The real problem is that people are being greedy bitches.
What actually happens when people notices patreon material is posted for free here is the unpledging of those people who patroned to get this content. Because since it's free, why keep paying? Of course there are people who pledges to support the artist, BUT, there are also peolple who did pledge to get that content. And those people who don't particulary support the (or any) artist WILL unpledge, and the artist will lose money.
By being way too greedy people will only win that the artist all simply stop making his comic, because of the time being spent at it getting unworthy. Best example: Baraking. He made 4 awesome comics, people started to leak them all around, and then he just quited.
You guys KNOW that those comics will be made public, can't you fucking wait the end instead of forcing the artists to quit and abandon their projects? People complained that there's not a single fucking comic that is actually finished here, but you guys ARE the responsibles.
So I will ask you this: do you prefer to wait longer to have a finished comic? Or you prefer to leak the pages and get the artists to quit?
I know Blackmailz myself and I can say that, by principle, he will not let this comic unfinished. However, if you keep leaking the pages, I can ensure you that this is the very last comic you will see from him.
I'm not even surprised that artists like RedFucker works exclusively with ych auctions reaching absolutely ridiculous prices, it's so much more rentable than asking 3 poor dollars to have a comic page...