Ordinarily I tend to stay away from 'flame wars' and arguments on the internet... butt-fuck it. >rimshot "...but regardless of if you accept it or not, stories are not black holes that suck up all concepts and implied realities." Hate to break it to you, but they can be just that. That's one of the main ideas of fiction. A story, comic, picture, whatever, can be whatever the creator of such wants it to be. If everyone opted to follow that train of thought, Star-Trek, Star Wars, everything concerning super heroes, energy weapons, teleporters, x-ray vision, laser eyes, how superman can fly, etc wouldn't be written. I dare say the whole point of FICTION in it of itself is to deliberately break away from the constraints of reality and create a new idea that otherwise wouldn't be possible. More concerning "MTBMW", how far exactly do you want to go with the 'implied realities'? Did you forget the main three characters we've seen for the past how many characters are an anthropomorphic dog, horse, and rabbit, right? None of them should be able to walk on two legs, talk, or even be of similar size. Yes, Diamond does appear to be bigger than the other two characters by a bit (I forget their names), but it still is not to scale as it should be - at least according to these constraints you're referring to. Diamond's mammoth dick shouldn't even be able to fit in our Dalmatian friend's mouth for fuck sakes, but lookie here. Just a few pages ago he had it down his throat. Speaking of which, did we forget that all of them have a very human-style penis? Obviously that's not right. Where's the spotted dog's knot? Where's Diamond's flare, too? For some reason you're willing to happily turn a blind eye to that which I've pointed out, but the whole hygiene thing is where you draw the line in the sand. "One would assume the average HUMAN BEING..." Good fucking God and you say we're dense. Again, they aren't human and this is fiction like I've already explained. "Your argument sucks, here's why, you assert "this comic should" without stating why, other than the fact that you want it to be because you'd prefer it." Yeah, that's called a 'preference' or 'opinion'. That's what he (I assume it's a guy) wants to see happen. I wasn't aware we had to justify our opinions and preferences all of a sudden with a mile-long argument that covers every base. "I can imagine whatever I want, it's fantasy", you quote. Yeah, that's what a fantasy is. Don't believe me? Straight from Google after a quick search of "define fantasy". "the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable." >impossible or improbable "Your opinion is unjustified." Yet again, opinions don't have to be justified. An argument for something most likely should be, but an opinion does not. Yet again, we are talking about a fictional gay porn comic featuring walking, talking, animals that aren't even true to the animals they represent. They're little more than human bodies covered in a certain color of fur with a different head plopped on top, a longer dick, and a tail. Maybe paws or hands which loosely contain features of paws, like claws and paw pads. "Either stick with the reality of the story, accept that your desires are not justified by the comic, or accept neither and live delusional and think that your imaginations influence other people enough to have this conversation about if the character SHOULD have had a rimjob, rather than, "I wish he did" because I clealry disagree that he should because it would violate the stories plot." Sweet. Fucking. Jesus. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill. I have never seen someone fly off the handle at someone expressing their desire to see a rimjob take place. I almost want to ask you if you're okay, or if something is bothering you. That wasn't snide sarcasm either, that was honesty. Why? Because a normal person who is 'well' doesn't get so torn up about something as trivial as another onlooker's desire for an event to happen. I'm honestly at a loss for words at this point. I suppose I could mock your argument in a sarcastic way or call you autistic, but I'm not going to do that. It also did cross my mind that you're just a troll who's really committed to rustlin' them there jimmies, but you seem quite sincere in your comments. >bait.jpg I'll end with this I guess. "You're trying to justify an unreasonable expectation, once criticized you offer, not reason to support your position, but an excuse that you can abandon reason simply because it's a work of fiction." If this were an amateur video on xhamster or wherever the hell, you'd have a point. But this isn't, so you don't. A couple of guys with only a camera can't bend reality, no surprise there. However, this is one guy drawing, coloring and shading in Photoshop or whatever software Sigma has chosen. There is no law saying that he must 100% be constrained to the same, often disgusting, reality that the two guys with the camera are. He can draw what he wants and leave out what he doesn't. Much like myself and the other guy, we can imagine what we want and forget about what we don't. I honestly have no clue where on earth you've picked up the idea that one's drawings, fantasies, daydreams or whatever must be held to constraint. Makes me wonder how you enjoy any kind of furry porn let alone studio porn. Or, maybe you don't and you're pissed off because of it, in which case I ask; why are you here?
Edited at 2018/02/18 04:16:29