/gc/ - Gay Furry Comics
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File: Im_Not_Strong_01_u18chan.jpg - (166.68kb, 660x970, Im_Not_Strong_01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm Not Strong klein 2017/07/28 02:43:52 No.1298218   
Not porn

"I'm Not Strong"


Edited at 2017/07/28 02:47:53
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klein 2017/07/28 02:44:04 No.1298220
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klein 2017/07/28 02:44:16 No.1298221
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klein 2017/07/28 02:44:38 No.1298227
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klein 2017/07/28 02:44:50 No.1298228
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klein 2017/07/28 02:45:05 No.1298229
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klein 2017/07/28 02:45:25 No.1298230
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klein 2017/07/28 02:45:40 No.1298238
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klein 2017/07/28 02:46:04 No.1298239
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klein 2017/07/28 02:46:19 No.1298240
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klein 2017/07/28 02:46:37 No.1298246
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I'm Not Strong klein 2017/07/28 02:47:25 No.1298250
File: strong0012_u18chan.jpg - (190.16kb, 688x976, strong0012.jpg)
When life gets you down...

fuck it...

*walks away*


Edited at 2017/07/28 02:48:03
thomas 2017/07/28 03:36:49 No.1298256
I don't get it.
Libra 2017/07/28 04:52:07 No.1298273
I agree what is this
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 05:31:33 No.1298279
This is just depressing to be depressing. And it's boring.
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 05:36:25 No.1298280
errr... So the punch line is wut? Walk away if you can't even open your lifesavers properly?
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 09:07:02 No.1298333
Was anybody else waiting for father/son incest?
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 09:22:35 No.1298341
Just because it's this artist's kind of trope, I was expecting it too. This comic isn't much gay if at all.
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 09:25:20 No.1298349
Artdecade drew these "serious" comics to distract everyone from the fact that he's a gross pedophile.

There's this one, and there's another one in which a little kid dies from falling down a hill on a sled and his friend just abandons him with no resolution.
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 09:26:02 No.1298350
I was expecting it, yeah. I don't really know what the point of this comic is.
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 10:14:01 No.1298364
I don't know Artdecade (only by name), but something about this feels autobiographical. I'm guessing it's a simple comic of the artist working through real life events, so without that context, it's natural we'd be confused.

Edited at 2017/07/28 10:14:32
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 12:02:53 No.1298394
What the FUCK was that?

Totally meh
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 20:58:49 No.1298657
He's a gross egotistical narcissistic pedophile based on his past actions and asinine statements on his twatter.

more info here and the shit storm below his 'abe rape comic thread'

as for this comic
just an attempt to seem cultured and deep.He's like brian from family guy but worse.
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 21:21:59 No.1298669
File: giphy_40_u18chan.gif - (2.4mb, 320x240, giphy.gif)
Quark 2017/07/28 21:55:46 No.1298688
I actually totally want to read that now. I hope someone sees it on this board with their suddenly saddened dick in their hands and goes "what... the... fuck..."

Edit: Didn't artdecay also make "In Yonder Lea, I Shelter Thee?" What's with his children dying fetish? I mean, I hate children as much as the next gay but... I can only fap to that kinda stuff once.

Edited at 2017/07/28 22:02:03
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 22:09:45 No.1298690

wrong application of that meme
Usually applies to when one says something overtly offensive such as racial slurs and so on... not stating facts of a smutmongers shitty personality. Try again
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 22:15:15 No.1298692
File: Thanks_for_pointing_that_out_there_champ__05476adbc4142296fa438b618e8f21ff_400x400_0_u18chan.jpg - (21.19kb, 400x400, Thanks_for_pointing_that_out_there_champ__05476adbc4142296fa438b618e8f21ff_400x400.jpg)
>not porn

And I was hoping a father/son relations
Furrynomous 2017/07/28 23:28:19 No.1298714

Here's the sled comic:
Holden 2017/07/29 11:52:41 No.1298896
i kinda like this comic for the same reason i like catcher and the rye

they both try to hard to be deep
Furrynomous 2017/07/29 12:33:49 No.1298907
File: giphy12_u18chan.gif - (1.21mb, 480x287, giphy (12).gif)
Who made you the meme police, faggot?
Furrynomous 2017/07/29 13:11:54 No.1298913
what was so edgy that little phrase was warranted?
Furrynomous 2017/07/29 15:18:58 No.1298959

Makes you Trump's secret admirer and the sheriff/princess of trolling/slurs it seems we'll 89% of the trash on here is about it too it seems

Edited at 2017/07/29 15:19:12
ron 2017/07/29 15:21:24 No.1298961
File: vlcsnap-00064_u18chan.jpg - (343.63kb, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-00064.jpg)
Finally, some positive feed on something negative but "deep", thank you sir not everything good has to have meaningless sex
Quark 2017/07/29 16:50:10 No.1298988
File: funny-gif-obama-kicking-door_u18chan.gif - (500.95kb, 255x156, funny-gif-obama-kicking-door.gif)
Dafuq huehueyyuk kukukuk
Furrynomous 2017/07/29 17:46:36 No.1299012
i read this 3 times and i don't even understand it at all.
Furrynomous 2017/07/29 17:49:48 No.1299013
i seriously doubt the kid is dead when he rolled down the snow covered hill, what killed him is those dumb ass kids telling the parents what happened so the kid probably died of hypothermia
Furrynomous 2017/07/29 19:55:44 No.1299067
Iirc, Artdecade said it was supposed to be ambiguous whether or not the kid dies.
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 00:30:33 No.1299166
I choose to believe the kid is knocked the fuck out and wakes up like 30 mins later with a mild case of frostbite and a mild concussion, he's taken to a near by hospital where his wounds are treated and never talk to those asswads who left him in the snow.
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 01:14:30 No.1299175
File: 1965588_860236130752392_6218046712375187007_o_u18chan.jpg - (64.97kb, 1021x1021, 1965588_860236130752392_6218046712375187007_o.jpg)

1. Try losing a family member that never accepted your sexuality or even disowned you... For coming out

2. Going to an awkward funeral for them where no one shows up but your estranged dad/father figure

3. Go through something tragic instead of bragging or living a life worth nothing to complaining at all, then talk.

4. Go eat/steal some "Lifesavers" and be alone.

Edited at 2017/07/30 16:40:16
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 02:07:31 No.1299192
Damn this sucks, like at least that stupid threshold comic had somewhat an ending.
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 02:09:23 No.1299193
That was a stupid comic, how does one even actually get knocked out for a long time from launching a little bit into the air by a fucking rock. And it literally just stops there where the kids shine about it and do nothing. The fuck
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 10:59:05 No.1299380
Ok, out of the loop. Is lifesavers just a candy brand or what?
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 12:00:07 No.1299402
I'm honestly just surprised we're having all this discussion about two comics done and drawn in 2006.
Quark 2017/07/30 12:38:42 No.1299408
Yeah it's an American gummy candy
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 14:15:20 No.1299443
They're a hard candy, fyi. Not gummies.
Furrynomous 2017/07/30 15:06:17 No.1299469
Can be both. Gummy's better though
Furrynomous 2017/07/31 00:17:35 No.1299657
File: life-savers-hard-candy-rolls_u18chan.jpg - (51.99kb, 580x580, life-savers-hard-candy-rolls.jpg)
While you aren't wrong about the gummies being better, they don't come in rolls like the hard candies.
Furrynomous 2017/07/31 00:42:51 No.1299665
So anybody knows where the pedo comic is? I need it for my homework
Furrynomous 2017/07/31 01:46:52 No.1299686
Don't the non-pornographic things usually go in /cute/?

I know artdecade's done a few of these. I would like to know if/when any furry comic rivals that of Gengoroh Tagame's one about the straight guy who comes to terms with his late gay brother after meeting the gay brother's Canadian boyfriend.
Jecht 2017/07/31 02:13:33 No.1299689
Who made you the queen organizer of here?

There's many comics here that don't feature any sex for a great example this:

Also how is this "cute"?
pun intended
Furrynomous 2017/07/31 02:41:53 No.1299692
Eww not porn
Furrynomous 2017/07/31 08:31:29 No.1299782
File: 1291484847.compfive_101202_sleezi_family_wsleezi_u18chan.png - (300.44kb, 1235x569, 1291484847.compfive_101202_sleezi_family_wsleezi.png)

He did the art for the reprint/comic-ized version of "The Milkshake Club" in Softpaw Magazine. "The Milkshake Club" is an extremely poorly written story from way back in the VCL days (like early 2000s I believe) in which a 5th(?)-grader finds out that his friends have a thing called "The Milkshake Club" in which they masturbate each other. Of course, the story is meandering and unfocused because the author had to get across what is probably their own personal fixation on urban exploration by writing long, opaque passages about the main character exploring vents and "abandoned" parts of the school (seriously, who the fuck goes to a school with whole sections that are just off-limits?), *and* it's super creepy because the little kids are written as simultaneously extremely naive and unaware (think 1st-graders or younger) and also very much adults with adult thought processes and analytical skills (like people in their 20s). So, you know, basically a pedophile's dream: children who are the very epitome of a stereotype of a little child *but also* capable of understanding the complexities of, desiring, seeking out, and consenting to lots and lots of sex!

Seriously, it's a fucking godawful story, but Artdecade has a massive nostalgia-boner (and probably a real boner) for it, so he did the art for the sections of the story they put in Softpaw.

It figures he would be in a long-term relationship with ComplicationFive/Comp5/Comp6, an artist who extremely quickly went from stereotypical gay twink "first time!" sex to bugchasing, vore, and cub porn/pedophilia.
Furrynomous 2017/07/31 08:35:22 No.1299785
Goddammit stop having shit sent to cute. Nobody posts in cute. Nobody goes to cute. Cute is a detention center populated solely by threads send there by mods to die.
Leo Howler 2017/07/31 09:27:32 No.1299793
Good~ this can rot there.
Furrynomous 2017/07/31 09:42:04 No.1299795

The name's a bit of a misnomer... according to the guide it's supposed to be for things that are non-sexual.

As for Inu to Kuma, no outright sex but there are some sexual innuendoes... the characters are seen in underwear with each other, etc.


In some depopulated rural areas and in urban ghettoes with falling school enrollments they do have large sections of school buildings closed, sadly.

BTW, I do get the feeling that pedos really want the stereotypical "hopelessly naive" kids who don't know anything about the birds and the bees... they wouldn't be able to handle real 12 year olds, especially ones who conspire in criminal activities in the said urban ghettoes, ones that, two years later, participate in inner city gangland murders.

Edited at 2017/07/31 10:02:36
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 00:00:08 No.1300139

Yeesh. That magazine was like how many years ago? 2009? And you still can't put it behind you?

You have some major hang ups if that one incident is bothering you to this day.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 09:37:17 No.1300339

It's not one incident. It's just a high-profile one. Softpaw was *one of the most popular pieces of furry media ever*. Even though it only lasted a few issues, it was *extremely* successful, and the people who created and ran the magazine went on to create and currently run InkBunny specifically as a cub-friendly (read: cub-oriented) furry art website.

Artdecade was a willing and enthusiastic part of that, and it's because he both had a long history of producing and enjoying cub porn (both under his Artdecade handle and under his previous handle, Gloomwolfe) and is in a long-term relationship with a cub porn enthusiast and artist, Comp5/CompFive/CompSix/Complication5/whateverthefuckhegoesbynow.

Artdecade's cub porn "enthusiasm" transcends even his extreme political whiplash. He was into it when he was a hard-right pseudo-libertarian gun nut, and he's into it now when he's an insufferable anarcho-leftist.

He's mean-spirited, he's holier-than-thou, he's extremely cliquey, and he's a creepy pedophile dating an even creepier pedophile who is also a bugchaser.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 09:41:20 No.1300340

Also his art has gotten *worse* as it's approached realism and incorporated greater and greater levels of detail. Every single picture now looks like the same fucking picture, and every single character looks like the same fucking character. When he was drawing things very simply with hard lines and angles, he managed to convey emotion, expression, and action subtly and in a variety of ways. Now every single character, regardless of what's actually happening, looks ever-so-slightly-but-pleasantly tired. Getting fucked? Slightly tired. Fucking? Slightly tired. Walking down the sidewalk? Slightly tired. Stumbling in on some other people fucking? Slightly tired. About to join in as you remove your clothes? Slightly tired.

Everyone looks like a 55-year-old who has just woken up from a nap.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 09:49:50 No.1300343
Holy shit....that's all it took to kill that kid? Samuel L Jackson feel down concrete stairs as mr. Glass and still survived. This kid was destined to die.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 10:30:17 No.1300355

Where is Comp5 s gallery? He erased his account from Fa. Id really like to see his artwork.

I get it about the cubs but Where do you get the bugchasing part?

Are they still together with ArtDecade?
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 10:40:26 No.1300356

As for the buchasing, they're refering to this:
He made a character called "Sleezimon" whose sole defining traits are being an typical cocky, devil-may-care douchebag and passing a tattoo STD around.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 10:40:54 No.1300357

I would imagine there was a rock of some sort embedded in the snow.

People are a bit more fragile than the movies suggest. A simple punch to the face (if it hits the nose) is enough to kill someone). Even if the punch doesn't kill, the person hitting his/her head on the ground, wall, or objects might.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 12:36:07 No.1300472
It'd still have been nice if he had given us a concrete hint of what effect the roll had on the kid's body (hell, he even avoids the only salient rock we see). As it is, we have deep snow and a hill with no hint of the ground below, and you'd be hard pressed to believe anybody could die just from rolling down it. I myself rolled down a staircase when I was around 10 years old and all that happened was tears and pain, but not even a scratch or a broken anything. The story arbitrarily decided to have a sad ending despite not even hinting at what went so wrong that the kid's death was guaranteed. At least "On yonder lea' I'd shelter thee" started with death and convincingly followed with disease in its XIXth century-like scenario, so the tragic tone was well set in advance.

Edited at 2017/08/01 12:43:28
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 12:46:19 No.1300475

Yes I agree that the artist needed to be clear that the guy hit his head on a hard surface.. maybe show a cutaway where a rock is slightly portruding from the snow or something.

With falls AFAIK it's about luck. Yes, a kid can roll down the staircase and nothing broken, but there are others who hit their heads in the process and that was the end.

Edited at 2017/08/01 12:48:19
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 12:56:02 No.1300483

People are sturdier than you seem to think. A punch to the nose can, potentially, kill someone, that's true enough. If it breaks off the actual nasal bone (note: not the cartilage that makes up most of the nose) and pushes it past the sinus into the brain. Which is obscenely difficult to actually do.

Kids, especially, tend to be pretty springy. Because they're not fully developed yet, more minor injuries can kill them easier than an adult, but it also takes more to injure them because they're more flexible and squishy.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 13:14:17 No.1300498

I decided to look that up. Indeed it is fairly difficult to specifically cause the nose bone to hit the brain. A quora post from a doctor explains it

> A sufficiently strong blow to the midline of the face could cause enough fracturing to result in laceration or dissection of the carotid arteries or damage to the brainstem, which could be fatal; but that type of injury requires massive force more typical of a high speed motor vehicle accident with an unrestrained passenger. It does happen though it's not common. The face more often acts as a “crumple zone” absorbing the energy of the impact and leaving the brain relatively intact. But strong blows anywhere to the head can be fatal whether it involves splintered bone or not. Kim Duk-koo is the iconic example of this. Read the Wikipedia article for the full extent of that tragedy.

The last sentence is on point, as other blows to the head could kill.

If the head isn't hit, then durability comes into play. I am aware kids can more easily escape certain accidents because of the flexibilities of their bodies. A documentary episode about the 1997 crash of a Korean airliner in Guam noted that Rika Matsuda was able to escape partly because she was a child.

Edited at 2017/08/01 13:20:46
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 14:43:35 No.1300531
>A sufficiently strong blow to the midline of the face could cause enough fracturing to result in laceration or dissection of the carotid arteries

As an embalmer, I can say that this guy is pretty damned questionable. The carotid arteries don't run anywhere near the midline of the face. Doc don't know his vascular system for shit.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 15:56:58 No.1300549

Sorry to interject but the carotid arteries run from both sides of the neck up and around behind the mandible. I don't see why enough trauma couldn't damage them. Like all arteries, they're always mostly protected by some form of bone, and if that bone is broken, the artery is at risk. The femoral artery for example, break your femur and guess what, you run the risk of splitting your femoral artery.*&output-quality=100
Quark 2017/08/01 18:40:50 No.1300592
Please read my new book, it's called "Memoirs of a Serial Killer"
Thank you
Quark 2017/08/01 18:51:26 No.1300599
Totally true, similar problem with Boneitis, who always draws his characters "Happy and with their mouths open". But at least with Boneitis I'm not getting more depressed every panel.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 19:53:21 No.1300617
>the carotid arteries run from both sides of the neck up and around behind the mandible
>sufficiently strong blow to the midline of the face
You're worrying about an artery several inches away when there are countless other arteries and soft brain tissue right at the point of impact. The force required to send a bone fragment that distance would be enough to kill the person from a concussion several times over, nevermind all of the much closer arteries that a bone fragment could sever which would also result in death. Talking about the carotid under such circumstances is sort of like an already drowning man worrying about whether or not there are any sharks in the water. It's absurd.
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 06:37:25 No.1301319

I read this as Japanese sake
Furrynomous 2017/08/27 05:44:31 No.1312698
artsy bullocks
Furrynomous 2017/09/22 18:17:57 No.1324320
Oh, look, another one of Artdecade's drawn-out pretentious shit fests with no sex.
Furrynomous 2017/09/22 22:21:32 No.1324412

this comic is eleven years old you nimrod

Edited at 2017/09/22 22:21:47

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