I don't know VentKazemaru very well, but I have interacted with him. He and I and several other people made a small art collab once and I've been in a skype group with him a few years back. From my limited interaction with him I don't think he's a bad person.
However, VK dude, if you're reading this, I think there are two reasons people think don't like you. You are standoffish and dismissive, and secondly you don't push yourself hard enough to get better. That combo makes you seem like you're arrogant.
It's fine if you don't want to push yourself to get to a level where some people expect you to get to. But you seem to want to DO better (I mean everyone does). I don't think you really understand that DOing better means a lot of grinding, doing things outside of your comfort zone, learning new skills and absorbing hard solid criticism. Working outside of your style is the best way to improve your style. There's no other way. I'm looking through your FA journals right now, and I can give you this example from 3 weeks ago. You asked your followers 'What do you think is my best work?' That shows me that your mindset is 'draw for the masses,' but that's actually not the path towards appeasing everyone, including the masses and yourself. If you want to do better you need feedback from what you're doing wrong, not what you're doing right. A month ago you also asked 'How am I doing?', which is a step in the right direction. You go on to say >If the advice would have to be more than telling me to look at references or stuff like that. That's probably not the answer. Not everyone has a good eye for identifying specific flaws in your art, but everyone has the ability to recognize a gestalt as flawed. If people say there's a problem in this zone, you work harder on that zone, you do more studies of that subject until you figure out something you didn't understand before. Then you understand what that one piece of criticism was about, even if they didn't understand it themselves. I agree that being specific about your criticism is the best way to go about it, but realize that you can't always get that. If you are not going to work on your flaws until you get laser focused criticism, you are going to be waiting a long time.
Another reply of yours in that journal. >If there's a next level i'm not reaching. Point me in the right direction. And ill get on it. I think you think you're in a good place right now, but you still don't have a good grasp of fundamentals, like perspective, proportion and anatomy. That's fine if you're fine with that and your whole style. But you can't escape your current skill level without being humble about your basic skills. And again, not everyone is an artist and knows what your should work on. You're the best judge of that actually.
Looking through more of those replies it looks like you've cultivated a fanbase that's not willing to give you proper criticism. Many of the replies are variants of 'I'm fine with your style' or 'you need to put yourself out there' or 'take my money.' That's not an environment that will help you grow. You ask for criticism, but I'm not sure whether you really want criticism. You might really want criticism, but you don't realize your demeanor is getting in the way of that.