That's files I bought and found on the web (mostly bought) I didn't want to post it before, because I was really loving Peritian, and what she did with her comic. Only lately, it seems she cares only about her own interest, and dislike her own community. I've had these files for a long time, I'm one of the earlier Patreon and I contributed to a shitton of money. The first chapter, to my taste was the best. Not only did it have a plausible story (spare me with the magic shit, I came here because I saw twins fucking each other, if I wanna see magic I'll go and watch Harry Poter, or some sci-fi movies). The main issue, I think, is that Peritian also does a lot of SFW art, with her Black Butler blog, and such, and that she won't come to the conclusion, and accept the fact she's actually, and almost weekly, drawing and maintaining a NSFW comic. I think she lures herself in the thought that "If I do more SFW pages it will become a SFW comic" Don't get me wrong, having a comic with an actual story is a blessing, I'm literally tired and bored of Tokifuji's comic that only deal with sex (though Outside the Box is a comic with a good story, for a NSFW comic at least). I think lore is important, and I think building your characters is so. But if we look at the ratio NSFW/SFW of her chapters we see this : Chapter 1 : 13 SFW pages, 2 Questionable, 17 NSFW pages, total : 32 (counting chapter page 0) Chapter 2 : 26 SFW pages, 4 Questionable, 16 NSFW pages, total : 46 '' THEN (I remember this from the Tumblr era [rip]) People started complaining because they demanded SEX. So chapter 3 is basically an Orca fucking twins. THEN She'll attempt to make another SFW chapter (chapter 4). Let me bet we won't have much sex here. We're already at 27 pages. She'll prolly slap on a few twincest pics and go on her way for a new chapter. BUT in the meantime, it has not went under the radar that when she does SFW her Patreon goes down. When she only does SFW she's under 1K, and more and more people are getting off the plane. For one good and valid reason. This is a NSFW comic, and she's too stuborn to realise she's turning it into a SFW one. Then she tries to satisfy our hunger with pinups, and comics, saying in advance it will be available to Patreon, to try and rally more people around her. So, in this regard, I hereby make available to you guys the text versions (I must have the textless versions somewhere) of the said pages, please enjoy, and don't forget to share it.
Also, I used to be a good Gumroad Buyer, because for around a year and a half I was away from the Internet, I bought all the packs I missed, sadly, she stopped updating it. So, if she won't take my money, I might as well give her none.!kkY0FIab!wU0_xqceaVaYj0cHLaHXFQ!hpRmGSoK