The thing I absolutely HATE about Zourik is his world building or lack of it. He has an idea, some random will go "this is not how it works in game lmao" as if it NEEDS to, then he'll change it, then he adds these weird horny abilities and suddenly nobody EVER can be horny on their own because there will be a hidden Incineroar/any other dark type fucking with their horny senses and using their horny HA because lol gotta game mechanic and it's just "town" and "the other town" and "that other OTHER town" like ffs. Reboot the universe, strip down game mechanics, and say fuck you to the nerds who would whine about Incineroar sons having a Blaziken mom. "It doesn't work that way in gaaaame" well they're not anthros in game either lmfao so shut the FUCK up.
Good god this Pokeverse is a fucking mess. Not to mention that one recent pics. Trainers probably exist so all of this AND the anthro world is combined into one. They can just pokeball everyone and then unleash their army of horny dark types onto the world to completely fuck (literally) the shit out of everyone. Fucking stupid.