1. With the statement being said, exactly is a male's general perspective here in this society supposed to be? Are males expected to curtail aggressive behaviors by other males, or are they sent somewhere to be taught how not to display what we in the real world would be considered dominant traits/behaviors?
2. Why would same sex be frowned upon if the entire culture is matriarchical, especially in a world of arranged marriages? Wouldn't such relationship be considered non-threatening because a person has already been chosen who they will marry, and thus there's no fear of infidelity, so long as the wife sanctioned such a paring. We've literally seen that such relationships are made into something of a spectacle. Also, why would female-female relationships be frowned upon if the society heavily favors women, especially if either or woman would be given a spouse?
3. ...okay, so what's the point of the marriage if neither partner cares about one another? Wouldn't it make more sense for a woman to choose men from a gathered group and then be fertilized invitro if the idea was that strong genes were needed to breed a new generation?
4. How exactly is crime handled in this world? Meaning, what is the justice system. Can someone commit murder and recieve a blue dot, or would they be imprisoned? Are there prisons here in this world? Are women solely in charge or them, or is there a caste of males who handle 'dangerous' males? What happens in a marriage if a male has too many of these dots? Is it considered a shame on the woman? Could she ask for a divorce? Would this affect her social standing to not be in control of her husband?
5. So...men swim in order to prove their worth to their women...even though their relationships are arranged? What happens if he decides not to go through with this practice? What happens if he becomes too old to go through with this practice? What happens if he drowns while swimming?
6. How advanced is the society in question, because if we assume that this is a modern-ish world, what sort of financial society do the canines participate in? Capitalism? Feudalism? Communism? A monarchy?
Also, do the canines participate in trade with others, or is their society completely self-sufficent? If they have trade, are there conflicts between nations? If there's not, does the society particpate in a 'one-child' type policy like China had to keep the numbers of people in check? Or is there something else entirely?
That in mind, what is the ratio between men-to-women here in this world? Because we've mostly seen males together. Is that normal? Or is this an unusual situation? Furthermore, is it normal for men to be with women in this society, or do men have their own sects for which they are kept in until they are pulled out for social functions?
What sort of business do men get into? I assume that there must be something like S.T.E.M. since the society is modern-ish, thus are men expected to major in any of the above, and if so...what do the women do? Or, if not, then what actually do the men do in this society, other than be breeding stock?
What sort of rights do men have here, as opposed to women? Can men drive, vote, and own property, or is everything at the hands of their mothers, wives, sisters...etc and they have to be given permission to apply for such things?
Also, what happens to a husband after a wife dies? Does everything he had with his wife revert back to the mother of the wife, or does the male have rights to keep what he has?
What about children? Is there a line between how both genders are reared? We can assume that women are taught of their station above men through other women, but are their different schools for men and women? Are males and females separated at a certain age so that they can be trained how to behave in accordance to society?
7. So...there's a god in this world? Is she the only one? Is there no male deity? Does she have any subordiantes, such as angels or spirits to met out responsibilities to? Yes, there are other spirits, but are they underneath her guidance, or do they do whatever they want despite her? How powerful is she compared to them? Do they try and challenege her authority, or do they ignore her? What is her authority, i.e. is she like Hera, a goddess of Marriage, Sehkmet, a goddess of War, or is she like Allah, a supreme diety without equal? Or is she just the goddess of canines, or just all females in general?
Is she all-seeing/all-knowing, or is she fallable? Does she incarnate into physical form, or remain purely spiritual? Did she create males and females, or are males an abberation? Does she personally see males as lesser, and if so, why does she allow them to exist if she can create an endless supply of females? Edited at 2022/07/21 01:25:42