Now I understand the story. The tiger had dreamed about met and fall in love with the wolf. The world in the tiger's dream was so real, like the world when he wake up, except the wolf. The tiger then in crisis (the scene he bited the wolf) because he always wanted the answer. He just loved the wolf so much and didn't want to accept that it was just a dream. The tiger simply hurted. One day, the tiger met the lion just like the lion friend of his in the dream and handed him the "Good night to you" book. He opened it and saw the story in it was exactly the dream of his. He found the wolf that he had needed to find. The story in "Good night to you" erased the hurt in the tiger. Then he met the wolf in real life (the page of this comic right after the contents that the wolf gave him ice cream) in the situation exactly from the dream (slept in library, the lion friend woke up, the lion friend guided to the rooftop,...). At the scene that the wolf handed him the "Good night to you" to the tiger and asked him continuing the story in it, I think that is just another dream of the tiger (maybe right before or after he said to the real wolf that he fell in love with). The tiger "continue writing the book" is continue spending the days with the real-life wolf, as lovers (pages at the end of main story in comic). That was the good dream that the tiger told the real-life wolf before kissed him.
I think the wolf in the dream of the tiger is an author of "Good night to you", but the real-life wolf is not. It's just another author wrote that, the tiger read it, found the story in it exactly in his dream. And then the tiger met the real-life wolf exactly like the wolf in the book and the tiger's dream.
Of course it's just my theory :)