FM_01_u18chan.png - (15.93mb, 3783x6570, FM_01.png)
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With Freddy on "temporary" hiatus Monty quickly found himself in the position as the new Superstar! Unfortunately, poor dense Monty found out quickly being a Superstar wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Mountains of complaints later the Gator found himself strung up in Parts and Services. Even with loads and loads and loads of "backend" development, Monty still was as odious a character as ever. Eventually, the team gave up and decided to leave him for scraps and to occasionally run their experimental "backend" code on.
Fortunately, Monty's fate wasn't meant for the dingy deepest corners of the Parts and Services department, and with Freddy brought online with a new expensive, large, ultra IPX waterproof frame he finally had a friend who would help him through his pickle. The road to clearing Monty's infamy wouldn't be an easy one, in fact, it would be a thick, long, arduous process, but Freddy is certain he'll make a comeback! Even if said comeback may require him to start from the "bottom"...
Edited at 2022/02/01 04:37:00
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