I just wanna say some bit things..
1.- karmakat is NOT doing anything bad yet, I "suppose" none here knows what will happen in this comic. 2.- we should wait until comic ends or it occurs something important, we're here just criticising ONE character doing nothing. 3.- and if he's a "full domination only top" fantasy, that wouldn't be something bad, it's subjective, it would be bad if it's cliche; incoherent; boring; disgusting; etc, not the kink by it self. 4.- Personally speaking, I wouldn't bother if someone is a only top domination roleplay meanwhile he does for fantasies, even if he does for "proud"; "arrogance; «bitches I'm the dommest toppest alpha here»; etc, it shouldn't care to me unless he bother me directly or he's bad written. 5.- yeah, you can complain/criticize because you can, but you guys are taking a little bit serious/personal that character. 6.- an artist, doing a commission, not necessary is approving/suppoting him/his fantasy, it's just a commission, doesn't it?
I'm talking under ignorance about Karmakat (whose relevance surprised me)
Edited at 2019/08/07 16:33:27