In regards to what I said earlier, Mindes AT BEST is a fucked up, manipulative sicko. Even IF the "site" is actually just roleplay, (Which I doubt. Remember Ambus identifying that some of those victims were people who have gone missing?) he was still uploading pictures with fucked up captions which didn't reflect the way he was acting towards Ambus at all, because once again, and as far as I can tell, without his permission because we never saw or heard the recording Mindes claimed to have. This is literally a twisted, fucked up game for these people. Some of these people taken even seem to be turned into sex slaves against their will, so now we have rape to add to the mix
I also want to try and comprehend Ambus' thinking here. I know he's never had a real partner before and this is his first time feeling "true" affection, and I know there's a lot of people who stay in abusive relationships for many different reasons, but no matter which tier of fucked up that Mindes is actually on, none of these levels are anywhere near tolerable in my opinion.