/gfur/ - Gay Furries
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File: m_1349093447586.donta_223900_u18chan.jpg - (247.2kb, 673x900, m_1349093447586.donta_がんばるし223900.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/08 20:57:55 No.1403881   
It's time to stop derailing the Edit thread, so here's a thread for small weenies. Cut, uncut, sheat, cloaca, original art, edits, I don't care as long as the penis is attached to an adult.
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Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/08 20:58:18 No.1403882
File: ah_1410729323259_a12924e85b6aaa687613b9af02c08290_u18chan.jpg - (201.01kb, 765x990, ah_1410729323259_a12924e85b6aaa687613b9af02c08290.jpg)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/08 20:58:42 No.1403883
File: 1303180_SydneySnake_elderpig_u18chan.jpg - (43.83kb, 353x494, 1303180_SydneySnake_elderpig.jpg)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/08 20:59:11 No.1403884
File: 1183980_norinori_zororinnu_u18chan.png - (370.71kb, 744x1052, 1183980_norinori_zororinnu.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/08 22:01:26 No.1403907
Not here to pick fights but I think this image is the Zorori's cub versio; his member are too short to be his adult version.

I would like to ask the admins to move this image to /cub in "Boys, boys, boys" thread, if it is confirmed as a cub image
Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/10 02:22:50 No.1404408
File: 3_158_u18chan.png - (154.39kb, 449x796, 3.png)
Some Fox McCloud edits I've done. I love me a little Fox
Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/10 02:23:14 No.1404409
File: 1_181_u18chan.png - (1.02mb, 1098x1209, 1.png)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/10 02:23:41 No.1404410
File: wbedit2_u18chan.png - (258.28kb, 653x851, wbedit2.png)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/11 04:35:37 No.1404773
File: sharkypaddedbottomchance_u18chan.jpg - (80.26kb, 1200x813, sharkypaddedbottomchance.jpg)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/11 06:07:44 No.1404808
File: 1870011_zake_ratchet_u18chan.png - (361.69kb, 706x862, 1870011_zake_ratchet.png)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/11 13:01:30 No.1404930
File: DOesnyxV4AAh6ta_u18chan.jpg - (131.54kb, 1200x1089, DOesnyxV4AAh6ta.jpg)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/11 21:10:15 No.1405093
File: 1479015324.carbiid3_720_u18chan.png - (2.94mb, 720x1280, 1479015324.carbiid3_720.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/11 21:45:39 No.1405105
File: photo_2018-01-06_01-08-23_u18chan.jpg - (65.4kb, 879x981, photo_2018-01-06_01-08-23.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/11 21:50:10 No.1405106
File: tumblr_ouyfm4EOej1qbxpldo1_1280_u18chan.png - (1.1mb, 848x1200, tumblr_ouyfm4EOej1qbxpldo1_1280.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:30:51 No.1405234
File: Felinepresentingballssmallpenisnude_u18chan.jpg - (63.7kb, 300x747, Feline presenting balls small penis nude.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:31:34 No.1405235
File: lekkoratchetlombaxballscoldcumflaccidmalenudesmallpenissolo_u18chan.jpg - (137.04kb, 1000x865, lekko ratchet lombax balls cold cum flaccid male nude small penis solo.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:40:04 No.1405238
File: mby057rioneromiunudegayerectionsmallpenisdildo_u18chan.jpg - (87.67kb, 750x632, mby057 rio nero miu nude gay erection small penis dildo.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:40:23 No.1405239
File: 1302890808.tokifuji_tsume_comm_main_smallcaninecumwhilepenetratedhands-freecumshotpeniserectionbedclothes_u18chan.png - (1.54mb, 900x1064, 1302890808.tokifuji_tsume_comm_main_small (canine cum while penetrated hands-free cumshot penis erection bed clothes).png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:40:35 No.1405240
File: illdingothundergreycanineaftersexanimalgenitaliaanthroanusbigdomsmallsubcrossdresscumerectiongirlyhumanoidpenisknottingtornclothing_u18chan.png - (505.82kb, 1200x748, ill dingo thundergrey canine after sex animal genitalia anthro anus big dom small sub crossdress cum erection girly humanoid penis knotting torn clothing.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:40:46 No.1405241
File: 1439496522.dragonfu_hardblush_bathroom_small_u18changirlypeniserectioncumshotcumwhilepenetratedhands-freewearingcondomcondomfilling_u18chan.png - (423.04kb, 541x700, 1439496522.dragonfu_hardblush_bathroom_small_u18chan (girly penis erection cumshot cum while penetrated hands-free wearing condom condom filling).png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:40:57 No.1405242
File: salkittencaninefox2013anthroballserectionflaccidhumanoidpenislyingnecklacepenisposesmallpenissmilesocksmarkingtwotonefurwink_2_u18chan.jpg - (82.52kb, 1280x872, salkitten canine fox 2013 anthro balls erection flaccid humanoid penis lying necklace penis pose small penis smile socks (marking) two tone fur wink.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:41:44 No.1405243
File: bonkcreedence2014anthrobacksackballsboundbondagemalenudesmallpenis_u18chan.png - (1.65mb, 2000x2748, bonk creedence 2014 anthro backsack balls bound bondage male nude small penis.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:42:26 No.1405245
File: 1366324759.tokifuji_300000_smalljangsoratokifujipenispokingoutunderwearcondomsmilephone_u18chan.png - (632.17kb, 725x900, 1366324759.tokifuji_300000_small (jang sora (tokifuji) penis poking out underwear condom smile phone).png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:42:38 No.1405246
File: 1470257431.dantesheath_1470235788.ookami-kun_kittykitty_smalltwinkfemboyunderwearasstrapballsackbulgetailearsstrippantiespeniscockcollarunderwear_u18chan.jpg - (163.4kb, 1280x918, 1470257431.dantesheath_1470235788.ookami-kun_kittykitty_small (twink femboy underwear ass trap ballsack bulge tail ears strip panties penis cock collar underwear).jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:42:50 No.1405247
File: 1470340108.dantesheath_1470339636.ookami-kun_frombehind_cat_smalltwinkfemboyunderwearasstrapbulgeleashcollarpeniscockpresentingpeacesignanus_u18chan.jpg - (606.26kb, 1271x1000, 1470340108.dantesheath_1470339636.ookami-kun_frombehind_cat_small (twink femboy underwear ass trap bulge leash collar penis cock presenting peacesign anus).jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:43:14 No.1405248
File: 1363964716.k98_k_98_meandmylove2k_98DIESELxWEASELscruffysexblowjobsuckgaylicksmallpenis_u18chan.jpg - (150.01kb, 860x1000, 1363964716.k98_k_98_meandmylove2 (k_98 DIESELxWEASEL scruffy sex blow job suck gay lick small penis).jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:43:48 No.1405249
File: katsukedasasledgecanineanalanthroballsbigdomsmallsubcrossdressingerectionmalemuscularpenissexsizedifferencesmile_u18chan.jpg - (706.45kb, 1280x914, katsuke dasa sledge canine anal anthro balls big dom small sub crossdressing erection male muscular penis sex size difference smile.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:44:18 No.1405250
File: 1382974452.meltina_precious_u18chan.jpg - (216.68kb, 1217x894, 1382974452.meltina_precious.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:46:02 No.1405251
File: miuriomiuclubstripeslion2008anthrocollarerectiongirlymalenudepenispinuppose_u18chan.jpg - (61.55kb, 604x900, miu rio (miu) clubstripes lion 2008 anthro collar erection girly male nude penis pinup pose.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 07:46:25 No.1405252
File: miupix-rio-loves-not-wearing-panties-1975067_u18chan.png - (148.35kb, 800x1000, miupix-rio-loves-not-wearing-panties-1975067.png)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/12 09:47:38 No.1405281
File: 1512918018.neenya_006.png_u18chan.jpg - (156.25kb, 1004x1280, 1512918018.neenya_006.png.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 11:51:45 No.1405307
File: 1476054329.lynxer_1475811382.arh_lynxer_smallpeniscageprecumhands-freeflaccidstockingsbdsmbondagebound_u18chan.png - (174.82kb, 1005x1280, 1476054329.lynxer_1475811382.arh_lynxer_small (penis cage precum hands-free flaccid stockings bdsm bondage bound).png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/12 11:51:59 No.1405309
File: 1499113743.anonamouse_anon_ych_by_king_hime-smallenjoipandasrafflecutegaycumcockfrottingballsanalaftersexbacksackgirlycappenisuncut_u18chan.png - (1.34mb, 1500x1200, 1499113743.anonamouse_anon_ych_by_king_hime-small (enjoipandas raffle cute gay cum cock frotting balls anal after sex backsack girly cap penis uncut).png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/13 15:40:42 No.1405750
File: 1519573471.carpemortem_rabbx_u18chan.png - (72.64kb, 900x1260, 1519573471.carpemortem_rabbx.png)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/14 06:47:26 No.1406139
File: zeke_u18chan.png - (96.5kb, 598x652, zeke.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/14 09:00:24 No.1406210
File: 1477955134.raivenderouthelion_jinbe_naked_u18chan.jpg - (107.96kb, 905x1280, 1477955134.raivenderouthelion_jinbe_naked.jpg)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/14 09:57:59 No.1406232
File: fix1_u18chan.png - (199.25kb, 488x810, fix1.png)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/15 11:07:38 No.1406774
File: artbybravo_u18chan.jpg - (103.46kb, 1027x1200, artbybravo.jpg)

Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/15 22:05:19 No.1406992
File: tumblr_otwyibd0za1spwvoso1_1280_u18chan.jpg - (126.77kb, 1200x750, tumblr_otwyibd0za1spwvoso1_1280.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/18 10:01:31 No.1408028
File: mby057rioneromiunudegayerectionsmallpenisdildo_0_u18chan.jpg - (110.4kb, 750x632, mby057 rio nero miu nude gay erection small penis dildo.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/18 10:05:11 No.1408030
File: 1503362041.princevaxis_porns_prinvaxis_flat_smaller2017ontaprince_vaxisfemboygirlygayhomosexualbacksackbedcum_in_assfilled_upassholespreadinglyrianfelinepenis_u18chan.png - (1.43mb, 1000x1016, 1503362041.princevaxis_porns_prinvaxis_flat_smaller (2017 onta prince_vaxis femboy girly gay homosexual backsack bed cum_in_ass filled_up asshole spreading lyrian feline penis).png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/18 11:22:51 No.1408057
Who is the artist?

Edit: Nevermind, it was who I thought it is.

Edited at 2018/03/18 11:38:45
Small dicks! Furrynomous 2018/03/20 23:16:24 No.1409217
File: a5e4731b633feea318a5ca34707adb3e_u18chan.png - (753.1kb, 900x720, a5e4731b633feea318a5ca34707adb3e.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/28 10:16:25 No.1413069
Can someone explain to me the appeal of this? Not judging, just curious to know
Furrynomous 2018/03/28 11:19:28 No.1413086
File: IMG_20180328_191923_500_u18chan.jpg - (1.03mb, 864x1280, IMG_20180328_191923_500.jpg)
It's no different than any attraction to any physical aspect of a man. I'm sure there's a deeper, psychological aspect explaining it but I never bothered analyzing my fetishes that much.
Furrynomous 2018/03/28 11:59:30 No.1413098
People are insecure about their dick size, so they find comfort in the sight of smaller dicks?
Furrynomous 2018/03/28 13:42:49 No.1413134
I thinks it's the same analogy for submission to a greater figure or idol. Like Pet/Master, Sub/Dom, etc, with a hint of Humiliation. You being smaller dick you lost you position in being a male to be a lesser being under a real man, which in case a bigger dick (you just assume that with a big dick you can produce more testosterone, so bigger and buffer; and hornier).

For being a smaller dick, you are not compelled to do things a bigger dick (buffer and hornier) are suppose to. So a bigger dick think because that you are lesser than him, lesser to even get females he could copulate to so a smaller dick should only be an Omega; a cumdumpster for a bigger dick.

So people like to see them as a submissive role, to accept their lesser role, to humiliate, or even to be slave of their condition.

That's what I see. =/

Edited at 2018/03/28 13:49:18
Furrynomous 2018/03/28 13:58:55 No.1413139
File: 5074673_u18chan.png - (1.69mb, 1280x1000, 5074673.png)
I get the size difference and humiliation aspect. I also just think some small dicks look nice.
Furrynomous 2018/03/28 21:14:41 No.1413237
My first ever serious boyfriend had a pornstar dick and it was a literal pain in the ass and sex was so uncomfortable I legitimately played the headache card multiple times. Between that and furry porn being inundated with arm-length cocks I developed a preference for average or even small

For all instance, a decent amount of the pics even in this thread are more like realistic, normal size cocks, only tiny by furry porn standards
Furrynomous 2018/03/31 08:33:20 No.1414712

Same here. I had a boyfriend with a really gigantic dick. The sex was terrible, to be honest. I guess the reason why so many people love huge cocks has more to do with its archetypical depiction as a symbol for procreative power than with its actual usefulness.
Furrynomous 2018/03/31 08:37:11 No.1414713


I am bisexual and I never got the whole big cocks and gargantum tits shit. What is the problem with small dicks? Why the fuck are almost all Westerners obsessed with elephant trunk wieners? I can honestly see no advantage in them.
Furrynomous 2018/03/31 09:04:47 No.1414721

same reason why bad dragon has dildos the size of my leg
Furrynomous 2018/04/02 00:19:13 No.1415560
Because "dragons"?
LiquidFoxDesigns 2018/04/02 03:31:18 No.1415605
File: 80ae0aa91662c739e21cbb9cecbe9b8a_u18chan.jpg - (184.75kb, 1280x905, 80ae0aa91662c739e21cbb9cecbe9b8a.jpg)
Hey don't blame us westerners, I'll take my femboys with regular sized cocks thank you.
Leo 2018/04/02 04:35:15 No.1415611

Now that is one pair of tasty femboys.
Furrynomous 2018/04/09 07:58:48 No.1419007
You guys gonna love this video:
Furrynomous 2018/04/09 07:59:57 No.1419008

Thanks! That is one awesome video, dude!
Furrynomous 2018/04/10 08:21:27 No.1419391
File: yourturnsml_u18chan.jpg - (331.04kb, 1000x1000, your turnsml.jpg)
>filthy human
As if!
Furrynomous 2018/04/15 10:42:52 No.1421711
who da artist.middle guy is hot as fridge.

Edited at 2018/04/15 11:07:57
Furrynomous 2018/04/16 21:16:12 No.1422285
File: DQTJgPiXUAAbMOo_u18chan.jpg - (65.75kb, 879x981, DQTJgPiXUAAbMOo.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/04/16 21:16:50 No.1422286
File: DPFSzmCX4AAcCKT_u18chan.jpg - (41.41kb, 710x683, DPFSzmCX4AAcCKT.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/04/16 21:17:06 No.1422287
File: DLp7HdnW0AAwfS7_u18chan.jpg - (77.88kb, 848x1200, DLp7HdnW0AAwfS7.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/04/16 21:17:25 No.1422288
File: C_yUrQiXgAAvBSu_u18chan.jpg - (159.53kb, 1200x856, C_yUrQiXgAAvBSu.jpg)

next time CesarXV 2018/04/20 06:20:43 No.1423700
next time
Furrynomous 2018/04/20 23:33:08 No.1424040
File: 8059d5cc2c1c0912d6ab270d83538c06_u18chan.jpg - (775.83kb, 1749x2500, 8059d5cc2c1c0912d6ab270d83538c06.jpg)
This guy is insanely sexy! Any more of him?
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 05:15:53 No.1424118
Where are you guys when it comes to dating apps? I get turned down after I send my dick pics all the time and I'm 3 inches hard, which is not really that far below average.
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 08:31:52 No.1424151

Yeah, there are many size queens around. I am sure that you will find someone on here who will definetly date you!
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 08:36:19 No.1424153

I personally do not use any dating apps. I simply go into night clubs and hook up with guys.

(Its quite known in my favorite night club that I love to hook up with guys who have small or average cocks, so its not really hard to get somebody with the right proportions, hihi)

I would really love to help you, but I know nothing about any dating apps at all.

Edited at 2018/04/21 08:40:54
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 08:42:24 No.1424155
I found this interesting article:

Although it was written by a woman not a gay man, I full heartedly agree!
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 13:43:04 No.1424244
Unfortunately I'm already happily taken by a 4-inced guy. I'm sure you'll find someone who will love you the size you are.
Furrynomous 2018/06/13 13:27:55 No.1451568
File: 1506231551.dulynoted_wolf_2017_u18chan.png - (240.7kb, 1073x1157, 1506231551.dulynoted_wolf_2017.png)

Furrynomous 2018/06/13 13:27:57 No.1451569
File: 1528684941.justmegabenewell_sarenthestalwart2_u18chan.png - (1.37mb, 1240x1280, 1528684941.justmegabenewell_sarenthestalwart2.png)
Furrynomous 2018/06/14 02:33:12 No.1451938
File: 1524947840.grizurso_babydick0011_u18chan.png - (336.11kb, 895x1280, 1524947840.grizurso_babydick001[1].png)

Furrynomous 2018/06/15 12:38:09 No.1452659
File: fd1ed418dbdef1562be271e36281a3eb1_u18chan.jpg - (509.14kb, 4095x2773, fd1ed418dbdef1562be271e36281a3eb[1].jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/06/15 23:17:01 No.1452891
File: 1529088771.plaguedobsession_gearupfundraiser1_u18chan.png - (124.58kb, 905x1280, 1529088771.plaguedobsession_gearupfundraiser[1].png)

Furrynomous 2018/10/14 22:14:29 No.1505885
File: 1457978468.tamyra_scotty_tinyrow_u18chan.png - (510.63kb, 2200x800, 1457978468.tamyra_scotty_tinyrow.png)

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