At the end of the day, this is the artists story to tell, we're just along for the ride. If you're not enjoying it, you don't have to keep reading it. You can even go make your own comics if you'd like and deal with all the people that bitch about what you didn't do the way they liked. Personally? I say fuck Gervic, rape him some more. He was the commander of this outpost, he knew he was outnumbered, low on rations, he didn't surrender when he was given the opportunity, he didn't retreat, he went in knowing him and all of his men could and would likely die in this battle, he even waited until the very last minute to think about requesting aide, his pride caused this situation. Now most of his men and even Cobby who tried to help him are dead, because he was too damned confident and proud, he knew he could beat the odds and he's caused nothing but suffering. Even after he escaped he could've just left with cobby and found help, let others know there were still survivors at the castle, let others know what bob was trying to do and how urgent it was to stop him, he could've done so much differently that would've saved lives and given him a chance to fight another day, but no, he was too hard headed. So I say yes, rape him more, take all his dignity, knock some of that damned pride out of him, teach him some humility, and maybe others can stop suffering for his choices. He deserved everything that's happened to him so far and more, he still hasn't learned his lesson yet.