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File: TG_01_u18chan.png - (5.73mb, 5100x6600, TG_01.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Gardener Furrynomous 2021/08/19 16:56:32 No.1996777   
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By Jackaloo
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Furrynomous 2021/08/19 16:57:10 No.1996778
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Furrynomous 2021/08/19 16:59:30 No.1996779
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As long as we get some good sex scenes with emery I’m happy
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 19:30:33 No.1996815
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noah is fully aware about emery's thing with andy and gave emery permission, but i'm worried that emery will hookup with the gardener and not tell noah or something.
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 20:40:45 No.1996831
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There is a good reason why the title is "The Gardener". Though, I do not know when it is supposed to be happening, if before meeting Noah or after.
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 20:59:57 No.1996839
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emery met noah during falling flat before the start of vol 1. emery and noah seemingly got together after emery invited andy over but before emery and andy's first time, which was emery's first time sleeping with a guy. so it has to be after that, but likely before emery and noah's vacation
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 21:04:46 No.1996841
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My head hurts reading that XD
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 21:44:50 No.1996850
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I want to have Emory sit on my face
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 22:25:37 No.1996862
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Emery sleeping nude is such a mood
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 22:56:12 No.1996871
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Ugh, another spinoff?
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 23:17:25 No.1996873
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Finally, a new comic for the only hot character from Internship.
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 23:27:06 No.1996875
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A) Could be non-canon. B) Could be before Andy or Noah or any of the main story. C) Could be that he asks for permission from Noah like he does with Andy. D) Could be about Emery or Noah roleplaying as a gardener for sexy times.
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 23:40:45 No.1996877
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A) i imagine jackaloo would say so if it was
B) assuming he's going to sleep with the gardener, it has to be after his first time with andy
C) perhaps, i hope so
D) seems unlikely imo
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 23:54:49 No.1996884
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Inb4 it's about Emery drafting a strongly-worded letter to the HOA and then getting some work done without any gardener banging.
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 00:09:42 No.1996887
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He is missing his heart scar so this is either sloppy artwork or before he met Noah and Andy
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 01:14:13 No.1996903
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If it's not a mistake, I would guess that the comic starts before, but will timeskip to near the present before any sexytimes happen
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 01:24:41 No.1996904
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Going to guess, this might be the incident that preceded his separation.
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 01:31:29 No.1996906
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iirc it was well established that andy was the first time Emery had sex with a man. and in the patreon comments shown on kparty, jackaloo confirmed he doesn't have his daughters that day so its after the separation at least.

Edited at 2021/08/20 01:33:22
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 02:15:34 No.1996910
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>another terrible comic with the same boring characters
He needs to try something new
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 05:03:26 No.1996936
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They may be boring but at least they're hot
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 08:14:51 No.1997029
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Another comic...? I think Jackaloo's starting to milk his franchise at this point. I havent seen any proper sex between Cooper and Andy other than pathetic handjobs :/
Furrynomous 2021/08/20 08:21:49 No.1997033
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Wouldn't it be great if we could actually finish a comic before splitting off into several different, time-consuming, plot arcs that have no real relevance to the main plot line and central cast? Man, that would be so cool... 😑
Furrynomous 2021/09/06 14:21:38 No.2005552
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Furrynomous 2021/09/06 15:07:30 No.2005570
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Ok the gardener is HOT
Furrynomous 2021/09/06 15:09:45 No.2005572
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Agreed.i vote for a side comic featuring only the gardener ; )
Furrynomous 2021/09/06 15:28:48 No.2005574
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The Gardener x Gary when?
Furrynomous 2021/09/06 15:28:51 No.2005575
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I already like this new character
Furrynomous 2021/09/06 18:48:11 No.2005656
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What if the gardeneer IS Gary?
They look similar
Furrynomous 2021/09/06 20:07:30 No.2005679
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gary's facial hair is different and he has more belly, they could be related though
Furrynomous 2021/09/07 00:52:13 No.2005737
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Considering how many ridiculous contrived coincidences there are in this damn series, I wouldnt be surprised at this point if the gardener was Gary's dad or brother
Furrynomous 2021/09/07 01:27:16 No.2005746
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Why is Emery so goddamn FAT
Furrynomous 2021/09/07 03:44:44 No.2005787
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I wonder where Jack is going to squeeze this side comic into Emeries already bloated and convoluted arc?
Furrynomous 2021/09/07 10:47:54 No.2005861
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Sorry, but I can't understand why someone wouldn't want a tall, chubby daddy type with a beer can thick cock.
Furrynomous 2021/09/07 13:54:13 No.2005908
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I tried so hard to understand every single sentence, but with the lack of punctuations it just feels like a very bad riddle.
Furrynomous 2021/09/07 14:24:55 No.2005914
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Keep trying your hardest, you'll get there
Furrynomous 2021/09/07 14:25:47 No.2005915
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Is this just gonna be another Emery jerkin off moment or is he gonna creep in the Gardener?
Furrynomous 2021/09/08 03:14:08 No.2006157
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Isn't this essentially the same cover as Passing Love 2?
Furrynomous 2021/09/08 12:58:00 No.2006271
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almost certainly inspired by. hit's a lot different though.
Furrynomous 2021/09/12 22:33:02 No.2008318
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I hope to see Emery bottom in this comic
Furrynomous 2021/09/13 02:49:07 No.2008394
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Those hips scream "I'm a bottom"
Furrynomous 2021/09/14 22:29:58 No.2009357
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The gardener is Gary
Furrynomous 2021/09/14 22:43:40 No.2009360
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as mentioned before, gary's facial hair is different and he has more belly than the gardener, but they certainly could be related
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 07:58:51 No.2009522
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Furrynomous 2021/09/15 08:11:50 No.2009528
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Thats gary?!!!
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 08:18:51 No.2009533
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Dubiously canon crack pairing? I wish he would outright say one way or the other if this is canon or not
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 08:50:56 No.2009536
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I have legit forgotten who Gary is.
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 09:21:42 No.2009540
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coop's friend, he was literally just at the birthday party in the main comic
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 11:03:41 No.2009563
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Gary was also from the second chapter of the main comic and the spin-off, Summer's Gone.
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 14:21:25 No.2009731
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It will be Canon only if it's well received.
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 17:13:53 No.2009800
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Seriously, that's Gary? They barely look alike. So now we get yet another shoehorned plot of meeting someone who's connected to someone else, what with this here and also Mark being related to Noah. That on top of making this happen by giving Gary a second job that was never mentioned before this, seems Jackaloo's unnecessarily jumping through a lot of hoops when he could've just kept it simple. This guy could've been just any random Rottweiler/Doberman dude and it would've worked just fine.
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 18:24:31 No.2009814
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It is to be expected that Jackaloo would capitalize on the one likable character he has with broad sex appeal
HideTheRolls 2021/09/17 17:30:52 No.2010734
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Oh God. I'm terrified for Gary now....
Furrynomous 2021/09/17 17:38:35 No.2010735
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They wouldn't dare ruin him,he's basically their money maker XD
Furrynomous 2021/09/17 17:47:19 No.2010737
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File: Gary_0_u18chan.jpg - (793.38kb, 4096x3163, Gary.jpg)
Like, I'm not mad, I love Gary, but that dude and this dude don't look that similar.

Jackaloo just posted that on his twitter a little while ago. He's got more belly here then in the comic shot.
Furrynomous 2021/09/24 19:50:21 No.2013812
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Furrynomous 2021/09/24 20:34:50 No.2013831
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How did this guy kept himself in a closet for 50 years?
Furrynomous 2021/09/24 23:10:31 No.2013869
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In a previous episode.
Stomach pains and running to the restroom for a jack break to a familiar porn star that shows in the main comic.

It is possible many "straight" dl guys are on hookup lgbt apps.
Furrynomous 2021/09/25 00:35:13 No.2013905
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With every comic Emery continues to display odd traits and descend into new levels of creep. In his original appearance he wasn't too bad. Sure, he was leveraging a position at his company as a sort of dating program. But from there he had some wholesome moments, some odd moments, and then some downright strange moments. The bdsm scene at the office was kinda weird.

Emery had a fair amount of popularity in the beginning, especially compared to Cooper. Since Jakaloo seemingly intends for Cooper to hook up with Andy. It makes me wonder if he's been working to invent reasons for Emery to be disliked.
Furrynomous 2021/09/25 02:29:59 No.2013997
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To 2013905 and whoever else feels like the shoe fits

Do take into account that his "strangeness" can just be him figuring himself out sexually since as we know he's never had any emotionally meaningful or stable relationships with a guy. Honestly its pretty common for closet gays his age to go through a second "puberty" in situations where the can now be "themselves". Obviously it isn't gonna be clean and cut though but that's life and I'm so exhausted by the end all be all black and white mentality in the comments here. If half of you that say these characters are as unsalvageable as scum really behave like this in human interactions as if you have omniscience need to step away from your screen, go outside, make a friend, and touch grass.
Furrynomous 2021/09/25 12:57:04 No.2014153
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damn waldren's kinda ugly
Furrynomous 2021/09/25 14:40:42 No.2014188
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>Emery x Gary
What an awful pairing.
Meanwhile he skips over the idea of Coop x River.

Edited at 2021/09/25 14:41:18
Furrynomous 2021/09/25 14:51:06 No.2014190
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You love to reach wow, this isn't even creepy. When you see someone hot you check them out, it's usually how it goes. He's not stalking him or anything, the guy just happens to be outside his window and he doesn't wanna get caught looking at him with a hard on. Now it would be creepy if he just start packing off to him I'm the window where he could see it
Furrynomous 2021/10/19 14:08:01 No.2025283
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There's nothing wrong with Emery x Gary.

Coop x River, on the other hand, is horrific. I can see why people like it - because it gives more chances of development to Coop, but from where I'm standing, he's still FAR too toxic for this pairing to be any more than slow torture for River.

Maybe when Coop finally sorts out his shit and gets his head out of his closeted ass, but we ain't even close to getting there yet.
Furrynomous 2021/10/19 16:10:45 No.2025351
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Uh no. gary doesn't need to be dragged down with everyone else in this comic.let him keep his stable life and not be involved with this emotional travesty.
Furrynomous 2021/10/19 18:59:59 No.2025453
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Jackaloo is basically punishing people who realize that The Internship should have ended after the first one, when it was an internship with somewhat likable characters, instead of a multi-year long clusterfuck of a money maker.
Furrynomous 2021/10/19 19:11:41 No.2025457
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i'm going to take solace in the fact that this particular side comic might not be canon. jackaloo hasn't established a timeframe like he has for the other side comics, and explicitly called gary/emery a dubiously canon crack pairing when gary was revealed.
Furrynomous 2021/10/20 11:00:05 No.2025613
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Yeah. All the scenes right after this may look real but they could end up being framed as Emery's fantasy
Furrynomous 2021/10/23 18:53:23 No.2027122
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If Waldren and Gary do it - I think Waldren would bottom
Furrynomous 2021/10/23 18:58:30 No.2027124
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Me too
Furrynomous 2021/10/23 23:18:55 No.2027186
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Furrynomous 2021/10/23 23:41:49 No.2027190
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The angel has a valid point, ngl.
Furrynomous 2021/10/23 23:58:28 No.2027192
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How old are his kids anyway?
Furrynomous 2021/10/24 02:19:53 No.2027242
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Emery's daughters were shown just once, I think. The older one seemed to be either in early teens or pre-teen, the younger one seemed to be around 8 to 10 years old or so.
Furrynomous 2021/10/24 16:30:59 No.2027540
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Inb4 he's actually using the camera to see boss dog eyeing him up n down.
Furrynomous 2021/11/04 23:43:46 No.2033103
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Off to a great start lmao
Furrynomous 2021/11/05 23:24:06 No.2033524
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Furrynomous 2021/11/05 23:30:20 No.2033525
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Are we sure this is gary?,he seems more like an off brand/knockoff version of him to be honest.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 02:53:02 No.2033574
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It could be some other Gary, not the Gary from the main comic.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 03:21:49 No.2033581
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This could very well be non-canon tbf.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 03:25:42 No.2033583
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Fair points.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 03:34:56 No.2033585
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If this IS actually canon, my guess is it takes place shortly after Emery and his wife separated, and he's living in a new place, and hasn't had that many gay experiences yet.

No clue tho if this is a different Gary, or if Jackaloo just switched how he draws him, I mean, we all saw how Emery turned up.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 04:04:30 No.2033591
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Don't remind me : (
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 06:16:51 No.2033612
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emery's first time having sex with a man was andy, so if it's canon it has to be after that (which means he's already dating noah). jackaloo certainly made it sound like it's the same gary so he's just drawn differently.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 06:53:01 No.2033617
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If this is canon then it sure didn't take him long to attempt to cheat on noah XD
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 07:37:22 No.2033646
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Crazy fan idea: main comic series portrays side characters as they realy are, side-comics portrays them as they looks in the eyes of protagonist or how they remember them. So in main comic Gary is quite ordinary big beardy aloof guy, in Summer's Gone he's all macho (for Coop) and in this comic he's all PoolBoy/Plumber movies type (for Wally).
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 09:38:00 No.2033690
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Pretty sure this is non canon but if it goes over well it could be made canon
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 10:07:27 No.2033694
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With how these characters are portrayed in the story,i don't see this going over too well with the audience.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 20:57:18 No.2033986
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this is weird, i mean isnt gary straight? havent really seen hints of him being gay/bi since he does talk about girls and had a gf and he got all handsy with chelsea and her friend

but then again he did full on make out with cooper so maybe he's openly bi to everyone? or just to chelsea and the gang? or maybe he is openly bi but cooper and the others dont know that yet?

it feels shoehorned if he was straight in the main story but im gonna need more evidence that he's gay/bi so that this feels more organic and could be canon
me 2021/11/06 21:24:40 No.2034015
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Edited at 2021/11/06 21:24:56
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 21:31:03 No.2034018
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I'm just gonna consider this side comic fanfiction,that way i won't be disappointed if gary starts acting OOC
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 23:38:03 No.2034055
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Jackaloo already called this a "dubiously canon crack pairing", so yeah, it's pretty much just a silly, non-canon porno with these two.
Furrynomous 2021/11/06 23:47:44 No.2034056
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Oh thank goodness,gary was one of the only ones i would have been a shame to see his reputation get tarnished like practically everyone else.
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 02:20:12 No.2034122
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>That final panel background
I like how it's plain looking but Gary just had to point out how it's supposed to be "fancy", putting focus on it and immediately contradicting jackaloo's writing

Edited at 2021/11/07 02:20:52
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 04:10:43 No.2034144
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"I was hoping I could talk to you about something...

...if you need to jerk it please do it in my mouth not in the backyard"

At least that's where I see this going.
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 08:22:43 No.2034217
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It says a lot about that comic that the boss who coerced his subordinate in to having sex with him in exchange for a higher paying job is one of the likeable characters.
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 10:10:36 No.2034253
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jackaloo said he's considering cyoa for some parts of this since it's not meant to be serious, so it seems like this probably isn't canon
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 15:57:54 No.2034477
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fuck it, bring in the furry godmother then for a wild threesome
Furrynomous 2021/11/13 20:48:31 No.2037672
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Jackaloo is doing a poll on the gardener on Patreon anyone know what’s gonna happen
Furrynomous 2021/11/13 22:03:19 No.2037699
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Not sure what the poll is about but I remember reading jackaloo comment say he's thinking about make this comic have multiple options like choose your advanture style which I hope not related to the poll you questioning because I don't like the idea and I'm sure people who can vote choices will pick the worst option on purpose for laugh or troll other people by deny any possibility lead to sex moments
Furrynomous 2021/11/13 22:20:15 No.2037702
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Not gonna lie,i would do that. I'd ask for scenarios that would obviously lead to sexual encounters but completely blue ball everyone at the end. Trolling all the thirsty people wanting action XD
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 07:19:54 No.2045944
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That's the new page out. Could someone please post it?
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 11:16:45 No.2045991
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Furrynomous 2021/11/29 11:18:59 No.2045992
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Thanks for the page x
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 11:19:29 No.2045993
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As they always say, accidents will happen.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 12:19:43 No.2046028
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So (not)gary and emery are bonding over underwear,and are doing the classic(oops i spilled my drink on you,so you have to take your clothes off)trope? whatever makes the porn happen i guess XD
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 12:28:59 No.2046034
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It's just a silly, canon if you want it to be, comic that allows patreons to vote for what happens next.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 12:34:19 No.2046038
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it's either canon or it isn't. this schrodinger's canon "it's canon if you want it to be or not if you don't" is dumb. muh continuity
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:00:10 No.2046045
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Artists are free to write and draw as they see fit; for fun or otherwise. Just because characters have appeared in an established canonical universe, does not mean that the artist cannot have fun on the side in a comic that has NO EFFECT on the main story.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:21:57 No.2046053
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that's not what i'm saying. that's perfectly fine. but the artist can't have it both ways with whether that's canon or not. and while unlikely, if it was canon, gary hooking up with a guy and emery potentially cheating on noah could conceivably affect the main comic.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:29:31 No.2046057
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Yeah if this was made canon the whole story is gonna be thrown out of's already confusing enough.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:53:35 No.2046065
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> choose your advanture style

Usually artists team up with writers to leverage both talents where one alone wouldn't go very far. Delegating the writing to the audience and making them pay for the privilege by Patreon means every member dilutes the voting power of every other member, ensuring that nobody gets what they want.

The tragedy is, the worse it goes, the more people try to buy in to vote, which makes it even more difficult to form a consensus or have any clear direction, especially when anyone with even half a sense would not pay to vote: if you don't like what the majority likes, then your money is wasted; if you do like what the majority likes then you don't need to vote.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 13:58:37 No.2046070
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choose your advanture style is literally the worst thing to do. Artist should know what kind of story he wants to write, instead of leaving it up to patrons. Lemme remind you we got most of the silly filler side comics because people voted on them, not because he wanted to make them on his own and of course that last one felt extremely forced, as there was barely anything new to come up with, when it comes to coop x andy past.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 14:05:21 No.2046071
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CYA works when there's a limited exclusive audience and well defined boundaries. Otherwise it either ends up in a clusterfuck that's going nowhere, or the artist has to start railroading the story.

People should have learned from Prequel...
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 15:40:29 No.2046122
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> should have learned
Dog's Days Of Summer is one classical example:
At least Blotch girls had guts to stop CYOA experiment when readers voted for genital piercing...
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 17:47:14 No.2046224
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Isn't this before he started dating Noah? And weren't emery and Noah somewhat open in the beginning of their relationship sicme the Andy thing was going on
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 18:10:26 No.2046231
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you are right, it's established that Noah both knows and encourages him sleeping around with Andy. what isn't established is whether or not Andy ever knew of Noah
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 19:49:45 No.2046274
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ngl, this is kinda cring
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 21:31:26 No.2046293
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Not worried about if Andy knew or not, since he didn't. Mostly questioned that since the other guy said emerey would be cheating on Noah which isn't the case of they're open, or not together at this point
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 22:03:16 No.2046306
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emery started dating noah seemingly at the end of falling flat, just before sleeping with andy for the first time. andy was the first man emery had ever slept with, so assuming that he'll have sex with gary, he's already dating noah at this point. noah knew about andy and emery had permission for that, but is their relationship open outside of that?
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 22:06:54 No.2046308
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This isn't canon right? so the time period shouldn't matter.
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 22:07:38 No.2046309
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but that's the thing, people are saying it's canon if you want it to be
Furrynomous 2021/11/29 22:20:39 No.2046312
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So,like head canon? if so it's technically still not canon.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 00:17:21 No.2046373
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It's "dubiously canon," which basically means if it's received well Loo will say it's canon and if it isn't he'll say it's not.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 03:11:50 No.2046410
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I think he was being tongue-in-cheek there.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 11:20:03 No.2046609
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Eh, dubiously canon means that fans who want it to be canon can think it is while fans that don't can think it's not.

I doesn't matter either way if it never comes up in the main comic.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 12:15:06 No.2046655
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this have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too mentality is what bothers me. either it's canon or it isn't. you can't have it both ways. if this is a silly non-canon just for porn comic that's perfectly fine, but i think it needs to be made clear if it's canon or not one way or the other. even if it never comes up, implications of what did or didn't happen here will loom over the main comic if this isn't cleared up.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 13:03:36 No.2046684
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To be specific, the full term he used is "dubiously canon crack ship". So yeah, this isn't canon.
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 14:54:45 No.2046731
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Did jackaloo say when this comic takes place? Just gives off the energy that it happens before he's met Andy or Noah
Furrynomous 2021/11/30 16:47:25 No.2046834
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he didn't say that i'm aware of, which is probably a hint that it isn't canon since all the other side comics he did say when they took place. if it's fully non-canon sure, but if it's meant to even line up with canon it would have to be after.
Furrynomous 2021/12/08 21:28:58 No.2050252
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Any page????
Furrynomous 2021/12/09 09:18:04 No.2050392
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inb4 only a dream
Furrynomous 2021/12/25 21:49:25 No.2057971
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Any new pages?!?!?!?!?!
Furrynomous 2021/12/26 23:51:53 No.2058430
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Furrynomous 2022/01/03 18:41:01 No.2062605
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New page is out can someone post it please
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 02:16:22 No.2062782
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Emery will cuck Noah with Gary, here's hoping
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 03:23:04 No.2062798
Add Tag more cucking,it's getting ridiculous.
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 03:54:17 No.2062804
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"Bigger fellas"

Homie just played himself.
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 11:55:17 No.2062928
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Yo, DP, where be the page, my dude? We're rattling here. Please post it.
Furrynomous 2022/01/04 20:44:17 No.2063188
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This set up is so "porno" that it wouldn't surprise me if they just start making out inexplicably in the first panel next page
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 02:37:43 No.2063410
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All the comic is just Emery's wet dream, obviously.
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 07:30:37 No.2063470
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Furrynomous 2022/01/05 09:33:02 No.2063499
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>"Tell me what you like!"
Heeeere we go

Edit: thank you for uploading

Edited at 2022/01/05 09:33:44
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 10:19:41 No.2063517
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Hoping Gary strips in the next page
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 10:34:15 No.2063528
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As long as this isn't canon,might as well enjoy it.
Bootleg gary can be as OC as he wants.
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 21:06:59 No.2063777
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"how about a 20% discount? Lawn care is expensive bro"
Furrynomous 2022/01/07 19:33:40 No.2064505
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this is hot, it's like they're roleplaying a gay porn video
Furrynomous 2022/01/07 22:56:32 No.2064544
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I'll find it more funnier if Jackaloo makes this whole series in a gay porno series and the characters are all actors making the pro *whatever character they simp is god tier* rant their legs off

Edited at 2022/01/07 22:57:04
Furrynomous 2022/01/08 08:47:40 No.2064694
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Get on your knees bitch
Furrynomous 2022/01/08 10:51:47 No.2064723
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>Inb4 Andy walks in and is like "In front of my salad!?"
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 15:10:04 No.2065310
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Nice Boomer's Big Date reference.
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 19:03:27 No.2065359
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That meme is older than that comic.
Furrynomous 2022/01/09 19:24:09 No.2065370
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Are you new?
Wut 2022/01/09 20:40:11 No.2065400
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"I want all of your used Blu-Mammoth undies!"
Furrynomous 2022/01/23 13:12:07 No.2071536
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Any Updates maybe..? :3
Basti 2022/01/23 13:17:42 No.2071537
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Any Updates maybe..? :3
Basti 2022/01/23 13:18:54 No.2071538
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Any Updates maybe..? :3
... Basti 2022/01/23 13:19:25 No.2071540
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Any Updates maybe..? :3
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 07:56:53 No.2075743
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Furrynomous 2022/02/02 08:03:39 No.2075744
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Thank you so much for posting! They are both just so damn cute.
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 09:12:41 No.2075780
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No self respecting straight man would ever fucking rub bare bellies with a random stranger. This guy is either a fucking idiot or gay as they come
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 09:17:48 No.2075787
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sexy Homer Simpson moments
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 09:20:38 No.2075795
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It's a gay porn comic posted on a gay board. Pretty sure the gardener's gonna turn out gay even without the guy rubbing bellies with another dude.
Also how does 'self respecting' have anything to do with this. A straight guy that's confident about his own sexuality and not antsy about physical contact, would not feel uncomfortable in a situation like that.
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 09:20:47 No.2075796
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Remember,this is OC Gary.Practically everything about him deviates from the original.just think of him as a new character then he's a bit more tolerable.

Edited at 2022/02/02 09:58:00
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 09:32:52 No.2075825
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I still miss OG Gary tho :'(
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 10:26:25 No.2075886
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I hope Gary bottoms hehehe
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 10:42:47 No.2075888
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They'll probably take turns. Neither of them look like they'd both be strictly bottoms.
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 13:39:54 No.2075994
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god I fucking love Jackaloo sometimes
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 14:15:48 No.2076000
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You never played rattle battle rumble tums?
That's where you draw angry faces on two guys with big bellies and they bounce them on each other until one falls over.
There's also breadbasket smash where two smash the bread between them. Usually the bread is the smallest guy there and it's customary for them to be oiled up like a breadstick.
One last I can think of is mulberry in the middle which is a game similar to red rover but the shirtless ones slap the mulberry's ass as they try to get through them without being jammed into a corner.
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 17:42:16 No.2076179
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Gary is just one of those guys that are so straight that they're gay. Met plenty of those types...
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 18:06:45 No.2076190
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Nah,he's hot enough that you wish he was gay.hence why he's in this comic.OG Gary has a girlfriend and though he teases a lot,he's happy with her.
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 21:28:17 No.2076362
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"A guy that's confident in their sexuality shouldn't have a problem rubbing private parts with a complete stranger."

What kind of dumbass logic is that?
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 21:53:55 No.2076375
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Don't remember Gary having a girlfriend. He seems like the type that's straight but wouldn't mind getting sucked off by a guy
Furrynomous 2022/02/02 23:12:19 No.2076400
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He briefly mentioned his breakup with GF in Vol. 2

This comic could be canon in Interiverse if Wally became Bezos-level rich and had comissioned a porn movie with himself starring to fullfill his (quite vanilla) sexual fantasies. It was shot at Rails Movie Studio, the one that used to make adult ads for Rails Club with Cooper and River. Gary was dragged into it after he lost his job at the pub and was so short of money he had to agree to this as it was the easiest way to fix his finansial situation (almost the same way as Cooper became corporate slave for Fletcher).
Furrynomous 2022/02/03 06:52:55 No.2076499
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This got my interest
Furrynomous 2022/02/03 07:24:03 No.2076502
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that wasn't vol 2, it was summers gone talking about an old breakup from a girl named holly. he's dating jenn in the present
Furrynomous 2022/02/12 15:47:17 No.2080652
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Calling it now they are gonna compare their dicks
Furrynomous 2022/02/12 15:53:54 No.2080663
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It's frotting time!
Furrynomous 2022/02/12 18:13:14 No.2080725
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Fuck yeah
Furrynomous 2022/02/13 09:12:26 No.2080894
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I wonder that will Walden bottom
Furrynomous 2022/02/13 16:44:38 No.2081001
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Personally I thinks it’s likely but we’ll see
Furrynomous 2022/02/14 05:12:32 No.2081198
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new page out
Furrynomous 2022/02/14 16:08:37 No.2081442
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Furrynomous 2022/02/14 16:27:50 No.2081448
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Oooh can’t wait too see the next page this is hot
Furrynomous 2022/02/14 16:28:03 No.2081449
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I love how silly this is haha thank you for posting
Furrynomous 2022/02/14 19:43:43 No.2081516
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Welp, congrats anon.

10 points for Gryfindor.
Furrynomous 2022/02/14 22:26:16 No.2081567
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Honestly love these two together
Furrynomous 2022/02/14 22:52:25 No.2081574
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... I need to find some dude-bro friends, hold up
Furrynomous 2022/02/15 03:23:12 No.2081615
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Me too.
Furrynomous 2022/02/15 07:45:03 No.2081687
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funny how Jackaloo shines on short, porn-driven comic but insists in making that horrible series lol
Furrynomous 2022/02/15 08:20:50 No.2081695
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Well to be fair, short and porn-driven comics are easier to write than long spanning slow-burns that deal with identity issues and general coming-of-age narratives.
Furrynomous 2022/02/15 08:38:43 No.2081697
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Especially when you start one as a short porn-driven comic and then try to expand it.
Furrynomous 2022/02/15 09:24:28 No.2081705
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He had too much fun writing Coop. Then it spiraled out of control when he tried to course correct things by turning it back to an AndyxCooper thing cuz Andy as a character is terrible. A basic stuff insert for furry readers placed into a character study piece is probably the funniest fuck up when you think about it
Furrynomous 2022/02/15 10:13:32 No.2081734
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holy hell, his balls are huge
. Chatin # MOD # 2022/03/03 23:19:33 No.2089705
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Do me a favor and A take the sexuality discussion to, discussion, or B go get laid.
Furrynomous 2022/03/05 18:15:52 No.2090417
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Furrynomous 2022/03/05 18:37:10 No.2090423
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Fuck dude I don't even know what kink/fetish this is but I love it.
Furrynomous 2022/03/05 18:49:22 No.2090425
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Non canon fanfiction.
Furrynomous 2022/03/05 19:14:34 No.2090433
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I like where this going
Furrynomous 2022/03/05 19:49:59 No.2090442
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Calling it now Emery gonna suck Gary
Furrynomous 2022/03/05 22:03:01 No.2090499
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It’d also be cool to see Emery and Gary fuck each other
Furrynomous 2022/03/05 22:47:21 No.2090504
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Orientation play. Although I think that real orientation play requires both parties to be straight, but I'm not entirely sure
Furrynomous 2022/03/06 04:49:03 No.2090587
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Go for him big boy
Furrynomous 2022/03/11 20:18:24 No.2093088
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Can't wait for the next page
Furrynomous 2022/03/11 23:29:10 No.2093191
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Curious anyone got what the poll options were for the next page
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 06:26:43 No.2093770
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Ye shall make the grower grow! Hussar!
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 12:29:59 No.2093870
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He legit get's bigger every new Comic.
Compare his size from the first comic with now.
Give it 5 more Comics and this guy will be packing half florida in his pants
Furrynomous 2022/03/13 14:28:37 No.2093916
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Which part? The dick, or his gut?
Furrynomous 2022/03/14 01:32:10 No.2094228
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Both equally sexy
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 16:12:04 No.2095240
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These come out every two weeks? Can't wait for the next page.
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 16:25:00 No.2095246
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Edited at 2022/03/16 16:25:20
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 19:11:22 No.2095292
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I don't like how they look like they are all skin and no fur. Whole body looks like freshly shaven skin with an extra shiny/oily dick.
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 19:32:14 No.2095297
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damn that sucks cause i think it looks hot oh well
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 21:02:43 No.2095333
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Oh No! An unvetted opinion... my only weakness!

Edited at 2022/03/16 21:04:30
Furrynomous 2022/03/16 21:19:13 No.2095339
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"I personally enjoy the company of other men"
lol, what's next?
Indubitably, my good man, I do enjoy a little morning Fellatio before breakfast. After stimulation, might we partake in a little post brunch coitus to help Seize the day carpe diem!
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 00:11:03 No.2095391
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How else would you say it without "saying" it?
Stop being so shallow and pedantic.
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 00:20:11 No.2095393
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Lol you're funny
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 00:48:47 No.2095395
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I've been known to dabble in dill
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 00:58:52 No.2095398
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Say you enjoy having sex with men. Notice you never use the word 'gay'.
Just say straight up women don't exactly peak my interest, or just ask to grab his Dick And if he says yes then start stroking he'll learn real fast or he won't care cause it's free sex.

Edited at 2022/03/17 01:03:23
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 03:49:51 No.2095451
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Tbf there was nothing wrong with the way Emery said it, alot of people especially older people say it like that. You're just being annoying lol
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 08:46:24 No.2095501
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Emery is his own character, shy, charming and gentlemanly. why do these guys want to change the dialogue?

Edited at 2022/03/17 08:46:48
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 11:22:20 No.2095527
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I thought his wording was awkward too
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 11:45:45 No.2095537
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Furrynomous 2022/03/17 12:14:18 No.2095545
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Emmery is an exaggeratedly polite character, nothing weird in the dialogue.
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 13:32:27 No.2095577
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Heard worst lines in grindr or growlr basically saying "u want sum fuk"

This is pretty tame

Edited at 2022/03/17 13:45:07
Wut 2022/03/17 14:22:58 No.2095590
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I liek p00pholes and dickzZ
Furrynomous 2022/03/17 14:43:43 No.2095596
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Furrynomous 2022/03/17 15:47:07 No.2095612
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Emery sounded completely fine in context. Don't want to scare "straight" guys with the G-word.
Furrynomous 2022/03/18 00:56:12 No.2095798
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There was nothing wrong with his dialog, yes it was clunky but that clunkiness is in line with his character. it's just a joke I was just pointing out something funny from a comic I liked, don't take it too seriously guys. Chill.

I would just ask to grab his dick and start sucking! If he doesn't like it then you can blame him for Pulling his Dick out and sending confusing signs.
Furrynomous 2022/03/18 00:58:17 No.2095799
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Say No Homo
Furrynomous 2022/03/18 00:59:03 No.2095800
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Furrynomous 2022/03/18 06:14:52 No.2095860
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Clunky is a weird way to describe dialogue
Furrynomous 2022/03/24 08:24:28 No.2099098
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New page is out can someone post it please
Furrynomous 2022/03/24 09:37:38 No.2099108
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Furrynomous 2022/03/24 09:51:17 No.2099114
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I honestly couldn't care less of the canonicity of this. Beefy hung guy, jerking off his beefy hung gardener? Hot as fuck.
Furrynomous 2022/03/24 10:14:53 No.2099116
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It's not canon anyway so we might as well enjoy long as the real Gary's good name isn't besmirched by Jackaloo,I don't really care what happens to bootleg gary aka Lary.

Edited at 2022/03/24 10:16:43
Furrynomous 2022/03/24 12:15:32 No.2099149
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Ugh this is so good
Furrynomous 2022/03/24 21:54:18 No.2099363
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praise the gay gods, lol! I love it! Next I have sex I wanna be like... Thank you for this bountiful Dick.
Furrynomous 2022/03/27 14:55:43 No.2100746
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Jackaloo is an epic memelord who makes me rofl and XD
Furrynomous 2022/04/09 18:26:40 No.2106977
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After next page of internship
Furrynomous 2022/04/15 09:38:51 No.2109901
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New page is out can someone post it please
Furrynomous 2022/04/15 09:40:00 No.2109902
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Furrynomous 2022/04/15 09:58:23 No.2109904
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And before he nuts, it's all a dream.
Furrynomous 2022/04/15 11:04:08 No.2109946
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This was fun at first

But Emery's funny faces are starting to feel overused.
Furrynomous 2022/04/15 12:32:30 No.2110147
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Hot AF hope to see them fuck
Furrynomous 2022/04/15 15:23:07 No.2110221
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this might be my favorite thing jackaloo is working on, it sucks we have to wait so long for new pages
thanks for sharing!
Furrynomous 2022/04/15 17:48:45 No.2110262
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Not used enough
Furrynomous 2022/04/16 01:24:07 No.2110379
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Use it in doses.
Furrynomous 2022/04/16 02:18:29 No.2110385
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We really don't see it that often, and it's cute so not worth complaining about
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 15:03:02 No.2115118
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New page is out can someone post it please
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 18:23:25 No.2115175
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Furrynomous 2022/04/26 18:27:32 No.2115177
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thank you! buttsex incoming
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 19:42:09 No.2115190
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Is he gonna move an inch and accidentally impale him?
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 15:16:08 No.2115704
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I have that problem alone. Can't see my dick without a mirror. Though even with that it's hard to see.
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 09:14:02 No.2124871
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New page out can someone post it please
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 10:56:47 No.2124910
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Furrynomous 2022/05/15 11:56:11 No.2124921
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Throat fucking is so hot
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 21:21:15 No.2125255
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wonder if this will end without anal
would be refreshing!
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 22:36:05 No.2125280
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Talk about a waste of art. Might as well put it in /cute/
Furrynomous 2022/05/15 23:54:58 No.2125299
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I would love to be Emery right now.
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 08:24:02 No.2130045
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Furrynomous 2022/05/27 08:40:31 No.2130047
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Am I the only one that hates a dry finger up the butt
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 09:46:19 No.2130071
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His finger wasn't dry
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 11:45:45 No.2130117
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Well that escalated quickly. Wonder if penis in butt is on the menu
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 12:03:05 No.2130123
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Jackaloo said it was going to be a 20 page-comic so who knows, i think he will cum in the next page and maybe a blowjob from Gary 2.0 maybe there is 4 pages left for anal.
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 16:34:33 No.2130216
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I forgot furries can drool lube
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 17:41:15 No.2130231
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Furrynomous 2022/05/27 18:08:34 No.2130239
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Foxes can. *snap*
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 18:42:59 No.2130251
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Saliva works almost as good as lube, just dries much faster than.
Furrynomous 2022/05/27 21:27:05 No.2130293
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Imagine if Gary reacted to the finger like a dog reacts to a suppository and bit Emery's face
Furrynomous 2022/06/11 19:59:58 No.2137247
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Anyone knows when the new page's coming out ?
Furrynomous 2022/06/13 12:40:34 No.2138205
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on the 27 maybe
Furrynomous 2022/06/16 12:27:59 No.2139091
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So he touched his backside-tralala. And theeeeen?
Furrynomous 2022/06/23 20:59:40 No.2142800
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New page yet?
Furrynomous 2022/06/24 20:04:04 No.2143284
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Not even released to Patrons yet
Furrynomous 2022/06/25 14:07:49 No.2144285
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Furrynomous 2022/06/25 14:30:14 No.2144305
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Thank you
Furrynomous 2022/06/27 05:00:46 No.2145038
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It's getting hot in here :3
Furrynomous 2022/06/27 11:06:20 No.2145124
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Wdym "getting"? They literally JUST finished
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 09:39:11 No.2145415
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are you mentally impaired?
I'm seriously asking.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 12:40:26 No.2145633
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I can't wait for the sex stuff to finally begin
Furrynonymous 2022/06/28 12:48:42 No.2145637
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The fuck is wrong with you two? Lol such a weird and somewhat heated reaction
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 13:37:00 No.2145654
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Horny people on these threads tend to be the angriest. Their unga bunga instincts take over and they become needlessly aggressive over shit that ultimately doesn't matter
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 14:12:06 No.2145680
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If only they had bitches and could leave their basements to redirect all that anger to fucking their brains out.

Actually, thinking about it, the ability to get laid would probably solve most of society's anger issues.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 21:48:19 No.2145888
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Furrynomous 2022/06/28 22:19:58 No.2145923
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Wonder what's going to happen next
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 22:57:58 No.2145954
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Mods move it to /cute/ for lack of gay sex.
Furrynomous 2022/06/28 23:08:38 No.2145957
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Calling it now it’s all a dream
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 00:53:35 No.2145980
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I mean if it's a goofy non-canon spinoff does it really matter if it's a dream or not?
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 01:51:41 No.2145995
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But thier just calling it. why does that matter?
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 03:05:27 No.2146011
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Honestly, with how over the top that last page was, I don't doubt it...
Why does anything matter really?
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 03:13:46 No.2146016
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Things matter to an extent. if you have no direction in your life, you'll wander aimlessly throughout it.
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 06:24:47 No.2146034
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I'm impressed this comic made me like every single page unlike the main comic
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 11:06:17 No.2146116
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Oh come on it's hot because it's slightly realistic. It's just too unrealistic to see a guy's first m/m experience to be full on anal
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 11:51:20 No.2146128
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I wouldn't say unrealistic, just unlikely. You'd have to be the right straight guy to know but none of us here are straight
Furrynomous 2022/06/29 17:06:29 No.2146219
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Furrynomous 2022/07/19 08:12:03 No.2156038
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Furrynomous 2022/07/19 12:55:04 No.2156099
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>Iris out
Furrynomous 2022/07/19 13:44:23 No.2156115
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Furrynomous 2022/07/19 15:48:36 No.2156162
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Well that was fun I guess.
Furrynomous 2022/07/19 16:08:57 No.2156169
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That was entertaining and hope the next side comic focus on fletcher or maybe Charlie
Furrynomous 2022/07/19 16:17:11 No.2156171
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I'm making a personal bet:

The next side comic is gonna focus on Mark
Furrynomous 2022/07/19 16:24:03 No.2156175
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Yeah, Mark meets River or something, maybe they're exes, who knows, internshipverse needs to have too many pairings and love traingles xd
Furrynomous 2022/07/19 18:13:04 No.2156201
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These comics are non-canon.

You literally could have an orgy with every male canon character.
Furrynomous 2023/01/08 01:25:03 No.2236564
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File: Fl0Zpg4X0B8Iier_u18chan.jpg - (511.82kb, 2048x2048, Fl0Zpg4X0B8Iier.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/01/08 13:46:25 No.2236847
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The guy in the middle is the actual winner ^^

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