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File: 1494776171.anhes_chapter_1_so_fucked_-_cover_u18chan.jpg - (257.86kb, 905x1280, 1494776171.anhes_chapter_1_so_fucked_-_cover.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just Go On - By Anhes Furrynomous 2017/05/20 17:01:59 No.1264848   
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Furrynomous 2017/05/20 17:03:13 No.1264849
File: 1495313669.anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1__p2__u18chan.jpg - (348.88kb, 905x1280, 1495313669.anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1__p2_.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 17:03:14 No.1264850
File: 1495313922.anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1__p2__u18chan.jpg - (339.2kb, 905x1280, 1495313922.anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1__p2_.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 17:15:28 No.1264856
oh look, is that cliche of straight guy dating a girl is actually a closet cock thirsting homo, how original. Also is Bogo cheating on Clawhausser? damn anhes, bittersweet experience?
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 17:28:42 No.1264862
Or maybe, more likely, Nick is bisexual in this comic and his hesitation has to do with the fact he's already dating someone else. And yeah, the double cheating is a big bummer in light of the gorgeous sex, evident even at only one page of it thus far!

Anyway, I have to say I'm a fan of how Anhes draws Bogo, but not of the way he characterizes him. Bogo in the movie is fairly strict, responsible, hard-headed, apparently-no-fun-but-secretly-dorky guy. This is why, for for example, shipping him with Clawhauser is so easy, because the movie itself goes out of its way to suggest that Bogo's personality is more attuned to the cheetah's than he lets on: fun-loving, lax and energetic... when he's not feeling ashamed of it. In light of all this, Anhes's depiction through most of his work of Bogo as a confident, smoldering romancer and sex lord... doesn't feel so fitting. It isn't really Bogo anymore if the hints of self-consciousness and involuntary embarrassment are gone. In other words, for my money, it isn't really Bogo if he's the one leading on the affair, and doing it so shamelessly.

Edited at 2017/05/20 17:50:55
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 17:45:44 No.1264874
I swear to god if there's another big top/small bottom comic I'll fucking murder every artist that does it!
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 17:52:14 No.1264878

I looked around on the wiki for a confirmed statement that Bogo and Clawhauser are thing but couldn't find anything.

From what I understand, the entire movie was vanilla. Think of it like Lego pieces, it can form anything and anywhere. The only confirmed relationship that was real was Judy and Nick at the end of the movie.

Now over time, people that worked on Zootopia have been confirming questions on their "Twitter" responses on stuff that was over looked or needed confirmation. Stuff that they have confirmed are things that won't spoil the next movie "Zootopia 2".

Now because at the end of the movie (in credits areas) you see Bogo and Clawhauser dancing at the concert but not really dancing together or close to each other. Just... that they enjoy the same singer.

However... because a majority of the furry fan base has tried to ship together so many characters from the movie "Bogo and Clawhauser" as a couple as an example; its possible that the screen writer will ship them together since its a fan request in the next movie.

Remember, what made a lot of the characters memorable in this movie is that there was extremely... vague back story for most of the characters. Sorta like how "Skyrim" became famous using that same concept with its game content.

This allowed viewers to fill in the blanks at their own imagination and make whatever content deemed fit.

In fact it would interesting to know if Disney movie team would reveal which characters they thought would end up straight, only to be changed by the furry fandom to fill their own agenda of stereotypes.

Which is ironic itself because the movie itself was about being against the idea of "stereotyping". So pretty sure for a fan plot twist, the stripper tigers are not really gay and turn out to be "pigs" towards women.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 18:03:18 No.1264881
I wouldn't say Judy and Nick were an item by the end of the movie. Nick's line seemed more along the lines of the teasing friendly banter that happens past a certain level of comfort, supported by Judy's reaction being more along the lines of "oh you". Their status as a couple is as nebulous as any of the other popular ships.

Also, for what is worth, Bogo and Clawhauser were dancing together to some degree:
(Brief eye-contact, mutual invitation to dance, they both love the singer, they are both "in tune" with the concert).
But like you say, it's another possible bone for furries among the many that the movie contains.

Edited at 2017/05/20 18:05:40
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 18:15:45 No.1264888

Yeah but here is the downfall of Zootopia, by making it as vanilla as it is and basically didn't force the idea of who is who or who is with whom, they can't make Zootopia 2 movie at all.

If you look what happened with "Skyrim" by using this same concept of vanillaness; Bethesda corner themselves into making another game. In example, what would "Elder Scrolls 6" offer that would be so spastastic that would be better than dragons, better than a dragonborne, better than "fus ro dah!" ?

Its been a couple of years now and yes while... for now "Fallout 4" can fill in the excuse why "Elder Scrolls 6" is still in the works but... time's running out and I fully believe they are still stuck in the alpha stages of trying to make something greater than "Skyrim".

So applying this same rule to "Zootopia"; the moment the screen writer takes away that vanillaness and starts giving each of its character a backstory; that now... brings into play of disagreements.

You gotta realize this is a Disney production and their philosophies so... that cuts out a lot of content that they won't cover for the sake of the story or its characters.

So even if the Screenwriter makes a damning good story, Zootopia 2 is going to flop in the box offices and while it will do pretty well, it will not make the billion dollar mark as its predecessor.

If I was them, I would just make Zootopia into an episodic animated cartoon and go from there rather than work on a sequel movie.

Edited at 2017/05/20 18:22:34
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 18:20:48 No.1264889
yeah, the entire movie was all about (most) people fetishes on a big screen. I wouldn't doubt people behind the movie intentionally worked and changed everything to appeal to them by giving them potential coupling or "gay couples on movies OMG so progressive".

Now, the funny thing about clawhausser and bogo is that they were both different in everything but into liking the same artist which was funny because it happens and not necessarily is enough reasons for a relationship but again, people just want their gay agenda to happen and furries fall fr any trap so easily.

it may not be official about bogo and clawhausser being an item but what kind of person will have a single frame a picture with someone? there was no point of having it thrown except for giving the hint these two are dating but that's how my brains works. Bogo is anything but a cheater and Nick Wilde is sly enough to be into submission that easily so for me anhes is degrading two good characters with a cliche big top and small bottom trope
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 18:25:24 No.1264893
Uhm... there's no telling what "Zootopia 2" will even be about for now, so I wouldn't jump to any conclusions regarding that.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 18:31:21 No.1264895

Yeah... I know, since the movie was giving hints about real life situations and their thoughts about it, Zootopia 2 has come to a full stop due to real life happenings.

By real life I mean the extreme racism, the bad cops, major corrupt government issues, multiple crazy world leaders, and more.

I really think Disney dodged a MAJOR bullet when they released Zootopia because if it was released any time later, pretty sure it would had flopped.

Edited at 2017/05/20 18:32:31
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 18:33:23 No.1264897

> it may not be official about bogo and clawhausser being an item but what kind of person will have a single frame a picture with someone?

It could be his mother or his wife. I mean they didn't say Bogo was single.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 18:49:37 No.1264902
Lol actually according to the directors and writers apparently Disney forbids them from reading any fanfiction or fan made story suggestions so that it doesn't influence any future installments. Why? Because they don't want to be sued by the fan creator for plagiarism. Disney hates lawsuits against them. Kinda hilarious honestly. So basically any future installment in the franchise is gonna be completely original. No fan input allowed.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 19:17:42 No.1264908

Even if that was the case, the director and writer is a happy gay married man. So... its not like its going to be hard for him to ship things under his perspective of things.

Furrynomous 2017/05/20 21:51:45 No.1264974
there wasn't any other cheetah with that shape save from clawhausser, are you retarded?
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 21:56:22 No.1264976

One of the two directors, that is. Byron Howard, one of the directors, has been a happily married gay man for 29 years. Props to him and a happy marriage. As for the other director, Rich Moore, this is unknown.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 22:30:45 No.1264991
>there wasn't any other cheetah with that shape save from clawhausser ...

I really don't remember that in the movie, can you post a gif or screenshot of that specific scene in the movie? All I remember is Bogo watching the dance video, that's all.

Thanks in advance.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 22:36:59 No.1264998
clawhausser may not be the only cheetah in the movie but it was made that way specifically to be recognizable and also being a joke of how a cheetah is fat when they aren't really suppose to be.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 22:41:51 No.1265000

The real joke was the cheetah was suppose to portray a fat cop for a love of donuts.

Its an old... meme.
Furrynomous 2017/05/20 23:20:27 No.1265010

That's very common. I recall ABC stating on its website that it does not accept fan input!
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 01:25:17 No.1265065

I bet you two would bond with each other over the amount of salty butthurt erupting from within.
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 03:10:27 No.1265086
Why must it be an affair? That just makes me sad.
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 04:47:16 No.1265102

Less talking, more fucking!?
Husky92!a/kQ9NPn9U 2017/05/21 05:01:51 No.1265103

Coppertop 2017/05/21 05:44:32 No.1265115
File: hqdefault_20_u18chan.jpg - (67.67kb, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/05/21 06:48:07 No.1265134
This looks good other than Nick having the wrong eye color. With that said I wish he'd lay on his back and raise his legs for me like that so I could get a taste under that sweet tail! :3 No rimming, no lube, no nothing? Got to be a better lover than that!

Edited at 2017/05/21 13:16:49
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 08:22:21 No.1265152
His ass better get fucking involved in this comic!
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 08:28:30 No.1265154
>another zootopia comic with size difference
Is this a zaush familiar?
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 08:47:11 No.1265156
A lot of zootopia content is going to have size difference because a lot of the zootopia characters are differently sized. Someone could always draw porn of say Nick x Gidion or 2 random background bears/tigers fucking but if it involves main characters it's either going to involve size difference or off model art of giant Nick/Tiny Bogo
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 08:55:32 No.1265161
Now this comic is very good! I liked the shots, the art is very nice, and I liked the absent of bubble dialogues; it make the art more visible.
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 09:00:18 No.1265163
You know what, it just occurred to me that all of dialogue box in Anhes' stuff are transparent.
Must be because of the reason you stated.
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 12:32:58 No.1265237
man what a turn off, i don't get people liking the idea of cheating with someone else. Also it doesn't make sense how he mentions that he can give him a better ass but is not the one being fucked. This is just another nick being fucked because he is a fox, how creative.
Husky92!a/kQ9NPn9U 2017/05/21 13:03:13 No.1265243

It's made specifically for the people who like these fetishes. Would be cool to put an advertisement in the cover or page 1 of every porn comic with the contents ahah!
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 13:54:38 No.1265255
I could care less about the cheating, big vs small, etc topics. All I care about is it's Nick Wilde, I want Bogo to move his cock out of the way and I want to bury my face in that beautiful orange and cream colored bottom!
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 14:50:11 No.1265271
well that's what tags are for but you are too blinded for back padding you didn't notice. heh
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 15:18:16 No.1265287
my dickkkkkk. They're so god damn thicc aaaaaaAAAAAaaAAA
Nice ass. Furrynomous 2017/05/21 18:29:32 No.1265338
File: Temptation_u18chan.jpg - (62.48kb, 376x364, Temptation.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/05/21 18:56:13 No.1265348
I'm actually explicitly into the cheating here. This is super hot. The sizeplay is just a bonus.
Fucking furries... Roshandala 2017/05/23 15:03:15 No.1265470
So for this story.
Is this nick's first time takein it up the ass ?
A koopadile 2017/05/23 15:23:15 No.1265486
Cheaters can't have meaningful relationships. As "hot" as tricking someone into thinking you love them while being with someone else is, it's disgusting.
Furrynomous 2017/05/23 15:31:09 No.1265488

No one cares.
Furrynomous 2017/05/23 16:08:57 No.1265505
File: reeee_u18chan.jpg - (38.74kb, 752x522, reeee.jpg)
>Nick cheating on judy
>Bogo cheating on clawhauser
Furrynomous 2017/05/23 17:25:19 No.1265554
Not just because of the cheating but when you are straight but yoi can't deny you are gettin hot for boys too, which causes on wanting to cheat.

The doubtness is what I'm liking this comic.
Furrynomous 2017/05/23 17:41:55 No.1265568
so is straight guy secretly gay cliche, kinda like sgmiaX comic in which magically he wants the dick despite no sign of being sexually disoriented before, ok.
Furrynomous 2017/05/23 18:31:04 No.1265592

Jesus fuck, its just a comic dude relax
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 00:00:45 No.1265739

Yeah i couldn't care less about Nick and Judy. But YOU LEAVE MY BOGO/CLAWHAUSER ALONE THEY ARE PRECIOUS
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 02:00:07 No.1265761
Have literally none of you heard of "open relationships"?
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 02:06:07 No.1265763
There is a new page fuckers
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 02:21:43 No.1265767
open relationships aka "I don't want to be single but I also want to fuck every guy i find hot without guilt"
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 04:01:44 No.1265800
Gotta love the moral superiority thing
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 04:17:08 No.1265803
We don't even know whether Judy & Nick are dating in this comic, jeez.

Nick could just have a crush on Judy and feel guilty about sleeping with someone else, dating or not.

Also who the fuck cares anyway it's a porn comic
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 07:59:06 No.1265864
woah... who is the artist??
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 09:30:49 No.1265887
The tiger painting is by Alpha0.
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 13:28:41 No.1265957
File: 08f2546c8bdd5cf56ccae316d2d85e4e1_u18chan.png - (4.3mb, 1447x1890, 08f2546c8bdd5cf56ccae316d2d85e4e[1].png)

See everyone, some artists have a sense of integrity, and know what cock looks like, so when they draw it, they include all the boy parts, and make sure to leave out those "sexy" penis scars from the knives that meesh loves to draw.

(Don't feed the troll.)
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 17:56:42 No.1266189

Nick grumbles and looks uninterested... yet keeps spreading his ass lol
Furrynomous 2017/05/24 18:02:52 No.1266195
File: Please-don-t-feed-the-trolls-atsof-547660_170_186_u18chan.jpg - (6.91kb, 170x186, Please-don-t-feed-the-trolls-atsof-547660_170_186.jpg)

I agree, lets just stop engaging the troll
Just Go On - by Anhes Furrynomous 2017/05/25 00:50:13 No.1266464
File: anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1_p3_u18chan.jpg - (335.51kb, 905x1280, anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1_p3.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/05/25 01:03:17 No.1266468
File: 04_222_u18chan.jpg - (327.87kb, 905x1280, 04.jpg)

Quark 2017/05/25 01:13:50 No.1266469
File: videotogif_2017.05.25_02.25.09_u18chan.gif - (1.61mb, 278x196, videotogif_2017.05.25_02.25.09.gif)
At first I thought that was Nick's dick.

Edited at 2017/05/25 01:27:05
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 01:53:20 No.1266476
so bogo is cheating on clawhausser, that's very low, clawhausser doesn't deserve this
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 01:58:57 No.1266478
So this eliminates cheating on Nick's part, huh (unless Bogo simply means that Judy isn't officially Nick's mate and not that they haven't even interacted "like that"). I wonder if Anhes will take that aspect back altogether in hindsight.
EDIT: I'm being dumb and it's late, Nick clearly says that both of them are cheating on those they have "bonded" with (strange word choice, is Anhes a Spaniard like Chicobo?).

Anyway, this recent page is certainly more interesting, but I'll wait until we get more.

Edited at 2017/05/25 02:03:18
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 02:25:17 No.1266483
Glad to see Nick has green eyes now! (His correct eye color!) Those first three pages with brown eyes look very odd unfortunately.
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 02:30:51 No.1266485

> I'm being dumb and it's late, Nick clearly says that both of them are cheating on those they have "bonded" with (strange word choice, is Anhes a Spaniard like Chicobo?).

So basically Anhes made Nick a bisexual and Bogo a pure queer.

On Nick's side of things, I don't see why Judy would have a problem at all with this since its not another woman.

Now on Bogo's side, Clawhauser might have a problem but I mean... can you blame Bogo though wanting to have some fun with sex? You can only do so many positions with an overweight cat. No offense to chubby people but I mean, it is... what it is in reality; you can only do so much.

In fact, if Clawhauser knew that Bogo loved him regardless; wouldn't you want your mate to be sexually satisfied as well? I mean after all... its just sex as both of them clearly have stated.

Also... I am going to leave this here about Judy has nothing to worry.
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 03:28:41 No.1266495

I can't speak for Bogo as I never paid that much attention to him in the film. Nick however always came across to me as Pansexual. My personal opinion and what I've felt is Nick doesn't care about the sex of his partner. Just being loved is what's most important to him regardless of sex.
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 03:36:58 No.1266498

Pansexuals are self defeating though. There's so many ways you can express your feelings before it becomes binary and then they are fucked because they are not sexual active much less be sexual satisfied from it; so then what?

Gotta be more than just a single flavor in Life.
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 07:04:52 No.1266536

That's just semantics. Call it as you like. Some simply don't see gender as an issue when it comes to who you love. The the person not that they look like or what sex organs they have. You just adapt. I've been married to both a female before till her death and now I've been with a male (and we're now married) the last ten years. But I never considered myself bisexual. It was just the person whom I was attracted too! Anyway sex or transgender it never mattered to me and it still doesn't.
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 07:48:24 No.1266544

You are such a troll bait.

Furrynomous 2017/05/25 09:44:39 No.1266581
On his FA Anhes reuploaded the pages with corrected green eyes.

Apparently it's due to Anhes having a colorblindness. Who knew?

Edited at 2017/05/25 10:57:41
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 11:36:05 No.1266609
your logic on relationship mesmerize of how stupid it is

Edited at 2017/05/25 11:36:28
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 11:55:36 No.1266635

Sorry but not all relationships are the same. Sounds like you lack experience.
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 13:09:16 No.1266685

I'm a middle aged adult. I'm not going to get upset over a bunch of doucebag adolescences opinions on an anonymous message board. Thanks for your concern however.

Edited at 2017/05/25 14:02:38
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 13:24:43 No.1266691
First three threads in this board are Zootopia comics, just give it it's own board already
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 13:26:18 No.1266692
im not gonna waste my time proving how wrong you are for assuming my "experience"
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 14:18:14 No.1266723
File: IMG_2724_u18chan.jpg - (126.59kb, 900x675, IMG_2724.JPG)
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 14:24:06 No.1266727

So basically a closet case. Good to know.


Not sure how to read this, are you the one that posted the troll bait or just merely posting nothing?
Furrynomous 2017/05/25 14:30:29 No.1266731
This here. Having been in a relationship like that before with promises of not getting burned because the exact opposite happening, it's really easy to hate that kind of relationship and people who think with that sort of "relationship" is fine, even when it's forced on them.
Furrynomous 2017/05/27 23:53:24 No.1267859
New page reminder :)
Furrynomous 2017/05/28 02:33:17 No.1267888
File: theinternetinanutshell_u18chan.jpg - (29.02kb, 540x303, the internet in a nutshell.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/05/28 13:43:17 No.1268067
So sorry about your lost, bro.

But this is just a comic.
Furrynomous 2017/05/29 08:15:56 No.1268495
For all you know clawhauser is polyamorus like bogo
Furrynomous 2017/05/29 15:57:49 No.1268674
Now that I noticed: why his eyes are green in this page?
Furrynomous 2017/05/29 16:16:49 No.1268678
File: tumblr_o6ag8tw7Z01vsc4g2o1_1280_u18chan.png - (272.15kb, 853x479, tumblr_o6ag8tw7Z01vsc4g2o1_1280.png)

Wilde is supposed to have Green eyes. The artist actually reuploaded the older pages with the correct ones.
Furrynomous 2017/05/30 16:10:12 No.1269128
File: IMG_2773_u18chan.jpg - (317.05kb, 905x1280, IMG_2773.JPG)

UmbreonSX 2017/05/31 00:12:05 No.1269270
I want furry porn
Furrynomous 2017/05/31 00:38:25 No.1269275
sentient or not, this feels pretty fucked up.
Furrynomous 2017/05/31 01:22:45 No.1269309
i agree. did anhes went through a bad breakup? doens't seem the kind of stories he would come up with
Furrynomous 2017/05/31 01:42:52 No.1269317
God this is insanely hot. Hnngh.
You rang? Furrynomous 2017/06/01 13:23:57 No.1270079
File: daddy_u18chan.jpg - (200.09kb, 1280x1067, daddy.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/06/01 15:02:43 No.1270114
As amazing that Charr is, what's he got to do with the comic? :P
Furrynomous 2017/06/01 15:50:47 No.1270132
feels like there's a page missing between 4 and 5.

all these artists that are convinced that if you're a good artist, you're automatically a good writer also. nope, doesn't work that way. being a good writer takes training. also, a good editor.
Furrynomous 2017/06/02 20:36:54 No.1270588

That's why many writers and artists team up!
Furrynomous 2017/06/03 19:02:12 No.1270968
Someone call? Furrynomous 2017/06/03 19:15:39 No.1270969
File: eh_u18chan.png - (125.89kb, 416x763, eh.png)
Furrynomous 2017/06/03 19:30:39 No.1270972
File: 1496533412.anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1__p6__u18chan.jpg - (307.94kb, 905x1280, 1496533412.anhes_just_go_on_-_chapter_1__p6_.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/06/03 19:41:46 No.1270976

Either Anhes is reading the comments on this site or his supports have been reading them for him because this is just too damn cringy but in a funny way. In other words, I couldn't take this page seriously at all.
Furrynomous 2017/06/03 19:45:15 No.1270978
This would be so sweet, if it wasn't NTR. Poor Judy.
Furrynomous 2017/06/03 19:59:00 No.1270986

That's not the problem, the problem is... people are getting burned out on Zootopia.

Anhes is a good artist but I believe his talent and time spent should be past Zootopia. If you think about it, once Disney makes "Zootopia 2" or "Zootopia the animated" TV Show; that people will want new commissions on the new characters (if any) during that time line.

Zootopia's time has passed; what's a hit these days which is easy money is Character: "Mercenary" from the animated series "Grimoire of Zero".

There's only 4 episodes left before its gone for good. (Reason: Light novels only get 1 season of animated series; very extremely rarely do they do a second season.)

Also once Mercenary reverts back to human, there's no reason to draw him anymore. So times... a ticking for a lot of Artists!
Furrynomous 2017/06/03 20:07:27 No.1270988
I don't even know where to start...

This is way too easy.
Furrynomous 2017/06/03 20:11:12 No.1270990
well if that's true I would suggest Anhes to use another font for the action sound effects, I mean the one he is using for the dialogue is cool but because is the same font I would imagine Bogo is saying them out loud or softly, and speaking of, wouldn't be best to use SFX like in comic books/manga instead of using the verb? I guess this last thing is me nitpicking.

Indeed. This last page is cheesy and cute but only if you're oblivious to context which is each other cheating on their respective partners.

Zootopia is highly overpraised and saturated of art (including the porn) is becoming a nuisance.
Furrynomous 2017/06/03 20:12:05 No.1270991

I mean if you love Zootopia fine, but remember furry art and porn related commissions is a business. Money wise... its starting to get stale.

Not to mention I've read thousands of fan pics, fan comics, fan stories, fan short stories, and its just getting to the point that its all blurring together.

I don't think I can handle another full year in 2018 of Zootopia. I think coming towards winter it should slow down to a drizzle and then move on.
Amvic 2017/06/03 22:11:03 No.1271040
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 01:53:22 No.1271088
Is this comic dead or what?
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 02:13:59 No.1271091

Nobody's making you look at, read, or acknowledge anything Zootopia-related. Don't like it? Move on to something you DO like.

There was literally a new page less than 48 hours ago.

Edited at 2017/06/04 02:14:36
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 02:14:39 No.1271092
He just posted a new page today. It's definitely not dead =/
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 09:10:02 No.1271232
File: IMG_2829_0_u18chan.gif - (726.06kb, 355x200, IMG_2829.GIF)

Same shit posts on every single Zootopia comic about how Zootopia actually sucked critical acclaim, awards and world wide gross be damned and how everyone is tired of it. .../... Acts like others care what they think!
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 09:19:56 No.1271233

>what's a hit these days which is easy money is Character: "Mercenary" from the animated series "Grimoire of Zero"

Wtf is Grimoire Zero, How da fuck does it have anything to do with the furry fandom and what the makes you think it's "easy money" and could possibly complete with Zootopia's popularity? Are you a child, high or just a stupid fanboy?
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 09:55:42 No.1271254
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>remember furry art and porn related commissions is a business. Money wise... its starting to get stale.

Let's see!

On FA:

Page 1, 844 favorites, 1820 views
Page 2, 1075 favorites, 15395 views
Page 3, 1188 favorites, 14933 views

On Patreon:

245 supporters giving $2,891 monthly!

To be stale Zootopia sure is popular and profitable!

Edited at 2017/06/04 10:47:32
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 10:24:46 No.1271263
I'm pretty sure there's no money in a show no one has heard of. If you want porn of it so bad go pay for it yourself
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 11:00:41 No.1271289
File: IMG_2833_u18chan.png - (5.24kb, 284x177, IMG_2833.PNG)
This pretentious hipster "Zootopia actually sucked, you just don't realize it" meme is hilarious!
Furrynomous 2017/06/04 22:00:06 No.1271527
The only thing worse than a hipster is a furfag hipster
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 00:56:09 No.1273870
Is this comic still ongoing or what?
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 01:27:49 No.1273880
Newest page is on his Paetron. Someone post it
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 01:33:23 No.1273885
Zootopia doesn't suck, is a good movie to watch and it has some hilarious moments. I just think that people (over)praise it too much and not because of the story and the moral of it but because it was made by a gay director who's married for 20 years and there are gay couples in the movie. Is a real shame the movie is held on a pedestal for those shallow reasons, but I guess it doesn't have anything solid in the movie so when they say it sucks, is probably because of how is praised as some glorified gay pride movie
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 09:21:51 No.1274028

I think you missed the point, Zootopia didn't suck; the fan base is what ruined it for most of us.

We understand that you guys like making stories, stereotypical relationship shipping, and inspiration vague descriptions given via by the script writers but as I said earlier... it gets old after a long whiles.

Anhes's time, effort, and skill could be worked on in other places; as well for any other Artists on the matter.

Thankfully we recently gotten new furry males to draw lately and... we got new furry video games, anime, and movies coming soon in 2018.

A good example of a furry artist staying ahead of the game on commissions and trending furry characters is "Sollyz Sundayz".
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 10:54:23 No.1274094
This please.
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 14:14:03 No.1274195

>It gets old after a while...

Then stop acknowledging it. Nobody is forcing you to look at anything Zootopia-related, and you have no right to judge an artist for drawing something they enjoy drawing just because you, personally, are tired of seeing the subject matter.

There's a LOT more non-Zootopia stuff than there is Zootopia-related stuff on this board. It's not that hard to just skip over it.
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 14:35:05 No.1274199
It's hard to avoid it when it's near everywhere in U18chan's main boards. :/
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:00:15 No.1274206
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:00:17 No.1274207
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:00:18 No.1274208
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:00:20 No.1274209
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:00:22 No.1274210
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:01:06 No.1274211
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:01:08 No.1274212
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:01:35 No.1274213
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Furrynomous 2017/06/10 15:18:31 No.1274225
Alrighty fair enough, we've all seen Nick take someone three times his size now. Let's turn the tables and see him be on top now!

Edited at 2017/06/10 15:19:43
Furrynomous 2017/06/10 16:35:10 No.1274274

There's 2 comics on the first few pages of /GC/, and a few dead ones a few pages back. There's ONE Zootopia thread in each /Fur/ and /GFur/. I did, however, count about 8 Zootopia comics in the first five pages of /C/.

Yeah, it's a fair amount (especially the straight stuff), but it's still significantly less than the non-Zootopia stuff being posted. Exaggerating only hurts the point you're trying to make.
Furrynomous 2017/06/12 16:31:03 No.1275440
But sexy

Edited at 2017/06/12 16:32:44
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 15:10:37 No.1276754
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Furrynomous 2017/06/15 21:05:40 No.1276916
Furry video games anime and movies in 2018, what where?
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 22:07:20 No.1276940


- Pokemon Stars (Nintendo Switch) 2018 reveal Q3.
- Sushi Striker (Nintendo 3DS) Jan of 2018. The little cubs you collect grow up to be sexy anthromorphic males.
- Nekojishi (Romance M/M Novel) Q2 of 2018.
- Monster Hunter Stories (Nintendo 3DS) released to the west 2018.
- Monster Hunter World (PS4) 2018.
- Monster Hunter XX (Nintendo Switch, 3DS) August 25th 2017.
Note: Japan only but can be imported from the library to play on US systems. Saved data from the 3DS can be ported to the Nintendo switch version. Cross play between the 2 is possible.
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole (October 17th, 2017). Video clips showing werewolf NPC abilities killing and raping. Also a short clip of the studio making fun of "Furries" being over sexed cameo.
- Ni No Kuni 2 (PS4, PC) features some anthromorphic beasts but the characters are mostly Nekos (Humanoid kids with cat ears and tail). November 10, 2017.
- Pokken Tournament DX (Nintendo Switch) features new pokemon males.
- Super Lucky's Tale (Xbox) complete rip off of "Tails" from Sonic franchise but you know the rule "rule 34" everything.
- Animal Crossing (Nintendo Switch) more info in 2018.
- Final Fantasy 7 *Remaster* (PS4 confirm for now) more info in 2018. Character: Red 13, rule 34 porn of its new model.
- Arcadian Atlas (Funded Project, scheduled to be possible 2018 Q4). Talking Raccoon race.
- Breath of Fire 6 (TBD) but rumors that Capcom is considering the idea of localizing it to the west in 2020. Mobile App features anthromorphic canine races.
- Unlucky Seven (Steam) Q4 2017. Sci-fi/horror story. Play as anthromorphic beasts.
- Ghost of a Tale (Steam - Early Access). Play as an anthromorphic male mouse to rescue your wife. Insane graphics card required to play.

Anime/TV Shows/Movies

- Sly Cooper the Movie.
- Sly Cooper TV series. (Production from Sonic Boom Team).
- Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms (Chinese Animation) 2018. Features furry races.
- Grimoire of Zero (Season 2) confirmed, no release date yet but its been green lighted.
- Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Possible 2020)
- Lion King *Realistic* (Disney) Possible 2019.
- Monster Hunter Stories (Season 2) confirmed. Possible 2018 Q3.
- Future Card Buddyfight (Season 5)
- Pokemon (Season 21)
- Zootopia TV Series (Disney) TBD.

Edited at 2017/06/16 01:22:03
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 22:34:58 No.1276952
You need to check your facts, dude.

Sly Cooper's movie was cancelled. This is because Rachet and Clank failed in the theatres. Sly's movie was always tied to how good R&C did.

Also, the next time the Guardians of the Galaxy will show up will be in Avengers: Infinity War, not Guardians, Vol 3.

The Lion King's remake is 2019, not 2018.

I'm sure you have more incorrect stuff but...yeah.
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 22:36:16 No.1276954
As far as I'm aware, FF7 Remake does not have a release date, and it was a no show at E3. More realistically it will show up 2019-2020, since there's been development conflicts.
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 22:42:27 No.1276957

> Sly Cooper's movie was cancelled.

Unfortunately there is no confirmation of its cancellation yet which is why I have it listed still. The news about a TV series instead raised a lot of concern.

Guardians Vol 3. was confirmed by the Director that he's working on it. No other info was given. So the 2020 year is a guess.

Direct Quote:

> "James Gunn" has confirmed he's back on board as writer/director.
> Is Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3 going to happen?
> Yes.
> James Gunn told Complex: "There will be a Guardians 3, that's for sure."
> When will Guardians 3 be set?
> After Avengers: Infinity War and the as-yet untitled Avengers 4.

End Quote.

> The Lion King's remake is 2019.

Good to know.

> As far as I'm aware, FF7 Remake does not have a release date.

This is correct the reason 2018 is listed is because in a recent article it was revealed that Square Enix was hiring more programmers specifically for that game. Screen Shots have been shown since 2016 of its progression step by step. So around 2018 more will be revealed.

Edited at 2017/06/16 01:07:49
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 22:42:51 No.1276958
Yeah the Sly Cooper movie is dead, but Sony confirmed yesterday that a Sly Cooper television series is in the works. Release date TBD.
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 22:48:44 No.1276961

All I keep finding is posts of "Delayed" no cancellation.

I honestly don't understand why it would be cancelled in the first place; the reason sales on the Ratchet movie didn't do well is because they tried to be cheap and copy scenes from the actual game itself.

The Sly Cooper movie however, all of its games were drawn in cartoon animation; so there fore the realistic animation had to be done from scratch. So... yeah.

Edited at 2017/06/15 22:51:26
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 23:06:54 No.1276963
I based it on the Wikipedia article. It paints a grim picture.

"At Wondercon 2016, Munroe stated that the film had yet to enter production and that he doubted it would be released later that year, but was "standing by, waiting to jump on top of it. I'm just waiting for the phone call."[59] On October 26, 2016 he revealed on Twitter that he hadn't personally worked on Sly Cooper in over a year and a half.[60] Munroe is currently attached to direct the Chinese-Norwegian-Canadian co-production Troll: The Tale of a Tail for release around Christmas 2017.[61]

Following the poor box office performance of the Ratchet & Clank adaptation, Cartoon Brew editor Amid Amidi expressed doubt that Sly Cooper would ever be completed.[62] In September 2016, Michael Hefferon, president and chief creative officer of Rainmaker, said that due to Ratchet's failure, the company would have to reevaluate the timing, release plans and budget for Sly Cooper.[63]"
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 23:14:23 No.1276964

Okay... then the Sony CEO is being an idiot. If Ratchet sales failed by hosting it in Theaters, then finish it anyways and just make it exclusive to watch on "Amazon".

There are plenty of Anime groups, episodes, and companies that just skip a lot of trouble in funding concerns by just allowing Amazon to host it.

So all Sony has to do if it wants to go through with the TV series is change some of the story script in the main movie to be instead a "Pilot" that leads the story to be open to continue into that idea and bam; nothing more to worry.

Edited at 2017/06/15 23:17:04
Furrynomous 2017/06/16 09:05:39 No.1277097
>Zootopia TV Series (Disney) TBD.

I'm just going to go right ahead and say FUCK NO!


Taggled TV series and now Ducktales! If anyone thinks it would be anything close to the film in animation, plot, or even character voices you need to face reality! And besides that tell me one, just one tv series that was based on a popular film that is A: still on tv and B: actually good!

If fans are serious they'd stop with the tv series demands and focus on a real sequel!
Furrynomous 2017/06/16 15:23:21 No.1277209

You can't control what Disney does or not to profit in money. The only reason TV series is becoming more of an option is because due to its popularity on the fact that there's a decline on Kid shows.

Making a Zootopia 2 movie is bad idea right now due to real life issues and since that was what the first movie was about and how to be accepting of others; do you really think making another movie is a good idea right now?

Racism is an all time high right now, people really fucking hate cops right now, politics is beyond broken at this point thanks to Trump, and really... sequel movies never out triumphs the 1st movie (proven by history).

Aside from that, there is a huge decline in Kids shows at this point and people are tired of the Micky house cartoons, replays, house of mouse, ect ect. Kids want something fresh and new and a "Zootopia" TV series is right there for the picking.

This would also give life to Characters that were scrapped from the movie to make a cameo appearance and become full fledged characters. So... I can understand why Disney went ahead with the TV series idea.
Furrynomous 2017/06/16 15:35:24 No.1277212
>Racism is an all time high right now, people really fucking hate cops right now, politics is beyond broken at this point thanks to Trump.

The only people that hate police are people who browse too much in tumblr.

Politics was already broken before Trump entered into office.

Racism has become an all time high thanks to school and shoving in the white guilt left and right
Furrynomous 2017/06/16 16:05:31 No.1277218
Found the broflake.
Furrynomous 2017/06/16 16:17:37 No.1277225
File: IMG_2942_u18chan.jpg - (33.71kb, 410x329, IMG_2942.JPG)

>I can understand why Disney went ahead with the TV series idea.


There isn't any TV series planned for Zootopia! Who ever told this was lying to you!

And yes I also agree with OP a tv series would ruin this film! Of all the things they could do with it a tv series would be among the worst! This isn't something you do with a almost perfectly scored film on RT and a film that was also hailed as the best film since Beauty and the Beast by more than one reviewer, the second highest grossing original film in history and the second highest grossing Disney Animation Studios film in history, a film that the AFI (a very respected scholarly organization) placed in its top 10 films of 2016, and a Golden Globe, multiple Annie and Academy Award winning film and multude of others!

>Making a Zootopia 2 movie is bad idea right now due to real life issues and since that was what the first movie was about and how to be accepting of others; do you really think making another movie is a good idea right now?

It will be years before a sequel could happen anyway. A good film takes time! Ever bit as much as this one did!

>Making a Zootopia 2 movie is bad idea right now due to real life issues and since that was what the first movie was about and how to be accepting of others; do you really think making another movie is a good idea right now?

>Racism is an all time high right now, people really fucking hate cops right now, politics is beyond broken at this point thanks to Trump, and really... sequel movies never out triumphs the 1st movie (proven by history).

Yet you want a daily TV series? Mind explaining your logic behind that one? Or do you prefer they are no longer cops and it's just a sitcom about a rabbit and a fox? Basically Zootopia just in name.

There's PLENTY of film Disney can make a series from. Ones that DON'T DESERVE another sequel but appeal to children more! Moana, Cars (it got a squeal anyway), Nemo/Dory, Monsters inc, and Big Hero Six.

A shit series could and very likely would destroy Zootopia's repatriation and everything it achieved! It would be nothing more than a distraction that people will look at and laugh when they compare it to how the film was. And if a sequel ever is made you best believe it would hurt it!

Be patient! Good things come to those who wait! Zootopia does deserve better than half-assed Disney Tv show! If you're a serious fan you'd understand this and want something good! Not something quickly thrown together!
Furrynomous 2017/06/16 16:59:50 No.1277241

I've noticed on twitter and Facebook that the only ones keep asking for a TV series are 1: American (even though Zootopia was an international hit and an American tv series would very likely disenfranchise them and anyone else without a the Disney Channel and 2: are almost always children that have to beg their parents for money to buy a movie ticket. None of them really care about what would be best for the film and looking for a quick fix. No matter how bad it looks or sucks!

Edited at 2017/06/16 17:01:46
Furrynomous 2017/06/18 00:17:43 No.1277985
Eh, it's up to Disney to OK the project, and Byron Howard to (hopefully) make it good. I doubt he'll be involved very much, as he's more than likely working on the next Disney IP, and/or Zootopia 2. If it sucks, it is what it is, but I seriously doubt that many of the cast will voice, at least not Jason Bateman for Nick (Jennifer Morrison is likely, as she's a Disney chick thru-and-thru).

Main problem is the animation budget and scripts for each episode are likely to suck ass, and that makes me sad. This is the How to Train Your Dragon TV series all over again.

Not like we get much say, we're literally debating this on a site where Nick is getting anally destroyed by Bogo's huge ass cock, so I'm sure that we're not the demographic for this show.
New Page Posted Furrynomous 2017/06/25 12:22:48 No.1281613
Does anyone have the new page that was posted a few days ago?
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 13:10:01 No.1281616
File: mickey-dollar-eyes_u18chan.jpg - (10.65kb, 222x227, mickey-dollar-eyes.jpg)
Lilo and Stitch has had three direct-to-video movie sequels, three separate animated series in various countries, several Japan-exclusive TV specials, and a bunch of crappy video games.

Zootopia will get the same treatment, so it's best to just make peace with it and appreciate the artistic integrity of the original movie.
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 13:16:25 No.1281617
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Furrynomous 2017/06/25 13:16:27 No.1281618
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Furrynomous 2017/06/25 14:33:15 No.1281631
it never really bothered me about lilo and stitch having all this marketing since i never watched all those other movies, the show maybe a few times when nothing else was good on tv and the japanese never caught my attention. If zootopia is going to get the same treatment, it will be really annoying for me just because im so tired of artist milking out the fame of zootopia by doing porn and do nothing but zootopia stuff.
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 15:03:26 No.1281638

Well fuck you then, cause artists are gonna milk it as long as there are people that want this, they don't give a fuck about people who don't.
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 15:30:53 No.1281643

That's... correct. It's this new thing called "product demand." People ask for something and someone provides it. WEIRD, RIGHT?
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 16:37:33 No.1281674
The movie sucks. But the art is worthy.
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 16:57:01 No.1281683
Why are there 2 versions of page 9?
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 17:16:37 No.1281691
I guess Anhes thought people would react negatively to the choking and humiliation, so he made a alternate version? I mean, it's already a cuck comic so I don't see why people would get upset over that.
The choking was a bit too much. Furrynomous 2017/06/25 20:03:01 No.1281724
File: Finaljudgment_u18chan.jpg - (134.63kb, 712x934, Finaljudgment.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 20:07:19 No.1281728

I don't care much for the humiliation and choking so honestly I find the other version much more appealing. It seems more... idk, genuine? Believable? Nick doesn't seem like the kind of character who'd be into humiliation. I can totally buy him engaging in cuckoldry, but shame-play? Nah. His whole character in the film was defined by being shamed as a kit, which was an incredibly traumatizing experience for him. Now I know some people can turn their traumas into fetishes, but based on Nick as seen in the film he wants to forget that experience more than anything; he actively tries to hide his true feelings so that he can't be humiliated again. So it just seems wrong to me that he'd be willing to be shamed like that. And as for the choking? Again, his childhood trauma dealt with being muzzled, being restrained. I don't think he'd be into going through that again. So yeah, it doesn't seem in character to me.

Holy fuck I did not mean to write this much. TL;DR I like the version where Nick is NOT being punished because it's more in character.
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 20:12:34 No.1281732
ITT: A reformed conman and a no-nonsense police chief engage in cuckoldry for the sake on sexual satisfaction
Furrynomous 2017/06/25 20:16:48 No.1281734
I'm just happy that we got a couple extra panels.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 02:15:45 No.1281859
This article on domination sounds like its come from someone whos never once dominated...
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 02:54:06 No.1281863

That would be a correct assumption; it's very much not my cup o' tea. I guess I should've clarified in my original 'article' that I did have a bias against such sexual interactions. However, I stand by my view that Nick as presented in the film would not enjoy being dominated in such a manner.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 03:56:28 No.1281884
You're talking out your ass. You've got no way of knowing that. People out in the real world can have wildly differing personas when it comes to the bedroom where things are primal and private.

Like you said, you're looking through the lends of your own biases which prevents you from thinking objectively about it.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 09:54:31 No.1281942
Anhes's description of the "nice" alternate version:

>"This was in fact the original P9, but a friend of mine told that the change of actitud [sic] were too sudden, so I did the other version."

So he actually changed it TO the choking/humiliation version.
Furrynomous 2017/06/28 02:24:55 No.1282683
back again
some tips on being a sub from a sub bottom guy.
Im a sub because in my day to day im always the one in control, always the one in power, always the one with the upper hand in some way or another regardless of rather the other people around me realize it.

When i get behind close doors im a sub because im tired of being in control, im tired of being the dominant, the alpha or even the beta who ensures that the fay ran smoothly. I want someone else to take charge, I want to feel someone else taking that power from me, using me for a change. Nothing feels better or more freeing to me then having my body given up to someone else for a while.

Just a though ;)
Furrynomous 2017/06/28 07:09:15 No.1282737
Furrynomous 2017/06/28 22:06:02 No.1283094
There's no useful tips. Disappointed!
Furrynomous 2017/06/29 03:05:13 No.1283197
the ego trip is real
Furrynomous 2017/06/29 16:23:49 No.1283402
hot chamomile tea hydrates amazingly well and is good for your lower digestive tract health (colon and boipucci)

grip/jerk your dick as it's going in (really helps to keep you relaxed)

best position to start in is bottom on top facing either way, it gives you the control of how fast, slow it goes in and then after a short while you can move to whatever position you like best

once it's in try not to go to town right way, give it a quick minute for things to adjust

sage advice: no such thing as too much lube

sage sage advice get your protein/fiber/diet in general in order eat raw almonds and healthy proteins and grains take probiotics to become "regular" healthier shits = less cleaning prep and less discomfort
Furrynomous 2017/07/01 07:54:47 No.1284093
Oh God why...?
Furrynomous 2017/07/01 16:49:09 No.1284267
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Furrynomous 2017/07/01 17:39:15 No.1284276
File: ShaggyInTheRain_u18chan.jpg - (22.05kb, 499x430, ShaggyInTheRain.jpg)

I hope this isn't the end of Chapter 1 or Anhes can fucking kill himself. Shows Bogo's ass but does nothing with it? Skin him alive
Furrynomous 2017/07/01 18:47:56 No.1284304
Nice! But damn I was hoping to get a nice clear shot of Nick's tailhole. Something without dick, tail or cum blocking that delicious sweet spot!
Furrynomous 2017/07/01 20:23:49 No.1284342
At this point I'm more worried about how the story will progress.
I'll lose my shit if both Clawhauser and Judy are okay with this because "it's so totally hot!".
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 00:09:42 No.1284388
Now I have a new shipping to follow
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 01:06:38 No.1284407

me too -____-
low 2017/07/02 01:27:04 No.1284419
I hate when they fill in dialogue with movie quotes, it feels so inorganic, appears lazy, and gives the illusion of breaking the 4th wall. It's like regularly using puns in the bedroom. Go ahead just see how sexy your partner finds it. I'm waiting...
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 01:37:09 No.1284424

> Go ahead just see how sexy your partner finds it. I'm waiting...

Clever girl...
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 05:02:14 No.1284476

You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 06:27:36 No.1284493
File: IMG_2134_0_u18chan.jpg - (31.14kb, 531x404, IMG_2134.JPG)

I'm good! The only meat I want to taste is under that tail and possibly between those legs!
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 09:11:59 No.1284537
File: 7ae_u18chan.png - (503.02kb, 680x694, 7ae.png)
>donut asshole
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 09:26:56 No.1284542
File: IMG_2977_u18chan.jpg - (57.3kb, 640x640, IMG_2977.JPG)

Speak for yourself. That's an asshole you can put your whole mouth around while you suck and taste it! I'd sit that fine fox booty down in my face and worship for hours on end!
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 10:31:01 No.1284566
File: 00a77d7a299ce81d3c3c2e8d814144a0_u18chan.jpg - (287.17kb, 1159x545, 00a77d7a299ce81d3c3c2e8d814144a0.jpg)
You're my hero
Furrynomous 2017/07/02 12:16:13 No.1284591


I'd push my tongue up that butthole to I felt the back of his teeth!
Furrynomous 2017/07/03 00:34:27 No.1284984
is.... is there a full image to this?
Furrynomous 2017/07/03 00:38:45 No.1284986

No there isn't. This is just a screen shot, edited at that; that features an animation of a famous animator artist of Nick fucking Judy.

You can find this animation on e621 and enjoy it there.
Furrynomous 2017/07/03 01:34:22 No.1284996
Damn that dirty talk is hot. Kudos to the writer, haven't seen anything that quality before.
Furrynomous 2017/07/03 11:48:32 No.1285091
File: IMG_2134_1_u18chan.jpg - (434.37kb, 1280x1280, IMG_2134.JPG)

>is.... is there a full image to this?

Furrynomous 2017/07/03 11:56:18 No.1285093
File: IMG_2979_u18chan.jpg - (44.54kb, 500x430, IMG_2979.JPG)

Now that's what I call a cock and tailhole!

What I wouldn't give to have my face under that tail and tongue up that butthole or that fat cock and knot in me! Damn Nick! :3

Edited at 2017/07/03 11:59:05
Wut 2017/07/03 17:52:48 No.1285258
File: OK_thumbdffdfg_u18chan.png - (54.86kb, 300x300, OK_thumbdffdfg.png)

Edited at 2017/07/03 17:54:18
Furrynomous 2017/07/04 02:07:54 No.1285438
that's unfortunate.
Furrynomous 2017/07/04 05:38:00 No.1285509
jesus those donut assholes & vagina are fucking gross
Donuts.... Furrynomous 2017/07/04 05:55:41 No.1285515
File: nomnomnom_u18chan.jpg - (81.08kb, 740x431, nomnomnom.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/07/04 15:43:50 No.1285808

Oh piss off prude! I can point out A LOT more butthole's all over this site that atcually are "fucking gross!".

Looks perfectly fine and rather delightful to me so if you don't like it stop looking at it! My only complaint is his balls look like watermelons! But there's nothing at all un-erotic about his butthole!
Furrynomous 2017/07/04 15:58:54 No.1285829

By all means then, post something or several buttholes you think look better and alow me to critique it then! I'm curious to see your trivial opinions on how a proper butthole should look in action!
Furrynomous 2017/07/05 06:30:03 No.1286115

I kind of agree with you both. However I think the only reason the "donut" is there at all is the size difference. However I can also see the displeasure with it, I mean, it's an ass, how lose can it be that it's being sucked out with a thrust of a cock...?
Furrynomous 2017/07/06 00:14:55 No.1286424
What does being a prude have to do with not liking swollen assholes?
Furrynomous 2017/07/06 16:12:31 No.1286670
you have to be a prude to not like swollen assholes...? do go on. tell me more about the natural swelling of anuses and how beneficiary it is. Unlike the natural swelling of sexual organs. Tells me someone isn't much of a gentle lover. And by gentle lover I mean, someone who sucks at fucking so they have to grind a guys ass like a jack hammer cause they can't feel any pleasure.
Furrynomous 2017/07/06 20:24:46 No.1286745
Why does it matter so much? I mean really who cares! If someone likes the way that art looks so what!

Also some creatures DO actually have anus to poke outwards! Some humans also, like myself were born this way and it has nothing to do with the over fucked rosebud idea that appears to be floating around in some people's heads! I don't bottom, I never have!
Furrynomous 2017/07/07 22:13:28 No.1287257
Oooh yeah mmm Harder harder harder yeah, that's the spot oooooooh fuuuck ah gimme all gimme all baby.
I'm gonna... I'M GONNA....!!!
Furrynomous 2017/07/07 22:32:46 No.1287263
Haha you can like them all you want but to me they look like a dog's anal glands need to be expressed. Total turn off.
Furrynomous 2017/07/16 15:34:16 No.1291220
This thing of *some body part* looking "unnatural" kinda reminds me of this annoying human/feral dick debate I often see around.

"How can u put a human dick on a ..., it looks so wrong!!!"

People seem to forget that these are FICTIONAL characters, hence there is not really a "natural" way to draw them, it is up to the artist to decide what they think fits best.

In this case where the picture is representing a male fox's asshole which if it would be drawn as "natural" would effectively be drawn as the "most realistic". The artist would then need to have an exact reference, which is unlikely (unless they are a vet maybe?). Ever spread a foxes butt and looked what it's asshole looks like??

Usually artists will try to draw the way it's most appealing to them and their viewers, what they deemed fits and also the way they most enjoy.

Of course it is completely up to you what appeals to you and what doesn't, though to me all these "It looks SO wrong OMG!!11!1" comments are simply annoying.
Furrynomous 2017/07/16 22:25:05 No.1291480
I'm personally not criticizing it on a "its unrealistic" level.

I'm criticizing it on a "It looks fuckin gross and weird" level.

I can do unrealistic. Talking animals of different species having gay sex is unrealistic.

The swollen anus (never wanted to type that phrase) just looks gross. To me at least.
Furrynomous 2017/07/17 10:02:24 No.1291740
Zonkpunch has a history of putting horse anuses and cocks on different species (his fursona is an otter with a horsecock and donut ass). And like the other guy said, it's not "wrong" design, just something that some people will find odd and unappealing.
Furrynomous 2017/07/21 20:59:08 No.1294945
File: 1499522100.anhes_comic_promo_0_u18chan.jpg - (346.95kb, 1280x720, 1499522100.anhes_comic_promo.jpg)
Does anyone could get the epilogue and or the 2 special illustrations yet? D:
D 2017/08/04 15:09:40 No.1301948
File: Just_go_one_-_Chapter_1_P11_HD_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (478.14kb, 2170x3070, Just_go_one_-_Chapter_1_P11_HD_u18chan.jpg)
The first epilogue page was on the other Anhes thread, so here you go.
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 17:16:34 No.1301999
Holy hell, Anhes has gotten awful. What *is* this ...?

>Page 10

Hey, uh ... his balls are DEFINITELY not attached anymore. Or in the very least, a scrotum should not do that.
Furrynomous 2017/08/06 01:47:29 No.1302688
File: CH01Pg012_u18chan.jpg - (250.03kb, 905x1280, CH01Pg012.jpg)
Anyone have the next page and the two bonus pin-ups?
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 15:17:37 No.1305745
File: Nick_teasing_HD_u18chan.jpg - (225.88kb, 1800x2520, Nick_teasing_HD.jpg)
I only have this
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 19:43:25 No.1305843
File: WhosnextHD_u18chan.jpg - (622.74kb, 2000x2800, Who's next HD.jpg)
If you want the last one here it is.
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 20:36:54 No.1305850

I have to say, this is first time I am majorly disappointed in Anhes both in art and direction.

- The misrepresentation of the Anubis statue is quite appalling and feels wrong on many levels.
- The autographed photo of the strip tiger, the PoV is way... off.
- The shirt is way over kill both in theme and style and makes Bogo look cheap, not a slut just cheap.
- Finally I think the cum is a bit much for this particular scene. My attention was more focused on how it was staining the couch than the theme it was giving. Not to mention, the whore personality trait doesn't work with Bogo at all; compared to the movie on how Dignified he was, this just seems like a forced trait for no apparent reason and leaves a bad after taste. I would highly suggest the cum be removed.

I'll give it 1.4 out of 5 stars for this picture but even with the amount work put into it; just falls flat badly.

Edited at 2017/08/12 20:38:17
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 20:45:55 No.1305854
You're just salty Bogo was drawn as a bottom.

And just so you know, the way a person acts out in public, especially in a position that requires them to project a certain image, has 0 to do with how they act in the privacy of the walls of their bedroom. You only saw Bogo in the function of Chief of Police. There wasn't a single scene in the movie where he was portrayed outside of performing his job. For all you know, he could be a total slut under the professional veneer. Or he could just be comfortable enough with a partner to let himself openly enjoy the more primal pleasures of carnality, both physical and psychological. The brain is the biggest sexual organ, after all.

Case in point, you're talking out of your ass because an artist portrayed a barely defined character outside of your own perceived boundaries. A.k.a., get your head out of your ass.
Wulfy 2017/08/12 20:49:46 No.1305858
I don't like the picture much either butttttttt

This guy has your number.

I would just say that I liked the Bogo representation of him using Nick, so this type of representation doesn't do anything for me.

But, your complaints do seem to be designed to avoid saying what you actually don't like about the picture. Whatever it is.
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 20:58:50 No.1305862

I don't care if Bogo is top, bottom, or both; the picture itself looks sleezy.

Perhaps I am just being too picky but I prefer some class in my men. Fucking on a couch is a no no for me. I don't mind if its in a non cushioned chair, counter, table, or maybe... the bed.
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 21:03:36 No.1305864

Lol these armchair critics.

I'm just happy a big dude like Bogo is showing that thick rump he has. I personally like clean as opposed to cum on his ass, but woof that powerbottom
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 21:04:42 No.1305865
I don't like the idea of Bogo being a cheater, specially with someone like clawhausser. Even if Nick was "insisting" it is kinda insulting that all it takes for someone is to give in to their urges
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 21:08:08 No.1305868

I dont know... clawhausser represents those fat cats you watching on youtube just to laugh at. I could never take him serious on any level. Which is why... he is a desk job only officer.
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 23:15:15 No.1305898
I think Anhes is a god when it comes to making "Zootopia"'s characters look incredibly hot, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who disagrees with the way he characterizes Bogo, but more because it really doesn't fit his stern, commanding and sort of goofy canon personality.
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 23:45:36 No.1305906
sure, anhes is making great renders of zootopia characters but is getting too stale. only him and zaush are still milking the zootopia but both aren't even in character, kinda distasteful
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 23:51:14 No.1305909
'in character'

> Family friendly disney characters
> Porn

Pick one?
Furrynomous 2017/08/12 23:58:08 No.1305913
It's not about the fact it's porn, of course, it's about the fact the characters are not acting believeably in these scenarios relative to how their personalities are in the movie.
Furrynomous 2017/08/13 03:19:37 No.1305970
>hurr is porn who cares?
if Bogo isn't going to act like Bogo or close to what the movie shown us how he is then might as well replace it with another bull because I seriously don't find any reason to have him and not a made up character if they are blank slates or acting out of character
Furrynomous 2017/08/13 04:14:17 No.1305984
Furrynomous 2017/08/13 13:29:50 No.1306138
i like the solo bogo pic. it's hot, and i'd like to think bogo could act like that at home with someone he trusts. i'd hope his official behaviour is a persona he puts on, and his private persona is more mellow -- as hinted on in the scenes with him grooving to gazelle.

but yes, the anubis statue is over the top.

the comic, on the other hand, doesn't really strike me as how neither nick nor bogo would behave.
Furrynomous 2017/08/16 02:27:17 No.1307374
I can imagine this piece being the aftermath of Bogo catching someone for jerking off in public and makes him worship his ass for punishment.
Furrynomous 2017/08/24 20:11:51 No.1311608
New page came out yesterday. Anyone got it?
Furrynomous 2017/08/30 01:07:28 No.1313944
One of you motherfuckers should post the new page
Furrynomous 2017/08/30 01:15:36 No.1313956

> One of you motherfuckers

Don't you mean... "One of you fatherfuckers ... " ?
Furrynomous 2017/08/30 12:04:24 No.1314103
Silly me of course I do
Furrynomous 2017/09/01 01:22:52 No.1315003
File: 13_280_u18chan.jpg - (168.41kb, 905x1280, 13.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/09/01 01:22:54 No.1315004
File: 13.5_u18chan.jpg - (182.61kb, 905x1280, 13.5.jpg)
Quagmire 7 2017/09/01 03:51:39 No.1315046
File: IMG_1522_u18chan.jpg - (108.38kb, 552x552, IMG_1522.JPG)
Furrynomous 2017/09/01 04:56:51 No.1315067
So... where exactly lies the problem? It's a series of porn comics about a character having sex with different characters.

You're literally complaining about nothing.
Furrynomous 2017/09/01 04:57:47 No.1315068
This... is going to be SO amazing.

If it's the tiger getting dicked, that is.
Gabriel 2017/09/04 19:34:45 No.1316804
Quiero ver porno
Furrynomous 2017/09/08 11:35:49 No.1318709

Leaving room for future character development does not equate to "making the story vanilla". If anything, it just means there's that much more potential to follow up on it. Nick and Judy went from not knowing each other to best friends throughout the course of the film. If Disney were to green light a sequel, it could continue their relationship where the first film left off. That's hardly a hinderance if you ask me.

Also, you're really jumping to conclusions with how a sequel could do. For all you know, it could do exceptionall well and might even surpass the first movie. Either way, that's all in the future, so everything you're saying is just speculation at this point.
sou pig joelma 2017/09/24 11:35:40 No.1324975
Furrynomous 2017/09/24 13:32:28 No.1325006
Have you ever actually seen or been with a guy with a large taint and low-hanging balls? Because that's what that is.
Furrynomous 2017/09/24 14:19:11 No.1325015

You’re ideas of Zootopia being a flop if “insert some reason here” and or the sequel will also flop if it doesn’t follow your guidelines and ideals is lacking merit!

Firstly Zootopia is open ended enough that practically anyone could take something positive from it if they tired! It was also not a film about racism as some think! It’s simply about personal bias, discrimination, and the dangers of stereotyping! It can be taken in any sort of way and the genius of it was that it’s not completely black and white!

As for the rest you talk as if the United States was the whole market for this film! It wasn’t! Zootopia was a HUGE success in MANY countries! Including China where it’s the highest grossing animated film ever! Along with large sums in a difficult year for exchange because of the high US dollar at the time. It still made large sums in France, Germany, Russia, and Japan!
Chapter 2 Pg.1 Posted Furrynomous 2017/10/15 02:25:40 No.1333866
The first page of chapter 2 was posted, does anyone have it?
porn Mahabub 2017/10/17 05:46:42 No.1334825
Furrynomous 2017/10/18 23:19:21 No.1335553
Can one of you post the new page please. Thanks
Furrynomous 2017/10/26 01:41:29 No.1339319
Why's the new page still not up :(
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 06:44:17 No.1341025
New page please? Surely one of you guys are a patron and can get it...
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 11:46:34 No.1341132
File: Justgoon-Chapter2P1HD_u18chan.jpg - (811.71kb, 2170x3070, Just go on - Chapter 2 (P1) HD.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 11:46:36 No.1341133
File: Justgoon-Chapter2P2HD_u18chan.jpg - (852.58kb, 2170x3070, Just go on - Chapter 2 (P2) HD.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 14:12:44 No.1341182

Cheating with multiple partners... hot. I hope Clawhauser doesn't know this is going on.
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 15:14:36 No.1341208

I'm fairly certain that Bogo and Clawhauser aren't a thing based on the end of chapter 1. My prediction is that Bogo wants to be with him, but he's either too scared to tell him or Clawhauser is already with someone else (the most likely senario). Him sleeping with the rest of the ZPD is a coping mechanism.

Edited at 2017/10/29 15:17:20
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 23:32:29 No.1341406

I like this theory. It's less depressing.
Furrynomous 2017/12/07 23:38:03 No.1358396
Can one of you good boys post the new page :)
Furrynomous 2017/12/08 00:26:57 No.1358404
Or Bogo realized that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with an obese tiggy
Furrynomous 2017/12/10 22:21:54 No.1359660
Furrynomous 2017/12/11 21:54:40 No.1360011
Is there a new page up on Anhes Patreon? Cause if so, may someone please post it? I’m dying to see what happens next.
Furrynomous 2017/12/12 13:32:43 No.1360215
File: bogo_u18chan.jpg - (86.45kb, 268x370, bogo.jpg)
Am I the only one worried about how a police officer can afford a high class Penthouse?
Furrynomous 2017/12/12 20:18:38 No.1360313
Where's the new page >:(
Furrynomous 2017/12/12 22:35:41 No.1360344
Furrynomous 2017/12/12 23:19:48 No.1360375
Anyone got the new page? Chapter 2, page 3
Furrynomous 2017/12/13 04:36:56 No.1360462
Well, a mere police officer indeed can't, but Bogo is the chief of police sooo...
Furrynomous 2017/12/13 05:43:38 No.1360528
Can Mayor Lionheart be next in Bogo’s assembly line of guys to fuck?
Furrynomous 2017/12/13 15:14:52 No.1360771
An orgy of his assembly line would be great ^
Furrynomous 2017/12/13 21:52:40 No.1360922
Furrynomous 2017/12/14 17:14:05 No.1361311
Does anybody have page 3 of Chapter 2?
Furrynomous 2017/12/14 17:46:22 No.1361318
It’s right here if anyone’s interested.
Furrynomous 2017/12/14 18:14:33 No.1361329
We cannot use that link cause we do not have Patreon.
Furrynomous 2017/12/14 23:40:21 No.1361419
>not getting the hint that they are suggesting that you subscribe to his patreon for the pages
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 00:48:55 No.1361431
Here's an interesting question.

Isn't Anhes technically violating copyright laws by selling art featuring characters owned by Disney?
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 01:22:01 No.1361435
since disney's copyright laws are tighter than a virgin twinks asshole. Yes, he is infringing on their copyright.
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 03:41:26 No.1361511

Lol however I doubt Disney would go to court over pornographic art of their characters.
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 19:58:58 No.1361716
that is true, something like this would probably tarnish disney's reputation if taken to court. then again people have been taken to court for pettier reasons.
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 20:11:35 No.1361729

Disney can and has done so before. Not that they'll hit every single case, but it's not true to claim that they're not that petty or that they're unwilling to go after that shit. Disney's lawyers are thirsty sons of bitches.
Wulfy 2017/12/15 20:46:28 No.1361746
Interestingly, the reason why Disney does so is the driving force. Suppose that, in fact, Disney doesn't care about comics like this, and then later, a studio makes use of these characters. Surprisingly, Disney's unwillingness to prosecute can be used against them, so they are forced to demonstrate an "interest in protecting their characters" by pursuing people even in cases where they lose and to use normies it seems "obvious."
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 20:54:18 No.1361749
Now I'm interested. I would have imagined they would only go after actual companies profiting on a large scale and not target some small fries since bringing attention to the rule 34 aspect of the fandom would probably just harm Disney's reputation and they couldn't really wring out any appreciable amount of money out of some internet artist.
I tried googling but I couldn't find any stories, so could you help me out?
Furrynomous 2017/12/16 13:52:48 No.1362053

I've only heard of 2 cases like this: one with Klaus Doberman over his Spirit and 101 Dalmations porn (both Dreamworks and Disney got in on the C&D, and he showed off the letter as proof in his Yahoo Group), and a friend of a friend of mine who was forced to abandon a fursona by Disney, who accused him of plagiarizing Bonkers T. Bobcat in the fursona's design. Beyond that, they usually go after small businesses, like day care centers, for using their characters in wall decorations and whatnot.
Furrynomous 2017/12/16 22:23:18 No.1362187
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 16:08:02 No.1362440
File: Justgoon-Chapter2P3HD_u18chan.jpg - (834.96kb, 2170x3070, Just go on - Chapter 2 (P3) HD.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/12/17 16:27:45 No.1362444
Those are some creepy hoof/fingers.
Just Go On - By Anhes Furrynomous 2017/12/17 16:48:56 No.1362453
File: wtf_2_u18chan.png - (4.39mb, 2170x3070, wtf.png)
Just Go On - By Anhes Furrynomous 2017/12/17 17:02:55 No.1362461
WTF???!!! That's his hand on his hip.
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 19:48:17 No.1362648
"You know who" Voldemort?
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 21:50:20 No.1362847
File: ee40fd0d887a8ee694ad4d9606d45dd1_u18chan.png - (217.3kb, 586x341, ee40fd0d887a8ee694ad4d9606d45dd1.png)
Furrynomous 2017/12/18 00:04:24 No.1362927
Dear Anhes, are you watching U18chan?
Furrynomous 2017/12/18 20:23:48 No.1363402

I was confused at first, I thought the tiger's butt gets deformed or something until I realize that is just Bogo's hand.

Man, that was creepy.
Furrynomous 2017/12/23 01:38:16 No.1365179

I still don't see it
Anonthemouse 2017/12/23 06:20:50 No.1365211

Fuck me, it took me a while too. His hand comes in on the lower right.
Furrynomous 2017/12/23 07:19:31 No.1365215
Me neither.
What is the problem with Bogo's hand on the tiger's hip?
Furrynomous 2017/12/25 06:34:57 No.1365959

Bogo's hand on a tiger's butt cheek. Shocking I know.
Furrynomous 2017/12/25 16:37:44 No.1366087
Some were seeing it as an optical illusion, mistaking the hoof of one of Bogo's fingers as his balls ,thus making it seem like part of the tiger's ass was missing.

We know it's actually Bogo's hand, but I can see how someone mistook it as that at first glance.
Furrynomous 2017/12/30 13:52:48 No.1368402
File: glitch-matrix-meme_u18chan.jpg - (72.98kb, 676x493, glitch-matrix-meme.jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/01/29 05:12:45 No.1382961
So did Anhes ditch this comic to work on the other one?
Furrynomous 2018/01/29 17:49:43 No.1383205
I guess so.
Furrynomous 2018/01/29 19:49:17 No.1383239
His other comic sucks.
Furrynomous 2018/01/30 07:56:27 No.1383461
Yeah, that sorcerer shit makes no sense.
Furrynomous 2018/01/30 08:42:07 No.1383472
What other comic, "The red emperor"? I thought that was supposed to be a very short one, concluding at three pages.
D 2018/02/02 06:51:30 No.1385224
It was and It did.
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 23:18:41 No.1387612
Is it just me, or am I the only one who loves this comic?
Furrynomous 2018/02/25 22:56:29 No.1397567
I love it too. I hope more of the comic comes out soon, cause it is hella hot
Ovinoe 2018/03/02 03:44:18 No.1399794
Am I the only one who open this page everyday in hope some1 will upload next page? :C :D
Furrynomous 2018/03/08 23:31:09 No.1403941
Furrynomous 2018/03/19 19:35:39 No.1408650

I like it so far. It is so nice to see a comic with promiscuous characters that doesn't involve cheating for once.
Furrynomous 2018/03/19 23:13:16 No.1408755

but it would be hotter to see more comics with cheating. Preferably with a character cheating on a "faithful" partner with a complete seasalt-type slut, then coming back and telling his partner he loves him more than anyone and pretending like it never happened.
Ovinoe 2018/03/30 16:49:39 No.1414473
even more better would be if someone will post next page.

Edited at 2018/03/30 16:50:58
Furrynomous 2018/03/30 17:59:37 No.1414504

There hasn't been a new page for roughly 3 months.
Sterben 2018/04/01 17:04:15 No.1415442
This pages were posted in HD some time ago. When I started the project I was really motivated, but after some time, with the low intesrest, the stole and reposting, including maliciuos critics (I mean, they weren't bad critics, what I can understand, many comments were just mocks) I get really discoraged about keep the project running. Doing this pages is really time consuming and I needed to focus in other things. So, this three pages are the last what I will do for now. I wanted to explain this for the few persons that actually liked the comic and maybe are wondering what happen with the project. My apologies to them. -- His FA, rip

Edited at 2018/04/01 17:04:38
Furrynomous 2018/04/02 01:31:44 No.1415581
People paid their money so the dude could draw whatever he wanted and then he got bored and quit, leaving people who paid hanging?

Real fucking classy.

Another reason to never pay a dime to scam artists on patreon.
Furrynomous 2018/04/02 09:51:05 No.1415689
Notice the 'so the dude could draw whatever he wanted' in your sentence answering your own question.

He was doing the comic, people shat so much on it that he stopped drawing the comic and is drawing other stuff now.
Never pay the artist you weren't even paying in the first place I suppose.

Gonna put my armor and shield away now, because y'know I'll get white knight comments.
Furrynomous 2018/04/05 19:46:17 No.1417401
Check his FA, he won't continue this comic.
Furrynomous 2018/04/05 20:35:12 No.1417410
Uh. That's generally how patreon + artists work. It's a subscription.

People don't pay for specifics, they pay for the "privilege" of seeing things in "HD", and sometimes art not posted anywhere else, usually days or weeks before everyone else. These things being pictures the artist felt like drawing, which may or may not include suggestions or requests by said patrons.

You're mixing that up with commissions, which is where the artist is paid a specified amount of money to draw something the client wants.

In this instance, people never paid specifically for Anhes to draw this comic, they paid to see whatever he feels like drawing, when he feels like drawing it, in higher quality and before everyone else. If they were just paying to see the comic then well... they can stop being patrons.

So no, he didn't "scam" people, just like how Netflix isn't "scamming" you just because they remove a movie from their library.
Furrynomous 2018/05/13 01:05:04 No.1434615

Halberds are better for fighting off the trolls anyway.
Furrynomous 2018/05/13 22:05:03 No.1435307
What a shame. I quite liked it.
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 03:53:32 No.1461794
It really is a shame that Anhes cancelled this comic. Their hyper-realistic style often rubs me the wrong way; a lot of their original works feature furry characters with near-perfect renderings of a given animal's actual head and natural expressions, which, when combined with an anthropomorphic body can pretty easily slide into the uncanny valley, at least for me. However, their photorealistic style works excellently when paired with Zootopia's character designs. Not to mention it's hot as fuck. In fact I'd argue that all of Anhes' Zootopia art is their best work. So again, I'm pretty bummed about this comic being cancelled.
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 10:10:35 No.1461864
For now anyway. He hasn't said he wasn't ever coming back to it but he isn't going to work on it anytime soon.
Furrynomous 2020/01/03 18:19:59 No.1693711
Has anyone seen the main Anhes U18chan thread? It's just gone. I can only find this one.
Furrynomous 2020/01/03 18:52:52 No.1693722

The Anhes thread is still up:
Furrynomous 2020/01/03 23:28:55 No.1693798
If you're talking about the "Phan Phan Phantasies" one, it's been locked for the time being because it devolved into a cespool of autism and cringe. My guess is it'll be unlocked when actual comic pages get released for that.
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 23:21:18 No.1801385
File: JustGoOn_Epilogue_Page1_u18chan.png - (3.32mb, 1940x2898, JustGoOn_Epilogue_Page1.png)
by Burrserk

Edited at 2020/08/14 09:21:09
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 23:21:24 No.1801386
File: JustGoOn_Epilogue_Page2_u18chan.png - (3.28mb, 2029x2921, JustGoOn_Epilogue_Page2.png)
by Burrserk

Edited at 2020/08/14 09:21:30
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 05:47:21 No.1801502
Is this even the same fucking artist?
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 06:45:30 No.1801514
signs point to nope.
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 15:35:56 No.1801681
Interesting. If that's the case, then I really do hope to see old (like really OLD) comics get revived by people other than the original artists. With or without permission, some of these comics are way long overdue for closure and fanservice.

Edited at 2020/08/14 15:36:35
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 16:42:18 No.1801758
File: 48p7i_u18chan.gif - (312.74kb, 379x332, 48p7i.gif)

Absolutely. The fandom is pretty much riddled with years worth of unfinished comics now. At this point I don't even think permission should be required. If a comic has gone more than a year without updates or at least acknowledgement that it's being worked on I think we should just consider it the creative equivalent of abandonware and the story up for grabs.

It's morally no different than writing fanfiction for an established IP (which, this comic is in of itself, funnily enough) other than the fact that the original creator will probably actually notice you doing it. But honestly, fuck 'em.

Not to mention, there has already been at least one instance of an artist actually PAYING another to finish their comic for them. See that Impmon/Guilmon comic that Narse started, didn't feel it anymore and decided to have Blitzdrachin do it instead. (Feral warning) >>1509058
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 19:31:11 No.1801834
Though I don't exactly agree, I'd love to see someone finish Night Physics, There are no Hyenas in this Comic, Pierce Me, Caricatures, ect.
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 22:57:41 No.1801929
>There are no Hyenas in this Comic
God yes
Furrynomous 2020/08/15 00:30:34 No.1801947
Don't remind me of "There are no Hyenas in this comic" the blue balling is too painful.
Furrynomous 2020/08/15 02:02:00 No.1801960
I think permission is necessary. Otherwise, it could be considered copyright infringement? The comics, characters, and story do belong to the artist(s) (and others who worked on them) afterall. At least mention them in said revived comics shall suffice? I do miss that one Japanese comic by Fruitz, the one with the dog and the tiger being childhood best friends. It had a really sweet ending. Aside from concept art, I wish to see more of the couple in their daily slices life.

Edited at 2020/08/15 02:10:20
Furrynomous 2020/08/16 04:43:59 No.1802543

> I think permission is necessary. Otherwise, it could be considered copyright infringement? The comics, characters, and story do belong to the artist(s) (and others who worked on them) afterall.

The Disney company owns Zootopia along with the likeness and name of every character in this comic! The author certainly did not ask for any kind of permission before making this and he has ZERO RIGHTS to use Zootopia characters!

If you are seriously concerned about IP theft Disney could easily send out cease and desist notices to everyone they catch, along with a DMCA notice to this site if they know of this comic and especially if it is being sold. If this is not followed they are within their rights to sue which they have done more than once! Look up the case of Disney vs a random daycare center for simply painting Micky Mouse on the wall (Disney won that one too).

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