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File: 1591550880.jazcabungcal101_p1_u18chan.jpg - (194.62kb, 905x1280, 1591550880.jazcabungcal101_p1.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
New Desires Furrynomous 2020/06/07 17:22:01 No.1764982   
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The shark comic has returned
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Furrynomous 2020/06/07 17:46:53 No.1764997
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Furrynomous 2020/06/07 19:47:52 No.1765054
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I would like to read the first one if there is
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 20:45:50 No.1765062
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This comic is the third one in a series of comics about this shark. These comics have been posted here, but since we have no actual search function, you only choice is browse through the index.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 21:24:56 No.1765069
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Furrynomous 2020/06/07 22:07:45 No.1765086
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Yes! I'm so excited to see this come back
uwu 2020/06/07 22:35:39 No.1765107
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Is this jazthur sharkdog? Where can i find his patreon?
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 22:57:40 No.1765112
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he doesn't have one the comic is literally free, epic fail question?
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 23:47:19 No.1765123
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Can I have the link to the comics before this?
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 02:52:18 No.1765195
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This link goes to the first 2 chapters. One night with her boyfriend and The Night After
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 02:59:12 No.1765196
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That should work to link to the old comics.
You can search if you just go through Misc>Recent and Search and search for the comic name, it's "One night with her boyfriend" and it has both comics under it, the other is "One night after".
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 03:18:49 No.1765198
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Good to see another sequel I like this shark
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 19:28:47 No.1765597
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Damn, I hope the next 2 pages are posted
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 19:33:22 No.1765618
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Who is the artist, do they have a twitter or FA page?
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 19:34:28 No.1765619
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I gotchu, fam
New Desires Dakora 2020/06/08 21:03:12 No.1765673
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New Desires Dakora 2020/06/08 21:03:15 No.1765674
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Furrynomous 2020/06/08 21:11:35 No.1765679
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I'm sure those of us who identify as bisexual have dealt with this same scenario. Either in real life or in our minds as fear. Some people are just too desensitized by popular culture to realize that you don't have to be one way or another. Just. Be. Yourself!
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 21:51:13 No.1765695
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Not sure what you mean by "just too desensitized by popular culture ." If a straight woman does not want to have a relationship with a bi man, that is her choice, full stop. Nobody has a right to judge another about who they choose to love. That's what the religious bigots have been doing to gay people forever and it is wrong and harmfull. If you are not sure about your sexuality, that is something you should tell a potential relationship early so they can make an informed decision whether they want get involved or not. Not letting them know at the start what's up is just using them.

Edited at 2020/06/08 21:52:23
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 22:30:26 No.1765703
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I hate to say this but it's probably for the best that he lets her go. After that first drunkin encounter he couldn't stop thinking about the fox, plus he hasn't shown that much feels for Liz since that night. But who knows , he could be bisexual but his main desire would be guys he just hasn't embraced it yet , but hopefully he and Liz can still be friends.
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 22:36:33 No.1765706
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It's gonna get much more awkward if he ends up pursuing the fox though, being Liz's adoptive brother and all.
‘ Anonymous 2020/06/08 23:05:25 No.1765718
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Can't decide what would've been worse to start with, sexual confusion or the drunk blowjob he kinda forced on her brother. Might be even worse if he mentioned the experiment with his friends earlier.

Edited at 2020/06/08 23:06:43
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 00:57:30 No.1765749
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what I mean is that she is not accepting him because he is developing a clearer understanding of himself and his sexuality. He confided in her because he CHOSE to not act on those feelings and was willing to accept her even though she is straight (presumably) and a woman. He could have just messed around with her brother and kept seeing her in a relationship but he had more respect for her than that. She has more of a double standard where in when he needed her to accept him for who is is, she CHOSE to discard him because she felt like it was about her. Not wanting to be in a relationship based on someone's personality or compatibility is fine. But when you are choosing to base your decision on something as fluid as sexuality, you are in the wrong because you are doing something that you would hate to happen to you but chose to do so anyway. What I mean by desensitized by popular culture, is that you are reflecting biased cultural opinions by not even giving someone a chance to show you that their feelings are genuine and not just a phase. Instead trying looking at it from the other persons point of view. Perception of reality is not based solely on visual sense but is more conceptual of world view and may be skewed in favor of the culture from which we originate.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 02:46:44 No.1765774
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I agree that Liz overreacted but if we reference page 4 of the "The Night After" Comic, last panel. (Link below.) Her brother stated that she is being very cautious about relationships with men and cautious of him.

Plus we are not given any evidence that he had feelings for men prior to the experience he had with her brother. In fact, he was trying to deal with these feelings in the last comic. It is in my opinion that he was trying to be upfront with her. I hope things work out between them, even if they don't get together.

Edited at 2020/06/09 02:48:17
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 03:00:00 No.1765779
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Him being bi doesn't effect her or the relationship at all other than him trying to deal with his confusion but its better for him that she's gone now that he knows how close minded she is

Edited at 2020/06/09 03:02:06
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 03:55:15 No.1765791
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I dated three bi guys and talking by personal experience, was prety negative.
The first two, to start with, did not admit it (but they were not stick their cock into my ass if they were straight), relationships came to an end innevitably (the first one I was "the other" and he did not want leave his gf (he was cheating on her with me tough) and the second one, dumped me for a girl). The third was probably the worse, he was openly bi; was horrible he moved both ways, boys and girls, for him we were nothing and everytime I told him stop fucking around he told me I was preassuring him.

This might sound rude, but I recommend you date gay people only, specially if you're jealous person, or at least, know how choose it.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 04:18:01 No.1765794
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Fucking bitch I hate these biphobic straight woman she could have had a great open/Polly thing with her and her adopted fox brother shearing a boyfriend
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 04:23:34 No.1765800
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I've been with multiple bi men most are awesome I find you just need to be with guys with a male lean or 50/50 the female lean guys are best for FWB 50/50 and male lean good boyfriend options
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 04:54:40 No.1765812
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Considering how he cheated on her TWICE, he deserved the slap
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 04:56:07 No.1765813
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Let me fix this for you.

Him being bi doesn't effect her or the relationship at all other than him cheating on her with other men. Twice.

Honestly? Normally I would agree she is close minded to break up with him just for being bi. But this whole series revolves around the idea that all LGBT men (or maybe just all men, period) are untrustworthy assholes.

Her adoptive bother knows she's been through a lot, yet all it takes is the drunk shark suggesting a blowjob for the fox to say "To hell with my sister! Why be loyal to a family member when I can suck a hot guy's cock? Nothing is more important than a one night stand!"

The "friend" in the sequel? "To hell with trying to be a good friend and talk my buddy through his confusion! This is a chance to manipulate my way into his pants, and nothing is more important than that!"

And of course there is the asshole "boyfriend"-and let's cut the crap, after dating 6 months they are a couple-who cheats on her twice because he is now bi, and apparently being bisexual means you have no choice but to be a slutty McSlutterson who sluts around with everyone you meet. Heaven forbid he keeps his dick in his pants while he works out his feelings.

Yes most of the guys in this comic are hot. That doesn't excuse the fact that they act like sociopaths, doing whatever they want without the slightest concern who they might hurt. Good for her for getting away from him.

Edited at 2020/06/09 05:06:07
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 05:10:54 No.1765816
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You didn't fix anything, him cheating isn't a result of him being bi (if he even is bi at this point). Cheaters are cheaters whether they be straight, gay, bi, he, she

Edited at 2020/06/09 05:12:54
Bookwyrm!d1FfOYLPf. 2020/06/09 06:49:43 No.1765831
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Not everyone can handle that kind of thing, all the more if the third person is her (adopted) brother, try and think how awkward (understatement!) that would be. She did react pretty bad, but on the other hand Uko did cheat on her, which is bad regardless of sexuality.
It's not that poli or open relationships are bad, it's just that everyone involved must be upfront and ok with that.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 07:09:24 No.1765837
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its kinda debatable if he cheated when they are even officially going steady they're new in the early dates phase you can't really cheat if your not going steady
‘ Anonymous 2020/06/09 07:22:24 No.1765846
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No, any kind of sexual interaction while seeing someone and doing it with someone else, IS cheating on them. It's was an accident with the brother, but more intentional with his friends even if it was for experimenting.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 08:36:05 No.1765877
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Some of y'all seemed to be confused and are blurring lines together.
Yes he cheated twice but she has no idea that he cheated or any other details really other than he wants to talk. So saying he deserved that slap or that she's right for leaving him doesn't make sense.

He was trying to have a serious conversation about his developing feelings and she just completely shut it down and walked away. I agree it's within her right to not want to date a bi man, but being dismissive of him when all he's trying to do is have a discussion, calling him confused and a closet case is biphobic AF
Bookwyrm!d1FfOYLPf. 2020/06/09 09:20:51 No.1765884
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Of course, her reaction was indeed biphobic as you said. What I meant is that Uko still kinda had it coming (karma-wise, so to speak), considering his actions.
However, in the end the point is rather moot, since it's a narrative exploit to portray the girl in an unsympathetic light and push Uko towards the gay, so of course the girlfriend needs to be a Karen.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 12:39:36 No.1765949
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Furrynomous 2020/06/09 12:42:00 No.1765951
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Furrynomous 2020/06/09 13:57:36 No.1765978
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Shouldn't it be
"He's been in a rough mood" or "Has been rough around the edges"?
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 14:13:29 No.1765984
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Furrynomous 2020/06/09 14:18:11 No.1765985
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Hmm did her brother awakened the gay in all her boyfriends?
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 14:32:01 No.1765988
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That female shark is a gay magnet it's like super power or something
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 14:48:46 No.1765992
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Are they still hung up on it after 6 months? Goddamn, get laid, both of you
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 15:06:16 No.1765997
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I guess its just a shark thing
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 15:07:03 No.1765998
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I guess its just a shark thing

>Female Hyena
>who is also gay
oh no, I know where this is going
Bookwyrm!d1FfOYLPf. 2020/06/09 15:58:40 No.1766016
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>Female hyena
The horror, the horror!
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 16:10:24 No.1766026
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they have fake penises
Bookwyrm!d1FfOYLPf. 2020/06/09 16:16:45 No.1766027
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I know, hence the horror. They also bear their cubs through their phony-penis.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 16:50:45 No.1766039
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I think the male shark still dealing with the fact he might be hi rather than the fact he got dumped
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 17:08:35 No.1766044
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I hope lesbian hyena and Liz aren't the main focus I want more hot shark dudes dealing with his sexuality
‘ Anonymous 2020/06/09 18:11:44 No.1766062
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Pretty sure that's not how clits work. Though it is terrifying on how long it is.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 20:23:35 No.1766094
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That is how it works with spotted hyenas.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 23:06:15 No.1766137
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Don't confuse "he deserved it" with "he had it coming." He deserved to be slapped for fooling around behind her back, but he couldn't have had it coming until she found out about it.

It's a poorly written scene meant to portray Liz in an unsympathetic light by making her out to be a Karen when all Uko was doing was try to talk about his feelings, something men are normally stigmatized for. Uko was making himself vulnerable to someone who supposedly cared about him and she just broke it off as soon as she heard something she didn't like instead of waiting to hear him out. What's even more ridiculous, they've apparently been hung up on it for six straight months despite not seeing each other for very long before that happened.
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 00:32:31 No.1766153
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I don't know about you, but for me, there seems to be a trend in gay comics in which there's too often a need to make enemies, or at least antagonists, out of the opposite sex in order to justify or validate the intended main relationship. The more I see it happening, the more I just find it painfully unnecessary, unkind, and unfair.
Bookwyrm!d1FfOYLPf. 2020/06/10 06:59:21 No.1766253
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>confusing "deserved" and "had it coming"
Bear with me, I'm not a native speaker, but I meant the same as you.
As for the writing, I do not know how much freedom Jaz has on it, since the comic is commissioned. I'm still impressed by the progress he made between the first and second chapters, style-wise.
He seems to have changed it slightly again: Liz looks a bit different in this chapter.
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 23:57:47 No.1766547
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love the part where she assaults her partner for some reason?
Furrynomous 2020/06/11 00:50:09 No.1766575
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Nah, it's all good. Just like with any language, there are certain words and phrases that sound similar but tend to have different meanings. Your English is great for a non-native speaker.

But, yeah, the art improved by leaps and bounds after the first comic and even between the second chapter and now has seen some improvements.
‘ Anonymous 2020/06/11 05:11:15 No.1766640
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Well they did have sex, the guy is saying that he's not sure of himself sexually, so it's almost as insulting as being unfazed when doing someone.
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 13:50:54 No.1767539
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Didn't her brother say she had like 3 bad relationships and was being careful with the new shark? And probably was in the moment upset that her 4th bf was also ‘bad'.
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 07:25:38 No.1768512
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Furrynomous 2020/06/16 07:25:41 No.1768513
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Furrynomous 2020/06/16 07:54:57 No.1768516
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I can't get over how cool those characters design look
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 13:32:50 No.1768625
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Went to look for the past 2 chapters here so you don't have to. So many unfinished comics along the way :<
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 13:34:34 No.1768626
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why am I getting the Internship vibes from this now?

Hopefully there is no trolls waiting to flame...
and what of the Fox guy?
Don't tell me they cut him.... :<
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 22:02:44 No.1768752
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Give it time. The fox boy might come back this chapter, maybe even in the next few pages. Then maybe sex as well.
uwu 2020/06/17 00:16:47 No.1768802
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lol i just finished the first chapter and realized it is a good comic. Nice :3
MykelDana 2020/06/27 21:52:04 No.1774204
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it is amazing to see how much the art style has changed
Furrynomous 2020/06/27 21:54:28 No.1774205
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With artists like Aaron and others running around, it's really god damn nice to see artists that actually do improve dramatically over time
Furrynomous 2020/06/27 21:59:28 No.1774207
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This comic's release schedule is erratic. I'm not gonna hate on an artist for working on their own timetable, but... any new pages?
Furrynomous 2020/06/27 22:17:33 No.1774214
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The artist's style has been a treat to watch improve over the years.
uwu 2020/07/10 23:23:40 No.1781677
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Ok what happened to the comic
Furrynomous 2020/07/10 23:45:46 No.1781683
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Well there are new pages... but it is a flame hazard material.
Furrynomous 2020/07/10 23:55:34 No.1781689
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If the pages involve girly bits, you can just tag them as spoilers when you upload them. That way, the pages are posted, people who want to read the comic and don't care about vag can read it, and people who are only here for the parade of dicks don't have to see it.
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 00:28:45 No.1781701
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Its shemale
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 00:52:35 No.1781706
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Just post the female penis IDC god damn
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 00:55:42 No.1781708
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Same thing applies, really. Spoiler the page and people who don't care can look at it and people who do don't have to
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 08:54:32 No.1781892
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Furrynomous 2020/07/11 09:57:45 No.1781915
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Furrynomous 2020/07/11 09:58:13 No.1781916
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Furrynomous 2020/07/11 10:17:55 No.1781929
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>Never seen a lady's cock before?
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 10:48:44 No.1781935
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Really no point in experimenting with a girl if they have the exact same bits you're used to. It's like fucking a guy with a high pitched voice in terms of the experience you'd get.
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 11:07:48 No.1781938
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I mean most lesbians already used strap on so lesbian hyenas just have natural strap ones it's still a pseudo penis a thing real female hyenas have
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 11:34:12 No.1781946
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A real dick and a strap on are super different though, and a woman using a strap on still has biological female anatomy to touch/play with beyond the strap on. If all she has is a normal dick then.. just seems like it's not that much different, you know? It's like saying you want to try new food so you go from eating chicken eggs to eating duck eggs. Really no variety at all. Sorry if thats a poor explanation.
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 12:31:54 No.1781981
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Maybe its a generational thing, but everyone seems relatively nonchalant that she has a dick.
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 12:45:33 No.1781985
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so lemme get this straight : This guy is opening up to his partner, expressing his concerts and possible fears instead of lying to her until its too late and that will hurt way more, Instead of being supportive, she decides to slap him and pin the blame on him. While deciding to get her own ass fucked by a friend of her.
I see a karen over there.
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 12:53:43 No.1781989
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Not a friend, just a random bar hookup. And she's had at least a few to drink, so she's probably not thinking things through. Beyond that, though? Yeah, pretty much
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 18:02:48 No.1782113
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Female hyenas have a pseudo-penis in nature. It's a fact so common, it's becoming a trope at this point for your dick girl to be a hyena.
Furrynomous 2020/07/11 19:25:33 No.1782141
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what do you expect from w*men
' Anonymous 2020/07/11 20:28:46 No.1782152
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It could also make them even for when he got a drunk blowjob from her brother. Though he did cheat on her twice. It would basically be hypocritical of her to experiment, but shark guy experimented while he was still seeing her.
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 11:07:37 No.1782352
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Kind of. I mean a female having a dick isn't anything new in furry porn.
If you ever looked at a James Howard comic nothing really surprises people anynore
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 14:43:25 No.1782423
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It's mostly because she's a hyena, they do have fake dicks in real life.
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 15:01:57 No.1782429
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Yep it's a real hyena penis ... if she was straight she'd give birth out of her pseudo penis
Vitamin A and D ointment :) 2020/07/12 16:19:27 No.1782449
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it is not a penis it is called a Psudo Phallus but it is really an elongated clitoris
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 17:39:45 No.1782481
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what about the balls?
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 18:39:53 No.1782491
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Have you heard about this new thing called a "Google search"?

The spotted hyenas have a highly erectile clitoris, complete with a false scrotum; author John C. Wingfield stated that "the resemblance to male genitalia is so close that sex can be determined with confidence only by palpation of the scrotum".
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 20:02:36 No.1782519
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Okay seriously what the fuck is this character.

She breaks up with her boyfriend and literally runs off because he might be having unchristian thoughts about men, and now five minutes later she's lezzing it up with some hyena futa.
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 20:25:13 No.1782524
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>Boohoo, my boyfriend is bi! Those damn gays with their heinous gayness and lust for teh gay! Why are all men such gaylords!
>Oh, so youre a lesbo! Oh thats great, at least youre not one of those male gays. Those are horrible!
>Hey, how about we fugg? Theres nothing wrong with a little bit of experimenting, after all.
What the shit?

And why the fuck are we getting lesbos hypocritically shitting on gay men and watching them fucking around before seeing the foxs tailhole getting drilled by the shark in a gay comic about gay men?
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 20:45:09 No.1782537
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the problem is this was a commission and no longer resembles the original story(/stories)
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 23:34:33 No.1782601
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Of fucking course the commissioner is dasherwhitetail
Furrynomous 2020/07/12 23:42:58 No.1782603
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What's the dirt on this fella?
‘ Anonymous 2020/07/13 00:19:18 No.1782608
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Nothing much. Just has a frotting fetish.
Furrynomous 2020/07/13 01:34:21 No.1782632
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Has a tendency to hijack works that are on hiatus or haven't been continued and ends up running them into the ground by completely ignoring whatever was planned before and just doing what he wants.

I don't follow him, so admittedly I'm using hyperbole when I suggest he does this a lot, but I know of one other instance in the past where there was a comic by Max-Dragon on FA that had a few pages in it, but was on hiatus for years. He commissioned the artist to pick it back up, inserted his own character into it, and had it take an odd direction with one character suddenly turning into a demon before the comic just stopped. And his frotting fetish kicked in there, too. There was a dragon character that was about to fuck his character, but he somehow convinced the dragon to frot with him instead, which was completely nonsensical and irritating to the people that were reading it and expecting the deer to get pounded. Like, there's nothing wrong with having a kink for it, but for dasher, it's a full-blown fetish and he acts like it's the greatest thing ever. It gets seriously old.

And this guy

Gets it. Whatever direction this comic might have taken at the start, it's definitely not what ended up happening. Part 2 wasn't so bad, but it still had the serious narrative flaw of the shark deciding he NEEDED to experiment and deliberately cheated on his girlfriend.

Then here, we get ...this. Not even getting into what u18chan likes to label as whining over straight content, this stuff with the shark girl and hyena is completely stupid and nonsensical.

You have Part 1, a straight shark gets drunk enough that he fucks a male fox.
Part 2, the shark is confused and experiments with his roommate, another man with a boyfriend.
Part 3, the girlfriend who was treated as a plot device in Part 1 and a disposable character in part 2 is suddenly half the focus and now we get a sex scene with her and a dick girl.



WTF. WHY would anyone who has followed parts 1 and 2 WANT this? You have two parts that are all M/M content and suddenly you throw F/F into it? It makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever.

Dasher might think he's awesome for reviving dead comics, but he ends up twisting them so much, it would have been better if they stayed dead.
Furrynomous 2020/07/13 04:35:15 No.1782668
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Uhh, you do know Dasher also wrote the part 2, right?
Furrynomous 2020/07/13 04:38:12 No.1782670
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Also, wait till the whole thing is done before you start all the bitching about how this is ruined. I'm not a fan of the shark girl x hyena girl, but there still might be something worthwhile after this BS. If I had to drop every comic because of one thing I disliked, I'd never finish any of them
Furrynomous 2020/07/13 09:09:33 No.1782724
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Yes. That's why I said this:
>Part 2 wasn't so bad, but it still had the serious narrative flaw of the shark deciding he NEEDED to experiment and deliberately cheated on his girlfriend.


It's still a completely nonsensical direction to take. That's what I'm saying.
‘ Anonymous 2020/07/13 11:03:34 No.1782766
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There was also the complete sudden change of clothes in part 2 after the shark guy finished fagging around with the whale guy.

Where did the shirt, red pants, and hat come from? Was he taking his friends clothes?
Furrynomous 2020/07/13 12:35:30 No.1782816
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I think it's the author feeling adventurous and trying to tell more complex narratives, but it isn't really clear what he's trying to say. We don't even have a hint as to when the fox guy will be making a reappearance.

That's the risk ongoing comics of this format undergo. Because it's a page by page update format readers are left to stew in the conflict of the longer than we would if they released comics in their entirety. It's hard to maintain the idea of just waiting for the resolution when we don't know how long the conflict will last.
uwu 2020/08/03 01:27:26 No.1794654
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What happened to the artist in both Shark and Dream apart comics...? ._.
Bookwyrn!d1FfOYLPf. 2020/08/03 04:35:33 No.1794688
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What do you mean, my dude? This particular comic is a commission, so the story and publishing of new pages depends on the buyer. Dream Apart is a personal project and iirc it was put on hold (or at least is less regularly updated) because Jaz needs to focus on commissions.
Furrynomous 2020/08/03 12:56:19 No.1794830
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Why is everyone so blissfully ignorant nowadays even e-hentai someone put "shemale" tag on this comic.

This comic is a completely gay male and female real female hyenas have pseudo phalluses which make it very hard to give birth for them since their vjays are basically like a dick.

Also in the goddamn comic, she actually said we don't cum and "female" other animals have these as well such as some monkeys.

Yet we have google.
Which some of you are too lazy or proud to use it seems but slide through twitter instagram feeds like eating a bowl of frosted Politically correct cereal for breakfast.

thank you for the simple common sense.
Furrynomous 2020/08/04 19:59:31 No.1795519
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wanna know what the best part to reading a comic is....its the plot the story behind it all its not always about the porn its fun to read about the characters
Furrynomous 2020/08/21 14:57:23 No.1805009
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New pages.
Furrynomous 2020/08/22 09:01:59 No.1805526
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File: 12_764_u18chan.jpg - (218.74kb, 905x1280, 12.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/08/22 09:02:01 No.1805527
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File: 13_695_u18chan.jpg - (183.59kb, 905x1280, 13.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/08/22 09:02:05 No.1805528
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File: 14_656_u18chan.jpg - (195.5kb, 905x1280, 14.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/08/22 09:02:09 No.1805530
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File: 15_636_u18chan.jpg - (181.72kb, 905x1280, 15.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/08/22 11:17:14 No.1805586
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Implying interspecies pregnancy is even possible. Would they be freaky, deformed hyena-sharks? Or is it like Pokemon where the offspring is the same species as the mother?

Also, what's the point of making this whole f/f thing if the shark girl is just gonna lay there and take her female partner's pseudo-dick like she's fucking another dude? I assume the intent is so the artist can have her go "Oops, turns out I like girl penis just as much as boy penis guess I'm bi now because that's how this works" and have her apologize to Uko. But really the whole thing is just hamfisted nonsense.
Furrynomous 2020/08/22 11:39:54 No.1805604
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Fucking a girl by choosing the most guy-like species possible. That's like eating bread and claiming you've tried cake.
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 12:26:01 No.1853419
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File: 16_647_u18chan.jpg - (201.87kb, 905x1280, 16.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/11/24 12:26:06 No.1853420
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File: 17_201_u18chan.png - (1.3mb, 2480x3508, 17.png)
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 12:26:09 No.1853421
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File: 18_567_u18chan.jpg - (256.36kb, 905x1280, 18.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 12:26:12 No.1853422
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Furrynomous 2020/11/24 12:26:16 No.1853423
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File: 20_495_u18chan.jpg - (253.67kb, 905x1280, 20.jpg)

Edited at 2020/11/24 12:26:41
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 16:43:36 No.1853531
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jesus christ this better not be a fucking subplot
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 23:26:52 No.1853658
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Finally back to the important stuff
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 00:11:41 No.1853675
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So stealing money to pay for someone's medicine, I presume.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 20:29:06 No.1854204
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Rather cliche
Bookwyrm!d1FfOYLPf. 2021/08/24 03:16:45 No.1998789
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There are no other pages, so don't bother: last post on the artist's FA is the same page you see here.

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