, in no way shares responsibility for his actions of asking for porn pics? Again, we don't know what happened or even if it did happen. The circumstances, and my opinion, will change depending on the course of events, but unless you can give me proof of what happened, it's a moot point. I hope you don't think that I'm "denying anything" or somehow trying to "assist him with getting away with it so I can see more of his artwork" purely by taking a skeptical approach. I'm not.
Draco has 13.8k followers and you're telling me not one person took screencaps of what he said? That someone would be dumb enough to admit to grooming a minor on a public website and not a single person reported him, or took any pictures at all? That doesn't sound suspicious to you? Did you personally see the tweets for yourself, with your own eyes? If you did, did you take any pics? If not, why didn't you?
Yeah, these threads bring out the worst in everyone. I wish everyone to have a fine day regardless.
Anonymous 2023/02/16 15:32:45 No.2252929
Just fyi, I think I remember seeing his Twitter just before he wiped it, and he said he regretted his actions and was going into therapy or seeking help iirc. He was likely the one to remove his own art from various platforms (maybe not e621) so it was his choice.
Anonymous 2023/02/16 17:14:52 No.2252977

Fine. I may have been a bit testy myself, sorry. it wasn't fair of me to put you on the spot like that, especially when all you're doing is trying to see things from both sides. I just admittedly get pretty defensive when minors are involved with anything unsavory. but to answer your question. if a minor solicited an older person for porn or anything, then the older person shouldn't oblige them. and either try to correct their behavior or inform someone else. giving them what they want is most definitely not the right choice, and only encourages them to keep doing it to either that person or someone else. not only that, but since it is it illegal act the adult would be punished significantly more than the minor. on another note. yeah 17 isn't that much different from 18, but the adult should still know better than to even interact with someone that age or lower when it comes to anything sexual. some people take that whole "age is nothing but a number" thing literally and situations like these happen because of it.
A certain border collie 2023/02/16 19:56:28 No.2253016
If that's true, then I appreciate that he's taking responsibility for his actions and attempting to better himself. Best case scenario is that he apologizes, his victim forgives him, he gets the therapy he needs, and his accounts get reinstated and goes back to making public art, and becomes a valuable and productive member of the community, this incident will pass from time and all will be forgiven. I wish him all the best <3
I understand your position and I think you make a very valid and reasonable point. I'm glad we could clear this up. You have yourself a fine day, sir.
Anonymous 2023/02/17 05:23:35 No.2253106
File: drac_0_u18chan.png - (45.04kb, 750x399, drac.png)
For the proofs-craving anon, here's what Draco himself had to say about it
Anonymous 2023/02/17 07:21:26 No.2253117
Thank you anon.
Anonymous 2023/02/18 14:06:17 No.2253751
File: 7DA726D2-23C0-4AC3-899E-CAD2DB53C789_u18chan.jpeg - (116.5kb, 915x835, 7DA726D2-23C0-4AC3-899E-CAD2DB53C789.jpeg)
>You're joking right? you don't see anything wrong with someone showing minors porn? I get you want to see your precious art, but really? the irony in your statement to hold ourselves to a higher standard when you talk like a coom-brain.

It's wrong, but it's time to start having minors slipping into nsfw get booted out permanently. The two minors involved in this have more incidents of getting themselves involved in NSFW before this than can be counted on one hand. This is the one who had the model shown to them for example in this pic from a weird failed callout from that group on another member that turned 18. The other one has been drawing/follwing NSFW artists for over 2 years

Edited at 2023/02/18 14:09:04
Anonymous 2023/02/18 14:48:17 No.2253775
>>2253751 can't believe things like that happen. but unfortunately it does. we need better security for this kind of thing.

Edited at 2023/02/18 14:51:16
Anonymous 2023/02/19 17:32:48 No.2254287
fuck, really hate when shit like this happens, but well as I like to say, there is nothing else to do more than a "fuck you" i like his oc tho
Anonymous 2023/02/20 15:45:03 No.2254591
Collie has a point thought. Ultimately caring for your mental health is in your hands only. Sure the site has the right to make the decision to remove his content, and wanting to "dissociate" from him seems understandable (though they were never really formally associated to begin with); but that doesn't mean we don't have the right to complain about that decision, after all, the porn is good. And it's not like watching and fapping to it is going to either turn you into a groomer or encourage/help draco groom more kids. Or that it is automatically the right one. In fact I'd say it isn't for a number of reasons.
The first one is that I'm very wary of people who claim to do stuff "for the safety of children", if you've been paying attention to the US news you've seen just what horrible, truly monstrous, actions have been promoted and justified with that excuse.
Second is that, as this thread proves, there's people out there who still want to see his content; or find out what happened to him. And that means they'll send messages and post threads and receive answers and files and links, etc. potentially exposing people who may not want to see his content at complete random. At least on the site people know where it is, and how to avoid it if they wish to much more easily and consistently. Besides, there's plenty of other artists who've done much worse stuff that don't get this treatment, maybe because they are much bigger and have a protective fanbase, or because they don't admit to the wrongdoing despite evidence, or because they post some empty apology on twitter?
The third is the rule mentioned here at the end. We see this all over the world. People with a criminal record are majorly stepped on by others, even when that record ends in good behavior or exoneration over a false accusation. We still have this ancient belief that people who have done wrong are bad to the core and acknowledging their humanity makes us bad (if god punishes sinners with sickness and we treat a sick person and get sick too, what does it mean?). The catholic church has for centuries tried this method of behavioral control in the name of keeping people away from sin, supposedly, and what did they accomplish? being literally run by actual monsters.
>teehee I'm so crazy xD
fucking kids. These are always the kind of people who actually start bullying you and harassing you over symptoms of any actual neurodivergence, too. But it also highlights how much we let kids on the internet just get away with things. I too was once a kid on the internet, watching things I shouldn't, but I knew to not share any personal info online and stay away from trouble. These days kids on social media think they're untouchable and will start cyberbullying someone and pull the minor card when they fight back. I've seen cases of "grooming" where it turns out the minors in question were literally catfishing, stalking and harassing people to get something they wanted, and in all cases it's their victims who end up painted as monsters and having their careers destroyed. But websites will always prioritize and cater to them because they don't know how to use adblockers.
Anonymous 2023/02/20 17:52:07 No.2254621
wait. arn't you collie? I've only ever seen two people on this site who use the blue anonymous name besides mods. could be wrong though. don't know if that's a feature.

Edited at 2023/02/20 17:57:19
Anonymous 2023/02/20 18:15:11 No.2254625
The blue name happens if you put something into the email field. If you put "sage" there, it won't bump the thread.
Anonymous 2023/02/20 18:29:04 No.2254627
ooohhhh. good to know.
Anonymous 2023/02/22 13:01:02 No.2255384
mildly amusing, this is the second minor who was involved (had the art drawn for him)
some backstory is he was apparently stalking draco on multiple alts and I heard he was banned from the d*sc on a couple accounts. I've also heard he was really pressing Draco. sketchy has drawn porn for others and has several times been caught in other nsfw spaces and recently deactivated his twitter for a couple days after getting called out for following nsfw accounts

oh and he most likely drew the lines for that nazi umbreon image that was posted in around an hour on the callout tweet. same brush, same style, same handwriting quirks. may have had help from another person who was helping draco color the two pieces where the head and dick was spliced from

that whole group apparently has been known to catfish adults and loves the thrill of the callout, so much they turned on one of their own when he turned 18.

cant wait for the next one of them to get called out by their peers

Edited at 2023/02/22 16:28:57
Anonymous 2023/02/25 13:55:54 No.2256685
Quick question, what are the chances of this thread getting deleted?
Anonymous 2023/02/25 15:52:33 No.2256738
Anonymous 2023/03/02 00:17:52 No.2258520
Not sure if anyone got any art from his disc server, but this seems to be the most up to date archive.
Anonymous 2023/03/02 13:12:26 No.2258789
Massive thanks, dude!
Anonymous 2023/12/07 18:02:47 No.2352474
Anyone know what happened with Draco?
Anonymous 2023/12/08 00:43:20 No.2352500
Admitted to grooming minors according to e621.

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