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File: morenatsutitleremake2_u18chan.png - (355.85kb, 800x600, morenatsu title remake2.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Morenatsu ~Revisited~ DzahnDragon 2017/10/01 19:51:18 No.1327994   
Latest update can be found here:

Hello, Everyone!

I want to share a project I've been working on the past few months.
I'm slowly rebuilding Morenatsu from the ground up in the Ren'py engine, and right now I've got a build that's in a (mostly) presentable state.

I remember how difficult it was to get it to work the first time, and with downloads of the original becoming harder and harder to find, I think now's a good time to share what I've got so far.

It's a shame the team let the project die after so long, and as a big fan I want to do my part in making sure it isn't forgotten.

Admittedly, this version is not 100% faithful to the original translation. However, I've taken advantage of the engine shift to give the whole thing an "editing" pass. Hopefully you find it more consistent now that everything is in a single "voice."

In the spirit of fan remakes, I also am going to try my hand at finishing the routes that were never added (Torahiko, Soutarou, Kyouji). There are snippets of what I have so far tucked away in the game if you pick the right options on the right days.

Also, I've made a Mac version of the program, too, since I don't remember the original being compatible with those systems.

I'm not good at this, err, advertising thing, so...


Download Links:

Please check out the latest version

Development roadmap here:

If you want to keep track of updates on this project, consider following me on one of my pages:
Edited at 2018/01/17 21:21:57
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Furrynomous 2017/10/01 20:48:30 No.1328013
Last two revival projects died pretty quickly with little to show for it. Looking forward to seeing how far you go.
Furrynomous 2017/10/01 21:50:07 No.1328051
File: 1e5_u18chan.gif - (2.79mb, 365x268, 1e5.gif)
Furrynomous 2017/10/01 23:15:51 No.1328142
I wish you a good luck. Just to tell you we all want this to be finished and that I have a little wish to you...

If you please, can you put an additional ending for Tappei-sama at the bar?
One time, the last revival project did a thread about adding new scenes to the game and I suggested for the last revival project a bad ending at that scene when he tries to make you prove the sake. In this ending (after a little good smut sex), you wake up in Tatsuki's house sleeping with Tappei where he proclaims to you as his pet toy. And Tatsuki do nothing to stop him once he discovers you by entering in the room because Tappei proves his ownership of you to him by saying he could "share" you with him. I even written out as follow:

"He shrugs his shoulder and say "fine by me" and exits the room.

'WHAT?' You screams. Then you feel something being fasten up in you neck; it was a collar.

Before you even register it, you feel a tug and you fell on Tappei's lap. He grins at you with a leash in his hands. You gulps after he says while pointing down:

'It's time for your breakfeast.'"

It would be hilarious and super hot for the Tappei fans.

Edited at 2017/10/01 23:30:09
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 00:33:03 No.1328172

I want to say I am thrilled and attempt is being made and I wish you all the best of luck!
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 02:52:57 No.1328195

Well...its not like he's wrong. I still remember that one guy trying to make his character Torahiko's dad... the cringe man...the cringe.
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 03:37:22 No.1328208
Hey good luck with this! I appreciate what you're doing
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 05:05:57 No.1328243
if ever you plan on making new sprites or cg into it, please hire someone professional and has art style matches the original work (kemono).
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 08:40:23 No.1328293
It would be cool to rewrite the Shun route so it's waay less creepy. Perhaps instead make it so Shun knows about "the birds and the bees" the whole time and is afraid to come out as gay to his grandpa, who could be rewritten as being homophobic. Perhaps the Kodori Sex Guidebook could be rewritten as being a guide on how to win visual novels (and Hiroyuki uses it to learn how to win over Shun's emotions)
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 09:23:57 No.1328313
AAaah the Shun route. I have never cringed so hard before in my life.
DzahnDragon 2017/10/02 10:33:45 No.1328337
Ahaha! Took me a while to find this again. What a funny place to move it...

Yeah, I know there's a lot of these, and I'm a bit concerned I'm stepping on some toes here. At the absolute barest minimum, I plan to at least have the six routes that are already written moved over.

I have some plans for "bonus" routes, but I probably won't work on them until the main cast is finished.

Thanks! I hope I can live up to expectations.

I'm aware of the fiasco the Revival group had with sprites. I am doing everything I can to avoid having to make new artwork for the project. I'm a fan of consistency. However, I know it'll be jarring to have "scenes" without CGs, but I'll figure it out when I get to that point.

Haha! Oh, geez, you already anticipated what I'm gonna do with Shun's route. I've tried REALLY hard to downplay the shota elements and develop him into more of a "character" as a result.
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 11:19:30 No.1328352

One thing that seems to be noticeable is that original Shun never gets truly angry and it makes him less of a character. I would like it if he develops true anger and gets mad at, say, Iwao. Perhaps this develops in him over time, and it surprises the other characters.

I'd also make it so that Shun x Hiroyuki are open about their relationship with their parents and the other characters.

As for the very first scene at the river, it can be changed to where he secretly wants Hiroyuki to see his underwear (and he likes that kind of underwear).. perhaps he didn't pack a suit and is blushing when he undresses, but a bit of him likes it that Hiroyuki is seeing him undressed.

I notice in the original route Shun feels no shame at all until the first sexual encounter w/ Hiroyuki and then he's embarrassed. That's backward. Make him embarrassed and shy first, then he lets down his guard.

Edited at 2017/10/02 11:30:02
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 17:46:39 No.1328530
"Mac: (Note, I don't have a Mac to check this, so it's basically untested)"

It works just fine. Thanks for making a stable version for Mac. The old Wineskin trick stopped working years ago as newer macOS versions removed various techniques Wineskin used to manipulate.
DzahnDragon 2017/10/02 21:46:53 No.1328632

Thanks! Glad to hear it works! I was worried there for a bit...
Furrynomous 2017/10/03 00:45:16 No.1328678
I gotta say, after the main cast, if you decide to do side charcter routes...

My vote is for Yukiharu and Tetsuya....
Lazy-o 2017/10/03 13:07:36 No.1328902
why it's on /rs/?
soon will dissappear... mods please
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 05:25:01 No.1329231
Mod could you move it from rs to gfur please
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 10:54:39 No.1329344
Hey, shota is not bad. But the shun's rote is horrible because at every sex scenes you feel you are committing a rape.

Shun's route at least should be cute.
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 10:55:37 No.1329346
Mine is for Tappei-sama!!
Ro Koji !RoKoji3/cM # ADMIN # 2017/10/04 11:04:42 No.1329351
Moved to /gfur/
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 11:12:32 No.1329356

Thank you
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 11:57:45 No.1329371
Don't self-insert.
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 12:57:40 No.1329397
"I love what you're doing, but do what I want too. Me me me." <- Anyone doing this, get over yourself and let him do what he wants. The Tappei-sama stuff in particular is a cringe fiesta. If he wants suggestions he'll ask for them.
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 15:02:54 No.1329455
are you going to add Kenji Mikazuki?
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 15:06:39 No.1329456
>"I love what you're doing, but do what I want too. Me me me."

Reading that out loud to myself made me laugh more than it should have.

Edited at 2017/10/04 15:06:49
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 15:35:43 No.1329463
I can only see this ending badly just like that other attempt.
Lazy-o 2017/10/04 15:46:35 No.1329468
so... I've been playing and trying Tatsunii route again... but I end up with the Tora kiss ending... (tried 2 times lol)
I'm doing something or I lost my attention while reading the notes?
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 16:01:29 No.1329499

Chuukichi could make for a nice side character romance, but I'm more excited just seeing the game get a good polish.
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 16:35:06 No.1329521
All routes end on day 15 as of v0.1 with the all routes ending with the temporary kissing scene with Tora.

"+ All content up to and including the camping sequences on the 15th"

"+ A special (though temporary) ending ending featuring Torahiko"

I was confused at first until I carefully read what was actually in v0.1.
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 16:44:06 No.1329529
This, for the love of God. Ignore anything that's just "insert this specific cringey scene I've been fantasizing of for 4 years" please OP.
Lazy-o 2017/10/04 18:04:45 No.1329593
oooh, thanks for the light ~
DzahnDragon 2017/10/04 18:14:49 No.1329595

I am acutely aware of the "situations" that sank previous attempts, which is why I am strictly keeping this a solo project, at least for now.


Unfortunately, none of the route finales are complete in this version, and all routes currently default to Torahiko's temporary ending. The next update will have the finales for both Juuichi and Tatsuki, though, since I know they are the most popular routes and I wanna get them out of the way as quickly as possible!

Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I really appreciate the response I've been getting! Honestly, I expected to be torn to shreds more than I have so far, but alas! I suppose time will tell!
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 20:32:18 No.1329637
How do I see all the endings? I spent all my time with one character, and then in the end the game decided the tiger was who I was gonna be with.
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 22:12:54 No.1329687

Explained here:
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 22:39:26 No.1329709
Don't came here whinning about when he decides to accept our suggestions.

Edited at 2017/10/05 09:53:23
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 07:31:10 No.1329816
Does anyone know where I can download the original game in english?
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 09:52:54 No.1329854
Try looking in /animated thread and mgchan in /vn
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 09:55:40 No.1329856
File: making-fun-of-my-grammar-i-am-trilingual_u18chan.jpg - (227.62kb, 500x629, making-fun-of-my-grammar-i-am-trilingual.jpg)
>Person tagged my comment but only knows english
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 10:31:23 No.1329877
Look where? Sorry, I'm not good at this stuff.
DzahnDragon 2017/10/05 10:47:10 No.1329883
1/26/18 Update:
Hey guys! I hope these updates aren't getting annoying!

I'm going to make another change to the roadmap...
By killing it off.

Now, don't panic! The project is still continuing!
However, I realized recently how stressed I've been trying to get everything together for these updates. There's no way I was going to be able to finish Kouya's full route by the deadline I set. With all the changes in my life and an increased workload at my job, I've had less and less free time to devote exclusively to the project. In fact, I came to the realization I haven't had time for myself since I started the project all the way back in June of 2017!

Another thing I realized is that the amount of content I'd be putting out for these updates would greatly exceed what's put out monthly for the paid VNs like Echo and Blackgate. Talking it over with my boyfriend, we've agreed that I need to get things under control or else I'll end up burning out (which is something that almost happened to me after update 0.2).

Here is my plan going forward: I am going to release an update to Revisited every month, but it's not going to be what was previously listed on the roadmap. I am going to rotate route updates between the 6 remaining characters to keep things fresh for me. What this means for you is you might start seeing updates to your favorite characters earlier than you anticipated! On the negative side, please understand that these updates won't be the full routes for these characters either.

Instead of a roadmap, I am going to leave a list of planned features we're going to implement into the project over time. Expect this to be updated as we progress further with the project.

Anyway, this is getting a little long-winded.

Hope you are doing well!

Edited at 2018/01/26 22:06:35
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 15:12:25 No.1330015
Thankyou for this. I actually own the original copy back when the dev threatened to stop publishing updates if we pirated it. (oh wait.)
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 15:20:19 No.1330018
What sorta stuff are you rewriting?
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 16:59:54 No.1330044
Wake me up when there's enough content to fap to.
DzahnDragon 2017/10/05 17:22:55 No.1330047

To sum it up: I'm trying to make character motivation clearer.

If you've played the original translation, I encourage you to check this version out and see for yourself. For the most part it's quite subtle.

I've set aside certain characters for more substantial rewrites (Shun and Kounosuke) due to finding them more like... "cardboard cutouts" of a concept rather than fleshed out characters. Why are they doing the things they do? What are the beliefs and experiences that have made them this way? The character I've done the most with so far is Kounosuke, and a lot of the changes can be seen if you spend time with him in game.

I know this won't necessarily sit well with everyone. If you're patient, I'm pretty sure the Revival team is still working on a more faithful version.
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 19:25:20 No.1330078
Upperbar "furry related" then select "animated"

As mgchan is another site where it have a board especific for Visual Novels, which it have a bunch of Morenatsu threads with downloadable links.
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 19:28:24 No.1330079
File: 4447170_0_u18chan.jpg - (18.44kb, 430x241, 4447170.jpg)
I wish you luck and all the furry grace upon you
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 20:23:22 No.1330105

Don't think too many long time fans are gonna be that upset about the creepy pedo fantasy and the no effort route being redone.
Furrynomous 2017/10/06 11:08:11 No.1330309

Strongly agreed. There are people who'd like a cutesy male character or a male character into cute things, and yet one who clearly knows the birds and the bees and who is clearly **consenting** (both legally and mentally).
Furrynomous 2017/10/06 16:27:05 No.1330384
Me too. What I didn't like much about Shun's rote is because even when he were consent, it still felt like a rape. All the Shuns's sex scenes were that cringed. And I like kemonoshota. =|

Doing a rewriting could be a good thing to smooth down the relationship between the player and Shun and be more appealing. I would give my vote to at least try.

Edited at 2017/10/06 16:30:17
Furrynomous 2017/10/06 17:43:35 No.1330398
Does anyone here know how to run morenatsu through wine on a mac? I have a wraper, I have the exe, I can't figure out how to make it open.
Furrynomous 2017/10/06 19:31:04 No.1330431
There shouldn't be any need to use Wine if you used the download link for the Mac version of Morenatsu ~Revisted~ (half the game). If you're talking about the original Morenatsu ("full" game), then don't bother because as mentioned by one of my previous posts, newer MacOS break the WineSkin wrapper. The closest thing I've gotten was starting the title screen before it crashed.

If you're still that persistent to play the original Morenatsu, then either buy a Windows computer or bootcamp Windows 10 onto your Mac hard drive or external hard drive.

Bootcamp on Mac Hard Drive

Bootcamp on External Hard Drive

Morenatsu Installation (with English patch)


If you're having trouble running Morenatsu ~Revisited~ on a newer Mac, try opening as admin first (right click + Open).
If this fails as well, then try open the game as an executable (right click + Show Package Contents -> Contents -> MacOS -> run Morenatsu_Revisisted).
Furrynomous 2017/10/07 14:28:02 No.1330836
Is there anyway we could help you complete it faster?
Furrynomous 2017/10/07 14:38:15 No.1330845
Lower our expectations.
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 12:42:04 No.1331172
be sure to back up your files and progress to places you can recover them. Other than HDD's and separate flash disks, go Cloud drives as well.
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 16:28:23 No.1331248
You should put the default name as Hiroyuki Nishimura :D
DzahnDragon 2017/10/08 17:50:09 No.1331273

I have a mac version available in the download section above. As far as I know, there shouldn't be anything else you need to get it to work.


Everytime I playtest, I notice yet another typo I missed. When you're writing, it's hard to notice these things sometimes. I've been considering opening up a google doc so you guys could help me track them down, if you want. For now, that's the extent of help I'm comfortable with, though.


It is, actually! When you're entering your name, instead of typing anything just press Enter. First name should default to "Hiroyuki" and last name should default to "Nishimura."
Furrynomous 2017/10/09 07:57:07 No.1331504
I gotta say, though I'm a fan of the original, this one isn't too bad. I didn't get far but I did like how you tossed in extra lines to smooth out the dialog, things really came together. Though I do have one dislike, the day selector, I miss the character frames, it told you who you'd meet up with or rather who's route it was. Not a big fan of that change, what you have is for the adventurous players who throw their routes to random chance
Lazy-o 2017/10/09 09:47:23 No.1331544
I agree, I would like to suggest to bring back the character frame on the day/action select... please please o/

Edited at 2017/10/09 17:38:16
Furrynomous 2017/10/09 16:37:18 No.1331817
File: tastewithouthelping_u18chan.jpg - (275.41kb, 810x446, taste without helping.jpg)
impressive work keep it up
Furrynomous 2017/10/09 20:16:07 No.1331891
So thoughtful <3 <3 <3
Thank you
Ashlegg 2017/10/09 20:56:26 No.1331896
How come i didnt see this sooner?? do you have a blog or other social medias i could follow you at?
Ashlegg 2017/10/09 21:01:02 No.1331897
are you the guy on iscord if i may ask?
DzahnDragon 2017/10/11 10:43:28 No.1332493

I understand the criticism here. The old map was well presented and a highlight of the original. However, I always had a problem with what I felt was a form of immersion breaking. As the main character, I don't feel like I should know exactly who I'm gonna run into (unless it's obvious like visiting Kounosuke's or Tatsuki's house). I always interpreted the theme of Morenatsu to be "let nature take it's course," which is what I feel my version of the map system encourages by having you live your summer the way you see fit and seeing where fate takes you. It has also allowed me to slip in some surprises here and there for veterans. Have you tried visiting places where Kouya would have been if you were on his route?

Regardless, I know it's not easy when you're after the perfect endings, which is why I'm implementing a "guide" system that unlocks instructions on how to achieve a perfect end with a character after you've already seen a lower level one.


Sorry, I'm not tyrantclaws...
I'm just some random nobody who thought he could pull a project like this off.

I left a couple links to pages I frequent more than here in the original post. I'll leave them here, too:
Furrynomous 2017/10/12 06:14:55 No.1332825
File: toomanyboners1498239003472_u18chan.jpg - (73.13kb, 1253x1280, toomanyboners 1498239003472.jpg)
Remaking it in renpy? Great!

I dug around in your game files.
You might as well use the uncensored CG's instead of the mosaic ones from the OG game that is currently used.
All the extra alts are included in the

I would suggest using the version of kounosuke's image where he has big balls, he is a tanuki after all.

Good to see talk about changes to Shun. That character in particular needs to be older. Actually, every character should be older in my opinion. Tatsuki does NOT look like he's just 19 and so on.
Furrynomous 2017/10/12 11:24:31 No.1332877

If this is back-translated to Japanese should you re-introduce the blurred scenes? (if this happens I would suggest the title "Morenatsu International" Version)

Perhaps in all language versions you could introduce an option to skip the explicit sex scenes (like the option in Katawa Shoujo) although the undressed sprites an innuendo would still be there (again, like in Katawa Shoujo)
Furrynomous 2017/10/12 17:36:11 No.1332935
even if the last three route cant be completed I love the Idea of having a version that doesn't require a 3rd party software just to run it.
Furrynomous 2017/10/13 01:07:37 No.1333073
Can't you just implement it as a toggleable option? Maybe require that you clear any ending.
Furrynomous 2017/10/13 02:13:34 No.1333083
File: 603ae86072b5523208aff5ce3b24ddb1_u18chan.png - (421.03kb, 800x600, 603ae86072b5523208aff5ce3b24ddb1.png)
And this pic here is way better than the first Tatsuki scene in the game
Furrynomous 2017/10/13 04:59:55 No.1333123
What are you talking about? The quality is shit compared to what Gamma did, I think you need glasses.
Grawl 2017/10/13 06:07:05 No.1333148
Also wondering what hole he is penetrating in that picture to be honest... Doesn't look like the slit with the way it's drawn.
Furrynomous 2017/10/13 11:17:53 No.1333202
File: Capture_11_u18chan.png - (1.34mb, 1204x902, Capture.PNG)
Here is the original.
Furrynomous 2017/10/13 17:08:56 No.1333297

I like the way Tatsuki is drawn more in the new pic, but that Hiroyuki RUINS it, so overall definitely prefer the original.

Jesus, what the hell even is that...honestly if I was doing the whole thing over from scratch I'd just get rid of the human protag and use another kemo instead; that was always my biggest peeve about Morenatsu anyway.
Furrynomous 2017/10/14 02:34:30 No.1333459
Why are people willing to work on this trashy visual novel
Furrynomous 2017/10/14 04:46:37 No.1333473
Because they want to.
Furrynomous 2017/10/14 05:35:57 No.1333481
but are they still working on it? its been a while since the last communication from the translation team about the unfinished chars.
Furrynomous 2017/10/14 05:41:42 No.1333485
File: torapls_u18chan.png - (443.9kb, 772x714, tora pls.png)

Ashlegg 2017/10/15 04:41:32 No.1333894
the wierd thing i find about the game is how young they were especially the scene with shun, it breaks the laws and stuff. a furry youtuber Deckerlink really talked about that in his playthrough, and how toxic the community was with the game. Lol
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 05:42:36 No.1333900

Just torahiko.
I got that reference, and I loved it.
DzahnDragon 2017/10/15 10:54:01 No.1333953

For now, I plan on sticking to the art assets currently available to me (which includes the censored CGs). Down the line when I'm not so focused on the writing, though, I'll consider seeing what I can do.


From what I understand, the Morenatsu Revival team has a working map system implemented in their version. They're trying to keep everything as accurate to the original as possible. You can check that one out, too, if you'd like!


The original team stopped development on the game back in 2015, and before that the last update (Juuichi and Shin) was in 2013. The game is effectively abandonware, and there are a lot of fans (myself included) that would love to see it finished.


I'm not super familiar with Japanese law. Does it technically break it over there, too? I know it's uncomfortable for us westerners, and I'm doing the best I can here trying to age them up and soften the... "creepier" aspects of it (from my perspective, of course). I'm aware not everyone will be pleased with these changes, and if so I encourage you to keep an eye on the Revival project, since they're making their version as faithful to the original as possible.


Haha, wow! I just played through that game the other day! I can't believe how creative they were with the Renpy engine! It was absolutely inspiring!
Morenatsu ~Revisited~ Donorys 2017/10/15 13:28:35 No.1334056
Hi, I really like with your work with Torahiko's route so far, especially the sweet moments with him, although he's not really good at giving support words.

I'm not sure if it's out of character for him, but... maybe you could make his character matures a little bit, as his route progresses? Give him more depth and maturity some more especially since he spends more time with the player and eventually ends up as his boyfriend?

I'm really thanking for pulling this up. I'm rooting for you :)
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 15:31:25 No.1334087
I played just the introduction yet but I already notice some changes. I liked the new dialogue, it seemed more informal and friendly towards each character. I choose sitting besides Tatsuki and I liked the way he "harassed" the protagonist because it seemed more real and natural than he getting off his clothes at nowhere and being putted in a bag by Juuichi and dragged away towards behind's bar until he recovers.

But I think you should also not change much. I noticed that you change the way they dine, because the original script they interact each other like thay are having a Yakiniku, japanese barbecue (I don't remember if it was what they were doing because in this version it seems they are in different tables instead of a single table, please correct me if I'm wrong). Changes are good but I don't think you should omit the japanese culture in the game as well.

Edited at 2017/10/15 15:36:53
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 15:36:24 No.1334089
I agree. He being childish is good to cheers up but if there are moments you need to be more serious about and Torahiko seems to be the kind of guy who doesn't know the right time to be mature.
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 10:58:55 No.1334425
A guide would be helpful and appreciated yes, but I do like your way of thinking, you're totally right. Real life sort of day planning and I'm going to keep playing. Like I said I didn't get far but I'll keep going until that guide comes out and see what I get.

Though when you're heart is set on Torahiko like me its hard to find someone else waiting at the end of that "rainbow" LOL

I will say though, this guy he's got the right idea, a toggle option would be great way to allow the best of both worlds for all types of fans

Edited at 2017/10/16 11:04:50
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 11:53:20 No.1334452

From my understanding the national age of consent Japan is 13 but there is also a law against fornication with someone under 18, and with prefectures having obscenity ordinances which further define what sexual relationships are appropriate/not appropriate with minors.

In Japan fictional depictions of children in sexual activity are still legal, but real CP (of those under 18) is now illegal

BTW the Morenatsu Revival team should take care that their work passes the Miller Test if they are going to use the original Shun route - Under US law a depiction of a fictional minor having sex is only legal if the work is not legally obscene (passes the Miller Test) - quoted from Wikipedia:

> Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
> Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law,
> Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value

And it's up to a jury on whether it passes the Miller Test. If the people behind the "Revival" live in the US and wish to have an accurate Shun route it may help for them to consult a lawyer (note I am *not* a lawyer)

Edited at 2017/10/16 11:57:24
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 12:21:04 No.1334466
People actually care about law in their free furry gay vn?
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 13:06:56 No.1334477

Well, why is it that the Morenatsu guys (all based in Japan) put censoring marks on all of the sex pictures? (the censoring is so the game could comply with Japanese law)
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 13:55:13 No.1334495
To not get arrested just for doing that, it better cares

Edited at 2017/10/16 13:55:59
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 16:55:40 No.1334551
While on the subject of law, isn't Morenatsu copyright protected? If I remember correctly, while the characters are public property, the story and the game is subject to copyright.

if I recall correctly, they also disliked very very much any translation effort, though that still happened, so I'm not sure if they'd do anything about it.
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 18:44:16 No.1334576

Admittedly I think one's less likely to get serious repercussions from doing an unauthorized translation/rewrite of a free game (what would the original Japanese authors do?) versus, say, what Christopher Handley got himself into (a comic collector, he had lolicon mailed to his house... got arrested by the feds, pleaded guilty to obscenity-related charges after consulting lawyers, despite representation from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, got prison)

Because Handley got in trouble over fictional minors (which I think is very unjust because nobody was real), it's important that the Morenatsu Revival guys make sure they don't get the same fate :(
DzahnDragon 2017/10/16 21:16:02 No.1334612
I appreciate the discussion being had on the law side of things. As with any project of this kind, it is important to tread lightly. The perspective I went into this project was to approach it as a fan restoration, similar to the Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines fan patch, if you're familiar with it.

I never went into this with the intent to make money. I'm doing it because I love the game and believe it deserves to see a conclusion rather than being left on the shelf alongside so many other unfortunately abandoned projects.

I know I'm not the greatest artist, but I have seriously considered remaking Shun's sex scenes for many of the reasons listed above. They tend to skirt the line I'm comfortable with. I'm aware that some would prefer I hire an artist to do so, but that involves putting money into the project (something which I neither have much of and would rather not deal with the potential ramifications it could lead to).

TL:DR, I'm doing this because I want to do it, and I'm trying to go about it in the safest way possible.
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 23:49:08 No.1334681
Were Shun's original scenes taken out? I seem to always end up with the Torahiko ending.
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 03:47:41 No.1334806
Oh boy. It's getting tiring having to repeat this several times. As of v0.1 of Morenatsu ~Revisited~, all routes end at day 15 followed by a temporary ending featuring Tora (from thread info). By the end of each month, a few routes are to be transcribed and completed onto Ren'py. There's a giant text post with the tentative schedule somewhere in this thread.
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 08:55:48 No.1334861
I'm pretty sure many would be willing to help you via Patreon or whatever to help you pay for that. The money would not be for you, but for the project itself.
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 13:04:42 No.1334949
I hope you can also do the "Best" endings for the characters that sadly only got "Good."

For example, have Kouya go to stay with Hiroyuki and try and make his music career in the city. (A reference to that one comic.)

Whatever you plan to do, best of luck!
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 14:35:33 No.1334971

I think if the text of Shun's route is rewritten you might be able to get away with the same images or having only minor modifications on them.

If the first one is rewritten to where Shun says to Hiroyuki he wants to "experiment" (perhaps after being reassured it's okay to be gay) and pretty much tells him what to do, and in the second where Shun tells Hiroyuki if he can "go all the way" (so the viewer knows that Shun has informed consent) it should be fine.
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 19:08:40 No.1335040
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 20:43:13 No.1335071
File: Torahiko_u18chan.png - (115.48kb, 1080x1055, Torahiko.png)
Yeah, I'm pretty familiar with VtM:B (one of my favorite game), so I understand your example, though you do have to have the game installed for the patch to work. Not sure if you could do the same with Morenatsu since you're using the Ren'py engine.

But then again, the developers were VERY hostile against the translation team, and threatened to pull the game for download for westerners, but they didn't actually do anything in the end. They don't seem to like westerners much (they are 2chan users after all, so that's not very surprising), but I don't know if they'd care enough after abandoning the game to actually do anything.

The only way to be 100% would be to completely rewrite the game and change the title (like maybe, Our Summer Break, or something like that).

As for the art, I'm not exactly the greatest either, but maybe I could help? I whipped up something quickly as an example, so it's not perfect (he's slightly thinner, and I didn't add any shading), but it's as close as I can get to the original style I think. I also drew a more "realistic" Shin I posted on my gallery a while ago and on here too.

Edited at 2017/10/17 20:48:40
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 23:41:41 No.1335168
Yeah, probably it would make better but It needs to change his expressions as well because it's very depressing and grinding looking to him while "teaching" these stuffs.

That's why I don't like Shun's route even liking kemonoshota.

Edited at 2017/10/17 23:45:10
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 23:48:26 No.1335169
File: tumblr_m5qbupoavv1r8811f_u18chan.png - (77.6kb, 500x479, tumblr_m5qbupoavv1r8811f.png)
>Shun being "sad"

And this sprite is used multiple times during the "warm up" before the sex scenes

Edited at 2017/10/17 23:50:13
Furrynomous 2017/10/18 08:24:08 No.1335277

While I think that was used when talking about grandpa in the 2nd scene, yeah, that's also something that should be written out


Good point... perhaps cut out the tears from the first set of images. Another possibility is having his arms clutch the sheets instead of tensing up

Edited at 2017/10/18 09:03:49
Furrynomous 2017/10/18 08:37:56 No.1335281

I think it's unfortunate when the developers feel that way towards foreigners, and I think somebody should convey this using extremely polite language in both Japanese and English. I think this attitude caused Morenatsu to entirely leave their control - what if, say, they conveyed that they had trouble in a bilingual message and got foreign help to finish Morenatsu?

Edited at 2017/10/18 09:03:17
Furrynomous 2017/10/18 10:34:15 No.1335307
Well, as I said, the devs were 2chan users. They're not really well known for their appreciation of foreigners, especially when it comes to their stuff. I don't know how extreme the devs where, but it's not unusual for foreigners to only receive death threats and "filthy gaijin" on 2chan, whether it's just joking or not.
Morenatsu ~Revisited~ DzahnDragon 2017/10/18 20:55:24 No.1335502
Send me a note on FA if you can! I'd like to talk with you a little more.

As for everyone else, I know a lot can be said about Shun's route. It's definitely the one that's causing me the most headaches at the moment, which is why I'm working on it as I go. It's probably the one that I'm gonna put the most effort into besides the new routes starting next year. I'm gonna give it my all, and hopefully the end result is something we can all be happy with.
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 01:03:43 No.1335565
File: morenatsu_sprite_editing_by_korumuru-d5wofi4_u18chan.png - (387.16kb, 1024x518, morenatsu_sprite_editing_by_korumuru-d5wofi4.png)
I'd like to point out, that there are some pretty sweet sprites edits that could be used if you talk with the artists.
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 08:24:04 No.1335631
Make a Patreon so you can actually finish this in a respectable time frame (ie not at all what the original was)
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 09:47:19 No.1335639
That's how every project die.
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 15:37:32 No.1335726
Or thrives.
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 18:16:12 No.1335772
As said before, the guy making this only wants to finish making the game with no financial support. Suggesting and applying Patreon for this project will put all pledgers a set of expectation for the timeframe. If he fails to provide at a given date due to drama or issues, will cause a huge trainwreck (assuming that people can't wait for it to be finished). If he needs the money, instead of having that, he could just ask for donations via Paypal.
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 22:25:02 No.1335879
you right. I think just the rewriting and adding is enough.

Edited at 2017/10/19 22:25:19
Chief 2017/10/21 13:39:40 No.1336641
File: c10016aaa387e612b6220832e04ce10cb5780413_hq_u18chan.gif - (49.81kb, 277x398, c10016aaa387e612b6220832e04ce10cb5780413_hq.gif)
I'm really looking forward to the re-write of Shun's route. He's the second most attractive character to me and I hated the rapey/pedo vibes the original route gave out. Thank you for your time and effort on this project.
Furrynomous 2017/10/21 19:37:53 No.1336833
Is there someone who have the original game but didn't put the english patch on it? In other words, in Japanese?

I'm not finding a downloadable link which is not a torrent file.

The motive: practice my japanese.
Furrynomous 2017/10/21 22:32:06 No.1336923
Just an error I found at Juuichi's route. When you return his jersey, right after Ten departs, Juuichi's judo outfit switchs to his normal clothes to judo's again.

EDIT: I saw Ten in Fundoshi. The bulge is... kinda small. =(

Edited at 2017/10/21 22:43:26
Furrynomous 2017/10/22 05:28:34 No.1337055

How many Patreon Furry VN Projects died that aren't Laika Dosha ?

Even Blackgate technically isn't dead, just the creator that sold its soul.

The other Patreon projects though ?
Tennis Ace, Repeat, Sins & Paradise, Extracurricular Activites, Kemo Coliseum (despite slow progress), Project Aego, Echo, the IDEKA Specials, etc.
They're fine and still going. Some of them might be on hiatus, but it's not because Blackgate and Amorous (so I heard, haven't played that one) has had a serious failure phase that every other VN isn't worth it.

Morenatsu wasn't even a Patreon project, nor a lucrative one, and it died on its own. Whether or not it's a Patreon project proves nothing.

Now however, taking an unfinished game where the creators didn't force funding, recoding & basically fanfictioning over it, and putting it as a Patreon project where only the "editor" gets the money and not the original creators and without their approval ? That'd be scummy. That'd be above Electronic Arts levels of douchebaggery.

Edited at 2017/10/22 05:29:41
DzahnDragon 2017/10/23 23:14:06 No.1338085

Those are actually done by the Revival team's artist.


As I've said before, I'm not accepting any money for this project. Not even donations. I'm doing this because I want to, but I appreciate the sentiment.


Thanks for the bug report! I've been through that sequence a ton, especially now that I'm finishing up Juuichi's route. I can't believe I didn't see that earlier!
Furrynomous 2017/10/30 19:52:56 No.1341781
So a update should be imminent right?
Version 0.2 DzahnDragon 2017/11/02 01:22:58 No.1342740
File: morerevicon_u18chan.png - (84.56kb, 268x268, morerevicon.png)
Hey everyone!

I'm getting a weird error that's not letting me post because of a "filtered word", so I'm just gonna leave links to version 0.2 right here:

Furrynomous 2017/11/03 03:52:24 No.1343148
Since Ren'Py supports Android, will you be porting the game to that platform? It would be nice to play Morenatsu in bed instead of at a computer.
Furrynomous 2017/11/03 11:35:11 No.1343302
Also this may be a long, long way away, but how will you approach possible translations, including Japanese? (I would think a Japanese translator may have to review the script of the original game in consideration for his work on the new version)
DzahnDragon 2017/11/03 20:43:12 No.1343438

Since I only have so much "free" upload space right now, I'm sticking primarily to the PC and Mac versions. Fortunately, it's not hard for me to make Android/iOS versions thanks to the way Renpy handles builds. Maybe I'll put one out after I finish the 6 original routes? Otherwise, I'll probably have one available when the project's complete.

EDIT: Scratch that on the iOS version! Wow! Didn't expect it to be that crazy to get working. Android's easy still, though.

EDIT 2: In fact, I went ahead and did it right now anyway! Here are the download links for version 0.2:

Morenatsu ~Revisited~ Version 0.2



This is actually one of the most common questions I get. I'm planning to leave the source code open when I finish the project, so anyone can translate it into their preferred language.

Will I personally do it? No, because I'm a silly American who only knows English XD

However, I'm not opposed to it being translated either. I'd just prefer for everything to be finished before I start going down that route, you know?

Edited at 2017/11/04 04:25:42
Furrynomous 2017/11/04 04:36:00 No.1343579

Of course! Definitely be focused on honing the final English product before any possible translations.

I would go out of my way to look for a possible Japanese translator, but let other people seek it out for themselves. I think this is because European and Latin American furries tend to use English frequently, but Japanese ones have more problems with English (as the language is very different).
Furrynomous 2017/11/04 14:45:53 No.1343747
Wow! Thanks! Now I'm gonna play Tatsuki's route on this...
Furrynomous 2017/11/04 23:53:19 No.1343976
If so, please put Furigana. I'm learning Japanese and it's hard to find games with at least furigana to practice
Furrynomous 2017/11/05 06:20:26 No.1344060

I understand adults-only products typically don't have furigana as kids aren't supposed to read them and the audience is supposed to have a solid grasp on Japanese. However I would support a furigana option on a Japanese version to help foreigners learn Japanese
Lazy-o 2017/11/09 11:09:47 No.1345862
I tried the same, I would say... I'm not happy with the actual ending, but... yeah, still supporting from here
(kinda shocked, lol)

Edited at 2017/11/09 11:10:37
Furrynomous 2017/11/10 01:54:24 No.1346193
Tons of Spanish speaking furries don't have a very good grasp on English either to be fair. I wouldn't mind translating it into Spanish.
Furrynomous 2017/11/10 14:32:07 No.1346369
What ending did you get? There's multiple.
Furrynomous 2017/11/15 15:22:47 No.1348492
That's neat! I wonder though, you guys planning to either change the main character to a furry or add that option? I'm asking since if there are many who like to play as a human, there are also many that would prefer to play as a furry character, just like the rest of the cast of the game. I think it would be very neat, though yeah it would need to have the change reflect in the hentai scenes as well.
Lazy-o 2017/11/15 16:05:33 No.1348519
the robot one
sorry late response

Edited at 2017/11/15 16:05:52
Furrynomous 2017/11/15 16:44:01 No.1348534
For Tatsuki, there are two canon endings, one perfect and one good, but there are a few weird endings as well. When you finished one good or bad ending, the guide for the perfect ending should had been unlocked.

Edited at 2017/11/15 16:47:54
Lazy-o 2017/11/15 17:24:20 No.1348546
I remember almost everything of his route...
(I thought it happened because the game still a WIP (?) and the good ending was not ready yet...)
Furrynomous 2017/11/15 22:41:20 No.1348661
Morenatsu ~Revisited~ is a modified version of the original. Some events were moved elsewhere or that some events were added. I know for sure that Juuichi's first 15 days was in a different order compared to the original. You also need to do the new soccer/football event during Juuichi's modified perfect route.

As of v0.2, Tatsuki's and Juuichi's routes are completed to day 31.

Edited at 2017/11/15 22:43:23
Furrynomous 2017/11/19 17:49:33 No.1350788
some of the changed he has made are so cringey that i cant even game, i spent like two hours getting my original morenatsu to work again instead just because of the dialogue changes that were made
Furrynomous 2017/11/22 08:18:38 No.1351740
Can anyone post the new sprites/ images from the game here?
Furrynomous 2017/11/22 11:51:22 No.1351891
Why is that? I am too lazy to play through the whole thing to find out before it is finished, also I probably will not remember what the original stuff is at this point. So I am just curious as to what kind of stuff was added.

Edited at 2017/11/22 11:52:02
Furrynomous 2017/11/22 13:48:40 No.1351926
Well, one of them I did find was some few lack of Japanese culture in the game, like I said here:

Edited at 2017/11/22 13:49:14
Furrynomous 2017/11/25 20:55:02 No.1353000

English translated scripts of the original:
Version 0.3 DzahnDragon 2017/12/16 15:06:34 No.1362065
File: more_rev0.3_u18chan.png - (1.15mb, 1500x818, more_rev 0.3.png)
Hiya! Version 0.3 of Morenatsu ~Revisited~ can be downloaded here:
Furrynomous 2017/12/16 18:56:03 No.1362122
Yay thanks
But can't play right now; I'm on vacation
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 00:00:05 No.1362218
Thanks for your all hard work ! , I gonna try it soon.
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 00:40:20 No.1362221

I like your interpretation of the dialogue for Shin's route. A lot of it feels much more natural. But did you change how the endings work? I tried following the route how I would have in the original game (doing all of his encounters, choosing "Normal" (because it seems that this corresponds to "Familial" in the old translation), following through the forest and performing CPR), and didn't get the option to look inside his desk. Then, I never got any option to tell him my feelings when he confessed, and I was essentially relegated to the bad ending.
I've tried following other paths and taking other options and can't seem to get anything other than the bad ending, and at this point it feels like I've tried everything I can think of. Are the choices you make different from in the original, is the route not fully implemented, or is there possibly some kind of bug in the route?

Edited at 2017/12/17 00:45:29
DzahnDragon 2017/12/17 02:06:43 No.1362258

The choices differ slightly in Revisited, actually. If you've seen the credits in Shin's route at least once on any playthrough, you should have unlocked a "perfect ending" guide in both the Gallery and the options menu.
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 03:57:19 No.1362286
How does one get Kouya's ending? I always get the ending where Torahiko gets into my house and tells me that he loves me, thus getting a stupid non NSFW ending with the cat I don't want to be with :'[
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 05:15:45 No.1362302
Any route that isn't completed gets that ending I think, so gotta wait.
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 05:58:13 No.1362313
The tentative schedule is posted somewhere here.

Since the recent update of Morenatsu ~Revisited~ (v0.3), only Juuichi, Tatsuki, and Shin's routes are completed. Do note that the original and Revisited are different, so if you don't enjoy the modified version, you can always change the game settings to classic or play the original.
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 06:55:19 No.1362332
This thread should be moved to discussion /d/
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 11:03:59 No.1362385
I like the rewrites of Shun's stuff so far. Hiroyuki notes Shun doesn't usually undress like that (indicating Shun likes him from the start), and Hiroyuki is no longer a creepy MOFO. Also the rewrite of the beach scene is cool!

Edited at 2017/12/17 11:06:51
Furrynomous 2018/01/04 06:52:13 No.1370799
Any news on this project?
I think there was an update planned for January?
Furrynomous 2018/01/04 13:28:21 No.1370927
Here's the development roadmap. There's a smaller update on the 15th of January, and a large update planned at the end of Feb.
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 23:05:30 No.1371595
Question, how do you plan on redoing Kounosuke's route? Wondering because he had so much potential, but it was squandered all to hell.
DzahnDragon 2018/01/17 21:19:18 No.1377806
File: Tatsuki_rev_u18chan.png - (1.97mb, 2444x2400, Tatsuki_rev.png)
Heya! Version 0.3.5 of Morenatsu ~Revisited~ can be found here:

For Kounosuke, I'm rewriting everything after the camping trip from scratch. He's next on my list of characters to update after I finish with Kouya.
Furrynomous 2018/01/17 21:28:11 No.1377812
File: b5f_2_u18chan.jpg - (27.64kb, 500x491, b5f.jpg)
I will see when I have free time
Furrynomous 2018/01/19 19:45:14 No.1378469
The new logo is great!

Like the Shun and Kouya arcade scenes too! I can't wait to see what's next!

Long down the line, I wonder about the following:

* An option to disable adult scenes like in Katawa Shoujo
* Allowing for the protagonist to be a lady (but this would require more work: writing changes and different adult scenes)
* Allowing for the protag to use a mononym (many people in Indonesia only have one name) or given name and patrynomic/matrynomic but no family name (as in Iceland and Ethiopia) - but this may mean more work too :(
DzahnDragon 2018/01/19 22:58:21 No.1378556

There actually already is an option to turn off the adult scenes in the game (inspired by Katawa Shoujo, in fact!)

It's in the options menu under "Adult Content".

Alternatively, if you still want the adult scenes but don't want the CGs shown (say, for streaming purposes), you can turn off ALL event CGs in the options menu too under "Revisited Options".

As for the other two points, making the MC's gender selectable would change a ton of writing. At the moment, it's not doable for me.
For the naming stuff, since the game takes place in Japan where it's normal to have a first name and last name, changing it would be strange. Some characters, like Juuichi and Kyouji, make it a thing to call characters by their last names too, so it would change a fundamental part of their personalities.
Furrynomous 2018/01/21 12:20:08 No.1379224
I have a question:

IIRC the MC (Hiroyuki) doesn't know about Kouya bein a musician at all until he catches him playing the guitar at the forest. I was on a playthrough where I didn't see that, and when I got to the arcade with Shun and Kouya, Hiroyuki acted like he already knew.
Furrynomous 2018/01/22 02:05:23 No.1379551
So I can finally get closure late August? Only ~7 months from now? Oh boy!
Furrynomous 2018/01/29 15:21:14 No.1383152
Hey I was playing the game so I would like to ask a thing:

What you are planning for the Soutarou and Kyoji route?

Because what I though about their route, is that it would be a polyamorous relationship. x333
Furrynomous 2018/02/03 11:48:19 No.1385869
I dunno if the guy making this still ever looks here but I had a few suggestions. I'm enjoying this a lot and really hoping you manage to finish it.

But you should really consider making the perfect ending requirements less stringent. I was doing Shin's route, and knowing how it went before, I did it the same way but then I got the normal ending instead of perfect. I had no idea what I did wrong until it turns out that telling Shin to try tennis instead of evading the question was enough to lock you out, which wasn't in the original version.
It looks like to get someone's perfect ending, you gotta see every single event and have every single event end with them being the last one you talk to, which seems a bit too much to me IMO, removes the fun of being able to choose what dialogue you wanna take at times.

And/or you should also consider just having all of the character heads on the choices for what to do each day unlocked from the start instead of having to see the whole event first. For casual players who aren't trying to get a specific route, it can be cool I guess, but for those who are it means a big pain of reloading, and the aforementioned casual players will just get a normal to bad ending because they didn't see all that character's events unless they are really lucky.
So yeah, I'd consider at least changing one of the two above. Unless you want the player to have to see every specific possible event with a character. All I know is that when I was replaying to get Shin's best ending, I spent most of it skipping just to get back to the last choice, which kills the mood a bit.

Also, on a completely subjective level, I hope you'll consider not having Torahiko confess to you on every route eventually. It serves as a good roadblock at the end of routes for now since you haven't finished them yet, so its a convenient way of saying "this isn't finished yet", but its kinda depressing to have to turn him down in every route, especially since the last dialogue with him on Shin's route implied your friendship was probably over, which was depressing to me. If that's how you want it to be, thats fine, but its a bit heavy.
But yeah, this part is just subjective for me.
Furrynomous 2018/02/03 12:06:13 No.1385877
About's Torahiko they said they put him confessing in all the rotes because they are still developing the rotes so to have a "temporary ending" for each rote, they made Torahiko confession appears in all of them
Furrynomous 2018/02/03 23:34:26 No.1386408
But they haven't removed him from completed routes. He shows up after the party in Shin's completed route and theres the final awkward conversation between you two.
Just some thoughts Furrynomous 2018/02/19 23:33:18 No.1394272
Alright, I remember this game from years ago, and I decided to check on an update, only to find that the game had been canceled. I figured something would happen when a game made by a group of people with progressively more busy lives would fall apart. So I started to look around and see if someone actually decided to continue it, and lo-and-behold, I found this. And I have to say, I like what I see for the most part. Rather than just say "good job," I figured I'd give some feedback so you don't end up in the same boat as the original creators where they were just trying to "finish" the routes and there were some rather... Dubiously written parts shall we say.

I'll start with the actual good parts because I think this should be addressed first. As no one likes to hear a seemingly negative rant at the start.

Good points:

+ Rewritten routes are generally much better than the original versions of the game. Konosuke seems to be a much better character in his scenes rather than just a character that everyone seems to take a dump on-- which led me to wonder why this guy even bothers remaining friends with them in the original. It's clear that his route is going to focus more on him trying to actually win that contest with Hiroyuki being an assistant rather than just seemingly random events that are placed haphazardly with a contest in the background. So in this case, we actually get to play a game where we get to know the character better, and see them in a positive light in everyone's route. Regardless of the character. Torahiko and Kyoji actually have some scenes here. And most of them fit right in with other scenes.

+ Hiroyuki is a better character. He is a much more mundane character with no outstanding traits, which makes this a much better avatar for the player without being nearly as idiotic or intrusive as the original Hiroyuki. More pressingly, his inner monologues are far less perverted and sound more like a sane person than a creeper. This is a massive step-up, as I remember Hiroyuki being an annoying clingy character that lusted after characters constantly. It was actually incredibly disturbing, especially in Shun's route. Which leads me to my next point.

+ Most tweaks in routes are actually good: I cannot stress this enough, as most of the time character centered scenes now focus on the character's positive traits rather than their negative traits, or simply go somewhere rather than just being played for laughs. Torahiko being thrown is sort of comical, but it also has some serious undertones with Hiroyuki feeling rather uncomfortable about this-- which makes the explanation for why Juuichi does it to Torahiko so much in his route make a bit more sense. He does it because Torahiko has become more physical with recently instead of characters just shrugging it off and saying "HAHAHA! That's Juuichi!" We also had a serious scene between Hiroyuki and Tatsuki about the physical assault-- and while a huge damper on the scenes with the character at the start, I feel that it's actually good to address this considering that it *should* have been in the original (however, I'm not sure I like the way this is handled, but I'll get to that in a minute).

+ Shun's character is improved, as he actually seems like he's 16, and actually makes sure that people know it. He's also far less childish. The camp scene between Hiroyuki and Shun is hilarious, in the original, it's incredibly uncomfortable. This was a good choice with the character.

+ Juuichi's brother actually exists. I always thought that was stupid to put a character in a game and then have him not present at all. Even in his brother's route.

+ More music is always nice. I felt that the original version of the game was a bit limited in the musical selection. While it's understandable because they did not actually have a musician on the team I believe, it's still a depressingly small set in the original.

Mixed Bag

* I'm not fond of the stance you've taken with almost every route with : there's a problem, and with the help of Hiroyuki, he helps the character to solve it, and they eventually fall in love-- no, they were ALWAYS in love. The best demonstration I can think of is Tatsuki's scenes. The "stop doing alcohol" is needlessly tacked on. I'm just going to flat out say it, but it seems like a really naive thing to tell Tatsuki that he's an alcoholic because he drinks with his father. Him being out of control and a sexual deviant when he drinks is a problem, I agree, but what irritates me is the explanation you have him give when for why he drinks. "My friends don't like me when I'm not drunk." That's an incredibly lackluster excuse, as he has several scenes with people where he gets along with them perfectly fine. Shun and Torahiko for starters, and at the camping trip, he's fine there with everyone as well as the beach. And he certainly wasn't drunk there the whole time. It literally makes no sense, and serves to add nothing to the plot. All that needed to be done was simply tell him to tone that nonsense down. Of which Tatsuki's explanation could have been more along the lines of "I'm sorry, I was just so excited you came back, I know that's not an excuse, but there you have it." All this excuse given in game does, is serve to say "these characters aren't friends." Which is bad, because this really makes the game feel less "magical" you know? The only people that really felt this way in the original was Kouya, and that's largely because of the "true friends" comment, which seems to have been more of a clunky choice of words than the fact that he wasn't friends with the others-- as he DID invite everyone to the show in the end of his route. These aren't terrible necessarily, but I do feel like they are missteps in the writing.

* Not sure why Hiroyuki suddenly aged up in this version. He was a 2nd year, which effectively made him going into his junior year. He's in the 17 years old camp. Why is it his last year for high school? Torahiko is the same age as Hiroyuki, and yet, it almost seems like you've made Torahiko younger than Hiroyuki, as we know that he's younger than Juuichi. So what's going on here? This was not an issue in the original version of the game, but it is now. In the original it was really clear. 1st years: Sou and Shun. 2nd years: Hiroyuki, Torahiko, Kouya (who is apparently a drop-out), Kounosuke, and Shin. 3rd years: Juuichi, and Kyoji. The only one that had graduated was Tatsuki. If he's not supposed to be, the dialogue is kind of murky about this.

* Not sure how I feel about the usage of the choices for where you're going. It makes them incredibly random on a first playthrough "I have errands to run" well okay, that's fine, but can I at least have an indicator who I'm going to meet? I get why you did it, because in real life you can't pinpoint who you're going to meet, but the problem is that I can't even take a guess at who I'm going to meet because I have no idea where I'm even going. I'd say either have the indicators always there, or at least have a locator on the map to indicate where I'm going. That sounds like a fair compromise.

- Overuse of random capitalization. The characters have character mugs to do most of the expressing for the characters. In an actual novel, this would be done by describing the way the character looks in conjunction with descriptor words. It's by no means necessary to have a character have random words in the sentences be capitalized. That literally would mean that the character yelled only that word. "We will WIN!" If I remember correctly, that was a line, and it seems ridiculous to have someone yell win even louder than before. Utilize capitalization like that very frugally. Over usage is not only jarring, but has the uncanny effect of desensitizing the audience.

- Kouya: this character already had problems with his route. A lot of problems. Not nearly as terrible as Shun's or Kou's or even Shin's route, but still a lot of problems. For starters, having him say that everyone besides Shun and Kyoji piss him off is pretty ridiculous. If that's the case, why even bother to hang out with them? There are about 7 people there generally and he dislikes more than half of them. This makes him some kind of stupid. And it still seems like you're doing the route where Kouya has a part-time job at a music store and stupidly struggles in his life despite the fact that his dad just wants the best for him. Now that you've added more negative things about Kouya, he's shaping up to be the worst character out of the bunch by far. This wasn't just kind of bad in the original, it was horrendous. And ignores a lot of things like... Uh... Being able to get an apartment at that age and pay for things. They have to know how old he is. You can't get an apartment at his age. There's just several things that are disasters in this route, and rather than rectifying them, you've exacerbated them. Making his character astoundingly bitchy still-- "why didn't you call us these 5 years?" Well okay, let me ask this Kouya, why didn't he send a letter. What, is he illiterate? This shouldn't come up in any routes. It seemed like it was moved from Shin's, as I do remember that being there as well, but it's still there for Kouya's which makes him seem like more of a jerk now.

My final statement is that it'll probably be pretty good, and that you should keep up the good work, but it seems like Kouya's route is going to be the "avoid it like the plague" route instead of Shun. As I still found the route to be kind of lackluster with Kouya's band mates carrying the route. That's not good at all.
Furrynomous 2018/02/20 00:51:28 No.1394303
oh boy... a huge wall of text. Gonna bump this. Try making the post as a spoiler with a warning next time.

A good thing about this project is that it's still in early development, so large changes can be made.
Furrynomous 2018/02/20 02:41:55 No.1394335
This is a good critique, though personally I don't have any problems with random capitalization for emphasis.
Furrynomous 2018/03/04 23:59:04 No.1401161
There was an update on this. Check his FA link in the description to get to it.
PanPuu 2018/03/24 12:04:02 No.1411006
File: Untitled_44_u18chan.png - (629.19kb, 816x638, Untitled.png)
How to get Tatsuki Weird Ending?
Furrynomous 2018/04/14 19:17:35 No.1421447
Daddy Dzahn (The person doing the game) is streaming on Twitch atm.
Furrynomous 2018/04/16 23:20:51 No.1422341
How far has the game gotten, I can't seem to get much further than day 12...or was it 13? Maybe its because there's some missing data from other routes, or at least that's what the page says before it sends me back to the title screen
Furrynomous 2018/04/17 02:20:41 No.1422442
Three routes are completed, several routes are up to day 15, some haven't started, and a few getting reworks (namely Tora's and Shun's).

Juuichi's, Tatsuki's, and Shin's routes are done.

v0.3.6 below
Furrynomous 2018/04/17 03:19:36 No.1422447
A new update should be coming out some point soonish. The tumblr said the 15th at the earliest.
Furrynomous 2018/04/19 08:22:39 No.1423266
If someone are planning to put Japanese language in the game, please consider to put Furigana. The Ren'Py have a way to put inserting the "Ruby Text" into the game.
Furrynomous 2018/04/19 10:45:00 No.1423293
Thanks man!
Furrynomous 2018/04/19 11:58:09 No.1423311
It's very unfortunate that this will now have female routes.... Morenatsu was supposed to be completely gay.
Devilizer 2018/04/19 17:10:21 No.1423438
Hey, I'm one of the people working on the game.
There's no "female routes" at all, the game is exclusively male routes. There will be female sprites however, as, for example, Soutarou's mom will play a big role in his route, and we felt it was appropriate for her to get a sprite too.

I'm not sure where you heard that the game would include female routes, however I know that our server for the game likes doing memes about the stuff, however they remain just that, memes. If it's not posted in an official announcement by Dzahn, it's not confirmed.
Furrynomous 2018/04/19 18:21:42 No.1423463
As a person who are working at the game... I have a question.

About the Kyouji and Soutarou route.

Are we going to have... a polygamy relationship?

I mean that's what I'm thinking about their route, because Soutarou and Kyouji seems to already have a special relationship and putting the main character in the middle only to choose between them, it seems wrong to me. I think the three should be together at the end.
Furrynomous 2018/04/19 18:58:08 No.1423475
Hey I tried the Juuichi route and ended up marrying Torahiko. =|||
Furrynomous 2018/04/19 19:08:17 No.1423478

Maybe turn Tora down instead to actually progress the story? If you don't have a choice then you may want to start over and focus more on Juuichi.
Furrynomous 2018/04/19 20:46:11 No.1423501
Oh yeah I forgot that

Furrynomous 2018/04/21 22:21:27 No.1424480
Thought about giving Kazumi and/or Yukino sprites too? I do like the idea of seeing Kouya's mom...
Furrynomous 2018/06/21 18:05:26 No.1455482
Hey guys there is a new update with a bonus road with Ten. I played and it's a beautiful story. There is a bonus scene in the credit.
Ten's route. Wolfboy 2018/06/23 02:30:52 No.1456052
Hey, how do you find Ten's route? Is it hard to find?
Furrynomous 2018/06/23 02:46:09 No.1456056
Did you try Shun or juuichi? Since they are the one's most closely related to Ten, maybe he's there and you can start hanging out with him instead of the other to.
Ten's route. Furrynomous 2018/06/23 04:45:40 No.1456072
I really don't know, if there is a special condition for it. Can somebody find out?
Furrynomous 2018/06/23 05:58:26 No.1456091
To find Ten route you need to follow juuichi route. The game have a guide section in the bonus but I will just write the choices you must follow here:
Aug 1st: Is it too cramped near juuichi ?
Aug 2nd: I should explore the countryside!
Aug 3rd:...
Aug 4th: Maybe i'll take the day off...
Aug 5th: Catches fireflies with Juuichi
Aug 6th:Kyouji and soutarou soccer game is today
Aug 7th: Juuichi
Aug 8th: Juuichi looks like he's gonna take it easy..
Aug 9th:...
Aug 10th: I wonder what everyone is up to ?
Dodge the question
Aug 11th: Is there anything new at the candy store ?
It's okay I got this
Borrow the jacket
Aug 12th: I need to return juuichi's Jersey
Aug 13th: It would be nice to walk along the river...
His body ?
Aug 15th: Let's hear what Juuichi's plan is.
Aug 22nd Keep going

If you follow this you will the unlock Ten route.
Ten's route. Furrynomous 2018/06/23 12:21:10 No.1456195
Okay. How will we know that we unlocked it? Will his icon appear on the map, if so what date does it appear on?
Furrynomous 2018/06/23 13:08:12 No.1456206
If you see day 26 with the image of Ten, you are in his road.
Ten's route Furrynomous 2018/06/23 16:25:12 No.1456300
How does it start and end? Also, how many days are there in the game? It is my first time playing the game.
Furrynomous 2018/06/23 20:31:08 No.1456372
Played the bonus route, I have to say it was good. There was two things that bothered me personally: I didn't expect a shift in pov, so it was jarring, but hey at least there is the option to skip through. The other part was during Spoiler I know in the original we happen to "see it", but in the revisited version there wasn't such thing... unless there was something that I was suppose to do to trigger it.
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 05:16:22 No.1458170
My secret crush! :O
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 06:03:05 No.1458181
I don't know what to say about the music...its okay...but replacing the original title screen music was definitely a mistake...its the only song that brings me to happy/sad tears

It was really powerful when I first came across Morenatsu, I'd prefer that it remain please, that's all I ask
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 12:35:39 No.1458390

Pretty good route, a little rushed but since you only meet Ten halfway through August and his route is triggered after the rejection, it explains why its a bit rushed.

Though on another note for the community I have to ask how is Torahiko's route progressing. So far it still ends on August 16th his birthday but I thought people planned to explain his route to the full 30 days. No rush really but wanted to know if that was still going on.
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 13:51:00 No.1458406
Yeah, Torahiko route is the only reason for me to play this fan-game (because the tiger never had a canon route), hope he tops and Hiroyuki bottoms
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 14:54:02 No.1458418
He was supposed to be vers in the original material.
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 03:46:00 No.1458685
I agree 100% I understand the whole thing about wanting to get away from Morenatsu's style, but this game still is Morenatsu afterall, replacing something so iconic is not a good idea in any way.
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 17:06:07 No.1458959
The song is in the game still however it is the map theme, it is rearranged however it is there. Listen to it for about a minute and you'll hear it.
Morenatsu Furrynomous 2018/06/28 18:35:07 No.1459000
Does anybody know, where I can find the upload for a previous for Kouya's route? They cut it in the new update.
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 21:54:41 No.1459059
File: 1529508337.grompyryokin_morenatsurevisited05ten_u18chan.png - (419.82kb, 800x600, 1529508337.grompyryokin_morenatsurevisited05ten.png)
My prayers came true, a route for Ten Kodori X3
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 23:46:27 No.1459140
I've just touched the thing for 30 mins (and skipped a bunch to check some things in particular), but the music replacement is at best decent and horrible at worst.

Those with lyrics especially don't fit at all with the atmosphere, and it's so... un-Morenatsu. Part of me wanted to shut off the game just because of it.

Also, I dun remember if there was an electric guitar version of the title screen theme in the original, but it's so out of place now that the title theme isn't in the game (or at the same place anymore), and it plays every single time on the route choice menu.

Edited at 2018/06/28 23:55:14
Furrynomous 2018/06/29 14:23:16 No.1459326
Kouya's route has never been rewritten yet for Revisited, Homecoming may have it be done by the time it comes out.
Furrynomous 2018/06/29 16:36:13 No.1459392
Hey guys there will have a redesignated of Shun and Satorou
Furrynomous 2018/06/29 20:19:55 No.1459458
Anyone know how to access Tens route? Really don't want to have to experiment to try and find it.
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 16:50:01 No.1461963
File: 860534-MorenatsuTorahiko_Ooshima_u18chan.jpg - (177.32kb, 800x600, 860534 - Morenatsu Torahiko_Ooshima.jpg)
I'd like to think that Torahiko's vers as well, mostly because gamma himself drew him bottoming for a human, presumably Hiro.
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 18:01:18 No.1461995
File: Ten_Route_u18chan.png - (1.56mb, 1255x931, Ten_Route.PNG)
Ten Route
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 18:35:45 No.1461999
Someone shows sex pics of Ten's route and (Tappei's) if he is available.
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 19:10:21 No.1462008
I wish there was a tappei route....
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 22:31:23 No.1462069
File: WHAT-IS-THIS_u18chan.png - (1.58mb, 1223x951, WHAT-IS-THIS.PNG)
I didn't really like Ten's route. It was kinda... off-putting. Pic included is literally the only enjoyment I've gotten from it because it looks so ridiculous.
Furrynomous 2018/07/08 19:19:44 No.1463918
File: yaaaa_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1904x744, yaaaa.PNG)
i mean, i know whoever did CG in this vn can't replicate the original CG

but wtf, this is ridiculous, at least find some artist that do similiar style, or maybe follow the original artstyle, They made Ten looks like woman in this one
Vic Venom 2018/07/09 01:02:35 No.1464137
My feelings towards it exactly, if you wanna make a Ten CG, or any character really, at least have an artist who can replicate the look somewhat.

Booboo's artwork of Ten would very obviously not be from the original artist and be sorta out of place with the rest of the art, but it still looks like Ten for the most part.
Furrynomous 2018/07/09 01:57:24 No.1464149
File: B_0_u18chan.png - (2.91mb, 1200x1272, B.png)
(for some reason it didn't want me to link Booboo's picture in my first post, "no file given", so I'm doing it here)
Furrynomous 2018/07/29 23:38:25 No.1473312

Not that I know of. I know in the original script that was a thing. I don't think it is in the revisited. As for the scenes, they are done fairly well overall. Even if everything is a bit rushed. I would have rather just had something that completely unlocked a Ten route so you could spend more time with him.

And yeah, that pov switch was super bad though.

The ending is great though, and I'd say Ten has the best ending though.
Furrynomous 2018/08/07 17:34:59 No.1477031
Found that one guys soundcloud for the music

Listen to A Prince Slept Beside Me by Hop-Skip & The Chewtoys #np on #SoundCloud
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 04:51:00 No.1485282
Any news or updates
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 05:07:37 No.1485283

depends how up to date you've kept on the project. three months ago they announced "Morenatsu ~Revisited~" is finished, or that version will not be updated anymore, its basically just a port of the old game and will be left as is.

they have announced that going forward they will be remaking/re imagining the original game as a new title "homecoming" so they can expand on the original as opposed to just making the original work on renpy.

they talked about it here

on the 19th they had a stream showing off a early version of their remake here

they turned shun into a hipster.
Furrynomous 2018/08/26 07:59:06 No.1485725
I...I've no words...oh wait I do.....FUCK!

Thanks. Well what was the last "finished" update on this revisited
Furrynomous 2018/09/18 13:00:58 No.1495612
File: 81A2DE00-1DFD-4466-BC05-7B77BA0700EC_u18chan.png - (4.44mb, 2048x1536, 81A2DE00-1DFD-4466-BC05-7B77BA0700EC.png)
The musician or whoever popped up on YouTube and has been coupling the bgm with art from homecoming

I don’t have ovaries, but if I did they’d be melting right now
Revisited Furrynomous 2018/09/18 21:40:16 No.1495737
What the hell? Is that what they look like now? I prefer the older versions. Glad that the creators are making a sequel to that one.
Furrynomous 2018/09/30 20:38:31 No.1500238
File: 1538354709.dzahndragon_announcement_u18chan.png - (230.01kb, 1280x720, 1538354709.dzahndragon_announcement.png)

Furrynomous 2018/09/30 22:00:57 No.1500263
File: 1519272011422_u18chan.jpg - (28.64kb, 500x246, 1519272011422.jpg)
>that torahiko
Furrynomous 2018/09/30 23:36:50 No.1500283
Lol it looks like Torahiko went through anorexia after Hiroyuki left and insulted his food. They better redo this because Torahiko is supposed to be more muscular, Junchi build is okay.
Furrynomous 2018/10/01 00:11:18 No.1500288
I think he looks fine. Less bara than the original, but still looks pretty fit.
Furrynomous 2018/10/01 01:17:55 No.1500317
Not really a Torahiko anymore. Still prefer the bara one, but not TOO bara.
Furrynomous 2018/10/01 01:59:18 No.1500322
I can understand why people wouldn't like it, but I can understand why the Torahiko was redesigned like that

He actually looks his age now
Furrynomous 2018/10/01 03:54:27 No.1500345
Been a long time since I played this, but wasn't Torahiko supposed to be on the swim team? If yes, I think the new look is more fitting. While fit, most swimmers don't have the super buff bodybuilder-type builds.

The one thing that seems really off to me are his arms-they seem to be really skinny, especially since he has clearly done some work in the gym to build up his pecs.
Furrynomous 2018/10/01 05:08:50 No.1500355
ya his arms are weirdly skinny compared to the rest of his body. its like he works out everything BUT the arms.
Furrynomous 2018/10/01 07:51:27 No.1500394
I liked, no loved, how this was going before as the same art was used and the music, not to mention the story was more fleshed out and detailed...I really loved it in place of the original...but this isn't what I grew up into DX
Furrynomous 2018/10/02 23:46:53 No.1501023
I tried playing through this, but his writing is really not on-par with the original. I was enjoying lots of the game until I realized the parts I enjoyed were leftovers from the original game. Much of the added stuff isn't great.
Furrynomous 2018/10/03 02:36:25 No.1501064
why didn't you just... you know..

use the fucking old art instead of making a new uglier version?
Furrynomous 2018/10/03 14:45:32 No.1501178
Or just let this oldass series rest in fucking peace. No need to butcher its dead corpse.
Furrynomous 2018/10/04 03:00:48 No.1501410
Some of us love the game too much to let it go...I personally love the game more than anything, it helped me through some things and helped me understand myself better

I can never just let it rest...I want to see it finished...I cannot
Furrynomous 2018/10/04 09:54:55 No.1501464
Torahiko’s arms seem a bit skinny, but he does actually look his age now. I like this less bara version of Torahiko. Sou also looks really cute.
Furrynomous 2018/10/04 12:25:20 No.1501514
I loved Morenatsu, and was severely disappointed when it failed. Yes, it had its issues. My favorite characters never got their routes, and two of them that were there were experimental routes. One with weird endings, and the other one who just got shafted.

But I've seen these revival projects come and go. I'm not holding my breath for this one, either. I mean, this is... what? The third or fourth one that's popped up?

And that art. What's up with Torahiko? Dude needs a cheeseburger, badly. 0% body fat is incredibly unattractive in addition to being unhealthy. Soutarou looks like he has a case of resting bitch face. He's supposed to be Kyouji's bright-eyed young admirer, not some jaded twat.
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 03:29:23 No.1503553
im pretty excited for the torahiko route now, soutarou too

just really pathetic how many people here want tora to be a walking wall of muscle. calm yourselves flaming homosexuals--the guy actually looks his age now
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 03:40:13 No.1503557
File: kitajima_u18chan.jpg - (25.04kb, 350x357, kitajima.jpg)

revisited tora actually looks like a real swimmer now, if not a bit buffer
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 06:05:23 No.1503570
>People trying to be too real over a furry VN
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 10:30:47 No.1503613
furry stuff can be realistic, i.e. Blacksad, Circles
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 20:57:45 No.1503781

after extracurricular activities i think id like to see husbandos that arent so over the top muscley

good to see homecoming or revisited or whatever actually sticking to their guns
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 05:44:58 No.1504380
.....meh.....I'll stick with the OG, thank you, not my type of art style
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 06:06:17 No.1504398
yeah guise, dont ruin my morenatsu by trying to make the characters look their age and deal with more relatable problems! xD

this thread is nothing but autism
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 11:21:02 No.1504503
What happened to my baras hosubandos? T-T
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 11:45:44 No.1504512
The whole "haha Le Autism!!!! guise i'm funny rite" shit is bad enough but really, who still fucking uses the XD emoticon and isn't underage
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 13:36:16 No.1504551
File: 1501577125656_u18chan.gif - (52.74kb, 346x346, 1501577125656.gif)
>i want realism in muh dating sim vn full of multicolored anthropomorphic homos
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 22:08:13 No.1504787
>don't worry guys! They posted a source code so that ANYONE can make their own Morenatsu route! How cool is that

Except that anyone can make cheap knockoffs now.
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 23:45:50 No.1504819

>Literally anyone could have done what these idiots are doing, but because that dragon did it first he's the worst thing to ever happen to Morenatsu and must be crucified for ruining the sanctity of my nostalgic memories

Morenatsu fans in a nutshell. Lazy cunts can't do anything but consume
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 23:50:57 No.1504820
who are you even quoting
Furrynomous 2018/10/12 05:31:42 No.1504892

Prolly something someone said in return to the developer posting the old source code. Get this, the developer is humble to the point of putting out a source code to mod out or in whatever shit you like or dont like and is still getting shit on >_>

Meanwhile actual knockoffs are setting up patreons, like those Reworks developers
Furrynomous 2018/10/12 05:33:33 No.1504893

Morenatsu should have stayed dead not because of the fanprojects but because of the fanbase
Furrynomous 2018/10/12 08:43:09 No.1504915

there's nothing humble or to be thankful in playing with a an already dead story with fan-based husbando routes (that are probably gonna be shit) and expecting it to be loved more than it was.

All this hype for what? Paid or free, they're both NOT Morenatsu. Just some fan projects that took the name of it just to get attention.
Furrynomous 2018/10/12 08:55:47 No.1504920
while it would have been wonderful for morenatsu to have been finished, the fact is that it wasnt. we should just be happy that we got what we did since they could have never released it at all. morenatsu is a sweet summer love that was never meant to last.

perhaps some things should just be let go...
Furrynomous 2018/10/21 08:26:15 No.1508174
It will always be loved by it's strongest fans, I'll never let it go, hell I'm taking classes to learn this shit cuz I'm tired of not being able to bring a full game to reality. I liked the way this was going and it was all I wanted, going indepth with each character and moment and even adding Ten. Morenatsu4ever
Furrynomous 2018/11/12 21:32:24 No.1516782
tatsuki got a new sprite!
Furrynomous 2018/11/13 01:16:07 No.1516861
File: DrwDm6aU8AEIHKV.jpglarge_u18chan.jpg - (204.38kb, 1893x2048, DrwDm6aU8AEIHKV.jpg large.jpg)

found a better version on the artist's twitter
Furrynomous 2018/11/13 02:40:06 No.1516887

Their soutarou and shin already had me sold and now I have an even more gorgeous tatsuki ^w^
Furrynomous 2018/11/13 02:55:03 No.1516889
File: Kounosuke_u18chan.png - (705.78kb, 2800x2253, Kounosuke.png)

Homecoming Kounosuke
My ovaries are melting
Furrynomous 2018/11/13 06:56:52 No.1516934

>they turned shun into a hipster.

That was based off of a concept sprite.


Which creators? Which sequel?


People will always try to finish unfinished works...
Furrynomous 2018/11/13 10:41:28 No.1516976
This kind of kawaii uguu face doesn't work well with a chubby body.
Furrynomous 2018/11/13 19:16:11 No.1517094

What crap criticism. It's literally the same idea as the original sprite, though considering this fanbase you probably think that one is untouchable perfection and nobody should ever touch your sacred cow Morenatsu.

I honestly feel bad for these Revisited guys. They don't deserve the gaping anuses that are the Morenatsu fanbase, but whatever. They chose this hill to die on.

Godspeed, you courageous idiots.
New Shun>Old Shun Furrynomous 2018/11/14 08:18:12 No.1517425
File: shun_full_u18chan.png - (4mb, 2079x2309, shun_full.png)


and to the cunts going on about Shun being a "hipster" now: anything is better than that old pedo shit
Furrynomous 2018/11/14 12:28:35 No.1517475

Even if people prefer his original outfit, he *needed* to be aged up.

It would be interesting if his original outfit versus the beta outfit could be swapped, or whether the glasses could be swapped.

I think the glasses are a good idea too since relatively more people wear glasses than the original roster suggested.
Furrynomous 2018/11/20 19:39:50 No.1519601

>complains a character's face is too cute

I'm gonna need you to jump off a bridge pal
Furrynomous 2018/11/21 07:21:20 No.1519807
We get it, you don't like criticism. You can stop samefaging now.
Furrynomous 2018/11/21 07:58:29 No.1519822

Who doesn't?

BTW I also think the complaints about Kounosuke having too cutesy of a face are not justified, as the original also had a cutesy one.
Furrynomous 2018/11/21 09:04:08 No.1519835
The new one reminds of a generic moe anime girl. The old one, though similar, doesn't give me that feeling at all. It's just better proportioned.
Furrynomous 2018/11/21 19:15:54 No.1519985

In that case, widening the smile/making the cheeks fuller?
Tatsuki other endings! Furrynomous 2019/03/20 15:05:42 No.1566446
How do you get the weird/bad/kaijin endings?
Tatsuki other endings! Furrynomous 2019/03/20 15:05:52 No.1566447
How do you get the weird/bad/kaijin endings?
Furrynomous 2019/03/28 17:06:16 No.1569281

Id say bump but id rather the writer just finish his route in Homecoming

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