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File: FC979D8E-20A2-4F06-B951-AF9BCCC88654_u18chan.jpeg - (424.99kb, 1937x1238, FC979D8E-20A2-4F06-B951-AF9BCCC88654.jpeg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Morenatsu rework Furrynomous 2018/08/20 05:22:58 No.1483122   
Someone is remaking Morenatsu and trying to make money of it. Thoughts?
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Furrynomous 2018/08/20 05:55:58 No.1483128
I've seen people make dakimuras with characters from this, making money is fine I guess.

The faces are a little strange, but it looks polished so far I guess. Much better than the other remakes I've seen so far at least.

I can't help but think this was a plug though since how little following it seems to have currently
Furrynomous 2018/08/20 06:26:10 No.1483134
ahaha what the hell's happening here.this is the third time now.
Morenatsu rework Furrynomous 2018/08/20 07:29:28 No.1483152
Believe me it’s not, I want this project to crash and burn, I just wanted to talk about it. Trying to monetise off someone else’s hard work is despicable, no matter if they rework the story, assets whatever. The characters look strange the older art is superior anyway.
Furrynomous 2018/08/20 07:41:20 No.1483154
Eh uh um I uh

I'm a huge Torahiko fan...tiger fan...and that just ain't doing it for me. Adding the money bit just makes it worse, the whole what you call it databanks or archives, whatever it is, it's out and publicably accessable so anyone can do it
Furrynomous 2018/08/20 10:17:34 No.1483205
I think this is a different team from the other one, revisited I think? The art looks good, and I'll check it out when I have time.

The fact they opened a patreon for this one and the other one hasn't should say a lot though. Something feels very disrespectful about it. Not even the original game had money involved, but these guys think they can monetize their version? I don't know, it doesn't sit well with me.
Furrynomous 2018/08/20 10:52:41 No.1483217
So far we have no proof that the Morenatsu Rework demos will be for Patrons only.

If some fans want another version of Morenatsu that is rewritten, has new art, gets completed, and these fans wanna pledge to show their support, then why not?

Having this version succeed is not gonna destroy the original, nor is it gonna convince the original creators to finish what they started.
Furrynomous 2018/08/20 14:13:31 No.1483335
When will furries let this garbage die??
Furrynomous 2018/08/20 14:15:19 No.1483336
I can understand the rework by adding his own style to this, but sadly this project is just going to die. Why? There has been almost little development to no development for this game already and the creator is already asking for money right away. If your going to make a visual novel, you need to have at least some decent amount of work done already first, then start the patron. The second reason is, morenatsu is already free, heck there are people on the morenatsu form, writing stories and scripts for characters free of charge. The art looks fine to me, but not many people will like it, but this is just bound to fail like all the rest. The only way I would support this game, is if the creator has torahiko route done first and he his already half way there. Otherwise, what's the point then?
Furrynomous 2018/08/20 21:27:02 No.1483518
The art is by no means bad, but when you’re making the sprites even more buff than the original, the thirst is real.

I don’t see the problem with making the characters look more realistic to their actual ages, it might actually force the creators to make the characters work from an emotional and sentimental point rather than just their sex appeal
Furrynomous 2018/08/21 00:49:26 No.1483586
I don't think a rehash of a game that's already been done for free has any right to be monetized. if the maker needs money, I suggest getting a job.
Furrynomous 2018/08/21 02:59:56 No.1483639
The original was free, but wasn't it a clusterfuck mess created by several different writers spread through 10 years of development (which for several writers would really be not that long of a game), and at least some of the original people leaving early?

Many people seem to mention how it was hard work and a passion project, and on the one hand it's true, but at the same time it kinda kills the illusion to know that the original creators ended up hating the very project they were working on, burnt out, and left. Don't they wanna be disassociated from it?

I have a distaste for taking over free work and monetizing it, however if demos aren't paywalled and the goals of the creator are met, eeeh... fine, while it's not necessarily the most popular move they could've made, Morenatsu is public domain, they're in their right to do so, much like how artists sell doujins of Morenatsu characters.
If the project ends up rewriting the entire original except a few key scenes like advertised to make it their own creation with more focus, I can accept its existence. What I'm more concerned about is if it's gonna make progress in the long term, and not be yet another abandoned project.

Honestly, I don't know why the OP even bothered to make a thread to kill the project, if anything it's because of he made the thread that I was made aware of it and I'm willing to give a bit of support. And believe it or not, their Dis-cord is getting packed with people, there are already 45 people after 1-2 days, apparently no advertising is bad advertising.
And the Homecoming project is "free", sure, but it's not like they'd be refusing donations either, if the Rework doesn't paywall demos, I just see it using Patreon as a Donate button, which much more people will be willing to us than an actual Donate button.

As for the sprites... well, most characters are fine, Shun actually really looks good & aged up while not looking like a completely different character, I'm shocked.
Only Torahiko poses an issue with me, he's too buff for a swimmer, and Juuichi's arms might be too ripped, other than that, they're not really that sexed up (if anything, Shin & Soutarou are borderline traps).
Furrynomous 2018/08/21 10:03:26 No.1483724

Man, furries are so quick to part with their money, even when it's obvious they're going to get ripped off. I should jump on this "Visual Novel" gravy train.

Hey guys, I've got a concept for a VN! It's about this kid who's returning home after six years living somewhere else. He meets his old friends, including a wolf, a tiger, and a bear. Eventually, he gets to sleep with one of them, having all sorts of nasty sex!

Oh, forgot to mention this has nothing to do with Morenatsu! This one takes place in the United States, so it's completely original and don't steal this!

By the way, I'll be opening a Patreon, so make sure you throw me your money if you like the idea!

For fuck sake, let this dead game stay buried. Not even the original developers thought it was worth finishing.
Vic Venom 2018/08/21 12:50:34 No.1483746
File: ThisIsGonnaBeGold_u18chan.gif - (4.87mb, 455x350, #ThisIsGonnaBeGold.gif)
Don't mind me, I'm just here for the laughs.
Furrynomous 2018/08/21 17:25:38 No.1483835
File: morenatsu............2_u18chan.jpg - (66.71kb, 618x410, morenatsu............2.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/08/21 17:26:22 No.1483836
don't worry everyone, once the asshat that hijacked Morenatsu gets enough money, he will bail. Just calling it now.
Furrynomous 2018/08/21 18:26:09 No.1483852
Funny. There was actually a project called Amerinatsu.
Furrynomous 2018/08/22 01:07:46 No.1483980
Furrynomous 2018/08/22 14:49:49 No.1484191
File: bn_u18chan.png - (488.93kb, 1280x720, bn.png)
I can't wait.
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 05:51:27 No.1484892
So I talked with the head of the project himself. seems like a nice enough guy, and told me that he's asking for money just to make a proper living because he has little to no money and outright cant find a job cause of his situation and location? so i dont know, i think you guys are jumping the gun a bit without knowing your people first?
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 07:05:51 No.1484909
So he wants to make money for living by "rework" others stuff? Wow, just wow, very nice and kind
Why doesn't he start something of his own rather than use others assets?

Edited at 2018/08/24 07:07:56
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 09:04:33 No.1484974
Says he wants to recreate something he loves into something better mainly, and hopes to get support so he can work on a better budget since he says he literally is unable to find a job cause of his place.
He also clarified that demo and final are planned to be free, only gathering money from support to live.
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 10:52:26 No.1485010
Wow, already going with a sob story? Pathetic.

This thing is going to crash and burn, just like all the rest of them.
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 11:00:16 No.1485013
okay, so if they don't get enough money, what happens to him? i can see them closing it down because it's not paying enough and taking time away from actually finding a job, or dragging it on forever just because that's the only thing that keeps him afloat

both those options seem bad tbh

Edited at 2018/08/24 13:31:53
Morenatsu rework Furrynomous 2018/08/24 15:13:32 No.1485091
I have been gathering intel on this project from some people working on this project and it is rather juicy. I can’t say much right now but the creator is a piece of shit only looking for money. Trust me.
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 15:53:36 No.1485095
It's rather counterproductive how you made this thread for that specific project to crash and burn and warn people not to support it.

Because almost no one had heard of the project beforehand.

Your thread, despite the lack of positive responses on here, literally brought support to the project; it's been mentioned on the Echo server, their server has U18Chan users on it, hell there's even a Morenatsu Revisited writer in the Rework server now.

If that thread was supposed to kill the project, it backfired. Hard. It had near zero attention before, and when you're unknown there's no such thing as bad publicity. The best way you could've gone about it to serve your own purpose, was to do nothing, no one can support a project they haven't heard of.

Edited at 2018/08/24 15:55:52
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 16:15:14 No.1485103
To be fair, this project spread from word to mouth in the very dedicated Morenatsu communities. I don't think they needed u18chan to do their advertising.
Furrynomous 2018/08/27 10:32:34 No.1486151
File: Dcyrvh_u18chan.png - (143.78kb, 2438x1026, Dcyrvh.png)

Furrynomous 2018/08/27 11:39:25 No.1486177
>server is dead
>server is full of SJWs
Pick one

And tag your macros while you're at it

Also trying to remake Morenatsu in the first place is a bad idea but at the very least whatever this thing is is using original art rather than just stealing the assets from the cancelled version
Speaking of which Morenatsu in and of itself is kinda nostalgia goggles anyways, Kouya and Shin's routes are the only ones that people actually still agree were good and that's a mere THIRD of the game in its final form so like, why does it remain so hyped up? Is it just because it was "first"?
Furrynomous 2018/08/27 20:43:08 No.1486410

I think it's because there was a lot of variety with the character designs, and enough content to make it interesting. The characters were for the most part likable and fairly realistic, the overall writing was decent, and not every scene had to have sexual undertones like most furry writing.

The only thing that I really disliked is that the overall story is a rather bland, slice-of-life type story. While that's not inherently bad, it's hard to keep that type of story interesting as it gets longer and longer.
Furrynomous 2018/09/11 05:07:57 No.1493247
It seems the project is on an indefinite hiatus now. Looks like the main dev just wanted to take some idiot’s money and run. But this is so much better than Homecoming right?
Furrynomous 2018/09/11 12:55:07 No.1493337
Tatsuki route is the only good route because the main character isn't retarded in it.
Furrynomous 2018/09/12 11:59:58 No.1493703
I get that the original characters were designed to be open source but using them for your own endeavors that aren't fanart/Rule 34, especially stuff that you're expecting people to pay for, just shows you're too lazy to design your own characters IMHO
Furrynomous 2018/10/05 17:24:28 No.1502024
The eyebrows are always too big in my opinion XD shoulda named it Morebushybrows XD
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 04:18:50 No.1503560
They look decent in a group i suppose, but Shin, Shun and Soutarou really kill how the hell is an asthmatic housecat gonna have a chest like that? looking like he cranks out 100 pushups every morning

it seems like the entire selling point of this version is "EVERYONE IS RIDICULOUSLY BARA, PLZ FAP"
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 10:13:05 No.1503611
So they're already three updates in and the story hasn't progressed further than where they were when they released? Tell me again why this has a patreon and why people are stupid enough to support it? I swear when it comes to fucking morenatsu you people are like flies on a pile of shit. You just can't help yourselves!

You'll readily throw yourself at an obvious scam because you want to get your rocks off. Nevermind how scummy it is to even open a patreon for this considering the history of other revival projects. This just comes across as a quick cash in, but furries being furries, you're eating it right up.

Morenatsu is dead, people. Wake up.
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 15:20:18 No.1503682
Ok so wait there's two separate threads for two different Morenatsu reworks?? What the fuck.
Furrynomous 2018/10/10 17:11:26 No.1504143
you are thinking of Morenatsu Revisited, that's a completely different project. They are the only reason I like Tatsuki now
Furrynomous 2018/10/21 00:57:37 No.1508103
The new design of Torahiko looks good but that's it.
I felt a little embarrassment watching how long the first scene is (it was not needed anyways), and then how the other characters look at all.
Every single "strong" character is waaaay too strong for teenagers with 17 years or bellow, the dragon is way too big in a bad way, anyways, it's just like a fan of Rabbity's work just got the project to himself, but the characters lost that charm from the original edition, I do preffer everyone like the original with the exception of Torahiko, he's good enough to me.
But, it's good some fans will have some closure now if the project ends.
Furrynomous 2018/11/17 13:21:10 No.1518438
man this project fucking died yo lmao
Furrynomous 2018/11/17 13:22:44 No.1518439
they canned the patreon over pressure and haven't bothered releasing the patreon demo to everyone despite it being like four months late almost so here y'all go!Kg4EBIpA!8bc6jd3rCqz-ZOoQ86SUO8a192iMh8PghatH_Fz1oIk

it made me sad tbh
Furrynomous 2018/11/17 14:43:32 No.1518459
File: patreonannouncement_u18chan.png - (120.17kb, 1109x577, patreonannouncement.png)

Furrynomous 2018/11/18 22:32:30 No.1518906

i still cant believe these rejects thought it would be okay to open a patreon for a remake of a FREE game.....
Furrynomous 2019/07/21 18:45:34 No.1619496
Could you re-upload the patreon version? Im curious to see how bad this game is, but no matter where I look everything has been taken down.

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