I don't mean to play the devil's advocate, but I think I know one of the reasons a good number of the gay audience is so up in arms about these kinds of things.
Even though it's the 2020 and society is slowly becoming more accepting of homosexuality, a lot of gay people grew up in an earlier time when their sexuality was still viewed as a stigma, and even today there are still plenty of homophobia going around.
On top of that we live in a society that glamorizes the traditional heterosexual lifestyle in practically every for of media, while anything involving same sex relationships is met with backlash, obscured, or just censored out all together, and comics like these where the main character is interested in the same sex are seen as some kind reprieve from all that, but if that main character is shown having relationships with the opposite sex, be it because bisexuality or bicuriousity then they feel as though they've been betrayed, and they view that same character as someone is against them because of their differences, or that being gay or liking the same sex is simply something that can turned off or gotten rid of, like what a lot conversion therapy supporters preach.
And with that sense of betrayal comes feelings of hurt, anger, hostility, and opposition that is common in the human species.
Edited at 2020/03/23 13:01:58