K-Oh vanished from FA a long time ago, but according to Wiki-Fur, this was there twitter:
Found artwork consistent with K-Oh's style way back when in the gallery. Seems that they kinda forgot about the comic and visual novel and moved on.
But at least they don't appear to be dead, as there are somewhat recent tweets and retweets on their twitter. Also some images of 3D modeling up too, and an user icon in a different style.
So, yeah, not good to jump to conclusions and speculate outloud about other people without any solid facts.
Not sure as to why they moved on from FA and the visual novel, or if they are still collecting the Paetreon money, with $169 pledged. I didn't read through their twitter for the time period that they vanished, might be an explanation there; or they might respond to a tweet asking why they vanished. I have no interest in harrassing them, but if someone who was worried they died wanted too, well, go knock yourself out.
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