>You are the one asking for blind praise or silence for the comic.
lmao it's actually funny that you think the only alternative to moronic criticism must be blind worship, because that showcases literally the same kind of stupidity you've shown previously. If the only way for you to not say stupid things is to keep your mouth shut, then that should clue you in on where the real issue is here. This is like the people who think their freedom of speech is under attack because they got criticised for saying bullshit.
> It's the same cringy line you see anime take a lot, girls with massive breasts and 80 frames per second boob physics in skimpy clothes falling onto the protagonist..... but defended with "it is honestly a sophisticated show and don't you DARE say it's overly sexual or creepy!!!"
People not wanting to accept that their pornographic content is meant to be titillating and low-brow is a different sort of issue entirely. I'd put it more in the delusional category, as opposed to entitled, spoiled ADHD brats that the "WAAAH why aren't they fucking already?!" crowd falls into.
>is too lacking on deeper lore or deeper characters to be interesting, mainly because the main distinction of characters is their physical appearance aka their physical sexual appeal, and their personality is mostly about how they are sexually and not much else (the tiger is the cute shy virgin, the dog is the horn....dog, the bull is the quiet but kinky "dad", etc.).
If you don't like the humour, or the characters, or the lore, then why are you reading a 4-koma comic that's by virtue of its format meant to be humorous, have cartoony characters and no lore? Better yet, why is your only criticism based on it not being graphic enough? "This comic sucks, but it'd become a masterpiece if only their dicks were showing". Okay, if that's your standard, again, go literally anywhere else. Not because you shouldn't criticise things, but because you're horny and you want to wank to dicks. Criticising this comic for not facilitating that enough for you is not some Roger Ebert -style critique you think it is. It's your fault for buying tickets to a comedy and then complaining that it's not an action movie, and that it would become amazing if only it had more explosions.