It looks less. . Amusing the second time they put up a story about diapers.
I'm not here to argue or anything, but. . Just why.
In my opinion, I don't think wearing a diaper is something to be happy about. It means that you can't control your bladder or something whatsoever and it's a stuggle to wear it every day. And let's be real here, being seen wearing a diaper in college will just end you up in a laughing stock, since you have an excretal defect or simply because you just look like a toddler who learned it's first steps, walking around looking for his lost toy.
I'm not saying it's bad to wear a diaper, but rather why be so glad that you are? Does it make you feel young again or some sort? "Accept you who are" Is what they say, but seriously they're taking it up too much of a level.
Still, even if they don't find it as struggle to change diapers when they need to, or even if the university's students dont really care about them wearing diapers, many people still find it a struggle to wear diapers. They don't want to be humiliated. That's why they try to conceal it from others knowing reality can hit you so hard in the ass that blood doesn't spew out but those.. brownish matter.
Yet, I'm not looking for someone to fight or argue with. It's just really upsetting the fact about them "more than embracing" diapers. Of course it's just a comic after all, who am I to judge the creator's work?
Edited at 2016/12/27 02:15:56