The original was free, but wasn't it a clusterfuck mess created by several different writers spread through 10 years of development (which for several writers would really be not that long of a game), and at least some of the original people leaving early?
Many people seem to mention how it was hard work and a passion project, and on the one hand it's true, but at the same time it kinda kills the illusion to know that the original creators ended up hating the very project they were working on, burnt out, and left. Don't they wanna be disassociated from it?
I have a distaste for taking over free work and monetizing it, however if demos aren't paywalled and the goals of the creator are met, eeeh... fine, while it's not necessarily the most popular move they could've made, Morenatsu is public domain, they're in their right to do so, much like how artists sell doujins of Morenatsu characters. If the project ends up rewriting the entire original except a few key scenes like advertised to make it their own creation with more focus, I can accept its existence. What I'm more concerned about is if it's gonna make progress in the long term, and not be yet another abandoned project.
Honestly, I don't know why the OP even bothered to make a thread to kill the project, if anything it's because of he made the thread that I was made aware of it and I'm willing to give a bit of support. And believe it or not, their Dis-cord is getting packed with people, there are already 45 people after 1-2 days, apparently no advertising is bad advertising. And the Homecoming project is "free", sure, but it's not like they'd be refusing donations either, if the Rework doesn't paywall demos, I just see it using Patreon as a Donate button, which much more people will be willing to us than an actual Donate button.
As for the sprites... well, most characters are fine, Shun actually really looks good & aged up while not looking like a completely different character, I'm shocked. Only Torahiko poses an issue with me, he's too buff for a swimmer, and Juuichi's arms might be too ripped, other than that, they're not really that sexed up (if anything, Shin & Soutarou are borderline traps).