Nice stuff - this is some really sleek art by meesh. I'll be redundant in saying that I would've liked to see penetration, but other than that the only critiques I have are the anatomy, which at times can honestly be a little sloppy with regards to nipple and breast placement. Meesh's pectoral muscles often look like sacs rather than tight bands of muscles stretching obliquely from the shoulder to the sternum.
Grunt's chest reminds me of Meesh's much older works, showing much less detail than I feel it should. I guess when somebody's asking you to materialize a body for a fictional character whose armour makes anatomy ambiguous as hell (coughvakariancough) , especially when that character seems like he would not look attractive in the human sense under there, things can get a little dicey. But all that, to be fair, is inconsequential compared to the vast majority of other artists, whose approximation of human musculature is like a kid making a human figurine out of playdough. Facial expressions demonstrate more emotiveness than I've seen in Meesh comics in the past, and it's really cool to see this kind of effort growing over time.
This is awesome, great writing and obviously a lot of effort put it to making it clean and colorful. It's a pleasure to read and I'm glad meesh is still doing stuff like this - or rather I'm glad somebody is still willing to drop $10k for a comic of this quality. Either way, it's a gift. I'm excited to see even further improvement in the future!
Edited at 2016/08/18 20:00:05