/gc/ - Gay Furry Comics
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File: 00_66_u18chan.png - (1.47mb, 1813x2560, 00.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/03/10 21:47:53 No.1911765   
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HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/03/10 21:47:58 No.1911766
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File: 01_238_u18chan.png - (5.84mb, 1830x2560, 01.png)
HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/03/10 21:48:03 No.1911767
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File: 02_260_u18chan.png - (5.2mb, 1830x2560, 02.png)
HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/07/09 13:22:33 No.1976639
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File: 03_295_u18chan.png - (5.65mb, 1830x2560, 03.png)

HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/07/09 13:22:38 No.1976640
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File: 04_289_u18chan.png - (7.15mb, 1830x2560, 04.png)
HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/07/09 13:22:44 No.1976641
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File: 05_282_u18chan.png - (6.14mb, 1830x2560, 05.png)
HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/07/09 13:22:51 No.1976642
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File: 06_271_u18chan.png - (5.21mb, 1830x2560, 06.png)
HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/07/09 13:25:09 No.1976643
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File: 07_270_u18chan.png - (4.62mb, 1830x2560, 07.png)

HAPPENING AT SCHOOL knotty Penis 2021/07/09 13:25:14 No.1976644
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File: 08_257_u18chan.png - (5.68mb, 1830x2560, 08.png)
Furrynomous 2021/07/26 09:49:35 No.1984588
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File: B06D645F-FC7A-4ECA-97C4-C509EA0A1D0D_u18chan.png - (576.76kb, 800x1119, B06D645F-FC7A-4ECA-97C4-C509EA0A1D0D.png)

Furrynomous 2021/07/26 09:50:10 No.1984589
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File: E19FC4DF-A695-4AFC-A31B-F2B3BB88AB2F_u18chan.png - (602.06kb, 800x1119, E19FC4DF-A695-4AFC-A31B-F2B3BB88AB2F.png)

Furrynomous 2021/07/26 09:50:37 No.1984590
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File: 60E26709-EBA7-499E-8754-76C4C9728680_u18chan.png - (841.38kb, 1080x1511, 60E26709-EBA7-499E-8754-76C4C9728680.png)

Furrynomous 2021/07/26 10:44:19 No.1984609
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File: F9D173CF-3A49-454E-B657-911851D238AD_0_u18chan.png - (778.63kb, 1080x1511, F9D173CF-3A49-454E-B657-911851D238AD.png)

Furrynomous 2021/08/03 15:16:29 No.1988742
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File: HAPPENINGATSCHOOLDraft13s_u18chan.png - (555.45kb, 800x1119, HAPPENING AT SCHOOL Draft 13(s).png)
Furrynomous 2021/08/03 15:16:59 No.1988743
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File: HAPPENINGATSCHOOLDraft14s_u18chan.png - (501.53kb, 800x1119, HAPPENING AT SCHOOL Draft 14(s).png)
Furrynomous 2021/08/03 15:53:04 No.1988755
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relax, this is college for 18+ furros.
' Anonymous 2021/08/03 18:21:08 No.1988875
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I though it was mentioned before that it's a highschool setting. Do colleges have uniforms?
Furrynomous 2021/08/03 20:43:02 No.1988968
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It could be worse. It could have been a story of a student doing it with the teacher.
Furrynomous 2021/08/03 20:49:09 No.1988970
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Dude please, just ignore the post, it’s not like the end of the world and they’re that young….. don’t understand why people are complaining a lot for fictional characters
Furrynomous 2021/08/15 10:28:58 No.1994740
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File: 2480F392-60EF-429F-BEDF-B1E05FDAFFD7_u18chan.png - (4.74mb, 1830x2560, 2480F392-60EF-429F-BEDF-B1E05FDAFFD7.png)

Furrynomous 2021/08/15 10:29:03 No.1994741
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File: 0BF61410-85AF-468D-AF7A-21E11BB7F7EE_u18chan.png - (5.72mb, 1830x2560, 0BF61410-85AF-468D-AF7A-21E11BB7F7EE.png)
Furrynomous 2021/08/15 10:29:09 No.1994742
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File: 346EE790-CCBB-4110-B4ED-07BCC4A69046_u18chan.png - (4.52mb, 1830x2560, 346EE790-CCBB-4110-B4ED-07BCC4A69046.png)
Furrynomous 2021/08/15 10:29:15 No.1994743
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File: 2E8D8617-1FE8-483C-978C-A57D2E0C67FB_u18chan.png - (5.65mb, 1830x2560, 2E8D8617-1FE8-483C-978C-A57D2E0C67FB.png)
Furrynomous 2021/08/15 11:03:09 No.1994751
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OMG! Thanks bud!!! :D
Furrynomous 2021/08/15 12:35:57 No.1994780
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Reminds me of my bully in primary... wonder how he's doing right now?
Furrynomous 2021/08/15 12:48:42 No.1994784
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That kid is jacked
‘ Anonymous 2021/08/15 12:59:29 No.1994789
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Really hope they keep their shoes on while completely naked.
Furrynomous 2021/08/15 15:54:34 No.1994925
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Is there a name for this kink?
‘ Anonymous 2021/08/15 16:43:57 No.1994938
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Just only “naked with shoes”, so far
Furrynomous 2021/08/16 10:35:45 No.1995281
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Yeah when I was 5 years old I had muscles like that panther. Also I was a drawn cartoon panther-man when I was 5 years old.
Furrynomous 2021/08/17 09:36:53 No.1995657
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No specific name. Just "naked with shoes." I think part of the appeal is that you feel more naked with just shoes on than you do if you're completely naked.
Furrynomous 2021/08/17 22:39:58 No.1996008
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Yeah, the mentality is "If I'm completely naked, I could be in the middle of changing, or taking a shower. If I've got shoes and/or a hat on, that means I chose to be naked and added clothes that kept me nude."
Furrynomous 2021/08/31 00:59:06 No.2002011
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british cottaging
Furrynomous 2021/09/02 14:12:15 No.2003511
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File: HAPPENINGATSCHOOLDraft15s_u18chan.png - (385.22kb, 800x1119, HAPPENING AT SCHOOL Draft 15(s).png)
Furrynomous 2021/09/02 14:12:34 No.2003512
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File: HAPPENINGATSCHOOLDraft16s_u18chan.png - (460.85kb, 800x1119, HAPPENING AT SCHOOL Draft 16(s).png)
Furrynomous 2021/09/13 23:04:17 No.2008910
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Muscular teens are hot
Furrynomous 2021/09/14 13:02:45 No.2009176
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There called "jocks"
Furrynomous 2021/09/28 17:18:21 No.2015648
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wow, he has good meat for a kid

don't get me wrong, it's hot
Furrynomous 2021/09/30 08:59:27 No.2016278
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Holy God, this shit is getting hot!
Furrynomous 2021/10/08 22:40:17 No.2020214
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Who's the artist of this comic?
Furrynomous 2021/10/08 23:09:06 No.2020219
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cmon, artist asks just $2 per month to get you comics, it's less than a cup of coffee
Furrynomous 2021/10/08 23:23:49 No.2020220
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Really want to see more >.<
Furrynomous 2021/10/08 23:45:07 No.2020221
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File: 473CE6BF-89B6-4E8C-978F-DD351C178E5A_u18chan.png - (1.66mb, 1080x1511, 473CE6BF-89B6-4E8C-978F-DD351C178E5A.png)

Furrynomous 2021/10/08 23:45:12 No.2020222
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File: DA1CCCB1-7C22-4C90-8A60-45288A10247F_u18chan.png - (4.81mb, 1830x2560, DA1CCCB1-7C22-4C90-8A60-45288A10247F.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/08 23:45:18 No.2020223
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File: 6BD6D46B-FC2A-458F-BD55-D6CD6C05455C_u18chan.png - (1.71mb, 1830x2560, 6BD6D46B-FC2A-458F-BD55-D6CD6C05455C.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/08 23:45:24 No.2020224
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File: 21E44455-E2BF-4CD2-8C77-505A12911718_u18chan.png - (1.66mb, 1830x2560, 21E44455-E2BF-4CD2-8C77-505A12911718.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 00:16:49 No.2020227
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OMG! Thanks! Thanks!!! Just are missing 2 pages, but I’m happy with this
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 02:25:37 No.2020243
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Oh you know, usually the people who love this manga, they are all people who have not made money or even have money but don't know how to pay on patreon so here we really need you to see the reward his monthly can be posted here so we can enjoy together, then we will be very grateful to you for posting this manga, we owe you a lot
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 03:17:02 No.2020246
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>we owe you a lot
Yes. About $2.
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 03:54:30 No.2020250
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Are you the one who posted the picture?
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 05:44:27 No.2020255
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File: 76AC1DA0-382F-4511-9F72-A4E3E7AEE09B_u18chan.png - (2.18mb, 1080x1511, 76AC1DA0-382F-4511-9F72-A4E3E7AEE09B.png)

Furrynomous 2021/10/09 05:44:31 No.2020256
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File: DAF7631F-747B-4AD0-9D8D-807AB6FABE94_u18chan.png - (1.83mb, 1080x1511, DAF7631F-747B-4AD0-9D8D-807AB6FABE94.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 05:50:11 No.2020261
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thanks :)
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 05:52:29 No.2020263
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Thank you so much for posting photos we appreciate you
Furrynomous 2021/10/09 20:03:20 No.2020435
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Woah. I am so happy to see he finally post it after the leak at first time.
Furrynomous 2021/10/10 10:44:03 No.2020622
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Thanks to who posted it!
Furrynomous 2021/10/12 17:47:01 No.2022569
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File: 16_272_u18chan.png - (5.07mb, 1830x2560, 16.png)

Furrynomous 2021/10/12 18:05:37 No.2022572
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Page 3 says its his first day at high school you fucking muppet.
Furrynomous 2021/10/13 08:28:02 No.2022723
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page 15 is missing
Furrynomous 2021/10/14 17:31:05 No.2023254
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This is hot.. love it
. Chatin # MOD # 2021/10/16 00:48:03 No.2023872
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We are NOT starting this again.

Edit: Did I fucking stutter? Anyone else want a vacation?

Edited at 2021/10/18 02:33:20
Furrynomous 2021/10/18 03:37:47 No.2024731
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Let's try and get this back on track then. Where's the colored version of page 15?
. Chatin # MOD # 2021/10/21 17:08:50 No.2026329
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File: no_3_u18chan.png - (91.84kb, 276x239, no.png)
Further discussion of age of consent, morals and different country BS will result in a permanent ban.

I warned you people more than once.
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:13 No.2026336
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File: 3_397_u18chan.png - (5.79mb, 1830x2560, 3.png)

Edited at 2021/10/22 00:09:00
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:18 No.2026337
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File: 4_344_u18chan.png - (7.73mb, 1830x2560, 4.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:23 No.2026338
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File: 5_301_u18chan.png - (6.25mb, 1830x2560, 5.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:28 No.2026339
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File: 6_273_u18chan.png - (5.05mb, 1830x2560, 6.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:33 No.2026340
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File: 7_244_u18chan.png - (4.44mb, 1830x2560, 7.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:39 No.2026341
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File: 8_206_u18chan.png - (5.6mb, 1830x2560, 8.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:44 No.2026342
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File: 9_189_u18chan.png - (4.94mb, 1830x2560, 9.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:50 No.2026343
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File: 10_424_u18chan.png - (6.08mb, 1830x2560, 10.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:27:55 No.2026344
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File: 11_405_u18chan.png - (4.82mb, 1830x2560, 11.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:28:01 No.2026345
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File: 12_356_u18chan.png - (5.78mb, 1830x2560, 12.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:28:06 No.2026346
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File: 13_324_u18chan.png - (2.11mb, 1080x1511, 13.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:28:11 No.2026347
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File: 14_317_u18chan.png - (1.75mb, 1080x1511, 14.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 17:28:17 No.2026348
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File: 15_292_u18chan.png - (1.63mb, 1080x1511, 15.png)
Furrynomous 2021/10/21 21:18:58 No.2026400
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Jeez these boys are hot
. Chatin # MOD # 2021/10/21 23:50:52 No.2026435
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Reading on a porn site, right.

Nothing being discussed was relevant to the comic and turned into shit throwing and finger pointing. This happens every, single, time, something like this gets posted.

On topic discussion allowed.
Off topic discussion is NEVER allowed on this site. We have a discussion board specifically for TALKING about things not relevant to the comic.

Moving - on.
Furrynomous 2021/10/28 09:00:34 No.2029244
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Just noticed he hadn't washed his hands since being caught. Might be the reason why the other guy got hard after he covered his mouth/nose.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 14:26:48 No.2031360
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Canines got a really good sense of smell.
Furrynomous 2021/11/01 20:52:11 No.2031582
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Furrynomous 2021/11/05 15:05:23 No.2033332
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File: 9_193_u18chan.png - (4.95mb, 1830x2560, 9.png)

Precisely why I uploaded an edited version of the comic, except the page I submitted featuring that observation seemed to warrant deletion. Remember guys, its only off-topic if its something the mods don't like.
Off and on topic discussions might as well be "what I do and don't like" because that's how its being enforced. but no one cares because the site is dysfunctional lol
Furrynomous 2021/11/09 05:22:38 No.2035236
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File: HAPPENINGATSCHOOLDraft19s_u18chan.png - (404.02kb, 800x1119, HAPPENING AT SCHOOL Draft 19(s).png)
I am not that other bloke, but I can oblige as well.
Furrynomous 2021/11/09 05:22:43 No.2035237
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File: HAPPENINGATSCHOOLDraft20s_u18chan.png - (394.08kb, 800x1119, HAPPENING AT SCHOOL Draft 20(s).png)
Furrynomous 2021/11/09 07:41:36 No.2035326
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This is getting exciting!
Furrynomous 2021/11/09 08:43:58 No.2035411
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. Chatin # MOD # 2021/11/09 16:49:23 No.2035684
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Don't feed the troll people. jfc
Furrynomous 2021/11/15 18:42:57 No.2038838
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File: B7ACEC80-DEB5-4CEA-ABC6-364D0C24E103_u18chan.png - (6.05mb, 1830x2560, B7ACEC80-DEB5-4CEA-ABC6-364D0C24E103.png)

Furrynomous 2021/11/15 18:43:02 No.2038839
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File: B7A9F07E-7995-41BF-9F5F-D2D70C1817D6_u18chan.png - (740.82kb, 732x1024, B7A9F07E-7995-41BF-9F5F-D2D70C1817D6.png)
Furrynomous 2021/11/15 18:45:49 No.2038841
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Furrynomous 2021/12/02 01:54:05 No.2047375
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File: HappeningAtSchool2_u18chan.png - (989.72kb, 1080x1525, Happening At School 封面 2.png)

Furrynomous 2021/12/07 23:56:52 No.2049699
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File: 83817AEB-F850-4B72-B717-CD1F14B0FEA4_u18chan.png - (6.29mb, 1830x2560, 83817AEB-F850-4B72-B717-CD1F14B0FEA4.png)
ask and you shall receive
Furrynomous 2021/12/07 23:56:58 No.2049700
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File: 00F21CF0-D228-4123-9859-4CEB75F8334E_u18chan.png - (5.29mb, 1830x2560, 00F21CF0-D228-4123-9859-4CEB75F8334E.png)
Furrynomous 2021/12/07 23:57:03 No.2049701
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File: 42D2CAAC-9928-4D55-A731-812B11E1A071_u18chan.png - (1.55mb, 1830x2560, 42D2CAAC-9928-4D55-A731-812B11E1A071.png)
Furrynomous 2021/12/07 23:57:08 No.2049702
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File: 3DD5723F-E993-47B8-9405-38DFD7E1D7B0_u18chan.png - (2.01mb, 1830x2560, 3DD5723F-E993-47B8-9405-38DFD7E1D7B0.png)
‘ Anonymous 2021/12/08 00:09:11 No.2049705
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All right! I had hoped Canynekhai would get the both of them to be naked with their shoes on.
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 00:31:10 No.2049707
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Thanks for the uploads. Love to see more of these boys
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 02:15:16 No.2049742
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man those are some hot studs.
nice young sexy fellas.
nice to see that the cat enjoys some dick too~
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 03:44:08 No.2049772
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Thank you for the new uploads!
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 05:29:10 No.2049808
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Damn, thanks for uploading!
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 17:42:02 No.2050161
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This young stuff is my guilty pleasure, so hot,
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 18:07:31 No.2050168
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That cat is fucking hot, gives top vibes but enjoys a nice canine dick
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 20:00:10 No.2050188
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I really like how he handles the wolf boy. Hes a horny goon enjoying himself.
Furrynomous 2021/12/11 00:01:17 No.2051249
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2050646 >>2050407

There needs to be more of this not-quite-cub stuff, teen furs are so hot. Super guilty pleasure 4sure.
Furrynomous 2021/12/26 15:23:33 No.2058247
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Ahhh, elementary school, middle school, high school. The golden age of endless sexual tension and exploratory behavior between friends. Good times.
I wish artists were more transparent about the accuracy of their stories. It's tricky to figure out which one's are experiential and which are imagined.
Furrynomous 2022/01/06 14:02:40 No.2064048
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People like to think sex exploration unlocks at 18 and don't watch porn before but truth is almost everyone does.
Furrynomous 2022/01/08 17:21:05 No.2064875
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There is nothing new on

Only this ominous warning from the author:

"Warn again Do not repost any content on another website.
It will influence other patreon's rights."

He may have changed his method of distribution to beat the leaks.

Sure, but the issues of u-18 yo's watching porn and u-18's depicted IN porn are worlds apart.
Furrynomous 2022/01/08 17:45:08 No.2064883
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I fucking hate artists that are like this.
Furrynomous 2022/01/08 17:46:11 No.2064884
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Everyone needs representation these days, even in porn! /s
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 07:31:25 No.2065103
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He DM's new pages to each person on Patreon.
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 08:36:17 No.2065133
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Ugh like a stingy cunt

but then that means some generous soul is dropping us these pages so we just have to wait
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 09:18:30 No.2065137
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File: 16EBF118-1A5D-4338-8B0E-03BA7E6C4A6B_u18chan.png - (4.95mb, 1830x2560, 16EBF118-1A5D-4338-8B0E-03BA7E6C4A6B.png)

Furrynomous 2022/01/09 09:18:36 No.2065138
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File: 85F9F217-9416-48FD-A1EB-13228D7D2BDC_u18chan.png - (5.07mb, 1830x2560, 85F9F217-9416-48FD-A1EB-13228D7D2BDC.png)
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 09:18:40 No.2065139
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File: 48A3A414-560D-495F-B7B6-B36FA70EE222_u18chan.png - (1.69mb, 1830x2560, 48A3A414-560D-495F-B7B6-B36FA70EE222.png)
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 09:18:45 No.2065140
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File: A1BA3CD6-FFE4-4269-9AE0-4A26AC77419F_u18chan.png - (1.64mb, 1830x2560, A1BA3CD6-FFE4-4269-9AE0-4A26AC77419F.png)
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 10:04:48 No.2065165
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That cat enjoys dick a little bit more than I thought
Furrynomous 2022/01/10 04:06:07 No.2065504
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Hella nice, thanks kind stranger!
Furrynomous 2022/01/15 22:54:45 No.2067709
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Remember when this story opened with a flashback to the protag getting into a car wreck?
Furrynomous 2022/01/16 05:28:45 No.2067804
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It'll probbaly be a cue to "Let's fuck at home. No one will see us there."
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/01/16 23:29:00 No.2068130
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You were warned.
Furrynomous 2022/01/29 21:37:03 No.2074257
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Furrynomous 2022/01/29 22:40:08 No.2074266
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Any updates??
fur-bi-boi 2022/02/01 00:47:59 No.2075147
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File: 8EB80622-1158-414C-92D4-FAFA162994D2_u18chan.png - (2.19mb, 4096x2304, 8EB80622-1158-414C-92D4-FAFA162994D2.png)

Furrynomous 2022/02/01 11:12:28 No.2075312
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Does anyone have the latest pictures?
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 03:00:12 No.2075574
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New Page is Up! :3
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 10:45:22 No.2075889
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I need a long story about these two!!
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 18:25:51 No.2076197
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File: A083068F-AC13-4A7F-AC79-2DB142986F2F_u18chan.png - (5.12mb, 1830x2560, A083068F-AC13-4A7F-AC79-2DB142986F2F.png)

Furrynomous 2022/02/02 18:25:57 No.2076198
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File: 34A818B2-B6EB-4DAA-9F16-0C13CC657767_u18chan.png - (6.7mb, 1830x2560, 34A818B2-B6EB-4DAA-9F16-0C13CC657767.png)
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 18:26:03 No.2076199
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File: 5E344F35-57D1-4931-AEF9-C87B2864C196_u18chan.png - (2.05mb, 1830x2560, 5E344F35-57D1-4931-AEF9-C87B2864C196.png)
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 18:26:09 No.2076200
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File: DD58F30C-C4E3-4418-82B6-F50873C0A47A_u18chan.png - (1.57mb, 1830x2560, DD58F30C-C4E3-4418-82B6-F50873C0A47A.png)
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 18:33:22 No.2076204
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.. Chatin # MOD # 2022/02/04 10:39:56 No.2077111
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Reminder that off topic discussion isn't allowed, and to not feed the /one/ troll that keeps derailing this using the same VPN. If you want to talk/discuss/bitch/whine about age take it to discussion. Arguing about it here being unrelated to the thread will only get it deleted. That includes suggestions for the site.

If you see a problem with another thread REPORT IT. Report function works regardless of the 500 error it's throwing. If you don't report it we don't know it's a problem - we're not checking 1-2k posts per week individually.

If you chose to ignore my warnings and got a vacation. Come to our chat on disc. We'd like to talk....
Furrynomous 2022/02/04 21:38:48 No.2077371
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Page 18 seems to be low quality.
Furrynomous 2022/02/04 22:02:36 No.2077376
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I love the artstyle and plot. Shame tho that there wouldn't be any page where they both are still naked with semi-hard dicks, somewhat covered in cum trying to catch a breath after the action. I just can't get enough of theese two. Really hope this comic would get a continuation, because it really ended too quickly :C
Furrynomous 2022/02/05 13:51:02 No.2077631
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knew for a while but no one is even bother to replace or upload the full quality ver...

yet the comic is about over
.. Chatin # MOD # 2022/02/05 18:08:34 No.2077813
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Congrats. This is now locked until there is an update, and it can stay locked since you can neither follow directions or the site rules.

.......We have a discussion board specifically for TALKING about things not relevant to the comic.
I clearly said to take it to discussion. YOU chose to ignore me and continue on, and then claim I'm censoring you.

Please go back to the 2nd grade and learn to read. Alternatively, fuck off.
. Chatin # MOD # 2023/03/22 20:01:44 No.2266808
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Thread is unlocked as there was an update and it was requested.

There will be no further warnings given my past posts on this thread.
Furrynomous 2023/05/03 16:09:54 No.2284482
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File: HappeningAtSchool_025_u18chan.png - (12.62mb, 2931x4100, Happening At School_025.png)
the last 2 colored
Furrynomous 2023/05/03 16:10:01 No.2284483
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File: HappeningAtSchool_026_u18chan.png - (10.35mb, 2931x4100, Happening At School_026.png)
Furrynomous 2023/05/04 02:28:52 No.2284685
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File: 7ED771DC-F209-4D26-A404-163810F600D8_u18chan1_u18chan.jpeg - (399.28kb, 1650x1650, 7ED771DC-F209-4D26-A404-163810F600D8_u18chan (1).jpeg)

Furrynomous 2023/05/04 02:29:15 No.2284686
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File: 271_2_u18chan.jpg - (143.68kb, 1280x1498, 27 (1).jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/05/05 17:30:08 No.2285501
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part 2 here
Furrynomous 2023/05/15 23:39:09 No.2290772
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File: CanyneKhai_RooksFantasy_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (791.82kb, 1020x1427, CanyneKhai_RooksFantasy_u18chan.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/05/21 09:28:27 No.2293230
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File: 202305S_u18chan.png - (1.3mb, 1728x1080, 狼豹桌布202305(S).png)

Furrynomous 2023/06/16 16:19:00 No.2307517
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It says "FIN" - or "END" as it's known. What "rest" are you referring to?

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